The Marlboro democrat. (Bennettsville, S.C.) 1882-1908, April 24, 1908, Image 4

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MRS, ROWE ENTERTAINS Reception fer bridal Party on Monday Evening of Last Week On Monday evening Mrs. Wai te;* S Howe entertained in honor of Miss Faison and her bridal party. Thc invitations, bearing gold ombosscd Cupids, were very appropriate for the occasion. Tho guests were received at tho door by Mrs. Alice G Moore moth er of tho hostess, and then pre sented to thc bride and groom e lect and tho hostess and host by Miss Myrtle Moore. Thc attraction of thc sitting room was a beautifully painted sofa pillow having in tho centre a picture of a bride and surrounded by cards bearing wise sayings and advice tor the future, this was registered by each of tho bridal party according to their taste. Mr. and Mrs. E D Mooro received in the sitting room and Miss Thelma lio wc presided at the punch bowl. As the wedding march was be ing played by the orchestra thc guests were invited to the dining room, w hero Mrs. Maud C Rowe assisted in entertaining while they wore being served a delightful salad and ice course by Misses Helen Turner and Lewis Drake. A dainty little white Cu pid adorned thc centre of each salad plate and the cream served in pink heart- shaped cups carried out the color scheme. On leaving, each guest was pre sented by Miss Mildred Breeden with a bell-shaped card bearing pen and ink sketch of a bride, and tied with pink and blue ribbon. The parlor was in blue and pink, the bride's decorative colors, the library in red, and the dining room in pink and green. The bride-elect was elegantly gowned in cream colored crepe de chino, while tho hostess wore a duchess lace robe over blue taffeta? -The State. Blind Man iv Candidate. Prof. J E Swearingen of tho Cedar Springs institute, the State college for thc deaf, dumb, and the blind, located in Spartanburg county, has announced that ho will l)c a candidate for Statt1 super intendent of education. Prof. Swearingen is a nephew of Senator Tillman. Hois totally blind and has held the position of professor at Cedar Spring, the Stale institution for the blind, for nine years. Ile is a man of recog nized ability and has a wick? ac quaintance and connection through out the Slate. He isa native of Edgeliold. Bamberg Herald. Death of Mrs. Davis Mrs. Mary Davis died at the home of her son, Younger T. Davis, on Crosland street, Satur day morning at six o'clock, at thc age of s'5. The fumerai services wore eon ducted b.v Kev. I*. B. Ingraham at Bethel Sunday at IO A. M. This aged and good woman will bo missed by many friends and relatives. " A Kovin/; Tribute, The following Resolutions wore adopted b.v thc Board ol' Stewards and also hy the inemb. I'S ol' I he church conference ol' the I i I'S t Methodist church, Bcnnctlsv illo, South Carolina, April \% I DOS'. Whereas dcllth has removed brothel- John S Moore and wc de sire to r?cord il m?morial of his long and useful ( 'hl'isl ian life, und express ill permanent form the af fection and esteem we bore him, therefore, Be it resolved, 1. Thal our church has lost one of its most /.calons and useful members, and also one of its most pious and loyal devotees; the com munity an intelligent and benevo lent neighbor, and thc stale one of its best citizens. l<or half a ecntu ry he battled in thc cause ol' right and was foremost in every good word and work. Ho had had the best college and professional training, the fruits of which he devotedly gave tho causes of cd ucation and Christianity. A more sincere adv?cale of principle never lived. His zeal for tho causo of his Master and his ardent love for tho Church of Christ made him thc admiration of all true Christians with whom ho came in contact. No man over stood higher m tho affectionate regard of his brethren Ile has gono up on high to await our coming. 