The Horry herald. (Conway, S.C.) 1886-1923, June 15, 1899, Image 2

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the |)rrald. I riTBI.IKIICl) KVKItY Til U USD AY MOKN1NGIt V Til K CONWAY IHimJSIIINi! CO., CONW AY, S. C. ?i. W. NOLLEY. Editor & nKr SUBSCRIPTION : Ono Year, - - - $1.00. Six Months, - .50. Three Months, - - .25. ALWAYS IN All V A NO K. Wy' Oni1 eont u word inoxooss of 150 words for oliituarlos. Pokthy not ACOKI'TKIi. Kntcreri at the I'obI MflL'c at ('nnuny, s. nn Second lasa Matter. ADYKKTISEM 10NTS ; Trausient advertisements $1.00 per inch for the lirst insertion. 50 rents an ineli for each subsequent insertion. .Notices n 1 <k ul reading matter, 10 rests per lino each insertion; under head of "Business Notices,'' 0 rents a line each insertion. Oniclal advertisements at tne rues allowed tiy law. 1Aliernl nniitrneta will /> > >>i-i !> ? >? tlslnj; three or more months. Thic 111: it a 1.1 > will publish, ?t tin- tils cretlon of the Editor letters on subjects of general interest, when written plainly A'ith ink and accompanied hy the name of the author. Thes: should he directed to the Editor of 'i tin Hkkai.d. HEM ITT AN I-ES For Sul>Rcriptirnsor Advertisements nmst lie made to the Manaokii, Conway Puni.tsiiiNo Company. THURSDAY, JUNE 15, 1800. Another blow luis boon given the dispensary in the acquittal of Crawford, the State making it weak case of it. The public demanded a severe reprimand, which has not been given and the intimation is that Crawford wishes to be reinstated on the force. Acn has dissolved the Filipino congress and declared himself Dictator, in declaring his Dictatorship it is presumed that he is animated by a desire to get rid of some of his prominent generals, who are not in sympathy with his administration and place himsol fin a position to treat directly with this ( f t \ \ 14 a pit moir 4 . . villi. Hon. K. 11. SeMtiinimuuii. "Tin* Silver Tongued Orator of the Waccamaw," must fool a sense of pride in having secured verdicts in each one of his cases at our late term of court. Opposed for two Ion# days on one case by t hree of the most eini lion t lawyers in this sect ion, st udents of law. his seniors in years and scholars of no mean reputation, they could not entangle him in the meshes of law, or sway him in his determination and in the most impassioned pleadings secured \ edicts, holding the large corcour present spellbound. I lorry is / isily proud of Scarborough, and mover, or wherever he tilts into t.c arena, the Knights of IJlackstone know that they have a formidable rival and must bear themselves well. Tin: vacancy occasioned by the promotion of Hon. R. II. Scarborough to the LieutonanitJovernorship will necessitate an election for the Senate i i Ilorry. There is an idea gaining ground daily that the nomination should be made by convention and not by primary, as the latter would require a campaign in the hot season of the year which is altogether needless. The convention plan will till up the requirement and give as full satisfaction to the people as can possibly be bad. The election will be ordered soon. In the meantime we would be glad to have our neonle surit.nlo 11 in nnoef inn '?? ?/! ^1 o j g ..n. VV V..V Xjiu Ol'IVMI illiU IIU tcrminc the best course to pursue by the time lite event arrives Townships can decide upon the best plan, hold their meetings and determine which is the better, and instruct their delegates accordingly. Govkknoh MeSweenoy. the printer boy of a few years since, has by for tuitous circumstance attained to the highest position in the State, and worthily so. We are glad to see him lifted to this commanding position, and peculiarly fitted is ho for the carrying out of a desired wish of the late Governor Ellorbc in becoming the pacificator of his people. Governor McSweoney has unparalleled opportunities before him and we shall