/ WHITE AND BLACKS llAVK SOCIAL ?HMJAIATY 1HNNKH IN NWW YORK. White Women Sandwiched in Bc tween Negro Mon mid Whit o Mon Ret ween Negro Women. Nothing in recent years lias so stirred tho white people or mis coun try as the "social equality" dinner given lu New York on Monday night week under the auspices of the Cos mopolitan club. The purpose of the dinner, and of the movement of which it is u part, ?was, frankly und confessedly, to break down Hie social barriers be tween the two races, and the advo cacy of Intermarriage, ox prosed by .whites and blacks alike at this re markable dinner, was greeted with the loudest enthusiasm of the even ing. There weir uiuoty-three people at the dinner, thc proportion of negroes hoing about two to ono, while among the whites were a large number of white women, a DU i a ted with 'settle ment*' work and socialism. The seating arrangements were so devised that n while woman Invar iably snt between negro men. A DKHIOKVIOI) PROMOTION. Col, lt. W. Hunt .Mude Superintendent ol' 'fra in Collectors. The announcement contained hi a Washington dispatch that Col. Robt. W. Hunt had been promoted bj ?lr Southern railway, being appointed puperinlendenl ol'train collectors, was welcome news to Iiis friends in South Carolina, who feel that any promotion given him ls deserved. Col Hunt was for mun> years division passenger agent of I he .Southern. with headquar ters nt Charleston, and last year was promoted lo the position of assistant general piissputyu' agoni wlt'i head quarters ti i Allanta. The train collectors of tho Southern railway have heretofore been und-r the direct personal supervision of tho auditor nt Washington, but in order facilitate and iinpi'OVC He ir work has been decided lo enlarge thc ree and lo have I hem report di ce: a Superintendent in charge, Col. Hum has bad long experience the passenger service of the So nib il and winn it was decided to create! o new oiilce of superintendent of H........... i, . wa s decided upon as Hil ne, il. igton. I le began his new riday. Col, I ! n?> ' 1 i ass? - .. A ext ....? Afternoon. As ii greed on by Ibo club owners the State League towns. Hie South andina State league season will op l pu Thursday, May 7 and will close ily :.'i> with 7 !I games played hy ich of tho four towns. Thc fol low' g is the schedule of gables for tho .st week as arranged hy Secretary . II. HoUBCUl! May 7, 8, fl Orangeburg al S u ni r; Chester al Rock Hill. May ll. 12, Ki Slimier al OrangC ng; Rock Hill at Chester. [Such Ol tho towns in tho league ls been wired by Secerlary Houseal the effect thin the league will open i Hu' 7til in coder thal the towns ny be prep fl rod for thc event. In linter lhere will bo "big doings'' on to 7th. This is the big day o? the i\ A. convention and oilier festivi OS that have been arranged and it probable hat then1 will be tl re nd breaking attendance for Hie op ting gil lilt1 til' Coe Slate I migu? -'ea Mi. Kvciytliitig hhs been arranged > that thc gnuie will not conlltct with io other ports of the day's pro gram me. , DKSI'KRATIO RAI 11,1',. One Man Kills Another After Being Shot Down. Dr. ,T. 13, Garrison, shot and killed J. D. Williams, an electrician for the Consolidated Coal Company, at Flat Creek, Ala., In a dmd in tho public road. Previous (rouble bad existed bid w een the men about family affairs and when Williams saw Garrison he asked him to wait a few minutes, and .securing a pistol, shot Garrison down. While on the ground, the latter shot. Williams to death. Harrison is dan gerously wounded. Nov. Mr. Hearst no longer holds communion with Democrats, is it not time lie was called upon by the Democratic National Committee to resign as President of the League of D?mocratie Clubs. Ir a "reasonable number" of Re publican members request it, Speak er Cannon agrees that the bill for free wood pulp and print paper will be discussed at the caucus. That is quite a concession from Uncle.Joe. i Lending; Money Upon Propel i v As Old As Society. PIUS ll. OPENED TUB ITRS i Tho Mont do Plcte a (?rent Suecos* u Purls-lt's Hun in tho Interest .? the Poor Under Direct (Jovci'iv nient Control, und ls a Hoon t< lluinhle Polk. Lending money ti pou property great and small ls probuhly as old i. htuuau society itself. Hut ii was u ?t until Middle Agea that author. \ stepped in to prevent altases in tb h connection and protect the tuasse.-' of the people from usurer.