2, That a pago in our minute book bc suitably inscribed to his memory, and that a copy of theso proceedings be furnished the fam ily of our deceased brother and also published in thc newspapers. THE BEST^THE LAST Friday E 'cntnjj a.t ; School Au ditorium Whatever you forget, do not forget purchasing a ticket at Douglas & Brooden's drug store for thc "Mountain Trio" Friday evening April 24th, It is a first class high grade entertainment as havo been all tho entertainments of thc Star Lyceum course. You will get the worth of your money if you como. ( Jet your seats at once, i 90 A. 1). Of Interest to Farmers. Mr. 10 I) Smith, President of the S. C. Cotton Association will speak at the following p' ces anil dates. The public is cordially in vited to come out and hear him. No disappointment this time as he positively has agreed to come on these dates. Drake's store, Thursday Apr. .'50 th. Clio, Friday May 1st. Pine Grove, Saturday May 'Jud. Boimcttsvillo, Monday May 1th. H. M. Pegues, President Marlboro Cotton Asso. L. C. Breeden, Sec'y. 'JO A. D. WORK BEGAN MONDAY On the Raising of Ferry Lane Bed at Pee Dec River. On Monday morning work was begun on the improving of Ferry Lane as hitherto announced in thc Advocate. The contract was let by the county board last week to Messrs. A. M. Teague and Son, ol' Columbia, and tho work con, menccd Monday morning ol' this week. The work will cost close to $0,000, the citizens ol' Chernw to pay one third and this county two-thirds as slated before. Ferry Dane when put in first class condition will bc a means of drawing a good deal ol' trade to Choraw that now goes elsewhere There is a bridge across the river at that place but this has hereto fore been a drawback, that Fen y Lane on this side of the river has been in a terrible lix. There1 was a deep cut and for a good part of thc time waler stood in it. The road will be run straight and it will be everywhere 'io feet above, low water. The road is lo bo constructed according to plans drawn by an expert United Stales road engineer. Messrs Teague and Son had charge of _ the construction pf the B & 0 road to lllcnlicim. LIST OF CANDIDATES Who ivrc asking lo: Voles in Marlboro' Below is tho IUI of candidates who have announced themselves in the Advocate up to date for thc various odicos: For clerk ol'court John 11 Thomas ol' Ked I lill, dell I > (Odens of ( 'lio, Tom C I lamer of Bennettsville. Kor sheriff- William F Rogers of Red Hill, K J Woodley, bf I lebr?n. K?rtreasurer Charles WCros land ol' licnnottsville, For supervisor Klisha D Graham of Bcnnettsville, No candidate is yet announced for tho hoilSO Of representatives. Senator T I Rogers and .Judge Probate Milton McDuurin hold ON er for two more years. Three of the present county officers Sherill' .1 T Creen. Clerk ol' Clerk ,I A Drake, and Super visor Krank Manning have not yet announced their candidacy for re election. BOOZE WAS SPILLED. Contraband Was Poured Out by the Sheriff Last Week. On Friday Sheriff Green poured out sonic contraband "dow" which had been captured from various ones, Tho list included: One barrel of beer in bottles, nine quarts of whiskey, one dozen bot tles of "Budweiser/' and a keg of cider. On that evening in question the odor of beer, whiskey and eider was in tho air, but this was all that anyone was allowed to have. The liquids were returned to thc earth to bc purified before again using. Clio at Hallsville. The meeting which is being car ried on at thc Methodist church by Rev F II Shuler of Clio is being well attended. Kev Shuler is a strong and forceful preacher. Mr and Mrs P N Hood of Clio are here fora few bays.- Hart" svillc Messenger. CAN'T BE SEPARATED Some Bennettsville People Have Learned How to Get Rid of Both. Back and kidney achocare twin brothers. You cant separate thom. And you cant got rid of the backache until you cure tho kid ney ache. If the kidneys aro well and strong, tho rest of tho .system is pretty sure to bo in vigorous health. Donn's Kidney Pills make strong healthy kidneys. A. M, Pilgrim, living one mile west of Darlington, S. C., says: "Mv kidneys were badly disor clerod and caused a burning son sat ion during tho passage of tho secretions. My back pained ino and would often bo so lame that I could not rest at night. J heard about Donn's Kidney Pills and they wero so highly, rocom mended for such complaints that 1 got a box. Tho acted like magie, proving to be just the remedy needed for my back and kidneys. Aftorashorl use, 1 was freo from backache and also from