watch his administration with a great degree of hopefulness, believing that he lms every interest of the State at heart and to tho extent of his power will endeavor to contribute lo the public good of. every section of the commonwealth. j He stands to day an example for the boys <>f Si>ut 11 Carolina. On the Wnccnmaw. When our little alarm clock struck the hour of '1 3b Saturday morning it hardly seemed woith the effort to crawl out of our nice warm beds and hustle around to start on the exeur sion. Hut love of excitement finally comjuered and We were on our way rejoicint'at a o'clock. < >n reaching the boat we almost wished we had stai^l our beds as most of the faces were strange. We seemed to realize more fully than ever that we were .. 1.1 * ln.wl it..I ...... I iii 11 ntiiiia^r iiiuu, i#ui utii II' II I " wore soon {jladdoned bv seeing Mr. North and family coming down tin* walk and I hoy wore soon followed by Mr. Hourn and wife, Mr. Oswalt and Mr. I trow n. Finally Mr. IVtin gerund son and Mr. Mortimer oaino harrying alon^and last but not least canto Mr. Mein/.er and do^ The oono soon sounded and wo wore steaming down the river for old (Jeorj^etown, After reading Miss ('arswoll s flowery description of our trip to Laurel Hill, if would be folly for me to t ry to describe the beau tifui scenery down the river. So I will leave that to Miss, (.'arswoll and your own imagination. The air was filled with the merry crack of the rifloand shotgun which was aimed at the numerous fish hawks or the lazy "cooter" which was enjoying the bright sunshine. Several alligators were surprised into mot inn and slid oil into the water with a splash, After passing Laurel llill the river orow wider and st rai^hter and we soon reaehed the {treat, rice holds whieh contain hundreds of acres. Some have been abandoned since the war. others arc now in cultivation. We saw many negroes at work, some hoeing, dicing trendies, repairing the levees and pufin^in the erops. The rice seems to be sowed in drills like wheat. The most of the work is done by negroes with white overseers. The ground is below the level of the river so it ean bo Hooded at will by inonns of Hood {jutes in the levees, and is pumped out with lar^o engines. It was very interest ino to ( see the broad level holds several miles, back of whieh rose the hijjfh ground upon which are rows of no gro nouses aim urn large mansions ; of the wealthy rice planter and the 1 tall chimneys of the rice mills. I?y Seeing what the rice country is and imagine what it must have been, one gets a slight idea of the devastating and desolating efYeet of war. We past one plantation where one man had owned 900 slaves. Some say the negroes in Georgetown county, hardly know they are free. They are payed by the job, or task, the overseers have lit tie platforms six or eight feet square, built on four posts with a shade o/er them to sit. or lie in and watch the negroes work. We saw a few small houses near t he waters edge with nets on large frames near by which indicated that the occupant was a lisherman. Georgetown is a very pretty city. ' clean, shade trees, cement and oyster shell walk's, electric lights, very pret tjr decorated store windows, and the storci^iprc very neat and at tractive, f^Bne citified in fact.*nnd some very line residences, eight or ten of us took in the eitv together. We visited a church which is said to be over one hundred years old. Cornwallis used it for a stable during the revolutionary war. It. is built mostly of brick, and a brick wall five feet high encloses the church and cemetery. It is said the wood in the church was brought from Spain. We walked through the cemetery and rested under the large oak trees. There were several vaults, one having a glass door. On looking in we saw two dastv coffins. There was a photograph of a woman hanging on the wall, and by her