The Horry herald. (Conway, S.C.) 1886-1923, January 05, 1893, Image 2

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The Hor o Published Every Thursday. E. NORTON, Editor J. T MAYERS, Gon'l. Manager. TICK MS: One Year $1.50 Six Months 1.00 Three Months 50 o . RATES OF ADVERTISING. rrnnslout Advertisements $1.00 per square. Right lines ot this sl/.e type make one square. No advertisement counted less than a square. Advertising lines in local column l'? cents per line. Advertisements of Judge of Probate, Clerk and Sheriff at the rates allowed by law. Liberal contracts will be made with those wishing to advertise for three, six or twelve months. Marriage and death notices free. Short letters on current topics are coi dlally Invited. Correspondents may use any signature but true name of writer must accompany all communications. Articles to secure insertion must be sent in by Monday, previous to day of publics tlon. . All communications on business, or re mittances should be directed to business manager. All communications for publication should be directed to the eultor. CONWAY, S. G, JAN. 5, 1803. The State levy for next your is 5 mills, including the constitutional 2 mill tax it is 7$ mills. Statu and County, we believe, amounts to 102 mills. It is easy to preach reduction in taxation, but when the legislators get to Columbia and consider the various necessities of the Govern U...1 .1. __1. _ < muni lucj mm uiu SCIIC'IIC linpi'UCllcable. It is easy to oxeite dissatisfaction among the people, hut it is more dilllcult to give a reasonable excuse for it. This legislature made liberal appropriations and must no cessurily make the levy to suit the exigencies of the treasury. The so-called prohibition bill pus sed and was approved by the Governor. It goes into effect .Inly 1st, 1SU3. It does not pretend to prohibit, but to regulate and restrict the sale of intoxicants. In our opinion it is a piece of very crudo legislation and contains provisions that will he difficult of execution. The main feature of the act is that the State takes charge of all whiskey, etc., brought into the State and sends it out to the people through County Despensers. A State Commissioner is appointed who buys all whiskeys, etc., that can be brought into the State and has them examined by the Chemist of the South Carolina College. The Commissioner then puts up in differnil t C t ft (\ r?l - <? .--rt/. f ..rt.v. 4 v??? oi/.o iiuill UllU nail J?1111 to five gallons and seals caeli package. The County Despenscr orders in these packages and can sell only in original package, lie cannot sell to minors or persons who got drunk. There are boards of State and county control who have general supervision of the matter in the State and Counties respectively. The Dispensers and boards of control must bo teetotal abstainers. The bill appropriates fifty thousand dollars for the State to start in business. We have doubts that the act will over he enforced. We think Horry is exempt from the provisions of the act. There is a manifest disposition over the State to disregard tho tfvans dispensary law enacted by the recent legislature. Several towns, Lexington, Barnwell, Charleston, Cheraw, Columbia, etc, have issued li censes as usual, except that Lexington reduced tho license from $200 to $5. Now, wo arc free to say we think this is all wrong, let the law have a trial. Wo feel satisfied tho law oronerlv oii/nrAinl wilt vnoi..'nf _ _ v... ,vv? IWOtl Itl XI J drinking whero barrooms are now run by individuals for profit. Theie is no inducement for dispensers to push the sale of intoxicants as t lie profits do not go into their pockets. Let the law have a fair trial, rigidly enforced and then the way will be opened for discussion, amendment repeal, or continuance in operation as the moral interests of the people demand. - ? Now Acts. An Act to Incorporate Johnson Navigation and Manufacturing Company, of Horry County. lie it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of South Carolina, now sitting in General Assembly, and by the authority of the same: Skotio.v. J. That Charles 1/. Johnson and his associates be incorporated under the name of Johnson Navigation and Manufacturing Company. Sec. 2. That tin*said corporation hall, for the period of twenty-one years, have the exclusive right to open and keep open, navigate and usef for the purpose of lloating out M^r-'rr' I i ii I *? "I o^s, Hug Swamp, in Horry County, from Tyler Mill to tin* confluence of said Swamp with White Oak Swamp; the said White Oak Swamp "fioin Stephens Mill to tho confluence of said Swamp with Kingston Lake, the said Kingston Lake from the Man ring K?