rfHE RoftfiY Herald, Published Every Thursday, LOCAL NEWS. Mr. J {). I.angford of Charleston, was hero flaring tho past week. Mr. Hal r.ud Miss lola buck were here last Sunday with their friends. Miss Mamie Litth? passed through town last w on tier way home, ffC'.n r visit to Jl'jh, N. tJ. ^Mr. John S. I ait y, of Georgetown, S. 0., paiil his many friends here a hurried visit this week, coming up on Tuesdays steamer and returning over the same route on Wednesday. We almost e ivy our friend 11. (i. Collins the luxury of Mountain uir and butter milk, which lie id itidulg i ntr. nn in i lie "IaiiiI of the ?L-v" ? ? > htm* been there and know how to oj: prociatc. Mrs. !i. It Beaty, of Georgetown mpnnied hy her son Norton, came up on last Friday's Steamer. Norton returned Monday. Mrs. Beaty remained until Wednesday morning, visiting friends. Master Norton Beaty, of George town, formerly of this place, is coin p"ting for the Citadel Scholarship from Georgetown County which examination is to take place S?*pt. 14th. We hope that he may l?e successful. ltcv. 11. 15. Zernow preached in tho Baptist Church at this place last Sunday night to an appreciative congregation. Mr. Zernow is a zealous workman, and if his advice on Sun uay nigni is neeueu, will bring forth fruit ft hundred fold. The estimated value of railroad property in I lorry for 1893 was ?171,790. Tlio State Hoard of Equalization for this year have reduced this amount to $155,530. These figures, however, have not yet boen verified by the Comptroller. The fastest railroad time vet reCorded in tlio South was made over the Atlantic Coast Line route from Jacksonville, Flu., to Washington, J). C, The average actual running time was 5f>A miles per hour, distance 778 miles, Wo regret to say that I)r. Duaen* bury had8omewhat of a relapse lasl Tuesday evening and was confined tc the house for several days. The I too tors already Mattering patronage Makes it decidedly inconvenient, both to his patients and himself tc bo sick at tins time. Seethe now advertisement of the Greenville Female College, which has recently elected Dr. M. M. Kiley a scholar of large reputation presi (}pi)t. The College has been over Ijuijloil entire, now furniture, new j?iano9, and now officers and and everything ready for young ladies desiring an education. The Sumter and Southport railroad is gaining in favor day by day and f,|jo favorable consideration of prominent U. U. ant} business men is being djrcetci) lo it. This project which js developing and will culminate at an early day will be a boom to tho section through which the road will pass, llorry has much hidden treasure that must be brought to light and this new road will help in a large jnoasuro to develop it. pjof. McGhee, the new principal of tho Burroughs School arrived in town last Saturday aud is making the necessary preparations for the openlug of tho aohool on the 10th of Septptpbor. We trust that the public >yiil sustain this institution us it pliopld bo am) give Prof. McGhee a gqoi) opening- IJp comes to us well endorsed. To neglect tho education of our childfon is a sin, and tho opportunities wo have ought to be appreciated to the extent of our ability. 