The Horry herald. (Conway, S.C.) 1886-1923, February 25, 1897, Image 3

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THE HORRY HERALD. I , Published Every Thursday. THURSDAY. FSB. 25 1S97C LOCAL NEWS. < The Legislature will adjourn Saturday. Judge Henet will preside at our approaching term of court. i Don't forget to call at Jenkins stables If you need a good broke horse or mule. ( Mr. P. C. Way, of Holly Hill, 8. C., Is visiting his son Hev. J. P. Way, at Ducks villo-M l Miss Maude Wilson, of Marion is here visiting her friend Miss Emma Collins. The general assembly were enter taiued right royally at Charleston last week. Just received at Sessions' a large lot of Sample Shoes. Everybody i8 nvitcd to call. i ( The twenty second was partially i observed*here. Prof. Dagnall gave ' his pupils holiday. Mr. VV. G. l>uok, of Dr.rliimtnn, passed > through here yesterday on Ids way to Ids : < old home at llueksville. We hand you rthe Treasurer's re-| porCthis week, which takes tip the better part of the paper. ( Our people who went to Charles-h ton last week,'[returned very much : , gratified with their trip. L Sessions calls t he attention of his fl friends and patrons to a large line of , 1 Prints and fancy Dress Goods. a. W. Jenkins & Sou have twenty live I head of K(l<)' broke Horses and Mules to ' sell at private sale during Con it week. The Treasurer's report lias crowded out nearly everything else this week and we have to ask the forbearance of our friends. ^ A merry'go-round has been put c up on the vacant lot in rear of a Ahrams store and will remain until n after court. r If your chicks or watches need re- 11 pair, don't forget to carry them to 11 (ieo. E. Lusted at Hard wick's store ' during Court. Miss Maude Mayo who has been 8 teaching at Evergreen, N. C , returned home last Saturday having ^ closed her school. |fMP WELCOME. Wki.comk. Welcomnt i Our country friends will come in and make 0 the New York Racket Store Headquarters ^ during Court Week. E. W. Nolley has accepted the agency of the Home Mutual Fire Protection Association and will be pleased to write insurance for any \ one. ^ n Hon. It. B. Scarborough came down home from Columbia last Fri. day, remaining here until Monday, t when lie returned to his post of i; duty. g Rev. II. B. Zernow preached for ' his people here last Sunday. It was c extra appointment, he having fail- 0 .s' ed to fill up his time on account of 8 his late sickness. 1 Don't borenv your neighbors pa per when you e;in get your home pa g per for one dollar a year, but come to the oflice the next time you are here and subscribe. Commencing on Monday <>f court week | 1 will s:ll at the New York Ibicket Store I.. nil goods, 10 per cent cheaper tlnui ever. ^ The Racket Store must sell /*Y/V// Thousand Dollar? worth of goods during 1807. * <~ The Million Star, enlarged and in n<?w dress conies to us this vvuk. The change is in keeping with '.he characteristic energy of thepapu-i and should be largely patronized hv j its county people. Mr. Jno. M. Knight the Sum- I tor Herald, formerly of this place i and principal of the Burroughs ' School here, has been appointed by I the Governor as a number of his ' staff with the rank of Lieut. Colo* < uel. ' bodies Stocalngs 5c. per pair. Mens 1 S/tks 5c. per pair, and tiio best made f >r 1 wear 4 pairs for 25c. at the New York I Packet Store. In Dress Goorlg we have j tho biggest bargains ever seen in this sec- , tlon. Pants clot It at 8}-?, 12^, 10 *3 to 18 . cents per yard. Mr, James Bridgeworth, of Bridgeworth & Milady, left us yesterday for Hammonton, N. J. His stay of several months here, during theerecof the bank building, has been pleas ant and his work here will stand as a reminder of him. Jmt received