The Horry herald. (Conway, S.C.) 1886-1923, December 13, 1906, Image 6

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J The laborers of Servla. Servlu's laborer Is at heart a simple, prosaic follow. Ills attire Is coarse ab most to the point of ungalnllness? I rough brown trousers of homespun, a ] coat a shade or two darker and edged I with a strip of black fleece; a peaked woolen cap and a cane, and you have the picture. Ho is a fanner on a small scale, and his hobby is raising hogs, which he turns Into the forests or fields to fatten on mast. The rural life In Servlft Is primitive. At sunup folks rise, take their rakl, or schnap; s, and go to the fields to work. Their meal Is brought to them at noon and again in the evening, for they often work until sunset. And so life goes on ami on. Across the bluffs that border the? river n road runs parallel with the Danube, and hero workmen are seen, drossed often in white suits with red girdles, striving to bring from the earth the Kimii nun win uoi come. in uoumauia and Bulgaria the grain lands are rich, but here the earth seems stubborn and unproductive. So the laborer ekes out his existence as he may-the least interesting of all the laborers of southern Europe. The Sm Inn Fourth of Jul>-. Aug. 1 is the Swiss Fourth of July, the national fete day. A traveler tells how he helped to celebrate it one year at one of the climbing centers in the Valais by eating the sumptuous dinner provided by the hotel without extra charge, applauding the llreworks dis play and a bonfire lighted high on the mountain side and shouting "llourra!" at the end of a patriotic speech ex toll ing the ancient military glories and present republican democracy of Switzerland. Next morning came the strange sequel. The orator of the oc- j casion, the most distinguished native visitor in the place, was appealed to as one who would certainly know the iininc of the Swiss president, but even ho could not remember it: Nobody ever can. The name of that unassuming functionary is always less familiar in Switzerland than that of tn? lion. tenant governor is in Illinois. lie is merely the democracy's temporary official. Jull Iloru Ilooks. Bunyan's "Pilgrim's Progress" is the most famous and of its class incomparably the best English hook ever written in prison. Buuynn was a prisoner in Bedford jail from 1GG0 to 1G72 and in addition to his Immortal allegory wrote "Graco Abounding" nnd "The lloly City" during those twelve years. Raleigh, who was a prisoner in the tower, 1G03-14, occupied seven years of his captivity in writing his "History of the World." "The King's Qualr," a long nnd romantic love poem, was written by James I. of Scotland when in prison at Windsor castlo in 1428. Smollett, during his three months' detention in the King's Bench prison for libel, wrote "The Adventures of Sir Launcelot Graves," and during a similar experience at Newgate in 1703 JDi foe wrote a "Collection of Casualties and Disasters." Napa and tho Health. Prolonged "forty winks" during the day are severely condemned by many doctors on the ground that they affect ouo'b regular Bleep. Scientists have found thnt In the ordinary course In the human being there is the greatest vitality between 10 a. m. and 2 p. in. and the least between 2 o'clock and G o'clock In the morning. Long sleeps during the day interfere with this order of nature and sometimes affect various organB, causing headache. The nap of forty winks, but only forty, proves refreshing to many because It Is too short to have any injurious conscq uence8.?London Telegraph. Milk In Turkey. In Turkey there Is a great consumption of the milk of the buffalo, the common cow, the gont and the owe, but It Is hnrdly over used in a natural state. According to a paper rend at the London Academy of Medicine, tho milk is considerably reduced. After Blow cooling the milk is treated with a ferment taken from the previous day's supply. In a few hours a curd forms, which is called ynghoun. The preparation is