^ \ * LOCAL, ?Send us the news. We do Job printing. Send us your orders. ?The first of this week was remarkably cool. ?There was a good shower of rain in Conway last Friday evening. ?Head the ne4v aduertisement of A. W. Jenkins A tTon, in this issue. < ? A coat of new paint has added much to the front appearance of J. K. Nicholas' store, ? The young child of J. L. Hoyd was very ill last week, but at last uccounts was improving. J?The trains are making a little better schedule now that the rush of the trucking season is over. ?The net profits of the Toddville dispensary for the month of May, just past, were iunround numbers, $183.00. ? There will be aaother picnic at Punch Howl landing on the Pee Dee in a few weeks. The day will be announced later. -Shippers of beans are not realizing as good prices for their product this year as they expected, owing perhaps to the lateness of the crop. Conway Bargain House advertises a semi anuual clearance sale in this issue, and they print some prices that it will pay you to read over before making your purchases. \ ?Two cotton blooms were rceeiv I ed at this office last Monday in a lot ter from William Joiflun of the Gali vantb Perry section. LThe letter did E not stato when tlioy wore picked. A ?It is intended to run excursions every Friday evontng from this point to Myrtle Beaoh during the I Summer season. The train leaves I about 6:80. ?A tract of land belonging to the m estate of the late Mrs. Mary I J: Uca E ty lying on the northern side of Crab Tree swamp, near Conway, has been purchased by Solomon T. Sessions ?Tho county executive committee Aieets here on th<; 28ih of this month Ad important business will come ^^ ro the meeting. All precinct ^L'mcn are requestead tho large advertisement of ^L*roughs & Collins Co., apthis issue. They have in various ntirls of (lie ^county^/od you can call at the store 1 nearest you ? If you want to keep up with political news, subscribe to the HkrALD. People in the Loris section may call on our agent E. K. Skip]>er, who will take plcaure in entering their names for the paper. ? Sea Side Inn is rapiply filling I up with guests, and has more visitors than it ever had before at this time of the season . Manager Tennillo was over in the town on business last Saturday morning. ?7At Che last meeting, the county fird granted u charter for a ferry Hughes landing in favor of J. if. And. An application is now pendA for the grant of a charter at Als Perry on the Waccamaw. Arhe State candidates will adA the people at Conway on Juno A Those who have no opposiAfris year are not required to Aro!fc the canvass. A good turn Aut of the people is expected on that Aav. A--1 n this issue appears the anAyucomeiit card of W. K. Holt as a Andidate for the ofliee of SherifT of Birvy County, Mr. Holt is well Aown to the people as a man with Aerfectly clean record, having made A race for sheriff before and com A out with a very handsome vote.? . has the qualifications that would .^Aike him a good officer. candidacy of G. P. Murrel Apmination to the office of sherAlorry County, is announced in Asue, by a number of his friends, ->%?av0 been talking of running ggi|p?|A some time. He ,served as ^f^i^i^Arate at Con way several years a very acceptable manner r/vAas urged to stand for re eleethis he declined to do. If will fearlessly discharge :-rp.Aduous duties of-this import candidate who make# t in this issue is of Florence for reproCongress from the 6th WMmmmrt. Heat present holds the ^ r ' Bm of State Senator from Flor^*f?0unty, and is an attorney Iglliy enjoys a ?largo and growing Tn the Legislature he has *1 record of which his native is justly proud, and by the stand he took in public ho has shown himself the of tho rights of the comHis liome countv uuaniendorses him for the posiGreat Jailed. a negro, was arrestn last week and held ^^^^^^^^^Bharge of stealing a bio.