The Lutheran visitor. (Columbia, S.C.) 1869-1904, June 06, 1873, Image 2

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Columbtn« H. C\ Friday Y Jon© 6, 1873* *j| t Editors: a Rf I»K, I).I>,, <\*l«ut*bur, H. V Rkv* J. f. MILLER, A.M.. Stminfun, Va. In essentials, unity; in non fmumtMs, liberty ; in nil thing*, charity.” <* i mtciAi ifotirw. Item it tan era i#n*t he n»ad«* In IW Ml Onions Bank Check* or Draft*, if pi>H.sibi«. If these ran not be obtained, m»mi the money in a Rkowtkrkd Lot- tkk. All INwtnuwters am ohliowd to or letter* when required. are sent to unhsertber* until max order to discontinue i* re ami all arrearage* are paid, a* 1 bv law. Merely returtthur a of the paper by mail, ia not nwf- tide lit. iBaHta rel All communication* relating to *»b- xhouhl giro their name* eery , ami carefully until ate which and which are new unWiil* All cor ar^hi and which are new Mharrihem. Not only the name of the po*t othee, kino that of tbo couuty ami Utah Ich xubeeriber i* necemxurjr, in order the proper cntrie* may lie promptly and accurately made. Mju'viugv and obitnanr notice*, and other matter intended for publication, should lie written Bcpwratciy, and not in business letter*, to receive proper atten tion . * * """' We are indebted to Mr. 8. Seneca Bafcjn, of the dctniuaiy at Salem, Va., for the report of the proceed ings of the Genenii Synod. Wo will commence, next week, to publish the iuuum of all who are in arrears, and hope that all will promptly pay whut is due, an we stauiil very much iu need of money. Wo can not bo honest, if our sub scribers are dishonest. Every oik* cun very easily calculate his indebtedness. A number of the Visitor cost* five cents; multiply, therefore, the mint bemifbr which payment has not been made, and the product is the amount due, For example: A. owe* from No. 300; we have now No. 240; 200 from 240 leaven 40, which multi pi ini by' a, gives #2-10 due us. First ou our book is Staunton, Va. We therefore begin next week with SXAVNTON. ? |;i| . ; **"••* "gh fiffil* igbniii* l. PltMO Take Notice, Delinquent subscribers will be published three tinea, and, If they do not pay up then, lie delivered to the tormentors. Prepayment will hereafter be our rule. We begin this week U* adop tion by dropping all wbo have paid to No. 244. By doing this, we spare them the disgrace of being published as delinquent*, and we keep ourselves from becoming delinquent to our printer. Trusting has nearly killed its. Atrophy. It Sieves us that we have to re port that the Visitor is in a deellne, and wasting away from want of nourishment. It has many doctors, but prescriptions do not strength cn, and restoratives a re not furiii*hed. Sympathizers arc not wanting, ad visers abound; but with one hoqpr able exception—a layman—who ask* what amount it will require to keep the Visitor alive, the only panacea that eau restore the Visitor to health is not forthcoming. Not a few will mourn the Visitor’* demise. The dead are wept! Virginia writes: “I am still of the opinion expressed during the F. C. controversy, that there is no man iu the Southern church who could 81) your place. The pajier is killed aa soon as you leave it. I so speak be cause I seriously believe it. I would not Venture to intimate to my people any such possibility in view of the damage that wonld result. 1 take it that the sentiment of our laity is no divided and most decidedly so to favor of your continuance. I speak the simple truth in sayiug that the Virginia Synod, ministers and pro pie, Would deplore most grievously any change in the editorship of the Visitor. I think Itev. — i* the onl$ dissatisfied spirit iu the camp.” This is gratifying, but does not pay ex pan sea. d Virginia Synod is not do ing Hvhat it ought In Winchester we have only 27 subscribers, and #43 ’&U6^ Xu Woodstock 3 Subscribers, aud {$7240 doe- At Madison O. II. i^rfubseribers, #10 doe. At Lebn noujf Rev. Bukinissell’s charge, 3*sub- scribers, and #2, due. At German Settlement 2subsonben», and #3 duo. Bn* wo intend to pftbltah all who are in fineara. We have been sending out* accounts or duns, but few pay an|| attention to them. ‘nW* Virginia writes: “1 think you area very good editoc, bat sometime* you are too hasty in forming and ex pressing your opinions. I do not ex yeef, to find an editor without faults, any more than any other oiasa of men ; but lot na 'try to have aa tew its possible.