preferred to milk, and it has a pleasant, clean, acid taste and is of course nutritious. Cain met. "Calumet," supposed to be an Indian word meaning "pipe of peace," was wholly unknown among the savages. It is Norman and signifies in general a pipe. Tho pipe of peace was a "ganowdnoe" among the Iroquois and a "pongun" among some other tribes. Tlic Algonqulns called It "poagan," the Wlnnebhgoes "tahncehoo" and the Dacotahs "chalndonhoopa." The Gulf Stream. Western Europe's climate would be changed entirely were the Isthmus of Panama and adjacent territory to be submerged, for In that case the equatorial current would be carried Into tho Pacific ocean, and the gulf stream, which does so much to warm Europe, would not emerge Into the Atlantic. Watch Jewell, A Jeweler, no matter how dishonest, Would not steal the Jewels In a watch, for they are valueless. flhey cost only 10 cents apiece. In antique watches the Jewels were often costly. In modem watches they are never worth more than $15 a gross.?Argonaut. Saluting a Ghoat. A famous Scotch dean used to tell a ghost story the clew to which is In the question, "Weel, malster ghalst, Is this a general rising or are ye Just taking a daunder free yer grave by yer elf?" Inconsistency with ourselves Is the greatest weakness of human nature.Addlsoh. The Retloaln of Suoutra. The Bedouin Is decidedly u handsome Individual, lithe of limb like his goats and with a cafe uu iait colored I skin, lie has a sharp profile, excellent teeth, lie often wears a stubby black beard and has beautifully penciled eyebrows, and, though differing entirely In language, In physique and type, he closely resembles the Bedoulu found in the Mahri and (Jttra mountains. Furthermore, the mode of life Is the same ?dwelling In caves when necessary, but having permanent abodes on the lower lands?and they have several other striking points in common. < J reelings take place between the Arabian Bedouins and the Soeotrnn Bedouins in similar fashion?by touching each cheek and then rubbing the nose. We found the Bedouin of Mount Haghlcr fond of dancing and playing ins teherane, and also peculiarly lax in his religious observances, and, tlvough ostensibly conforming to Mohammedan practice, ho observes next to none of their precepts, and it is precisely the same with the Bedouins whom we met In the Oara mountains. There is certainly nothing African about the Soeotrnn Bedouin. Therefore 1 am Inclined to consider him as a branch of that aboriginal race which inhabited Arabia, with a language of Its own.?Nineteenth Century. Order of Itrltlnli Tltlen. They had boon talking about an English marquis anil the posltlou he held among his titled arlstoeracy. "I didn't know a marquis ranked so high," said the girl In white. "Dear me!" said an Englishman. "Didn't you? Why, a marquis ranks next to a duke." lie paused to sip his tea and take a foie gras sandwich. "Marquess, not marquis," he went on, "is the more accurate use of the word. It is so spelled and pronounced lu Burke. Shall I tell you the degrees of the English aristocracy? The knowledge may be useful to you when you come to contract an International alliance, eh? "After royalty come dukes. After dukes come marquises, then earls, viscounts, barons, baronets and knights. I don't mention lords. A lord is an earl?the Earl of Craven, for Instance, Is often called Lord Craven?or else the title is only the courtesy one accorded to the younger sons of dukes.? Philadelphia Bulletin. Tlio Pnrrot l<Mxh. Thcro are water parrots as well as land parrots. The parrot tlsh come from the tropics, are brilliantly colored and have beaks something like those of tho parrot, for use in breaking off the coral shell in order to get at tho living polyp. Not all of them, however, live on nnimnl food, some species being herbivorous. One species is found In the Mediterranean sea, where It has been known for thousands of years. The Greeks and Itomans regarded It for a time as the first of llshes, and Pliny tells us how