THE, LUTHERAN VISITOR, COLUMBIA, 8. C-. MARCH 28, KJT3. U. For the Lutheran Visitor, Not Knowing. I kooWnot what shall bofall me, Ood bangs a mint before my ke, and the voice of God him, and called to Moses up into the burning, trera jnntain.” le go, mother V res! Moses was not afraid to do ifbat God told him to, and I think he was a man of immense courage and faith. Not many men would venture now, to go upon a trembling mountain that smoked aud burnt with the holy fire of God, es pecially i with the loud tooes of ao unearthly trumpet pealing and sound ing through the darkeued sky. Yes, Moses qrent up to meet God! The Lord said, ‘Moses, do not let the people come near to the mountain, lest I cause them to die. Go down and charge then) to stay at a dis tance while 1 talk to you/ So Moses went down and charged the people to keep at a distance, ami then Moses aud Aatbn went up to the mountain to hear the law, as God ordered. Then Gad spoke the ten command meats to the people, bat they were so alarmed that they said to Moses, I ‘You speak to us aud we will hear, but doaft hit God speak again or we shaft * dlfe.’ . Then the people stood afar off,’•but Moses drew near to the thick cloud to hear what God said. Them God told him a great deal more of bis laws, which were to be observed, and after that he told Moees to bring Aaron, Nadab and Abihu and seventy of the elders. Moses wrote all the words God had told him, and theu read them to the people, and the people promised that they wodkl obey them. After Moses had offered a sacrifice to Gad, he aud Aaron aud the others 1 mention ed, went into the mountain a short distance, and they saw as much of j til* glori of God m he wy willing to itobw^fhem They would bare dfef if Gad bad brightness of his glory.” “Why mother, could not they hare looked at trim f said Huai*. “No indeed. Mortal flesh could not hare endured the sight of the supernatural or spirits from tho other world. So Moses left thorn with Aaron and liar, and he atone went into the cloud to the Lord, and he was there forty days aud forty nights. God told film Ml the laws by wbirib the Hebrews were to bo governed, and showed to him o pattern of the ark of the covenant, that he wanted Moses to have made, and pnt tain the tabernable that he was to build. He also gars him two tables of stout. Some old writer* say that those ta blsoof stone were beautiful greon emeralds, a very costly, precious stone. We dost know esamtly what kind of stones they were of; bwt the Bible says that God wests the tow upon them ‘with his own finger.* * “What did the Hebrew* do while Moses was gone, mother f* “Why yon will lie surprised when 1 tell you that they came near to Aaron ami called to him aud said, ‘We tbiuk Moses U dead He has been gone So king Now you make ns gods to g» before os.