The Marlboro democrat. (Bennettsville, S.C.) 1882-1908, March 29, 1907, Image 3

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IHR MARI HOHO illili?! BY S. A* HltOWN & GO. Ojfllce on Marton Street Oppositt Masonic Mall, Friday March 29, 1907. Our Town Government. MAYOR-P. A. Hodges AI.DKKMKN-W.P. Breeden, Jr, 0. S ^ Uliaffin, A. G. Sinclair, E. Powers. CLERK SC TREASURER-Milton Mc? I.aurln. Office open daily, POMOE-W T Kelly, WM Atkiosou Marlboro County Officer a. SHERIFF-J. B. Oroon OLBBK OF CouaT-J. A. Drake J un UK OF PUOBATE--M. MoLaurin CORONEa-G A. McCall SUPBKVisoa-Frank Munnin?, dr. SUFI. KDUOATION-A L. Kisterllag TakAsuiiKn-N. B. Boxers Atiwi'ou-James I*. Campbell 8 KN fro a- Tho?. I. Rigor* UBPiiKSKsrATiVES-1>. D .MeColl, Jr. J J. Laue, J. I*. Gibson M. .iih....**-C- I). M'^lerllllE, ?nd 8. J. Melon!*, Bennott.-villo, lt Ls Mftauiiu, M ?Oeil Jubb A. Calhoun. (Min, W. J. Atkinson. Blonheim. J. MoB. Hurley, Nrightsvillo, W. W. Irby, Smithville. B????m,/ II ' j ..j. AiLLM-iLjj' " m. I. -?j Jtcnncttavillc Church Directory ?.?.j...??.'?..>......?.?..??.?..?..?...?....?.....>............?'. METHODIST-M. W. HOOK, P. C. Sunday school 4 00 p- m. Pronohiojr at 11.00 a. m. and 7.30 p.m. Prayormcot log Wednesday oveuing at 4.00 o'olook. Superintendent Sunday school, Phil. A. Hodges. BAPTIST-Rev. Chas A, Jones, Pastor. Sunday school at 10.00 ? Pronohine Sun day at 11.00 a. m., and 7.30 p. m. Prayer mocting Thursday oveuing at 8 o'olook. Superintendent of Sunday school, H W. Carroll. PRESBYTERIAN-Bunyan McLeod Ph. D., Pastor. Sorvicos every Sabbath (summer) U.a.m. and 8 30 p.m.; (winter) ll a. m. and 7.30 p. m. Prayer meeting Thursday 8 p. m. Soats freo. Strangers cordially invited. Sunday school evory duudsy 10 a. m. Superintendent, P. A. MoKollar. All paronts and ohildren made wcloomo at tho ?johool. h Directory, mit Appointments UNLAP, P, C. First Sunday-ll a.m , Pine Grovs 3 p. m., Smyrna. Booond Sunday, ll a. m. MeColl 3 p. ni? Beauty Spot f Third Sunday-ll a, m., Pine Grovo 3 p. m, Smyrna Fourth Sunday, ll a. m. MeColl 3 p. m. Beauty Spot \ (\l, Caird San J i v Fourth Sunday l'aruassun U ?. tu. Zion 3.30 p. m. Clio Circuit Appointments. BEV. P. H. 8HULER, P. C. Clio-Preaohing ovcry Suuday morning at ll o'olook. Up wort h League Sun day night at 8 o'clock. Sunday school at 10 a. m. W. A. Ilmuhnw, Supt Prayer meeting Monday night at 8. Beulah -Prcoohing ovcry Sunday aft at 4 o'olook. Sunday school at 3. R. M. Jackson, Supt North Marlboro Circuit. REV. J. L. MULLINIX, P. o. Firat Suuday, Oak Grove, 10.30 a m. Ploanant Hill 1,30 p m. ; New Hopo, 3,30 p. m. Second Sunday, Shiloh 11 a. m. Ebeneser 3 30 p, m. Third Sunday, New Hopo io 30 a. m. Ploanant lilli 1 30 p, m. Ouk Qrovo, 3 30 p, m. Fourth Sunday, Ebenezer 11 a ni. Shiloh, 3 30 p, m. i Briyhtsvilio Circuit. REV. P. B. INO lt All AM, P. M. Bethel first and third Sunduy at ll a. m. Boykio . . ' at 3.30 pm Boykin seoond and fourth at ll a. m. Antioch seoond and fourth at 3 30 p m. Directory of Bennettsville Lodges CONSOLIDATED Lonou No. 15, K. ot ar,, meets every aeoond and fourth Mon? day nights at 7.30 o'olook. O. W. Crosland, C. C. O. D. Kastorling, K. of ll. & 8. MARLBORO Lonou No. 88, mcots at Bonnettsvillo, Friday nvening, on or bo? foro eaoh full moon at 8 