from our Headquarters 549 Broadway, New York, a full line of m^ns and boys hats. Wo don't want to bra*, but all we say is, come see. Suspendo rsl Handkerchiefs, Toilet Soap, Pocket KnhVs. Ladles Capes at 75c. $1.25 and $1.7ol actually worth double. Tin- entertainment which was to have I taken place on Monday night of court week it the burroughs School, Is postponed inletlnitely on account of circumstances beyond control. The boys will have the entertainment soon and the public will be notified. Mr K. U. Stone, of Little River, hits lately gone into the wholesale Clrocery and Commission business at Wilmington, N. C. Mr. Stono is well known in this county and any Df our people having business in his line will do well to consult him. Court convenes here Monday and numbers of people throughout the county will be in town. We hopethat the subscribers to the paper will no 1 ) ?l .1-:- !* uuu ni ims oiiice. ?e nave something to say to those who are paid up as well as to those who are in arrears. A number of ladies and gentlemen met at the Academy Monday night for the purpose of organi/.ing'a Literary Club. Prof. Dagnall, was elec ted President ami Mr. James A. Norton, Secretary It is expected to perfect the organization at the next meeting. The New York Kaeket Store is "lleadi|U;irters" We despise bragging, or boasting, but can truthfully say, that never before have we had such bargain- to oiler in .Mens Clothing. All wool mils $11 iml S"i. $:{.9S gets a nice black diagoti d uiit. IS I.ays a strictly all wo >1 boy's >r youth's wsuit, age fr. in 1 1 to IS yeats rids suit is cheap at $5 and for $!$.V wo lave a real nice suit. Don't fail to see it? ? A few months ago, Mr. Byron I .'Aery, df Woodstock, Mich, was >adl\ nHlictod with rheumatism. His ight leg was swollen the full length, arising him great suffering. I le was nlvised to try Chamberlain's Pain Jalm. The lirst bottle of it helped )i m considerably and the second hotle effected a cure. The 25 and 00 out sizes for sale by Dr. K. Norton, )ruggist. The < rainiest Kcn?cily. Mr. U. B. (Ireene, merchant, of 'hilhowie, Va., certifies that he had onsumption, was given up to die ought all medical treatment that 1 noncy could procure, tried all cough emcdies he could hear of, but got 10 relief; spent many nights sitting ip in a chair; was induced to try Dr. ting's New Discovery, and was cued by use of two hot ties. For past hree years lifts been attending to lminess, and says Dr. Kine's New Disovery is the grandest remedy ever} iiade, as it has done so much for him nd also for others in his commonty. Dr. King's new Discovery is naranteed for Coughs, Colds and consumption. It don't fail. Trial lot'les free at Dr. K. Norton's Drug itore. Hoys fcuits 95c. $1, ami at the New 'ork Racket Store. These goods uio orth nearly double in New York city, Ice new goods at forced sale. Indigestive poisons tire the bane of he dyspeptic's life. When sick, see f your sickness is caused by indi eBiive poisons, n so, take blinker )igestive Cordial. This is the only ertain way of being permanently ured, because it is the only way that jets rid of the poisons. You know hat fermented food is poisonous, roil know that poison is unhealthy, shaker Digestive Cordial clears t he ? iomach of fermenting food, and >urilies the hlood and system of in ligestive poisons. It cures indiges it; i (i/td (he (/incases that come of it. Ieatlache, dizziness, nausea, stoni tell ache, weakness, llatulence, con it i pat ion, loss of appetite, irritability, stc. These are ajeir of the synip.ottis, caused by indigestive poisons, ufed by Shaker Digestive Cordial. \t druggists, price 1U cents to $1.00 per bottle. Something to Know. It may he wortli something to Know tnat tlie very nest medicine