* The writer has only 3 sdbscribers iu a charge of members. Plenty fault-finding, if nothing else, (s that a salve for a wounded conscience I A Tern***,* Imyman *e*dm u* hi* saWnidkm and adds: "It is but a mite rant into tbs treasury, hat I know that It willrntnrn through the ! pages of the fWlw, which 4s snch n j welcome messenger oacw a week j with snch sweet words of ronsolaltcm | and comfort, and yet how inalra* tive in the pure Evangelical truth* I a* once delivered te the saints, sod so e*rurally defended by Lnltor and j Melancthon in the sixteenth century. ! 1 hope it may long live to the benefit I of oar tiefoved Evangelical Lutheran Chnvcfc.* South Carolina insists; “Von mnat not think of giving ap the | wiper. Yon are doing a aoldc work, and the people know It ami appirewMs your aelf denial ami sacrifice.” Ves; bat they are very *h»w in making payment*. .V*ryfoad writes : “The VfoiJar la growing better and better, and doe* great credit to the church in tb* booth.” This will do this rime; we have more ott baud; bat tfew printer does not appreciate them, tie want* greenbacks The grm» mrt is good whet icrab <^o**rir*s4*aa» 'I;--# ■ Siting. sa Act of Waihip The Missouri General Hynmt has its points, the General Council also, ami we do not see why the Southern General Synod should nut follow the fashion It ought t*» hnve at least one point Being opfmsrd to the mtopriou of a multiplicity of aymtwil* mmriructed by self appointed creedmakcrs, ami a* we do not want within , our churches two distinct ndbr* of christ-am-the Rsoterie and the Exoteric ; that h, a few chosen ooeu who have many creeds, ami a largo multitude who are permitted to belong to the church, ami to go to heaven with but one creed; and, aa we believe that foith in Christ sad baptism with water in the ttam* «*f Father, Sou, and Holy Ghost are all sufficient title* to church mem bership and admittance into heaven, we till bat propose one point for the adoption of the .Southern bcaneh of the Evangelical Lutheran Church The point we profwmc is this : Giving ms am .trl of Werthtp. “Now,” eric* brother Keep*!!, “that is sootetbing new.” “What has giving to do with religion f* ask* groiber Loveporae. “there eoough,” says brother Feelgood, “it does not make u* belter Christian*.* “Works are nothing,” remarks toother itrirk tohetter . “we most hohl the pare doctrine.” “Yes,” add* brother l»ry android, “ami to the old inlet and forms.” It b astonishing how well these brethren, who are at loggerhead* on all other point*, are agreed on this negative {mint : Giving has nothing at all to do with religion. For all that, we will hold Cast to our point : (Siting is aa art of tcuesAip, and therefor* a ckristusm doty. We need not at this late day undertake to prove that Christiaan should be liberal and cheerful givers. The man who denies I hi* b not a Christian The man who larks the grace of honoring God with hi* substance is altogether graceless Now there will be a shaking among the dry bone*—among the many who have but one talent, and who bury U in the ground We mean, by way of explanation, thane who have nothing bat money, nod in vest it in real estate; becanoe as they assert, (tbs safe investment Her Isaiah v : % and Mirsh H : % What we Insist on b that chrb tian* should contribute to eharcbly object* of regularly ami at stated time* ; that giving, prayer, praise* and hearing the Word should not be separate as. to time; bat connected together so s* to form nod a mat dale a grand whole. The Jew dkl not enter the temple of the Lord without presenting his gift, snd I* the Christian jiretifled in coming empty banded t Is it not lying unto God to any that w« give