* fheir minds were stilt occupied with |ho Idol* that they had seen In MgPl* and they demanded of Aaron to make them an image of God Then Aaron, I am vary sorry to say, fool ishly complied with there roque*!, right In tlie presence of the burning mountain Us took ail their Jjrwohr? from their ear*, arid made of III golden calf.” , “Why dal bo make a ♦*//, mother, instead of any thing else H sanlHmde. “The reason was that in Bgi pt lb# inhabitants worshiped the row as the most usetai animal, and m Aaron made an image of a ralf for the He brews, and they said, •TUeso he shy gods, O Israel, which brought then np out of the lain! of Egypt/ Then they offered bunt affbftsff* ai«m *» altar to this calf, and the L»rd said to Moors, Hlo down, tor the people have made a calf and are worshiping it, and have turned already not >*f the way I commanded them. I bans seen it alt, and now let me alone that my wrath may «*i hot amt I will consume them, and of rise 1 will make a great nation/ Mooes lugged God not to destroy the Hebrews, to then the enemies of (bid would «ar ‘that for mtortoet did be bring them out of Egy pt, to stay l beat upon lb# mountain*/ Mooes wan not an mm* for the honor God offered to him, to be the founder of a greater nation than this ; hut h» hemught Bo4 to « forgive the Hebrew*, and God heard I his prayer, and said that be would not kill them. Then Most* went down from the mountain with tbs two table*4«>»o, utd when i»e saw the people singing and ♦lancuig about the gulden naif, he beeanie angry, and threw down the stone tables and broke them ta pwr*-«, and God, then a Mkff tho glory of tho Lord ffttad tlm j ft »T * | hf day, and hi tho night II ihons Mho flva, sad wool |JmI It mt ffi Ckli pmroeyiofa This bavo been a tho toog and is given of il la Bsndaa Tho Ha browo stayed over a year to tho fffl* «lert»ens of H . * I'r- > i>**r.« all that tons they worn ptegmihm the gov» laws to govern them to all toa Irtliiisn. Fmtinnifh andf » imqritftthauaaro fflmPw umt a m* w j t|(3m rwlatoe three law*.* “ Did too ponplo a) w ay s obey tham, mother V “Oh aat Couotantly did God hara •tas aad dtoohodtoaoa. Tho east time I will udl von about the iwnotl MMl |thrift , fiMed to go to Itotoattom* ft. •~*mmmmmammmmaan*namaamappamaP"*ammpm IfWalliftartQf ffkrihd. d Itofr fflf Chflh r«-Antoe «L As a gram* to sort, they ait tod ft • i s h nr rf a im took as sa- ssemMurmsop s w spu g^^u**i ip*iwusi^ussus umopsusme wnsw added to tho hafltotoff! ggggggffffMfi ffsl the lt«|old, aad all that wwa ehtatasd a j by too prise so* was so inoeouao of Tbo dwelling* of woaltoy maa, who Itrsvagnnt sworn op*»s weubl net have home with the grim toot tup room of a go* lit puhf k beam Tho an4 a * I * t ^ i a lurid, tapering tout out aa fluttered to at * l* II w b the air n or Uiwua of gavo Sow tlm d lahtottl^to. IN AMIHi Hifmifd) uimif to a now an . aomoly. toe wmsO-iLitsSH' - It,.A ** 6 e m J i i, an- ..i nwiN n niiNWto wmt •hh mmi to® 'ftftNPNPtoftRi hmln w - ij. j^mm |tturtiitL#hm tOU at boSus mhs mjtm reudilt Mur ws^^m we ir* *w o ewewsym ■Swv chased Igr hdt hat maker* at tome Iff NPNNRo To prefMsrvd, the hair egrwvl* s good stroao tarn whtoh I* sold t« ho to ao way inhctor to wool If oil that the A ^str\ss poirusi says oa to» fltoPfli tros, tot iitotoHi to Ml ill hratop t/totoMritoM 1 Ml IN tdh^ 11> u a c vbiri mmm ttdtoftMtoNI toll M^WtoMK ripto a Rto4T^Rto toNitoft thaa ths fiMti i toot mnltftdf sJ- ■HMd so rophtly mi obit# mtos, oud aiv not con flood to any particular fhflfl Hhht am fff too hair laso aofl boon thought ef t*efSaeo, jaitiorisi ly died mflhaa ruhhiis are anunally de str*>j ed Tho tSNSl the rabbit to mpoMohlr aad tourtohiog, and tho shins hate tong tw, ! *. a 4 a t ia -c a esm j MffflTM)flI t ffftAMj il Wftll Ml: IHMI'iWr I Uul YOU mukr lUi# cm I U#c J W |rr * ^ m 1 1 fl * ^slto^sdi* k Jto^uai^ndfu . . * W 1 v* StjS eg hee^r”* ■. W ^ ft Itoto" m hanging If any at m •Irroc* which appear to would kill him If he did not yield to I^ ^ ^ _ their wtohea. There to a tradition amongst the Jew* that Mur. who was one ef Ibe chief nmu smoogst them, oppose*! the miking of tlm calf, and trietoto get Aaron not l*» comply with tto- de.