-*. lu the middle of the fifteenth cen tury there was between the church and the monarchs a third pow nr. which; although it worked lu seer ot, nevertheless dictated terms to th? proudest nobles, This power was tm purse of I he Jew. lu 14U4 Pius ll. opened tito Hist rflate Pawnshop in beautiful old Perugia-that ancient cradle of art on tito quiet Unibrlun Hills. lin idea was to relieve tile peasants and bumble laborers who unquestloiiabl> often passed their lives in utter ser V'itttdo to (lie money-lenders. Tho necessary capital was obtain ed by pious appeals to the rieh eui noble, and In a lew years branch-i wore founded in every city in Italy. For generations thereat ter these os lablishmonts were under chinch con irol, but gradually they l?vame a pa; i ol tin- public service. The system took three eeiiturl is le cross i he Allis into France, lt war in 1778 thal M. Necker, tho lunion' minister of Ixntis XVI. caused tin first lantern of the Mont do Piete lo bc hun}; out in Parts. Twelve yea? later, however, the revolution brou? OUt ami the constituent assembly le elded to close up the short-lived institution. Naturally enough Hie old pawn brokers ?ind usurers at once resum? business and wei?' more extortion t than ever, tho gnuie being now ?) tlrely In their hands under peculiar ly advantageous conditions. The!' oppression Indeed became so gr?y an evil thal the provisional govern ment bad sense enough to restore t 1 now famous .Mont de Plele, as Ht. ??tate Pawnbroking Department > France is called. This vast national concern is ni' .inti il iendS money at Ititi. rivale person is allowed i ll oj Ott goods in Paris or ii .r par! if Frtiuce; This i itbhopoty conducted as w> .Vfth inacnino-iikc pi'?clsio.i, .ni unseemly haggling, ?fi nurry, no discourtesy and ito .lu kindness. The .M<>>>t de Pate i. deed with its auxiliar*, offices II ivory quarter ol' tho "fereat city Paris and "Succursales*' or brandie throughout tho provluclal cities b beyond doubl a vcr} real boon millions of humbie foll;. it wu take into safe-keeping ard MOI-;: lio; stove of lin; street elitism it seller at tho approach of spring and lakes charge of Hu; ''fountain ol' the Iced drink peddlei when chill October warns him bin trade P M ai . .nd. lt w ill l?nd Hie oui oi -u . .1 laborer sixty cents on his tools HM he may go here ami there In scare of employ mont. The h ead qua rio?' of IMO Inatitutloi are in the line des Plane M a 11 tea n \ and there are two great branches o succursales, one in the Une hoquet le, and Hie other ill lue Pne de lin-, aliarte. The latter is the moro m ;>oi tant and is somewhat incongru ousl> placed near Hutt nollie Instilo (?on the Keele dos Peaux Arts. Om enters through a passage leading ::i io au opi-n court surrounded on ai ?dei ie. tin- various buildings ot 1 e. Mom de Pie' e. i ht 1 ie le! i as y ? titer, is lue depiii H?cht bf ' Hoga nants." where the prosperous >. deem their plodgOS. Next conies ft! hall of "iCrigagenienht," where a.. des are received and beyond that *!u Immense auction room where uni. deemed pledges are sold. Il ls curious to observe (hat .11 though crowds aro present in th various departments, pledging, re deeming or buying at am t ion Huh is no nolso or excitement an I ' ci t ?i i illy no confusion. It \a au ittixlo 1 crowd but a silent one which pas ?01 about tho countors of the reoolviu department. Hero is an artisan o , ot work, a dry goods clerk, an din gantly drosaod lady "pawning" he sables instead ol' putting Ihe'U ind cold storage for the summer. Th. whole transaction ls looked 11 poi ns most matter-of-fact, Par . ?! handed across the counter are tak tn lo an inner room to be valued lo lite appraiser who never so much t ROCS the applicant. Tho hist pal '<. perhaps a christening sci of sip. e. cup. fork and spoon. The valtlei turns to his little weighing machine weighs Hie silver, (est.; lt and lb). passionately (alls out "Twenty five." A malacca cano follows with a l?