The Marlboro democrat. (Bennettsville, S.C.) 1882-1908, February 28, 1908, Image 6

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PARKER REPLIES. Says Blease Admitted Knowledge of the Lanahan Matter IN A TALK WITH HIM At Wright's Hotol in June, 1000, and In Justice to All Parties Con cerned Calls on Hleaso to Name tho "Illgh Stato Official" Who Itcp reeontcd the La?aban Firm Ilcforo tho State Hoard. To the Editor of the Nows and Courier: Please nardoo a few words in answer lo Senator Cole L. Please in his recent remarks lu the State Senate with reference lo my testi mony before tho winding-up commis sion. The absurdity of tho charge or conspiracy as made by Mr. Please must bo apparent, but there may be Hinno conditions not understood by all. Neither Capt. Smyth nor my self was a supporter of Govornor Ansel in the recent campaign. For myself, though 1 bad the highest per sonal regard for bim, I differed with him on the issues of the campaign and voted for another. 1 have never had a communication willi him or any ono else referred lo by Mr. Hleaso with roforonce to my .testimony, except with Mr. Avery Pallon, lo whom, after having been' '.subpoenaed as a witness boforo the .winding-up commission I wrote on .December 30, urging him "not again to pul me to tho humiliation of ap pearing in a matter about, which I know practically nothing." To this letter I have had a reply and had not seen Mr. Patton until I appeared before the coin mission a few days Hinco. Mr. niease asks tho question why 1 waited until after Mr. D.utahan's death to answer the question as to who Mr. Lanahan bad told mo was representing him in South Carolina. ' i agreo with him that lt was unfor tunate that the answer had to be made subsequent to Mr. Lanahan's death, but I had no choice In the matter. No ono knows better than Mr. Ploma; why the question was not an !:\vei .?.I twrt vnnt'u own ot thf HT**" '>R members of the Investigating com mitton. Having boen excused by the investigating committee from answer ing tho question then, it certainly would have been improper and incon sistent for mo subsequently to have rushed into print to make public statements which I had asked the Legislativo committee lo excuse nie from making before them. Having booh excused then from disclosing Hie personage refer; ed to by Mr. Lanallan, I was not called upon to note any denial hy him that Mr. Please was the person referred to. lt will be noled, bow,.ver, that Mr. Lanallan inver denied any liait of tho conversations referred to by mo in my testimony. Ho morely denied that he had told mo that Mr. Please represen tod bim, which at that Hmo I bad not lesli tied to boforo the com mittee, because, as staled, I had been exeused. Mr. Please certainly surprises me. however, in bis slaloment to tin' ef fect that he had no idea that l re ferred to him in my statements bo foro tho investigating committee. When 1 tostilled in June, linn1., Mr. Lanallan had been advised of my having been subpoenaed and of the necessity of my testifying to my con versation with bim if Hie Court de creed that I should do so; further more the attorneys representing Mr. H. ll. Evans had been advised be fore I testified of the purport ol' my tesl Imony. As tho intimacy between Mr. Please and Mr. EvailS was well known. I had presumed thal it had boori nun mitniCUlcd lo Mr. Please what my testimony would bo. This precaution was "confirmed Hi my own mind by statements of Mr. Please to me. On the evening of my tesl imony. Whilst Mr. Ilaynsworth and I were supping together at Wright's Hotel, Mr. Please, who had boen taking slipper al a tabbi Rollie distance away, slopped al our table ?i mo.nt. and after expressing bis approval, of the position I bad taken with reference lo testifying said in o ff oct that be was familiar with all tho fans willi regard to the employ ment of i.e party referred lo by me by Mr. La?aban; that he had no apoligios to muk) I" anyone for vol ing to exCUSO me from giving tho name, but thal in justice to the party referred to he wanted to say that thal party had not undersood fully Ibo sbrvICO expected of ll m when ho accepted the employment, and when ho did learn what, was expected lie doc)(nod lo sei ve fm ihr, and re ceived less than Ivo