The Horry herald. (Conway, S.C.) 1886-1923, July 12, 1894, Image 2

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The Horry Herald Published Every Thursday. E. W. NOLLEY, EditorT" TKlt MS: One Year #1.50 Six Months 1.00 Throe Month r>C RATES OF ADVERTISING. Trimslont Aili'nrtloomi>i>?o t\t\ UM f I .UU JH'I square. Eight linos ol tills size typo make one square. No advertisement counted loss than a square. Advertising lines in local column 1." cents per line. Advertisements of Judge of l'robate Clerk and Sheriff at the rates allowed b> law. Liberal contracts will be made wit I those wishing to advertise for three, six 01 twelve months, Marriage and death notices free. Short letters on current topics are cor dtally invited. Correspondents may use any signature but true name of writer must accompany all communications. Articles to secure insertion must he sou In by Monday, previous to day of publics lion. All communications for publirntioi should be directed to the oaitor. ('?)NWAY, S. 0. JULY, 12, 1 ioi Canditlatca Hnowicci/ienlt <tcco/n/nini< d In/ fifi.OO fill In interim lor (he eainpaiyn. The Semite nntl House haVe lock ed horns on tho tariff question and a settlement of the matter is yet in the future. The present Congress will go on record for doing some strange things, or doing nothing. The people are very much disturbed at the slow pace of our National law makers and are looking to them to do something, which seems to be expected ol them. Everything seems to be delayed and it really appears that the) have been ' sorter mixed' from the start. The President has issued u procla illation to ttie strikers, and fomen tors of discord in the North West to disperse. Federal troops have been sent to the Mayor of Chicago, whe will use them if necessary. The strike for which thoro is no excuse, has assumed alarming proportions and may como East. If congress would change the emigration laws so as to prevent the scum of the earth being dumped upon our shores we would bo apt to find gre#t relief from such complications, as it is, this country is being rapidly filled up with the worst foreign element. Wo were here twenty-one years before attaining the right of citizenship and perhaps it would be well to require 110 less of them. The campaign meeting has come and gone and wo feel in a measure relieved. Wo hardly anticipated such a quiet orderly meeting and yet the utmost good feeling seemed to iFiu><ui) nut 21 wora 01 uiscoru was heard. Our people have become tired of so much speaking and some of them had an idea that we wore to have something on the old order of things, consequently the crowd was not as largo as it would otherwise have been, having seen many since, who were not hereon that day. Another reason, being that there is no opposition, the administration having everything their own way. We sincerely hope that the present campaign may result in the healing of the old wounds and that our people who have been so unfortunately divided may get together and keep together. If we continue tho course of the last four years much longer, i ' - ib wouw not oe a (.liillcult matter for the Republicans to come in and take charge. There is really no difference in the Senatorial candidates, bat possession is nine-tenths in law and Tillman has the inside track from the manner in which we look at it. Several gentleman are training for Governor, but alas! all cannot be. We have been very favorably im. pressed with Mr. Tindal and would be pleased to see him lead the race His speech here on the fourth, mad< a good impression on our people and wo arc of tho opinion that the peo pie would make no mistake in plac ing tho affairs of the State in hif hands. At any rate wo are looking for better times, bet the vanquish ed accept the situation, because al cannot have their wishes in the mat tor. The signs presage a return tf I nA r*l?1 i/iivs uiu jKiinn, A Qutirtcr Century Test. For a quarter of a centufy l)r King's New Discovery has boon tos tod, and the millions who have re ceivod benefit from its use testify t< its wonderful curative powers in al diseases of Throat, Ghost and Lungs A remedy that has stood the test s< long and that has given so uui?ersa satisfaction is no experiment, Eacl bottle is |K)sitively guaranteed t< give relief, or the money will be re funded. It is admitted to be th most reliable for Coughs and Colds Trial bottles Free at Dr. E. Norton' Drug Htoro. Large sizo 60c. am *1.00. , TIUP TO THIS OLD WOltlil) 01 HY .loll N H. TOLAK. V h CHAPTER XVI. ol TO OVIKTO FM>HUNtl?. WV have mi early hi oak fust and leave Naples f?