lor restoring the tired out nervous sys tern to a healthy vigor is Klectric Bitters. This medicine ispuretyuge table, acts by giving tone to the nerve centres in the Stomach, gently stimulates the Liver ond Kidneys, and aids these organs in throwing oft impurities in the blood. Klectric Bitters improves the appetite, aids digestion, and is pronounced by those who have tried it as the very best blood purifier and nerve tonic. Try it. Sold for 50c or *1.00 ner bottle [it Dr. E. Norton's Drug Store. DISEASES OP THE SKIN. The intense itching and smarting incident to eczema, tetter, salt-rheum, and other diseases of the skin is instantly allayed l>y applying Chamberlain's Eye and Skin Ointment. Many very bad cases have liejn permanently cured by it. It is equally efficient for itching piles and a favorite remedy for sore nipples; chnmtf-d hands, chilblains, frost bites, and clironic sore eyes. For salo by druggists at 2o cents per box. Try Dr. Cady's Condition Powders, they are just what a none needs when in bad condition. Tonic, blood purifier and vermifuge. ClemsonCollege . The fifth session of tho Clemson Agricultural College will begin Thursday, Feb. 18th, 1897. To the two regular four year courses leading to the degree of Bach elor of Science, a special two year course in Mechanics and Engineering has been added. The courses of Instruction iuclude the following subjects: Agriculture, Chemistry, Horticulture, Dairying, Veterinary, Science, Botany, Geology, Mineralogy, Mechanical, Electrical and Civil Engineering, English, Mathematics and History. Boai'd, washing, fuel, lights fo sessioirof <10 weeks, $f>9, i'or catalogue containing full p:?r ticulars address K. B CUAIOIIKAI), President. Cleinson College, S. C. ?$yr Mode!. ^^^Tttfrchanta are otvcs J|pji|fL author,*e<i lengths. trial If not (30*1 ma-/J(Q ^V*ai,BTac? .tertolsi.V ^ '?8fc&& '^ory. Featherbone Corset Co.* t OoJo Mftnulacturors, KALAAIAZOO,'A1ICMIQ AN. > ?% f ( FOR BALE BY Til 10 I, A DUOS HAZ A A K, Coiiwhv, S. CJ. VOU Get the Profits Of Dealers, Agents, Jobbers and Middlemen by buying direct from the manufacturer. No better wheel made than the Acme Bicycle Built in our own factory by skilled workmen,using the best material and the most improved machinery. Wo have no agents Sold direct from factory to the rider, fully warranted. Shipped anywhere for examination. WRITE FOR Our Interesting Offer w Acmo Cycle Co., Elkhart, Ind. TH.c WORLD ALMANAC AND ENCYCLOPEDIA. .... FOR .... A \% ffiir.'-x* \ ? \\ ? ? ! It will ansv r ,;n you may ask it, tfj Standard A'."ac. can Annual." j I NEARLY 600 PAGES, OVER 1,500 T0P1G8 TREATED. N ^ COMPLETE statistical and political history of the United States. The results of the Presid*ntial election accurately compiled. Every fact of value that human know'edge can require. A reference l.brary boiled down I \ rTTA rzzi postpaid J J I xS rrv\ TO ANY ADDRESS. No American who wishes to know his country can be without It. D . THE WORLD, Ready Jan. 1, 1097. Pulitzer B/dg., ir* ^ Hew York, PROTECTION from the grip, ; pneumonia, diphtheria, fever and epidemics is given by flood's Saisapatilla. It makes PURE BLOOD. \ >vli F P OMLY ' rh ,'c v i? 'he mcdi? . fc you. .so*t it li s best i v?d) f iOOL S CURES I Bank President Isaac Lewis of Sabinn, Ohio, is highly respected nil through that section, llo has lived in Clinton ('o. 7<r> years, and has been presV/flt of the Sablna Bank 20 years. lie gladly testifies to tho merit of Hood's fc>arsaparilla, and what ho 6ay? is worthy attention. All brain workers And Hood's Sarsapnrilla peculiarly adapted to their needs. It makes pure, rich, red blood, and from (his comes nerve, mental, bodily and digestivo strength. "I am plad to say that Hood's Saraaparllla Is a