The Horry herald. (Conway, S.C.) 1886-1923, August 17, 1905, Image 4

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OUR COF l.abana. Messrs. John Shu ford and Marvin Hughes went to Wilmington on the 6th. Mr. 15. K. (Jusque of Mullius, who has been on a visit to his sisters at this place, has returned home. Misses Rettie and Carrie Jones of Mary visited in our community a few davs ago. Miss Annie Richardson recently paid her cousins, Misses Delia and Mattie Page of Exile a very pleasant visit. Miss Dora Proctor and brother were calling on friends in this community last Sunday. Mr. J. A. Atkinson and wife ol Mullens wore visiting the latter s sister Mrs. S. M. Lane of this place recently. Mr. Norton Johnson and sisters Misses Etlie and Itossio attended services at Mt. Ilermon last Sunday. < Mr. Herbert Lane made a flying trip to Uayboro a few days ago. Messrs R. L. and Rurroughs Lundy passed through our section last Sundfiv ^ I Rev. J. C. Davis stopped over here a short while last Wednesday on his way hjinc from /ion where lie had been assisting Rev. Mr. Ab bererombio in a meeting. We are jjlad to report the healt h of our coniniunity improving. Correspondent. Joppa. The health of the community is generally good. Wo are having warm and rainy weather. Farmers are nearly done gather ( iiifodder and curing tobacco. Cotton picking will soon be {Jfoing ^ on Rev. Asberry McCrackin preached a very interesting sermon at Anti- ^ oc.h to-day. The Rev. John Smithy will preach at Antioch on Sunday Au<4. the 20th. ' Mr. Troy Floyd of Fxilo and Miss J Vivian Vau<jht of Galivants Ferry ' called or. the Misses Gi^tin^er re- ' ccntly. j With best wishes to the Herald ] and its readers. D. G. { Haskell. i Mr. Jesse Cannon who has been < spending sometime with his parents, ' left on 11to Htli for his home in Way- f cross ( Ja. Mr. W. A. Lovvrimore of Wilmington N* C., is visiting relatives in this section. ltev. It. () Hendricks filled his * regular appointment at l'auly Swamp I church last Sunday. ? Mr. W. C. Martin, has been quite < ill with fever. I Mr. S. J. Wall, who is teaching ? in this section, spent last Saturday ' with his parents in Marion. i. Messrs J. W. Cook and (!. Cannon t of Myrtle lieach spent last Saturday 1 and Sunday in this community. t Mr. J. W. Hendricks of Cedar drove, was in this section last week. < Mr. S. A. Brown went to Conway I on a business trip last week. 1 The Buck Horn Debating Society * is flourishing. The dispensary ] question was discussed at the last I meeting. Mr. W. D. Lowrimore, I one of the speakers on the atlimative, I made an excellent speech in behalf t of the dispensary. Mr. Lowrimore 1 is a very energetic young man and i takes a great interest in looking out i for the welfare of his country. < li A < - \ Nixon villc. Rain every day for eight or ten | clays, and no sign of its stopping. | Fodder pulling is the order of the c day, but the rainy season is very unfavorable. ( Cotton on sandy land has taken v. rust and is beginning to open. The cotton crop through here is very poorly fruited and the prediction is a very short crop. Mr. and Mrs. Noah Cooper and children of Myrtle Reach were visit- t ing the latters parents, Mr.and Mrs. R. R. Cox, at Nixonville on last s Saturday, returning on Sunday af- l ternoon. Jack f lawk ins, a respected old i colored man, died near Hand, S. C. N one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Gore of Tattle f River were visiting relatives here i on Saturday night and Sunday. Mrs. G. J. Watts of Steretts t Swamp is very sick with continued | fever. Her daughter Miss Flora has j just recovered from the same disease. The hunters are beginning to | enjoy the usual sport of the season 1 but without much success so far. \ Cor. Body of R?v. (irninjrcr Exhumed Owing to some conflicting state- , ments about the size of the shot that caused the death of the Kev. If. D. ( Grainger some weeks ago, as none of the shot had been removed from | the body at the inquest, Coroner