The Marlboro democrat. (Bennettsville, S.C.) 1882-1908, April 17, 1908, Image 4

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1' MARLBORO DEMOCRAT BENNETTSVILIiB. S. C. "IEMOCR&T PUBLISHING CO., Subscription i?rlc?* Une year.$1.00 Six months.50 Three months.25 PERSONAL J ll McKittrick spent a day in Columbia lust week. J B Normont was in town Sat urday on buisness. J II Bock ham spent Sunday with homo folks at Kock Hill. Miss Hallie Lytch spent Satur day with kinpcoplo at Gibson. Miss Sudio Bailey of McColl S C is thc guest of relatives in tire city-Charlotte Observer. Mrs C ll May and children aro visiting her sister Mrs W W "Wanamaker at Orangeburg. W F Stevenson, a prominent attorney of Cheraw is hore attend ing court this week. Mrs. Ira Bounds has boon visit ing her daughter, Mrs- Clara Bil li! ps, in Clarendon county. T K Stokes Editor of tho Har ington Press, was among thc vistors to town on Monday. J L Everett of Monroe spent Saturday and Sunday with his parents Mr ?ind Mrs j L Evorel Mrs. C. F. Moore and eau? h lei 1 Miss Kmc ?tine, bf Cheraw, Thrrsda.y in to,.u with relativ? "Mrs. h. J. Breeden wont, io Chester Saturdv o . ?iii I tho illness ul ! . : iel, Mi . "-. ; ll. White I Dr C U May w ?rit t< 1 . i :-:on yesterday to iii ! end of the Stab Medic d ?. y, ll will return tonight, Mrs. Ellen Eicon lin ?. ??? fr bri Bennert, N. G-, Satu . - . spend some time with her soi . il JJ and G W Freeman. Hon John Gary Evans of Spar tanburg, candidate for the United States Senate, was in town on Monday shaVmghands with friends D D McColl is chairman of th executive committee of tho statc bankers association, which will moot in Columbia un Thursday of next week. George Crosland has boen crit ically il) for several days at his homo cast of town. At tho hour of going to press, he was thought to be dying. Mrs. A P Breedon, of Bonnctts ville, is spending a few days in town, visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. K ll Covington,--Lau rinburg Exchange. J II McKittrick Misses Gallie Dees and Annie Sampson returned Saturday night from Greenwood where they attended thc B Y P U ?tate convention. Thc Fitzhugh lumber company, which has boon sawing timber on George Croplands place. near town, is moving to Ausburn, Dar lington county. The Poe Doo Chapter D. A. H., will hold its next meeting at tho homo of Mrs. W II Kllerho, Tues day morning at ton o.clock, April iii. Tho subject for this mooting is Colonial Now York. J. E. Purcell of Red Springs has boon boro sovoral days, sur veying for T. E. and G. S. Mc Call. Mr. Purcell represented 'North Carolina in tho location of tho state line alone- the, Marlboro border in 1005, Rev. B. Hi Turnipseed and litt'e son, of Columbia, spent Mondav bight With his brother Rev. R. Iv Turnipseed and wont to Darling ton yesterday to attend tho Kp worth League. Mr, Turnipseed is ono of tin- promiment, speakers who will address tho mooline". Elder -I? T, < 'rawford, an old subscriber of tho Democrat, was in town Friday? having ridden tx bioyclo from Lnurinbnrg, Elder Crawford works Iri tho cotton mill during I ho week-and preaches bli Sunday, f lo says that the Lniir inburg mill is now running days in tlyi week. C P Townsend dr. anil Jain ? ! ( ?ovingtoii of Bonnet ? ville, I '..> Onartnvess bf Clio, Marlboro lia iner and Knox Eftsterlihg ol' Ta tum, arc :;l home from Clemson college, being amone; tho BO? i tu dents dismissed from tho oollogo bccntiso thoy ran away on April Fool's day. Th OSO uro nil the boys from Marlboro excopt iivo seniors. Miss Callio Dees attended tho 13 Y P U Convention in Green wood last week. Miss Daisy Free man taught in her placo at the cotton mill school during ber ab sence. Tho protracted meeting at the Baptist church will begin Sunday and is expected to last two weeks. Mr. Jones will be assisted by Dr. Oliver. Preaching each day at 3:30 p. m., and 8 p, m. Misses Ennuie Newton and An nie Carlisle, F. W. Groome, lt. C. Newton anti Kev. lt. E. Turnip seed are attending tho State Ep worth League convention which is in session at Darlington. W. M. F. Gibson