The Horry herald. (Conway, S.C.) 1886-1923, May 23, 1907, Image 2

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flic Ttorrii K nt?U'd at tli?> I'oht OtIHe Ht t. on way, 8. C., S?? ond Ola** Mail Matter. CIRCULATION i?.->()($ I'Ubl.lSilKD KVKKV TIM ItSDAY MdKNINU MY CONWAY I't MI.IMIINO CO. dUBSCHll'TlON ONK Dol.l.AH I'KK YKAH II. II. WOODWARD , I'd it or Al>\ KltTlSI SO IIATKS; Huainoas Local*, S conta |u>r Iin?>. Card* <?f Thanks muI Cominiuii) iiliiti'H of a Personal Nn lure oi.nriri'il for lit Special Hates according to ItnutIt. tiliituaries, one cent a word In (sceiw of nut word*. Official Advertisements at lintes allowed l?y u? Displat Advertisements, Mali'* furnished it .ipplicatinu. Make all t'hecks and Order pay aide to the Kdltor. THURSDAY, MAY 2'X 1907 The Herald has time anil again called the attention of capital to an enterprise which has every possibility of success and no probability of failure. It has invited the fullest investigation and the most rigid scrutiny of the enterprise in all its details, but so far, were it not for the interest taken in a cotton seed oil mill by many Herald readers, the Herald would be almost persuaded that what it has done ami said was "love's labor lost" as far as results are concerned. 1 That there now is a healthy i demand for the operation of a cotton seed oil mill at Conway is evi- ' dent from the interest being taken in the iuterprbc by many farmers ? those who are directly interested in its operation and consequently 4 will give it their moral and iinaneial , encouragement, support and patron- t age. Those "Captains of Industry" are groaning under the grinding heel * of the merciless fertilizer trust and v are seeking relief from the unjust , .1 ~1 - ' i * - uuiuanu c?i mat trust by legitimate J and lawful means. They are wide awake to the situation and are preparing for the ell'ort to free them- . selves from the octopus which is sucking the lift; blood out of agricul 1 tare, by coining together for mu- 1 tual prole dion and self preserya- , t urn, hence the time is ripe for the ; organization of a cotton seed oil ! mill at Conway and the inducements for capital to invest in such an enterprise are great while the Held is ( inviting. Why there lias not been such a mill established here, long ago is somewhat of a mystery for it is certain that Conway has the capital, and that in abunanee, and it is equally certain that she lias the brains, the pluck and the progressiveness, as well us the raw material, at hand to build and successfully operate a mill. This is a conceded fact and needs no argument to prove it such. As the lb raid views the matter the one thing, and the only thing, is for some one in whom the public | has confidence in his ability to carry the undertaking to a successful termination to take the initiatory steps ?that is, the h ad? and the rest will follow. Our greatest trouble along the line of development is that we are too timid; we are too prone to set I down with folded hands and wait for someonq else to malce the start, no ^ matter how meritorious the undertaken may he or how much it may appeal to our sympathies* and jugd- , ment, before we turn our hand to do that which we know we should do ' and by all the rules of economy and | business we ought to do. We should get out of the old ruts and perform well our part in the great] work of developing the va- ]{ ried resources of the town and !