wn ? i r \ ? v SIMSVILLE, S, C. y May 24, 1907, irar - - - Editor iSabsorlptlOB Prices .$1.00 tths.50 'months.25 ATTENTION OAMP HENEGAN. THE members of Camp Hencgau, . No. 7C6, are requested to as semble in the Oourt House on SAT URDAY MAY 25, 1907. at 10 a. m. at wbioh time the . report from our State delegaW^il!bo ''repoived, and other business bofgro" tho CaO^ will be trausaotcd. ^ra&N - Every member is oxp?otod to atteud md those who have uot already se cured tho certificate for the Badgo of Honor should do so. J. B. GKEKN, Commander. C. D. Easterling, Adjutant. May 13, 1907. *W Seo those 12} 15 and 20c val Laces, Sale price 10c per yard at MITTLES I TORE Sponsor for Confederate Monument. It will bc remomborod that tho priy. ilego of choosing tho Sponsor for tho unvciliug of tho Coufedorato Monu ment, was to bo given to tho person mnkitig tho largest contribution. Up to this time, tho largest contributor is a married man, under vory strict wife ly training. Ile will, as ho usually does, follow the advice ot his wife in tho Bolcct.ion of tho Sponsor. We make the announcement that it is not too late, for some aspiring young man or bachelor, to claim tho privi lege of naming the sponsor, if ho will make his contribution a little moro than tho largest wo now have. Our Secrotary will give all desirod in for Ji atiou with pleasure ONE WHO KNOW?. May 23, 1907. FEN AND 8CI88OIIGRAPHS Where is tho man who claims to have invented n cotton chopper that will do the work? Ho could place something less than a mil lion machines throughout tho cot ton belt at fair prices during the next few weeks.-Edgefield Ad vortisor. John L. Mclaurin made ?peech 'ic banquot of the cotton man hirers in Philadelphia declar that Roosevelt is tho greatest lidont the couutry has ever .s they say in Georgy, "wo w in reason" that Senator aker is bound to get a wallop in Ohio. It will, however, i out all right if it doesn't :e bim sour enougo to want to lome Jonah work for the Dem .tic nominee for President. . Star. Vhy IB it that so little baa n said recently about an in ised or decreased cotton acro ? Can it be that all of tho 3ulators have boon put out of mess by closing tho bucket .ps ? Keep your eye on the list of commencement oratora, and you will get an insite as to who will bo tho candidates a year boneo. At this early stage ot tho game wo spotted ono aspirant for the United States Senate.--Edgefield Advertiser. - The first of tho Stereopticon Lectures on China and Japan under the auspices of the Pres byterian church will bo next Tuesday evening in tho Graded School Auditorium. *6yl3ig reduction in Millenary during tho sale at MITTLES STORE. Nothing is more uncertain than human lite. A man who was tes tifying in a civil case in Iowa on Saturday, when askod bis ago by tho quizzing attorney, made the following reply: " I am sixty-five, but sound as a dollar, and good for at loaat eighty-five.'' Almost before the sound of tho last word of this boast ns to the future had escaped his lips the man fell life less to the floor, dying of heart failure. This incident causes the mind to revert to tho v/ords of the wiso mon of old : "Boast not thy self of to-morrow; for thou know est not what, a day may bring fourth." |3gr Shredded wheat Biscuits at W. M. Rowe's. NEW SCHEDULE. The passenger train on thc B. & C., Railroad on and af (or this date will leave Bennetts ville at 0.30 in the morning, in stead of 0.40 and return at 0.50 a m. The evening train for Kol* look will leave at 8.15, instead of 7, and