Published Every Thursday * 1 Morning by The CONWAY PUBLISHING CO., tt ___ ? Subscription K*rlrc 1'2 months f l.OO. Vii)Rblr In Advmirf. InUred at the l'oet Office at Conway, 5. C., ne Second-clnes Matter. Hates for Advertising.?Businoss Locals, 8 cents ]>or line, Ixxly ty])e. Cards of Thanks and Communications of a Personal Nature charged for at Special Hates According to length. Obituaries, 1 cent a word in excess of 150 words. Official advertisements at rate allowed by Law. Display Advertisements, rates furnisnoa on application. Make all checks and orders payable to II. II. WOODWAKD, Editor and Manaokr. THURSDAY June 9th 1004. EDITORIAL. NOTES. The man who is looking for an easy job generally spends bis days in idleness and poverty. ? # # The hot summer weather was a long time in coming this year but it is here now in earnest. * * * Tub loudest complaint about hard times generally conies from the fellow who is too lazy to work. * * The success that a farmer had with hogs near Myrtle Beach was indeed remarkable, and there are many farmers who would like to know how it was done. * * * Tiik frequency of hail storms this year has been remarkable. Fortunately the damage done has al ways been confined to narrow strips of the farming sections ofthc count}'. * * * Myrtle Beach has grown in popularity as a sea side resort, and it promises to have the greatest success in its history this year. Large sums of money have been spent to bring it up to what it is. ? * * Tiie talk of a railroad from Little River to Marion by the way of Conway should be encouraged every pospiblc way, for nothing that could be done just now, would mean more to the quick development of the county. * * * The warehouses at should sell this year a good sI^Bu)f Che tobacco crop raised in ll^^wnt}'. Having the two \y?rc?!biu!^vtLherc ^ cannot argument that there "iSirdif?ompetition between the buyers here. Home enterprises should j always bo patronized in preference i to others. * * * Those who are aquaintcd with the smallpox cases in Dogwood Neck township, say that it. is a mild form of|the disease. We are glad this is so, but we think it would be well for the people who were not vaccinated before and are afraid of catching the diseaae, to employ the only remedy that will prevent a general spreading of the disease and be vaccinated. * * * Titv n?n ' ! ? i ...? .,u..uiul:ifiklcn Dots Crop:* arc looking fine. There is some fever in tins sec: tion. Andrew Strickland is going to "lay by" a piece of corn this week. It is the finest we have seen. Gk. M Fowler will top his tobacao this week. Cross Small has Home very fine cotton. Mr. and Mrs. Olin Boyd of Loris, spent last Sunday evening at H. M. Anderson's. Mr. Anderson is very sick. He has been missed at Pleasant Meadow for some time. It does not seem right to go to Sunday School and not see our old Superintendent at his post. Mioses IClla and Thcutus Barrel I son spent last Sunday with Mr. Oreo Mincy. We were glad to seo L. H Mincy out again last Sunday evening. M. E. Graham and Misses Janie and Daisy Graham, spent last Sunday in the Loris section. P. C. Prince of Loris and Needham Prince of San ford, spent last Sunday with L. T. Graham. Fo*. i From (lie Hay This month commenced with a < good shower of rain which we much appreciated for the first in two weeks. Croos are fine, and generally a good stand. String beans are getting plontiful since the rain. Ml. A 1 fl'/l/l Wl.?4ci /lin/lol I.I.. ..... ......... .. UV.O y.L.. (IV ..IO HUIIH on Wednesday of last week. He fell dead from his chair without coniplaining of any pain at all. -The bereaved family has the tender sympathy of many friends of this section. Farmers are about through chopping cotton and are fighting the grass. I want to say to "Sharpy" that if they lead in farming they will have to get up before day, for wo have as good soil and as industrious farmers as there are in the county. We have corn waist high now. and it will not be long before cotton will be forming, Hut what tickles mo we have no guano bill to pay in