BENNBTTSYILLE, S. 0. UV S. A. BROWN A CO. Office on Marton Street Opposite J Masonic Hall. Friday May 81, 1907. Our Town Government. MAYOR-P. A. Hodges ALDERMEN-Throop Crosland, C. 8. Chaffin, P. A. MeKellar, F. G. Hollis CLERK & TREASURER-Milton Mc Laurin. Office open daily. POLIOS-W T Kelly, WM Atkinson llarlboro County Officers. SHERIFF-J. B. Croon Ci, KU ic OF Cou UT-J. A. Dr uk o JUDOS OP PUOMATB-M. MoLauriu CORONER-G. A, McCall ?SUPERVISOR-Frank M ?ni ni mr, Jr. SUPT. MDUOATION-A. L, Eastcrling TREASURER-N. B. Rogers AHniOR-Jamos P, Campboll SENATOR-Thoa. I? Hogers RBPRESKNTATIVES-I). 1). MoColl, Jr. (J J. Laoo, J. P. Gibson ta. ufbkMA'SS-C. D. KaHtorling, and 8. J. Melanin, Bonnottsvillo. II. L. MoLaurin, MoColl John A. Calhoun. Clio, W. J. Atkinson, Blonhoim, J. MoB. Hurloy, Brightsville, M W. W. Irby, Smithville. Itennettaville Church Directory METHODIST-M- W. HOOK, P. C. 8uuday sohool 4 00 p. m. Proaohing Ri 11.00 a. m. and7.30 p.m. Prayer nicot ine Woduonday ovomng at 4.00 o'olook. Superintendent Sunday school, Phil. A. Hodges. BAPTIST-Rev.Chas A, Jones, Pastor Sunday sohool at 10.00- Preaching Sun day at 11.00 a. m., ?ad 7.30 p. ni. Prayer mooting Thursday evening at 8 o'clock. Superintendent ol' Sunday sohool, II. W. Carroll. PRESBYTERIAN-Bunyan McLeod Ph D., Pastor. Sorvioos every Sabbath (summer) ll a.m. and 8 30p.m.; (winter) ll a. m. and 7.30 p. m. Prayer meeting -sday 8 p. m. Soats free. Stiangcrsi ally invited. Sunday sohool every 1 lay 10 a. m. Superintendent, P. A. cellar. All parents and children made une at tho sohool. lounty Ohurch Directory, .nettsvilie Circuit Appointments REV. A. T. DUNLAP, P. C. st Sunday-ll a.rn, PincGrOvoj 3 p. m., Smyrna, joud Sunday, ll a. m. MoColl 3 p. ni, Beauty Spot ird Sunday-ll a. m., Pino Crovo 3 p. in, Smyrna arth Sunday, ll a. m. MoColl 3 p. m. Beauty Spot enhotn Cit mit I; '. Knight in Sumter. Col. Knox Livingston left Tuesday for Richmond via Col umbia. Mrs. Hugh L. McColl and Children aro visiting relatives in Charleston. Mr. C. B. Hubbard has a caso of fever at his home-Miss Hettie Breeden, Wo aro glad to report that Mrs. B, A. Cap?e, who has boon quito sick is botter. Messrs D. Wright and L. 8. Hamer of Clio woro in Colum bia, this week . Mr. Sol Brown's little daugh ter who has been sick with an attack of pneumonia is better. Mr. J. P. Hodges of Browns ville was up Saturday and call ed. No special nows. Mr. J. L. Covington of Hebron was up Monday- Crops aro im proving since the rains. Mr, Thos. J. Capol now of Wilmington spent Friday with his parents near town. Mr. D C. McDaniel of Heb ron was in town Saturday and made us a pleasant call. Mr. J. L, Covington of Heb ron left wednesday for Richmond to visit his sister and take in the reunion. Supervisor Frank Manning left Wednesday for Haddeuficld Now Jersey, to visit his sou who is in School there Mrs. S. J. Campbell left Tuej-? day for Winona, Floronce county countv to visit her daughter. Mrs, D. H. Everett. Master Claude Spears, son c ? Mr. and Mi's. J. A. Spears, who has been very sick for soveral days, is improving. Mr. J. J Jones goes to Wilmin g ton this week to make arrange ments to open his two story cot tago on Carolina Beach, Squire C. D. Easterling and I. M. Bounds attended the meoting of the Grand Lodge K. of P., at Anderson this week. Mr. N. J. Herndon of tho Bethel section was down