of Scotland county was in town Friday. He says that politics aro interesting in North Carolina now, with the prohibition election and the, elect ion ol' governor and United States sonator on hand. Mr. and Mrs. P C Cilium have been spending several days in town visiting relatives. They were on their way to their home at Batesburg from Funguay Springs, N. C., where Mr. Cul lum has been teaching. Rogers for Re-election Nicholas B Rogers announces today that he will be ta candidato to succeed himself in the ollice ut' county treasurer. .Mr. Hogers is now serving his lirst term and has made an ex . illont olllcial. Ile ashs il . j copie. to ? : Iiis wort' by Sp??rs i jr lioliciior. Solicitor .1 Monroe Spears, ol' Darlington, announces himself a candidato for re-election. .Mr. Spears ...> now serving an unexpir ed term, having been appointed to succeed tho late Solicitor John son. Ho has proved himself tobe an able, prosecuting attorney and an energetic woskor. So far, lu; hus no opposition for re-election. Tom Webster Married. Thos. M Webster has received a message from Richmond an nouncing the marriage of bis son, Thus. L Webster, to a Richmond girl, lt seems that thc marriage was (tuite a surprise to Mr. Web sters friends in Richmond tis well as in Benncttsville. They were tnarried in Washington. Mr. Webster worked in the A 1 vocato oflico several years. His friends herc wish bim and bis bride all possible, happiness, Graham for Supervisor. To lay tho announcement of Eli sha D. Graham appears as a can didate for supervisor. Mr. Gra ham was a candidate two years a go ami lacked only a fow of get ting into the second race. En couraged by the flattering vote, bo received then, und the solicitations of friends be bas decided to try again? Mr. Graham bas bad long experience in the manage ment ol' labor, and bas proved himself to bo not only an expert farmer but a good roadbuitder, as he made some ol' the first sand and clay roads in the county. East Parks Brightsville, April l:; Mar ried in Brightsville on Sun day the 12th day ol' April 1008 by T T Stubbs, notary public, Mr. T \ Parks and Miss N I, East all ol Hod Springs, Robeson county, V (\ Witnesses Mr. W K Web ster am! wife Mr. Goorgo M Web ster ol' Bellte! church and about twenty Others. Hie brido and groom returned al once lo Red Springs; Robeson county, X. C. i Til,: Gland Lodge K. of I?, will I med in Aiken on the fourth Tues ,(la\ iii May ? ??> ? ... Thc South Atlantic League ? opened tho baseball season oil ! Monday of IftSt w?vk und tre mendous crowds were out Oil the Opening days. The other leagues open shortly and tho whole conn I r.V is baseball wild. SHOULD BE KEPT MaJter of Retaining the Military Company Needek. The matter of holding tho Marl boro guards in tho state militia is now up and in fact it is right up to the town us to whether or not Bennettsville is to retain tho com pany. Adjutant and Inspector General Boyd says that it remains for tho people of Bonnottsvillo to say whether or not the company is to romain here and he wants thc matter settled at once as do all the rest connected with the case. On last Tuesday Capt. W II Mc Intyre and a reporter for tho Ad vocate went to Columbia to seo General Boyd about the company. But the General was out of tho city on an inspecting tour and a telegram found him af Greenville ami he wired that ho would reach Columbia early Thursday morning. Capt. McIntyre remained to see him and did talk the matter over ami General Boyd stated to him that it remained with the people of Bennettsville to decide the mat ter. Kor sometime there has been a spirit <d' discontent and resentment ai thc present standing of the af fair. Thc town seems to lune lost lill interest in the company and' furthermore Ibero has '?cen objec lion expressed at tile v\::y in which the. company w as being conducted. '! : is lia bi cn tho way for quite a wi'.ih and th? mutter nus reached liv cai of ( h ile .d I :<< w di ls tact Iii ' 'v i ;irai in'biself was up here : inspect toit ; last fail and got (ii st hand ii.'