the fall. Miss Dora White visited .1. W. Ward and family one night last week. B. F. Ilarrelson was ailing last week buthe is well again. Thomas Skipper and Preston Alford eut a bee tree a few days ago and reported plenty of honey and but few stings. We had a fish fry last Saturday, with plenty of fish and a good time in general. J. W. Ward hived one swarm of bees four 'times last Sunday. He says he has saved eleven hives from four old ones. / Married last Saturday at the residence of Willie F. Floyd, Miss Sarah Lewis U) Mr. Daniel Dunkin, Mr. Floyd performing the ceremony. May their 11 yes be long and happy. Misses Let<4e ffarrelson. Cora Harrelson and Docia Ward are at- ] I tending the summer school. What's the matter with the Cool \ Spring correspondent? We would J [like to hear from him in the next good ut present. * < Crops &re looking well considering c n tool spring. There i< but little tobacco planted 1 in this sejtion this year. Cotton is i the leuding money crop of this vi- c cinity this year and we hope it will i bring a line price when it goes to 1 market. c Wo are glad to learn that Hon. J. 1 L. Hoyd is again a candidate for re- ( election to the oftieo of County Su- ( porvisor. Wo believe Mr. Hoyden- .? deavors to work for the best inter est of the public every way possible, t We are glad to say the little boy ; of Mr. and Mrs W. M. Harrelson < seems to be restored to good health j again after several days of serious 1 illness. We had a few showers of rain last \ week which was much needed > W. M. Harrelson expects to have i a ripe watermelon soon. ' Owing to cool weather ther? fa ( but little fruit in this section, pears 1 and peaches being nearly a total failure. ( There have been several tickets ' suggested, and I havn'ta full ticket * to suggest, but would be glad to see Mr. 10. V. Hest appear for rc-eloc- ' tion to the oflice of County Supcrin- * tendent of Kducation. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Carter of \ Daisy visited friends and relatives ' in this section last Saturday ar.d Sunday. * Mr. Benjamin and James Stevens ' of Eldorado visited Mr. I. L. Bee 1 and family last Sunday. G. W. Vaught and B. L. Carter ( of Daisy were pleasant visitors at * Aivan Smith's last Saturday night. 11. II. J. News] From Kutti Mrs. F. B. Buss has been very ill for some time. s Crops are looking well in this sec- j. Hon. Death visited the home of Mr. and Mrs .! C Sifirui* . i >?1 J 1 _ . . ... k> inn- .jru, UI1U | | look fro in them their daughter, Ot-L, lie H., at about the age of thirteen Lyears. She was a very good girl, ^ ihe light of the home, and loved by L ill who knew her. The bereaved n parents have tin; sincere sympathy L if the entire community in the loss . >f their jewel. 11' K, Donjfolu Items. Prof. S. II Drown returned home ast week from Venters, S. C., where lie has been teaching. To the regret of his many friends, s< IV. .1. Drown one of our old veterans b las been very sick but is improving. IThe fish fry at Pnneh Howl on '1 [Tittle Pee Dee last Saturday was a tl nicccss, and will be long remember- I id by all who were present, as aft pleasant occasion, |o Rev. W. S. McCaskill failed to till h lis appointment at Paully Swamp 1 ast Sunday evening. t" Some folks from the Port Harrel- t ion section were the guests of Mr. lb md Mrs. J. A. Tindall last Satur lb day and Sunday. I * We understand that A. P. John-111 son promises if elected supervisor to lit build bridges across Waccamaw audit Pee Dee rivers. I li Those who arc working turpon-jt tine are well pleased with the prices Id they are realizing. Some of the crops are rather 1 , backwark in our section caused by I cool dry weather. There is very i little tobacco in our neighborhood. I The farmers don't know what to do , with their tobacco Hues. The II Kit a mi is a welcome visitor i( to our homes in tliis section every ' Thursday night. I, ISixon vlllc. | Wo are glad to say wo had rain lust week which was much needed. Cotton and corn are growing well. Miss One Parker died last Tuesday May illst. She