>r Florence via Home, traveling i over the smne rontons fnr us Homo,which ^ ' hud boon over before. The guard locked the door as soon ns mv family were in and acted us plainly as if he had said it, "now I ( am going to see that you are not crowded j( and that you have this carriage to yourself, {, but expect a fee." The last station before 1 reaching Home, he came (<> ?<-< hoic tr> , ircrc tj'ttiny <?(?/?//, got his fee and went away happy and the fee was so moderate > we were very glad to pay it to have a com I partment to ourselves, a compartment in l tended to seat ten persons, gave four plen (| * ty of room to bo comfortable, Weeonclu ^ ded to break the long ride to Florence by j stopping over for the night at one of the j old cities of, Ovleto, which we rem h ^ ? ed about r> p. in. It is situated on top of a ^ r high hill and we reached it from the sta- (] ! tlon < a a funicular railway. Wo found a ^ good hotel, but no person connected with t It spoke a word of Knglish, Our smutter- ( * lilt' III I o.renil itu * ,l"" ?K/vn-l? "vl 41 mi II uiuugn ? and we succeeded in getting a reduction j in rates of about one third off price first i asked. Ovleto is a queer old town, not a > modern building in ft or one that lias prob- t ably been erected within a hundred years. \ It once contained over 100.000 inhabl ] tants, but has scarcely a tenth of that nam c her at present, so a great number of the t houses are'vacant. There is tine a old gotli- r ic cathedral here, built in commemoration ( of th?? conversion of some Saint to the doc trine of transubstantiation. It contains one of the queerest scenes that xve saw in ( ! Kuropc, a representation of the final re s surrection, where the dead are all rising, p , some half way out of the ground, some | with their heads just out, some all out but , ' one leg and in fact breaking through the ( ground In all kinds of positions. From | any position on the walls around the old ^ town there is a line view of the (surround \ , ing valleys and plains. The way this n town is situated, 5000 men could defend it t against 50.000. It seems almost impreg | liable. Here is situated the 1 anions old * St. Patrick's Well, the deepest well wo \ ever saw and we descend a spiral stairway 1 248 steps to the water. We visit remnants \ i of the old Ftruscan tombs, supposed to I ] have been built by the tlrst race who ever \ inhabited this country, The day is cold \ and we see many people going around the t streets with little earthenware pails of hot ? ashes in their hands and their little pails i of hot ashes seem to le all they have to i keep from freezing in the stores. The men who are able to have overcoats, all I wear a military cloak with a cape. After spending two nights and a day in this interesting, quaint old town or city of stone houses, we take cars for Florence. The country wo pass through is quite pretty, but not nearly so interesting, nor so fertile as that around Naples. The appearance of the people though improves as we go Northward and wo see much less indication of squalor and poverty. We reach Florence about 3 p. m. and engage board at a Pension kept, and krpt icoll by a gen t tleman and h'.s wife from our own city of t Brooklyn. Wo wojre told in Home that j "The best kept Pension in Italy was in Flor. t nee, kept by Mr. and Mrs. Nainee, Amur- d leans." It was very popular and full Of " Americans, among the number being the ' American Consul. * We find Florence the most modern look- ^ ing of any Italian city we have visited, with many handsome wooden buildings c and nice stores or siioi's. Our landlord is ^ a whole-souled Irish-American, who takes ^ the world easy, enjoys talking about Ainer- ' t ~ .. .. 