very Rood medicine, especially as a blood puriiler. tt haa done me good many times. For soveral years I suffered greatly with pains of Neuralgia , In one eye anil about my temples, especially at night when I hail been having a haril day of physical and mental labor. I took many remedies, but found help only In Hood's Sarsaparilla which cured moot rheumatism, neuralgia and headache. Hood's Sarsaparilla has proved itself ntruo friend. I also tako Hood's Pills to keep my bowels regular, and liko tho pllia very much." Isaac Lewis, Sabina, Ohio. Hood's Sarsaparilla * Isttie One True U loot I Purifier. All <!i $1. Prepared only l>y C. I Ilooil&Co., Lowell, Mass. > j , i??ii aro prompt, efficient and ilOOCi S 1 lllS easy in ciloct. 2b cent#. Why suffer with Coughs, ('old und CtCirippe when La\at;vh Hro m<> pi i n i \ i: will < lire \t u in one day I > ?( s r.oi produce he ringing in the head like Sulpha oriNi. k. I'ut up in tablet convenient for taking I (Juaranteed to cure, ir money refund led. Price, i?5 e< nts. For sale by i I > K \ort o n. I Tutt's Pills Cure Al! 1 Liver Ills. ///// h' K J'JT RRROR'L Wilmington, N. C., Feb. 15 1807 Spirits Turpentine?X?(J cent per gallon. Kosm? MiirKca linn ui $1,011 per bbl for Strained utid $1.55 for Good Strained. Tar?Market firm at 05 per bbl of 280 lbs. Crutlo Turpentine?Market quiet at $1.30 f jr Hard, 1.80 for Yellow Dip and M 80 for Virgin. COTTON ? Dull. Ordinary 4JJ cts. ^ lb Good Ordinary . .53 1 Low Middling....Gi 44 41 Middling 03 44 44 Good Middling..a 7 1 -16 44 " Georgetown Marketj February 13 1897, ! New Virgin 1.75 Yellow dip, 1.75. Scrape, 1.25. The | Bank of Conway, | Capital, - - - - - $20,000. Surplus, - - - - - - - $5,000. We have just moved Into 'our now and hand-one- quarter*, and ure now better nrepareu Hum over before to be of service (o our lri<Mids and patrons Wo transact 1 general hanking business, 1 . 1 guaiantee pr unot attention to any : ml all matters intru <-d to our ( are. \\ e loan inon v in united amounts, on properly ondoi *d notes and on papers secured hy sullieietit collateral. I n the Savin'rs ' )e|uirtinent we receive deposits of $1.00 and upward and allow interest at the rate <?l I percent per annum for 3 months, or 5 per cent for 0 months or more. This Hank respectfully solicits the (it* po>its of individuals, I ,ms and corporadons "(Mwrully, iiml will dveevery ivasoniliii 1 ici.ily consi taut with sound banking to those dninij ' >11 -in- ilh it. Our business having increased over double within the [last ye a' is suflicient proof ol the confidence inspire'', by the personnel of The Hoard I )irectors, and by its successful manageinent. I). A. 8PIVKY. Cashier H. CI. COUilNH. President. DELAYS AI IE DANGEROUS. AKE YOU INSURED? The "Union Central Life Insurance Company" of G'ineinnatti, <>hio, is one of the best, if not the very best, insurance companies in the land, and issues the most liberal policies. It has secured the highest rates of interest uid had the lowest death rate of any com pany in the United States. _,It is the only compsny that is examined annually by a State insnector. Thn Ohio ln?iMnna l?w? tiro the best and most rigid in the United States. Kvery Interest of the policy holder is protected by them. All persons seeking protection for their families, or wish ing to make provision for themselves in old age, will find it to their advantage to insure with B. L. BKATY, Agent. Bueksville, S, (J, I , Itegulnr Communication of Conway Bodge, No. 0"), A/.F.'