costume it must have been taken many years ago. The most of the graves were walled up with brick about a foot above the ground, then a large marble slab was placed over mo lop. oome wore over one hundred and twenty-live years old! and wore in first-classcon (.lition. As we only had a short time in in Georgetown wo hurried on. The next tiling that, att racted our attention was a lovely green lawn. Mr. liourn and Golder walked over to^eta closer view, and pronoune ed it I lormuda grass. We then visited several stores, and as the wliis tie blew we hurried back to the boat. We had a good view of two largo ships taking on lumber, and one large steamer. The bay at Georgetown is said to be three miles wide it is a very pretty sight indeed. Promptly at. o'clock we steamed out of Georgetown I lay. Our stay at Georgetown was shortened on account of two or three accidents on the way down. We passed a very pleasant and happy day until the spirits began to movo-w-hioh was the effect of the dispensary. One fellow barely escaped being put down in the hole of the boat. Mow dreadful it is to see young manhood brought to such degradation. Outer in the evening we .vcre entertained by some young follows that got pretty light in the toes. On played on the banjo and four or live more "jigged", they kept things pretty lively for a while. One of the most disgusting sights however, was seeing a man and wife chewing snuff, first one would use the stick and then the other. Mr. King proved himself a very able excursion manager by the ex/*f\l lm\ 4 I 10 l/ot it ?i iii' 1 ito ion 1 j ih v>\ IM II t VI '?V I IH l\ * J/I', <11 IW I Hi) n ?VIA II ful care over all. You inus'nt think wo had boon fasting all of this timo, far from it. Hut by tho timo our third lunoheon was oaten from our baskets there was'nt much loft to toll tho tale. Wo roaohod Conway at 1 1 HO. g'ad to be homo once more, but feeling tho day had been profitably sp)nt. 'Monarch Harness Oil" for oiling and preserving harness and carriage tops. It will soften and preserve all kinds of leather. At Dr. R. Norton's Drugstore, for25cents a pint Head Superintendent Harrelson's notices, Tobrcco Notes. A new tobacco market will bo opened 1 his coming treason at Conway S. I'ouway is in the Little I \v Dee tobacco section. ami is the county seal of Hurry county. the finest tobacco growing sect ion in the State. The pin* a has urst-elass lankinx faciiiti'.-. ar esian water, uood railroad facilities and a splen <ii<i hotel. The Warehouse will he conducted by Mr. .1 K. Coles. a yentIonian thoroughly e??ii\ersant with the Warehouse hnsiness besides boiojj an experienced tobaeoonist and an exeeileut judjje of the weed. riie location of '"oinvav assures 'ic marketing at that point ofalar^e j>art ion of the tobacco raised in t hat . ... | i ,n i in I In!. i . ...... i -v... . HM/ I ' /nil 1.1 v VMH rillr?l.itiii^f placing order:-, or locating cannot do better tli.ui give Conway a tr'ul. Danville Tobacco Journal. Knnott llr.KM.i'. -I'leic allow me space in vonr coluuiiis to say to the various precinct chairmen tint owing to the vacancy in the Senate, caused by the death of G'ov ornor Kllerbe and the promotion of Hon. II. 11. Scarborough to theollicc of Ijieutenant (Governor, it will become necessary far us to hold an election to supply such vacancy. Will you, therefore, please make due enquiry and ascertain as far as is practicable what is the sentiment of vbur voters as to the manner of a >minatiug Mr. Scarborough's suecessor. Snail it be by convention, or primary? We urge your uttend nee upon a meet in# of the Kxceutive Commitiee which will be. held in the. near future to decide upon such mat 'era. In ease of inability of any to attend, you will please write me regarding t lie matter. .1. A. M? Dkiimott, County Chairman. Good Advice. Tobacco is a plant whose growth must be cheeked in