1 1 .. V) 1.1 1 - iuu, especially imioitiyn ami spares no pains to entertain his gutut*. Ucautiful Florence is t lie home of art and artists. Some of the finest pictures and statuary in ^ the world are to be seen in Florence and 11 miles of line art may be seen in the two ^ great connected Ulli/.zi and Pitti galleries. !' They are connected by a passage way 1 which seems a mile long and crowse* the ^ river. On either sldo of this passage from ^ end to end are pictures. In the galleries are some of the master pieces of Haphaeh Uuido Heni, Carlo Dole!, Michael Angelo I and in fact all of Italy's famous artists. ? Florence was the home of Michael Angelo and wo paid an interesting visit to his house or former house, and the more we learned S of this wonderful man the more we admir- 'J i ed his genlu3 and take him all in all we do e not think his equal as a man, an uninspired man, has ever lived. Others have painted j 1 as well, possibly others have equalled him as a sculptor, but in what other one man j. do we 11 nd combined, a painter of the first t rank, n sculptor unexcelled, a civil engi- { neer the finest of his day and a statesman ' that any country might be proud of. j Where can wo find such another genius, t gifted in so many ways? Hero was also f . the home of Dante, driven out of Florence c 1 by the predjudiced bigots of his day, but , like Columbus, honored with the highest i praise that marble and the sculptors art ' can render centuries after It Is too late for him to know it, or for it to do him any < good, for if he is in Heaven nothing can < - add to Ids happiness and if in the other < 4 place wordly honor cannot relieve his mis- \ nrv Kl< vvuu llm of !..? I r V..V. ? >' .../lliw VI Hl? gn-lll J * pioneer reformer, Savatiorola. Wo visited t ' the cells formerly occupied by tho Domini- f I can monks and oxumlno with Interest Sav- ( auorola'a manuscript, ids chair etc. Thei , great man protested strongly against the ] corruptions of the state and that was sap- f ping the life out of the church he loved so much, Pope and priesthood khar'ng in the corruptions. Refusing to keep quiet, ho . was carried to the stake in tho most public ' . place in Flormee and died a martyr. Ho- 1 3 ing offered release and pardon for his sins ) J at the last moment, if 1?? would relent 1 and recant, lie refused to save his life at " 3 tills price and replied lu substance, "as to i J 1 forgiveness, God alone and not the Pope ( l had power to forgive sins." He never, 1 3 however, swerved from hi" t<> ' - the Roman Catholic Church, but sought ' e to reform it or purge it of t).c corruptions I. SO notorious In his day, Florence seems ( 8 to be a favorite city with Americans. , 1 Many reside here, many come to study art j and scarcely any one visits Ituly and leaves ] ut Florence. Sunday* aro more lik>> Am rlcan Sunday* than in any Italian city we ave vlaltcd, and altogether the newer part f Florenco U more like one of our hand miuat, boat built American eltlo* th m kc nil Italian one. Our footwear needs replenishing and e had an amusing time with the Italian looinuker to whotn we wore ?ent trying > make ourselves understood as to how we dshed our shoes made. After two trips, irtified with uoiue written slips from our indlady, we made known what we want d. We took Italian lessons after this and liough we did not graduate, we acquired nough of the language to get along very ,'ell-in the shops and on the road. tigct'Holl's Hulogy on Wli isky. "I send you some of tho most wonIcrfol whisky that ever drove the koleton front the foast or painted undscapes in the brain of man. It 4 the mingled souls of wheat and torn. In it you will find the sinbine and shadow that chased eac 1 it her over billowy fields, the bicuth >f June, the carol of the lar?