H. , II. Burroughs, accompanied by Messers. G. E. Murrell, Albert Ilardce and U.S. Collins, wont to the grave last Thursday and exhumed the body . taking therefrom five of the shot. Certain circumstances connected | with the matter made it important to obtain some of the shot, so there could be no doubt about the size of the shot that entered his body. , ?Mrs. C. E. Haselden and daugh- 1 ter Albortine left for home last Wednesday after visiting friends and relatives here and in the country. t \ i W / tRESPOls Todtf vtllv. Miss Leila Oliver of Green field was here this week. Miss May Dusenbury visited her friends, Misses K |>st v Anderson and Helen Hiving'..?n ef Fair Bluff over at Myrtle Beach Saturday and returned Monday. A gentlemen living near heie who has been a constant patron of the dispensary told your scribe that lie went to Wilmington on the excur sion and bought one (piart of whiskey for fifty cents which was better whiskey than ho could buy in the dispensary for one dollar per quart. Two gentlemen who were enjoying the effects of "first X had a listientV near the dispensary Saturday. They soon drew knives and wore iin mediately seperuted by outsiders. The combatants were seemingly very friendly before the difficulty occurred. The farmers who have been sell i 11g tobacco at Conway seem to be much pleased with the prices which they have received. We are also glad to learn that the warehouse at Boris is doing well. Horry men should stick to Horry county A small boy supposed to be seven or eight years old was found by the roadside drunk Saturday evening. When asked who gave him the whiskey, he answered .limmic Jones; Jimmie protested his innocence, but the little fellow's grand mother would r.ot believe Jimmie. The lute imnrovenmnt of the aid is the talk of tin* town. Many people around here will not even renal anything hut "the Herald." Now go to work and try to improve Conway. You must have a number >f manufacturing enterprises to keep the town booming. Has the, town council done anything toward building the town hall? Wake up boys Col. Spivey may withdraw his proposition, for no business man is going to leave an olter open of this kind for an in[lelinite period. Well the dispensary is certainly in a mess. The Spartanburg rove lation are enough, it seems to me, to lisgusl even Hub Evans. Turn on the light and we suppose that the investigating committee will tind mough rottenness and corruption to make our hair rise before half is told. Forecast. Reply to Mr. Roberts. Editor Herald: ?Wo notice an irtiele in last issue signed by L. P. Roberts in vvhi -h he savs "wn m?n lot going to tackle the dispensary juestion because it is none of our msincss." lie seems to (convey the dea that the Willow Springs comnunity will play shut mouth on this great evil, but I would like to say diat there is but one or two men in die community but who will light it ,o the last. We arc very much surprised at a hurch member talking as he does. [Io seems to think that we should lave nothing to do with the /great >vi 1 which is leading so many of our people down to destruction. Wo jelieve that when God saves a man He saves him for service and that He wants us to go out and work for die salvation of others Christ left lis home in glory and came to earth lot for himself but for others. We ire commanded to arm ourselves with the mind of Christ. Again he says as my father has sent me even so I send you, in other words my father sent me to work for ithers, and so I send you to work 'or others. When we think of these diings how can we say it is none of ini' business how other people act? May God help us all to soe our luty in this matter and help us to itand for the right. J. W. Edwards. Spriiijr Hill. Gathering fodder is the order of Jic day. Miss Gillie Johnson, is spending lometime hero with her sister Mrs, I. 11. Allen. Miss Efflo and Blanche Vaught of ^lxonville visited friends in this dcinity last week. Miss IIattic Shelley of Cool Spring .pent a few days with Mrs. Julia Mien