hundred dollars for bis compensai ion. i understood tho statement of Mr. please to bo a diplomatic, acknowl edgement of bis connection with the matter, and, as, expressed in legal terms, "a plea of confession and avoidance." Mr. Hlease now denies that ho had any connection with Mr. La?aban. I may add that I am advised by Mr. Wm. Elliott of Columbia, who waa my attorney in tho proceedings before the Supremo Court, that. Mr. Hleaso made to him practically the same statement tis made above. In justice to Mr. Hlease himself, and in Justice to the memory of Mr. L..nahan, Mr. Hloaso ls now, it seems to mo, called noon to say who was tho "high Stato official," whom Mr. La?aban had employed, SH ho has acknowledged full acquaintanceship In tho matter. Whilst I cannot con colvo that I have been mistaken as to statements made to mo by Mr. Lana ham, still If there bo error In what Mr. Lanallan stated to me. Mr. Hloaso can clear it and should do so. Respectfully, Lewis A. Harker. Greenville, S. C . February 17. 1 908. AFTHU T1II0 EXPRESS COMPANY I tai I road Commission Says lt Must Publish Its Hates. Tho Railroad Commission has adopted an order relating to express rates which is very Important.. Bills In lino with this order have from time t o time been prosented in tho J General Assembly and ?hero havel boen somo complaint In regard to Gio policy of the express companies In regard to the mat tin s treated In the order, which is as follows: Columbia, S. C., Fob. 12, 1008. To tho Southern Express Company. lt ls hereby ordorod: 1st. Thal oil or by March 15, 1D0S, UlO Southern Express company file willi this commission, print, and keep posted, and loop open lo public in iiispect.lon, at each of their olllces or agencies In i li is stale, schedules showing ?ill rates and for tho transportation or carrying of any freight ; and said schedules shall contain classillcallon of all freights. Said schedule of rates, charges and classifications to bo open to public inspection at any tinto during ellice hours. L'd. That no rate, or chango of classification of any article, bo made until "10 days' notice bo posted at all offices or agencies and not until this commission has had 30 days' notice and its consent given to tho proposed tho proposed rate oi change in class ifies t iou. 3d. On or by March 15, 1308, tho Southern Express company shall paste conspicuously on each package received by it for shipment collect, a a label as herein sot out: Amt. Weight. Date;. 5th. On each of these labels shall be written 111 Ink, Ol' indelible pem il, by the forwarding ellice, amount col lect or to he collected, tho weight of tho package ?ind the dale received for shipmen! H I. Cnuglunnn, Chairman. John ll. Earle. J. M. Sullivan, (Join te issioners. TWO MOID: .JPDOES To Fill the New Circuits Created Tills Session. Messrs. J. W DoVore, of Edge field, and S. NV. G. Shipp, of Flor ence, Were Thursday afternoon elect od judges of tho two m w circuits created by tills legislature. Mr. .I \Y. DeVore was Chosen judge of the eleventh circuit, con sisting of Loxingt?n, Saluda and Edgelield, Ho was opposed by Mr. C. M. i'lflrd Mr. Ho Vero represents ridgefield in tho house, and his opponent, Mr. Filial, ls supreme court reporter. Mr. DeVore defealed Mr. Sfird by a vote of sa to 70. Mr. S W G. Shipp. Of Florence. defeated Mr. VV. Y. Montgomery, of Marion, by n vole of !?2 lo 69. The twelfth circuit consists bf tho conn Iles Of Florence, Dorry. Gcoi'gOtOWn and Marion. The new judges will begin the dis charge of their duties with the be gining of tho spring ternis of court in May. SPEEDY .11 STD E. Qtlick Work in the Trial of a Con fessed Eic ml. Commuted assault Thursday, ar rested and jailed Friday. Indicted the following .Monday, tried, convicted and sentenced lo bo hanged Tuesday, is the record established by tho Tragowel i, Va., Circuit ('euri In the caso of tho Commonwealth against Waller IDppey, Die e.oilVCSSod negro rapist. Rlppcy was Died for assault on Mrs. Mary Daiicey. Mrs. Dancoy testified and In Hie course of her story was several limes overcome, and tho Court had to wail until sim regained her composure Indore pro ceeding. 'The recital was one of the most harrowing in tho annals of crime in Dial section. 