this week. No special news in his section. Mr. and Mrs. E. L, Mathews. in Hebron returned home Mon day. Mr. P. A. McKellar. our Com missioner to tho General Assem bly of the Southern Presbyter ian church at Birmingham, Ala., got back Saturday. Ho reports a splendid trip and a harmonious meeting Rev. A. D. Woodie, now of Greenville, Ga., stopped over on Friday last on his way home from attending the Southern Baptist Convention at Richmond, and spent three days with his parents. He preached Sunday night for Rev. C. A. Jones, Pilon got quick and certain rsliof from Dr. Hhoop'a Magic Ointment. IMeaao note it ?H made jilin ic for Pilon, and UH notou in positive and curtain. Itching, painful, protrudii g of blind pilon diaappear liko magic by it? UHO. Largo nioklo oappod glaea jara 50 cent?, noll by J. T. Doug lue - ? ? PROMPT DELIVERIES. Wo guarantee prompt deliver ies of ICE if phono orders aro sont in before ten for the morning de liveries, and before 4 o'clock for evening deliveries. Observe thin rule and you cannot fail. S. L. Freeman. When your food has not been properly digested the entire system in impaired in the .same proportion Your stomach needs help. Kodol for Indigestion and Dyspep sia not only digests what you eat. it tones tho stnmioh, adds strength to the whole body. Makes rieh, pure blood. Kodol con? forma lo the National Puro Kood A: Drug haw. Sold hy J. T. Douglas. - You will not dread tho sound of the lire bell if you have an in surance policy on furniture, goods, store or residence with J. S. Moore. National Pin o Food und Drnfc Law. We are pleased to announce that Koleya I louey and Tar for coughs, colds mid lung troubles is not affected by the National Pure Pood and Drug law as il contains no opiates or other harmful drugs, and we recommend it ns .? safe remedy lor children and adults. Reid & Co. -. ? ???. ? - --- THIS MAY INTBHEST YOU No one is JmOUISO irOttl kidney trouble, so just remember that Foley's Kidney Cure will will stop the Irregularities and cure any case of kidney and bladder trou ble timi is not beyond the reach of med icine. Kian Ik Co. Foley's Honey and Tar cures the most obstinate coughs and expels thc cold from thc system ,1* it is mildly laxative. It is guaranteed, The genuine is in the yellow package, Reid & Co. Chronlo Oouatipatton Uurod One who suffers from chronic constipa tion is in danger of many serious ailments Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup enies Chronic constipation as it aids digestion and stim ulates the liver and bowels, restoring thc natural action of these organs. Com mence taking it today and you will feel Letter nt once. Orino Laxative Fruit Sy rup du: -, not nauseate or give pain and if very pleasant to take, Refuge substitutci Heid & Co, TOWN AND COUNTY NEWS. - Next Monday is sales Jay. - Mad dogs oro still giving troublo in Hebron. - Delightful seasons on vege tation. tar* MITTLES sales are always os advortisod. - Tho 13. ? C. Ry. is putting 'upa new brick depot. - There was a large crowd hore Saturday and business was lively. - If thoro was any way to make men practico what they preach thoy'd stop preaching. -Hollis & Co., have a lot of mixed peas for quick salo. Mer Be on timo at MITTLES big stock reduction sale Saturday Morn ing. - Say, have you soeu or heard of any ono finding a Masonic pin on light blue enamal ? If you have let us know. -Tho morning train to Kol lock now loaves at 6,20 so as to connect with S. A. L. Train No. 31. ?