.M, will beheld on 2nd Tuesday night of each month, at 7:110 o'clock sharp, i By order of 1>. A. Simvkv, W. M. , C, P. QuatT(.bi)aum, Secretary. ? Notice of Sale. F. W. Waoknkh ?.V C'o.,\ and others. \ 1'lai nti fTn / against I NV. J. Smith and Aus / iin H. Burnt, trtding a y Smith A. Burr, an 1 others A Defendant*"' LTNDKU AN1) BY VIUTUK oftho I order of IIis Honor It. Watts, Judge Fourth Judicial Circuit, dated Jan. 23rd, 1^1)7, made in the ahove entitled ac tion and now on flI ? in tin, <?f i of,Court in und t'??r Horry County, tho tin derslgned as Receiver of the proporty of tho defendants, Smith t!c iturr. will soli before tlio Court House at Couway, S ( , at public auction on tho first Monday in March next, All and singular, tho Heal Estate of tho said Smith & Uurr, situate at and near Howard, in tho County and State aforesaid, comprised ot three (;{) tracts adjoining each other and containing in the aggregate Two Hundred and ninety acres, more or less, a more lull desciiptlon of which w ill be given on day of sale, or on application to the undersigned. Terms of Sale: One-third cash, balance on a credit until the first day of January next, the credit portion to bo secured to tho satisfaction of the Attorneys for Plaintiffs and Defendants in said action, and to bear interest at 7 per. cent per annum, or tho said Attorneys may agree upon other terms of sale, which will tie made known on day of sale. C. P. IJUATTLKBAUM, Receiver Conway, S. C., Feb. 1. iyi)7, 3t Decree for Partition and Sale* TAT 10 OK SOUTH CAROLINA, ( O COUNTY OK HORRY. \ Wm. K. Misiiok, 1 Plaintiff, r. k. I S.vhah Skiim'kii, ) Tiio.mas Sku'cku, | et. ul. I Defendants. j 1>I'USUANT to the deer, o of His lion . or. James Aid rich, I redding Judge, rendered in tho 1 >vo (.entitled .cause, at the term of tli.i Court of Common P -as for Horry Couniy in (he State of South t'aroiina in'id ;'.;rd oi * ?*. !??ix*p ts'.'ti, i win >ell for CASH :?.t public auction before the Court llo ?e door at Conway in said ('ounty and ;ate on tin* llrst Monday in .March ne\t, during the lawful sale hour-, the billowing described tracts ol land, being the promises described in the coin plaint in above cause to w it: All and singular that certain tract nf land containing One 1! and red (100) acres, more or less, know it a - the Solomon Shipper land, situate in I lay born township, t auuity of I lorry and "date afore aid, boon iled North by lands of W in, I.. (Iraham and A. II. I rince, Fast by lands of .1. M. Hay, South by lands ot Henry It. Hoberts and \\ est l>y lands of Isaac Cannon. The property w as sold salesday in De ember lS'.Mi, .Mrs. Sarah Skipper being the purchaser and she not having complied with the bid, it will be re sold at her risk. .1. A. MoDkumott, C. C. C. I*. Feb. 0. 180(1. .NOT I CM. Notice is hereby given that Mrs. Mary Ann Survis, widow of Wr. .J. Sarvis late ol 'lorrv Oninty, S. C? has tiled her peti lion for. and intends t?? have her liomoBt(Mid set oil" in Real and personal estate of Win. .1. Sarvls her late liuslmiid. .1. A. MeDermott, Clerk Court Com. Pleas, Feby, i^nd. 1807. Horry Co.. S. C. NOTICE. On this 20th day of February, 181)7, Austin C. Thompson, of Little River, S. C-, made an assignment to me for the benefit of his creditors, a meeting of the credit ors will be held at my ofllce, Conway, S. C., at 2 o'clock, P. M., on Tuesday the 2nd day ot March, prox,, for the purpose of choosing an Agent to act with the Assignee in their behalf. All creditors are requested to attend said meeting. Respectfully, It. B.SCAIlBOROUG11, Assignee. Feby. 20tb, 1897. TV< >TI C K, Conway Lodge, No. 90. Knights of Pythias will meet regularly the first and third Thursday nights of each month until otherwiso ordered. It. B. SoAltuououoii, Chan. Com. J. A, M<I) KUMOTT. K. It. & S M ay 14th, 9(1. 1 y TVOTIOIO. To Administrators, Executors and Guardians, you will please conic and mako your,lb-turns to Probate Judge before the IIrat day of Ma- ( It, according to Law. W M. Yj 11 aKI?