ourselves to film, and that we lav* him supremely, when we withhold and spend upon ourselves all that we receive t What la the New Testament rule t 1 Car. xvl: J— “ITpon the ft ret dav of the week let every one dt you lay-by .him. that there be no gatherings when 1 come." The apostle was a wine man; he understood human nature; he knew foil wefT, tbnt nolens men discharge their obligation to give at oner, they see very apt to put It off, until they fbrget all about if. It b much easier, it does not make such a large hob in flic pile, the figure in not so high, and therefore not so terrible to look at, when the weekly system of giving Is adapted, aa when the whole amount due unto God b only paid at long interval* Nay, we are very much Inclined to doubt the honesty of Mow paymaster* They, like some eoDeetore, of karc heard, ami one of did actually know, keep the —the Lord's money—to THE LUTHERAN VISITOR, COLUMBIA, S. C., JUNE 0, 1873. » with n w4Q to tkmr rnalwll su ^ rnsr wnw wmwsvww ssigp nm gratify their (tsetse end to to thfiftr self Indnieenmi. ||*g &:.».zmp22r lee.j 1 will «i *rsj|y too Shaflffi MY _ -- --- | Mp this T|ui wtalsu Imis I*.**.** I^Msnas las In'! sflLesvm s* km I a-* . m ww * mmp wwp Rprargg MMH aii^w Ml fm |i> Ipfikig « a divine mb, It b God's bn of I in the irrtU., «t U» Mk.- M m. W. [ Ml I* t mlUat Utid, IM limy, “ns God hs* — i * l*** Am Ferl ffow, whksh set* forth * «pt* lUteuud chrbuane could be collected smong or muah, does not benefit. It b the f G>a»t ihe idolatrous heathen f Net from word of God, and faith which trusts can nutttaalmaww foffi*foa, masked balls, and the wonl of God, counectcd with the *>*» ef fpviam no eseaMbaa." la the time way I 1 s iU put them p»*. ckr«*lM*« ought of your rev i «an. h rkribhbarf n purtbm 1 for the ImFi hot st the of yonr ioeoese mr oorwrags tb t*wrd. Tht IP# Ift *«seeding j ^ ff tSS ly *4tapir. If# that has reertvod ***** imr h ffili ealemrt. ha snh k* tuutib bira. It agnt A the Ohm I1< A w-ai W’ iu*ak'i t ....a iirpvFWMIill f vir ( |wf INI I Pis Inf mmr mm and gift estrrprese*. and I* wn „nf *bt ha lb ha* a,., ..#,. ,^.1 | siHuian a ' ooitmM soar to hs given saupuapi^ *uu| MrePB ™ b sot culled oa t» cMotriboto. Aa| m ~ «-*«■!. U»»l l» hr | *" “ ‘ thm ml m4 tnrj mhM i Otnmt* an b» aiujuaul la a la l|.N aaL -A. ih UH n MSM* lhaa Xam TaO. (.fuaprr—I Ma,* la *, Ua«aaf* at 1 ***■•■ ** iosptrstiou. tie that has bfit lilt)# i# la fir# timt llltks tml fiatkAIK L.n e titwr a ■! 1 Uafif i-w Off received mock. God Christian* what portion of prasfwrity or rwyuings he reqnlren, nor will we be wms nhosv what ts written < hrt*(L*aa are (VuTs slew, erd*, »*wl to God they wffl hare to render an arv«>o»t of their steward ship, t hmtiana ere to worship the Triune God j to fire b indmbd la, belong* to, snd b an *rt of worship; * ..a Jt t 1 ,r'* ^ fjiLja-'—a mw i* j*** a msifiif s * *= «*.« f mweg |like a*)»edlenta No, Ho, But he wroto to the older cburolies, in- •traded them in the grace of giving. , laughter sod Mg taught thorn every one to lay by In fibre, on the jtnt day of (he treed, mm f A*, I j, *' A laJ %* t-SSm M Mr* WS rlilW Jw¥ f - v* When he would sUr them up this duty he led them to Itethle sod to Calvary, declaring, “For ye hoow the grata* of our Lord Je*u* Chrbt, how (hat though he wax rich, a #,■,* —aa btm l,a. rv**aa*Ma aw#ka k m> jl ffirefo*^* na Ififi^Cyal lllfy Jd&Or 9 that ye through his potrrty might be made rbk.” If then lie did all this for os, bow cheerfully and libc reify should we give for (be fortber of His cams*. Much, id sub was Baal's course, when, if ever, snch expedient, s* fairs, and din* nere, and festival* were oalled for, it Iim raifiittg *) r*r pta|c*1 trumpet* MM Thm b nghtg A efoegpma* who has hb tor n Mvtwg might as watt I go into the pubey Whhhtr Art Wt Drifting 9 A few vent* ago to cell attention to the evB* yroubf out of elarek fob* The art Orb hi quest am was ratted forth by aa m tbbema : ei-iSfaSiSkt ksm k'imiMt da tgt; f > I w that * tomrmomemt and diaser haft Bret been held in a cert *ln ykre la