>. Seo tho 1 25 Black Silk on sale for 98c at MITTLES STORE. - For tho convenience of the public the post ofiico will bo opon Sunday mornings from 8 to 8 80 i .ii Qrippo and Pneumonia Foley's Honey and Tar cures la grippe coughs and prevents pneumonia. Refuse any but the genuine in the yellow pack age. Reid & Co. WST,Iust received a nico line of Box Poper from 25c to 50c at Bennettsville Book Store, next to Dr. Faiaon's oflice Mason Bros., PrnpR "Hero's to your hoalth and happiness" -DoWitt's Littlo Early Risors-famous little pills. Nasty, siok hoadaoho or billi ousness como on at any timo; tho ouro is an Early Rtsor. Sold by J. T. Douglas. - Try a package of Chase & Sanborn's Coffee, and if not the best you ever used, don't pay for it-20, 2fi and 85c. W. M. Rowe. (Ur Send your Kodak Films to thc Ueennettevillo Book Store nod have yoi.r pictures finished up-to-date at reasonable prices. Eason .Brou. Props. Soft Sholl Crabs, at W. M. Rowe's A little Koilol taken occasion dly, esp' cially after eating, will relieve sour slow ach, belching and heartburn J B Jones, .Newport, Tenn, writes. ' ? am sure throe ono dollar bottlesof your Kodol positively cured mn of dyspepsia, and I eau recom mend it as that was three years o?o and I haven't boen bothered sinoo with it.'' Ko dol is guaranteed to givo relief. Sold by J T Douglas. Best New Orleans Syrup at W. M. Howe's tOy-Write or Phone Bennettsville Mnn\r Qfnrn PhonA OO? ".l.~.. - Wiley's Candies al\v?iys fresh at Boniiettsville Pharma cy Darlington street. 5}ri9J lt its a Piano or Organ yon want, soo Strauss Sc Co., they will talk easy payments with you. Heinzs Preserves and apple lintier at Claude T. Moore's. "My, my ! what a dandy suit : can you lell me where you got it?'' ''Yes, Mr. Maxey Strauss took my mensure, and ho luis never failed yet. : ' Fresh Mackrel at C. T. Moore's. V-W" 1 am now prepared to furnish home made Meal and Hominy. C. T. Moore. Lot mo mail you freo, to prove merit, HiimploH of my Dr. Shoop'a Restorative, and my Hook on oithor DyBpopsio, Tho Heart, or Tho Kidnoya. AddroBB me, Dr. Snoop, Racine, Wis, Troubles of the ato maoho, Heart or Kidneyn, aro morely Bym ptoma of a deeper nilmont. Dont moko tho common orror of troatiug ay mn tom H only. Symptom treatment ia treating tho result of your ailment, and not the oauBO. Weuk StOtnaoh norvcB-the ina:de norvos nw linn Btoma'-h wooknoHS, id way B. And tho llonrt, and Kidnoya ns well, have their controling or liiHide norvca. Weukon these n?rvea ?nd yon Inevitably have weak vi tal organ?. Hore IH whoro Dr. Bhoop's H?Htorntive Ima made ita fumo. No other remedy evor claims to treat tho "Inside nerves". Alao for bloating, biliouanoa, bad breath or complexion, URO Dr. Shoop'a Res* tora ti Vi. Write for my freo Hook now Dr. Snoop's Restorative Hold by J. T. Douglas] CURES 11I.O0I), SKIN DISEASES, CANCER. GREATEST BLOOD PUMPIBR FREE. If your blood ls impure, thin, diseased, hot Or full of humors, If you have blood poison, cancer, carbuncles, eating sores, scrofula, eczema, itching, risings and bomps, scabby, pimply skin, bone pains, catarrh, rheumatism, or any blood or skin disease, take botanic Hlood Halm (ll. H. ?, ). Soon All sores heal, achei and paitlS Slop and the blood is made pure and