* cle Johnson here. The ar HB.ado under instruetious sheriff of this county, up on the Burroughs Inst lodged in jaii to await his ^^^^^^^^Funffer a new act recently by the Legislature, stealing ^fflmK^^Blo is punished the same as U^ranblll live stock. BMhHM i? I Wltli House breaking. SEHgnEBBne 2nd, some unknown parMSg^^H^Binto the house of Mr. B. F. EgSHBB^Bho lives near the seashore, Bh9mHBm||B therefrom about forty money. All the family and tho house left locked fl9|^^H^^^Bioney that was stolen had HgKftgEnflHjB the pockot of a pair of HMBaH^B^BMr. Vereen did not disBhBhBhRBs until some time afterHH^^Ha|Bmmstances finally caus^HBHRflNm^Eto rest upon a colored ^^^^^HHB^Bname of Sam Wilson, nH^HHHHH^^Bordinply arrested here HHMHffiHgSBpruing and lodged in H^HWjMlBflH^^Eor under a warrant J. N. Jenrette, at the instance of aad H. D. Vereen, ^^^^^^pfpppBd^fonda^no^ Lost Dwelling. Alonzo Spears, who lived on the farm of C. F. Spivey, near Gideon, had the misfortune to get his dwelling burned last Sunday morning. The furniture an$i other thiugs contained in the house were a total loss, and the family saved absolutely nothing. Their neighbors sympathize with them in their loss and have made up contributions for them. Excursion July 9th The first white excursion of the season from this point to Georgetown will come ofT on July 9th, and will be run by Geo L. Marsh and \V. W. Russ. A big crowd is expected and they may be assured that good order will be maintained. ? - ?- - ? Clcmson College Scholarships. All applicants for these scholarships will apply to the County Superintendent, of Education, who will give full information concerning the terms of the law and the conditions required forenterance to the college. The examination will be held early in July before the County Hoards of Bduoation. I'. II. Moll, President. Solicitor Pilux IMcdftrc Solieitor J. M. Johnson has filed the pledge and sent a check for the necessary cash to State Chairman Col. Willie Jones, as a candidate for nomination as solicitor of tin; 4th circuit. Mr. Johnson is always appointed chairman of the board in Columbia bv bis brother solicitors, during the session of tlie Legislature, and ho has much to do in Kreparingand completing the acts. o opposition to his re-election has been heard of so far. Hail Storm in Cialivantu Another hail storm, very serious in the working of damage to the crops of the farmers, passed over a section of Galivants Ferry township and along the edgo of Fioyds last Friday. The stones were the size of guinea eggs and the crops of cot ton and tobacco in the path of the storm, are some of them, almost totally destroyed. J. Madison Floyd, Asa Gore, II. K. Cook, II. Grantham were reported as among those who were greatly damaged by the storm. The crops at Galivants Ferry also suffered greatly. There were others who sustained serious damage, but we were unable to obtain their names before going to press. Schedule of Star Routes. Under the new contracts for carrying the mail over the star routes leading from Conway, several changes will go into effect when the new contracts begin on July 1st. The star route leading to Warn pee will leave Conway in the afternoons at 2:110, and the routes leading to Hammond, Jordanville and Gideon will leave in the afternoons at 3 o'clock, instead of at G o'clock in the mornings as heretofore. Under the new contract all of the star route carriers will leave at about the same time in the afternoon, and all will wait on the train unless it is bellind time. None of them will leave in the morning. Bucksville and Dongola already leave hero in the afternoon and there will be no change in the schedules of the car riers on those two routes. A Sure Tlilujr. It is said that nothing is sure except death and taxes, but that is not altogether true. Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption is a sure euro for all lung and throat troubles, Thousands can testify to that. Mrs. C. II. VauMotre of Shepherdtown, W. Va., says "I had a severe case of Bronchitis aod for a year tried everything I heard of, but got no relief. One bottle of Dr. King's New Discnvery then cured me absolutely." It's infallible for croup, Whooping Cough, Grip, Pneumonia and Consumption. Try it. It's infallible for Croup, Whooping Cough, Grip, Pneumonia and Consumption. Try it. It's guaranteed by Dr. B. Norton, Druggist. Trial bottles free. Regular si/.e, 50c, $1.00. PARKHR VEREEN. The Social Event of tlic Season at Eittle River-A Beautiful .llinc Weillllilar At the residence of the bride's mother, Mrs. Florence C. Vereen at Little liiver, S. 0., on the morning of the Hth inst., Mr. George F. Parker of Georgetown and Miss Panline S. Vereen were united in marriage, the Rev. S. J. McConnell performing the ceremony, using the beautiful form of the Methodist church. Relatives and friends from far and near well knowing the hospitality of that particular maternal roof, were not only willing but delighted to re spond to the invitations received by them. Long before the appointed hour the guests began to arrive and there soon assembled a large crowd to witness one of the most important events in human destiny. Everything being in readiness promptly at It) o'clock, the groom and bride elect, made their appearance, and walked before the waiting Clergyman, and a few words rtutdc them man and wife until death d*h them part. The chief actors realizing the solemnity of the occasion performed their parts well, making tho scene very effective. The charming bride was tastefully dressed in white organdy with gloves and slippers | to match, tho bridal veil trailing the floor. Profuse were the congratulations and best wishes for tho happiness of tho couple on their earthly pilgrimage. Immediately after the ceremony cako and ice cream were served and fPi.:.. -! 1-- i-i- ? tiujixyuvi. x ma >vua Minpiy intended to appease the appetite until the more substantial of dinner. The guests wero then allowed to enjoy and pass the intervening two hours as they saw fit. At 12, dinner was announced, and all wore summoned to the table It is true that a good dinner was expected and the quests were not in the least disappointed. The table fairly groaned under tho weight ol good things that were calculated tc I supply the inner man, and there was food for every appetite, and tc , tempt tho most fastidious. Hy tjic t time the appetites of all wero satis , fled, the hour arrivod for Mr. and Mrs. Parker to c|epart for theii ' home in Georgetown. They expect I PEBSONAL, 1 ?T. L. Smart of Dougola, was 1 in Conway last Monday. ?V. T. Rowell of Floyds was in Conway one day recently. ?J. H. Bland of Jordanville was among those in the city last Saturday. ? Mrs. J. K. Nicholas left last Friday to visit friends in New York State. ?Geo. II. Jones of Do# Bluff was In Conway for a short while last Friday. 1 ? W. J. Phipps of Howard, S. C., was among those in the city one day last week. ?W. J. Howell of Bucks town ( ship was in Conway last Saturday ( afternoon. ' i ? T. F. Kimball made his first shipment of cucumbers from this point last week. ?Clarence Norton, Henry Scar- 1 borough and C. R. Scarborough are ' at home for vacation. ? W. F. Loc of Dulah, S. C., was among those who visited Conway ( on businees on last Friday. J ?Fred Floyd of Gideon, S. C., I was among those who visited Con way 011 business last Friday. ?Hon. Robt. B. Scarborough went 1 to a picnic at Smiths Mills in Wil- ? liamsburg county last. Thursday. 