*ne*ot the He brews, and that tbi* euraged the pie aad that they atoned Hur to death. Then Aaron was fiightone*! and mad** a coil tor them Huw«\»*r this may be, Aaron tried to dense himsult to Muses for bo* mu < *o*l ordofiff tho triton <>f L ri to take their awoula ami slay emv ooe that they cooM, and so upm one day they killed three tb maaud an a* “Oh what a dreadful puoi«binrot that was, mother r “The sin wan great, and demao«led a great and swift puuiahiuonL, wy sou,” fluid Mrs. B. Mooes prsyed to he t tain whether tb* *4tokos thorn. If Ihos espnesd, they ! turn probably ho saved from torthrv hjflrjr hy etosply Hnspsf their post ttoa. The hack an well at the froat; ftftfttftMRR VftR RPftMMNMftRVftAs RftMMfctt RRtftMMIl hong fa a wiadow* vtovi the raj* gtopto it behind, r* pmusiieriy ea posed. Tlw hash should always be eoveeo*l whsew ihe heeeas are bhefy , to touch it Tho greatest danger to os f Mli iiSI mlr »«* i m. 4 Ok IMIWwlPli im Y9V them Very etpnuairt oaos have been arrfeeMy iryaml hy coiofum lumHiBtf whoa nnvh carried serosa a* mrii smikk Plk ja to i m — »-■ — AKWari Mi mi.wtoWl* I sPIf Nwrfl w 90 MflftW*9 IOT m*' tore ar* roldom fully * war* of those piem otmiee, awn iMvfl to ie cue ttoned and wnSrtiml. Froagaeolly a man or Wy may Us seen la the attest, carrying a mirror la each I way that the frill glare of a sound*j Hri . ViJldlLL * nn Mrikeo aad injures it. Owner s y t. ami '* wtncle* would, so a rain, he side in keep aad aae tto ^jy ft ( tmiger, if they would eaercke aotioa ks this rignrf Ta f and (toi .il * **** vttm «* l ^» to w *** u " ooefffth of the ovtgfnal priosof tho did broltcu. 8« Muse* commanded. oonimandments opoit the two ublca of st4i«e. Moum then Look them down to the people, and reml them aloud to the whole comp, and tpM them all about the tabeewoek, and the srk of the lam! that wa* to b» WiU,* article while the . a —jjtef n IM ■ t B . ^-1 .... —^ sruioir* vofin re- Mivenog. U is sl«o well u» av-etd haagisg e mirror near a stove or wlwro the beat radiated con it. If thi* prmenatton la crmdrtian to tiksir to neemr *m* “Where did tie get the material* > ia m ooiDarstlrriv dark **** b« to buibl it with, mother r "Tb. iMapl. *»„ »n bnr. x |mb| . „ tr tots aod jewelry and ornaments and ^ cloas while totraiag, fine linen and silk. Tl»e women also ^ k ^ . * sport goats’ hair cloth, and the rwlev* i^g about the sen gave precious stun*-* and rich spices * ^yHslt«-d'-a. and will i for the fawfnnm and tneeo*** to Imro before the Lord. God gifted several men with estvaordiaary skill, so that could work aU manner of bran the srk and the mu off-y. r. Jl A Of divine Its mm* at the H iff rih9fl| mbmm ffeN tllh Rflt9JUNNnR 9 99l>rim^ 9HMdR| ] l^kSMOtaA lidtsl 4'FOj*.. m ; S OS w**w* * we | to giyw 9 ftn lriNlh^ j ltd| appear* arm--- %\ & farmer, » im dfNNft* "4" A Cm fig Flimit* lurm Tho ItfllSMSk Ad#V»#**rr suyst “As putt pt tin cargo «d the e«e«m •Atp /Mr «#•** eflnsMMi y Liverpuai, oe aotinwd n m g fftHtoSi' tails Hums jt a*iMi 4 ni, •* sen E^a^S'a asas ^mo rum e Sr** sj^^tofl me* o SWff i^o^-to * w^^a* •hsrh, upon Ugatty, nr hmm are' ftMNR jjjgp ^RriftftRRlftftfRRR^gpRiNl ’Rft9 (99(4 f *t Sdkiiitrifft' ugh tijd i ‘k^ riftfl(t rit (ftfttriiftiftriftftyRiltR for the mnwofaalatuwf pspeU.