Topping early summer, or it will put on too much leaf. This is Tobacco. What is known as topping. When a bud appears in the lop of the plant that in tlieates that the plant is getting ready to seed, and at this stage the plant should be topped. This is usually done by going through the liold and pinching oil t he top of the plant. The number of leaves which should be allowed to mature on each stalk dei I il .i ? . . ponus vorypnueir,on ime quality oi the land and t lie anionn t of fertilizer used. If the liuul is quite strong or tin* fertiling heavy, tlx1 plant may lie topped at, from H to 1(1. or even IS leaves. 1 (' the land is poor and the fertilizer light, let the topping range faom 1<> to 1 I leaves. The hand who do ?s the topping lias to iudw of-eaeh ]>lant how many leaves should he allowed to remain on the stalk and ripen. A little practice, however, soon makes this an easy part of the wor k. The suckers, which appear soon after the tohacco is topped, should not h" allowed to get longed than a man 's t humb, for by letting them remain on the stalk, the leaves of the tobacco do not broaden or become fully .developed, us ft he suckers take up the substance of the stalk, and consequently the tobacco is thereby damaged and will make nothing but light ehall'v, and unsalable tobacco. Tobacco requires about three courses of 8ackers to be taken oil', and then it is Hearing maturity. A Frightful Blunder Will often cause a horrikie Burn, Scald, Cut or hueklen's Arnica Salve, the best in the world, will kill the pain and promptly heal it. Cures Old Sores. Fever Sores, Ulcers, hoi Is. Felons. Corns, all Skin Ifiruptions. host Pile cure on earth. Only 2ft cts. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by Dr. 1*1. Norton Druggist. - > O Burroughs School. At the annual meeting of the trustees of the burroughs School further stops were taken towards perfecting the thorough organizat ion of a Free Craned School here. A st ck company will be organized by the pub lie-spirited men of the town, and the buildings and groun Is will be donated under certain conditions I > the school. It is supposed that with the eon sllnillonal school las. U)e supplementary fund svncl contindent fee, a sum of or $1-200 will t> raised. It is proposed to ran the school cifjht months in the year two sessions of four months each A contingent fee of SI per session will hi? charged all pupils and a reduction of forty per cent on regular tuition will l>e allowed all parties outside the district wishing to attend. The faculty remains the same as last session with the addition of Miss Maud Mavo as second nssisstant teacher It. is the purpose of the trustee:, and those interested to lay the foundation ri^ht for the beoinnino of a Free (irailed School in Conway, that may (,'row to he the equal of any iu the State. The town and county have lony felt the need of such an institution, and it only remains for the people to work in harmony to make it the pride of all our citizens ? ? A CLEAR HEAD; pocxl digestion; sound sleep; a fin: appetite and a ripe old age, air tonic of the results of the use of Tutt's i iver Pills. A single I dose v.'11 -ccnvmc yon of their v/oncl; rfi?1 effects and virtue. A Known Fact. An absolute cm for sick headache, dyspepsia, malaria, sour stoma h; dizziness, constipation bilious fever, piles, torpid liver and all kindred diseases Tutt's Liver Pills I i #irTvf X W k 'SK^L f /x ''T\ <ji\ [ Jv i <^ $ GERSTLE'S FEI t,,*0,(C3K /iV regularly as direoted a few week f its uho until the organs aro real Jj\ hours of labor will bo shortened ^ complete. If there is any costiv JkV mild doses of St. Joseph's Live SOLD AT DKUU 8T0HKS. I,. 0 l'V?r sale by Dr. Iv Norton, lJrujji! PROGRAM. Horry Teachers Association to b< HeM in tiio Court House Juno .24th, ii?