( county and in fostering the iodus- | t rial, manufacturing and agricultural | interests. There must be a start I made somehow, and somet ime and in ? something, and the Herald submits ^ that now is the time to begin and a " cotton seed oil mill is the thing to f begin with. - * ( lOO Howard i()?. J rri ? - - x ut* iruui'i's oi tms paper will be g pleased to learn that there is at * least one dreaded disease t hut science r has been able to cure in all its stages and that is Catarrh, Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now Kuown to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease requires a consitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assistingna ture in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in it.scura- j tive powers that they otler One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails ^ to cure. Send lor a list of testimonials. Address, F. J CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. K Sold by all druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation Tribute of Ki'?pi>ct In memory of Rev M F Carroll, adopted by the l'ee Dee Union. The subject of tlds sketeh w;i< born R2 years npo. He joined tln? Baptist church in North Carolina and came to this County in lS7d. Moved his memt)crship to Uehobota church in 1K82 and was licensed to preach the same year, and was or dained some years afterwards. Brother Carroll was modest, pen tie and kind; was a Christian ever true to his Church A man sound in doctrine, a strong adviser? he was a Baptist as the Bible taught it. Resolved, 1st, We, as a Church, have lost a pood member, the State a pood citizen, his wife a pood husband. 2nd, We tender our sympathy to the family and humbly bow to him who maketh no mistakes. All wo can sav is servant of <M.? ?..? .....u .1 v . VIII ink V? I I I 11(1111', rest from your toil. We hope to meet, you in ;i better world than this. Respectfully, .1 I> Hat relson, j G H Jones, / Committee J M Skipper, S ? ill) lieMt I'rlcml. Alexander Henton, who lives on Rural Route 1, Fort I'M ward, N Y., says: ''Or Kind's New Discovery is my best earthly friend. It cured me of asthma six years ago. It litis also performed a wonderful cure of inci pient consumption for iny son's wife The first bottle ended the terrible! cough, and this accomplished, the other symptoms left one by one, until she was perfectly well. Dr Kino's New Discovery's powers over coughs and colds is simply marvel ruts." No other remedy has ever equaled it.. Fully guaranteed by Norton Drug Co. 5()c and $1 .mi Trial bottle free. INoU'ft from Pleasant Meadow. The health of the community is ?Ood with few exceptions. We are having some cool weather which makes the crops look sickly, put wo are still in good heart. Rev J W Todd tilled his regular lppointinent at this pluee on the 1st Sunday and Saturday before. Roth were splendid sermons and we had an mtpouring of the Holy Chost on Sunday. The Sunday school and prayer meeting are progressing nicely at Litis place. Surely this is a day when prayer is much needed. Farmers are very busy now with their crops. Tobacco in this section is looking very well. Rev 11 (1 Fowler, of this place, tilled his regular appointment, at Sweet Water Hranoh on the It it Sunday at United ehunlt. He reports a verv em-onmum" IIIHIWUI> in his field of labor. On his return from liis lust, appointment. at. IJniteo church he stopped at Mr T M Tyler's, near Sanford,on Sunday evening and! performed t he marriage ceremony of Mr Fe.'d Fdge of Dnlah, and Miss Isadora Tyler, of Bruce. We wish the young couple a smooth jos^age over life's sea. P 13 C). CiUlcoii Nwtch. The health of the community is1 generally good. The farmers are rjl pretty well ujr with their wopy* io this section u? o crops are Ipoklng tine, espeeially to baeeo. M,r VVli (todbokl, after doing a " hard morning's wo.vk, died suddenly May, a ear \ o'clock. Tom Lowly, wlio in stayiti' g with Willie Pago, has been very in for sometime. Mr Li KCoopoi, from F> Idy Lake, is visiting friends in tivis section. Mr ilenry Tompkins, with a lady friend, visited at Mr sierry Tomp kins last Sunday. Mr Andrew Ktc fiord, son and Miss Delphia God bold tv?r*c in this section visiting recently, K |)|| 13 B Voreen \wis ?ni the city [011 business recently. 