- *itnmo I oao will «me of these day • ftad wot 1 oho! this m goad far,’ to s remark 0*1*4* Itogmmgal m Im meat fl litos nga i |gam g«J wpwumpsw *to^ ft ifffft^ HfeflMISfflt tto ism lifssa fiiii-ii I iflh i«4f , | (ft stogit ol - (ioorgle aad flsrtda. Ihe list of maierial* oot of which paper Is omn ; fffjff lllfftl tA kJfltoil t 9 Iffatiiff niftf toflhil to coaetowtlj hn«g iaoeaowi- For j jfloflato amatffldhmMMikaai omeill owff os (hi kinte s m it-^i r **■•*> et to“Wl ■*" weMpfll to ut »**i'fls j * dmtm ho profluUj aside t^tsf lkr*S(Sll*i^l sriM atwsya earood the oapp*) Bags \ ha* a r.ii^i atniui iw it ran • imiI* ef paper msines to One age of prtnt tag. A cheaper, oowe aimdaat its*-, It fMNMftiiiftl lit lltt tiihMft % rot *ri)i a9(9 if rirtUialiou itoefr Strao t» hS* IGtoiWI wPff ftow' 9ffto*ff , k vvtoe f9 fftoto toffgjli ev lee which prigne ia the hevtffl of to* at» (h si toil a to^ to'M^toa ■* Pt ^ 1 fss S * ehn ftffflb’T’ff*# 1 •aw the «mittiwi wm •hudnsri by * rm *9' dy, ** ana af at Hh ef the lata fflmperor, at Hi. Ufl. The re of ths Isle Kmt«eror kitnsclf at rhtaelbarat. Tbe of OoMf in ea art to with the tstr ohtoh seem* %e fulloo them after death Ths VamgaaMCt Ttatpy. This is oaa of the lorgvot and bar dnwt af the hewed* at turkey* It t« Malooitl l bu a Itodo , b*c i r'in*^ V cinti 4 ^^nei fe es VtoStoPai M iffiw rifffTtomMntoq |ifMniUH •» ‘v-ulleatwti C «OLiMM*tK'iiL sod (IIhmU I ufimswirl m. Ii» aiiin Imgihssatftn i* 1 Im 11 isa* W'^^^san^^ws^fla v s sa^wstves o^^o^^so-sews *w ww 0*0* ******- pwnftfy. Tkrhrj s do remarkably well along the one buaid, and si oomfl e*ory isrnser nwaotc from tbe bis flock. It is not an flad flock* of from one ta too bandred turd*, tbe (Mrodact of aJhmiI a ikia t> b ra midet Ihe Aft. lot moosgemeat of n poultry woman L, .. a- g mg' iruftiCfr q-A.4 ■»_>..* effjia ^atamaaaik aflg wPMIJy <• *,^u vwrwnff tofl ^ affpfr^ f-19 99SB9 Hflftpi ta grain; bat this evil ia cone ter t>* ln»*md by the ewormoos de •trarrioa of iaanrta KMwrvd. From J>M l,i r-Wi 1 a-it iWv ui|>ai|t| aa wnow amm *p* ifre-vo *aw.*o * * v--aa »jwwFW’*e*. asataiy a poo grseeh*qqM r r*, «i wket*. sad other loneets. rnagiag hr the mast por t in the poet nice aad wood 1 saris They are fottraed tat Ua* her sad November, aod at is t»ot •mmmmm for a lot of early chicks to roach the average weight of four tons fwasris, divooed, at TOuutkngri - mg ar thrietsoa*. The common rue at toriMiys oral ta the New York makrt do not average aaoro thsa eight et man poouda The Nans gonoct* is a very larg>% healthy lard, and has horn bred be aute ha nmay general sro*. Moat of the birds acrid m the HmHimi aod CWuhaiv markets under the apMUr of Rhode I stood Totkcy *, or Eitr* No I, are ef this breed Tbe farmer* ate uaro f«d m the mriflrtMMi of thru hrocduig ouwrk.. t ok log yooug gulddet* t hat w«B omgb from toroiy two to tuna ly eight loiooriii, sod hrua that will weigh from twelve to Matron. Where the tonris ore kept