Marybad for the heuedt of the Meth odtoi ehorrik In that artleb are' tocA the gvunnd that this affair, db graeeflst a* H wan iu the eye* of *tt tree rhrtstiano and right minded 90# son*, fo*th iu nad not afi the ekuvrk, was the Irfittmab reontl of fbdtm, dforere, efrwwherry f*net*als y dr la this way the mind ef the ehurek and the puldie are edurubd b the notbu that a!tonal iimtblur that will ramnlt dm I us*-4 1 a# ei S* im y Si,*# i jrt-a a 11 1 1 | 110 A ol - ; ' * • i,: e ’ T » pf g and parsonagtss, b, UR# bit allow b kwlsO I w^baJ' n f ffir , sew# 5 h ffijffi -’ ftw* I*. aiiuas f ftretirii ft u taA-m# I«b| Wm mffPffff ft* sPffpu ut ffiffiffiffiPHI *$ 114^**11 | ^Y'i HWPt : |h4#9 fc -!, 81 tf lift dKft ^ nl^y, RRRig^g j# ift That thb b the thru to wtrirh the y IL »a awt, 8» k ^ iiMUpirftimtid * in y aa a* U^Utbi* t uufvrt fi™ ifir"SI»b||| m-re^f we at j| re • §wP*omBfirww and observant mlud run not led In 1* pittfai to ef krwusao's hat wtti Dr gives wn day to the ftrvimsn • ho get the o(f tkpq ImmUioIAw rh leu gmh fair at twenty fi*» at n a gvwb A1 rrligHTis iJ I heir gods S i his way. The «hrtaus of have *l««ys been rick with votwntaiy glfta. It b Ie4l ‘ by the %tt* uh, 8(1 gb* OiMfukt* foi » * jLim, ain 11 *M M iWi ii S ■ v ▼ #p m FIT IIP w#il#Mw wPilMfi ffifti ftfisHR w *4 %lm dohngs of the rfooerk la . 11 * h, ** # |Ai*. iiiifiU mm k*. kai : 'U ^iwiiina *-.^. kg 1 WFfi w ffffvF i|lRg iniiMMisr h> LaMal amt 4* ml a... - jj‘ wmf IHriw wmgw wfiiMIfl m wxPf j Wwi period.. If these fhbgs, whwh M L&mt .11,, . m assawiMSS’ott R-Um t XuaiumiiAi W9W| aa iiwfff |pnpv #i HMMI wH8MNi in thews regard any ssenns that wffl ftll the roffhv* of the church, jnatiia Me and right, what b the laagunge li kki^:Wi MVMliaL' HI '*1*^4. —. gkwSMuS M, 11 III* ■ - YivV’if F Ilf mrmt fllVln w# offer b sunetbuad hy fir Tslsragw of It rank tyn It will he soon from It that the preas emumtel oa il free kiA rnai ulismat »t hMual w* dN .jt *' tress geawmm* them. The render will am Mae the iU* iltfli tldt'F ivf aldfiRfifiMrelMilt ddJf i|bgSi mfojftijb Olbn *eu’a WPW Mew exmFT ... g eW u A Htonurtfriut. WtcDoreo..—The way they do sum thiags b Ihr. Tal fiUk-aagnnv^mi tsaongaamsmaymu||bftffsniib fix ^ ^ ^wi ^^ofielfi' wre neswiaffhojf#Pjfi w«U appear from the hdlnn tug a For aavrrat days an advorttsumrni appeared in the New York Herald •taring that say reopenafor mopk ■MMi . f 4*1*0 aif i , ^nsws w^^w ^a^ur might he so unfit* 1 W 0*1*1 if the of stage of the lirooh!|u A Messe in the rnstame «f <mo deed yeere * go—the rentnase e*ti*U# jd-g fi 81mh jf'MU O'fiafc-M.jhimmH ufowm "kg Hit ke#'Ui^ftUTWu y Hffjp w wPIF wtaiiisgt'is of the fair in nnl of the llroohha Talmtaucb cfoarvh. To thb advertisement there w««* fifty two answers, snd a lottery resulted 4*u 1m aoiioo 1 ! vm x.ixd on uafimnxibumi 'iresiiiivwiiw Ml I Hi ffff'IW'iiWp wre Iff Vl^IVlMP is a ropy, aadftf whbk ttbsunl that lean than three thonssiol were YR tiMANt* WknriVhtlC AT YR IrJfeVjj]^ C iTBIWk. dag* of re Mgnbo of jjandi,. L l>. *»% * V a 15« A rl ILofre 1 • 14! it w K |>tMURiU'W»w*'#»■■»h 4 Ten from * in f |44 V ;ih-t f iffffidRdMit il^h fiRudbdmdLfoa^m n the presence of ths ly when it wn* over. Tli* weddune mlkd both rehb comment in the papef*. —A on Monday ereatag follow fog. Dr. Tal tangs took mreaaRre to thank the pa pmre wwaau mmu flRftHPffNPffNMppubl Ibea of ths lair held d the Break l>o Academy in aid of lha new church, and nbo lib papers which had drubbed the asarrbge cm adreredy, as it was the bmt tamount they would have, lie sum “Wa hud n •lay 11 A ant her spt Mmre of thb mode of ratons r sswues Urn ihr cLwrvk ut f'hrbt, we find fxmaerted with a Mothodisi chapel is ItrpnhJvn It W * M Uiw) Gift l utwurt.” " I *gU§ thosMoad dsffure worth of fcdu,” it was oases mod, “nnultt he drawn for, and shawl jwu/am ttrketo were stt* Hut bus than fiLtmu worth of gifts were dmriiliafied. tonsid- c^rnliis^ txiMfi4(9tbRkim^ it seems, an* nrousad la view of the *• bole sffsir. The mdlgwalio*, howrifr. s|«puar* to have here weruiiiiaefi udriy foam the