-99, I. I >*? v??t i? si d Kxereise. by I lev \Y. 10. Rarro. II A Practical lOxcrcise ir I To '.e!iin;t I'i i f:i v A rithniet ic. In I I). !) IT til I : j lit. Tiio m os i y . if Tonohliiji Ph\ ioioyy in Hi.- School Room. b\ Mis Hossie ]>u oiibury IV. Should a iVaeoer bo'iV'iuireil | to furnish his Successor with an an nun) report ^howin;/ the yradc ol j his i>11j>iIs? by II II Todd. \'. Tl>o importance of observing I "Special Days in the seiiool room. |and necurino the attendance of pa trons on such, and other occasions, by Mi s Maud Mayo. V I. An object Le.- on on Leaves, by Mi; s Anna <! mincer. \r 11 The lliblo in tiic School Room, by I lev A. II. Ilarnly. \' 111. Now or t 'utinished Uusiness. IX. Kleetion of New OlVieors. Adjournment. Miss Lks.-ik I)i skniuiiv, Mtss Mai i? M on, S. II. IIuown, SAVI'. lb sK.Nin:itv, (i. PitKh Stai.vf.v. Lxeeutive Commit tee. Poor clothes cannot make you look old. Even pale cheeks won't do it. Your household cares may be heavy and disappointments may be deep, but B , they cannot make you look fl i old. One thinp, docs it and A never fails. H It is impossible to look Hi ? young with the color of n Jj seventy years in your hair, ft* ty permanently postpo$ | tell-tale sign3 of agt^ cT'.ijMv| according to dire' ^ 1H|?? | gradually brings bac\ j color of youth. At fifty you? 9 I hair may look as it did af ? I fifteen. It thickens the halt B I also; stops it from falling jj out; and cleanses rnc scalp 3 I from dandruff. Shall \vc B K send you our book on the 3 J Hair and its Diseases? fj The Uc&t Jiifvfaa Froo at If you <io not obtain all the hero- f O yon oxpOotert front tlio tisoof BS tJtlio vigor, w rite the < "-tor tvbout It. lujK I'rnbably there 1* gomo dilitoiltv SjB /i? with your jrenpral system when if fatal may bo easily removed. AtldrWL A 9P I)U. J, C. AY Kit, Lowell, Mat*. V Tho Tiiurot! !V.m-is nvo for^r.uo this oMico ami wo liopo l!i:wtii.;n\ persons will ptm-hnso tiie l?ol; ant place it in their homes llc'frv Tim rod, the sweet siiiyer of the Vulmet b Slate, lias embodied in vor^io a eol lection of the rarest jewels ipul whicl will shine re. plendent through n) t ine. All who love the tnfl.v hoauti fa! should have it. Ii is iele,<rani 1 bound and will prove an addition 1 tint library. There is nc^emunori lion'in it for us We ajF^i-uplv ah' inj/ n worthy cause, ' ho niiniuuu pri-o is ?1.50. a Dr. Cady's ConditiJPi Powdeif are just what a ho"se Jeo.ds vl e i i bad condition Yonie.mdnod purific and vermifuge They lave net foo but medicine and the Cost in use t put a horse in prime eondilior Price 25 cents per p(V'l<a^e. F< sale by Dr. E. Norton aid all mod cine dealers. : .. -i Motherhood'^ TT7HIS event in the life of a wo* I ^ man is looked forward to with 1. a fooling akin to horror?not w bocuuHO the little ono is not welcome, hut because the mother Ind dreads tho direful consequences MF to herself. Those long hours ofhTA!i agonizing labor stand out beforo Mr her like u hideous nightmare. An improper dolivery, followed by child-bed fever, may end the scene in a few short days, leaving the littlo one motherless. But there jlT is another side to the picture. If #AV women who ?ro expecting to be- W* come mothers will commence the VAV uso of the great female tonic, MALE PANACEA, & JP 7 s before confinement, and continue ^AV ored to their normal condition, tho * ? I, the pain lessened, and recovery /AV I oncHH, move ine dowoih gently with f.f ;r Regulator. Jvi KKSTI.K A CO.. I'roprn., CHATTANOOGA, TKX.N. > Would Not Suffer So Again for Fifty Times Its Price. 2 I 11 woke lust night with severe putns in my si- unirh. 1 novoc felt so b.uily in ni my life. When I came down to work this morning I fell so weak i 'ouhl hardly work. i wont to Miller ?