last week, Mr. Stanley Anderson accompanied by his sister Miss Ella spent ast Sunday p. m. with Miss Minnie Vloore. We are glad to know that the new Railroad is progressing so well. We are looking forward for a ride in die near future. A. C. E. Donjrola. The farmers are having wet weather for gathering fodder. We are triad to see Mr David Flux 3ut again from a spell of fever. Mrs Francis Smart is still in bed from the effects of a fall two months ago. Mrs. Mary Dennis made a flying visit to Toddville last Sunday. There was a very quiet marriage at the resideneo of N 11. Smart, last Sunday, the contracting parties being Miss Ellen James and Mr. James Mc.Cormiek, Magistrate N. [J. Smart performing the ceremony. The dispensary question is very still in this community. For a laying "The still sow drinks the wash." Thrasher. ? Don't forget the date, Saturday Aug. 2(?th big sale at Jouo's. * * /y? * ' 1 / ..Asm* IDENTS.1 Will Kill Hlindtiarcr*. ICditor Heruld:?I notice in hist week's paper that the dispensarytes are'beeommingsomewhat interested. One has it iu a nutshell, another says "we are not going to bother with the dispensary, it is none of our business." I do not know who he means "we" to refer to, hut if he means to refer to his community as a whole he will tind a lot of "bucking ' against him on the day of election We hear a lot of talk about increasing crime by shutting up dispensaries, sounds like nonsence to me when every body knows how crime has increased since its establishment. I guess they mean to say the whiskey pots are going to keep running, and if you don't let it be sold in the dispensary bottles, under cover of the dispensary, it will tie sold any wav. Blind timers they say,'' yes but we are going to light the present evil the tiger with eyes, and then the blind ones will not have such good hiding places and we will catch them if theV are not sharp. 1171 yv nan our ooys coin0 from their pots with their pockets full as they do now from the dispensaries we will hunt them up end take them pot and all. The same law will exist against blind timers then that does now. Our friend that has it in a "nutshell" yives us the law eovernine it' How foolish to open its doors and then refuse to sell to the classes who are its best customers, just as well shut it up, and that is what we propose to do so far as this section of the moral vineyard is concerned. J. P. Johnson, Nixonville, S. C. Wan a maker The health of this community is tfood at this writing Partners is about through curiae tobacco. Poddcr puhine is the order of the day, In regard to the dispensary question 1 think the dispensary out/lit to be done away with. We have more disputes caused by liquors that is sold from the dispensary than any other cause, I had rather pay more taxes t han to have such a curse in my community. It would do more j^ood to pay more taxes and not have our children ruined by thedispensary Hope to hear from lots of our readers this week on the question of the dispensary. Subscriber. Athens. Warm and showery weather. Tobaceo curing is about over and fodder pulling is the order of the day. I eit her White and Cleveland Mishoe made a business t rip to Mullins outday last week. Among those who attended service at Pleasant View church last Sunday was Luther White with Miss Dociu Ward John lloit of the Lake Swamp see lion was in this section last Sunday. Capt C. Johnson of the box section visited his daughter Mrs. T. A.. Skipper last Sunday. Miss Lottie Harrelson is teaching the Sandy Plain school. II. Ilinson is doing a hustling mercantile business at this place now. Chester Ward of Mullins visited I relatives and friends in this section last Sunday. Some of the young folks of this section attended the picnic at the McQueens bridge last Saturday and regreted their trip very much on the account of the missbehavior. The recent rains of last week ' turned the young corn and cotton green again Cotton is beginning to open and h it has put the old kcneral smile on < the farmers. < We learn that some of the Horry boys have returned home from Fla, Spry. Ml. Tal>or. 1 Crops are fine. We are having lots of rain. Dr. Benton has just returned from ' a visit to see his parents at Board- I man > Mr. W. II. Roberts has just b #n/M a new gin which he expects to n i much this fall. < Mr. II. C. Suggs has just returned home from Wilmington to see Ins family. Mr, C. W. Brown will soon have his new dwelling completed, at the cost of about $2500 Mr. H. C. Ganell is building a < new store. The A. C. L. has just put in new waiting rooms at the depot. I Mr.