<, tho lew of tho i igh', tho wealth of sum ner trod automii's rich content, all i joUlen with iinprivuiod liirht Drink 1 t, and you will hear tl.o voico of j1 lien and maidens sinning the ,!I n>1, . I 'est Home, mingled with t li laugh 1 er of children. Drink it, and you ' vi 11 feel within your blood the stm- j ed dawns, tho dreamy, tawny dusks | >f perfect days I''or forty years i his liquid joy has been within staves 1 >f oak, longing to touch the lijs >f titan.'' nit. nuoKl.Kv's it Kim. v. I "1 send you sonto of tho most won- t lerful whiskey that ever brought a 1 keloton into the closet, or painted j icnues of lust and bloodshed in the i train of man. It is tho ghost of 1 vheat and eorn, eraxed by the lo-s of j heir natural bodies. In it von will I, ind a transient snvstiiim elm <>d l>e 1 i dindow as cold as arctic midnight, in | vhich the breath of June grous icy, 11 iiui th? carol of the lark gives pi;io?* | o thn foreboding cry of iho raven ' Drink it, and you shall have 'woe,' ] sorrow,' 'babbling,' ami 'wounds i vithout eaus",' 'your eyes shall l>e i told strange women,' and 'your < icart shall utter perverse things.' 1 )i ii?K it deep, and you shall hear the , oioes of demons shrieking, women vailing, and worse than orphaned diildren mourning the loss id' a fi j hor who \et lives. Drink it deep ( md long, and sorpents will hiss in 1 our ears, coil themselves about ] rour neck, and sic/, i you with their 1 angs; for at last it bitcth like a ser 1 >ent, and stingeth like an adder*'' J ''or forty years this liquid death has i >een within staves of oak, harmless ] here as purest water. I send it to | rou that you may 'put an enemy* in i' four mouth to steal away your| >rains.' And yet 1 call myself your riend."?Selected. It May l)o as Much for You. Mr. Fred Miller, of Irving, III. vrites that he had a Severe Kidney rouble for many years, with severe miU3 in his back and also that his j iladder was affected. He tried many i io called Kidney cures but without I my goou result. About a year ago ' >e bog a 11 use of Klectrio Bitters ami ound relief at once. Kleetrie Biters is especially adapted to cure of ( ill Kidney and Liver troubles and 1 >ften gives almost instant relief. )ne trial will prove our statement, 'rice only f>0c. for largo bottle At C. Norton's Drug Store. lie Planted His Own Coflin. < Fifty years ago Almeron Uigby, of ' Vatson, New York, when be was . line years old, planted in bis father's looryard the stone of a cherry that ic had eaten. A treo sprang up and fl 11 a few years began to boar fruit. Iigby sold the fruit fro n year to j ear? saving the money, even after lie vas married and had children. Last summer his health l>< came loor, and as the tree began to show igns of decay he cut it down and iad the trunk sawed into hoards, vith which to make a collin for him elf. His eccentric actions caused nuch comment at the time, hut Iighy only laughed when question- f d about the matter, and said he t :ould seo no harm in a man making 1 lis own coflin. He seemed to have a presentiment hat lie was soon to die, and a short ime ago he was taken seriously ill. ' \ fow days later ho died and by his 'equest was buried in thecoflin made < >y his own hands, and tlio expenses | >f the funeral wero paid from the nonov saved from the sale of the ;herries homo by the tree from \ which his collin was made. Peculiar to I tftelf, i So eminently successful lias Hood's i Sarsapar ilia been that many leading ntizens from all over the United furirsh testimonials of cures which seem almost miraculous, [food's Sarsapajilla is not an accilent, hut the ripe fruit of industry uid study. It posses-bus merit "pe Miliar to itself." J food's I'ills cure Nausea, Sick Headache, Indigestion, Biliousness. Sold by ilf druggists. - -ft ? No Hope for PM'IMl^'rtrast. f!.. ?,o . nr> Id A . t - vxutv auuj " illjf 1\',~ /\ 1 I't I), jji. o-day Judge Bailey, of the 1 llinou rupreme Court announced that ho vould refuse to issue u supersedeas u the cage of LYondergast, the assissin of Mayor Hurri?i>u, This apparently makes certain tbe hanging )f J>reiulerga8t on Friday, July llj. ; \bout only hope for Prouderjast is io' prfere^ce l>v Governor Mtgeld. ? -?