o'olook. J. F. Kinney, W. M. B. M. Pratt, Seorotary. County Masonic Directory. MARLBORO CIIAPTEB No. 30 H. A. M., moots at Bonncttsvillc on tho first Friday night aftor thc full moon of eaoh month. T. E. McCall, H. P. II, E. Stockton, Secretary. KUREKA LODOS NO. 43, A. F. M., meets at MoColl, eaoh Saturday after noon, boforo the full moon,at 4 o'olook. AURORA LODGE No. 33, A. F. M., meets at Clio, Saturday on or aller eaoh full moon at 3 o'olook, p. m. f D. McQucon, W: M. Ti A. Covington, Seorotary. BRUNS LODGE NO. 118 meets on Fri, day afternoon on or before each lull moon at Blenheim at 3 o'clock. J, E. Rogers, W. M. W. W. Bruce, Sec'y gg^g?-1 .'I1.1 11 . 1 UL. I._1!1J? Speoials at Mooro's. Canned Tripo 20c each or 2 foi 35 , Heinzs Picklo -fresh and good Fresh jelly-assortod-only 10 Armour's Sausago in tomati sauce only 10 conts. Heinze's White Wino Vinogai px piokUng, tlpMURSOITAZ. ' ' Mr. and Mys J. Jp. St?^?sr! \ I were here Wednesday. Mrs Dr. May loft yesterday to visit friends in Orangeburg. i..Col, and Mrs Knox Livingston are spending the week at Marion. I Miss Sallie Rowe loft yeeter day fbr Sumter to spend some time. James A. Drake, who has beon quite sick with grip, is back at his post in tho Clork's office. Mr. Robert Draughon, one of the cleverest drummers on the road, was hore Wednesday tak* lng orders. Mrs. J, C. Cooper of Sumter came over Tuesday and spont Wedecoday with her paronts Mr. and Mrs t?, A. Browu. Miss Janie McCall left Mon day to visit her sisters, Mrs Wm. Hoff myer and Mrs Theodore Kuker, in Florence. Mr. B. P. Dullard's baby which has boen very sick for several weeks was able to take a ride in his "go-cart" Sunday evening. Mr. TC. C, Ohavis, formerly of Smithville but now of Chester Meld was here Friday and called, Ile is pleased willi his new home. Mrs Minnie Salters, of Salters S. C., spent Tuesday night hore With her sister, Mrs Wm. Evans, on her way to visit her daughter Mrs Laura McCollum at Parnas sus. Rev. W. Smith Martin of Blen heim circuit has accepted an in vitation to conduct a Missionary Rally service for Rev, W. M. Harden at Bothleham church to morrow and Sunday. Mrs John Covington of Heb ron who went to Atlanta about 21 days ago with her daughter for treatment of "dog bite" came h imo Tuesday. It is hoped the little one will soon bo herself again, Dr. J. A. Ilaire, of upper Stnih vilie, now in his 8?l year wa., down Tuesday and called. Ho is ono of the old school "mediums" who can read the future. Ho predicts a big surprise for this country in a few days. MoOoll and Beauty Spot, Kev S. A. NottleB, editor of the Southorn Christian Advocate will preach at McColl next Sunday at ll a. m., and Beauty Spot 4 p. m. CARD OF THANKS. Mr. Editor-Please allow rae space to return grateful thanks to the many kind friends who rendered such need cd and appreciated bolp during thc long illness of our little babe. Wo shall ever remember thom. Respectfully B. F. Billiard, arch 27, 1907. enueltsville, S. C., Mar. 25, 1907. TOR DEMOCRAT t billow me space iu your valuable columns to say that Mr. Silas Easter* lin/? Elder of tho Second Presbyterian church in cberaw S. C., will leave on tho 27ih, of iust, for Cheator S. C., to represent that church in the Presby tery. Yours Respectfully, Mary Jane Easterling. - You will not droad tho sound of tho