<Mack Wat ts lias opened up a h barber shop at the old drug store L of Floyd & Harrelson. * Mr. P. M. Harrelson of Black h Creek was in town one diy recently. . Kllis Prince a sixteen year old boy, broke into Frank Hickman's j 1 ~ 1 - ' % * - - uouwtj nisi, rnuay. Alter entering : he broke open a trunk and a satchel taking out $25.00, lie was arrested on Saturday night and is now in the Whiteville jail. , W. P. Spivey is the contractor ' and builder hero. Sam Strickland has just moved to his new home. Jesse Roberts and J. T. Clemons of Green Sea were in town recently. Subscriber. ? Rig bargain salo at. W. Boyd Jones's Aug. 26th., everybody invited to go. w MotileAfter several weeks of dry weathe the rains have eotne again. Millie Holmes and S. H. Housunt of the Mattie seel ion passed througl here last week enroute th Davi< Smith. They spent Hriday nigh with .1. h. L'riuce. Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Harrelson au( children of the Hammond section an visiting friends and relatives ir, thii Section. We expect to have then with us two weeks. Sam* Anderson is at work on ? Mowing well at the Uethal M. K church. We hope them a good How There has been a series of meet ings going on at Holey I iridic churh for the past ton days. A horse belonging to E. J. Lonj received some bad wounds whilt wollowing in the stable last Sunday night. Moyd Todd of Todd Town spen evening with J. L. Hrince.* Y. N Gore was with us in Sunday school last Sunday. Sox. Clarendon. I Mease allo w me space to say sonn thing about our -mall place Claren don. The people arc busy clearing lane and getting ready for trucking, ant transplanting strawberries. J. 13. Morse who seems to be t bustler moved here about sevet months ago in the woods and nov lie lias about six acres in strawberriei and about the same in other crops lie has the best watermelons, ant had live watermelons yesterday tha weighed 21 libs, the best we evei saw. We are having line seasons foi setting straw berries, corn and cot ton crops are very good. Cor. Green Sea. Wo are having plenty of rain and too much for fodder pulling. The Croon Sea school commenced on the first Monday in August, Mr Willie Watson is the teacher ant lie is a good one. i think they will have the liew school house completpt in two weeks. Miss Lillie Watson and sister wen! to Ml Tabor N. C last Saturday Rev. \j 11. Honey, | a tor of Honey Camp church, returned from Chad bourn N. C. last-week. Cor. 11IJV LAM) NOW. 11 )mi arc thinkine < ! investing money in farms and farming Ian .s now Is tin time to tmy. You will save money bv making your sellection now while land* ire cheap Lands in Horry county will tie worth one third more, a few years from now. I have the following pioperties ir hand now for sale and 1 will he glad tc correspond with any one who wishes tc hay any of these places. UO Acres, woods land, high and dry, three miles from Conway, on Potato lied Kerry road. Hood foi strawberries, HOG Acres near Centenary church in Hoeastee, fine timber. Offered at. n bargain. Woodsland. IOO Acres near l>. W. Oliver's in Socastee, well timbered and will lie sold right. Woodslund. lOO Aeres near Hrrenwood church llucks township, on the Conway and Pauley Swamp public road. About six miles from Conway, lias a good one horse farm in high state of cultivation. Hood dwelling house and tobacco ham. Well timbered and worked every year for turpentine. There are no better bargains in real estate man mose hero offered. Let mr hoar from anyone who is tliinking ol buying. Prefer to sell for all cash, but terms might be made for part on time. II. II. Woodward, Att'y CONWAY. S. C. ItlAltUVT Itld'OltT. WILMINGTON,N. Spirits Turpentine Per (Jul 50 c Rosin Per Phi *3 10. Tar Per 111)1 280 lbs $2. 