was about 19 years of age, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs W. L. Parkor, and a member of Tilly Swamp Baptist church. Prof. Joe Necly was in our neighborhood last Saturday night. A colored hand of the Gardner & Lacy Co., had one of his feet badly mrshed last Saturday. Adrian Items. The truckers have begun to ship v . uibers. Kelly Tompkins was lu st, tnakingu shipment on June 2nd. Mr. H B. Watts was next. N. S. llardwiek was the llrst to ship huckleberries from here. M. B. Anderson has as line a piece of tobacco as there is in this section. C. W. Anderson is very low, but we hope he will recover llis case is strapgo. When taken last Saturday ho se.emcd to have the strength of six ordinary mou. JJi$ aim was to get the gun, and in spite of three or four who were with him he got to the gun and fired it after which he weakened down and has been very low ever since. Dr. Dusenbury is attending him. Miss Australia Hinson called here op Sunday the guest of Mrs. S. S. Anderson, J. II MoGwigan ant} wife have moved into our midst. The writer recently passed through the Cedar Grove section enjoyed the kind hospitalities of a nice family. I joined a fishing party in the waters of the Little Pee Dee and about night we came out of the river and lisi'l si flch fi?v .... ~ v. ...7.. > j . ?! v >vnu through about 2 o'clock and there wo inpt jip with a lumber crow where \ they hud struck jthoirpamp. Among , them was our friend George Marsh , from whom wo received a hearty , welcome as we always do under any circumstances when we meet him L. 1 Reciiicfttcd to Chanjre Place . Editor Herald:?I see in your ( paper that another picnic is to be had at McQueen's Hridgo on my place in the near future. Owing to the nearness of this place to my residence and the growing tendency of some to disregard the rights and feelings of others, I beg the public : to select some other place for these gatherings. I intend no offense to any one. W, Y. McQueen. Ills that come from summer's hoat A mother need not fear to greet, When with "TEKTHINA" she's supplied, No ills with baby need abido. "TEKTHINA" aids digestion, regulates the bowels, and costs only 25 cents at Drugists, or rmdl 2f> jepts to Dr. C. J. Moffett, St ^Touis, Mo. S ? Send us ti^e ;iews. r Hgiiin dw a mtne off last Saturday with u large ;rowd present. The exorcises were opened between en and eleven o'clock by J. A. Dornan, the superintendent, who delivered an eloquent speech of welcome nuking the audience feel at home. The Pleasant drove Sunday School :hoir thon sung the welcome song ed by Prof. J W. Jordan of North Carolina. After this there were several speeches by the children of the ichool and others. Tho audience were entertained by lie choir for about an hour and an ible speech was then made by Dea on S. I). Todd, followed by Elder I. W. Todd. Kecess was then ta convince anyone that it is a real ivecommunity and filled with peo>lc of refinement. On Sunday the Uov. J. W. Todd lelivered an able sermon from the ext, "What shall 1 do to be saved. " J. J. It. A Startling Test. To save a life, Dr. T. G. Morritt if No. Mchoopany, Pa., made a tartling test resulting in a wonderul cure, lie writes, "a patient was ttacked with violent hemorrhages, aused by ulceration of tin- stomach, had often found Electric Hitters xcellent for accutc stomach and < ver troubles so I prescribed them, 'he patient gained from the first, nd has not had an attack in 1-1 lonths." Electric Hitters are posiivcly guaranteed for Dyspepsia, Inigestion, Consti]>ation and Kidney roubles. Try them, only f>0e at Dr 1. Norton's Drug store. i>ii:i>. . John Booth was born in 1S41. lie . Rl'VOfl ill tlm lunn l>n( <1 ... in -int'CII lilt" QUllOS I i the 10th S. 0. Regiment, in Co. h, was wounded at Chattanooga, 'onn., came hoinc at the close of he war, joined the M. K. Church at i 'oplar, afterwards he joined the lissionary Baptists, and at the time , f his death on May Hist, 1004, he ad been for a long time deacon of iayboro church, lie told the wrier ho was alright and was willing o die, and he told others just before is death that he sa?