>ad crossing to the Williams Koad crossing; Camp Swamp from the confluence of said Swamp with Kingston Lake to a proposed canal on the lands of the said Charles L. Johnson; the said proposed canal to Mill Branch; and said Mill Branch from said proposed canal to the con lluonce of said Branch with Waeca maw Uiver, till in Ilorry ( ounty aforesaid. Skc. Ji. That the said corporation shall have the right to grant tlnv rise I of said streams and canal, or any ! part thereof, to others, and to domund, take and recover toll therefor, payable in advance, said tolls not to jexceed the following rates, to wfrt: On all timber, hewn or unhewn, floated or rafted thereon, ten cental (10 o.) per stick or log for each mile (lie sumo siia 11 l>e so flouted or rafted. Sue. 4. That the said corporation shall have power to make all by laws, rules ahd regulations accessory for the proper conduct of its business, not in conflict with the laws and Constitution of this State. Si:< 5. Provided?That no exclusive use of any stream which is now navigable for llats and rafts shall Jbe granted to said Corporation by this Act, and such stream so Navigable now shall be free to such craft hereafter. An Act. to reduce the Compensation of tho County Hoard of Ivpiali /.alien and to Provide for Compensa tion to Township Assessors in Horry County. He it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of South Carolina, now m *t i and sitting in (leneral Assembly, and by the authority of the same; Suction. I. That on and after i tho passage of this Act tho members i of tho County Hoard of Kqualtzation < in I lorry County, (Several other Counties wore included) shall each i roecivo as compensation two dollats I per day for each day necessarily en- ' gaged in the duties of that ollice and I live cents per mile one way for nc oessary travel in attending the meet . ings of tlio Hoard. i ISec. 2. Tlmt the Township Ass i essors in Horry County shall each re- < ccivo ono dollar per day for 0110 day's j service as such in each year. Sec;. 3. That all Acts and parts of ( Acts inconsistent with this Act be, I and are hereby, repealed so far as ' Horry County is concerned. I An Act to to Fix the Ages, and < Liability and Commutation Tax of < Persons Liable to I load Duty in ' llorry County. t lie it enacted by the Senate and louse of Representatives of the t State of South Carolina, now met ( and sitting ir. General Assembly. ' and by the authority of the same: j Section'. 1. Thrt on and after ( the passage of this Act every male c citizen hi llorry County between , the ages of twenty one and fifty years | who is capatdc of earning a livelihood ( bv manual or mental labor shall be ( required to work on the public roads t in said County six full days in each ( year, or to pay a commutation road t nxof two dollarsin lieu of working \ on saitl roads. >Sko. 2. That all Acts and parts ] of Acts inconsistent with this Aid be and are hereby, repealed. ' ?> o Proceedings ot Comity Sunday School Convent ion. | \ / - - - 4 * l.l) I" KOM LAS I' ISSL'K.) I SECOND DAY SESSION Dec. 3. j At 10 A. M. Convention cnllcul to 1 order by Pres. Richardson, and join- ' oil in devotional exercises, lead by 1 Bro. Wm. Long in absence of Rev. 1 Prosper Millgnn. 1 New members enrolled and reports from Sunday Schools received. On call for reports from County and I j Township ollicers the following were read and handed in for entry in the I minutes; ! County Pres. 10. I). Richardson, ' report No. 1. County Sect. 15. L. Beaty, report No. 2. County Trens. I). 1). Watson, no report. liueks Township, B. L. Beaty, report No. ! 3. Bayboro Township, S. I). Prince no report. Conway Township, K. Norton, no report. Dog Bin IT, J. L .lones, no report. Dogwood Neck, ; A. .1. Told, no report. Floyds, P. E. Lewis, no roport. Green Sea, S. L. Grainger, report No. 4. Gallivants Ferry, E. V. Best, no roport. Little River, S. Peimonter, verbal report. Simpson Creek, Win. 11. Long, report No. 5. Socasteo, W. 