**? m ? Iron Off Human mange on hot-1 jes, dogs and ull clock, cured in 30 ninutes bv Woolford'e Sanitary botion. This never failg. SoldT by IS. Norton, Druggist, Couway, S. C < v I Believe in HnnH's ? ? - w www W ^ W Inherited Scrofula Cured Read the Statement of ' a Popular Teacher .. TlMNt'W//. XN I JUr. Geo, A. Zirklo Mt. Iforeb, Teuu. , The statements lu tho testimonial below are familiar facts to the Immediate frlemls of Mr. Geo. IA. Zlrklc, school teacher, of Mt. Ilorob, Tcnn., vorv well known throughout the county, where ho was born and has always lived. Head It. "C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.: "Dear Sirs: I believe In Hood's Sarsuparilla. I will tell you why. 1 have suffered from inherited scrofula from child hood. When 37 ynnrs of age, my eyes became strangely affected. I could not read after sunset, and when 1 would closo my eyes, f could not open them; but on whichever side I lay, on that side I could open my eye. This condition continued about two years, and was succeeded by An Intolorablo Itching ill over my body and limbs. 1 had to have my little boys take shoo brushes and scratch me. It was dreadful. It continued a month and was followed Immediately by a tumor lu tho right lido of my neck, as large as a small egg. I at once commenced taking physicians' proserin Lions and continued till I lost hope. In tho mean tlmo the tumor changed lis place lo tho Immeillato front of my neck, suppurated and was followed by others, till six hud formed and broken. 'Finally, three years ago, another largo tumor seated Itself on tho point of my collar bono and In six months another half way back on tho bone. Hoth of them soon began to discharge and continued to do so till about seven month* ago. I tried everything. Including prescriptions. I was often so weak that I Could Scarcoly Walk snd my mind was so confused that 1 could scarcely attend to my business (school teaching). I was utterly discouraged. And now my story draws to a close. I began tho use of Hood's5 p> Cures Hood's Sarsaparilla a little less than a year ago, nul took flvo bottles. When I began I bad no Faith in It. In less than three mouths both the lores on my shoulder were liealod; I was cured >f a troublesome catarrh ; and scrofulous habit :ia# steadily grown b-ss apparent. I weigh aiore than 1 ever did In iny life, and am In the Host of Hoalth, lonslderlng my constitution. l)o you wonder hat I bclievo In Hood's Rarsannrllla? I cati do so leu than recorrunehd It every whoro and every way." Geo. A. Zinai.r., Mt. lloieb, Tenn. Hood's Pllle euro liver Ills, constipation, biliousness, jaundice, slok headache, Indigestion.1 Quarterly Statement?OK TIIK CONDITION OK Till: ? BANK OF ON WAV. (Foil way, s, (, At tho close of 1).tailless on .June HOtli, 1804. ASSISTS. Lo:in3 ami Discounts ^7r>M5,(il Ileal Katnte, Furniture and Fixt. 11(17 00 ['ash on hand and in Dunks 7107.53 Total $17200,15 DIADI IdTI KS. Capital Slock $0300,00 t Voids 1217.32 Deposits 0722,13 Total $17201),45 STATK OF SOUTH OAU< >1,1 NA, / COUNTY OF 1IOHHY. * \ IVrsonally appeared before me, I). A. tyivey, Cashier of The Dank ol Conway, vho on oath says, that the above stateneat is trite, to the best of his knowledge tad belief. I). A. Spivky Cashier, Sworn to before mo this 2nd day of fitly, IS!)I. 1). T. McNkm.i.. Notary Pub ie. ( D. G. Coi.MNS, Attest: ^ C. P. QcATi i.iciiAr.M, ( J. I. W vnn. Directors. 54m ? - JganiJ ofQ)OniI)(%%f, CONWAY, s. c. oiuian r/icp After one year's successful business, reipectfully asks the continued support of lie business public. We guarantee prompt ittentlon to all business entrusted to our are. We transact a general banking businessI'jJtchnngo bought and sold. Interest of 1 and 5 per cent allowed on rime Deposits, Collections receive prompt attention at >ur hands, remi'ting for same on date of payment. Money t > loan op safe security This Institution is built up by 1IOMR CAPITAL, managed by 1IOMK OPFIL'KIIS, is conducted in the interest of JIOMK PBOl'LK. Trusting that our relations may be mutually satisfactory and bemdhial, your patronagt is cordially solicited. I). A. SPIVJCY. Cashier. II. C. COLLI NS. President JoIiiihoii ,v .Johnson, < .Jotn.hiiim .v ({uattlehuum Marlon, 8. C. ( Conway, 8 C. Johnsons & Qi-'nfefclGbaufr ATTTONKYS AT LAW, Conway, 8. 