return at 10.35. My Dest Friend. Alexundor Henton, who lives on Kural Route, I. Kort Edward, N- V"., says; "Dr Kind's New Discovery my best earth ly friend. It cured nie ol' asthma nix years ago ls has also performed a won derful cure of incipient consumption for my soa't wi.r?e, The first bottle ended the ' terrible cough, and this accomplished, the other symptoms loft one by one, un* til sho was porfeetly well. Dr. Kine's New Discovery's powor over coughs and eold? is simply marvelous." No other remedy has eyer equaled it. Cully guar anteed by J, T. Douglas. 50o and $ 1.00. k Trial bottle free I W MITTLES cut prices mean J. -.1 Hi TWO STEREOPTIGAN LECTURES I -ON- jj) (Ebtrta ano flapnn. ?j? jil iii w Mr. CAMERON JOHNSON, who spent a ffi Ml number of years on the foreign Held as an independ- (ft til ont Missionary, has been invited by the Presbyterian (fl W Church to deliver Two STRREOPTIOON LBOTUUKS on (J) Ul China and Japan. Mr. Johnson will deliver these ff) WI Lectures in the Graded School Auditorium on next ff) M Tuesday and Wednesday, 28th and 29th Ol jjj at 8.30 p. m. Mr. Johnson's Lectures are interest- (J) ?jj lng and instructive, and his moving pictures on Lifo (J) Sj |n tho ''Orient and the Kar East" aro fresh and CB jjj informing. Not only are his pictures worth seeing {jj ?K for their intrinsic beauty, but they present such a (J) Sj view of the Far East-its scenery, life and customs- t{) ?jj that it cannot but stimulate an interest in Foreign JJ) Missions among all denominations. jjj \ff There will be no admission fee charged but a SIL- /fl fyf VER COLLECTION will betaken up sometime during /ft tyj each lecture. It is to be hoped that every person in fo\ fy) Bennettsville will avail themselves of tho opportuni- ff) 9/ tv to attend these educational lectures. ff) $ May 28th and 29th. jj?' MITTLES STORE HMS SATURDAY MORNING, MAY 25TII TO RUN THROUGH SATURDAY JUNE 1st. ] SPECIAL BARGAINS FROM DAY TO DAY. Big Bargains Every Day. For Saturday we will sell Ladies Gauze Bleached Un dervests at 15 cents each, limited 6 to a customer. On Floor ono lot ot Ginghams and Chambrays, sale price 5c. One lol of FIGURED LAWN at 4 cents a yard. ALL CALICOES, Light and Dark, at H cents. 200 Pairs of Shoes and Slippers $1,50 to $2.75, to go in this Sale at 98 cents a pair. Embroideries and Laoes ?t a Sacrifice. Millinery 20 percent discount on every dollar purchased Shirt waists, Skirts. Muslin Underwear and Petticoats all on sale at less than manufacturers' price. Umbrella's, Corsets and Hosiery and all go at a BIG REDUCTION. ONE CASH PRICE TO ALL 1 No Gooch Charged or Sent Oat On Approbation. Sale Begins Saturday Morning May 25th. FIRST COME, FIRS T SKR VED ! All Goods as represented or your money refunded, YOURS FOR BUSINESS MITTLES STORE. May 23, 1907.-2 For n cold or cough tuko Kcnody's Laxa tivo Cough Syrup lt is bettor than any other cough remedy because it? laxative principle assures satisfactory results and at thc Hame timo it heals irritations of tho throat,strengthens tho bronchial tubos and allays inflamation ol' the mucous mem brane. Contains Honey and Tar, pleasant to take. Children liko it. Conforms to the National Puro Kood and Drug Law. Sold by J. T. Douglas. OeWlTT'S CARBOLIZED WITCH HAZEL SALVE For Pilos. Burns, Soros. Call at our atoro, please, for a freo aamplo of Dr. Shoop'n "Health Coffee," If real ooffoo disturbos your Stomaoh, your Henrt, or Kioneys, then try tins Clever Coffee imitation, Whilo I)r. Shoop tins vory closely matched OUI Java and Mocha