?onii?tion as to tho trouble and what the company was j ?1 >'i,v doing. <'<:n(. M (Intyre has now on thc roll something over fifty men and at tho inspection a few days ago tho company made, a creditable showing according to the statement of the inspecting o?icors and they so roportcdjto General Boyd. They slated that there was ti great im provement in thc company since tho previous inspection Drills have been held regulary and each military order has been carried out. The, Captain of thc company, W ll McIntyre, says that bebas donc all that he can to make the com-: jinny what it should be. That ho has instructed tho members as best he knew how and his work has been approved by the superior of ficers. That he has done all he can to get the town people interested and that he wants to see tho com pany tho pride of Bennettsville. 0 KN Kit AL novo's POSITION. foYom a previous conversation which tho reporter had with Gen eral Boyd tim following is his po sition: That tho people of Ben nettsville do not seem to fake any interest in the company. That there1 has been expressed dissatisfaction with tho present standing and that ho has been endeavoring to got everything harmonious. Ho said that he wanted the company to slay here, but that unless tho citi zens ol' Bennettsville would take some interest and show that they wanted it that there was no use in keeping it here. That furthermore lhere were several other towns in tho state, which were' anxious to have military companies and they would jump at the chance of get ting in Bennettsvillc's place. Ile said that several towns furnished armories for tho men and thal they took pride in tho company and were ready to do all that they could for it. Ile -aid that h.-want ed to know what thc trouble was and ho would endeavor to remedy ! it as far fis he was able r.oi ii'MK.vr nr.iNo winnii.i.n. Thc company, ns previously slated, has passed inspection and is waiting for its new equipment. The equipment is in Columbia bul (lenora! Boyd does not feel tis if tho citizens pf Bennettsville are supporting the company and he is holding the equipment until furth er do\elopments, lt is up to thc Bennettsville |lpoplo and especially the business tuyn to impress thc miliury d?partirent that the, town is willing and anxious to h av o thc company and that they will sup port it. MILITARY COMPANY NEEDED, That Ilonnottsvillo needs a mili tary company is obvious. Suppose there should bo somo great out break, or something happen which would require military aid, what could bc dono if thc company herc was 'Out jof service? And then too there is no telling when it is need ed. Hight here at hand they could bo turned out on short notice and protect the town and put down the law breakers should occasion arise while if the company is allowed to bc removed the town would have no protection. NO CHANCE ECU A N OT 11 F.K. And tho company needs lo be kept hore for if it is removed thou there will bc no chanco again soon to have another. As stated before there aro several other towns in thc state clamoring for a place in tho militia and they are willing to give tho aid needed and to back up tho company as it should be. IMMEDIATE ACTION CALLED EOK. There should bo some action tak en immediately on tho matter. It is a matter which should person ally interest every citizen and es pecially those, having property hore. Some plan should bo deckl ed on Mini that at once. Gen Boyd wants to feel that the business men is behind the thing and what ever is t'.;e present trouble lot him : know and he will take tho proper steps lo :.. e that everything is fix ed ail right. In justico to I ho com pany, injustice to Capt. Mcintyre, in justice ld the town, in justice to General lloyd, :>iui in justice lo everyone il thero ard any com plaints they should bc made known and that openly. Tho matter dc mands attention at once. Lt Ls right up to thc town. Democratic Club Attention.. Pursuant to order of County Chairman the Bennetts vii lc Dena* ocatie Club is hereby called to meet in tho Court Ho uso at Ii oclock 1' M Saturday April 25th L90& Every member is urged to attend Buisness of importance Club must then reorganize f<;r ensuring two years elect Delegates to Country Convention etc. T I Hogers C D Easterling President Secretary Constipation causes headache nausea, dizziness, languor, heart palp itation. Drastic physics grip?, sicken, weaken thc bowels and don't, ou???. Doan's Regulets ?ct? gently and care constipation. 