rieh. Druggist or by expr?s.1 SI per large bottle. .Sample free bj writing blood balm Co., Atlanta, Ga. li. H. li, is especially advised for chronic, d<">ep-seatcd eases, as it cures after all ClS( i.iilr>. Thu Newton Pills Those groat blood and livci regulators arc known ovei Marlboro. For the convenience of his customers he has left s few boxes at this ofiico when they can get them. for chtldrmtti ?afrn, ?ur*. AT? mplatm? Qiyo Him A Trial Elsewhere will be found th< 1 card of Mr. George L. Dixon, i ! first class Tinner from Rock^ : Mount, who has como to om ? town to open up a Tinshop. H< \ can do anything In tho Tin line , Call and see him in rear W. L i Pearson s Jewelry store ?I in i RELIGIOUS NOTES. Sunday School hour at tho Methodist chu ron ha? boen obatigod to io A. m. Tho hoar tor ovoning services at tue ohurohes ls uow 8 30 o'clock. Kev. F, M, Cannon of ChestorBeld will preach ?.t Kollock Sohool Houae every fourth Sunday at ll a. m. II0I?0088 Prayor mooting ovory Tues day night in tho uppor room in tho Kirk ?rood building at 7,30. Everybody invi ted Prayer mooting at the Baptist church evory Thursday ovoning ut 8 30, Prayer mooting at tho Methodist church ovory Wednesday at 4.30 p. m. Prayor mooting at Presbyterian church Thursday ovonlug at 8 30. Tho Epworth League Prayor mooting it? bold ovory Wednesday ovoning in tho Sunday sohool room of tbo Methodist obureh at 8 o'olook, Tbo publio invited. e--- ?? _j MY Morning Thoughts ? thank Thee Lord for having kept, My soul and body while I alopt. I Piay Theo Lord that through this day, In all I do and think and say?" I may bo kopt from harm and sin And made both pure aud go id within. Presbyterian Services The Presbyterian congregation will hold their Sunday school and ?norning service next Sunday in tho hall adjoining tho Hotel Skye All are invited. Wheo your hick nobes it is almost inva riably on indication that somothing wrong with your kidneys. Weak, disoasod kidneys frequently causo a break down of thc cn* tiro system. DoWitt'sKidn >y and Bludd r Pills s fiord prompt relief fir wonk kidnoys iuflamatton of the bladder ?ind di utinary trouble*. So d by J T D night? To tbe Patrons and Pupils of tho Murchison School Tho beautiful watch aud chain which was presented to nie aa a token of tho love aud appreciation of my friends will always he a source of great pleasure to mo. For it I dosiro to thank thoso friends most heartily and assure them of my interest aud love, though many miles may separate us. ESTELLE RICHARDSON MAJOR. Killing In Brownsville On Wednesday night, tho 22d, Henry Adam?, colored, a tenant on Mr, Mut boson's Attordaie farm in Brownsville, was shot and killed. On Thursday Coroner Mc Oall went down and held nu in quest, but obtaining no evidence to warrant an arrest, the jury re turned a verdict that tho deceas ed came to his death from gun shot wounds inflicted by unknown r... rf loo uisu luuse iii u.u leis ?11 W M Rowes FOR SAjLK ONE Champion Reaper and Hinder Good us new Apply lo L II. EASTERLING, Moy 21,07,3 Bennettsville. S C. DeWiit's Ourboliz?d Witch tlazol Salve does not merely beal on ibo surface : it penetrate! the pores and promptly relieve? cain cn used by hpils. burns, scalds, cu's and skin di-oasis lt is especi illy uood for niles Howuro of imi allons- S dd by .I T Douglas. ANNOUNCEMENT ! IO take this method of announcing to the people (' Marlboro county that Stnvenson, Matheson & Stevenson, a law firm otu nosed of W. F S'cvonson and D. S Malhospl) of Ch raw -and W. M. Sievensou ol' rJoonottsvillo, la ely of Dallington, have opened an office in Ben net I Hvillo. W ill practico io Sa?o and Federal Courts. UfHc? in sec md stor) rn' PluuterH National I? uk Building. 