3f all the ttMiitr, there arc in the land That gfjow 'on bush or tree, [ would, give up the choicest ones For Ylollhiter's Rocky Mountain | | Tea. |> WANTED 8 II ODD TO * PIANOS AND ORGANS 8 9 ? I f'?r H hull Ho U ill jillmv Ilic hi: hi' I I'1'*' *' ' (ftfl JJln V. Hllhl ll. AV | llslrilllll'lllM, Nil t lull 11 ill jmiiiirtiT, Imt wi' I'IimI^i- Ix'tti'i I lint I'd iiii*ii I pr fur I hi' hhiiu* nr if) h iiiini'), i linn I In' ) iin'i^r Ignite uITitm. W i lli- WaWuii'H W inn- lli.iiM-^p, Columbia, 8, C., for apeclal | price? hwMP Ktl'l IIIH. TO TO TllK PVBLIC. A SI WO " " ..u.Q jjiin-uiasea tlie repair shop of Mr J. H. Jollie 'e wish to inforuD the public that d are prepared to repair your ve cles on short notice, also your acksmithing. Gi?ve us a trial and t convinced. Yeor? for business lucks 6c Smith, (Successors to J) t ill. JoUio ) \ ( WHY FROM THAI FATIGUE AND WIh'ii tlm sm>ilI sum of Fifty ( VntR w ill 1 U? >N is |?r?'|t;uf?l Ir>>m lifsh K\?r.?to llis and Nutrition* foi in "I Iron. It vthnuhit lilooil ririMiim it to 11 row off iici umu'Mti invi^orutinu ilm entiio >yHt?-in Try n.r>0< Conway Your Horse \\hon yon buy a Horn buy l liu beat yon 0:111 jj;o prion. I have pi troll I?1.TSi N KSS of A W. . conduct Iho bttsinodu^bt i ?li:i11 oont in tin. to 1 r of I lorry (Jointly the v and tho neatest. ami boa to bo bad on niarut with yon. GK B. JI euivEi^" a A lirst class turnout. at. your s ?r (liven to drmnniers /. F arming Ii Now that it is time f< planted early, we want i few useful implements- t without. Tho Woolarri Combinat tttonuwall (lotion, Con Louis I'low Storks. C< Distributors. I Iocs an Labor S;rv'mo Dov'u-os. We have just Received a It CAR LOAD OF ' CtfllfAA OlUVdb And it will be to your int our line before you purchj THK FAKME Pnnuioii 11^ uuiifiajr no Next door lo INorl HELP IS OFFERED TO WORTHY YOUNG PEOPLE Wo earnestly request all younor perrons, no matter how limite?l their means or education, who wish to J obtain a thorouKh business training and good posi- \ lion, to write by first, mail for our fir rent half-rate | offer. Success, independence nnd probable fortune i ero guaranteed. Don't delay. Write today. The Ga.-Ala. Iiu?lnevy College, Maron, Ga? j SUFFER'] " FEELING OF EXHAUSTION? I I % I I rive you r lief. our BERK, WINK ANd ' i*l, <}??.>? Sherry Wlim and the most Soluble digestion, improves the condition o| the ^ imL impurities, inereaini; the appetite and j *, 1 Millie from the Drug Co, t I and Buggy \ to situl buggy you want t o a I. ;it tlp? most rcataoimblo uaed iho on tiro IIOUSK ( ioukins &> Son, tuul will S ?retifter in tny own name* :1 y to furnish to the people pry best Horses ami Mules I il ISm/L'ies ami \Vio?r?o? to ----- --r> -" ^ v" u. 1 will be gluil to truile j - ? K 1 'N' B * : ELLIOTT- 1 PEED LIVERY SALE ' * . AINI> r.XCIIAINCilt * U t * O T A Dl CO Q' f' MCL tZO * Vic e at, liny time. Spr*ci:vl attention ) FARMERS m pletn e rvt s. >r t he cultivation of crops to 4*all your attention to a hat you can't afford to be ion. Harrow &> Cultivator ) ai nl Tobacco Plows. >ttc ?n Planters, Fertilizer 0 1 Utk.? s, In fact many m st to call and examine \ /\n ??ci tn PIau cj/* i wr, luuin iu a iv uovj IMS 'FRIEND, rdware Co. i nijr Company. J N. JEN RETTE .Q >nvo,vancer & No>'Ary Public WHiV. PES:?Titles, Moi'tj'aj/os, Liens A^re< 'incuts, Contracts, <&o. AO t-tir acting and Copy a- -laity. Shoes and Oversh lubbers to keep out the frost, ruin and lurguin. 3ur Entire Stock ( c ?