it was Introduced into the Italian sea In the course of the reign of Claudius. It was known as the "seams" by tho ancients, who told some wonderful stories about its love, Its wisdom and Its rumination. Some having a length of sixteeu Inches have been captured alive. Dubuiiuc'n Soil I. On the city seal of Dubuque, la., appear tho words "La petite nult," and strangers are always puzzled by them. Why should Dufnique be called "the little night?" It Is explained that tho piucu onginaiiy was semen uy an OKI miner named Dubuque. When the Indians granted certain lands to Dubuque the document was drawn up In French In Prairie du Chlen. The clerk who did the work believed that "la petite nult" meant "the old minor," and his mistake has perpetuated a phrase which, however pretty, has no significance in Its present connection. IIlcw III* Own Horn. A certain colonel who was In command of the Perthshire yeomanry was at an evening party In Edinburgh complaining loudly of his olllcers, alleging that all the duties of the regiment devolved upon him. "I am," ho said, "to all Intents and purposes my own major, my own captain, my own lieutenant, my own cornet." "To say nothing of being your nln trumpeter too," remarked a grim old Scottish lady, sotto voce. Quick Wit. Thore is 110 more effective weapon to defend us from hnpertlnenco or rudeness than quick, sharp wit. But few men have it, and It Is born with them. If we try to Imitate it we end in ill nature and scurrility. Wit cannot bo forced Into growth. But courtesy and good temper can. These weapons are sure and grow brighter and stronger with age. Didn't Dike Taxes. Cases against George Washington appear here and there In old documents. No less than three claims were entered against him during the year 1787 to compel him to pay taxes. The humorous clerk, commenting on these actions, remarked, "George Washington, Esq., appeareth not to like taxes." Modern Life. All the accessories of modern life Increase so rapidly that there is little likelihood of its expenditure diminishing or ef life becoming more simple and less costly.?Black and White. Changed. , Maude ?You wouldn't know my fiance now If you mot him. NellWhy, has ho changed so much as that? Maude?-That isn't It exactly. I'vo changed him. You can't get eren with a physician j by returning his calls. Summons for Relief. Stitoof South Carolina, ) llorry County \ COURT OF COMMON PUKA > Virginia I). Ypioo . (brtiudv I ; !? I. >uUa lirown, Florence I) Evan* ' Fl? < t wood \V ii?1? , Pau'ne IU?rnn?. CliunPu, I larrisi>n \V. Covii'jrt >1) and Jesse \V. Liies, us Remnii.dcrnten under tin* will of Henry Du an', decerned, I1 tail: tills ^ against Klizabeth Mcls-on. Defendant. COPY SUMMONS FOR RELIEF [C? mplaint Served j To tin* I)?; ciiti;)nt, Eliz..Loth Mel on You are hereby summoned and re luired to answer the complaint in this action, of which a copy is here vith served upon you. and to serve i copy of your answer t?? the said om plaint, on \V. F. Clayton at hi> Hire in Florence. S. C., within wenty days after the service hereof; xcluOve of tin; day of such service; el it you lail to answer tin.' com taint within the tine aforesaid, tie p'aiiit'lVs in this action will ap >lv to the court for the relief do imiidcd in the complaint. )?:lober Gth, 11)0(1 W. F.Clayton, M < in '^oiiici y it Lide, S 'A U .*ship, M. C Woot s, II 11. Woodward, PlaintilVs Attorney To Elizabeth Melson, Absent 1 > uda nt* ? fake Nolle that the complaint in nis action, and the Mimtuons u< hieli the foregoing is a copy, won .tied ic i In-ollice. of the ClerU <-f 'h Court of Common Plea-, of IP ir\ yountv on t,h - 2nd d iv of No vein be* \ 1) 19tK) W. F CI iytoner, al.. .' j v ...? i ?i..;.. 