1Kb nary 20. 1907 Matheson, Freeman & Go FIRE. LIFE AND HAIL INSURANCE AGENTS. BENNETTSVILLE, So. CA. V* c offer absolute protection PlIONti 2?8 inch 21, l'JO. Don't Forget I Am Still Repairing ORGANS, SEWING MACHINES & CLOCKS. ALL my work guaranteed to g'?ve satisfaction or no pay. Can furnish any missing or broken parts of any Machine on the market. Will do your work at your home, if preferred, where ymi eau BEE IT DONK, and TEST IT before paying : for it. Ii. WIOKI3R. ; Bennettsville, S. C, AN ORDINANCE To Make tho Carrying of Concealed Weapons n Misdemeanor. Beit ordained hythe Mayor and Alder ?nen of 'he Town of Bennettsvillo and . by the authority of the same : On and after this dato any person with ' in tho corporate limits nf the Town of ' Bennettsville carrying a Pistol. Dirk. Ita* 1 zur. Sling Shot, Metal Knocks, or oilier 3 deadly Weapon um illy med for tho in diction of personal injury, concealed about tho person, shall be guilty of a misde meanor, mid upon conviction thereof shall forfeit to tho Town of Bennottsvillo tho ' weapon carried concealed, and ho fined in the sum of no! mero than ono hundred dollars and not less lhun Twee.!y dollars, or imprisoned not moro thal) 30 days nor loss than five days, at tho discretion of * tlio Mayor or Council hearing tho oaso. . Nothing herein contained shall ho con* ' St rued te apply to porsons carrying con* l* coaled weapons upon their own premisos, > or peaco officer in tho ootual disohargo of their dlltiofl as peaco officer. Done Arid ratified in day of March. iy>7. I 1\ A, II The bride Will Rejoice At the prosont t ho rocoivos, no matter what thoy muy bo, or where thoy carno from. Hut if you wish to bo MHO that your Offering will re?oive tho admiring attention of ovorybo fy, got it at a Jowolry et oro. Then you aro SUBE to bo right. You CAN'T go wrong by giving jcwolry. And you CANT go wrong if you got it horo. Everything wo show you would do tredit to ?our Judgoment and good taste. Wo oau interest you at a dollar or so? or as high as you caro to go in figuros. Always trust us to havo tho right goods. SAM J. PEARSON, JKWKLER AND OPTICIAN. Bo you And it dii?icult To read. By artificial light ? Or to HOW? Or to do atty woik that rcquires a good deal ol'oyo woik ? Headaches follow, moro than likely accompanied by dizzy icnsntiona. Its your eyes, without a doubt. Thc symptoms aro well known to Opticians, and they mean that tho Eyes aro weak, or thal they havo been over worked. Let us investigate. It is almost a certainly that glasses aro needed. If you will 0.1II somo ?lay we will Toll you all about it, SAM J. PEARSON, JEWELER & OPTICI -.N: Practical Pharmacist and Denier in . g?