0. Propipt attention given to nil bus* ness entrusted to our cnro. szanrizzi:^ *3 WORM KILLER | Tllf. OKPJTPT KXftWK l!K1IJ!IH A 1,1 Nti (.( ' bOYklfl CjlD^tl & CO'? PUB? DRUGS FOR SALE BY M'/t/eonofii ;/ co/.uxs Corrway, S. CMch-l-y spQffl. F. ATTORNEY AT JAW. JKWCE NEAR TIIE COURT-HOUSE. . ? tmmm t ?- p. p m H B PRICKLY ASH, POKE RO AND POTASSIUM g: Wakes gr Marvelous Cures jr. in Blood Poison IE Rheumatism ^ and Scrofula P. P. P. purines the blood, build fina- the weak nn<l debilitated, g strength to weakened nerves, ex| QPi^? diseases,giving the patient heulth . happiness where ?iukness, rIim UIIU mnaibUUU ursv ^JrOVHIi ?' 11 I I I ?. For primary.secondary and tertl irir> syphilis, for blood poisoning, moi ?U?* rial poison, malaria, dyspepsia, ?HHii In nil blood and skin diseases, "H_ blotches, pimples, obi chronic ulci tetter, scald bond, bolls, eryslpe eczema wo may nay, without feai contradiction,that 1>. I'. 1*. Is the! blood purifier In the world,and ma positive, spoody and permanent eti In nil eased. !! illiw e. i ?,?.?? ? ?? Ladles whoso syntems aro poiso ntid whoso blood Is In an impure cot gatton, duo to ineuntriial Irregularis nro peculiarly benotltod by the w derful tonic and blood cleansing pr ortlesof p. P. P. Prickly Ash, Pi Itoot and Potassium. Hl'ltiNOKIKLn, Mo., Auk. 14th, ?I can speak In the hlKheat ternu 5"" ' your inodicluo from my own perse /0g> knowlodKO. I was afiootod with lu disease, pleurisy and rheumatism HiF 35years, was treated by the very I: wyw physicians anu spent hundi id *** Inrs, tried every known remedy wl out finding relief. 1 have only tal one POttlO Of your P. P. P., and i cheerfully say It has done me m ? good ti'.nu anything I have over tak ?? I can recommend your medicine to sufferers of the above diseasos. AS. MIIS. M. M. YKAUY. Springfield, Green County, Mr .!. A. MAYO, T11K OLD UKUAULK, jj hjiousi de cohseti. tj1e eestl. 's the would. HATS I AND SHOES, Firs 11 lot of Ilnsto-t lU-ans Inn just, arrived. MKNS CAMICL SKIN SIIOKS, TliK I'.IiST IN Til 10 \\ OIUJ). ! 1)1!Y GOODS. rEPin.? As^crtm" lit or jTcaxniy Groceries. I NOTIONS W15LL ASSOliTKI). Country Produce Bough*. And e very article to I e found in a first tditss Dry Goods Store. .Men i > \Y. E. PORTER.& CO,. FKKD, SAUK, 1.1 VWHY AND EXCHANGE STAUJ.K, NICK TURNOUTS FURNISHED AT SHORT NOTICE, AND AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TDIfN l)|,MKMVO Uijv n j i uiu A/.io OI'iA I I I i ANY POINT. IIOKHKS AN I) Ml \. ICS, HOI (J 11 T AND SOLD. W. E. POUTER, Conway, S. C. Mch 1-y H. R.HAMAKER, MANUFACTURER ?OP? PINK AND IiAUD WOOD LTMBKK, ALL KINDS OF HI!,I. AND DRESSER LUMIiER. OKI LING A N /> FLOORING. MOULDING AND Sll)IN(i. PLASTERING LATHS AO. RO UN I) J, OG,S RO I'd 11T. STOVE AND F1 RE-PLACE \Y 0 0 1) CUT i N P RO P K R I EVCTII \ XT I \ 1M-M TwimiM. ..... . II (UM/ I Hit ui V JVH Jil f I V i FAMILIES AT TWENTY FIVIC 0 K N T S A L() A I). ft*#- l'rompt attention given to all orders tvuj guaranteed, W. SMITH, F(Ttlf Sylv Jiivcry MARION, S. (\ Afch 1-y 4ft Hiimi k ) Pimples, Blotches 3 ? and Old Sores 3 ot r ?-:.1 ZS tatarrn. malaria ^ anti Kidney Troubles 3? J Ave entirely remove ,t by IM'.P, , ?Prickly Ash. Poke lioot and PotflSslum, the ;:reateat blood purltior on ? cartli. ? AnnnnrKN, O.. July 21,1851. ~ Mbsbkh. Lii-i'man Hhoh. , savannah, ?, (la.: Diuu MIH3? I bought n bottle of * your P.P. P. at Hot Hprfiiua,Ark..uud It has dono mo inoro kowi than tiiroo months' treatment ut the Hot Sprtuus. Pond throe bottle* ('. O. 1). , .rfg Heapeotfully yours, JAN. M. Ni:\VTON, ??**t& Aberdeen, Jlrowu County, O. -*S%& a up Copt. J. 1). JohtiBlon. ? Iitds To all whom it may cnir ern: I Iioreo and hy testify to the wonderful proporilea .tfj-jfr tiny "? '* P* * for erup;:oUH of the shin. I ,'X1 led. Bufloro<l for several ye ira with an un- "<1 _sightly ami disagreeable eruption < u .??* ?} |.irv ?