& Mct'uidyN drug t store and I hey 'ocominenued ("harnherlatn s ( .ii ("ho -,n and Dhul'll?uvi Hemeoy !l \ r diike nr:gie if; !, ill e do- ? fixed i.:e ; i| ii Id. , It c I'Vai ;Iy is t i" finest thing I over u->d i'or ,tom:? !i troublo I shall not i ?. ir -et .i i> my iiomo I; reI 9 lit v - ine- i | line. <!. II Wtl.sox, . Live via: a i| Wash! '. I a ton and a , i ine f >ei lers. I -M U ? ( Jovel'iior fillet be is tin* second Soilt-h ('arnlifia governor that has died in oilier si nee the adoption of the const in t |on of iln> Slate more than 100 years ago. I'ntriek Noble was eleeleil jin 1 SIS and (.lie-1 in IS l<l ami was siyeooiled by Lieutenant f?( venor 1 Iciiiigan, Mr. McSweeney is the so 'ofid Lieutenant (iovonor thiil has roil'.'hed the executive ollice in vouseipmiee of the death of the go\ eriior. I'nreolold is lull of Life and Vitality and earvi -s Vigor to the organs of the bod;. Dr. M. A. Simmons Liwr Med ejne ereales rieii. pure Ul 1 Wll IIHI. ?> Sou'h American Nervine'rin* t;milt comptcrcr <if St Vitus'* Ranee. Tli* only medicine known which cores thin fill destroyer and does not dis!? ?;? int. I recur" it- and save your child Sold t>\ K. Norton 1 >t ttiruist, ('onway sr. ^ MARKETS. 111:010 ;k rows. Now Virgin 2.00 Yellow dip 1 .SO Scrape 1.2a Spirit-, turpentine 'U Rosin, common Sao. \y 11.mi NirroN. Spirits 1111 pent ice steady. Machine 'nrrels ."in-' Courrrv onrrels iia I los'of st < ailv at One Tar llrji at *1.20 Cvu(M Tarpontino. Hard $1.25; Dip $2 1(1; Virgin $2.20 COTTON. I Ordinary 7-1(1 elsf* lb (lood Ordinary I 111 1<? " " I Lou Middling f> 7 1(5 " " Middling f?i ' 44 j dood Middling (1| 44 44 Corn "?2i Uanui ?l(i. 10 j Shmddors (1 (e 7 j CJiicivtMis 1 () to 2") Turkeys j mm* ll> (li 4 Ky?rS 0 i Cow IVas . . (iOi*. |hm' I>iisii ^LtVrmnls 7.V o * or an c s:ti.v ! .i. ijiMTi. - itcliiny ami smarting Inci! : i .(iii.t, (t iler, sult-rlicum, an lothcr I' t f 1 lie ''kin is instantly nlhi.'ol by ( !i;aid cil:iin's Kye Mid Skin ) * i. Many very b:ui cases bet-n jirr-tiaiiMitly t*i* < ?l l?v it. I. ii rnn'iily ? lor itolling piles unil a f.ontiic r< nil"'?r sore nipples; ohnnjK'd baiul.i, chi'frost bites, and chronic sore c\. . r sals by druggists at 2"> cents per boa. fry I>r. Cady's Condition Powders, (7 ; - ji st what a horso iicul.i when in bail en Vi ii. Tonic, blood purifier am) vcnnifu;-; 'SiQOOH AT NO pintB.pooji tog ijuj suooo.i?do.i<l .ioti|o joija uoao I M tini.nuTiisi.ins hjiook jo on?I ? - -jojtnumio oi() si J.III3IAI -tviril, 11 N * Anyono sending n sketch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether mi Invention Is prohnbly patentable. CnninninlOAt Ions i?t riot Ir confident lul. Handbook on Patents scut free. Oldest agency for securing patents. ' Patents token through Mutui k Co. receive 11 t)>tfUil notice, without chargo. In too 5 Scientific flm^ican. A hnndsomoly Illustrated week .argent otr11 culallon of any sclonttUe lournau^Tcrios, $3 a , year : four months, |1. Sold by all nWrsdeiilors. '1' .o Cnilcd States has ?;iven Sp war. So now Spam I : s th money an widest s'l teaman make l i^ mistakes, tronb:.* : he CONWAY'S BA) WKOKKKIt T Ladies Tan and Iliack Kid Cloves. Mil Linen Crash. .,?>val Li anine, Printed solid color organdie ?n Cream, L? 1 Blu< k ami Cream Cashmere, ttateeou ; iner Sateen, Corsets illue and Pink, K .'iHc. llijoCorsets t-ttir. it. A: C Corsets tints tide up. 't'ainosh tntu Caps lac. 1< Yarn iiJJe. Aire Booking Chairs Lnutii/i'-. Homespun. >V lute un< I?.i111 , .!.) up. Moil anil Bo.yn Olothinj I'atnnt Medicines, I lurd1.. are, I obiuv in fact, everything usuail.V kept in ;i ii will you more Jfootts r It**- < inoiu' t him you t an "at eh ewhere. i i t ci that no* t'. not v.v: rv ?'<>u. \ ru Tin >mv)t HORRY WA CONWA For the S rj gr. arc?/a cva?H9I [ r fr B C iwreei J 'J 12 Run in the interest of I1c raise Tobacco this Seas< IT IS THE MO Special Manager and Auctioneer: (I. K. WK1i11, Winston. N. C. KINGSTO C. S. CAUSE BEST ATTENTION TO TRAVELERS. Fare the best affor H v e r y t h i n g N e w. BEST ACCOM 15. (i. COLLINS, President. BANK OF < CONWAY Cnj/ital Stock' S !