%c ?rugs and {patent JjJJcdieincs. I WE ?LSU CiMxRY" | ST AND All? MEDICINES, i CHEMICALS, TOILET and Fancy Articles, % PEKEURMERY, SOAPS, % ItllUSUES, SPONGES, STATIONARY and SUI EN, iUP P Li ES T PAINTS, OILS, BRUSHES of all kinds, VARNISH and STAINS, PREPARED PAINTS, WINDOW GLASS, LAMPS, SHADES, Etc. FINE CIGARS AND TOBACCO. Prescriptions carefully compounded at all hours and guaranteed to be of the Purest Ltru?? and at reasonable prices. A full line Carden Seed Sc Onion Sets. Thankful for past patronage yours for a prosperoub new year. J. T, DOUGLAS, J?nurjr 1, 1905. AT THE OLD STAND EASTER Has PA I Itt_ ?... ?1 K\ 1907% :ED fiji ? These Goods arc all Late Arrivals, and up to dale. Come and get prices. Now is your chalice. Don't Delay your coming ! WE are constantly receiving NEW PIANOS and ORGANS. Always have them on hand. Sold on easy terms. Several good Square P?ANOS for sa'e Ghaap. RESPECTFULLY I I I Strauss $L ?o# Bennettsville, S. C., April 4, 19 V7. I WE HANDLE BARGAINS TOO X?X N*X X*X N** x*H \*K K*X N?H NO USE TO WO RUY, WV T COM li ItU?HT OX TO CLAUDE IF YOU -^7^\?vi*rrx Drv Goo'ls, Clothing;, Shoes, Notions* And Fancy Groceries. WUT Fresh Wator Ground M HA T. and HOMINY ?I specialty. Wc Keep a full lino in cadi Department and will hil your Wants in each AT THE LOWEST PRICKS. When you como to Town call and see na. Phone orders in town dolivorod FREE, and satisfaction guaranteed, Call and soe us-Near Douglas1 Drug Storo, BENNEfTbVILLE & CHERAW RAILROAD. Belied ule In Effeet May 8, 1007. T ? /~ - ..HA- -WAIL Y UK AD DOWN. No. 3 No. i. STATION: HKAD Ur. No 2 No 4. 815 p m 0 20 a in Leave llonnoltsvillo 9 40 p m 7 05 a in Kollock Arrivo 9 50 n in 10 35 p m 8 .SS a ni 9 50 p m IttT* Collection is mado at Kol look, night and morning, with both North and Southbound Seaboard Air Lino Trains. J. J. H ECK A RV, President. H. A PAGE, General Manager. GEO. BURCHILL, Sec. & Treas (J P. BOURDELAT, Trafilo Mgr. FOR D DIGESTS WHAT For Baokaoha Weak Kldnoys rmtrAHBi E. ?. DoWXTT dc FOR SALE BY J T. mmst J^CCURAOY (bUjMTS 'HEN YOUR LIFE DEPENDS UPC ?HB MK ICINE YOU TAKE. We lill Pre? rlptions ac curate. We give our entire time to our DKUG STORK and the needs of our patrons. Thereby protecting them and giving them the advan tage of a skilled Druggist ALWAYS. SUNDAY HOURS 9 to 11 A. M. BENNETTYILLE PHA^MASY, PHONE 43. ?, ?, MATTHEWS; Mgr, n&r All varieties TURNIP SEED fresh. A Bargain \ FOR OUR / Subscribers The New Idea ' Womanfs Magazine AND TIio Marlboro Democrat. Both, One Year for Only $135. Thc Nev/ Idea Woman's Magazine contains over 10G pages each month of fashions, dressmaking, needlework and household helps. Each number is beautifully illustrated and contains nine full-page fashion plates, some in color. These two publications furnish reading foi* every member of tba household. ORINO laxative Fruit Syrup Pleasant to take The new laxative. Does not gripe or nauseate. Cures stomach and liver troubles and chronic con stipation by restoring the hai ?i'oJ fiction ol tli? 3t?n> n ch, \ * vcr MK\ h o w c. I s, ft ot WM* ?t?baUtviteik, IPrUisv fto *. It acts powerfully und quickly, euros when others (ail. voutiK ??en can regain their lost manhood, and old men may recover their youthful vigor by USIIIK lt KV IVO. lt quickly and quietly re moves Nervousness, Lost Vitality, Sexual Weakness such us Lost Power, leoline Memory, Wasting Diseases, and effects of self-abuse or excess ?nd Indiscretion, which unfits ono (or study, business or marriage. It not only cures by starting at the seat ot diseaso.but is a great nervo tonio anil blood builder, bringing duck tho pink glow to pule chocks and rc storing the flro ol' you tb. It wards off ap proaehing