the kidney difficulty, 1 never before used a remedy that acted so quickly and ellectively as Donn's Kidney pills and I bolive that I am justified in recommend ing thom to others." Knr salo bv lill dealers. Prie 50 couts. K?ster-Milburn Co,, Buffalo, Now York, solo agents for tho United States. Remember the name - Donn's and tako no other. Announcements of CANDIDATES Candidate! cards arr |>ul>liiht'd from dale of insertion titi the (lection for live dollars, cash in A I 'Dl'h Ut l hereby announce inyself :i candi date for reappointment to the ellice of t 'pulily auditor, subject lo the ac tion of t?u! D?mocratie' primarv. Ali J rt :>hiphcll. STt KUI b'F I hereby announce myself as ii can didate foi- Sherm ol' NI a ri boro County sill ?Joel til I ho resul't < ?if the Demo crat ie pi i ina I'S. A-1) ' \V V I Jokers. I inn a candidate for the olUce bf sherill' of Marlboroc?uiityi subject to t he rules and result/ ol' tho approach ing Democratic prima rv. A D i-: .1 Woodley. St'PNUV?si Ht i hereby announce thyself a candi date for thc oiiiec of County Supervh sor,'Subject to the action of thc Dem ocrat lc prima rv. A-D IO D Graham Tit MASH KICK I hereby announce myself a candi late for County Treasurer, subject to tile act.ion of tho I iomocrat lc primary. A D (' W Crosland." ?L?0KK < 'iV ('< >UKT I hereby announce myself a candi la te for i leru of Court. subject to tho notion of tho Democratic primary, A D .lohn ll Thomas. I hereby announce myself as a can didate for Clerk of Court, subject) to I he action of tho I leinocrat ic prima rv. AD .ID Kdons.' I hereby annonce myself a can didato for clerk of court ,Stlbjccl lo the ICtlon of thc Democratic primary. A D . Tom t ' I lamer. TO THE INAUGURATION OF THE NEXT PRESIDENT The Peo Dee Advocate and the Marlboro Democrat aro going to send a party of six to Washington on the occasion of thc inauguration ol' tho 27th President of the United States on March 4, 1009. Three of the party are to be selected by the readers of the Advocate and the Democrat, The party will be composed of the following: 1. The most popular minister in Marlboro county. 2. The most popular public school teacher in Marlboro County. 'S. The most popular young lady in Marlboro county, 4. The person who sends in the largest amount for subscriptions to the Pee Dee Adyocat 5. The person who sends in the largest amount for subscriptions to the Marlboro Demoora 0. The person who sends in the largest amount for subscriptions to the Advocate and Democrat together. Each of these persons will be given free railroad tickets to Washington and return, so as to include March 4, 1909, the date of the inauguration of President Roosevelt's successor. Tho party will probably go to Washington a day or two in advanee of the inauguration, so as to witness the closing scenes of the present Congress, which will adjourn sine die on March 4, 100!). The party will also be given a free trip to Mt. Vernon, Va., the old home of George Wash ington. There can be seen the house in which the First President lived abd died, the furniture which he used, the carriage in which he rode, the tomb iu which he is buried, and many other relics. At Washington cnn be seen the beautiful Capitol, the White House, the U. S. Treasury, the Bureau of Printing and Engraving, where money is made. Statuary Hall, Congressional Library, Nationa' Museum,Smithsonian Institute, Corcoran Art Gallery, and many other things of nat ional interest. A trip will be taken to tn the top of the* Washington Monument, which is 555 feet high. From it the whole city of Washington can be seen, with the Potomac river winding along its border. Concilions of the Contest 1. Each person who subscribes for the Pee Dee Advocate or the Marlboro Democrat will be entitled, ni < : < h < ? nt pdon subscription, to one vote for each of the persons to he elected. If $1.50 is paid for tlio Advocate one year, the subscriber will be entitled to 150 votes for a minister, a public school teacher and a yoting lady. Eighty cents tor th? Advocate six months will on t i tie the subscriber to 80 vote?. One dollar for the Democrat a year will entitle the subscriber to 100 votes, The voles must be given in at the same time the money is paid. 2. Every agent of the Advocate or Democrat will be entitled to as many votes as will the sub scribers whose subscript ions ne or she gets. An agent who gets 10 annual subscribers for the Advocate, will be entitled to 1500 voles. Ten for the Democrat will give him or her 1000 votes. Agents' votes must also be sent in with the money. 