| alleged to be gold. Il is rubbed on a test stone, flicked with acid and promptly denounced as an Imposte) Diamond rings and brooches go through most searching examina' Hons. There ls no aontimont. MAX-FATFHS OF THF DEEP. Ocenn Tigers Thnt Aro Both Feared and Hated by Seamen. Imaging a whole school of 4,000 pound monsters swimming at rail road sneed Ar. d ?A, tl) vost Jaw* aimed willi lil rows of triaugalof teeth that spring erect Uko snake tangs when prey is struck In a light ning dart! Such, says the New York Press, are Hie voracious and dreaded ocean tigers, the largest ol' thc man ealing sharks, feared and hated ny every seaman afloat. I.asl year Hie Hritish cruiser Eu rydice was al anchor off Santa landa in Hm West Indies, and a party ol marines were disporting themselves in the sea around the great armored walls. The ?Aaler was most inviting for a swim, ami Petty Oflicer Henry Ped ?as giving an exhibition ol' laney diving lo his mates. Ills record was I a full minute under water. They watched him swim downward into translucent depth, and glance along Hu; mighty steed hull nearly -.ix fathoms below, feeling Um velvety moss ami weed as he went. "'Sharks!-' the word struck terror, the mere sight of racing, ku I felike dorsals threw tho .helpless men into a panic. Hut they were soon out of harm s way, swarming up the sides ol thu vessel. This took but a few seconds. Henry Pell was still be low. He had loft the Weedy hull, however, and was swimming away from her under water. Suddenly he paused, about to rise. Something vague and big look shape a shadow or blur at (irs! against Hu- lovely him-. Then a mighty dun colored form, tigor swli't in movement, maneuvered so rapidly willi the peculiar side or lateral swing to its great t?,?i dut ?he man seemed to in cot thu awful creature race to lace. HQ could al most have tombed the sharp, up standing dorsal lin. Pell knew ho was in frightful peril. With sudden resolution ho shot ii]*, ami as he did the terrified monster sharks are notoriously timid -swung its huge tail and swept away in a p?rfoi t cyclone of mud and sand. (.nue on the surface thc man ne held as ho know he would a little flot illa of the fateful triangular lins. Hs 30 cruiser and ?aw ed. Slowly and atc splashing he Now and then he behind, and saw lng shadow of located him hist creature. Now sprint; level wit! *.!>(> -Mil IIIKI'.IIW.II r>0 omi cl,),. lug oui to the men in the approach ing boat. Til.- immense shark, now bolder, inoro determined, was lash In? righi around him with Incredible speed, i lluming the blue sea at tim surfiiCc and narrowing lim circles il each revolution, A terribie situa (iou for a helpless man. Once twice thl'lcu it (lashed .(. vnsl jaws, only lo dari hack as Pell splashed with the fury (d' despera? lion. Hut (he boat was alongside! A dozen ?'ager hands seized the swim mer, while others attacked Hie mon ster with boathooks and bayonets. Put it was md to be denied, liven as Pell was In tue Very act ol' bel ny hauled over the side tho creature made ono last plunge through Mu water, dyed w it ii its own blood, an.I snnppbd off the man's left leg above tin- knee. Not all the efforts o? ch* surgeons nf tho Eurydice could sava him. fell died UOXl day. These horrible creatures at laic an enormous size -up to -10 feel, or as large as some whales. 1 have lieu a specimen taken oil' the Ht 'al Harrier hind HG feet long. lt had calen a horse thrown overboard from til.. Pori Moresby steamship; and ils serried rows ot fangs wore the most dreadful sight 1 have ever he hold. Some of them wore nearly 2 inches long and 2 Sic wide. Tho Nco Conni ry Schoolhouse. "Tho old country schoolhouse of aol a. Pm.: tlgb (viii soon bo a rollo ol thc past," said .lanie:. Tighe bl Altoona, Pili, "Although one travel lng I brough tho country sccs manj of these nhl fashioned structures, ha does not realize that they arc rapidly being deported, and that a consoli dated schoolhouse will be met with farther up tho road. Those new buildings are graded, and many have i a vernl high school courses, so that ono teacher now teaches only ono (lass, whereas In tho old days tim pedagogue taught everything from the alphabet to Latin, of course, lin- consolidated schoolhouse Is not so convenient to all Hm children, :o (hey have to go a greater distance, but till of them ride to school now adays. The com.ol ida ted school Ifl much cheaper to the community, and what the farmer saves In ta.xos bo lints in sleighs and wagons, so that bis Children may ride. Pupils can also remain at (heir homo sch ads much longer than they formerly could and this is also a great saving. W'.t may expect groat results from this (bange, for the farmers with their poor schools have turned out some wonderful men. and they should do even better under th-A HOW condi tion?.' Washington Post. Of all the boy workers In landon newsboys are tho healthiest, barbers' boys the most unhealthy-a tribute Cn? This lie Tino. Wc caw it stated in a letter from Washington the other day that the figures of