Ooffoo In ll-ivor and tasto, yet ho has not a Bingle grain of roal Coffee in it. Dr, Snoop's Ileelth Coffee Imitation ip made fjom puro toaHted grains or core?is, with Malt, Nut?, etc. You will nuroly like Health Coffoo. Sold by J T. Douglas. JONES WILlTFlLL YOUR ORDERS. Mr. A. J. JonoB is now prepar ed to fill ordoi'H for ?tove or houno wood aa you want it, delivered or on tho yard. Ho also Ima two ?aw mills at work and will fill or dors for any kind ot Lumber. Ordors left at hi? homo or phone 135 will noouro prompt attontion. Havo You Triod Any? Mr. E. Powors has Just receiv ed a shipment of the Argo Red dilmon, the finest breakfast dish on tho market at 20 cents a can. y tee Sftinplosof "I'rovonties'1 and abook lot on Colds will bo gladly mailed you, on reipiost, by Dr. Shoop, Hacino, WI?, sim. ?tty to piovo merit. ProvcnticH aro little [Jandy Cold Curo tablots. No Ouinino, no Laxativo, nothing harmful what o vor, Pro ve titian provont ?olds-as tho namo im. lilies-when taken oarly, or at tho "Snoozo itago". For a seat od cold or LaGrlpgo, break it up safoly and quickly with Pro rontioa. Sold by J, T. Douglat Gardners B I nfl" Pasture This pasture is now ready for the publie, at a charge of one dollar a month or for any part of a monti), whion must be paid to thc manager. No stock will he allowed taken out until arrears are paid. C. T. DUDLEY. May 23, 1907. Don't Pay Alimony to * bo divorcod from your appendix. There will be no occasion lor it if you keep your howells regular with Dr. King's New Life Pills, Their action is so gen tle that the appendix never has cause to make the least complaint. Guaranteed by J.T. Douglas Druggist. 25oTry them. .. -? . --. EARLY RISERS The famous little pills, WONDERFUL KXZEMA CURR. "Our little boy had eczema for live years." writes N: A. Adams, Henrietta, Pa. ' Two of our home doctors said the caso was hopeless, his lungs being affect* ed. We then employed other doctors, but no benefit resulted. Ry chance we read about Electric Ritters; bought a Lottie and soon noticed improvement. Wo continued ?this medicine until sev eral bottles were used, whed our boy wis completely cured." Rest of all blood medicines and body building health tonics. Guaranteed at J.T, Douglas' Drug store. Mo A NARROW USCAI'E. ii, W. Cloyd, a merchant, of Plunk, Mo., had a narrow escape four year ago, when he ran a jimson bur into his thumb. Ile Kays:"Tho doctor wanted to ampu? tate it blt! I would not consont. I bought a box of Huoklen's Arnioa Salve and thal cured the dangerous wound." Ha) at -I. Ti Douglas Druggist. JWKin^hamH Real ia bio Rams, Breakfast Bacon, Beet II tims, Beef Tongue, always mee and fresh at W. M. Ito wo'fl. FOB SALE! ON ti NUW No. ls "PITTSBURG" I**! It 10 PROOF SM?K, O/WAP. Address P. O. BOK UH, Henuettsvillo Mu. . . . MU. ? . ' .... ... 'V To the People of bd?itiettsv??ie; Tllh new munngemeut of tho Bi?$ NBfravtLLE & CUERAw li. li. Co., ie putting the property in goott shape to handloyour business satis factorily. Wo exneet to furnish good passenger and freight facilities in connection with the SEABOARD Al? LlNE; to buhl a creditable passen ger and freight station in the city of Konnottsvillc, and to build au exten sion of thc proscrit road, so as to bring much additional business from the lower end of the county to Beju> uettsville. We propose to treat overy-body courteously and politely; to pay all damage and overcharge claims promptly ; and lo perform all the duties of a common carrier in a satisfactory. manner. We respectfully solicit