'l'ho (freoi)vlllc Female College w111 mmn its uevf aonairm rm VUml. jiesduy, Sept. 2Gth, under new management and with new equipment* (lifqughoufc. The ne\y prosjdent is ||r. fcj. M. liiley, lately of Ifoorge (own, l?yi, who is highly rocommondpd in voluntary testimonials by Dr. ,lrfo. A. Brqdus, J^raf- W. JJ. Whit^jtt, l(pyr fjh 1-. ^ell, liev. j. 1^. P?c* 4nd others, Tho boarding department will bo under tho supervision of Mrs. Hiloy, and the rooms will be newly furnished in every particular, The Greenville Female College will maintained higher btaudard than ajfflV berqro, and a full oorps oi teuQhcrs Pas been engaged for all the departments, including music and art. Hciul for Cfttftlogne to Dr. M tMf Ijiley, Orepuviljp, S. (J, ro the puhuic. We make the following explnnn tion in justice to Mr. IC, 11. Kllerhe \ c annti on lin hiuinl rtf \fr f ./irw-r'. "" - ' determination to run for Treasurer decided to withdraw*And instruoter! his friends accordingly. About twr wooks ago Mr. Kllerbo left bore foi the seashore satisfied that from con voisation'had with his friends, the matter would bo attended to and ot his return was surprised to find tha it had been neglected. Ifis friend: relieve Ijjni qf Any responsibility ii M|0 natter and make the only repa ration left them after having failed t( carry out Mr. Ellerbe's instruction) The public are assured that it wai not his intontion to go before the pri tnary. Very Respectfully, M^\y CmgBtfa. Blanks. We have on hand a large supplj of Blanks, such as Bills of Sale Liens, Mortgages, Warrants, u^. THE II( COUNTY CAMPAIGN CLOSED. The County Campaign cumc to a close at this place Tuesday. The ....... ii.. i....... i L i..i I KKTtiii^o iff"" jiui'i ly < I attended and but little enthusiasm i manifested. The Court House here was partially filled there being about seventy live present. Township Chairman called the meeting together at II o'clock and Mr. II. M. Anderson, of Fiuklea invoked Gods blessing on the exercises. iion. Jeremiah Mis hoe was intro duced as first speaker, and in a quiet manner entertained tho audience for a short while, when ho was followed by lion. J. M. Sialvey, both of these gentlemen asking for a second term in the Legislature. Mr. Stalvey, who was a more rapid speaker, was slow on answering dispensary ques lions Uund did not remember bow he voted 0:1 the question in the Legislature." Mr. O.J. Prince a new aspirant for Legislature honors was j next introduced, and elicited the first hearty applause given. Ho spoke in favor of the abolition of thej office of Supervisor of Registration 1 by blending it with that of Probate J ud go. The longest man, in wine respects, ; iniiuv iiiuoiiuiiumsiiuucii- .nr. ijong simply stopped forward, hat in harnl, thanked tho people for past favors and promised to do his best if continued in office. Mr. .1. A. Lewis in asking for reelection to the position of Auditor, occupied only u few minutes, submitting his record to public scrutiny. Mr. II. W. Mislioe, aspiring to the Auditors position spoke very cheerfully of his election. Saying "that a mans lirst term was generally i his best" and that it was well to change. Some one in the crowd asked him, ''will you willingly give it up after two years." When he answered "Yes " u Messes I), 1L Watson, II. M. Anerson, Joseph Todd, J. Q. Graham and Benj. W. Jordan, all after the new (iflico of County Supervisor had their good reasons for believing that they had "come into tho kingdom for just such a time as this." We wcro compelled to leave the building ' while Mr. Jordan was speaking and i had to forego the pleasure of hearing , Messrs. Ilarralson, West, Conorly. ( ood ni-dm- nruniiliwl lui.lnina i l?? I ru...t.