25 cerito Ask your drug gist.. Notice Final Discharge Estate of W Lv Breeden. Having li lcd in the probate judge's ofhee of Marlboro corni ly our final return as execu tors of tho estate of W Iv Breeden notice is hereby given that wo will apply to said court on the 24th day of April 1008 for a final discharge us snell executors, P> B Breeden, ,1 li Breeden, Executors. Mutch 24th, ?008 13-10 p I ,m'" Notice of Fina! Discharge l?state of ll .1 Cannon. Having Hied in tho probate judge's office of Marlboro coun ty my final return as t ra tor of the estate of R .1 Can non notice is hereby given that II will apply lo said courl on tho 20th day of April 1008 lor letters tlismissory as such ad min isl rotor. elias U Mny, Qualified Administrator. t.Mardi 20lh, 1 DOS 13-1(1 Tho democrats are continuing tho filibuster in thc h ou so and thc rchublicans are adopting strict cloth tiro rules and shutting oil' de bato. ROW AT A SCHOOL Five Nen Indicted for a Distur bance at Deborah At the closing exercises of tho Deborah school at Quicks cross roads in Smithville last Friday night, thero was a general fight in which ono man was cut in the neck and another had his coat cut in thc back. The school was in charge of Mrs E D Grant a daughter of Kev T L Liol vin. Mrs Grant's sister and her husband, Mr and Mrs Joe Dannel ly of ICrhardt 8 C wore visiting Mrs Grant and attended the school clos ing. Mr Grant is one of tho trust ees of tho school. County Superin tendent ICnsterling and Represen tative J P Gibson were present and took part in the exercises. Near the close there was an ex citing negro dialogue, and thc audience which was 037t on the ground in front of tho school house crowded up to see and heajr tho pupils, lt seems that Wesley Brig man was leaning over Mr* Dan nelly and using profane, and ob scene language. Mr Dannel fy ask ed him not to curse in thc presence of ladies. Ile kept- on cursing and dared Mr Dannetfy to resent it Dannnelly jumped up and collaret! Brigman and tho lutter ?vo.w a knife, Dannelly threw dowi look tho knife awtsy front hitit. ' Brlgnutn's friends thou croWi around Dan ti el ly nn? a gen'1 , ; fight fol lowed, tirant and Dartholb . wife linnaly poriiaded him i< . j into the schoolhouse, fri' th? i soni?body Gilt*l?fi?iioll.v;' . tai < all thc way across tlib ! uck bit! Iii knife did not penetrante tho iUti Jessi ? Ohiivis recoived st gush u ross tho si?!v of lite nock scy ral indios long. As a result of the moioo, Hui Odom Richardo loin, Wesley Brig man, White-Odom and SJ TQuick aro. indicted before Magistrate Raster ling for drunkenness disord erly conduct and carying concealed weapons, 'i?he trial hos t ot yet boon hold Richard Odom was ft {trustee of the Deborah school, Qvvial? was a trustee of tho Antioch Both of thom have been removed by thc county bo&rd of education since tho difficulty; Whito Odom is the constable oi Magistrate Hurley in Brightsvilta. TH* SALEM SCHOOL Closing Exercises Will be Meld on 29inst Beginning *t IO A. M. Thc closing exorcises of Salem school will bo hold on Wednesday, April 'JS, beginning promptly at ten (10) o'clock in tho morning. There, will be appropriate exor cises by the. school, and addresses by Mr, W. II. Hand of S. C. Uni versi\\\ und by Rev. E. O. Wat son, presiding elder of Marion district. Tho exercises promise to bo very interesting and will doubtless draw a laroo crowd. Many poo plo from Bonnettsvillo will doubt less bo among the number. Rogers for Sheriff. William K. Rogers of Drake to day announces his candidacy for sherill'. Mr. RogOl'S is a son Of I that sterling Democrat and sol tlior, tho late Sheriff B. A Rogors, j and ic himself ii loyal Domocrat ?and ?1 young man of high charac 11er and IS well qualified for the ?mportnnl position to which he as pires, Ho was defeated four j years ago, but hopes to bc a win ner this timo, ?