fire boll if you have an in surance policy on furniture, goods, store or residence with J. S. Moore. -New Ketch Mackerel in kits, also loose in barrels at W M Rowe's. THIS MAY INTEREST YOU No one is inunuse from kidney trouble, so just remember that Foley's Kidney Cure will will stop the irregularities and cure any case of kidney and bladder trou ble that is not beyond the reach of med icine. GRAND FATHER'S CLOCK. Mr. S. J Pearson, tho Jeweler and Optician, has a jonuino Grand fathers Clock, ono 100 years old on exhibition at his store. Thoso who have never seen ono should call and soe it. Foley's Honey and Tar cures the most obstinate coughs and expels the cold from thc system as it is mildly laxative. It is guaranteed. The genuine is in thc yellow package. Reid & Co. Chronlo Constipation Cured One who suiters from chronic constipa tion is in clanger of many serious ailments Orino Laxative Fruit .Syrup cures chronic constipation as it aids digestion and stim ulates the liver and bowels, restoring the natural action of these organs. Com mence taking it today and you will feel better at once. Orino laxative Fruit .Sy rup doo, not nauseate or give pain and is very pleasant to take. Refuse substitutes Reid & Co. AN ORDINANCE To Prevent Conveying Horses, Mules and Cows from one point to anotimr in Benucttsvillo, without having them secured so as not to run loose. Re it ordained by tho Mayor and Alder men ol'tho Town of Rennoltsvillo and by authority of tho suuic, Section 1. That on and after tho 15tb day of March 1007 no borso, mulo or cow ' of any kind shall bo allowed to bo OOH? 1 vcyed from point to another, or brought into or conveyed out of said Town without being fccurcd, fastened with bridle, hal ter or fastened in some way, vo as to pre vent from running looso. Scotion 2. That tho owner of any such horse? mulo p-r cow; or any person having samo in their possession or under their control as axent or servant or olhorwiso t violating this Ordinance, sholl bo fined not less than Ono Dollar nor moro than ono buudrcd dollars, or bo imprisoned or work on thc publio works of the Town . not less than 6 days nor more than thirty > days. Dono aud ratiticd m uounoil this 1st r day of Mardi, A. 1)., 1907. I P, A. Hon???, Mayor? TO WIT AND COUNTY NEWS. - QoO<i Friday. "Pul! tsooti to-day, - Bu oday i? Easter. - Musons meet to night. - Lookout for ruin, otc. - Tho boys aro getting out their fishing tackle. r- Don't forgot the Mass meet ing this afternoon. - Next Monday is salesday and "all fools" day. - See Notice of farm for sale in Robeson. ~- The Court of Common Pleas will con veno April 22 for two weeks. - Col. Livingston entertained tho Judge and members of the bar last Thursday night, royally. J. W. Allman, of Smithville was down Tuesday with favors, for which we return thanks. - Tho home without books aud newspapers is like u house without windows. M oro delightful spring weath er. - Don't forget to rogistor if you want, to vote in the T w i election next month. M rs Kidds Pin Money Pickle at W. M. Howe's |?jgr* Shredded wheat. Biscuits at W. M. Howe's. B3gT" Cabbage Planta at W. M. Rowe's D. M. Penis's Garden Seed at W. M. Rowe's. Every Farmer should have ono of those Donaldson Drills. See his ad. ?