thc patron age of thc people ol' iiennettsville, and will greatly appreciate any fa vors you may be able to BROW us. IMcase order your shipments rob ted via Seaboard Air lune and Ben nettsville & Choraw Railroad. IT KN HY A. PAGE, General Manager. April 20, 1907. AS A LITTLE CHILD. The little child who wakes nt night, Affrighted at the somber gloom, And clamors for a ray of liyht, To drive the darkness from the room, To quiet Dreamland sweetly goes, Contented if a hand is near Caressingly, because il knows I There is no terror it need fear. So we, who stumble through the gloom, In aimless manner, seeing light, Will blindly wanner to our doom, If journeying by our own might. But when in darkened paths we stray And cry aloud, the leather bears, And reaches out His band lo stay Our apprehensions and our fears. * Sunset Mngnv.ine, Sharp After Evil Doers. Mr. Wiley Atkins, of the police force is doing tine work as dull as thc times are. Ho catches 'em, and tho Mayor docs the rest. It is no use trying to dodge Wiley, if you violate the law. COLLEGE OF CHARLESTON 1785 CHARLESTON, S. C. 1907 122?! Year begins September 27 Lottern, Boionoo, Engineering, Oi.o sah ol ar ship to each county of South Carolina, giving froo tuition. Tuition $40. Board and furnished room in Dormitory, $u n month. All candidates for nd nuns ion uro permitted io competo for vacant Boyce scholarships which pay $100 a year. En tranco Examinations will bo held ut tim ! County court house on Friday July 5, 1907 at 9 n. m. Por oatalogUO| addreea HARRISON RANDOLPH, Mfty 22, 1907 President, ^Winthrop College-^ Scholarship and Entrance Vin ll III i ll Ht ion. ( Tho examiuntioQ for tho award ol va? cunt Scholarships io Winthrop Collego and for tho admirion ot now students wilt bo held nt tho County Court Homo on FRI DAY, JULY s, at 9 n. m. Applicants must he ?ol ICHS than lifleen yearn of ago. Whoo Scholarships aro vacated after July and froo tuition. Tho next session will open Sop? tembor 18, 1907. For furlhor information and catalogue, address Pres. D B. JOHN SON, Hock liri, S. C. Clemson Agricultural College. Scholarship and Entrance Examination to Freshman Class The examinations for thu award of tho scholarships front Marlboro county and ADMISSION TO FRESHMAN CLASS wilt bo hold at tho County court homo on Fri. day July 5, at 9 n. m. Applicants foi BoholarBhips may secure blank application forms from tho county Superintendent of Education Theas blanks must bo filled out properly and tiled with the county Super intondondont before tho beginning of tho eqimhiation Those takiug tho examina tion for entrance to the Freshman clans ?nd not trying for a R0holar on the label. And ifs not only safe, but lt ls said to bo by thojo that know it t>est. a truly re markable cough remedy. Tako no chance then, particularly with your children. Insist on having Dr. Sheep's Cough (jure. Comparo carefully tho Dr. ?hoop package with others and note tho difference. No poison marks thero! You eau Always bo on tho safe sido by domandlng Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure J. T. DOUGLAS. ARE YOU a Constitution agent ? Is there a good ono ut your Postoffice? Did ho ever solit.it your subscription ?