4. iv. a i < ? ' " , lUrllJ|lll>illUY* . C. C. P. iiaudy. Artist's Friend?My dear Harold, I llko your picture very much, only I fancy the original doesn't look quite so red us you have painted him. Ho hasn't a ruddy complexion; quite the reverse. Impressionist Artist?Who on earth are you talking about? Artist's Frieiul?Why, your uncle, of course. Impressionist Artist?Gracious, man, but that Isn't my uncle. It's a sunset! Proper SccurHle*. j Jinks?Johnson wants to borrow ?10 from me. Do you think ho Is good for that amount? Dinks?Yes, with proper securities. "What securities would you sug gcst?" "A chain and padlock, a pair of handcuffs and a dog. That would be enough to hold liim."?London Mall. S urn: teal. The Professor?Now, suppose you had been called to see a patient with hysterics, some one, for instance, who had started laughing and found It impossible to stop, what would you do? Doe tor?Amputate his funny bono.?Illustrated Hits. An Kxppi't Opinion. "What do you think of my daughter's execution on the piano?" "Good name for it, for site certainly does murder tlio time." ? Baltimore American. To Cure Snoring. "At ft banquet," sakl ftn editor, "I once heftrd .lerome K. Jerome make a speech on snoring. I remember ttiat It ended with these words: 'To cure snoring, It is advised thftt a piece of soap he droppod into the mouth of tlie snorer. The oil in tho soap will lubricate the pharynx and other Latin parts of the throat. This remoily must be a| piled with caution; otherwise tho snorer will arise and lubricate the Moor with the person who dropped In the soap.' " Womlilp n Deux. When Dean Swift was called to the living of Loracor ho Inaugurated the S custom of reading prayers on Wednes' day and Friday. At tho first Wednes- ^ day service he waited in vain for any one to appear except his clerk Itoger. At length ho began, "Dearly beloved Roger, tho Scriptures moveth you and me In sundry places," and so proceeded to the end of tho service. -Harper's Weekly. Pepper. Black and white pepper are from the same round seed of a tropical plant. The whito Is ground after the black outer skin has been removed. That is the only difference. Tho white Is considered less irritating to the stomach. <] It is also preferred for dishes consist- t Ing of cream and milk, such as ovster v stews, creamed potatoes and the like. ? c Ahvnyii Flitnlilitfr. C Tess?She certainly Is tlio luckiest t girl. Jess?You mean because she has < an engagement ring? Tess?Not only \ that, but she's left handed.?Phllrdel- e phi a Press. t ] Learning will give culture, but It will i not give common sense. ( - . Friendship. Thet;e Is a certain development of UnA _ I XI x - I iv**; in vyuicu uiu covetous longing or two people for one another has yielded to a higher mutual thirst for nn Ideal , above them both. But who has found such love, who has experienced It? Its true name Is friendship. i On the Safe Side. Schroedcr (to his neighbor, a widow- j or)?Why did you send your housekeop- * er away, since she was such a good cook? The Widower?She made such J splendid puddings I was afraid I should * marry her.?Pllegende Blatter. . m A cubic foot of distilled water weighs very nearly 1,000 ounces. c / & 1 0 BALLS r 5 Cent A f t 6 r i gh t s t i that is i You'll n e cotton if , with SPECIAL /PRICES ^ RUBBER tjy BOOTS. ?MTl IWrViiT?g^l You Look I Yellow The trouble is, your liver's sick. One of its products, "bile," is overflowing into your blood* IYou can't digest your food, your appetite is poor, you s?ffer Dreadfully from headache, stomach acne, dizzi- jj ness, malaria, constipation, I etc* What you need is not a I dose of salts, cathartic water or pills?but a liver tonip Bedford's Black-Draught This great medicine acts gently on the sick liver. It purifies the blood, renews the appetite, feeds the nerves, clears tho brain and cures constipation. It is a true medicine for sick liver g and kidneys, and regulates all the I digestive functions. Try it. 1 At all dealers In medicines In I 25c packages, H Summons for Relief. itate of South Carolina. ( Horry County. \ Virginia D. Your.g, Gertrude Lite, Louisa lirown, Florence D. Evans Fleetwood Wilden, Pauline Purant, Claudia Duront, Harrison W. Covington and Jesse W. Liios as remaindering i under the will of Henry Durant, deceased. Plain tiffs against Efllo T. Egerton, Defendant. 