'The jury was ont a short Dine and when 'ne ver diet was nd urned ltlppey was sen tenced lo hang on March 25. LAHMER DEAD. The Senator Dies Thursday Morn ing After a Short Illness. SHOCK TO STATE. The Senator Was Operated On For Appendicitis at a Washington Hos pital on Sunday.-At First Ho (Jot Along All Hight, Hut Peritonitis Followed and He Soon Passed Away. Senator Ashttry C. Latimer died at Providence Hospita) at Washington on Thursday morning after a few days illness. Ho was taken sick on Sunday night and was taken to the hospita] at once, where he was oper ated on for appendicitis. He ?ot 'on very well until Tuesday, when complications set tn, and the Senator grew rapidly worse until Thursday morning, when ho passed away at niuo o'clock.. Mrs. Latimer and two daughters were present when the end came. Senator Latimer was about fifty seven years old. He has been in tho Sesate nearly six years. Imf6re going to the Senate, he served len years In tho House as a Representa tivo. He was a candidate to succeed himself and would have been voted for In the primary this Summer. His remains were brought from Washington Thursday hlghl in chttrgi of a committee of Senators' h'*d Rc jresontntlvcs on a special train and Interred at Pelton, al which place ho lived. Senator Latimer was a high toned up-right gentleman. He had been for years a m ul her of tho Meth odist Church. He ?'aves a wife and several children. Among the prospective candidates doveloped for the Unexpired term to be filled hy the Lglslaturo, are IQ Marion Pucker of Anderson, Bx Speaker Of the House Farnk P. Gary of Abbeville, Senator LcGrund Wal ker of Georgetown. FOOLISH YOUNG MAN. Cots in Serious Trouble For Heising a Money Order. A foolish young man by the name Kingsmore. Deputy united states Marshall A. Fisher, of this city went for Warren and returned with him lo this <uty on 'Tuesday. The foolish young man admits the charge and tho only excuse offered was that he did not Know why he did it. The facts in the ease are as Pd lows: On November 1007, Mrs A. IC. Pevorly, Wuren's aunt, purchas ed a motley order at the Hamberg postollico for $ 1.81 in favor of a Chicago mail order house. The mon ey order and order for goods wer? given to Warren to mai), hut liefere doing S?) he changed the order to $9.81 ond ndded several articles for Iiis own use. When the package arrived at the expie s ellice ii was delivered to War ren, who removed tho 'articles which ht) desired for his own il/' and car ried tb,, balance to his aunt, who was porefctly ignorant of tho irregular part of the transaction. The matter was reported to the poslolllco author ities by the Chicago house and the in.-pei tor was not long in localing llt<) guilty party. Warren was taken before Robert Lille, Esq., United Stools Commis sioner, who bound bim over in the sum of three hundred dollars for bis appearance, at the United States Court War rot. is a young white man about twenty-two years of age. -OraUgehtirg Times and Democrat DRANK DISPENSARY DRY. (?'corgi;;.is Closed North Augusta Shop for a While. Tie troubles of tho North Augus ta dispensary continue lo exist. Tho people of the little South Carolina town haye tried to (lose the liquor shop and failed on several occasions, but the people of Augusta have been more successful. The little shop was closed, thc third time since Rs opening during, the early afternoon, because the stock had again been ex hausted. And the dispensary Ireh in or from .Augusta is increasing ev cry day. KILLED HIMSELF ? His Sweet henri Refused io Smile on Him. "Smile just once al hie, dear,' pleaded John Tripp, aged lin years, ol' lils sweetheart, Mrs. Ester Pollock Davis, a grass widow, :! I years oil at the latter's home at Indianapolis, ind., on Wednesday night. Fail lu 3 to get the desired smile, Trip) bred two shots into lils body and fell, mortally wounded, at her feel. Tripp was a railroad man, recently from LaFayotto, Ind. . WHNT PROM THIS STATE. Mon Who KHed Auothor in MissinHlp pi IK From Spartunburg. J. F. Wilder, who shot and killed W. L. Booth of DallaB, T?xas, at t'?ppfi. Mississippi, last Suturday af tomoon, is a native of Spartanburg county. II? has a brother living in Spartanbursr and baa many relatives In the county. Twenty years ago Wilder was