8. A ballot wi be printed in each issue of the Advocate and Democrat, which, when cut out and pent in before the expiration of the dale printed in the ballot, will couut as ten votes for one person in each of the three classes in the contest. These ballots will not be counted unless they are in' tho oilice before tho expiration ol' the time printed in the ballot. ; 4. Those who are getting up clubs should send in their subscriptions and votes as often as pos sible. It is not necessary to get up a large club before sending in the names, money and votes. Each'agent will bo credited with every cent sent in, and will get the benelit of the total at the ol ose,'of the contest. No person will be counted as an agent, however, till he or she sends in at least'three subscriptions. 5. No a^eiit will be entitled to more than one prize. If the same person appears to be entitled to more than om? trip, then one ol' the trips wil given to the person who sends in the second largest amount for the Advocate and Democrat combined. If the same person still seems to have - two trips, one ol' them will be given 1er the third largest amount for both papers combined. 0, Besides being allowed the votes indicated above, and having a chance tu win a free trip to the inauguration ot the next President, all agents will be allowed ten per cent commission on all money collected by them. This applies to renewals as well as new subscriptions. Tobe entitled to commissions, an agent must send in, al first, as many as three subscriptions. After that, one or more may be sent a time by the agent. 7. No subscription will be taken on oredit for anybody. We do not keep subscription accounts S. The votes received by each person will be published in each issue of the Advocate and the Democrat, revised up to the close ol' the proceeding week 0. The contest will close at o P, M. on thc fifth day of February, 1009. The votes will be counted and the trips awarded by a committee of three citizens of Marlboro county who are also lo be elected by the voters themselves. There is a place on each ballot for the names of the cit izens whom the voters choose to count the votes. The time for voting for this committee will close just a week before the regular contest. The ballots for them will be counted by the editors ol' the Advocate and Demoerat.and the three highest will be declared the managers of the election. Their names will bo published in the paper preceding the close of the contest for the free trips. In case any manager elected cannot serve, he or she will be allowed to name a substitute. This ballot, if in thc office of ihe Pee Dee Advocate and the Marlboro Democrat, before 6 P. M. of Apr. 24, 1908,"will count as len votes for each of thc following three persons to receive free trips to Washington and Mt. Vernon, to thc inauguration of thc next Prc sident of the United States: Rev. . pastor of .teacher in young lady residing in. This ballot will also count as ten votes for thc following citizens as managers of election, .of. . of. .of. The ballots to be sent in with subscriptions have a little dii?erent form from the above. They are printed separately and can be obtained al. the oflice by any agent or subscriber who will call or write for I hem. The contest is now on. Begin to send in your votes at once. The sooner you get your favorites in the lead, the better chance they w 1 have of winning. Subscribers will be entitled lo the same number ol' votes, whether paid at the oilice sent by mail, or paid to an agent. But in every case the votes must come in with the money, or elso they will not be counted. Agents should go lo work al once. A subscriber picked up here and lhere, every now and then will amount to a great deal by Mi?' time die contest, closes. ADDRESS, FREEMAN & CALDWELL, ! ^E:nxrisri?;,i"i?jBJViX-.i_JiE?!, ss*, o.