- Cracker Meal for frying Oysters. at W. M, Rowe's t&T Just received a nico Hue of Box Paper from 25c to QOoat Bennettsville. Book Storo, next to Dr. Faison's office Mason Bros., Props. - Try a package of Chase & Sanborn's Coffee, and if not the best you overused, don't pay for it-20, 25 and 35c. W. M. R?wo. (t>- Send your Kodak Films to tho Rccnnettsvillc Hook Store and have your pictures finished un-to-dato at reasonable prices. Eason Bros. Props. Soft Sholl Crabs. at W. M. Rowe's Best New Orleans Syrup at W. M. Rowe's t&~ Write or Phone Bennettsvillo Book Storo, Phone No. 228, when you need anything in Stationery, Books, Magaztnes, Kodaks and Films. Ea6on Bros., Props. Heinz' Baked Beans with to mato sauce, always fresh W. M. Rowe's. - Wiley's Candies always fresh at Bennettsville Pharma cy Darlington streot. SST1 lt its a Piano or Organ you want, seo Strauss & Co.. they will talk oasv payments with you. Heinzs Preserves- and apple Butter at Claude T. Moore's. "My, my I what a dandy suit : can you tell mo whore you got it?'' ' Yes, Mr. Mnxey Strauss took my measure, and he has never failed yet. 03*/" Fresh Mackrel at C. T. Moore's. 25?" 1 am now prepared to furnish home made Meal and Hominy. C. T. Mooro. Thc Charming Woman. is not necessary one of perfect form nnd features Many a plain womun who could never serve as un urlist's model, possesses those rare qualities that uti tho world admires: neatness, clear_ eyes, clean smooth sktu und that sprighili noss of step and action th u accompany good health. A physically weik woman is never attraotivc, not oven to herself. Electric Bitters restore wo uk women, give Htrong nerves, briidit eyes, smooth, volvcty skiu, bouutiful oom? plexion. Guurautcedat J. T. Douglas Druggist 50. CURES BLOOD, SKIN DISEASES, CANCER. GREATEST BLOOD PURIFIER FREE. If your blood ls impure, thin, diseased, hot or full of humors, ff you have blood poison, cancer, carbuncles, eating sores, scrofula, eczema, itching, risings ami bomps, scabby, pimply skin, bone pallis, catarrh, rheumatism, or any blood or skin disease, take Botanic Blood Hahn (B. B. B. ). Soon All sores heal, aches and pains stop and thc blood is made pure and rich. Druggist or by express $] per large bottle. Sample free by writing Blood Bahn Co., Atlanta, Ga. B. B. B. is especially advised for chronic, d?">ep-scatcd cases, as it cures after all else falls, TYNJBUVS DYSPEPSIA R?JMEUY, A Ouarantood Curo. If you Huffer from Dyspepsia or Indigos? tiou in any form, gun, botching, bitter tanto, offoiiHivo bad broatb, (lizzie apolla, sour ittomaohe, heart (lutter, nauBoa, gastritis, loot hing of food, paint) or dwelling in tho atomuoho, back or nido, deep floated kid? ney or livor trouble, chou they will diaap pear in a abort time aftor taking Tynor'a Dyapopala Homody, mudo oapeeially to our? Dyapop^ia, indigestion and all Btoinnuhe Troubles, even of tho Worst casos. Ty uer'? Dyapopala Kemcdy oxpnlla the gasses and ?wootons tho breath, lt cures Siok Heud aoho, (.'olio and Conatipation at once. Drug gists or by oxpronn 50 cents ?? bottle. Mon ey refunded if it fails to euro. Boimctta villo Pbnrmaoy and Marlboro Drug Co., of Bennottawillo, 8. C. Call ou or write either atoro. Giyo Him A Trial. Elsewhere will be found the card of Mr. George L. Dixon, ti first class Tinner from Rock\ Mount, who has come to om town to open up a Tinshoj). ID can do anything in tho Tin line Call and see him in roar W. L Pearson s Jewelry store., RELIGIOUS HOT RS. Ronde.