running a saw mill en gine at Woodruff at 50 cents a day. Ho left hore 15 years ago for Mis sissippi, whore ho oporatod a eavr mill on his own account. He made money fast and is now worth about one million. Another Supremo Court Needed. The Dorchester Kagle says: "There is complaint now that the county is put to unneccesary ex pense to care for one J. M. Walker, who has boen confined in tho county jail for more than a vcar. The ease was tried nearly a year ago and Walker was sentenced to 15 years in the state penitentiary, but ha s remained in jail herc pending a decision from the .Supreme court. Thc county is paying $0 per mouth board for Walker and thc board is getting tired of it. An investiga tion into the matter has been order by the supervisor." The Legisla ture has just, established two more circuits1 to relieve the congestion of cases that accumulates in the cir cuit courts, and may bc at thc next session it caa be induced to establish another supremo court to work ell' the congestion of cases that luis ac cumulated on the hands of the old one. An Object Lesson. In the hold of one lake steamer, 1 21,000 bushels of wheat were carried recently from Superior to Buffalo. Think of the pretty baking and loaves of bread involved in that sin gle boatload of grain, lt weighed about 25,260,000 pounds and will mil! into 18,946,000 pounds of Hour, con vertible into more than 20,000.000 pound loaves of bread--three loaves a day for each man in Admiral Evan's licet during the whole cruise of a year and a half. Assuming that f U?? ...i-*. - - i . ' - ty tons capacity were hauled to Su perior to make that one cargo. Here we have an object lesson of the val ue to farmers of water transporta tion and what the canaling of our waterways will mean, Morgan and Becke feller. Tho "interests'!1 that inspired thc Aldrich Currency bill will hardly know it when the Senate gets through with it. "Whatever tho ii ?nor eccentricities of it's varigatcd texture" remarks the New York .Journal of Commerce, "one vicious pattern will run all through it. lt will provide foran emergency addi tion to tho regular volume of cur rency, secured by a deposit of mis cellaneous bonds and heavily taxed. This will be ti mere exaggeration of the radical defect of the existing s\ tem, gathering tho corrupt hum or, with which it is infected into a ni fl lid excrescence." This severe ci icism from tho leading business and financial newspaper of tho country, should cause a Republican Congress to pause before it. further complicates our cumbersome finan cial structure by makeshifts. Controlled by the Few. Senator La Follette says that sev enty six tuen, holding 1(500 director ships in tho great business enncerns of the country, control thc business of the nation and that the railroads are controlled by eight men. No wonder the last Republican National ('(invention refused Senator La Kol lette a seal in that convention, and thai lhere is an evident conspiracy to keep him out of tho coming con vention. The Republican machine does not allow such home thrusts I" bc made by those labeled Rcpubli? cans._ I 'OK.MKK Secretary ol' tho Treasury Shaw is running about tho country like a politician ont of a j'?l>. hoi anxious lo gel one. Tin: Ohio Republicans arc so bit ter against each other thal Hay are appealing to the Courts tn decide which owns the "machine." Tun And ison Mail thinks that Southern stales that send Korakcr delegates io tho Chicago convention shouild require them to leave their razors at home. Not a bad idea. SUICIDE; 3IMIISTIC8. Chlldloos Marriages a Causo-'Rat* Hign Atnc/ty uvrmaulo iou.ono. Among l.uoy.uOv) suicides of all olasses, it hus hewn found tuat 20o uiarriod men with children destroyed tholr lives; 470 married men Without children; .?..o WIUUMLIH WHS and l,ovi widowers without children. With reaped to tho women, 4.r> uiar riod women with and los without children coiumittod suicide, while 104 widows with, and '??H without off spring, completed the ?bt. On tho race of things, soys the Il lustrated Loudon New?, it would ap pear that la childless marriages the number of men suicides is douolud and in women trebled. Leaving the case of actually insane persons oui ol count, lt would also appear that In niales suicide is