disappointed expertaais They had taken to help to provide the church, and very antarofoy were dtsnppnbied that even dollar thus P*»« ft# dsd UM yield * hundred fold I# kbvie i ndn»fi#Mof udemi > mm ■ »i A fourth fiperim*'* refer* ft* the Fsrtfte resist, nad b m the hum nf a “smsM luff,* the pnvHls tsbfo voted b the payment of a church No, vbristlsu reader, let us honor God by reaortlng only to Hcriplursl and principle* for raising for the Isrird, am! no object worthy of •none** will f*d for wsnt of means, a bile I be heart bur mugs. the enmities, the distracted aundilbn 11 * , . . . . i ** Tlie recent discuRRion in rccard to often of the chwrrh, sod as h rouse modktg Mflabhod meo into the miu qaeoce, the low state of piety which M beginning to tell powerfully folbw in the wake of church fairs, u|kni the mind of the Church. The water, which confers tbn spiritual benefit*. The Baptists say : “ What is the beaffit, tbeu, of obeying Christ f” We suswer: He hss the words of eternal troth. We know but of three places where there are no little children : families to whom God has denied them, the Baptist Church, aud Hell. Wh know' but of three places w here (here are little children: familial blessed with an iucrease, our Evan gelical Churches, and Heaven. Whenever we baptize a little child we rejoice, because Cbrist accepts it* faith. Whenever we baptize an adult we hesitate, because be may be like Biuioii the Boroarer. Every baptism, even that of au adult, is iu reality an infant baptism ; for our Lord aays: “Verily I say unto you, except ye be converted, and become a* little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.” (.'AM* I DATE# FOR J I1K Mimhtuv. —The New York Observer nays: . ■ ' K,' 0l S| rnpz 'entrol Cite. Anders I n** 1 '* * «U» arueii ... 9 lei Central City, Anderson BK- The Baptist* make self.: n?iH>rt* of tlicir Haooes«e«. There is something in thiul missionary eflort in Lutheib tries that slioojd be lfioksAiT' face by those who their prayers lor the 1 Gospel. Arc the Iiaptistti that the Lutherans are take care of their ovru (•euBbt' do they mean that the Gomg Lutherans preach will riot «. at least need* Baptistic Aud yet the sects that ire down our Church to build own, tbiuk we are very ut not to co operate with then ' dard. S \. tSJ TotJ Will ,} IKyafH , Christ. from the church of M. 9«bu frers Loturt “ I am a fixating Hundsy school treeforr at present; still find work enregh. wapplv mg the plscrS of ab •ret trerhers. One of the chief tdesmngw nf my life is that dbildten hive true dukl «4 God ehxrerfslty in Christ said, 4 If any aisa «fo*m* to lie •ns. the ***** shall be lost of all, and serv ant of all.* Aod love i* the reward.” examination of candidate* in the Presbytery of New York, hist week, made a shaking not recently felt on such occasions, and its result was to show that one Presbytery, at least, has come up to tbe emergency, with a firm purjtoM* to require a higher standard of attainment.” We Pope am! pray that the Sy inxl* in connection with our General Hynod may follow the example set by this Presbytery. Bead tbe article of “Valley Lutheran,” w ho is a plaiu serve* Virginia farmer; it points out the utter. rvtlnouM rvsnlls of employing nil un finished ministry. Yea, aud there are still in our Southern Church ministers who ate only iu name Evangelical Lutheran*, and who al most every day alienate weak-kneed aud sell righteous members from the Church. Our HxcLmget. “He who srtids ii«>l|*4e**i»ri** stul iwftrmity will also give as aid,” A father, mourning the death of a larfoved child, writes: “ffoe bad ehtwinrd hrrertf m all of nur affer twsus We all watched be# every TUI ' KA> Oiiskbvkb.