'P / ' ,^A I! 1- i x. vnmuiijcii, report i\0. U. The following officers were elected for ensuing year: President, .1. C. Bryant, Permanent Sect. B. L. Beaty retaine 1. Asst. Sect. W, U. Orahmn. Treas. B. II. Stalvey. Bayboro Township, Pres. Bethel Elliott. Bucks Townsliip, Pres. B. L. Beaty. Conway Township, Pres. J. It. Cooper. Dog Bluff W. S. (hooper. Dogwood Neck, C. \Y. Cox. Ployds, .Joseph Hayes. Green Sea, S. li. Grainger. Gallivants Perry, .1. II. Mishoe. Little Kiver, M* P. Clardy. Simpson Creek, W. II. Long. Soeasteo, \V. T. Gohlfield. Kxeoutive Committee, .1. IP Coop, er, E. W. Noliey, J. A. Lewis. Report proceeding to the election of the above officers the Convention engaged in earnest prayer lead by Bro. Dnsenbury that God would guide in the selection of the officers now to be chosen, and inspire, sus tain and guide Ilium in a faithful ( and full discharge of their duties; 1 Several invitations Wero extended { the Convention to hold the next ' session with their Sunday Schools 41 lloney Camp" receiving tnost votes it wag made unanimously to aacept * 1st* warmly extended invitation tc hold the next Convention there. Ii was also voted that the next "Con vention be held on 4th. Friday Sat urday and Sunday of March nexl that we might get in regular ordei with State Convention whose nexi ho*ion will be in the spring of 1893 A recess of fifteen minutes was taken after which the Convention was called to order and the Commit tee on Reports Submitted the fol lowing which was adopted. To the I lorry County S. S. Asso ciation. We your committee to whom were submitted 1 lie reports of the County uiul Township oflicers beg to submit the following report. Wo commend the report of out President, regarding the care necessary in guarding against the entry into our families of the evil and trashy papers and literature of various kind which are being published and scattered broad cast over our land, poisoning and debasing the minds and hearts of our children and young people. W'c would therefore call earnestly upon all of our people; parents Sunday Sclmo' oflioorj and teachers and our dear young people to shun, put awav and destroy till such as they would a viper. From tho reports we gather that many of our Sunday Schools do not use the International Systems of 1 .cssons. VVo would request the various Township < Mllocrs to bring this question before the Sunday School Superintendents and endeavor to impress upon them tho importance of i'.is system and the advantages following from the use of same. At the same time wo urge the more gen oral use of tho lliblein our Sunday Schools calling upon the members in t.lio exercises for passages and references from the word of (lod. We tlso advise the use of tho Catechism specially among tho small children. W'o also urge upon the Superintendents of nil the Sunday Schools to vi-il the families of the children |w. .. I .. C o. i ii uv; mi: iih iii >vji "> *11 i in' i nilnuay > 1 >ool ami of tlio community and ndoavor to reclaim absent scholars uul obtain new ones and to scoure sont i if not all from every family in vaeti of their Sunday School to be otno members and workers in the *roat cause. We also roeommend that the Jounty Kxeeutivo Committee shall K-rcafter make up programs for Township Conventions, using their >est efforts and inlluonees to push forward the Township work and or janizut'ons and that the Townsh p conventions are held aiding the Township Presidents by their counsels and efforts. ? We also recommend, that, during lie week proceeding our next County convention, viz; the 3d week in durch next. All the Sunday schools n the County engage in prayer to iod that lie will greatly bless every (Tort in behalf of this work and bless til of our leaders and guide them in heir labors in its behalf. Also that ho ministers of the gospel in our 'ounty are requested to preach a lerinon on our Sunday school work >n the 3d Sunday in March next and o pray Cods blessii gs on our coning County Convention. lie.1 peotfully submitted, 1.1, L. 11 hatv, ' ] \ m. duskn 111'uv, 1 IV m. II. Bono, ) t'om in it toe, \f. T. Floyd, I A Normal Bible Question on the Mack board was then given by liro. 15. L. I5caty, which was enjoyed very nnch by the Convention, soveral ex >ressing tlieir intention to adopt the ise of tho black board in their Sunlay schools with the lessons for same n t ho Trumpet Cull published by \V. 15. Jacobs, Chicago 111., (a 25 cents [wr year. After singing, and prayer by 15ro. Dasenbury and announcement of preaching tonight by Pros. A. M. Dusenbury and J. Martin, tho Convention adjourned to meet tomorrow it 9 A. M. Pill III) DAY SESSION Dec. 4th. Pursuant to adjourdmont the Convcution was called to order by 1'resilient Hichardson and was lead in religious exercises by l5ro. \\ . II. Long. The sermon last night by 15ro. Du senhury and Martin was very pertinent and applicable to the occasion, Text, "Train up a child in the way ho should go etc." Many expressed themselves as being much benefitted. After an excellent recitation from master \V. Smith, a collection was taken up for aid of the state work, rocciving $3.21. After a talk by 15. L. Deaty. W. II. Long, A. M. Dusenbury and others, tho singing of a number of beautiful songs a free ami heart felt talk and pledging of more faithful work for the Master in the future in this great cause the Convention adjourned. Those who failed to be present certainly missed one of theopportun ities of a life time. * H. L. Iirat y, Sect. No household which is blessed with children, should l?o without Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. In the treatment of- croup and whooping cough, the Pectoral has an almost magical effect. It allays inflnmma tion, frees the obstructed air passa ges, and i ontrols the desire to cough. Tho question is frequently asked, "W'ny is Ayer's Cherry Pectoral so much more effective than other cough remedies?" The answer is, 3i in p'y because it is the most skilful combination of anodynes and expectorants known to medical science. I>ots From Howard. k Christmas passed off very quietly The health of tli3 com nuiiity is ) i Mr. W. K. Cameron killed a hog 15 months old on the 22nd, weighing t 224 lbs. Mr. W. J. Smith, of this place, t left on 23rd to spend Christmas with his wife in Now Jersey, and to look i after his interest in the lumber bu* t ; silicas. Mr. A. II. Burr, of the firm of Smith & Burr, left for Wilmington, N. C. on ehe 24th. to spend the holiday's at home, we wish them a pleasant Christinas. This place Iihs not been established very long, but it bids fuirto be one of the best little towns in the ' county, next to our county seat. 1 Mess. Smith & Burr are nuttimr in a i n * dry kiln with a drying capacity of 10,000 foot per day and have put ill a new Glen cove planer that will dress any size lumber up to (5x14 four sid"s. Will let you hear again soon, if this does not find its way to the waste 1 i basket. Much success to the "lli:uai.d." Yours, Joiin 11-:. Talke's cheap, but when it's i backed up by a pledge of the hard cash of a financially responsible firm, or company, of world-wide reputation for fair and honorable dealing, it means business! Now, there are scores of sart-apar1 illas and other blood-purifiers, all cracked up to be the best, purest, most peculiar and wonderful, but bear in mind (for your own sake), there's only one guaranteed bloodpurifier and remedy for torpid I v.'r and all diseases that come front bad blood! That, one?Htnnilintr snliim'v .m.1 n wv....... J ...... alone?sold on trial, is Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. If it doesn't do good in skin, scalp and scrofulous diseases?and pulmonary consmnptiod is only lung scrofula?just let its makers know ami get \our money back. Talk's cheap, but to back a poor medicine, or a common one, by sel ling it on trial, as "Golden Medical Discovery" is sold, would bankrupt the largest fortune* Talk's cheap, but only'' I )iscovery" is guaranteed .. -. Premature baldness may bo prevented and tiie hair made to grow on beads already bald, bv the use of Hall's Vegetable Sicilian llair lienewer. Do You Want si Public Oflico? Thero aro 180,000 offices within the gift of the new Administration, I and now is the time for those seeking public employment to take proper steps to secure one of these lucrative positions. All who are interested should at once send for a copy of the Tinted States Pine Hook. It is a register of all Federal ollices and em- | p'oyinents in each Sta'o and Terri-! tory, the District of Columbia and abroad with their salaries, emoluments and duties: shows who is eli j gible for appointment, questions asked at examinations, how to make i an application and how to push it to st.ccess, and gives besides a vast I amount of important and valnab'e;^ information relative to Government positions never before published. 