| It' your hold it, nut fully OCCUPIED, write today for mi agency. Tho bes! proposition ever made to canvassers. Live agents wau ted all over Carolina. Subscriptions easy to take, money in your pocket for every order. Write today. Tho Atlanta Constitution, Atlanta, Qa. Remember Your Pend* Wo invite special attention to the j advertisement of the l?ennettsvillo Marble Works in this paper. Call and see samples, or write them. AN ORDINANCE To Regulate the Use of Automobiles in the Town of Hennettsville, S. 0. Bo it Ordained by tho Mayor and Aldermen of th?! Town of Bennottsvillo in Oonoo!! assembled and by authority of the same: Section I, It shall bo unlawful for any perron to lido or propel any Automobile, Steam Carriage or vehicle using steam or oilier artificial power, upon any sidewalk of tho Town of Bcnnettnvillo j except a? may bo necessary in entering or leaving premises or buildings. Section ?.. lt shall be unlawful to rido or piopel any Automobile, ?teeni carriage or vehicle using steam or other artificial power, nt a ^renter speed than five (5) miles an hour on Darlington Htreot between Methodist and Baptist churches, and on Broad etreet fi oin . C. track to the court boneo, nor in any other part of said town at more than ten (10) lillies an hour. Pro vidod, however, that when turning around corners of streets, or when turning around in any Htreot tho speed of mich vehicle shall not exceed four (.1) miles an hour. Sectio i All automobiles, steam car? ri ages and similar vohiolos : hall bo provi ded with bells, gongs, or ?onie suitable do vice which shall bo Hounded UH a warning when turning in the Streets or at corners. And in the night time snob, vohicces shall oho be provided willi lighted lamps, Lin terns or other suitable lights KO arranged and displayed as to bo conveniently Boen from a reasonable dietanoo, Section. IL shall be tho duty of any porsot) riding or propelling an automobile, ourringo or other vehicle by steam or other artill?la! power, to stop such vehicle, when approaohing or passing horses or mules (should they become frightened) on request of tho owner or driver of such animal or anim its. And in all Htieh oases due. e ire shall bo exorcised to prevent injury to por soi.s or property, Section 5 Any person convicted before the Municpal Court or Mayor of said town 0! any of the provision? of thin Ordinance ?.hull be li i cd not lens than Five dollars, nor mort; than Ono Hundred dollars, or be imprisoned not less than l'ive days no. moro than thirty days, and in ease of dam ago to property, such d itn.igo may bo or dered paid out of the lino imposed and collected. Section 6. lt shall bo unlawful for any person driving or driving or propelling any automobile or other vehicle using steam or iirtilieial power to open or roinovo thcrofrom lexoopt in easo of absoluto necessity) tho milliter, device or other attaolunont which is used to prevent or deaden disagreeable ;>r explosive sounds that aro likely to fright SO horses and mules. And it shell be tho luty of all persons to operate such vohiolos is noiselessly as possible. Any portion vio? ating this Ordination, or any provision Ihorcof, shall bo punished by (ino not, loss han Five dollars nor moro than ono (too) mildred dollars; or imprisonment not loss han livn days nor moro than thirty days. Donn and ratilied in Council ns tumbled, it Bennottsvillo, S. C., this 15th day of March, 1907, under tho corporate seal of tho laid Town. P. A. IIODGI?S, Mayor. M. MoLaurin, Clerk and Treasurer. Don' lose the opportunity, but come, nd see US ut once about your ?Sring Suit t docs not matter whether you want it a UOllth or six weeks from now, but come iud look ovet ibo exceptional value? vhlch we offer at tiiis tillie ?lld be eon- , dnced. | We guarantee to fit and please you in .very way, or don't ask you to accept j tuit