*/ H?hnet hniir at (ha Mr, Mi. wi (ut. church ba? boon obauged to 4 p m, Tho hoar for ovcuiag services at (ho ohurohes is now 8 00 o'olook. Holiness 1'ray or mooting ovo ry Tues day night io tito upper room io thu Kirk vrooJ building at 7. 30. Everybody iovi? ted Prayer meeting nt the Baptist church every Thu md ny evonlng at 7 30. Prayor meeting at the Methodist church ovory Wodnoaday at 4.30 p. m. Prayer meotlng at Presbyterian ohurob Thursday evening at 7 30. Tho Epworth Looguo Prayor moating 1* bold ovory Wednesday evenlug In the Sunt'ay eoliool room of tho Methodist church at S O'clock, The pabilo Invited. Presbyterian Services Tho Presbyterial! congregation will bold their Sunday Behool and morning service next Sunday in tho hall adjoining tho Hotel Skye A ll tire invited. UNCLAIMED LETTERS. Tito following hitters remain uncalled for nt BeoiivUevilie PoatofHoe : MALE LIST. li A BrutiSO i, Elliot. Muck Puter r Smith, (e d..) G *tl?tuii|, E SIIIHOII .IO Sp II H. Ultu E Morriu, S G VV?lkit>4, J |> Wt b |?r, El ward Wat <MU, Ad lphiM Brillia .I?, It Giant, Hour) G dwiu. Belton Di tm ry, J hu LtOgOIS, M. Sapiro. FEMALE LIST Rob cea Sharers, Jessie Wats in, J King, Pol ic Turnor, M. E. Woods, Iv it? Wright, Reinhard Wagner, D> rn Wright, Carlie Chant, Dell. Brod dy, Bertha Reardon, Lilieway Rod gets. T. B. MCLAURIN, P M. I A Mngtiziiit) tor Dressmakers Every Indy who Sews should huvo a copy ol STYLE AND AMRRIOANT DUBS*, M AK KU on lor tnb'.e It is full ol' the Intest designs of gowns ?iud wraps und childrens drosses, with many sug gestions nud helps in making Indies and childrens garments, The literary 1 department is also carefully looked after and tho stories excellent? Subscription pt ice $1 a year. Send your name aud address for a sample copy to Stylo & American Dressmaker, 24 &2G Eist 21 st St. New York. - Nice fresh'eggs at W. M. Rowe. Don't Do It! In cleaning up your yards don't dump tho trash in the streets. There is an Ordinance forbidding it, and you may savo a fiuo by observing it. You should help I the Council to keep tho streets 1 clean. Improved Gottoi I have about 1000 Kings Improved Co especially grown jitid improved im planting seed to the highest stan dard of perfection. For curly maturing ?nd yield of lint cunuot bo excelled. No frost bitten eot tou seed in tho lot. Prico Go couts per bushel, f. o. b Youngsville, N. C. Sugar Loaf Cotton Farm. I. W. MlTOIIBWi, Owner. Dec. 6, 1906.:3m Found at the Book Store. A nico, lino of Bibles, Testaments, the late.-t Works of Fiction. Mattazines. Pic ture Frames. Blank Bunks. Wiro Card Back, nie?! Hoo of Tablets ruled and un ruled. Box Bapcr, ?nd anything in tho Stationery line- Orders taken for cngra ved Canis aud Binbos.?