—In what wtxp, tram morning tilI wight, every ,wn, * t w * fr‘JT J ‘ r d the action of day. Il is a terrible I4uw | wve trem »*» ewelealaatical eouventioii just re Me under it; oar religions bejirf and putbedl In the daily (tapers, con ws. W# are try tag t<» ***« ,0 i: the proeex-dingg <»f a rouven- , and iswfona the duties tK »“ “ f E|H*oo|fcaliatis of the several of lifo reqaired <if as.” • . dioroses of the Northwest, we find ——. [ (he following: “H wa* when Job (wwjed, at M Jh«- l>\. Dr Washburne rffeml “• i - & '^rnTJ^sSHi wbo had grievously mifitoMforstood ouvugly dmwpiwovea, either by wddi him, that God turned J«dv*» ewidivity, non or omissiou, by auy of its mis and made hts latter days more bless sionsries, of any portkfii or {tortious ed than Ihr Wgiuumg I love to °* *[**‘ appointed to be —^^5 s give Umar a ho tre*|NMs against u» prayer, other than those found in »!•*»» wonderful revelslnsi the prayer book; ineitmg or permit- W hen my soul has smarted wilder a *«■# persons teko Ure not received •<mm«4 wrong. 1 have cast inyself Hp* 4 **?**^ ordination tooffiewteor min w -«* — ■— ^ mmm i — _ . _ . . , i*tn is any oMce is any of our churches at the wfU. and Hebe* , 1 ^ * wUw cr ' 0,1 hrvmst, ^ lkrHI(o ^ places of svorship. Usatfijs —-TW (hvwilja Taiwan* cle Fear, nkh the m**|»rradr mar rings perfumed hy Me Tslmsge, is ffiffB fl Lmh t^dHMtAilK rxtoi f ss# to^Llr“fot tt-mnd ft « -Biffl to mwcto f totonffto a* tkrswgs girls, and (iy isur s swd Gitxrk Usd Ik fftymffiMI; snd all lor the advaare *d reiHgtan and the |simeal of Is la fiHt time, afore fifth maeforlsftlaa etpofivents oa the seer every peart*-* tommy MMwn for the lewd's the tsndeneyr nf which w Mnfff It toay hr aahl hy way of oRpre Haw. hnwevee, “ire dm art lolrrete aaythtag ft# the kind. and. therefore, roar remarks do not apply t* ns.” This mm} he very line. Il«t oar po Httoa to, and are are anre every thooghtftd and candid mind ndl folly agree with na, tint fix** tamdmtod is ajAy« k .^totM HffiidHfi* Miia’jfiw Sosa I wwx ^nw wi^fiy # t^fifitowftto^HFw tftHHfiw ekmommmSm iMam«*nw> s fo ... ,4. kk.^ a ft'ftjF |{ox W~| NfiTY' I toff* 1 iltolw-to Itofi l.fNr M • #lMi i! ^#RRi#|i itilf WHfdk fi#'^hftfiR^##i 1 ta lifts inwh If , snd pfoml with him to endue me ^,e violations iu any other way of with that spirit of fotgtv earns, that the rubrics or canous of the I'hurch/” I might realise that His spirit crated We have nothing to say of the on me; and God has eomhirtevl me. English of this resolution, about as liioar fsv site psalm—the 91st.—GikI borimmus as its religiiHi. Tbe author to his children who call of it assumes that he and bis associ- him, mol only that be will an-, ates are intrusted with the guardian- •wet and dclivrt them, tu»L that be ship of the Church, if not of that of will boots them. Surely we can (sire English. We have italicized a leave war reputation iu hts hasido.” juirt of the resolution simply to la- — vite attention to it* loidly assump “ 1 have foil »truogi| moved to lions, amt its antagonism to all «wsM*d*f that ofo re|tested claim cd < hnstiau union. This was offered tw —— .Synod: * Wa have preserved sml “ aerepttsl ” »t a mee ting of the the trow f-'Uh in the St with. ♦ 1 can representatives of the several dio- Mt sea 4t urged attlmut thtuking ot cesea of the NorthwesL the mow who batted hts talent, and I if a few- mouths it is expected that than, at the day of account, boast {imminent members of this same It. W. furnishes “Hints History of the Lutheran which contains the striking, doubted ly true f-utetneut • thing we must all (^udidlj tbe whole Lutheran church h United States is more Iofiktro day than it w as thirty year* ^ Lutheran Observer. </uerux: Who were the hfkta^, Lutheran Church here ago! Who fashioned her and sha|ied her forms theg f were her professors and trained ! Was the {sqiularj of Ibiri v y ars ago a true, ot tbe Article* of the Augxbnr fession and tbe tine Parti, Catechisai .* Hum may miniate laymen were timed xii| Confession ! U i.< honored fo-ij, eh ism ? It is difleteul now, and .tul fining*. after to meet at Smelts - “ 8»wnl«v i: W .9B»ltz. j, a rfh by j Ze tadieu T ; SXoald not liv.. a I Doctor gave - Sa»>to pi<S» T g, W»tb, « fo11 " I e {jurcb—iHrtiig H „ki...