* something right like sunshine. He leaves a irifo, six children and other near routions to mourn their loss. Hisfu teral was preached by Rev. H. I). Irainger, after which his body was aid to rest under the big oaks at be old church to await the great lay. May God bless his loved ones. ' II. I), (i. Charles l\ Shelly, son of Mr. and drs. James T. Shelly ol the Variolic section, was bnvri on June 7th H81, and died on June 4th, 15104. The interment took place at I'leasint View church on Sunday aftertoon, t he services conducted 1 ?y the [lev. I). V. Crosland The bereaved lave the sympathy of the entire 111 tut ii ^tuat iud?. /Sms\ I AND FEVER 1 i cured] |^0 STAY CUBED jt Iwintersmith'sl I dill ?B I I riwM> Hm CMW? I A?i?> Oiofto loCripfo 4*4 stt | N?tor(il fi\>?6At? Gaotor* tor I I 19 y?Kt Ho *041*1*0 or otkor I I H?mM Or##* *? M MMin I I trim uohtg to Jt*44f 994 V I FWICI f T - * "\ ?4 *?4 T T 1 Jk-/? When In Town FOU Business or Pleasure, And wanitng a nice TURN-OUT to take you to any part of the County, call on Oscar Jenkins, with A. W. Jenkins & Son, Oonwav, S. C. ? . A man demands the best when it comes to LAUNDRY WORK. PATRONI/K Til K CHARLOTTE STEAM LAUNDRY and yon are assured of the best results. All work in town promptly collected and delivered. A. E GOLDFINCH, Agt. Conway. S. C. icyclesA full line of Bicycle a n d Bicycle Sundries always on hand at J. D. Oliver's Bicycle Shop. REPA1BIMG A SPECIALTY. J. D. OLIVER. Court House Square. EVERY FARMER has,' or- should have some produce to sell, and it is to his advantage to sell where he can buy the most and best. Coffee, Sugar, Hacon, Card, Tobacco, Flour, Meal, Grils and Dry Goods. We also carry a line of HARDWARE and anything el e vmi may desire for the least money. ' ivo us a call when in town. ' An Oil Finish Protrait Free For Cash Trade. For Particulars call at our store. 1 Respect fully. I W. T. ELLERBE. J- - ---I DR. R. W. McCORD SURGEON DENTIST. MULLINS, S. C. ' |l = Strawberi. I Does the most goo< i 11 the right way ai j( place. I)II> YOU ?V That we carry on stocks ever carr S County? That w quantities and ther j That having bough I i sell the same way'i If you know thi L be wise and s| money with us. \\ will be satisfied in | your money. ISPIVEY MER ?? ? w ? > We H av' TO THE STORE FORMER CONWAY SUPP Where wo will be pleased to meet o THOSE WHO w Spring and St at the Lowest Prices to be had in to Stock befor WE ALSO CARRY I.INE OF OI P. JOI \ H I R? Irn A 9. M <4 O 1 GO ?0 SEE CAN GET YOU V Their Goods Right, Sold Rij get Treated Ri BIG S' > ON THE C - A i. !M u in open Sfitu I ' " kicmodkllih) KWTI1IKLY NKW, The inangeincnt lias spared noyexpeuse to make Myrtle Ikacli 11 p- t o--d a t o a n <1 I throughly attractive. FIKEST SUBF. HI MlEffll M A N Y N E VV AMIS E M K N TS ?SI ( II AS- HOWLING ALLEY I DANCE PAVILION I POOL ROOM READING ROOM NEW HATH 1NG HOUSES. THI: PF.OPLr: TIIL COUNTRY. ALWAYS WELCOMIi. Rates Lo\v*? Inxrn & teimille. 1 Proprietors. I Myrtle Beach S. C. I bmmhJI I ^arger ^tore. The tfreat increase in our business has made it uecsssary to enlarge our store, and the eon tractor is now busy at his work LOW POKES n 1111 1EILIK has always been our Motto, and shall be still. If you favor Low Prices and admire Fair Deal nig, give us u call. I L. H. lhirroughs o. J i [j'.i-oi < i i I ~~^rj J i\ Money ' 1 when spent in id at the right j 1 ! ' r KNOW ' J t le of the largest ied in Horry 1 , e buy in large efore buy cheap? t cheap, we can ese things, then tend strawberry To. gau ran tee you the spending of CANTILE CO. LtfWfcJWUUMMLJM;,r _ . e ]VEo veci lly occupied by the LY COMPANY, ur many Friends and customers. ish to iu;y immer Goods \vn will do well to look over my e buying. a complete I' ^CERIEH, 3NSON. ? i< jck Co | THEM YOU S WHAT | /ANT. I > are Bought < A ght, and you > \ ight, at the # ^ TORE f i ;ORNER. | M LO A 001 _ _ ^22 Both of our Stores fcre shooting our many (Iptc such Low Prices, they do DEEDS ARE FRUIT, ^ We sell cheaperthan < ^2^2- only suy we don't, we art . creasing our trade. Thei because they can't prove t cheapest. We are ci^d ^22 combination of Brain^Ui wiiich we operate for the ?