1 -II M. Grantham nas accepted a ( position w.th A. l\ Jounson where i he will be glad to wait on his many \ friends. ] ? vV. E. Dusenbury returned from ( Florence last Monday where ho had been on a short visit to his brother, E. Van Dusenbury. ?H. M. Anderson an aged and ] noted citizen of the county died last < Monday night, after an illness of ] several years. < ? Dr. Galoway and wife of Dar- ( lingtou passed through town last Friday on their way to Myrtle Beach. They visited the place last season and were so pleased with it ( that they decided then to return this ( year. Mr Svurboroujrli Not a Candidate To the People of Horry County: Having decided not to enter the ' race for Congress, I take this metli- ! od of expressing my thanks to my ' constituents, both here and through- , out the District, for their loyalty to me in my political ambition in the past. Movements looking to the do- ] vclopmcnt of Horry County have ( been under way for some time and I ] am needed in that work. It would ( be a physical imposibilit}' for mo to attend to my duties here and at the same time make a three months campaign for re-election. I have no ( doubt but what I could win the race * by a larger majority than I leceived before, but to coutinue in politics would divorce me more and more from the business interests of the county,?so I have decided to devote my time and energy to the develop- ( ment of this section, believing that 1 there is a great future before it. KOHT. B. SCARBOROUGH. Quick Arrcsl. 1 J. A. Gulledgo of Verbena, Ala. ( was twice in the hospital from a ' severe ease of piles causing 24 tu- 1 mors. After doctors and ail rem- 1 odies failed Bucklen's Arnica Salve quickly arrested further inllamation and cured him. Tt conquers aches and kills pain. 25c. at Dr. E. Nor ton Druggist. NOTICE. All persons holding claims against the estate of the late Walter K. Porter, are requested to present the same to the undersigned within the time required by law, and all personB Indebted to the said estate are requested to make immediate payment to, Itobert li. Scarborough, Qualified Administrator. 6-10-04 4t. Administrator* Sale. Under and by virtue of an order signed by his Honor it. N. Sessions, Judge of Probate for I lorry County, and dated the 7th day of Juno A. I). 1004, I will sell to the highest bidder for cash, at the lato residence of John II. Williamson, deceased., at 11 o'clock a. in. on Wednesday the 20th day of Juno A. I). 1904, all and fcingular the following personal property belonging to the estate of the said John B. Williamson, decensed, to wit: One 20 II. P. Boiler, One 18 II, P Engine, one light saw mill, one grist mill, one Ilnll Cotton Gin, One Lunula Gin, One Cotton Press, One Seed Crusher, shafting, pulleys and belting and other appliances aud fixtures, and one cane mill and evaporator. Martha A. Williamson. Qualified Administratrix. 0-16 04, 2t. Citation Notice. Ily H. N. Sessions, Esq., I'. J. Whereas, (J. 11. Gillespie made suit to nie, to grant him Letters of Administration of the Estate of and effects of Amanda L. Gillespie, with will annexed. Theso are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said Amanda L. Gillespie deceased, that they be and appear, before me, in the Court of Probate, to be held at Conway, S. 0., on Juno 25th next, after publication hereof, at 11 o'clock in tin? forenoon, to show cause, if any they have, why the said Administration should not be granted. Given under my Hand this 1 Ofh day of June, Anno Domini. 1004. II. N. Sessions, P. J. of H. C. Land Sale, Under and by virtue of an execution to me directed by J. T. Gannt, Secretary of St te, and ex-ofllclo agent of the commissioners of the Sinking Fund, Issued undor act, approved Dec. 24th, 1892. en, titled "An act to provide an additional i remedy for the collection of taxes costs , and penalties upon lands past due and > unpaid for eight months," I will sell to the highest bidder for cash, before the ' court house door at Conway, 8. O.. on 1 Tuesday the 5th day of July A. D. 1904, > within legal sale hours, all and singular ? that tract of land containing 250 acres, more or less. In Horry county. Little Rlvl er township, bounded by estate lands of . Owen Bryant, W. M. Uazen's land an& \ Candibate's Cards. Announcements undorlhUlirad wll' bo Inserted from now until the second primary (If any) lor JS.Wt payable In idvnnco. FOR COUNTY SUPERVISOR. The many friends of A. P. John >011 hereby announce hiin a caudilate for the oflice of Supervisor of [lorry county, subject to the action )!' the Democratic primary, and f elected will build good roadrf all nor Ilorry county. 