|JO V..W best we lmve seen in any political meeting for the past four years. HORRY'S PRiMARY VOTE , Below we give the only news ob, tainablo from Tuesdays primary. ( J,oris. Mishoo, rep. 10; prince, rep. 13j Anderson, supervisor 12; , Tothl, supervisor 8; Graham, supervisor 7; Ilardwiek, probate judge 20; Long, treasurer 25; West, sch. com. ' 5); llarrolson, sch. com. 17; Lewis, 1 auditor 22; Mislioe, auditor 1. > Cedar. For auditor Lewis, 51; Mishoo, 1. For representative, prince leading all others, llairelson, sch. com. 52. Anderson, .supervisor leadall others. Socastoe. Graham, supervisor, Stalvoy and Mislioe, representatives, West, school commissioner and Lewis, auditor, load all others. Bayboro. Johnson, sch. com, 77} ; llarrolson, uoh, com 17; West, soli, com. 14; auditor: Mishoo 84; Lewis , 24; supervisor; Todd, 4(1; Watson, i 30; Anderson, 18, representatives: Mishoo, 10(5; Prince, 8(5; Stalvoy, 15); Dog Bluff. Representatives, Mishoe, 25; Stalvoy, 13; Prince, 14 Auditor. Lewis, 24; Mishoo, 2; Long troasuror 27; school com, llarrolson 1 West, 2} Johnson, 24: Ilardwick, pro judge 27; supervisor, Graham, 1; Anderson, 24; Todd, 10, Hammond. Representatives, Mishoe. 14: Prince. 14: snnorui??r > - ' -' - -J " > *- ? hftiu, 9; Toda, J4; soli coin Ilarrolson 15; West, 71 l ong, treasurer 24; Lewis, auditor 24; Hardwick, pro, judge 24, (jonway, Uepresentatives, Stalvoy H), Prince, 28; Mishoe, 82; supervisor, Anderson, 1; Graham, 15; Todd, 27; auditor, Mishoe, 1; I.owis, 89; sch. com. Johnson, 5; West, 15; 14ari rolson, 17. Toddvillo. llepresontativos, Mishoo, 48: Prince, 84; Stalvey 29; pro. i judge, 58; supervisors Todd, 0; Aul dersoti, 19( Graham, 2B-; soh pom, Johnson, 2; West, lo; Ilairplson, 87; Long, treasurer 53; auditor Mishoo, , 2; Lewis, 51. McLaurin for Congross, reeeivod : the full vote at all precincts, i Letter Ire in Ucnul'oi-t, N, C. " Dkau Mr. Editor:?Kindly give us > space In your columns for a few words. ' Ever since our departure we have felt i very forcibly the peed of "Jarrotts" railp road from Sumter to Qouthport via Con! way. We left Conway on the 21st, and I arrived hero on the 21th, at 9 o'clock I*. M. this was on account of bad coqpectloi} at Ghadbourn and Wilmington Wo arrived however at Morehead city, there boarded g small boat which piles between the t\yq places making several tf|p$ u day^ ot\rry . . ing both freight and passengers, we had a * very pleasant sail across the Hay a distance * of two miles. I Beaufort Is an ancient town but is one > of the most pleasant places on the coast r it is exhilarating, the wind coming from off the Ocean and Is hardly over calm. * We have cool nights, no still warm nights ? like wo havo in Conway, The people aro t hospitable. If you want to enjoy the son 9 breer.e and like tlshlng this Is the place. 1 Hut after all it does not excel Southport, " I hope the 3 ("s Hailrond oflloinlswill tako * hold and build a road to Southport. How 9 nice It would he to run down and spend 9 the night for It would only take about one " hour and a half to make the trip from Conway. Then if one wanted to climb the Mountain how h?k>ii 1?o could bo there ovtr the 3 C'a, No change of cars. I hope the people of 1 lorry and other connf ties through which tlds road would run , will see the advantages this road would be and urge its construction. A. And M. ? 3HKY IIE11A L Upon our right There stands an \ugol with a pen Who notes down each good deed of ours and then, Seals it willi a kiss in the Master's vi^111 I'pon out left a Sister Angel sweet, Keeps daily record of each evil net. Hut great with love, folds not the mournful shiet, Till darkest midnight; when if conscience racked. We lift to Allah our re|ientunt hands. She smiles and hlote the record where she stands; Hut If we seek not pardon for our sins. She seals it w ith a tear and hands it in ? Ki.i.a L. Smith. The Pee Dee Snnday School Union will be held with Uehoboth Baptist Church on September the 1st and 2nd 1S9-1. We hope all the