disease. Insist On having HI?VIVO, no other It can be curried in vest pockot. By mail,$1.00 per paokago, or six for $5.00. Wo ?lve free ?dvice und counsel to all who wish it, with gtiuruntoo. Circulars froo. Address ROYAL MEDICINE CO., Marine Dido., Chicas?, III. For sale in Bcnnoltsvillo hy J. T. Douglas. Druggie!. WE STILL FEED THE HUNGRY! Wit KN iu town and you want a good meat, romcmber wo can serve yon, A good moat for 250. Restaurant north of tho Market. FRESH OYSTERS in every Btyle. ?. J. BKAYBOY BENNETTS VILLE Marble Works. T? ri ri c\ OF *~ JliVJVJT? Thoroughbred DB. I?. ROCK. 13 for only 50 cents home de livery-10 cts extra for packing and delivering to Express office. JASPvER FLE'iCHER, \ MOCOLL, S. C. march 8. R. P. D. 2. THE NEW YOE K WORLD Thrloo A ^yeok Edition. Orders f r MONUMENTS o. TO?v?liSTONE promptly filled Call on ino, ?it my place of business neat the All alfi" tWl Uno und tho Sos? hoard Ah bi.iu l'a-songer Depots, oi write DIO, bostons and Pri?es furnish ed on nppheitti'jD. Phone No. 95. J w. MoBLWEB. January 25, I "JOG. ^VS^ W>AA^ VWW WA^WA^VKW^^WV^W Found at the Book Store. A nico linc of Bibles, Testaments, ?he latest Worka of Findon, Magoalnos, l ie - iure Frames. Blank Hooks. Wno Lard Huck, nice line ol'Tablets ruled ami on ruled B.>x Paper, "??1 anything m the Stationery line- Orders taken for eiifjra ved Card? and Btubosnoii Stationery. Huhhnr stamps and Stencils made any style. Agents foi any Magazine published Sub soi I pt looa taken for acy Magazines or Periodicals, Orders taken for any mu;io Write, phone or call on Bonnettsvillc Hook Store MASON BROS., Props., Phone 228, The MoatWidoly R?eail Newspaper in Amerika. Time has demonstrated that the Thrice i-Week World staiwis alcove in a class. .Uber papers have imitated .MS form bot no \ its success. This is because it tells it impartially, whether that newspo. litical or otherwise. It is in lact almo.vW i daily at the price of a weekly. In addition to news, it publishes lirst? ;lass serial stories and other features' suited to thc home and fireside. The Thrice a Week World's regular subscription price is only $i oo per year tnd this pays lor 156 papers. We oller .his unequalled newspaper and the Dem* ocrat together one year tor $1.67. Thc Merits of Our Eye Glasses - AFFORD YOU - CLEAR VISION, EASY VISION, HAPPY VISION. Ho Seas best who Sees the con sequences. DON'T FUT IT OFF Come at Once niul Have Us Fit Your Eyes for yo?. YSPEPSIA r VA?T TAT R-l"? tndliioitlon, $our I lUU i!?AI Stomach, Hekeln? Ol OM. ?to, try OeWU 's Kidney A Bladder Pilli Sure and Sift H OHl-V AT TM? tABORATOHV or COMPANY, CHICAGO, MJL. DOUG LAP, Bennottavillo, 8. 0, nv ITvS?? EXAMINATION SAM J. PEABSON Horses Do Got Sick. When a horses and mules are poor it is not alway?? and in '.?cation that they do not got enough 'j eat. Many ani mals, Just like human beings, have In* digestion or the system is all run down and a tonic is needed, lt is not the a mount ol lood eaten ihat makes muscle and bu. More depends upon the prop' cr digestion or assimilation ot the tooti than is commonly supposed. Nothing has yet been discovered that will build up a horse or mule better than Ash cralt's Condition Powders, the only remedy in its class sold under a gun/, antee. Ask Mr. Smith Newton, Ben. nettsville. tor It-the kiud put up in dot ti. And McColl Drug Co., MfcCott;0,