1 landsomoly bound in cloth. I'rice, 75 cents, post paid. Address J. II. Sonic, Publisher, Washington, lb C. a - ltiith 1 terns. The health of this community is very goou at present. There is but little being done in preparing for the t ew year farms. The litiek Creek Church is nearly complete, j Work has been suspended but will ' commence soon again, we hope. The Surveyors ha\e found Jlots of abandoned land in this neighborhood. There is an excellent acorn mast in the swamps of the Waocumaw. Mr* W.I. Cox, has just returned from visting relatives and friends in Marion County. He attended a groat many festivals and pastimes with young !( folks and never heard of any spir- t ifcous liquors, much less to "drink or to see itgeffects There was not tin oath or any immoral conduct whatever. The sound of the violin or the foot in dancing was not heard during the whole of the Christmas times. He returns gratitude to the kind people of Marion for their hospitably. Respect fully, I..J. Cox. iMniiiiB?'i i min i i mii iiiiuwij FITS I CURED Wbbstsr, S. C.. Dec. 19, 1891. |U Sift! I wish I could let riff who are sfiffer Ing from miy Nerve tHeeane know just how < good your remedy is. M y son used it one year, and is now the stoutest child 1 have. With many thanks. I remain yours. ra H. A. TATE. M g| C.?n?sis, Pa . Dec. 03, >891. 1 aa I have not had one of my had spells since I Hcommenced taking your medicine, six months ,1 ago. ^ p THURSY EI.MORE. ; J _ r; Pitit.AncLrniA, Pa., Jan. *, 18ns. 0 m I pernonaH// A-rioto of two cases of j, where the patient had given up all hope, that were cured by this remedy. fig C. A. WOOD, t) j|| Treasurer American Publishing House. p ? JTR KNOW our remedy CURES the * WORST CASES. '1 hat you may try It, 11 Btrff/iotif rr/, we will send you One B JWottle EVe<\ All elmryre prrpatil by us. Hg Give Age, Post-Office and State. Address '< p Hall Chemical Co,, ? NKW ADVKKTISEMENTS. ! NOTICE. Wilmington, Chadbourn A; Conway K. It. Co. Wilmington N. C. Dec, 30th, 181)2. The r? gular annual meeting of the ; Stockholders of the Wilmington, Chadbourn and Conway Hail Itoad Company will be held at the town of Conway in the State of.South Carolina on Tuesday the 17th,day of January A. 1). 1803 at one o'clock P. M J. K. Post Jr. Secretary, w. c. & c. n h. Co. THE BEST llemedy for colds, coughs, and the common disorders of the throat and lungs, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is universally recommended by the profession. It breaks up the phlegm, i soothes inflammation, allays painful symptoms, and induces renose. In bronchitis and pneumonia, it affords speedy relief, and is unrivaled as a prompt and elTeetive Emergency Medicine in croup, sore throat, and the sudden pulmonary diseases to which young children are so liable. " Ayor's Cherry Pectoral has had a wondc.ful effect in curing my brother's j children of a severe and dangerous cold. | It was truly astonishing how speedily they found relief, and were cured, after taking this preparation."?MissAnnetto I N. Mocn, Fountain, Minn. AYER'S Cherry Pectoral Prepared by Dr. J. C. Aycr & Co., Lowell, Maia. Prompt to act, sii re to cure Jk Scientific American 1 ADE^EM ARKS, OE8IOM PATENTS, ^ COP VRIOHT8, ?tc. l or Information nnd free Handbook wrlto to MIINM .V CO., 301 UllOAOWAT, Ni:w VoitK. Oldest bureau for securing pat cuts In America. Krcry patent taken out l>y iib Is brought before the public by anotloo given free of charge in tbo Scientific JVtucriCitn Largest elrenlallon of any sclentlfle paper In the world. Splendidly Illustrated. No intelligent man should bo without It. Weekly. St.'t.OO a vear; fl.GOalX months. Address MUWN A CO., X'ujjmsukus, 301 llroadwuy, Mew York City. They all Testify AflLfitDnn. To,hoEWcac* nrf WlW.HWI ol thn wo,|d*R?nownc<i WllUrTLF Specific. I I 1 I I ^'1(> ?'t? "mo almplo ill | 11 \ remedy from tho Georgia 111 I \\ nwampg ami Ileitis hits iJ I lifl gono forth to iho antipodes, 1 |g?]IW,| astonishing theskeptical and 1 KJotH J confounding tho theories of thoso who depend solely on tho U_1M[P *38 physician's skill. Thero Is no blood aw (a(nt which It docs not Immediately eradicate. Poisons outwardly absorbed or tho result of vllo diseases from within all yield to this potent but filmplo remedy. It Is an unoqualed tonic, builds up tho old and feeble, cures nil diseases arising from Impuro blood or weakened vitality, Bcud for a treatise. Examtno tho proof. Hooks on " Blood and Skin Diseases " mailed froa. J>ru(jylata Sell It. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Drawer 3, Atlanta, Qa. CHEAPEST WATCH 111 THE WORLD. , Altaic.;* no*Kitf.nt, tioi.n ri.x. Jgk r'D <S*UT3| X ?.!> ? A-Ml I.H ItHJl'IRKb. B" H uU S."*l ' ?' ' diltlciiliy III selling W. B w w ^Cvt.L/'OV, tli't 1 wauli to iliBtsnt buyers Is H ? ?*> X\ tlmt tlioy csiucl bollovo tlist V IR I CA M V/A*TCH?FO8 JTy //' ' .ft e >?" ". ?' Jl.bO. ** o tlioioloeo odor Mf y''toll'h * ThlS ml aiil.M M\,^ moidtlnHUuf Swt n 1 \ Y 19b TEAR. w'uIirimhJ unci* H / ' V'jJ wlli run ^"crfoelly for JO U M ^ triumph of America^ In V ' ^flui 1 ' fa for'watches over 1\JJ Lit J! 'i lio largest w atcli uianuMbV;V TT jQ&i- f/n. fncturlug plant In tha / v1 world making those . _ _ .. ?jrn~?li? ' ' .J wnuiica. iv lu^icsvir.a w' > uf ex perlmciit and outlay. Cut oxauiy ropresents It two-thlrdii slro. Unvmnont Is American I^iver, IJintern Pinion J40 beat* to mlntltO. PorflBCUy tdltlt(d| rogulut-d ami tested. 11.19 patent winding attachment ro. uulriiic no key. M died p ut paid f'>r; 'J for $4.00. A written Kuornnleo accompanies each. Mention thlt paper a11J ?; winpresent joti wIt:, o imndaomoKol.lplated chain. Empire Watch Co., New York. Pax Irtetui'iis Tho Auditor of Ilorry County will bo it the following places at tho time given 'or tho purpose of taking tax returns for he year 1802. Port Ilarrelson, Tuestlay Jan. 17. CVdar (Jrove, Wednesday, Jan. 18. .Jordanville, Thursdny, Jan. 10. Cideon, Friday, Jan. 20. Cool Spring, Saturday, Jan. 21. (iallivants Ferry, Monday, Jan. 2'J. ltehoboth, Tuestlay, Jan. 24. Taylorsville, Wednesday, Jan. 27. Floyds, Thursday, Jan. *20. Stephens X, Friday, Jan, 27. Zoun, Saturday, Jan. 28. Bayboro, Monday, Jan. JO. ( banford, Tuesday, Jan. 81. Green Sea, Wednesday and Thursday, Feb. 1 and 2. < J.orls, Friday, Feb. 3. i Hound Swamp, Saturday, Feb. 4. < Hammond, Monday, Feb. 0. Ebene/.er, Tuesday, Feb. 7. I Little ltivor, Wednesday, Feb. 8. < Wampee Thursday, Feb. 0. Parkers Store, Friday, 10. Grueainvillo Saturday, 11. Soeastee, Monday, 18. Marlow, Tuesday, 14. Oil nil lirnnortv nnl pnim-nnd <?. . .. i ? . - , V .. wt. t.I l,C forc20th, day of Febuary 18113 a penalty >f 50 per cent, will be added and collected Every male between the ages of 21 and years, except those incapie of earning i support from being maimed or from ( my other cause, shall be deemed taxable oils. Merchants, Manufacturers, Guardian, j administrators and executors must make heir returns stietly according to law. A statement of all sales or purchases f land made since the last return, must e noted on this. A moneys, Mortgages, and notes are nxable. All Assortments of personal roperty must beat the usual selling pilce fsimulur property on the temrs at txucutors and Administrators sales at the ilaee where return is made. Each taxpayer excen when impossible :> do so, must make Ids or her own return Returns can be made at this office rt J ny time from January 1 toFcby. 20 180:1 ] J. ftcwis, \ tiiditor of Horry County, I Atlantic Coast Line Wilm>ngton. Columbia & Augusta R R4 'oimIciinciI Ii?'?I ii l<>. Dated .Ian. 4, 1802. TRAIN'S GOING SO'JTtl. No. 28. Leave Wilmington 0 25 |? in Leave ChadlMJurn 8 21 pin Leave Marion 0 84 p m Arrive Florence 0 15 p in No. 27. Leave Wilmington 10 10 |? in " (Jhadbourn Mario 12 40 a in Ar 've Florence I 2(J a m No. 50. Lea\' Florence 8 20 am Arrive Sumter l 85 a in Leave Sumter 4 86 a in a / -.! i i- " - | rtirivu v <<1111111<111 I) ! ) .1 11) No. 58. j Leave Florence 7 10 tt in i Arrive Sumter 9 00 u in No. 52. Leave Sumter .. 