more frequent than In females. Equally interesting is that phase ot tho subjrr.t which deais wita thc causes. One (able dealing with 6.78: cases snows one-seventh causad by misery, one twenty-first part by loss of fortune, one forly-lhird hy ganib ling, one nineteenth by love affairs une-ninth by domestic troubles, one sixty-sixth hy fanaticism, and b> foiled ambition and r?moise one-sev ontli and one twentysovchth respect ively. Tlie geography of suicide is also ot high interest. Westcott says thc highest proportion in Europa ls shown hy tho Germanic races, Sax ony having "thc larges! suicide rr i 'jf nay country." In Norway the rate was very large for a lime. Its de crease being attributed lo the groatci restrictions now laid on the liquor trafile. The Celtic races have a low rate. IUKI this is evinced by the figures for Ireland and Wal's. Mountainous re gions are said to show a lower mle than lowlands. In thu highland* ot Scotland and Wales, and In the high areas of S wit zo: land. suicide is rare. 'lunes ami seasons also operate, ap parently to influence the ucl of sdi destruction, Roughly speaking, the curve line of suicide calculated through the year, rises from January lo July, and decrease.- foi the sec Olid half of the year Tho maximum periods have buen found lo fall In May. June and July. I believe in deed June is found lo show a ie irked predominance as a suicide mouth. Ono reason (pr such preeminence m tho warm season of thc year ls set down as represented by Ino onset of hot weather affecting the system and tending to disturb thc mental equil ibrium nt kh? .>., uoloioiil means of committing suicide from olhei lands. Tho most common European methods is hy means nf stinging, bul iii Italy this mode <>f solf-doslruction is rare Drowning conns next lu order, and twice a? many woiion a men perish in this way ellon Var Iii Europe Sheottug ls frequent in Illly and ii Switzerland. Cu: lltroal ls common IP longland and Ireland! it does mu seen to cousin ute anywhere ,1.a a frc quent mode ()f ending life. Poisoning ls a specially Anglo Saxon method of suicide, iv are Ibid while suffocation lo tho l'unies of ear bonic acid .eas. inhaled in a closed room, ls very ly picul of suicide in France. SOUTH AMERICAN RAILWAYS. They Run East and West Instead ol North and South. Although lo the Nurdi \ m er I ca II exponents of that proa i there hits Boomed a discouraging lack of inter est in the Pun-Ainorleuii Kalbo ni nu M , there has itally been no cessa tion of the activity ol thc latter In pushing development in their more immediate spheres "Lei us build (he lines lin- country needs." they say. "and Pou l ask us to go out of nui' way to further a ftcllCino which, however practicable front au engineering point of view, would not pay us dividends In Ibis century, and possibly not in the next. "We concede thal We might heilcfll indirectly through the increased sta bility of government thai would fol low the building of an Intercontinen tal linc, hut thal benefit is loo remote to Interest us at a lime WllMI WC have ample opportunity for . vponding all our available funds in ? '. ? con struct ion of lines thai wll I re diras from the day tiny .. peh?d." So it happens tba' " I io re has never boen so niue' ty in rail way constructbm m, America as al ibo pr iiomohl, alni".-l without exe .io boy.' Hms are following alic's rallier than the ni'"' running cast and woM rat ba ! .1 north and SO ll th. Re view . views. !r, Eftill!0111 I'm going to India to nit six months. Miss Ca te h chi And I suppos? yoi !ll forgot all about poor mo. Mr. I lantern My dear, it will lake a terrible fierce elephant io make nie forget you. Yon can't make a nagging woman believe that sin- hasn't the sweetest disposition In tho neighborhood. 11 . NEW YORK HI8TORY IN FLAGS. ditch, Eng ; : t and American Emblems 1 nat ii... . .Vavcd over the City. The first j. ai opean visitor to Man hattan is an.I was Henry Hudson who in 1i'?0?