30PY SUMMONS FOR RELIEF [Complaint Served] To the Defendant EffleT. Fgerton You are hereby summoned and relinked to answer the complaint iu uis action, of which a copy is herevith served upon you, and to serve i copy of your answer to the said lorn plaint on W. F. Clayton at his iffice in Florence, S. C., within wenty days after the service here>f; exclusive of the day of such ser iee; and if you fail to answer the jomplaint within the timo aforesaid, he plaintiffs in this action will ap>lv to the court for tho relief de nanded in the complaint, Jctobor 15 th, 1906. W. F. Clayton, Montgomery & Lide, S. W. G Ship, M. C. Woods, H. H. Woodward. Plaintiffs Attorneys. To Ettie T. Egerton, Absent Defendant. Take. Not,lee that, the < imnlnlnt n this action, and the summrrsof vhioh the foregoing is a ' < py wei\ iled in the ofliccof the Clerk me vourt of Common Plea' j? Horry bounty on the 2nd day o? November \ D.'lOOfc'. W. F. Clayton efc a) N.Tj. Mishoe, Plaintiffs Attyp C. C. C. P. E. J. Roberts paid the Herald a nil one day last week* I \ THREAD 8 * r pricing elsewhere aight here and buy f you want to save i: ver know the storui s you do your Decemb< YdJ <2. f$ur/S ? I????a? A '.V jit jr.i Wor.dcr There is a Hill at Bowie, Tex., that's twice as big as last year. This wonder is W. L. Hill, who from a weight of 70 pounds has grown to over 1H0, He says: "I suffered with a terrible cough, and doctor gave trie up to die of Consumption, i I was reduced to 90 pounds, when I b^gan taking Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. Coughs and. Colds Now, nf?er taking 12 bottles I have more than doubled in weight and am completely cured." Only sure C??ugh and Cold cure. Guaranteed bv Norton Drug Co. 50c and $100. Trial bottle free. M.J. Bullock of Pair Bluff was in rV\n ntf? tr - 1 _ - < vii nit y kj11 hum ni'ss lust week J. E. Nl General I 1 j A full and complete line of Heavy i ^tock. All tho latest novelties in Lai bams, Domestics, etc.. etc The bes and children. Come to see me. The House that Wil I A Fine I FA I OFFERED FOR FOR. ( The farm and dv D. Roberts, ii th< am section, 12 tnilesfr S on tbc Bay Bott Kg containing 100 ac H tion, fine cotton la 19 bigh stte cultivat B9 church, 1 mile fror M from public road, i 55 1 mile from Eddy hB Railroad. Six re rooms ceiled with tr EW two up-stairs rooir U8 yot unfinished. G ffl 33 feet deep. Goo M Elm trees. Yellov B the tract. 11 g gf building. Goods Eaj withio one mile of wi Speak quick if y( & be bought only on law office of 1 H. H. Wc H ATTORNEY COFWi ,4 W //. $1.00 REMNANTS _ 9 0c. come your goo V ii o n e y truck your er trading SHOES Cheaper ff J&. Than Ever C . ... * A .Wiraculaiis Cure. The following statement by II. M. Adams and wife, Henrietta, Pa , will interest parents and others. "A miraculous euro has tnl < n ? lace iu our home Our child h .1 . ,:ema 5 years and was pronounced incurable when we read about Electric Bisters and concluded to try it. Before the second bottle was all taken we noticed , a change for the better, and after I taking 7 bottles ho was completely l cured." TC? ' ? ? ?uo u^-kU-UilKJ UIOOU medicine and body building ionic. Guaranteed. 50c and $1.00 at Norton Drug store. | Dr. Phipps of Blanche paid the Herald a pleasant call one day last [ week. CHOLAS, Merchant., md Fancy Groceries always fresh In . dies' Dress Goods, Dry Goods Gin#. J t quality of Shoes for men, women 1 Not bo Undersold. - - . wmmmmmmmmm i Little 4 = rm I : SALE CHEAP 9 DASH. I veiling of Mr. G. I ?fci 5 Port Harrelson H om Conway, S. C, H | om public Road, 9 sres, clay founda- JB nd, 10 A. cleared B ion. 1 Mi. from 9 n school, 100 >ds. 9 with avenue, and 9 Bake & Northern 9 ||H.' ?om dwelling, all 9 ood lumber except 9 is, which are as B ood water pump B 9fc;.v *** d place for store. B B&Vv a v pine timber on B 9| W lass windows in B I could be landed B B* )" )u want it. Can 9 ? anidipntinn of >odward, IfyL r AT LAW I JIB** ^ ? o.. I | 11'