8 10 a in Arrive Colombia 9 50 a m No. 52 runs through from Charleston via Central Railroad. Leaving Lanes 7:15 A. M Manning 8:^1 j A. M. Train on ('. & I). Railroad connects at [ Florence with N'o 58. TRAINS UOIN'H NORTH. No. 51. Leave Columbia 10 15 f ui Arrive Sumter 12 04 a in Leave Sumter 12 04 a tn Arrive Florence 115 a in No. 50. Leave Sumter 5 05 p in Arrive Florence 7 00 p in No. 58. Leave Columbia 0*80 p hi Arrive Sumter 0 85 p in No. 14, Leave Florence 10 25 p in Marion 11 02 p ni j " ('hadhouru 12 01 p iu Ann"" Wilmington 1 50 a in No 78. Leave Flo *cnc3 5 00 a in Leave Marion 5 4(1 a m Leave Chadbourn 7 00 a m Vrrive Wilmington 8 55 a in "Daily. IDaily except Sunday. >o. 58 runs through to Onarleston,S. ('., via 'entral R. R., arriving Maiming 10:80 F. M. Lanes 11:17 F. M, Charleston 12:50 A. M. No. 50 connects at Florence with and ! I), train from C'lieraw and Wadesboro. Nos. 78 and 14 make close connection i at Wilmington with W. &. W. R. R. for all points north. Train on Florence R. R., Leave Fee Dee j Dally except Sunday 4:40 F. M., arrive Rowland 7:00 I*. M. Returning leav Rowland 0:80 A. M. arrive Fee Dee 8:50 A. M. Train on Manchester A Augusta R. R. leaves Suinpter daily except Sundav 10:50 A. M., arrrlve Rimini 11:50 A. M. Returninirloivo Rimini 12:20 1*. M. arrive Sump ! tor 1:40 P. M. .1. V. 1)1 VIN K, Oen'l Supt. .1. R Ki.m.y, Svipt. Trans, T. M. 10m I'.itsoN, Gen'l Pass. Vipmt " 1 tfiipplnnpnt No. 2(o Charleston & Columbia Division rime Tab c No. !). .1 ;i 1111:11*3 ail, Schedule in effect Irom uate. Wilmington Chadbourn & Conway B B l'ASSKNOKU ANI) KHKKI1IT IM1I.Y, I'.M'KI"! I SUNDAY No 22, NO in 11 BOUND. Leave (.'hudbourn 7 15 a in Leave 1 lion 7 45 a in Arrive Hub 8 jO a in No 21, SOUTHBOUND. 1 Leave Hub 1) 00 a in Leave Ilion 0 15 a in Arrive Chadbourn it -15 a in /.eave C'hndWmrnJ 10 510 a in Leave Clare don 11 00 a in Leave Mt 1 abort 11 20 a in Leave LorlsJ. 11 45 p 111 Leav Sanfordt 12 02 p 111 /.eave Baylioro 12 12 p in ' Leave Privetts 12 12 pm Leave Adrian 12 27 p 111 ' Arrive Conwayt 1 00 pin No 20, NORTH BOUND l'ASSKNOKU AND KUKIOII'i DAILY, ifCKI'T j RUN Drt VS. Leave Conway 2 110 p n> Aeave Adrian 55 00 p m Leave Privetts 51 05 j 111 Leave Baylioro 51 15 p in Leave San ford 51 25 n in Arrive at Loris 8 50 p in Arrive at Alt. Tabor 4 25 p in Leave Emerson P ni i Leave Clarendon 4 50 pm Arrive Chadbourn 5 20 pm f ^Telegraph Stations. Note?No. 21 wait at Hub until ' No. 22 arrives. ,( Nos. 22, 21 ami 20 will stop at all stations for freight and passengers J, It* Ken ley, General Manager \ J. F* Divine, Gen'l Superintendent !< H. Bokden, Sup't Transportation ^ HMm torn 1 MULLETS! MULLETS! MULLETS! c One liundred and twenty thousand lino Mullets just caught at Cherry Grove Heach, Nearly four hundred barrels! For cash [ heap or will exchange for corn, peas, rice, merchandise of any kind, Come at mice and lay in a supply for winter use. ^ Dry salt sides are high* Fish are better and cheaper. Hitch up and start at nice for Cherry Grove, S. C. N F. Nixon. IV W. Hamilton, E. a. uasque 11 Raflfiilfcon & Basque, t ltnntAKO III' nntll-nl Oil.. i/w iuiii wi nm'^i'ry, Marion, S. C. Cocaine, and all the latest nnoshetic ised. OlHce lltted up In Irst-class style Ml the latest Improved instruments usoq hUfaetion guaranteed. Ofllco on liar- J ee street. D P A P"" J Bb& b Fm. I CWSMIOMt Wbl*pent >?>,), ( . fort able. 8ucoeaefuI where till Remedtea rail.. 111*. Lookds roofafrta. AdUrcea f. UMi'Ol, 003 Broxdwxj. New Vork. KS PARKER'S HAIR BAL8AM B CIeanee ?|'<I beautlflea the M RHBr* Promote* luxuriant growth. 0 BRfWF JNovit Valla to Heetore <I rny 8 KSl\\ -? Hair to ita Youthful Co)or. fl Cure? K-xlp iliiraaei k hair telling. Raj'fsPiJ ")7 *v,?r,.i ii t?i *t DroifliU T1 ??? * , I. I. II. * Ol rh? Consumptive and Feeble and an who g? utTcrfrom exhauxting dieeaeee thould uteParker'a Olnee; 'onto. It eurea the vorat Ooueh, Weak l.unga lability. In- pi igcetion, Female Weaknraa, tUirumetlamana Pain. 40c. * |L I -IINDERCORNS. The onl* eure core for (Vrni. ?? ?