>> '"Oe. f trlod every known reinody hut in vain,until ' . I'. P. was used, ?n,i anil am now entirely cured. like (Blguodby) J. D. JOHNSTON, [irs< Savannah, Ua. ? Skin Cancer Cured. >est Testimony from the Mayor of Senuin. Ter. '?"42? kos _??rj ires Heqvin, Tn.x,, January 14, 1803. Messes. I.ippman IlKos., Savannah, > <!, ' mxmm Cill. I ?I llllVO tfil'il t'rilir I* ned P. P. for a disease of the skin, usually ml- known as akin eancor.of thirty years' - ?gf1 le? Btandimr. anil found rrrent relief: It on- purltloa the blood and removes all lr- ' op- rltatlon from the seat of the disease and prevents any snreadlnsr <?t tho ^ sores. I have taken llveor six bottles Jt5eR' and feel confident that auol lit r eourse jj*.T ,93 will effect a euro. It has also rolievod * , of rut* from indlib'stlon nnd utumucti ? nil troublos. Yours truly, . -r- I ,'irfc CAP!'. W. M. RUST, |or Attorney ut Law. ???*Jh' est ? u': Book 0-1 Blood Diseases Rolled Free. ? Af.L DRUGGISTS SELL IT. *--?<*? > ; UFPtVmiVI EROS, PROPRIETORS, , ??<B? ), Uiipmsn't 01otk,Kavnnua!i, Gn UiUUUUUUUiR >i i, !| . I 'twsmM J >r %WMw J >>. HO*, V.. AVERY, . iJi'E Cf Tilt LAI ^iST CONTRACTORS AND SUItQ1 IRS Ifl NeORA&KA. HEART DISEASE SO YEARS. Grand Island, Neb., April 8lh, 1S92. i>r. Miles Slrdleal Co., Elkhart, Itul. Gentlemen : I had been troubled with DISEASE rO(l THC LAST 30 YEARS, Olid liltIlCllgll I j was treated by ublo physicians and tried many remedies, 1 grew steadily worso until i was cot?PLtrtL* PROSTIUTtO ?NO CONriHIO to MV tiro WITHOUT ANY MOPE OF RECOVERY. ' \VOtlld llKVe very bud sink ? c ? f-^Inir spells, when my pulse woff 8 J m a juld nop beating al together,^ 0 "^nnd it was with the greatest dilllculty that my circulation could HTHOUSANDSiS ck to eonsriotisness again. While in this condition I tried your utyj heart Cure, and began lo improve from tlie hrst, and now I am nlde to do a good day's work for a man C.8 years of ago. I givo no ft/1 .i r-^. ftl ej ~ " ' w i ikc.o iilw ntwMi >junr mi uio credit for iii?- recovery. It is over six months sinoe 1 have taken any. although 1 kee t> a bottle in the house in case I should need it. I have also used your Nerve and Liver Pit.lo,?pui thinka ' great deul of theui. L. Avkky. solo on a positive qtjarantes. TRY DR. MILES' PILLS. 50 DOSES 25 CIS. NO NIOREJ^I^ASSES, MITCHELLS EYE-SALVE A Certain Sato and EHoctivo ttcmcdy tor SORE, WEAK anti INFLAMED EVES, 1 Vrodiioltift Ijniif/-Sif/hto<l?csn, and ItcHtoyi?m the Sijfit of the old. Cores Tear Drops, (<ruitulaiion, Klye 1 Tumors,Red Eyes, Mailed Eye Lashes, ( AND PHODl'l I N (? (Jt'lct' Ul.l.IKK AND I'KRMANIINT CdUK. 1 AIko, eqitnllj' cllirnrionx Hiier, .. .. * in oilier timitidies, hitch a ; Clot'ivi, IV or Tumors, Knit Kltciint, IIiki.v, or trSicrovt v in '!. nurmMoi? exists, milt iit;f,s;s s.\i,vv ??uy ?;?> ust><) to sUvnudtgc. I cm n r?v Ati r\tn-/?.A.r - - --- >vi.? VI 111.1. L-it.u'i1: iJ J.I ' > i.t.'fTC, W. L= Douglas f^RoSOlET IS THE BEST. ^ HlW Ert NO SQUEAKING. ^5. CORDOVAN, V FRENCH A ENAMELLED CALF. fip X^.toFlNECALf&KAfJGAROa W? ? *3.5PP0l.lCE:,3SOLE3. M //5&* BoysSchoolSmoes. '' \ ' ladies .<A^%VhSCND fcr catalogue * . rft W?IL? DOUGLAS, ,; v r ^ J3ROCKTON, iV\AS3, ? Vou run miyc money liy piivctiHslug \V. Ij. ' Itouulus Slioco, 11 Because, we are the largest manufacturer* ol V advert!: .-i shoos In the world, and guarantee 11 the value !>y stamping the name un<l pilce on the bottom, which protects you against high prices nud the middleman's piofits. Our shoes equal custom work in style, easy fitting mid I wearing dualities. We have the,,, ' where nt lower prices for the value ftiven than any other make Take no substitute. If your denlci cauiK)\ supply jej), v/e Can. Sold by ai : PLANTER'S HOTFL, MARIONS. O. i Fully Kqifippn] in Kvan Piirtiouliii*, POLliE ATFENTION TO GU'S'S P Porter nnvts all Truing. p j 1 W. JIOLI/I DAY & SON g, ..1i 8?.. Vitas' JHnco sured by l>r. Miles' ?rvlno. AM i itto 5 mt Lin3. Vtiiin ngton. iju'iimliia & Augusta R. R i . ,.. v '?nw?|1*VV H IO<. fv* - ~ * Iev " '-^4 { oaulc iim< (t m Ium'iiIo. _ ^ V. 1 >:ttimI IW. 2 I THAI NS (iolMi S' >' IT 11. No. r?f?. Leave Wilmington :S L'O |) in Leave (-'lualbniii ti "? *?