LAYMEN'S SUNDAY Gov. Ansel and Dr. Smith Were the Speakers Laymen's Sunday was celebra ted here last Sunday by the Pres byterians in tho auditorium ot' tho Murchison school building. The weather was ideal and a tremend ous crowd was out. Every soul was taken when thc exercises were opened and many chairs were placed in thc accomo date those who were unable to act seats. Thc exercises were opened by tho singing of the long meter dox ology "Praise God l< rom whom all Blessings Flow" which was fol lowed by prayer by Dr, McLeod, thc Pastor of tho Church. Scated on thc stage were tho choir, tho Elders, Governor Ansel, and Dr. Bunyan McLeod. After prayer had been otl'ered Dr. McLeod read the morning lesson from the first chapter of General Epistle of James. After collection had been takan Dr. McLeod introduced Gov. M. E. Ansel, of South Carolina, who was to bc the speaker at thc morn ing exercises. In introducing the distinguished speaker Dr. McLeod refcred to thc fact that thc Chief magistrate of the United States, thc Governor of North Carolina, and thc Governor South Carolina were God Fearing men and that each of them could and did carry thc message of the Gospel of Peace to their people. He said that he was proud of this fact and it was a cause of rejoicing that such men filled the highest oflice of thc State. In this connection also Dr. McLeod gave the reason for having a laymen's Sun day. Ile said that he and the ses sion of tho Church in thinking over ways in which thc religious inter ests of the people could bc arous ed and bettered hit upon the plan of having a lrymon's Sunday and Ullis was thc day. Only thc Lay | mon were to speak and they were I to carry thc tidings of thc Kindom ! of God, Ile said that he was glad to see that the laymen were be coming more and more to realize the fact they should take moro part in werk of this kind and that it resulted in much good. In opening his address Gov. Ansel said that it was always his desire to speak a word for his Master. Ile said that he recog nized the ( iod of Nations and that without him nothing can be done and he was always glad tc say a word for lum in season and out of season and that it was his priva lege today to say a word in behalf of (Jod. dust herc Gov. Ansel said that it was au old saying that the best things were kept for thc last and that he was glad it was true, to day (Kofering to Dr. Smith who spoke ath evening ser vice! Gov. Ansel made a simple, strong practical, and very convincing talk on the subject "The Dut ies of Christan Citizenship1'. Hand ling this subject in a masterfully way Gov. Ansel said in part as follows: All people are citizens of some Country, Lither ol this state, or some other state, or some count ry. As citizens wc must be Chris tian Citizens and we owe this as a duty. In the first place we owe it lo ourselves. You owe. it to your mental to your moral, and to your religious man. We must take care of our physical body if we are good citizens. Wc must bc as near a perfect physical man as we can and for this reason athcletics when conducted properly are all right. Wo should preserve our bodies perfect which God has niv en us. Wo should not contami nate our bloood with any alcholoc ?C drinks as this is a vcrtiuble poison* We should not be a glut ton. Many a man has killed him self by overeating. We should not destroy our phisical man and to this end we should live clean lives. Wc owe it to our mental man that we direct our reading and study along the right lines so that our mental capacities have tho right training. Wo owo it to our religious man that wc aro true christians, that wc lot tho world know undo? whoso banner wo arc marching. Let it bc known that we follow Christ and are good sol diers ol' the Cross booth away and at home. Many a man when ho gots away from home is ashamed ot' his religion ami tries to hide iL but wo have no more more right to hide our religion away from home than we have at home. We should at all limos be soldiers of Christ and let it bc known by our walk and conversation. 2nd we owe a duty to our fellow man. "Am 1 my brother's hoop er*" is r question which has often been asked. And the answer is yes. Von arc your brothers keep er. 8ome people are pessimists. They never sec any good either in themselves or anything around them. They go ulong with their hoads down and never sec the beautiful and bright things in this beautiful world. On all sides are the beauties of nature, thc blue of the sky painted by thc masters hand, thc green grass, and all the beautiful flowers and yet thc pess imists never sec these. We owe it to our brother to speak well of him. Wo should practice broth erly love. Love is all powerful. Often enc little word of sympa thy and encouragement will briny: untold good. Often we speak one little word against a man and it groes and groes until it roaches mountainous propotions and wc should guard against this. Thc trouble with this is that wc arc al selfish and need to get this selfish I ness out of our herat and thc lov< of God implanted therein. Thei we would bo kinder te our brot hel ami encourage him. All men ncec sympathy. There is no morin but what needs sympathy, good example of this is seen 01 thc streets everyday. You gi down street in the. morning am you greet one man who replie with a surly growl