<.p, all pain. Make* wxlklo: ceajr. J.Vta, at )>Tuggi?ta. II j Oil? TV^oi'd. I come to you with a small affair that you may need. In England, the Continent and many foreign countries' nnself and wares aro well known. Many American families on their return from abroad bring my articles with them, for they know them pretty well, but you I may not bo one of these. Coufidence bewteen man ami man [ is slow of growth, and when found its rarity makes iv valuable. I ask your confidence and mako a reference to this Journal to indorse that confidence. I do not think it | will bo misplaced. I make the host form of a euro '?an ubsoluto oue?for biliousness ami headache that can bo found in this year. Th-i cure is *o small in I itself, ami yet its comfort to you is ^ s<> groat?20 minutes beipg its limit J j when relief?that it has become the marvel of its time. One and a half grains of medicine, coated with sugar, is my remedy, in the shape of one small pill, known to commerce as DR. II AY HOOK'S NEW I-1YER PILL. It is old in tho markets of Europe, but is new to North America. The price is as low us n honest nuVieipo can be sold at, 25 ecnts. Send a postal card for a sample vail, to try them, before you pur- ^ chase. DR. HAY DOCK, G3 Fid ton St., N. Y. Summons for Relief. STATE OF SOU I'M CAROLINA > COUNTY OF HORRY. S Court of Common I Mens. (Complaint not Served.) II enry L. Ru< k, 111 iiu,i gnu o Mm y .1. Sarvis, Fannie It, Anderson, Frank L. (5illicit, ('eplias Oilbert, .Jr., Oeorgo F Oil belt, Henry It Oilbert Fnima Twiggs., Hello Oilbort. tVni Frederick Oilbert, Holmes it Springs. Albert A Springs, .Jr., .Maurice ID priugs, \V St Julien Spring Alice It Springs, Albert A Springs. Do fowl tints. To the Defendants: Mary .J Sarvls, Fannie 15 Anderson, Frank L Gilbert, Cephas (1 Ibert, Jr., George F Gilbert, Henry 15 Gilbert, Kmma Twig :, lielle Gilbert, Win Frederick Gilbert, ilolme.s B Springs, A1 belt A Springs, r., Maurice F .Springs, W St Julian Springs, Alice 15 Springs, and Albert A Springs: Von are hereby summoned and required to answer the complaint in this action Willi h has been filed in the oflice of the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas, for the said County, and to servo a copy of your answei to the said complaint on the subscriber at his oflie in Conway, S. C. within twentydajs after the service hereof, exclusive of the day of such service; and if you fail to answer the complaint within the time aforesaid, the plaintiiT in this action will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint. Dated November 15th 1SU2. JUoitKiM 15. Plaintiffs Attorney To the defendants, Fannie 15: Anderson Frank JI,. Gilbert Cephas Gilbert Jr. George F. Gilbert, 1 lenry 15, Gilbert, you will please take Notice that the Complaint in this action and summons of which foregoing is a copy were tiled in the oftlce of the clerk of the court of common pleas for Horry County on November, loth 18! 12. Hobt 15, Scarborough. PllT's Atty John M. Oliver ('. C. C. PWANTED! NAMES! forJOQ QQQrt"t s'ribei* to tlio Weekly Constitution Published at Atlanta, Ga. I'lIK FARM UK'S FRIEND, A HOME COM PA "MI/AW. ^ I hi* already 100,0^0 Subscribers?The hardest circulation of any Weekly Newspaper in the vorkl. l'lie ;GKKAt southern weekly. Its Agricultural Department is the best n tlie land. Its Woman's and Children's column ire of unusual domestic interest. Its Special Features cost more money ban is paid by any ten Southern papers combined for general reading matter. Its News Columns cover the world, llill Arp writes for it. Dr. Talmadge preaches for it. Joel Chandler Harris (Uncle Remus) Vallace 1'. Reed and Frank e. Stanton re regularly employed by it. V. M, Weir (Sarge Flunked) has a reekly letter Mark Twain, Robert Louis Steveson, tudvard Kipling, Frank Stockton, Richrd Malcolm Johnston, and the best literry genius of the world contribute to its fcp olumns. \ It is a Magazine! lNI) every issue is an educator ONLY *1.00 a Year. lgents wanted in every locality. Money foi agents in working for itSEND FOR SAMPLE COPIES, Send Six NamesGiving the addresses! ofj yourself ami ve neighbors who want free copies Write (or agent's terms, 'lubsof sixjor fTYc dollars a year, Address Constitution Atlanta, (la, 9hu*on A .lohneon, i Johnson* A tJuatUchsium Marlon, S. C. ( Conway, H. C ohnsens Quat&Iebaum ATTTONKYS AT LAW, Conway, 8. C. jy Prompt attention given to all bus?ss entrusted to our care. ArRyle, WlB., naya: * ' B?for?. AfUr. too. be accompanying statement w.ifbt mo lb* to iu it lb* ! my weight and rocaanro-Butt ... ?in. Mln. to in. ents will show tho results of w?ut.. ?t in. ti In. u in. re months' treatment. nip?~.. u u>. to in. it in. ttients treated by mail. confidential. HtrmltOT, and with tOrrlnf, lno)oT*oUno?, or bai rdbcU. ltffttimllvmftvcutu. iu.