00 Crude Turpentine Hard Per llbl.... $2.5C Crude Turpentine Dip Per llhl $4.0C Cotton Middling Steady at 10c. CON IVA 1", K(!Ks 10>! Chickens drown 20 to 25c, Chickens Spring 12J,? 15c, Beeswax 18c. Tallow Pork Fresh 0 P<c, Peas 00c, 4weet Potatoes f 40c These, markets will, he corrected weekly. iumm:ss noticks. FOUND-?one 241b sack of flour, 'Bob White," near Hickory Grove hurch, call at Herald office. WANTED ?Lady or gentleman of 'air education to travel for firm nf &250,000 capital. Salary #1,072 per /ear payable weekly, Expenses ad rancod. Address Geo (1 Clows Conway S. C. STUAYKI) To my place near Nixonville one red boar with few black spots, unmarked, about 10 or 12 months old. Owner can obtain same by seeing the undersigned and paving charges (J. W.Todd. 2t: HOLLISTER'S iiacky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Baiy Mediolne for Busy People. Brings Qoldec Health and Renewed Vigor. A specific for Constipation, Indigestion, Live and Kidney Troubles, Pimples, Eczema, Impure Blood, Bau Breath, Sluggish Bowels, Headache and Backache. It's Rocky Mountain Tea In tab' lot form, JV? cents a bo*. Oenuine mad? by Hoi.mrtkr Brpo Company, Madison, Wis. OLDEN NIJGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLC Don't Miss This! i , i; t THF LAST FEW DAYS OF I : THE CLEARANCE SALE 1 (loin# on to u finish be'oro we betpu to take our n?id- 1 1 summer inventory. In a few days now our Mr. Thomp son will leave for the Not hern markets, where he will purchase the best <u?.?orted stock of Merchandise ever brought to Conway. From now until the time he leaves we will sell you " ( i v Sample Hats ; , At Cost ; 9 And you have your choice out ol SIX DOZEN. Also ' 1 I'tidies Shirt Waist and Skirts, and in fact all summer 1 , tfoods that wo have left, all to uo AT COST. This sale, which has4boot in progress for thirty days has been the greatest everotVercd to the people of I lorry 1 .y i County and we are pleased to see that they have taken I _ ! ad vantage of the opportunity. We also have a i ' Choice Line of 1 | , ? , Groceries f 1, and when you want soap be sure to examine our as, sortment consisting of Ivory, Fairy, Knobby and Wood i ! cluiek. As usual any tiling vou want for less money at, i Conway Bargain House,, | ???i^???? ???gg| I ^ flit tells WHAT to uie-HOW and WHY?J 1 ' M S S ly An artistic and individual home is not so much ' i 1 fir a (Juestion of pocketbook as of personal taste?and > TO S knowledge. The Booklet gives die necessary ^ ^ ?? \j tt juu nv^n iw van J uui I C CALHOUN & CANNON. > OOI) morning I'nele Uemus! Now you get up tbis morning? ^ J'H get up with my hands and foot, how olso. do you expect me I thought probably you was w airing a pair of Calhoun A: Cannon's > SHOES I No but I was down there Saturday and looked through their stock and they certainly have some honeys and they are low down for cash, hut great soott! they wont credit us, but you know Zeue it is the best, for we wont ItAve to bo paying other people's debts. Yes! , uncle its a fact, the prices they gave us was away below the s ? called I AP cash, but credit men, and their stock of | DRY GOODS AND | < GROCERIES > are unexcelled for the limited tiino that they have been in business. s Calhoun 6: Cannon. | Established 1880 J. L. MrElwee^ Prop ^ Bonnettsvillo Marble Wks, i jh^S r Prices and Designs Ftirnishwl of faitrsi ^Dala Monuments Tombstones ami Curbing l'ir!l( Clsfts Work' Hcasoiiablc Prlc ~77tt ^ s a l es to e n . K. K. Gasque, Conway, S. C. Ilev. C. 1j. Muggins. Galivants Ferry, S. (5 ^BUGGIES WAGONS iv// /-'./v you ,/Va'ki>.// .A"/-: 11' niravr on. W./UIOW, DON'T FOUGHT the: old reliable, ; and come and buy from A# W. Jenkins (Si Son. I X