the internal revenue bu reau for the fiscal year 1907 show that in the State of Virginia, where saloons aro l c? n-ed i:i different cm munities, then; were granted 2,857 licenses to retail liquor dealers. In the State of Kansas, where the sale of liquor is forbidden altogether, but.where drug stores do a rushing business, a total of 2,588 licenses were granted to dispense liquor at retail. The population of Virginia is near ly one-fourth greater than Kansas. Licenses to retail dealers in malt drinks like beer were issued in Kau to the extent of 087, while in Vir ginia the total was only 172. There were 101 licenses to wholesale deal ers of malt drinks in Kansas and on ly 82 in Virginia. The letter goes or. \o state that in the State of Maine, where prohibi tion has been upon thc books for fifty years licenses to retail malt liquors were granted to the extent of 4(18 against 172 for Virginia. The population of Maine is less than half that of Virgina. In the the State of North Dakota, where pro hibition is State wide, retail liquor dealers were granted licenses to the number of 1,055 and yet North Da kota does not have one-fourth the population of Virginia. In the same State were 850 men holding licenses to sell malt drinks. According to population there is one retail liquor license in Kansas for every -128 population, while in Virginia there is ono license for ev ery 794 people. In Maine there is one licence for every i!Gl peo ple while North Dakota makes a worse showing than any the others, by having one license to ev ery 211 people. According to the census figure in 1900 the deaths from drunkenness furnish almost as startling figures. For every 100,000 people in Maine there were 2.10 deaths from drunk enness, while in Alabama where sa loons were then licensed, the figures are 1.10. Kentucky, where booze '.???5 ns free us water in 19(H), made .g than Maine, the . Can these fig ul m Politics. caption the Au Mr. W. J. Bryan, if tho Democratic nt, has recently j jured innocence that the talk ol an | anti-Bryan corruption fund is for political effect only. All the same. j there is quite a lot of circumstantial j evidence to provo that, money is be ing so used. lt must bi> considered that, from prerent indications Taft is reason ably sure of being thc Republican I nominee. He is not very acceptable to tho predatory corporations, be cause it is believed that he will con tinue the Roosevelt policies if elect ed.. Ho is a weak candidate, because thelabor vote of the north will go heavily against him, and with Taft thc Republican end ?date the Demo crats stand an excellent chance of electing their ticket. Now it may be accepted that the predatory corporations do not take any more kindly to Mr. Bryan than they take to Mr. Taft. They would undoubtedly much prefer to have some other man nominated who has not such an anti-trust record ns Mr. Bryan has by profession. In the Democratic convention it requires a two-thirds vote to nominate. If more than one-third of ant i-Bryan delegates should be sent to Denver Mr. Bryan's nomination would be hold up. There is a reasonable chanco, in case the convention should bo deadlocked, of a dark house being chosen, and that would put Mr. Bryan out. During the past few days a mass of 'itera? ure has been sent uni from New York in the interest ot Govern or Johnson's candidacy. This costs money. So there is evidence of ninney being spent to defeat Bryan's nomination. Who is putting up this money? THE Democrats in Congress are still demanding the consideration of tho campaign publicity bill; a bill to put wood pulp and print paper on the free list, and the anti-injunction bill. These measures aro insisted upon by Mr. Williams, the Demo cratic leader, as all part of the Pres ident's legislative program. Mn. Carnegie has given five mil lion dollars more to his pension fund for educators; but as long ns the tariff protects the Steel Trust, the money comes easy. ThE Taft boomers declare it is all over but thc shouting, but then "the allies" claim Taft will not be nomi nated, so there you Republicans are, still up in the air. REPUBLICAN Congressmen aro still standing pat for the Trusts, thc universal kick of the newspaper publishers about the taril? protect ing the tmner combine notwithstand Brynn on First Itnllot, The New York Herald, whose pol itical forecasts are remarkably ac curate and entirely impartial, esti mates that Mr. Bryan will have 766 votes on tho first ballot at