() p m Leave Marion (j 50 j) in Arrive Florence (J re p ui No. :?o. I.eti\? Florence 7 10 |i m Arrive Suinler 8 5:8 p in Leave Sumter 8 5*8 p in Arrive C?>luinliiii 10 00 p in No. 5.8. le ave Florence 7 45 a in Arrive Sumter U i'O a m N i . rv. Leave Sumter tt .1:5 a III Arrive Colombia 11 0.r> a in No. M run.- t.irou^li from ( liarieston . I., t '....I -..1 i> . o I j >1(4 ^ * I|MMI 14 (ll|< Mill. I.ivivinir S il A. M M: lining 0:.0 I A.M. ' I'I1A I XS ( (u ,\Cj .s(>ii I. .v.. fti. I,mix * ('oiumbiu 'I .'.0 a m \rrive S?i!)11<' ft .r?7 a m Leave Sit!n*< r ft ft? u in Arrive I'M* 1 I ft a in i >. ft 4. j Leave Cn'.MIiil.i:* 1 20 p in Arrive Smn' >r ft ?>ft p in ft*?. ftli. Leave <?niitor ft 4ft p in Aifive i'l> r tire 0 ftft p in No ft'!. * i'or-.'* v- 7 4a a m i ea\ v x a r i ill K 2!l a in Leave ( li.nlli' urn t) 20 a in \rrivr? \Vilini'",|tmi 1010 a in Hail). t Daily e.\e? pt Sund tv. \i?. run* t}ii*i>nti> ( ftiarieslMti, S. *it ..Vnlia! II. !%., urrivint; Manning H:00 I'. .*! i.anei S;l<? 1'. ;V., (Iliarieslim 1(?:4U i'. M. Train on Manchester & Anjiin-tn H. K MVfs Suinpt M' daily e\ee;t Sninlay 10:ft? \. M., an live Uimini 1I :ftl) A. .>1. Ueturi^iii'jlea.e I'iininl 12:20 I'. M. irrive Sump* ier 1:41) 1'. M. Trains mi art-\llle !!. 11. leave Hartsill. . I - : ? V ... v ... ......j . .\ rj i oiujuny ; 11 .> UU ?i III, IKI*rivinj i'.iivti ."? j.") a in. |{. tmtii?ijx, leave Kluys 1) II |i in, arriving at ll.trtsville '.!) |."? J' 111. .1. 1'. I > I V i N K, i i'-ii'l Supt. .1. it l\ i.n i.v, Supi. Trail-, I. .V. Km i.icon, ijen'l I'ais. Ayent. vViIr.ur.gtca Char.bcui n &, Cm way B p i*,\sSKN<. ANI) HI'.KKUtT IIAII.V, KXOKl"! MM) \ V No 4:!.S()lJTJi!Uli:ND. !,eave H 5 a in I.i c Dion N ill) a in Arrive ('haitltnwrn 1) U) a in /.eave (.'liiul',?)iiriiX 10 10 a in Leave (Flare tioii 10 -10 u til Leave Mt i' iborj 10 of) a in Leave J.orisJ II ',20 p in Leav Saii!'?>ril^ II :}7 p m / eave 1 >.iyliori) 1 1 17 p in Leave lVivetts 11 .*>7 p in ave A.Irian IV) Ovi p m \ . i - - v-i on |? in No 4-1, NO nillOL'NI) I'ArM'.NiiKII AND KKIild'". DAC.Y, T SO I ji'iivo Conway 2 00 p .? /.eave Adrian 2 150 p a Leave IWvetta 2 >'t I ii Leave linylioro 2 13 p .a heave Sanford 2 5.) p iu Arrive at Loris U 20 p it. Arrive at Mt. Tabor '<> ?V) p "> Leave iMaerxon p i. Leave Clarendon -1 20 p ?r. Arrive Cliadoourn -1 f?0 ; in Leave Chadbnurn 5 15 ). ir. Leave 1 Hon r> 4o |> ii. arrive Hub (5 00 p i? 'schedule ? OK ? The Waccamaw Lino Steamers. TIIW STKA M Kli "w ill leave 1?? r wlnn it Conway c\\ry Monday and WednesdiI morning tor (leorgctown at 4 o'clock loucliing at al intcrincdato lie will leave her wharf iu^morgetown very Tuesday and Friday morning for I'onway t 1 o'clock, touching till IntermoHate points. 1). T. M('N I'd Lli, II A. ML'NNICULYN, CenT Ag't Agsami Trfas. Georgetown, S. C. Conway. S. (J, Schedule of Local Mail Routes. KOL'TK .NO. 2027:1. From (>>divants Ferry to Conway, mall rrivcs 1 :!. ) I'. M., on Monday WimIiiosi... .....i i-'-i i - . v 1111 r i may; leaves ;;t if:Ii(> 1'. M. oil miH' day. Mail doses at 2:25. UOU l*K NO. 20280. From Conway to Pirewav, N. mall riives'at -1::?0 p. ay an.I Saturday; leaves at 5 P. M. ojj ame days. A).-til < l jws ht 4:-1>. P. M, liOl TK NO. 20281, Front Conway \h? Forney, .lonlauvillo, lideon Cabana and return, mail urriyep t t P. M. ?m Tuesday, Thursday und ^'Ip niuyt leavos at (i M. mi Monday V'oduesday and Friday, Mail clones at 0 M. UOUTK NO. 20292. From Conway to ? ittlri Uivor, mail arises at 5 P. M. mi M nilav, Wednesday ad Friday; leaves at 7 A. M. Tllesdaj, hursday and Saturday. Mail closes at p. M, UOPTK NO. 202811-7 From Conway to Port llarrelson, mall rives daily at 12 M ; leaves dally at 1:45 . M. Mail closes at 1:10 P. M. Hiicklen'H Aniloll Matvt) The Best Salve in the world for Ills. I'-l' U"-? 1TI .f ? j f < f n ' i I ^ ILJ 1 v (') 8, Sll 11( luuir,., Fever Soi'ta,' lV'iter, :Cjmv. i t>?'. i lands, Chilblains, Corns, and all kin Eruptions, and positively ctires iles, or no pay required. It is [uiruuiecd to give per loot sulisfaeon, or money refunded. l'ric* 25 >ti a per box. For su lout E. Nortn'd Drugstore "