members will be present. We earnestly ask all Sunday Schools of the Baptist denomination within the Pee Dee ' nion, that are not members, to come and join in with us. W. A' SrivKv, President. Cotton in u Had Way. Dallas, Texas, August 2G.? News receivt d from the heart of the cotton region of Dallas Comity stales that half of the cotton crop had been kil led by boll worms and if the showers continue the entire crop is likely to bo destroyed. The plant has grow n so large and rank that the sun cannot penetrate its foilago, and the! worm nourishes in the shade. A I "in \n7 Cotton is opening rapidly. The political pot boils quite slowly. Mr. and Mrs. .1. N. .Icnretto paid relatives near Sanford a pleasant visit last Sunday. Mrs. (Hen Bryant of Marion who has boon spending several days with relatives and friends in this cotnmun" ity returned homo last Saturday, accompanied by her mother Mrs. Privatte. Kev. A. M. Puscnbiirv of Mullins is expected to preach the funeral of Miss Amanda Alford at Poplar on next Sunday. T1IK 11U KUOUO IIS SCHOOL The Burroughs School will ho opened on Monday, Sept. 10th. The Trustees have engaged as Principal, Mr. W. Mc(i hoe, an honor graduate of the South Carolina Military Aeadomy, and y teacher of considerable success in Grammar and High Schools and ir. Graded Schools. Mr. McGhee, will reorganize tho school and make an earnest endeavor to place it upon a piano of excellence unsurpassed l>y any of the kind in the SLato. Ono able assistant will be employ oil for the Primary Department, and such other teachers as the patronage will justify. Miss Kssio Collins, of the Columbia Female College, a lady of rare musical talent, will have charge of the Music Department, and no efforts will be spared to raise the presont high standard. Conway is a healthy, epiiet town; board can bo had for *5. to *10. per month; school building large and oommodious: Wo have thobest library in eastern South Carolina, which wo propose to utilize in cultivating a literary taste among the pupils. Wo earnestly solicit the patronage of the people of I lorry County. I.et all lend a helping hand and give to the children of Conway and thn County, the advantages of a thoro ugh school. For further particulars address the Principal, or D. A SrivKY Syct'y. hoard. Conway, S. C., August 13th, '04. Savannah, (i.e., April 2VMV M?VVU Ulivi ^UllUia' weakness, and having derived groat benefits from the same, having gain, ed 11 pounds in weight in four weeks. I take pleasure in reconimonding it to all unfortunates like Yours truly, JOHN MOKIMS. Of pick ok J. N. MoEi.koy, Druggist. Oni.ani><>, ID,a., April 5)0, 1 SOI. MliuSUS bll'PMAty BliOS., Savannah, ({a. Dkau Sifts ?I sold throe bottles of 1'. I\ 1\, large size yestorday, and one bottle snyiU yiyo to.day The 1*. P. P. cured my wife of rheumatism winter boforo last. It oamo back on her the past winter and a half bottle, *1 00 size, relieved her again, and she has not had a symptom since, J sold a bottle of P. 1'. 1\ to a friend of mine, ono of his turkeys, a small one took sick, and his wife gave it a teaspoonful, that was in the evening, and the bttlp fellow turned over like he was dead, hut the next morning wag up hollowing and well. Yours respcotfully, J. N. MoEbHOY. Savannah, Ga-, March 17, 1801, Mkbsiis Iji im'm a \ Hros , Savannah, Ga. Deau Sues?I have suffered from rheumatism for a long time, and did not find a cure until I found l\ I'. which completely cured n\c. Yours trulv, J3U8A F. JONES, 10 Orange St., Savannah, Ga. Peculiar to I tsell". So eminently successful has Hood's Sarsaparilla been that manv leading ^ - *1 citizens from nil over the United States furnish testimonials of evires which seem almost miraculous. Mood's Saysapavilla is not an accident, hut tho ripe fruit of industry and study. It possesses morit "peculiar to itself." WHAT DO YOU take medicine for? Because you want to gelwell, or keep well, of course. Remember Hood's 8arsaparMla Cures T~* D, TflU 1\S 1 ) A A.