Denver, or 113 more than the two-thirds needed to nominate. Of this num ber 217 have already been definitely instructed to support Mr. Bryan, and 548 are classified as "probably" for him, these being- the representa tives of States which have not yet held conventions and of some which have elected delegates without instruc tions. In this list are included the delegates from New York, who were elected without instructions. At the time the New York conven tion was held it seemed that the del egates from that State would be against Brvan, but thc situation has materially changed and the leaders of the New York Democracy have been frightened into support of the Nebraskan by the great strength he has developed, which he might use to exclude them from representation in the convention in the face of an attempt to unseat them bthe yele ment of the party that was outrage ously excluded from the New York convention. "The Bryan sentiment in Illinois," says The Herald, "compelled Mr, Sullivan to play fair, and while the support given way have been some what unwilling, it was nevertheless given and will suiiicc. The result is that in one day the entire Democra tic situation in the United States changed. Almost every State in the Union that was wavering began to trend toward Bryan." With the ex ception of Pennsylvania, New Jer sey, Massacheusetts and Minnesota, all of the States which have as many as twenty votes in the national ?con vention are counted for Bryan. Minnesota is, of course, for John son, but as soon as his candidacy is shown to be hopeless, the delegates are practically certain to go to Bry an, who has been extolled by Gov. Johnson on more than one occasion. Pennsylvania will probably be against Bryan, but the supporters of the Nebraskan have not yet abandon ed the fight for the delegation. rJow ,ler?ov ht>? ?hnwn !?nt i- RrVHTl acted, but there is strong Bryan sentiment in that State. Indiana, Illinois, Iowa. Kansas and Wisconsin, with an aggregate voting strength of 15G in the convention, have instructed for Bryan. New York, with seventy-eight votes, is practically certain to support him. Alabama, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Now York, North Caroli na, Ohio, Tennessee, Texas, Virgin ia, each with large representation in the national convention, may he reckoned for Bryan, and a troop of States with smaller votes. The Charleston Post, from which paper we clip the above says "Mr, Bryan might devote himself to Iiis plowing entirely from now until the date of the Democratic convention and he would be called to the head of the ticket. It is ridiculous to talk of anybody else, and the thing for Democrats to do now is to put in their time shaping up for the cam paign to elect Mr. Bryan President." SENATOR Culberson, of Texas, has authorized the statement that he is not nor has he been ti candidate for the Democratic nomination. "There is absolutely no doubt, further - I more," states Senator Culberson, "that the Democrats of Texas in convention this month will instruct their delegates to the Denver con vention for Bryan. 1 believe he is the choice of the Democrats of the country." SENATOR Hale's recent comment on "the frequent and unnc?ssary ab sence of Secretary Taft from his post of duty," and the Democratic criticisms of the Secretary for his absence from his post on campaign missions, have had their effect tit last; and it is said that Taft will re sign. Why shouldn't he? Why ?1- uld he draw a large salary wi ile eu'ivassing in his private in terest? Isn't it dishonest, and un worthy of a pubiic servant? Isn't t wor.se than common grafting? THE New York Sun says that "among Republican politicians Mr, Bryan has always been the favorite Democratic candidate for presi dent." The State asks if Mr. Bryan I is such an "easy mark" for thc Re publican, why do not Republi can papers like the Sun join in ? the delectable task of luring him on to certain and overwhelming defeat? Will Not Itu llound. The Newe and Courier makes 4 straight answer to the question of the Charleston Post as to whether it will accept the judgment of the State convention on tho candidacy of Mr. Bryan, lt declares that it will not be bound bv the action of that convention, because it will not be a member of the convention, and is not even a voter. - In answering The News and Courier The Post knocks it completely out of the box. Here is the answer the Post makes; "Of course we understand that The News and