while anothc responds with a cheery "Goo morning". Now which one d you like better? The man with th gruff greeting you think of as bc ihg in trouble. Either he is dys peptic, or else mabc he has had "curtain" lecture before lcavhi; home. Anyway you are cor tai t hat something is wrong becaus of the way in which he spoke Husband's should encourag their wives in their household du ties. Thc wife has the same dui, over and over day by day, year b, year, and knows how to apprcci ate a word ol' encouragement Wh o's are their husband's hos advisers and critics and they stan closer than anyone else. Yo should encourage your childro and got into their confidence.1 Oft?n a man is worried an tries to get rid of the child but h soould be companionable and ci courage and sympathize with it What is a better sight Ilia seeing a sen walking withins fat li or arm in arm, companionable And tho sanio way with tho mollie und daughter, or with the daughte and father or with the mother an son. Our brother needs our en couragement, our sympathy an mir love and it is due everyon that we fnhill this Christian dut.\ We are only hero a short t ime o earth, lt is simply a period a pr< dation and then wo pass on. Thi is a preparatory period for th hereafter, and we should all pei form this duty as well as we cn so that when we come at hist t lay down our lives we can loo back and bc satisfied as far as moi Lal can be. 3rd, We owe a duty to our com try and our state. There is hot greater thing than law, that silei nonarch which stands alike af tl loor of the humblest hut and tl richest cast le. The silent, pi ct ec mg arm of the law is around i io matter where we go. If 01 [)Orson visits another country m s mistreated tho whole. Unite States is behind him and will st hat justice is dono. The law jealous of tho rights of thc ci ti/.ci md should bc. l)o we not flu DWO it a duty? lt is our duty uphold the law and the ollice who administer it. Wc should put down lawlessness und wc owe it ns a duty to thc stntc and nation that wc make tho best citizens that wo can. Wc should sec that right is done oven to thc humblest. ?Uh, The iluty wo owe to God. This is tho greatest duty of all. Hore, wc aro placed in a land of bibles and churches and can wor ship under our own vine and Mg free and in what manner wc choose. Then do wc not owe a duty to God who has given us all this? God can take us away in tho twinkling of an oyo. No ono can look around in tho world and doubt that there is a God. Ile made thc stars, and tho sun, thc seasons day and night. Look how tho planets move in thc way God fixed for them without swerving ono inch from thc path. Ile expects that wc bc Christian citizens and wo owe it as a duty to him. We will soon bo called before thc Bar of God and wo should perform that duty as well ?as wc can. It is pleasant for brethren to dwell to gether in unity and wc arc all serving thc same God. Denomina tions do not matter for they arc all advancing thc kingdom of God. Thc teachers have a great privi lege. They prepare thc sons and daughters and send them forth to spread thc word and it goos on and on reaching up to thc throne of G race. Gov. Ansel closed by saying that as all know he was a very busy man but ho couldn't help hut com ing hore today for tho privilege of tolking upon this subject. And his lina) words wore, "May yon all say as thc sacred writer said. 'Mj j citizenship is in heaven.' " At the close of this Dr. MeLcoc oil'orcd a fervent prayer and affci . .Mother hymn tho congrcgatioi was dismissed until evening witl thc benediction. TUE EVENING EXERCISES. Thc evening exercises wert opened at 8 o'clock. Scated on tin stage were thc ciders, Kev. E I Rushton, Kev. R ? Turnipsced Dr. Henry Louis Smith, Dr. Bm; yan McLeod, and thc choir. Th first song was "Is thy heart rigb with God?" After one more hym ? had been sung prayer was mad by Kev. K P Rushton. Then th singing of the laymen's hymn wa followed by tho reading of tho 3r chapter of tho book of Daniel b, Dr. Smith. Prayer was offered b; Kev. Turnipsced and then Di McLeod introduced Dr. Hour, Louis Smith, thc President c Davidson College, who was to h tho speaker of thc evening. Taking as his subject "Shad rael), Mcsach and Abednego," Di Smith hold thc audience closol.y His presentation of this subjei and thc lessens from it was spier did and all wore delighted wit speaker. Thc following is a short sun mary of his subject: All arc her worshipers. Lveryone has hi ideal and is striving for it. Win ono person's ideal is like would 1 scorned by another. Ambitioi are different and ideals aro diffci ont. But all admire couragi Courage is honored tho world ovoi Physical courage is applauded b thc people a: 1 tho world is con ing slowly to appreciate mon courage, that which dares to (1 thc right, that courage which far more loss appreciated by mc today than physical courage. Then Dr. Smith drew a pictui of Babylon at thc time of Danie Then Babylon was in all horglor-) All the nations of the earth hov ed before her. Kg.Vpt, Assyri and even Palestine had been coi quered. Tho little land of the I rael i tos had felt thc heavy hand < thc King of Babylon and .loi ns lcm had been laid in ashes and tl people carried captive toa strang land there to pine away by tl rivers. Then tho Speaker touolu on tho picture ol'tho