-. Fv M.-. Conway Codok, No G5 A. h" .M. has called off until the regular com munication in October next. Members will please tako due notice and govern themselves accordingly. Hy order of / i li r \ .. \\f \t V . I . ^I'AI U.KIIAUJI, . nil S. M. 1.'omi'KIN8, Seot'y pro tun. ADVERTISEMENTS. 0000 oooo oooo ooooo o SEE THAT 0! Make it us wide us it is long, and blacken it with your lead pencil, and you will have the sizeofa NORTON HISCUIT. They are large, (hence their name,) but they do what they were intended to do (cure chills and fevers) better than anything else could. DR. K. NORTON, Manufacturer. ()()()()()(> ooo ooooooo o 1 CALL AT u u K . .* %' . J V X 1 \ 1 K J FOR BARGAINS. NKW LOT OF FLOUR JUST IN. (. 'OM / : , I . V 1> K A. 1M1N K M ) (7OOPS JiEVOKE vvnn iiAsixa, Kl HH'l flli SLATES. ITUjICIYIING CBM BNT J AND BRICK COMPANY MASON'S SUPPL1ES, 27(! Hast May, CI I \ RLKSTON, S. C. IMPORTERS OK ENGLISH n>itn.A>n ciai i:\r. and dealers in EAST Kl IN ANI) BOUT I IK UN HOCK LIME. HOSENDALE CEMENT, N. Y. ! PLASTER PARIS, HAIR, LATILs, Shingles, Tiles, Kin- Clay and all BUILDING MATERIAL. REST FULL SIZE FIRE MRICK. ALL SIZES T. P. PIPE. ROOFING SLATES. Greenville Female College. GREENVI LLE, $. 0. Rev. M M. RILEY, I). IX, President Miss M. C. JUDSON, Associate Principal Reorganized and newly equipped, will new furniture and now pianos, ami under new management. A full corns of touch ers in every department. Boarding am other e\pens. :j reasonable. Next sessiai begins WBDNBSDAY, 8Bl*T, 80, 181)4. Send for Catalogue, Address. M. M, RILEY. Greenville, S. O. SOUTH CAROLINA COLLEGE. COLUMBIA, S. C. Session begins Sept.35th, Nine rcgu lar Courses, with Diplomas, Special Courses with Certificates. Requirement? for admission modified. Board $8 r moiuii. Total necessary expenses for tin year (exclusive of travelling, clothing, and books) from $112 to$!&<}. Send for An nouncen\ent. For further information address the President. Jamf.s Woonuow. COLUMBIA FEMALE COLLEGE. CQLVM1MA, S. V. PaMi Hussion Opkns Skpt. 27, 1801. Twelve departments of instruction Able faculty and distinguished corps of lecturers. Work thorough. Spirit pro gresslve. Klective courses. Heading rooms, libraries, tine telescope, new chein leal and physical apparatus. AH rooms carpeted, well furnished, and lighted with gas. Open fireplaces Hot and cold bat lis Health unsurpassed, Thorough course In instrumental and vocal music. For catalogoo and further particulars address HEV. J NO. A. HICK, 1). I). President AN EVEIWBEEJN TP EE! WITHOUT COST. We will send you by mail j>o*t paid one small evergreen treo adapted to your ell mate, with instructions for planting and caring for it, together with our complotr list of Nursery stock. If you will cut oir this advertisement, mark on it tho name, ol this paper, and tell how many and whai kind of trees and plants you would like to purchase, and when you wish to plan them. We will quote you lower prices on the stock you want than have ev?u boon offer ed you. Write lit on Co. kvi:R?RI:I:^ II KNI:KH:N, lilvarirreeM " X\ AUGUST 30. ! J/'Arket '/ft:port. ! Wilmington, N. l\, Aug, '11. Spirits Turpentine, 2.V/.. per gal Rosin, 85o per l)i>l for strained, good strained 00 Tar, 1 10. per bbl. of 28<) lbs. j Crude Turpentine, *1 00 for hard [ and $1.70 for Y ellow Dip and $2 00 Virgin. Peanuts, at 40 cents to r>.