over, gobbtot* • iff comouoaeo rirres thirty two to thirty foot pound*. For making ponitry for market, tbe N«rr*gsn write have no maperior. The prevail rngmdur* siv white and Mock, with a large patch of O’hitc a poo Mae otug bow, girmg tbe genera) in of a gray bird. They at* la tbe shading, but, | • till ostocmeit paiaotaking, uauld be ? bred to a feolber,— IT. f'Wfr 1* the ftellry ITarhf. Wa’** msJf nLaua^ro «* m TT w- n-im (Pi* m wilbi ’ ■***>• < “- 4 v > •■•** m 3k* SSI 4d k«OCmL Ts the cotton fstwict. gutoc si.* 1 ibe msoc v sfustde «t all domrwti | f eted lew la. Tea gnslittg* arv tally | aqool ta tbe bom hoe hand m the i coCtflm feMtoh They will keep ten ] acre* a* ground perfectly dean of gras*, if tbe ploughing to |*rop*vt,i I done. Tbe aaos-i cnrefnl hoe hand J • dl lews and skiia uatt*ai nerr ot - bos, but flUMi otU carefully pick all f the gras* from the y o-tiug rot ton ; utthoal injartng it to tbe buou. I am sorposrd that hatmerw do not moke mmoand butter nro of them They pay far the keeping many time* over ks killing grass upon which they latino ; are saleable In anarbtM. sad n hrtary «po the table. A Utwvf in my oetghbiMriuvad, who kwao* ihmr value, 0*00 uffisred last spr ing four dollar* a pair fur common gross, to pat in hi* rettwi field. Hum* the aar 1 have ratorri sU the grows 1 coaid, ouavcatrotly , and, prasd|«ally, foe tbe pai|u*M* of iror4^ top ivNm. And more than on or, when il. would hsvw been impoMStbir for am to have taved my crops with the labor at my aotiirol, they waved il. t Aad the targe white Hrea*eti net a«dy the am*! beautiful af all Iha variwtiea, bat the best ** workers” and randy raised. I would advise every Conner to have bm flock of geese, ami puro Bremevi, if he can prorata them. They will work his notion well without Matching, sad odl osvo him a good deal of foduw* work or money. It is s Ueaoiifo! sight to see thirty of forty lliemen geese Ik a fl«4d of cotJtoti carrying their tours almost as regular as hoc band* Any farmer who plant* twenty or thirty acres of cotton, will worm he without geese aftri anew tasting their v aJae. The great rot (•Inert ioa to them is tiiat thev *>e"* *r *ey’v»«wi'’ emcra ev» umtr j have «mH forgotten that desfeuiag qaaek with which their suoeotors saved Kem«*. Any actaaaaJ sight or now* about the premier** will put the w hole fl* w k to quacking.—L A. REGULATOR F4u evn FUKTY YKAILS thi* PURELY VEGETABLE LIVF.K MKfWTNK hs* proved to hr the GREAT UNFAILING SPECIFIC ^^Y.V^rA-J'os^X'riot Uitae at lories, Hl('K HKAI>* A< HK.f ”1U% l>«'|>tvsri(Mi «d >j*i Ui’wesrh, Hositbnfw, CHILL* AND FE- VI. IK. toe,. Ac -J After j€ *i* of careful esprroncut*, to OMvri a crest end unreel drm*tid, we now jgradim* from oar original (hmame /‘re- " THE PREPABED. • 1rutw at I he Sua, ot sWtrvcr can* or uia* I >tMSf I inaribp,"^ The properttoc «rf Dr Walkm*, Rittrr* m Ascmst, Diaphoretic NstniMss, Ijicanre, Dtoreuc, Serfs um. Sarfonrfr, AhenJrrt^Md Actt S rear i*t mom wcsrfad*l I j WAJLUKS. Prop r. a. _ SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DUlgg, CONFESSIONAL. By Julia McNair Wright. Tto m«Md ttiriUbwc and po«rerf«l luM*k evi p «rriUka c»u tltia nalpri It |in w«to * atorillflg errrwf af /aria, and contain* revriarfems »« v» r heliwe tuade piUie. Sm! I«r c ircular *wd term* t<* Nitimid rmildiilai rn Arium*. 