three hcroc Tho King, Nebuchadnezzar, hi made a golden image and coi manded that when tho trump blow, and tribes wore to fall dow and worship or they would bo ea Into tho burning fiery fumac Herc thc three Israelites were pl tu l cd. On one side lay a lair road apparently. Tho favors of thc King, tho power and glory of the earthly rule and the seats ol' tho mighty for they had been trained in all the wisdom of tho agc. All they had to do was to fall dow n and worship thc image. On tho other hand if they refused to do this they would be east into the furnace and meet a horrible and agonizing death. This meant sac rifice of home, friends, all the glory and honor of thc world. Dr. Smith gave some of the probable temptations which tho Devil whis pered in their car such as the worshiping of the image was only a royal custom, and then that old rule "When in Babylon do as the Babylonians do." Or probably the Devil argued with them that they ought to do this in gratitude for what thc king had done for them. Also he probably argued with them that it was God's hand in this and that if they would wor ship thc King they could arise te power and probably have the chance of rescuirg their people who were groaning on every side. But to all this they gave the strong answer, "We will not serve thy god oh I king." Such moral cour age as took to say that word. A bravo thing indeed for they were all alone in all those thousands. It is easy to be a . hero when the cheering multitude is behind you, or on a battlefield when the con lliet hus turned your blood into lire and when you know that the whole nation is behind you, but when these three men knew as they did that they were alone and had to die that frightful death it was a brave thing to answer as they did. And what was thc secret of their moral courage? "Our God whom we serve he will deliver us. Thc secret ol* their sublime courage was their sublime faith. They trusted in God and they defied the power of this earthly king. Inside ;tho liery furnace Christ was wait ing for them as he is always wait ing for his followers to lead them safely. Through ail tho agCc this has ever been, lt is thc great faith in God which has enabled the maty rs of thc ages to die in prison, on thc rack, and by the Hames without flinching. They knew that God was with them. On moun tain heights and in the deepest dungeon God's power goes. And thc story of these three he roes is told today and tho power of Babylon has long since passed away. God has drawn the images of these three men across the path way of the centuries. Thc name of Babylon and her King and glory has survived simply because they came across thc path of these men. And one lesson which Dr. Smith impressed was that all moments and events in our lives arc not of equal importance. In one short moment may be crowded the des tiny of our lives. Thc crisis may come in some moment. Then the battleground of tho soul will wit ness a sterner conflict than took place on the heights of Thermo plyco or tho plains of [Gettysburg. It behooves us to be on the watch. This moment will not come with thc blowing of trumpets or the cry of thc thousands. It may come in the dead of night when we are all alone or a*, any moment, It comes silently. Therefore wc should always be on our guard and act, as conscience, dictates. When you arc tempted remember these three heroes and all the heroes of the past ages and have ??9 cour age to answer no. UAYMEN'S SUNDAY A SUCCESS. Laymen's Sunday was a great success. Dr. McLeod and the members of his church are gratifi ed at thc great interest shown. The Baptists had no services on Inst Sunday and that night the Methodists also joined in the ex ercises of laymen's Sunday, lt is expected that much good will re sult from the meeting and that re ligious interest will bc aroused a mong thc laymen to a great de gree. W11 EKE Til EY NN' EU R I : N T EIITA1N EI >. Gov. Ansel came in on Saturday ilightand was entertained at the / I homo of Mr. I) 1) McColl. He was given an automobile rule on Sunday evening around town and over the county. Thc Governor enjoyed his stay very much and was delighted with Bennctlsville. Mo returned on Monday morning to Columbia. Dr. Smith came in Saturday morning and was entertained by Dr. McLeod. Ho loft Monday morning also having other engage ments to speak. Thc Dr. is a charming man and a fino speaker and is in great demand. Ile was also pleased very much with Bcn nottsvillc and her people. AN ENJOYABLE RECEPTION Pleasant Entertainment at home of Mr. and Mrs. Howell. Thursday nignt March 12th at tho pleasant and hospitable home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. M. Howell oh Robeson street a most enjoy able reception and entertainment was given. A couple of dozen young ladies, with as many ele gant young gentlemen were invit ed, and by nine o'clock had arriv ed, and soon all present were in the midst of thc most genuine en joyment. The Howell home is very attrac tive and spacious a splendid place for an evening's enjoyment-wide halls and largo spacious parlors brilliantly lighted, thc Bennetts villc String Band furnished music for thc occasion. Some of vari ous kinds wore participated in, thc young gentlemen trimmed thc la dies hats, which were varigatcd specimens of millinery proficiency. A prize was awarded