Courier is "vox et , practerea nihil," but we understand that it claims to be a Democrat voice, that it speaks to South Carolina Democrats as a Democrat, that it is laboring with them against Mr. Bry an as an exponent of South Carolina Democratic sentiment. If it is only expressing an independent view, without any claim to familiar consid- k ^ eration, that is all right. But if it is \Xf submitting its propositions to the judgment of the South Carolina Democracy as an orsran of Democra tic sentiment in South Carolina, that is quite another thing. "It is willing to be bound by the action of the national Democrtic convention, yet it will not b<*. a delae gate to that body nor will it have a vote at the polls for the ticket put forth there. Why might it not sub mit to the State convention as grace ful ly? Because, it says, its constitu ency is not confined to South Caroli na. So The News and Courier is prepared, if the State convention in struct for Bryan to appeal from the judgment of the South Carolina Democracy, to the party at large. That is all right, tho, if it does not approve the action of the State con-, ? vention but it can not, in such cir- v > cumstances, claim to represent the views of the Democrats of South Carolina. Unless it would deny the authority of the State convention to speak for the State Democracy. "Perhaps that is its attitude, for we read in its issue of today: If the Stale convention sends a fetering delegatior to Denver, it will be sent in defiance of the people's wis es." Who made thee a ruler or a judg cover Isrcal? Who gives The News and Courier warrent to over rule the action of the State conven tion, in the name of the people of South Carolina. If our contempor ary denies the authority of the State convention to instruct thc delegates to the Denver convention for any candidate, we take it that it would justify any of the delegates disre garding such instructions. That is the logical deduction from its judg ment of the convention for itself cou ? plc* ?yUh th' declaration that, in stn ..?. ii ns v .old bc sri ?olri in de ? ' t' s'- vj jtho peo ile j wishes.*' One J. T. boden, of Charlotte, N. C., is widely quoted in the papers as* '/> having been talking in Washington about how sore the f av mers are over holding their cotton in thc south. Now we have, says the Florence Times, no fault to find with the press correspondents for giving any man's views if they think him prom inent enough for his views to count any-thing hut who is J. T. Loden? In ti matter of this kind, when the fortunes of the farmers of the south are at stake, when our own people are lined up on the one side or the other it is a very serious thing to say that the farmers firing line is wavering unless one wishes to injure the cause of the farmers and inspire their desperate gnemies with great er hope. It means that the last line of the defense of the southern peo ple is breaking and their forces will end in rout. That is if it is so. Is it so? Who is Mr. Loden, on whiclj side of the fight does he generalfy' stay? He is a type of man that does a good deal of talking just now. A type of man that fights neither on one side nor the other, but, being a friend of both sides carries all the news he t> nki viii bo gratefully re ceived to both sides. Are the state ments horne out in fact? Its it not true that at every convention of; the farmers they pledge themselve?^ to renew efforts in behalf of wholes) class and interests of the farmer and his allies and dependents. Many people tala carelessly in these mat ters because they do not realize how greedily their words are taken up by the opposition if they arc the words that they want to hear. They do thc cause of the farmer injury, they cause suspicion of the strength and loyalty of the rest of the line, and if you have ever been on a firing line you would know that such a suspic ion caues a more deadly panic than bullets or death or any thing else. Don't do it. Remember that the the farmer's interest and if you can not fight with him do not weaken him by talking against him. If Mr. Loden lins any knowledge of the facts , in the ca.se he has misrepresented them, either carelessly or willfully, for thc purpose of shaking the con fidence of the friends of the farmer in his cause. When one talks this way let the newspapers tell us just who he is and let us conclude whether he talks from selfish inter est or is just making himself inter ! esting to thc newspaper men.