> f ?led up the river now bear ng sis . The flag under which ne (ailed was ti,. . ? i Mic Hutch East India Company, wann was the flag of ?he United Provinces of the Neth erlands, orange, white and blue ar ranged in i bree equal horizontal stripes, in the ceutie of the white stripe being the letter? "A. O. C." Algetll ene (Jost lndisc Compagnie (.General Ittast India Company). From thc time of the discovery no visitor lanie into these waters of winch there hs record until 1012, when Manhattan was settled under the Waat In?lu Company, which continued in possession until 1622 when iii - gov ernment fell into the hands of tho Wcsi India Company. Thc nag of tho Dutch West india Company was tho same as I nat ol its predecessor save Dial it iioie Die letters "G. W. C." (?ooe-, Doy co re Wost-Indese Com pagnie (Privileged West India < om pany). Tlil.i was the dominant flag D. 'H. when lins island was surrende . i to the Hngl'sh. aa.l Die Union J\ck i r ?ss -s ol' England ami Scotland; ot Great Urbain supplanted too Dicolor of Holland and tue name of New A P SI . rd un was ( hanged lo New York The i nion .lack at present iii derived from die union ol the lillee crosses of St. Ge0?*ge, St. An do w ami st. Patrick, adopted in ISUt. wlen Da- ml ol' union with Deland wa -- p.- ?Soil, In the month ol' july, l?i7:l. tho i,.. ..... :,. ; .;. ... sshai of tho cii>. which Hiej occupied until Nnv eill' er 1(1, h.71 win n by virtue of a ' catv of peaci between England aird Dolla).(I . I Ur..'on .la. k ag .in float? d oyi r He- city, I nun lids lime thole was no Inter ruption ?i? Die supremacy of the Kn until the year I ti Si), when .'*'.o memorable rule of Leisler, speedily bu ininalod hy his death, occurred, lb' was a warm supporter of William ami Mary, ?.nil it is possible that, while he Inhl possession of thc fort, tiie Ihig of William, not (hen pro claimed Kin>: of lOng) md, might have Hosted oser New York. Hut Ihme is no rei o? d o? i ins. Weic .1 sn however, ii could biivn heen hut l'or a very brief period, and the Daglish Hag waved undisputed mu il Die era Of Die American revolu and lit i ( mei of Hie American Forces, and on his way ;> lake coiutiiaiiQ at Cam bridge and Tryon, Die Fnglish Dov irnor, who had arrived Die day be fore, li was about this Dine that tho I rsi rn isl np of any hut Die English ip -in New York oi curred. Before li's, Indeed, liberty poles had beea ai ? d ard i it dow n again; but now, March. ITT... a Union Hag. with a rod Tadd, was hoi.-od in New York inion . ih(. liberty pole on th.' Common bear ing Hie inscription "George Rex and the liberties of America," and upon the olin , side "No Popery." Th.- ll i? rh. iiudei Dov. Tryon, va ? I ed New Voil, in 177".. hui (here is t?o i.d which gives any positivo cue as io Du- raising of tue Ameri I an Tuo; here. the H j.j wils held hy American troops, after Dds event, until Septem ber 1.1 177?; when Washington re I real td io Dariein and aiterward from Die Island, and the elly was occupied hy Slr Henr> Climen and from that time h.h! bj Die M i tish until the clor? of the war. 'Tiny evacuated thc ?div Nc ember :'.:>. 17s:t. Since then no Hag but Die Stars and Stripes has wa?, ed over the city in token of pow er and authority, I THE WALLS OG JERICO. Important Discoveries Being Made by an Amurallan p,*of?cnor. Professor Sol ll n's excavations on tho site, 'a' the ancient city of Jericho are yielding unexpectedly rich treas ured. In his last letters to thc Vi enna Academy of Science tho profes sor wries Dial over a hundred men are dicing at fly? different points. Giie of the most Int cresting linds is the historical eily willi, built of burnt lillie bricks, lt was some len feet ?a thickness, rising from a stone foun dation Du the western side of Die City thc wall wits nearly forty feet "? width. \t iiuother point a pr?valo house wits lound bull) over another house of a still earlier epoch. Other discoveries include lamps, phtlos, cups, needle-;, weights, mor tars and mills of l> on/.e and stone, some of very rough ?nal primitive handwork, and 0th rs very lim ly exe cuted, in the Inlier city remains of rows ol' lions . have heen discovered, and Hu ancient Hebrew lettering proves that Die old Hebrew charac ters Wore ia ase. Prof Sci I li. hopes to renew tho exe ll\'(lill ie \vorl next winter. In ibo mean time he says (hat Die work al ready d u: ha opened np :i wealth of matin hil for ile student <?f Die ore laraellte and Can;.mile period. Pall Mall Gazette. Two Kinds "A drowning man wPt catch at a straw." "And so will a .thirsty man."