|nickly unloaded for the Spring Supp ? buy a winter Suit or < tvereoal below I 'ere never such inducements ollered be I To the Ladies: s,!i I'oideries of all kinds, Laces and Triiiu 'car and Kuticv I )rcss (Joods of ail kim oiiu and look this handsome I,lie thiouj >ress. Dur Notion Line Li'1 U/o r,Mrr\/ a. neat line of Cent * * ^ t * I jf \\ e are olteriug so nd lilies. W'e are r< (lucino t hi > line ol mods just coming in. r I rorp I"1 O ^ 1 carry everyth J1 I I v_ >> ways keep a I rcsl. s hveot Lotatoes, t 'onntry Main, C'nhbngi nything you want to eat. Tobacco Going >cr pound, fie a plug. Same that other icaf. Idea plug. Same that used lose lortion, all going at a bargain, H o u se F u r n is h i n g hem. also a nice line < >ak I Jedsleads, LI resss. heathers, I led Springs and man. ion I ion. 3 uggies a n d Wago 1 Vagons. Also we have a few good cheap buggie rgain. Harness of all kinds. To the Town Trad what von need and will send it. at once. Ih'cUs. Trade $ I a Ud easli with us ami ; \, FOf? THE \ WELL DRESSED 1 The materials are select utmost cnre hy experts ant V\ that conforms to an cxaeli I- mcnt is used. Shapes am Y' according to fasluon s latesl I work mansion and finish a ? ' Diamond B rand standa ! means the best. The inc / ,.y> will a I way shave thesatisfa ?inv{ wellshod when they wi Y Brand shoes. Book for 1 Brand ?its for your proi \i ANOTHER OEALfR If YOUI / tfefoti She QWE HAKE MORE rib iVArir other n IN THE WuTbusiI We wish to say to our n.anv ens' kot for their business during 1 !K)7. PAItMKItN' S Toddvillo is the place where the I need on the farm at prices as low a: get the benefits of years of ex per it class of merchandise when you buy tition in the tpiality and price o. 01 KintTihi f ; Wo are again prepare d to fnrnisli i Fertilizers at prices as low as they I zcrs and make pood crops. j Dusenbu I Toddville ? -TfLT u.-.-irj-mnnn-r*unnnj" wn j" m.i ir_- - lu.n. " ' I: i I>K( T A h S M Allen, of Gurley, has failed in business and has made an assign ment. C EStAmanri ami family arrived in Conway the first part of last week. J E Bryan was in town one c'ay last week. le Gully! This is the weather fi r L/C* ^ ?_r?>?it! substantialShoes at.d iiiow. Closing out Rubbers at a Clothinguil?"rto ly. Don I miss this o]>|)ortunity he market priee. Certainly thero ore. '. iaUv invite von to end and seo ing Line of While (hhi(Is, I** innings, Ribbons, Ho?*er,\, N? ells Tin y are eominy in now. _^h before mhi buy your Rash r rnished with new freslegoods com ? . .... a..,, 11 ilMIIUM I - \ n > ua > s Furnishings, surpassed I>v unite mc ext ra inducements on Mailings f goods 10 make room for lhe new ing in tiiis line von want. Al, apply on hand. Fresh Folk, [ieef>, Turnips and Apples. In fact lless of prolit. We are selling the iiiiwii I Hue Jay Tobaeeo for 25c people sell for 10c. a plug. Fig II for 15c, and other grades in pro Department. Do you want a good Cook Stove? We have mirs, Dressers, Doom Suits, Maty other things too numerous lo - ? We sell the well known White Hickory one horse Farm \ is which weave closing'Put at a ? We keep our delivery wagons ^ on the street. Just IMione us Also we give a cash discount L?et a cash discount check worth 25c Collins Co. n\i require- 11 l| Til [1 styles are 11 II t decree* and W VI Vi re up to the w VMI 1| rd ? which \m\ II >st fastidious ^ \\\ iction of reel- 1/ car Diamond the D lamond 1 ||^ tection. W R5 HASN'T THEM. ?T /> MAKERS J | IE 5110CS THAN, f OUJE^jjt <ft J N,fc\ IESS 1907! Lomers that wo are in the mar- I UIM'LIKSI I "armor can buy the things they s the market will allow. , You ; mce in buying and handlings,this from us. We challenge com pe- j lr groceries, ;! ZICUS, 1 the farmers with High Grade can be sold. Buy good fertili- ; rv X? Cr\ > s, s. c. I d 1880 J, W. McKldee, Pro. dtsville Marble Wks % iKNiUKTTSVIM.K, S. C. ami Designs Fnrnishecl of Latest Style i a rn * * iim rouiMMtoiiPH and Curbing: I on Application. Work. Rasonable Prtc AGENT, CONWAY. S. 0. The stockholders of the Union Pacific Union liailroad have authorized a new issue of $1116,000,000 of capital stock which created a sensation in financial circles and resulted JL in a sharp decline in prints on the^^ft stock exchange. Jfl B