= vveu.nK n. II. Bittle. I> . ore h-Momto S «=^ \V Do.h; evening ( „ j,. Gilbert. M-, I Morning •*■<»' f Brown; evening -i I - Teas- ,l«i in several of ito-> <* , " h T t «*» « h * vc i,np - ! ' WXTII 8K Mai ^ The Synod wa* oj h, g r trith prayer IT. Every particle of potaonoai ter is carried out of thesrste*,! pale aud sallow will betioaej and vigorous, by using Liver Begulator. 1 . —JS For the Luthers* Via Proceedings of General Sytoi May ffil We can not give l^of »ll that tran:~; session, but will : •bich we think w ilj I ; est to the readers oH : A Central Board > apjiojuted at this pla to consist of two ur, iaymau. That thi?- > tee also have one r each District Synod The Committee o _ tore, in their rejioi the Lutheran Visitoi allowed to exiwress , |: this subject, we won Lutheran family witi of the General Syti the Visitor, for it wkfirii bringK glad heart of, every true < Tbe committee al ike Book of Worship. Mr. Dttfiie’s propose opted: tbe Catechi Hawkins, Lutheran Philadelphia, and th 'V ||K 1^- ; t !» > Divine services were beM mof a book depositor ^ church to night at 8 o’clock, preached by Bov. IL S. W Text Matt xxv : 34. fall; returning it w ith—♦ licit, Lord, take that Is Ihiae.’ ” i to toffi to 9 Oar Chxrritw Cliureh will figure iu the Evangelical AHiaure, as the represtMitatives and advocate* of Christian union. Some of tbeir dignitaries may cross the ocean to greet their disseuting breth ten. Iu couvocation by themselves they repudiate auy minister that SECOND SESSION. May 23nl, 9 L\ The HvimkI Ofs-nrel with Itev. T. W. I>osh. Minutes of the previ were read and adopted, sflm the remaining part of tbe session was sjieiit in recti' rejiorts of the standing tees. An invitation was exteatol this laxly to visit Roauokt^ Library and Atbieneum. Syooil now adjourns with by tor. J. B. Davis. THIRD SKSSI05. 2| P-1 Inasmuch as the morning< tions were much disturbed hammering of workmen very the ehureh building, tbe rian clmrcli was very kindly by its pastor to this bodyfcr ing its meetings, which w»» ed. So the Synod convene* 1 transaction of business in the' byterian church this hoor. x^' oj>ene<l with prayer by Rev.J.l kins. Several committees were cdftj to rejMirt, but were not preia^j do so. Nothing more worth report^ done this afternoon. The body now tut prayer by Bov. T. W. l)osb. May^ Divine services were yH*] (Lutheran) church this candle light, when the s Vs. tov .r* r v '■"V K a* sewaa protd* hod Iftoagkl t It ■ OP* »SXIIBg INMMftO It) o*aaT form, sad la suit *.• *aJ stoa It KaroloUiaary 4s a great iaipravrtaeftt lam* of Iks postal day is««nf *m| rlftot, BftV- M*. MlNMi ll, ol the Tftro mma Uraxsattif pet* *4sat la tlw* logical tfossuxsry at lliiladriiphia, itoftfck, tofifi t»m t**#* vttMNMMMNCf toaft toffrti aalleft t» Mpfily tb* pulgHt j “ha* not rveeiicd Episi-opal ordina But txj; asNiaa af iIsns* tkisir* tbe - sd Use LutbenMi ebareb at .Staunton, tiou.” How Utftgr can Ks>k the minis Seruiou was preached by to* la tosuy , Vs, daring Rev. Mr. MilfotV abseuee ter* of other Churches in the face it Sligh. Text, Is.Uii:L | i* vacation. is difficult to understand. fourth stasd** •r* •*• ptqurtd »«* *«•> — | . . q o’clock V totof ttooi (naiftrifito i* ri pfoalsk tkrtr WftfttoHftftYiLUt, IV, Va.—itev. ( mimhtkr Wanted.—The Luther reriy tressary. Aa4 tfoVafi (a |W. KkMkcsger rerotvrd tm Eoarer|«a Observer has been requested to I aat yrt. If tL pmlpit mad perns, tad tfofr'dsy eight psramts; five by coo ynml mrm snd atmem yrmrtnlU &n firsuoUon, two by leiicssl of ukm- m* tars 1b« ibfo, bv tbraalag tbs befaklp, and oue by Issptimu. eMe aelfbt «t ibra lafiueare Tbe same brother says: “I am against e*wt Lao* of Hris artk earoaraged to believe that my labors It Is s wrasg asorire la the first *r» wot in vain in the Lord in this phnea mp»n which frit* nprtate. It charge. 