\VI< K. Probate .Judge, II. ('. j Jan. 5th 1807. NOriCK, N<>TI('E is hereby given that ? n t lie 0th | day of March 1*07, th ? undersign'.<1 will apply to NV. IC. Hardwitk, i'rebate Judge of llorry County lor an order of Dual dis charge from the duty fan Executor of 1 the last Will ol .Mrs. K.J. Marlon, <l"ccav sed. Jeremiah Smith, Executor. \UANTi;i> AN IDEA Who cat ; \V think of some simple thing to pat' I entV Protect your ideas; they may brine | you wealth. Write JOHN WKl)l>Eli I liUHN &CO., I' tent Attorneys. Wnsh (ington, 1.for their #1,800 prize ( ll'ei and list of two hundred inventions wanter lE'rofessionaJ. Carets. R- B- iCARBOHOUuH fUfeepeny fits Liaw Conwaj/y S. (J. I ^-s-ertt HVTuLtiral ILilfe 1 .xsurance Co. of 1ST ew ""STorlc. Johnson A Johnson, I Johnsons ik Quattl?>l>?iui -Virion, 8. 0. ( Conway, 9 C J@hr.50ng ^ Quatfelebawrf ATTORNEYS AT LAW, I ? Conway, S. C. ryi'rompt attention given to all burnl , nesa Intrusted to our care. iS Coats Spool Cotton No use to p iy freight, when you onn buy It of in at Agents prices ?nu get the benefit of nil discounts. 1 . Un A I \ PA ll'IU" lllTli/nn . ivvy. v i / \ A II I r>, I > iU 11 I 1',^, IIAUNKSS. The most complete line ever brought to Horry County. I | P.-LOXJH, B^i.COKT. GIIOES, (Irit? or anything else yon may think of at lowest market prices. All of the Staple (ioods needed in this section in endless variety. I WE GUARANTEE BOTH ARTICLES . . AND PRICES. I Hue M/vi L\?? V/UI 1 1UIIUII Department I is complete in evory respect. Take n look. A Nice Line of Ladies Mats Just Received and wilt be sold at low figures. Ladies will call i r I r | I A Fine Line of Furniture ? i ' I OUU GUARANTEE IS WOHTI SOMETHING BECAUSE , WE MAKE IT GOOD. i- 15 J I i) J I U < U0CLIN3 ) COMPANY N.l\ (shoes. SHOES; I have just bought the largest lot of Sample Shoes cwr brought to Conway. Vow is the'time to^get your foot wear for .winter at tnatuifijcturers price*. Don't fool your money away by buying' paper Shoes. Come and get my ptio s] is all 1 ask I will leave the rest v\ ' h you. CLOTHING. Men's.Clothing- at prices that cant be beat. NOTTYVVft I jk. a v y A. t- 1 Notions loo numerous to 111 tion. Such as Silk (Jloves, Silk Vita, Silk Holts, Leather He'ts, < t< 1)KY GOODS, Space will not permit me to mention Prints, Oiiniti Lawns, Yeiling aiulSatines at prices that will astonish you. S. T.[SIZSSIC^TS. ,Tlh-s Bat nrotuiK 0 Co?3ia.ij company Are Sole / nt.s in j. ' . ( n for I , i,.. r.oi .... . - i ...... I I*11it iwiunvu '.r uraidH )i I obaceot SW10J ' <UM. . ONKST I'lLIi, I.OXC <'OTTONr, i11 >i: or \:v. GlhewPug li e ? a Kin-'ACTiJi; KD i,y? W. IP, PICKETT & CO., 11 igh I'oin I, N. (!. I March, I'.Mli IKDO. ly. and .MoST <i<)M l\LKTB blislinuMit Moulin qto. ?. mm & W, ^?|lk iwm - *L ? w/Wu' ? M r i r iii .mm ;u;i u rei" OI 1)00US, SASII, SUNOS, MOULDING AND HUIIjDIN(J MATIC It IA D. cjl'i.ul i:stoj\ s- a 511-518 kino, oitositk cannon Sthkkt. Sash. I \ Vv i>h Is ('o/vI and Hard/rareI in I N P POSITION^ < ?<) ?l Mil llll'lc^ . v4 A*. /A It A NT 10 HI). \J ID" 'i in-; (.'('(// <>ia I'ffsii/t ,s College 11ninot 1 i-i' 'ly a completion ot Inglo coui- t oik! halt* tho expense ot other collo 'es. Must luivo ( Fifty Mux in- Xknt Sixty Days. Write or wire immediately to GKOIK! IA r.l'SINKs ( 'O LLKOF K .Macon, <*a. \ I : \ 5 Per Cent Per Month or 60 Per Cent Per Yea inrantootl to All luvoator. o:i lit Ii vestments both I,ar<>o and Small r WHKN MAI)K WITH * Hir- NFWYnnir imufctm. ut pn .. .libit I w II it I ill L J I ifiLII I \J\J llltOKKHS IN STOCKS BONDS GRAIN AND COITON, 10 ANII 42 IlllOADWAV, XE\V York Cl I V, i PLANTER'S HOTEL. MARION, S. .C. luilly r.(|iii|)|)c(l in livery Particular. POLliE ATTENTION TO GUESTSl?.Ktv ui ojt^nll Trains. J /v'JI 1.