~> per, hushol of 28 lbs. COTTON?Steady at (>:f cents for middling. Ordinary 4^ cts. Good Ordinar 5 J Low Middling 0 3 -10 Middling 0 Good Middling 7 15 10 lieorgetown MarketAUG. 4, 1894. Virgin dip, 2. 00. Yllow dip, 1 .(50. Scrape, 1.15. ~*c~ > ! W a t c Ii C r y s t a 1 s.1 A well Assorted lot roust;1, nt ly kept on liand. (JENT | For Hex. Foul try Netting. J. M. MCKKITIIAN, Conway, S. C. Moh- L-y In 1 i | Poor | Health j /means so much more than V i /you imagine?serious and\ /fatal diseases result from', , * trilling ailments neglected.1, ,' 1 )on't play with Nature's *, ,' greatest gift?health. ', , I If you arc feeling , I . out of sorts, wont ( ? Q anil generally ex, Im r* hausteil, nervous, , , Jil I IW 1 1 r* ?'..v ' "" appetite , ' t al?, cn|(.t ^ork,/ I , begin at oncctak- , , T ing the most relia-, I * I Me strengthening \ , 11(111 medicine,which it M ' i JL A V/JtJL Ilrown's iron Pit-^ , tcrs. A few hot- J I t ties cure? benefit \ . LI comes front the jf / IllTTprC very first .lose-,/\ I , lillttl J your I d teeth, a it it ii i\ pleasant to take. M It Cures I > . : ? Dyspepsia, Kidney and l.lver ? | i Neuralgia, Troubles. * , i / Constipation, Had Hlood ' , ? Alnlnria, Nervous ailments * ? Women's complnints. , ' t Get only the genuine it has crossed red ' W lines on tin- wrapper. All others arc suit- ' ^ stitutcs. On receipt o( two sc. stamps wo r will send set <>t I oil Itenut ilul Wnrld'a ^ \ l-'alr View.* and bonk?free. W I BRQWN CHEMICAL CO. BALTIMORE. MD. \ 1./Y _..W^ '-V' " If > I I 1 I SESSIONS BROS., SPACE. i I ; I I I , 1 ? JESSK 11. JOI/LIE, ?M A N U FACT U UK 11 OF? BUGGES, WAGONS, AND CARTS. t Excelsior Turpentine Tools. > lforac-shoeing a Specialty, r Mch-l-y t _ . > l Johnson JehnSonS Quab&lGbauFn ATTTONKYfc AT LAW, Conway, S. C. 13r ProwDt AtMaUnn " . . ,.v' ^ * I S!) L (HJLLY STORE, vv t \t v: n v n s: i?i^ r vi:.m v ? "w" '.v" 4 'v1 ^v'v KNOCK Do\VN COTS for Sou lioro party' . IS Til 15 REACH TO GET THE WORTH OF YOUR MONEY, aud to aocuro argains that will surprise you. \Vo arc constantly re ccivin# now ootid every week, which wo will sell at iioc ii HO rro^i i Mil* uOK Don't forgot t uy on > t' o :r DBXQT x^coxxxnsro- OXX.A.IXSS so that when you are Weary you can rook yoursolfto roll Our lino >f trunki and valises are hard to boat. Wo keep constantly on hand tho bo f red ru proof oafs j?is*. received If you want to buy a good rooU toko or kitchen ifo ? to Ilurroii bs & Collins A A a? a or 4. 14 ,t n a i m a * a J ^ 1 *. r w T 1* U l' LOUU received ovcry two or tinoo wot !m Mi higuu and fennesseo ft lot ol Scotch Plaitls and Bedford Cords just received, besides a large as.ortiiumt r tetl, Gin hams, and Flannel goods, which are going low indeed. Our r a> 1?I'-iO\V UASTlNGS ofvnrious Stylos k??pt <>n A! PREPARATION. (>()jYCEJSTT HA TE/> ST. Hi L ?E, .AI EjYdlesojY'S L y / :. MATCHES S./VU EE. '/'//( above (/oon orb hi qw:intitb anil- oiU fui'iii heilto 1X1UAJ..1UR? on as aoon runms as can ///?; // in or ./onhe n COAT# SPY-COH1) SPOOL COTTON I SPECIALTY* Wo keep constantly in Stock a full lino of this Cotton which wo olTor to Dealers at as low price as it can bo had in those United States. Why not patronize us? Yours for trade, IJUUUOUGIIS & COLLINS. Gfilbert Potter Co., COMMISSION M EliCHANTS ?lOST? I$osi n , Spin i s Turpi' n I i i a nd (OOOOjij, C b>iisionin<'mls ^ol iri |;o(l. 1 4- rr< ? ? - -u O.WJ.XU 2ST3W "TxToris: ALL KINIX) F I JOB PUNTING m il ?;r.t Stoics* A J r I ^ 1 . T I _ 1 . 1 ^ Y / ) ? _ _ J in* nrraid wuice. | I AS. IITCABLISLE, 1,L 1)., WOFPOBD COLLEGE