(),()()(). niRLCT (L Collins, \Y R. r ^ C. 1\ Qoattlkiiaj m, Wo transact a general banking busii tion to any and ail matters intrusted t< This IkmU respeetfully solicits tho corporat ions and will give every re banking to tboso doing business witb i b: ' -v' jfejl ' d V v ' An Excellent Combination. I The pleasant method and beneficial effects of the well known remedy, Svijup (if Froa, mannfnetured by the Camkojini.v Fio Svinrr Co.. illustrate the value of obtaining the liquid laxative piinoiplos of plants known to be medicinally laxative and presenting1 j them in the. form most refrcsliing to the ; tnsio and acceptable to the system. It is the one perfect strengthening laxa-^ tiv<^ cleansing the system effectuall dispelling colds, headaches and gently bit promptly and cnablingiono io nv(.'riv? iuibitnal constipation pcrmaiicntlj^Hts perfect, freedom ffem every ol>JV.*> jbnable ounlity and s?P.>stance, ?#>d' acting on the kidneys, liver ti^^L bowels, wiLlioy'^^^yicenlng iruflnlig tliom, m,^'<M^Mne ideal ' Inxut^c. In Jho process of ina)r&*^MBing figs j are ascd, as thev are plcasantl^o the bat the medicinal qualities t' * the j ; reiiv'<Iy ?re obtained from senna (and i other nromntic plants, by a method j I knowfrto the Cai.ipoIINIA Fiq Syrup Co. only. Iii'order to (jet its henefieial j effects and to avoid imitations, plea>H) remember the full name of the Company printed on the front of every package. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. I.OUIPVIL.IJI, KY. NSW YORK, ft. v. Foraale by all DruggUtB.?Price SOc. r>rr bottlew sin Twenty .Million Dollars for hor d Cade Sam the War. Ou l.pd \ < a will l v- < :f\ t II Ml i(, |>a. * /' p \\ * I 4 / 'iff SO Vn ^ MvfAM" h . it 'V C a i * *. v ?. >.^bL 'v.? i.? a His w iodic t... Lace, Kin!) hiery. i)re. Duclc, Luvn and <)r?(andi?*s, Swiss Mull, uon. Pink. Si;y liluo and IJluck. ,1! tailors. Calicoes, Percales. Sum loud ike Corsets Ih'lc, Nettie Corset Dili .Mens Cra-li Caps tie Up. Dai Is sewing thread 5c, Cotton ! up. Kitchen Sales i$'J. I'd each. I Colon d .'p. t > ."h; per Yard. .Men's uf. Mats. Shoes. Slippers. Trunks, V Si.nil' < ' i . r *< t, I .* , I 1 I ... t. % J HUM. X . . .yV'? V^, * i I U i>t class IX'iK'.r:nil-lit Store. \\\? v. better "foods for l li * s:uue uloucy soil yV C.Jo. REHOUSE, V, s. c. >:ilo of >BACCO. jrry Farmers who will on. ciioIj I. K. COlilOS. Resident ?N HO i EL? ~Y, PROP. R C*. FJ U I j 1 III ??* r ? I v I \ l-? V I I? the tou ntry ds. Design Modern MOD ATI ON. I>. A. SP1VEY, Cashie DON WAV r', S. C. MMHI 8u rpltfs Fit u </ 8- 00(f OPS: iKWIS. 1). A. SlMVKV. \\ A. 13i Ki?.oi:r,i!s. icss, and fru-'rantee prompt alien > ouv care. deposits of individusil i, linns and iialile facility consistent with sound t. ^n\i -in\ \\ ;.(< !i declining health { 4009^^* heir daughters. Sn many are cut off1 ^ ?y consumption in < a. ly years that here i< real cause for anxiety. In he early stages, when not bevond he reach of medicine. liooiVs Sarsa>ari:!.i will re-ton* tl:e (juality and luanlity of the blood and tlius ?(ivo foal heal tin Head the following letter: "It i.> hat Just to write about my hmgl tor Cora, aged 19. She was com>1 < i\ r i : d, d'vHidcir, I ad that tired I..g, f.icuu-> sat.l sbu would not ive liuco moulln. '.-41 ?. oad h bad f% * p cr ft I !l I iltn in . '<\ ' l;?,OCt. ( '.ft!1: H< il . ?' ?. !.. ! t ; ' :! ajm! .ui t . 1 . IVoi.i >h?v / X.1- ' M.'.' v. r.- ran ft' i ! ' :i.' I ,-\r j'*>- -.*H l>P?n tl'P ! ? v? e " !? !!<?' ! ? rAr.i > < ' ?!. N. Y.I ? 1i<T 'o ! ! ?.- i i1 <i rout' woriIn\ r ^ , xi'.l l! * >\ :i . <1 s .HI VI Ty' II vl J V-. ' )-.! < fy Y. . ' I'lJU * '* Sl^OVKP * '1 $ #i 5* i'i V 'to* %$ 'MB ***?' l>aruapnrilla ' r. i ; !'i i- :i ; . A11 ?lrn(?L'!s(H. $ L ' i Sy J.owHI. M?st . i 11 . it? > vcpoUit ?< i v >OU S i .-J liuijio uiiii boncOclal. ?6U?