1 hereby announce myself a caudilate for re-election to the oflice of bounty Supervisor, subject to the , iction of the Democratic primary. John L Boyd. FOR CUICRIv OF COURT. 1 hereby announce myself a eandi late for election to the oflice of Clerk )f Court, of Ilorry County, subject to the action of the Democratic prinary. John A. Hell. I hereby announce myself acandilate for the oflice of Clerk of Court, ind pledge myself to abide the action of the Democratic primary. John M. Oliver. I hereby announce iys??lf a canlidatc for re-election to ttic oflice of Dlerk of Court of Ilorry County, subnet to the action of the democratic ~ >rimary. . VV. L. Mishoe. ( With greatful appreciation of the iction oT my friends in the past, and i l\ i v i i i i \,yj HIVJ I I IIUUI y OWIH UCIVIVIIO ? it the present time, ! hereby an- w 1 ounce myself a candidate for Clerk r )f Court, subject to the Democratic primary. Relying upon the continjod support of my friends as in the past, I pledge my best efforts, if ?lected, to the full discharge of the E luties involved. Respectfully, o Jeremiah Smith. At the solicitation of many friends I hereby announce my candidacy for jlerk of court of Horry County, pledging myself to abide the result jf the Democratic primary, and if dccted to perform the duties of the affice, under the laws fearlessly and without favoritism to anyone; but as a servant of the people meet the responsibilities of the office and use its apportunities to the best interests of my native county. W. P. McQueen. * FOR SI IP RIFF. . 1 hereby announce myself a candidate for Sheriff of Horry County, 3ubjeet to the action of the democratic primary. i W. K. Holt. 3 Loris, S. C. " The many friends of Gaston F. Murrell, hereby announce him a candidate forthcoffice of Sheriff of [forry County, subject to the rules >f the democratic primary. Many Friends. I hereby announce myself a canlidate for re-election to the office of sheriff of I lorry County, subject to die action of the Democratic primary J 13. J. Sessions. ; FOR CORONER. ( ? 1 hereby announce myself a candilate for tiic office of Coroner of Hor y County, subject to the action of die Democratic primary. c A. Tl. J. Galbraith, G The many friends of Dr. H. H. Burroughs, hereby announce him a 11 candidate for the office of coroner of Horry county, pledging him to abide the action of the Democratic primaries. Many Friends. FOR HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. The Many friends of Col. D. A. Spivey take pleasure in announcing him as a candidate for the Mouse of Representatives, subject to the action of the Democratic Primary. Many Friends. I hereby announce myself a candidate for reelection to the House of Representatives?for Ilorry County, subject to the action* of the Demo cratic primary. D. D. Ilarrelson. FOR SUPERINTENDENT OF EDUCATION. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the oflico of Superintcdcnt of Education of Horry county, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. E. V. Host My candidacy for election to the office of County Superintendent of Education is hereby announced, subject to the action of the Democratic primary, W. A. Prince. FOR AUDITOR. My candidacy for re-election to office of County Auditor is hereby announced. J. A. Lewis. FOR CONO R ESS. I am a candidate for Congress from the Sixth Congressional District of South Carolina, subject to the rules of the Democratic primary. J. W. Ragsdale. Florence, S. 0. A Startling Test. To save a life, Dr. T. G. Morriit . e x* . xc_i- i 01 i\o. ivienoopany, ra , maue a startling tost resulting in a wonderful cure. Ho writes, ' a patient was attacked with violent hemorrhages, caused by ulceration of the stomach, T had often found Electric Hitters excellent for accute stomach and liver troubles so I prescribed them. The patient gained from the first, and lias not had an attack in I t months." Electric Bittersare positively guaranteed for Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Constipation and Kidney troubles. Try them, only f)0c at I)r E. Norton's Drug store. 