or pay for it. 400 beautiful wool Mis displayed, comprising every shade, lature and quality, as well as every range u price, for thc small purse as well as ?or one who can afford to pay for the very inest imported cloth. We have them on land to suit every one. (i A. SION KV. licnnellsvitle, H. C. ft COMPOST DRILL that will thoroughly pulveriz-i nnd evenly distribute Dom on . hundred pounds to ten tons per aero. Made in two sizes. For salo by J. T. DONALDSON. Drake. S. 0. Agent for Marlboro county. Taara are mnrr Mttf'ntl PuMi'maaoM InthaUaJta* |MM than of ?ny oili i ii' ka ul i.atl.nia ThUtaM MMuiit ol liwir n:yle, neem .<>' >'->t ?lni|ilicHjr. HcCnll'a .Uluru/lu-- I'l.aO-ir-enil F*,W*-?JK! g,S??o?cribfr? il..!... ... I. ..v;.V-,?,.""%J.r<2a 'a ?ub-.c.! i-i ii .. -.. ' . 0 ?.?.?' V-.n KS ber, ft CCU I M. hy . ????'-<=< ? MiCall M Lftdy Afeul.. Vi. I I !?..??! .^remlumaaa ?karal rash i .... . v. i .< .; . . e ; ol 6<* ?a JCa.) .. I r.e. . ?.'. Cl,!, c ...o pi.mh.mr Mat li t?. A.: ..A 1.1. Co., Na? Yara Type -Writing Done to Order. Papers and Manuscripts copied. Toucher?' Testimonials a specialty. Charges reasonable. Orders solicited MATTIK COVINGTON, August 1906. McCoi.i., 8. C. AN ORDINANCE To Prevent Conveying Horses, M ul and Cows from one point to another in Bennettsvillo, without ha vi g them secured so as not to run loose. Bo it ordained by the Mayor and A'd -i Dion ol'thc Town of Hennettsvillo uud hy authority ol'thc same, Section 1. That on and after the I ', h day of March 1907 DO horse, mule orui v of any kind shad bj allow id tu bo 0 ? 1 veyed from point to another, or brou li into or conveyed out of said Town with ?r being PCCUrod, fastened willi bridle, hal ter or fastened ia .-onie way, >o as to pre vent from mouing loo-c. Section 2. That die owner of unv MI II horse, mule or cow; or any person hnviiiii s/nne in their possession or under theil oontrol as auent or servant or othorwDe violating this Oidimn-o, .?bill bo filed not loss than Ooo Dollar nor tn tr-; than one bundled dollars, or lc: imprisoned or work oil tho publie works of th? Town not less ihm ?) days nor moro than thirty days. Dono and ni ti lied in v..mined thii 1 1 day of March, A. 1)., 1907. P. A. 1 loonies, Mayor. MR. FULLER KEEPS THEM. Rubber-tired yelricles aro grow in"; in popularity. They uro not only much more comfortable to ride in hut close observers, as well us carriage repairers and manu facturers, Bay that by reducing tho jolting and jut ring of the run ning-gear, rubber tires prolong the life of a vehicle. JUST WHAT YOU WANT We are now showing tho nicest) lot of CUT Gr ii ASS to bo soon any where. Tho pr ico is LOW,| the quality tho BEST. ID Stationery we have all any one can wish. Hooks, Paper, Tab lets, Pens, Pencils, Blank books and Everything in that line. Our Ding Department is al ways our pride. Everything you need, wo supply. Prescription work a Specialty. Wileys Cundy, Always fresh. Bennottsville. Pharmacy. BEE'S LAXATIVE HONEY AND TAR CURES COUUHO AND COLDS ECZEMA AND PILE CURE FREFJ. Knowing what it wan to puffer, I will give PUER OF OAAHOI4 to any ?ilbo tod a positivo euro for Kezoma, Salt Hhoum Erysipelas, Pilon and .Skin DisonBOB. Ia Htant roliof. Don't duffer longor, writo P. W. WILLIAMS, 400 Manhattan Avenuo, N Yovk. Knclono Blain p. [Hopt 20, 06 Prepared for tho Work. Mr. S. J. Pearson, tho Jowolor, has now one of the latest improvements for engraving your name or initials t>n any articlo of gold or silvor or plato in tho most up-to dato mannor. Tho samples of