0*. Jan 2 —tf A SILVER TIP ADDS 5 CENTS TO THE COST OF A SHOE, AND ONE OOLUR TO ITS VALUE Oct 4 4—Am ftiSTORV O H THE BiBLi By Wm. SMITH. LL 0 Aether of ftrothb ftihh- nidtoaqr- ft rowfia* SIS ftor Reriptner Itlnsrrs* ttoas and avtv 110S |ml*m s, and i* tto- nwd eewumcbcnavi- *»d ra!iul4<- History of •be lkbi< ever |w»14*died. The tabor and ha! ami of mntflrin are irstto-n-d in thi* «m vdarM' to throw- a strong, deal lijcht upon every pie irf tire minimi word. AtitiXTS SiJnrk/U-Stto for »«d sue o«ir terms, nnd a fttU 4f«rc:4k* at tto- ««i. Address Xs- ttaca) I'nliltpLmn (u. At Lima, (is. Un *J —tf GEORGE S HACKER'S Door, Sash and Blind Factory, I’ll ARLESTON, M C. TftTO t»-»l work k< j»t on hand to lv safldv the country trmle. All w>uk i* uitwh- at «»ur own factory in ti»e cit.t, »ihI uud» r the* proprietor’s *isH-ial UUpervtshim. Nmul 1<»r i*iii e Liixt. Factory and Wsiv ttoniii# ; Kin*. op|Ni«ttc vauuon fiti'-ct. t*n lice of <‘ity rndwr.iy. 1*. O. lint. I* JTtU Jitlv 7 if RTJPXURE CURED. Murs^’s RriKcal Cure Truss. iqsOlpi "«iK w4 fiw»! r*U tspcfriw. f|1|lK brat aad moe4 effective Trust 1 known for the curt- and ndief of H«-n«is wr Kuiuntv. This Titjmv hss ro- fmved tie sanction of the most eminent p!n»irinti* «*f this country, who do not hrwtalr ta rocotomend if to thane nfUirU-d with ilpviiia a* to-ing superior to all wmm. It is the «»ly Truss that will retain tlit toiw-cb kh any certainty, and Uie uresrer run feel awtiivd that he is «sin*r a rt-mody that w ill W at aU Hmw safe ami effectual in ir« of*- rations. Of this we guaiuutro rot in satiefisciion to *11 who may come under >ut treatiuent. L-mIics' silk . luetic abdominal to-lta for Cfn-|»nh*i*cy-, falling «f tin* wonih, ami a* S sutqM*rt to die buck aud nltdomina! miis 1< «. Anklets, kneecaps and stock- bur* hr varicose veto*, nicer* and weak Jmuto. Shoulder htaotq for JadicN nento and •httrirro, for the rtite of stooinng of tlm slf. ldcr- and aaa rto-st eapandcr. Pile LusKrament*. the u*<»-*t superior article in use^iglit, enslly scHnsted And effectual. Instruments for nil physical deformitu^. curvature of the spine, bow togs, c-hih M, tc. A cent for (lemeut's Orielmited Artifl- A**vnt for UrandalFs Patent Rubto*i tipiH-d rrulclM-s. Anient for l>r. Ilatieock's Silver Uterine fl It T. JL .11(*( ■ AgriU lor L»r. Wmiaworih’s Stem Per- S ),.-sites ApaHment with a competent hid) in sttendsne*. ritders |*cr mail pn»ni|*tlv attended to S. MARSH, Qf2 \V. Baltimore St, Baltimore, Md. June » —tf Sfwing Mtchlufs! ^ewiB? Midagti "HCMZ SEATTLE" Sewia| Eaek^m. No. 1. enly $25 No 2 $37 Thi- i -1 ^luittle M.-icl hie li.-t* the Pflffff Keehunbia and Antrum | llaUroftd. IT*. Leave Columbia at 7 15 a* Leave Alston • Mas Leave Newberry 10 40ps I>cave Cokrobttry 2 rips Leave Belton 8 ffjffi Arrive at Oroc-nville 5 30f« DQvry. leivf Gmiivilk*. •»«» • *•» ** Cokrobun U !5 J * “ Ahhevitle ,8 13** . . - Alston 4 top* An ive at Columbia 8 tops A Htierma/'ra*ck and Hint Ridf* ft rimon. DOWN. TT. I>e*ve Waliialht ’»45 a lu Arrive 7 lip* leave Perry villa 6 35am Lea vs 6 35 p* Leave Pendleton 710am I^*are 5 50p« I^*ave Anderaou 8 10 a m Leave4 30p» Arrive at Belton 8 00* m Leave Stops Conueding with down train Greenville. Accommodation train* run os Abto. v ilh* Branch on MondayaAVednesdayMs Friday s. t >u Anderson Braneli, bervoi Belton and Anderson, on T« Thumlays and Saturdays. THOS. DOPAifEAD, Gcscrol J&g* ■I iiuz XomroN. fleneral Ticket Aft* Charlotte, Columbia & Augus* Railroad. (letteral * v w}>cri»tendenf * tl&te Coli m hi a . September ft iflk ( \ N nd after thi* «late the follovBrf / schedule will In- run on this row* ; nontG »orTH.. ’ . , Train No. 1. TnusNs! Leave (Tnirlotte, 8 00 cut ^ P* - Columbia. 