1785 1004 COLLIOWG OF CHARLESTON, OHA1ILKSTON, S. ?J. Entrance examination will be held at the County Court House on Friday July 8th, at 9 o'clock a. m. One scholarship giving free tuition is assigned to each county of South Carolina. Board and furnished room fn tho Dormitory, $10.00 a month. All candidates for admission arc permitted to compete for vacant Boyce scholerships which pay $100 a year. For further information and cata- ( logue, address , ? NOTHING BETTER than a nico fresh Collar and pair of Cull's bearing our -CELEBRATEDDOMESTIC OR GLOSS FINISH. We will Call for, and prompt ly Deliver your Laundry Monday morning and Friday afternoon. WILMINGTON STEAM LADNDRY. I). R. ELLEHBE, Agent. NEXT 30 DAYS. vVre have decided to go out of business, and to that end we will close out our entire stock within the next SO days AT COST. Call and get your share of those goods before they are all sold. 30LL1NS 6c CO. SPIVEY (S COLLINS CO. ^ire Insurance Bicycles. >. A. SPIVBY, M.W.COLLINS President Secretary fflca In Hunk lUilldlno Dental Notice. DR. W. E. McCORD, SURGEON DENTIST. Conway, - - S. C ttay^Over Hank of Horry. -Ill icClininpion Stump I'tiller. The Strongs st tin1 Simplest and most economical of all Stump I'ul lers. Try it before von pay for it. Guarnnteeil to pull your stumps or no nay asked. Write for Free Itooklet giving terms ami prices. CHAMPION STI .IIP Pl l.l.lCIt < 0 folumhln, N, C. im?iiiiii? minim I Shingles! Shingles!! Send mo your orders by mail, or all at ofliec Waceamaw Lino of iteaincrs for best Cypress shingles nude by Shingle M'f'g. Co. T. J. Hell, Agt.' | CONWAY, S. C. EVERY FARMER has, or should have some produce to sell, and it is to his advantage to sell where ho can buy the most and best Coffee, Sugar, ttacon, Lard, Tobacco, Flour, Meal, Grits and Dry Goods. We also carry a line of HARDWARE and anything else you may desire for the least money. Give us a call when in town. An Oil Finish Protrait Free For Gash Trade. For Particulars call at our store. W. T. ELLEIUtE. New Crop Rice. r>,HOO I'oiiikIn Hire i l-'Ze per ll?. 'Z.IOO Found* Hire 'Z II Ic per lb. I,S,)0 Found* It Ice .1c pe* III. I.IHKI Found* It lee I I- Ic per t>:?,414M> Found* Itlee A l-Ziper lb. l.oOO Found* Itlcn 4e per lb. 1,7541 Found* llleo I I -2e per lb. 3,'ZOO Founds Hire .*?<- per lb. I4)4> Found llojfs W. B. COOPER. WHOLES M/E GROCER, Wilmington. N. C. Old &.nd When your Buggy < it is no longer servi with a new one at o A thing of Beauty i AND WAGONS. A. W. JEN! CALf W. D. GRAHAj LORIS, FOR 1 GROCERIES, FANCY DRESS < % TCat Y on 'JVLiist. And the place to buy groceries of the best kind is at the store of J. K. NICHOLAS. EVERYTHING ELSE you need that is kept in a lirst-class general merchandise store is to bo found there, and you cannot buy it cheaper any where else. Call and be convinced. J. E. Nicholas. Largest and most complete estib lishment South. nnl/or AZ- rtn \J WU* LJ? 1 lliVUV I ^ V/ ? ? Manufacturers of DOORS,SASH, BLINDS, MOULD ING AND BUILDING MATERIAL. CHARLESTON, S. C. 544- 546 King Street. We have what you need. 100 pails HO II). Jelly, 50 cts. pall. 125 cases table peaches. 150 cases No. 3 Tomatoes. 00 cases No. 2 Tomatoes. 200 cases Celluloid Starch. 25 cases Eagle Brand Condensed milk. 30 cases Dime Brand Condensed milk. 20 cases Jersey Brand Condensed milk. 100 boxes Lump Starch. 