^2 COULD YOU BUY IN ( IF THE BARGAIN HC ^22. Stfreep Stakes Tobacco 5 ^2X Skinner Tobacco 28 ceti 20 Other Different Brat Railroad Mills Suufif $5 Star Lye 7 cents can or ^22. Mendlesoti 10 cent Lye Mason Fruit .lars 1 Qt. Best Coffee 10 cts. pout ^^22 B Rice only 3 cents 1 Granulated Sugar ?5.0( Best Stick Candy Gj? cei Lemon Cakes 01 cents j ^22 Best Flour made $5.75 p - - 0000 Pairs Low and IU; 25 cents pair and up 500 suits of Clothing nt and up. 5000 yards Dress Good.' at a price. 1000 Ladies'and Gent's ^22 Sewing Machines, Cock . kinds, sold cheap for ca 1 WE DON'T KEEP 5^ EVE More goods arriving dai a purchaser to pay us a p22 be convinced before inve ^ - tire welcome to take you ^ ^ T T B Ho hmmm* T. II. AT THE OLD STA> Q Wagon h, Carts, It oa< also Keep a full stock of all V laterial. I do a General Lii r?A Good Repute ITlie over increasing bu has demonstrated that 1 lo-datc country store li taken of low water fn bought cheap. We carry only the now have a completelii SPRING AND? : ] Latck ? Murrys Iron Mixture contains lood tonje, a remedy that makes r reases appetite, and supplies strc un-down people. Murrety's 1 i not a temporary stimulant. Th >nt for pale, emaciated, bloodless !>ose recovering from sickness. L vercorae the lassitude, tired, exha alcnt in the spring. A combinat lendation of physicians everywhe Price 50c. Guaranteed sat AT DRU Prepared by the MurnU -??:j W. D. GRA^l Cam j]<1 UOCEHIES, FANCY DUE^S HATS A | full and complete line of Gifcnei ices to suit the times. Highest prices paid for Coun ?gs and Chickens a Specialty. J ^ Final Discharge, j Notice is hereby given that the nnderned as administrator of the estate of innn C. Upfln lp. deceased will applj the Judfljfcf Probate of the County ol Try, on Jiftte 10th, 1904, for a final dlsirge as administrator of said estate. 1). A. Spivey. Admr. !6-4. 4t. J DeWltt's - g!$ Sahra^ 1 ll m mmwm D E Df I K OUT j 1 loaded with bargains, aud we are |^B >mers with Standard Goods, and l'-'"' n't even try to dodge. j3g WORDS ARE BUT LEASES. R| 3 sustained by I r loose th&JMuB 11 1)1 B CONWAY AT t3| R )USE WAS OUT OFBB M iB ?8 conts the pound. ^B fl ts the pound. ^B ids from 20 cents the pouud upB B .40 tke gross. B $2.85 case. ouly G cts can or $2.39 case. B G9 cts. the doz. 2 Qt. 74 cts doz^fl B or 8i cts. pound by t.he kuc^bB B ) the hundred pounds^ its, in <|uanitysnot le|8 thanB lound by the box. ^B the Barrel. ^B ;li Cut Shoos that must be sB ;\v and Up To-Date 75 cents suit^B ', up-to-date goods to close out J Flats and Caps of all kinds. *^^R ing Stoves and Furniture of nil &b, or on the installment plan. m ANYTII1NG BUT SELL I liY THING. ly. Don't feel that you mtiatibe 9 visit, we realize that you want tojfl sting in our bargains, and yonB r time about it. BargrurB -TOLIjIE. ID NGAR THE 1 CasMADE TO OlJ /agon, Carts, Road? ation I sinoss we do at Toddville, i the public appreciates an up- jPl ke ours where advantage is \ eight rates, and goods are ; A that money can buy, and tie of SUMMER GOODS. B ?*-?. Dusenbury & f Energy, Ipio elements that make itlg??f^ ich i'ed blood, improves di/B|fp!^i|||j mgth and energy to weak, Itfon Mixture I e dfood in every dose sticks. ExcelJ people, and as a recuperative Unequal led as a tonic to prevennKa^ us'ted and "ruu-down" feeling so SHI ion that meets with approval and conB rP- J| iSfaSTO&E? eVCry purcliaser' J?1 [jDrugCo., Columbia, S. C. GOC^, NOTIONS, CLOTIgHI ND SHOES. W pal Merchandise always 011 hand all try Produce J I*. I>. GRAHAM, NOTICE TO CREDITORS. All persons Arms or corporations. boldIng claims against the estate of W. H. Jones, dec'd.. are hereby notified to pre' sent the same duly itemized and proven to the undersigned or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery, and all persons indebted to said estate are hereby tequlred to ntako payment to the under1 signed. i W. B. Jones, ^ I W. VV. Jones V