2 40 pm 3 ® § ? Arrive at Augusta, 7 42 p m 8 90 *» GOING NORTH. Train No. 1. Train.-**** Leave Augusta, 6 35 a in 5 to pn “ Columbia, 1153 am Arrive at Chiotte. 7 48 p m 4 W ** Standard time 10 minute* slowerd**| Wasliiugtoo ; aix minutes ahead (aWR] lair . Train No. 1 daily; train No. * **^ Sundays excepted. ^mWi Both trains make close wnnecOOB^^ j all point* North, South and Through ticket* sold and boggaget ,0 *" rri ' ,d, ' al ^K ALEXANDER I Genl. SuperinW——* | E. R. T>oiuey, Gro. F. and T. Agent. Change of Schedule S<>ctii Carolina R. R. CoutaJ Columbia, S. C„ Sept. *A W* Change of srliedtilew to go into efi^* sad after Sunday. 28th instant: Mail and Pttmenger 7W*i*. Leave Columbia f 2?-si Arrive at Charleston * ms* Leave Charleston * J-g Arrive at Columbia 8 Night Erpreurs. Freight and JrrtM»*** r turn Train (Sandafp rrceptcfO- Leave Columbia Arrive at Charleston * 2»a I>e*ve Charleston J Arrive at Columbia *. "gj Camden Accoromoilation Ttf^i 1 ™ continue to run to Columbia a wj™, —Mondays, Wednesday* and S*to*®*F|. Leave Camden J S,* Arrive at Columbia »* *l-a Ix-ave Columbia * UJf) Arrive Camden L W J A. L. TYLER, Vk»-Prri»** llV S. B. Piouins, Geo, Ticket Aft- ipMSI spi « 0 d th« (tenets Jludr in » sdtori* U ** ere* for mm deliberate to « tk* rtf* ooRMMRd miso bm of’ |«rl h. | r..: !h-i H»« jfl JMto Uw* on thi and are lid isioti/ form a ol cjof the* stance trill iBioericnl field cj itellcctcutl i well is abaci u I a partial v that aoo* bare been com its functions snd rei that extent it has pro an efficient body. J miliar with its origi are aware that it was j a period of great p sioo, to meet au e: church South. That impoverished conditb try. in cod sequence 1 of war, its means lia exceedingly limited. of numerical streng though respectable. tory i* extensive, an tions feeble aud w i And that, iu additioi vard circumstances, its career “de soro" ii trisc, cultut and g< state unhesitatingly *r« unacquainted U\! or are incapable of ap force and magnitude t*nt to sit in judgi question of efficient proposed to do, au« accomplished, we slia and wifi then be iti a h> pronounce a dgc P°»ot at issue. Bre ^bandou her as a um wreck; or shall n, inds and strong h J »rdf- of this noble her to the breeze a a, »4 management of I - the storm a ca w »v»e thereof aic sti 'Modifications in it boated a« advis&bh f ° l * * poser ; a d; a r beyond my ken. W , 1Vhout wetes, or boi fZT' 1 * ffordin « n - oeerv atloo or a ca ^ by this ubi. *?**> I hopefully 1 quiet resting plat- he Patriarch of tin cnerable namesake li !f P hilttl °gi^d Kool oni ., U ^ >0n ^e opaqu y darkens counsel, iT 011 Glibly coufu.- ,!? *" d variety of j, * h ® ir applicant. t) to be found Zr u,rau ' 1,5 “■ 2*?. »>«», eorel.t 5^“* of «>* Gen, Aui/'^PdKybul fuofn ® Goodie. ’ U i„ tio/f®" 1 ,0 Koverun; Wh., Uu * Uin,tothe , ‘* l “to be mod What * - - / We.tion.1 Wr