work already dono by him aro just fine. Call and see him. It te A wen known iaot tb At .opttm, i or Any other orop, produced with Vlr JFni^CirSllnA jftrtilWa will brio* tho faighoat posslblo price on tho mAr kot. Mako healthy, ?ttong wcll-?o volopod. curly cotton, with full grown bolls on tho fruit limbs at tho baso as well ?a all tho way UP to tho very top and tip ends of the branohoB of tho I cotton plants, by liberally using Virginia-Carolina Fertilizers. Thoy contain all tho matorlols nocoj ?ry to supply to your land tho olo mont? whioh havo hoon takon from lt by repcatod cultivation year altor yoar. .?hoso fortllirorfl will proatly "IOOKNUNI your yields por aero.1* Aooopt no SUD atltuto ?rou? your dealer. Vlrglala-Carollaa Chemical Ce. Richmond, Va. Atlanta, Ga, Norfolk. Va. Savannah, Oa. Durham. N. C. Montgomoiry, Ala. CharlOBton, 8. O. Momphlo,JToun. Baltimore, Md. Bhrovoport, lia. WARNING N?TIGE. ALL por&ons aro warned nol to bunt, fi-h, or otherwise trospass on tho louds known as "Tho Bright Williamson Lands." near Cathua Ferry on Peo Deo Uiver. Tho law will be enforced against all who viola to ihi? nolico. JOHN lt. TOWNSEND. Prest Marlboro Hunting Club. December 28, 1906. _ professional daros. DiIlT? DENTIST. OKKICK Up Blaire in Crosland Building, Phone iso B3DNNJ3TTSVII* 1 'i- 8. O. M ILTON MCLAURIN, Attorney at Lau and Probate Judge Ofllco in Court House. E. C. MORRISON, - IIKAI.KII IN - Eloctrical and Plumbing Supplies. Electric Lamps a Spooialty. Manaf/ev City Elect ric PUmt. Phono 114, PcntictUvillo, B. 0. tS?" Report all troub'o with tho linos or streot lights to tho nbovo. Li SURETY" BONDS, El DELIT Y AND COURT, CON TRACT and FIDELITY BONDS. Thoro arc no better companies than these, represented by JNO. :S. MOORE Nov. 15, 1804. - .- - -L ..?:..! i...j.--. ASHCRAFTS Condition Powders A high-class remedy for horses and mules in poor condition and in need of a tonic. Builds solid muscle and fat ; cleanses the sys tem, thereby producing a smooth, glossy coat of hair. Packed io doses. 25c. box. Sold by Smith Newton, BcnuottfivHIo McOoll Drug Co., M0O0II. Seaboard Interchangeable Milage Better Than Ever. Tho Seaboard Air Lino inter changeable miloago tickets now on salo, will after July 15th also bo good over tho Central of Geor gia, Georgia Southern and Flor ida,Norfolk and Southern, Atlan tic and North Carolina and Vir ginia and Carolina Coast roads, live new additions, making a to tal of twenty-eight lines in all represe ntating noarly 20,000 milos. You do not have to delay your purchase, but Seaboard interchan geable mileage heretofore sold and r.ow on sale will be good over tho additional roads after J illy 15, regardless of dato purchased. Purchase your mileage tickets (rom the Seaboard Air Lino rail way. For Pu ri her information write W. L. BURROUGHS* T, P. A. Columbia, 8 C. 0LIO NOVELTY Manufacturing Worho Tllh? Business recently known as the CLIO NOVELTY MANUFCTU RINO 0O.1 will hereafter bo known as THF OLIO NOVELTY MANUFAC TURING WORKS, with F. H. IVEY sole owner and director, Tho latest improved wood workintr machines are being phoed for doing all kinds of Novelty work for builders uso at living prices. Jet 23, 1903. ? " 11? - -~LJ9 Heinz's Sweet Pickles Shrimps, Lobsters and Devil ed C ra bs a t \V. M. Ito w e' s lAi?y USE tho o o tn m o n, oheap YV M I Tar Roofing, whioh is always unsatiHlacltiry, WHEN you can got a reliable "Rock and' Glass-Coated" Rootling for less than coat of Shingles. Seo us or writo tor ?ampios ?fe prices. CLIO NOVELTY OO.