to tho best trimmer, also one to thc least of an expert in this new departure. Thc beautiful strains of music not only were exhilerating and enlivening to the merry pleasure seekers but was enjoyed by thc residents who were so fortunate as to reside with thc sound limit of tho thrilling strains. At 10,30 the young ladies escorted thc young gentlemen to the spacious dining room, (as this was a leap year party) where long tables covered with spotless white lin nell, flowing from beneath the numerous varieties of cake, fruits and cream. The happy young folks lingered until thc hand on thc dial painted to 12 o'clock, when they were admonished that it was time to separate and dis perse. All loft in thc most happy frame of mind, voting Mr. and Mrs. Howell many thanks for pro viding such an enjoyable enter tainment. This was given in honor of Miss Ella Howell, daughter of the host and hostess, who for some months has resided in Wilmington, and was at home for a short visit and vacation. Mr. Mitchell, railroad agent at Maxton, N. C., a most excellent young gentleman was present by special invitation, also three gen tlemen from Pennsylvania, who by their genial and pleasant man , ne rs rendered themselves most a greeablc. Thc icc cream of several flavors, and tempting cake were greatly enjoyed. Such occasions , are happy epochs in thc lives of those who participate. "Ditto.*1 CLIO NEWS NOTES Doings of a Week at Our Neigh boring Town. Clio, March 16-The Misses Al ma and Lizzie Quick of Rowland, N C, spent Saturday and Sunday with relatives in town. Miss Al ma will be at the home of Mr Mar shal Manning making dresses. Miss Florence Edens one of our efficient and worthy young ladies has taken a place with Mr Mittle in Bonncttsvillc where she will bo ' pleased to serve her Clio friends. When your co-respondent en tered the Murchison school audi torium on Sunday bc was forced to admire the city liko perfection of its adornments and see how fortu ! nate a town is with such a friend as Mrs Beckwith. Tho auditorium was soon lilied with an audience of I Marlboro county's best people all of whom hoard tho excellent talk of Governor Ansel upon theme of Christain citizenship. Thc heart of Marlboro is apparently with him which he knows ami appreci ates at its full value. Mrs Levy of Atlanta is visiting tho fr mi ly of her brother Mr Joe straus. Thc cotton fields hero arc about bare of the blue cotton, left over from the 11)07 crop, which hangs along from G to T cents, and the cotton buyers seem to dread it oven at price. For several weeks thc Octoraro cotton mills at Ked Bluff have been closed down for an indefinite period. It is a great pity that this property should lie idle with such a great water power already in harness. Mr and Mrs () D Fit/ have re turned from tho burial of Mrs Helen Palmer of North Carolina mother of Mrs Fit/, and is well known herc tvs a quiet friendly, Christian woman. Mr 1) D McLaurin has returned from Highsmith hospital in Fay etteville, N C, where he carried a child for an operation which has been successfully performed and thc little fellow is doing well. Its grand-mother Mrs W D Pate is with it now and expects to return with the child in a few days. Our townsmen, Messrs J H Stanton, Alva Newton and R L Bennett are jurors at court this week. Mr W S Thomas has opened up a new grocery and clothing busi ness near the post oflicc. Dr Milton Wright of North Carolina spent Sunday with the family of II ll McLaurin Esq. Mortgagee's Sale. Notice is hereby given that un der and by virtue of thc power contained in a certain chattel mort gage executed to us by G C Min son on thc .'*rd day of Dec 1907, and recorded in thc Clerk's oilice on the 2.'kl day of Dec 1907, and also contained in a chattel mort gage given to us by same party on the 13th day of April, 1907, and recorded on the 16th day of April, 1907, in the Clerk's oilice for Marl boro county, we will sell before, the court house door in Bonncttsvillo on thc First Monday in April next, during legal sale hours to thc high est bidder for cash, the following personal property, to wit: 1 black horse named Campbell; 1 black horse named "Judge"; 1 bay marc named "Annie"; 1 bay horse named "Henry"; 1 black horse named "Dan"; 1 black horse named "Watson"; 1 bay horse named "T C"; ono sorrel mare named "Weatherly"; 1 black marc named "Nellie"; 1 black marc named "Crosland"; 1 bay mare named "Little Pay"; 1 bay marc named "Bay Mare"; 1 gray marc named "Gray mare"; I sorrel horse named "Sorrel"; one sorrel horse named "Side Wheeler"; 10 sots buggy harness) single; sets bug gy harness, double; 9 buggies; 2 saddles; 2 riding bridles and blank ets; 1 three-seated carriage; 3 two seated carriages; o' extra poles;0 lap robes. The same having been seized by us as mortgagee nuder tho powers given iii said mortgagees and to bc sold to satisfy tho debts secured by said mortgages and the costs, ex penses and so forth. This properly is now in our pos session, and persons desiring to purchase can seo tho same before tin; day of sale. Union Savings Bank By W S Mowry President? Bennettsville, S C, March 18th, 1908, 12-M Notice. Wc have moved our insurance oflicc into front room of Planters National Bank building on corner. Wc will as usual bc glad to see our friends and customers at any time. ( /rostand