1 have w arural up my (NO ts era tW dsmtgn >4 them to lulls pfo span the aalqetl ot istfumt bap to ghsr frtm rhrtstmt s prfo tarn. 1 have si ready twenty infant m ed bspiiMus for my next {isriKshial re gfiaxd U» to rwr<tsl hy tto par port, with a pretty gcsal proaftect of wm* wham they sipcf lo catofii has lag the nninber mereased to the maarv tftvftty five by tbe time of tin* meet Tto matte* «« nnwmtby tb* end bxgof foyaod” •nwgbt ts to rssrbed It i* xkafotrr. W# are traly glad to rereive such I I tore*, are a*a«4 tmrar tbe |ps*l to) lags tram our footfow. The *4 tto Htra* Head sf lb llaptlst heresy «|.j«nU and is ««oept- ll«f bow will tto rharrb abt* to reawm. Evangelical truth to asrry <<a her (qspraf tons rests «« tto W«»d of God, and de to moads faith Tbe lmsiendoiusls say moekingly : “ Where 4» your author tty for infant baptism!* We hum bly oaswer: In tto love of God, in the redemption of ( hriist, in Ilia word and fits promise of tto Comforter. Tto Baptist* ssk, xoretmgiy: “What •reariag good can a little water dot* We a few meekly say : Water, whether little was received au<l a<, After considerable item referring to lb* ship was adopted. The body now prayer, to meet at th- ■ . tbe afternoon. SEVENTH SE-; lu consequence o! the Board of Director nary, the Synod (lid j. afternoon uutil ab> when the regular ot» was observed—pray ei. uiiautes, Ac.—ulfr-r v. husiuess was considet The first important next couveution o! Synod, when and wi.,. chled by ballot that ing shall be the l.i- April, 1874, in the L « Savanuah, Ga. The subject of pay i of Frofessor of The. *iext sessiou was Cou.- Carolina Syuod pled^ the salary, pre*^ SyuoUs pay the oUn "asres|>ondetl to, the \ 1’^‘dgiug $3(H); Georg ^uthwest Virginia ? ^4 the Southwest “ id not pledge this aim the delegates to 1 «»« Syuod would no anything toward* the Semiuary. The, ®»de up by visitors fi < wbo were made adv Inasmuch as our ^ tlau hither, Berr l ®° Q hl hot be present r 10,1 on account of t a S®* and desired to * K It' ^ >» the prayers of the ladtoM#, Oft tto part of tto Of ISMSf. tbxt tblx 1 H*w I t't f ' to ftxkrs. rta. Ilmar did ffaat frt publish the follow ing request for a miumter iu Kansas : Brethren of the tiynod oj Virginia : —1 w as a member of the Lutheran church (Mt. Talnir) iu Virginia. l| to Kansas, but found none of Leuusylvama, was my ow n |>cople here iu this locality, j mR ^! n f A * 1 teui|K>rarily united with the Pres * * ’ byterian church. Tliere are quite a number of Lutherans here uow, some from Virgiuia, and a good many from Pennsylvania, one a graduate of the college lit Gettysburg. The desire is uow to have a Lutheran church orgauizt-d. 1 aui satisfied we can have a large church, provided we eon secure a gins! preacher. WI»o will come w hije the field is o|>eu _ t to us? Our brethren iusist on my Synod reassembled,ao4 writing, -o tliat w e may at one** se- w ith prayer by B« v * ”! cure a minister, if possible. The Constitution of IP I believe there is only one Luther- was agaiu taken up tor an church in Kausas. 11 seems to ; in oonsequenoeot no* tne that our Lutkerau Synods should with it during the ' be more active in sending ministers There was some to this State. eral article* before adapfil Other denominations nre at work, j This session was aud (svmpyiug the entire field before j framing aud final *d«#Pj May 24th, 0 oV The Synod ronvened this i and, after prayer by Bev. S- 1, land, proceeibnl to basin** 1 - The various co»uutftft,ijB i. 4 *'t i f si * L .i 4 ' • i * "■. reports. Bov. Mr. Probst, a allowed trl state the object of his A Constitu* jii fof Sominarv was uow presen^ committee appointed, to L for adoption. By resoluw® > » adopted, article by article^ The transactions of tb« closed with prayer by Ref* fifth SKSSfOli- X; u , 9 Ik. J'""’ ,IH ‘ President I, .1 '«.'et that tbe Or,,, ^“ rcb . wl 'o had cr,m 2 tl1 «. mneb ancceas bo.. 1 ]* * IP ter m f «tw«lly, w.u »a7°7 “ nU colnf ort. “ d . 8l,1 * I <> i« bis d, ^'ubiui i„ the boa, guards receive' bn & rest *u heaven i*tL tliete was no ui ■ ,b * %-I as pf. Ug tbe const it i |* »liip % l^oscribea m ou , May 24th, 2$ « «***^ Fursuant to ^i 0#rU *^ .J!!: Metropolitan if H1 ttniore ami rx 1 tWre,, u , . 0,11< >. 1 *W.k» 1,s, " n K'on eiij B«lti Ul o r 1 hr ° n «h til. f Ull „ n r °. and the W\% •ftlftg th^v Wi * 8bin ^ h L | * lUt d5 fttaiHsc fort u ^r fare to f - frighten, ^tion ^ with K:1 would 11 '"Slitened »