-? Grippe is swooping tho country. Slop it. with Bri vent ?cs, before it gets deeply scated. To check early colds With those little Candy Cold furo '.Pabl?is is surely sohsibloand salo. iV?vbhli?s contain ho qui i niuo, no laxativo, nothing harsh or sickening. Pnouniohin would never appear if early colds wore promptly broken. Also good for feverishchildren. Largo box, is tablets, 25 cents. Vest pocket boxes 5 cents. Sold by J. T. D?nelas. CAN'T BE SEPARATED Some BenneUsville People Ihvvc Learned How io Get Rid of Both. Back and kidney ache?aro twin brothers. You cant separate thom. And you cant get rid of tho backache until you cure the kid ney ache. If tho kidneys are well and strong, thc rest of tho system is pretty sure to be in vigorous health. Doan's Kidney Pills inako strong healthy kidneys. A. M, Pilgrim, living one milo west of Darlington, S. (J-, says: "Mv kidneys were badly disor dered and caused a burning son sat ion during tho passage of tho secretions. My back pained me and would often be so lamo that I could not rest at night. I heard about Doan's Kidney Pills and they were so highly recom mended for such complaints that L got a boxr Tim acted like magic, proving to be just the remedy needed for my back and kidneys. After a short uso, I was free from backache and also from thc kidney difficulty, I ne yoi* I ic lore used :i remedy that acted so fjuioklv ?ud ? tlootivcly as .> Min's Kid.tU'.v pills '?nd f bel i vo il, i hi .' ii ?.' '. 'ied in r -coi imend ]'<?: ?o others." I . i ! ale bV <\U dealers. Pric^ 1 i tii'.' '? i :?btlr'p Co,, i" lol IN . .. . I . . Stile HgOtitS : '.i .y .ej?fer fram ce/e m??, i i v o? ?my itching o? tho side. i,'s uinV.niont ..ives instant rollo!') iMt rcs Perfectly safe for cl...dAll Cli'U^Sti soil Vi. "(lad dyspepsia or indigestion for yio-rs. S'o appotiue, and rviaab I did eat distressed me terribly. Murdock Iilood Pluora c.:red me.1-J. ll Walker, Sunbury,, ohio. Attention Democrats T?he Democratic Club? of Marl bor? County vrvll assemble at tbeiaj respective- places of meet in;; on Saturday Apr. tho !)."> ut :) i> m for the purpose of reor ganising by cl v ating a Presid-ent ono oi- moro Visse Presidents a re cording and a corresponding So cretary, a Treasurer and a mern bei'of-the County Executive Com u> ..too and slxsll have tho follow ing working committees of not loss than th mi mes&bers each, vi/.: A committee on registration* an oxentivo committee and such other committees as to each Club may scorn expedient. Tiie Club will be entitled Vo delegatos as follows. Ad am sv i Ile 4 Bonnoitsvillo 18 Brightsville 5 Brownsville 7 Clio 12 Hebron 5 McColl ll Mill Vii Iago 3 Quicks Cross Roads 4 Ked Hill 6 Smithville 4 Tatum 4 By order of the County Ex ecutive Committee' J no N Drake Chairman A C Green Secretary* Bennet tsvillo, S C April Oth 1908 80 -90 A D Weak Women To weak uriel niling women, thoro la ot least on? way to hcl!>. Uta with Unit way. two treatment* milRt bo Combined, Ono is local, ono la constitu (ional, but t.otii nr-> Important, i>oth essential. Hr. sin >. ?i>' rt Night Curo is tho Le cal. Dr. SIKK)I>'? Rcstoratlvo, Ih? Constitutional. Tho former--Dr Bhoop'?? Night Curo-Hsatopical mucous nu mimina shpposito y r. im-ly. wlillo Dr. SllOOp'e KcstomtlVO ls wholly nu Internal treat mont. Thu Kostorativo reaches throughout tho entire, ?j IM. seeking tho repair of all nerve, All tlssu .. mu? .'?ll l.i'.oil alimente. Tho "Night Curo", aa lt? llamo implies, noes ita work v.l. lt? you sloop, ll soothes soroand kuluin oil mucous surfac* ?, heals local weaknesses ann I. discharges, wliilo tho Uostorattvo, casca nervous, oxeiti i .? nt. gives roaowocl vigor and monition, bulla . un wasted tissues, hringlng ahout renewed . strength, vigor, ona energy. Tako nr. snoop . Ki st * ?. .it Ive rahli MOT (-i.ini.l-nsn general tonto to tho system, l-'or positivo local holp. uso as woU Dr. vShoop's Night Cure JN0. T. DOUGLAS.