140 boxes old Tobacco 17 to 22 cts. 20 boxes Soap, all grades, Santa Clans, Ark, Riverside. Brown Borax, Armours Toilet, Wiz&.ird in half bushel measure. Gold Dust washing powder. Remember the new deal on Celluloid starch, ship you six boxes charge you with five and deliver at your depot freight prepaid. We handle all Staple Drugs Send us your orders, or ask for quotations which arc always cheerfully givenStone SComp'y, WILMINGTON, N. C. Photographs I am now ready to make PIIOTOGUAIMIS in all the latest styles. All work finished in MATTE S1RFACE PAPE1 ' PLATIMEM TOMS. All kinds of COPYING and ENLARGING done. Kodak Pictures finished at reasonable Prices. I have mn ployed experienced help, and all work will receive prompt attention. Call at my Tent 011 MAIN STREET. A. L. Proctor 3-3-04. 3m. Cook Wood I have secured all the Hoard ends AT CONWAY LUMBER CO., and I will furnish them cheap 01 I short notic. Rest cook wood yoi can get. Draying and Hauling I have headquarters at the store of the Hal. L. Hack Co., and orders lor ijka i 1i\?? or 11 .\ i uING left with me will bo promptly attended to. S. M. Tompkins H. HL Burroughs, PHYSICIAN AND SUKGEON CONWAY; S. C. DOOM No. 1) SPIVEY BUILDING. ily >r YVatfon guts old aad uoly, so tha cable, come to us and let us fit yot ur usual low prices, s a Joy forever, so is our BUGGIES ON m, Hk s. When you need a Fine Range go to the Hardware Store. '/uk ^ I 11 ?-1 \VK Al.SO OA It H V AC(i.\l l'i,KTK LINK ??K REFRIGERATORS, COOLERS, FREEZERS, HAMMOCKS ETC WE IIAVE A FINE LINE TO SELECT FROM. HORRY HARDWARE COMPANY. Bennettsville Marble Works. Bennettsvillee, S. C, IN RUSINES8 SINCE 1880 J.L. McELWEE, Prop PRICES AND DESIGNS OF NEWEST AND LATEST STYLES nONUHENT TOMBSTONES CURBINGS&c. FURNISHED ON APPLICATION. FIRST CLASS WORK AND REASON A BLE.PRICES. W. W. PATE, ? ? ? ? ? GENERAL AGENT. SALESMEN: R. K GASQUE, REV. C. L. IIUGGINS, CONWAY, S. C GALIYANTS FERRY, S. C. IIobt, R. Scakuououqh, IIal. L. Buck, Will A. Freeman President. Viee-President. Onshier. BANK OF HORRY CONWAY, S. C. Capital Stock, $25,000 DIRECTORS: ROBERT B. SCARBOROUGH, W. R.LEWIS, HAL. L. BUCK, W. A. JO SON, GEORGE J. IIOLLIDAY, WILL A. IIREMA Wc will pay you 5 per cent , interest on yearly deposits. Will furnish savings banks to those wishing to open small accounts with us. Try ou plan for savingyour nickles and d imes, and you will (ind that these little banks and the interest which we will pay you on your savings will help you We H ave ]VEo vecL TO THE STORE FORMERLY OCCUPIED BY THE CONWAY SUPPLY COMPANY, Where we will be pleased to meet our many Friends and customer^ THOSE WHO WISII TO HUV Spring and Summer Goods at the Lowest Prices to be had in town will do well to look over my Stock before buying. WK ALSO OAIUIY A COMPLETE ~tr m.T-w-T't -w r* -w d 1^1 JL^t V W *It,? W V.J * jt*, * x^r^. A. \\ JOHISTBOIsr. J BANK OF CONWAY, I M CONWAY. S. C, j| ? CAPITAL STOCK, *20,000.00. SURPLUS FUND, *17,000.00. TOTAL ASSETS, *140,000.00. ^ OFFICERS: V II. (J. COLLINS, President. I). A. SPIVEY, Cashier "w C. P. QUATTLEHAUM, V Pres. M. W. COLLINS, Asst. Cashier i Our Bank, being a local institution, has always striven for the up-building of Horry County and for the betterment of her citizens. In persuing this policy we take pleasure in extending to our custom- *2^ i ersevery accommodation when consistent with sound banking. ^K||; i With gratitude for the liberal patronage received in the past, we cordially solicit your future business. ^K|if Respectfully yours. *||p| D. A. SPIVEY. Cashier s Southeastern Lime & Cement Co. Charleston, S. C. BUILDINC MATERIAL OF ALL KINDS. HIGH GRADE BSfp ROOFING "RUBEROID." WRITE 111 I I I F. I ^Kraj?||jS I boda Water Supplies* I ^ - 1 i FOR SODA WATER SUPPLIES OF ALL KINDS B 1 1 ROM 9 HODA FOAM TO ' OHAIIGITSO TANKS ! I GOTO i Conway Drug Co. LIQVOZONE. wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwe jr. XI. JOLLIE. AT THE OLD STAND NEAR THEGULLEY ? Wagons, Carts, Road Cas MADE TO ORDER 2> I mrah^^^raa full stock of