*ed Stationery. Rubber stamps and Stencils made ?ny style. Agents foi ?ny Magazine published Subscriptions taken for ney Magazine? or Periodicals, Orders taken for any inu-ic Write, phone or cull on Beunettsville Book Store. RASON BROS., Props., Phone 228. foimn?w^TAR aurea Ooldai Prevent* Pneumon?a . ?a? . Roy. Irl R. Hicks 1907 Almanac Rev Irl It Hioks hnn boen compelled by the popular demand to rcAumc tho pun liention of hia well ku >wn and popuUr Almanac for 1907. Thin pplomlid Al manac ?H now reudy. For Halo by new? dculorti, or Kent postpaid for 25 couts, by Wonn AND WORKS Ponnsnma COMTANY, 2201 LooiiNt Street, flt. Louis Mo , publish era of WORD AND WORKS, ono of tho best dollar monthly magasines in America. Ono Almanac goe? with cvory Mibficription. DOES YOU HOUSE LEAK? It so 1). L. DIXON will gi ve you a close estimate ou repairs, or if your roof is wornout and you wau't a NEW TIN KOOP paint ed and ready for the hard beat ing rain, you had bettor HOO him beforo the weath gets worse. My Tin Shop is now moved to 1). E. Odom's old stand. Remember Your Dead. Wo invito special attontion to tho advertisement of tho Bennottsvillo Ma -bio Works in this paper. Call and seo samples, or writo thom. Horses Do ?ct Sick. When a horses and mules are poor it is not always and indication that they do not get enough to eat. Many ani mals, just like human beings, have in digestion or thc system is all run down and a tonic is needed, lt ia not thc a. mount ol lootl eaten that makes muscle anti lat. More depends upon thc prop. ' cr digestion or assimilation ol the lood i than is commonly supposed. Nothing f has yet been discovered that will build .. up a horse or mule better than Ash crab's Condition Powders, the only remedy in its class sold under a guar anteo. Ask Mr. Smith Newton, Ben nettsville, tor lt' ' es, And McC< Ct ' j&dt?x "Yon Save Buffered From Bye aches For awhile you will approoiato tho Inimouso idiot' that como in un lliu wearing of proporly flited ?lasso?. All tho burning sousatious coaso And all tho aches and pains. And whero discomfort lonnorly was ia now abvoluto oyo oom (oct. This chungo oan bo bnught ubout tu a very ?hort (imo, indeed-and we ?re ready to undertake it at any timo you say. No ohargo tor anything but glasses. SAM J. PEARSON, JKWKLKR AND OP?IOIVN, We never ask you to pay in advance Tho mail ordor house says--sond us thc nionoy and wo will sond you tho goods. Wo sny--eliooso THEN pay, Wc offer you tho Opportunity of examining to hcuri ? contont aid thou pienso yourself about uoocpting or otherwise. Don't yoi think this u a far sider und m -to natural way to shop (hon lo pay in advance for something you huvo never even seen ? Wo (liink it is, and if you will /.ive us a chanco wc will demonstrate it to you SAM J. PEARSON, JKWKLKK & OPTICI N N: I'rtMtiral Pim mi a ci si, ?ind hcalrr in P??re jj^rngs ?uni l^aiciii J^ediciiir> f WE Z1LSU LIA RRY' j STANK A UI> M KOW ?X ES, i PAINTS, OILS, CHEMICALS, V RKUSHES of all kinds, TOILET and Fancy Article*, $ VA RNISH and STAIN8, PE RFUEMERY, SOAPS, % PREPARED PAINTS, BRUSHES, SPONGES, ? WINDOW GLASS, STATIONARY and SUPPLIES T LAMPS, SHADES, Etc. FINE CIGARS AND TOBACCO. ttar Prescriptions carefully co? upo tended at all liours and guaranteed to be of ike Purest Drugs and at reasonable prices. A full line Garden Seed & Onion Sets. Thunkful for pant patronage youra for a prosper?os now year. J. T, DOUGLAS, Jaunury 1. 1905. AT THE OX.? STAN? 1873 1907 ^1 IRE Bid BARGAINS. Ri BEFORE our annual "stook taking," wo ofter to the . [FTEEN BAYS, our entire m :i|;ock OJ I ? Skirts, and all the nter G-oods [ i m dr eau y Itedueed Prices. These Goods are all Late Arrivals, and up to date. Come and get prices. Now is your chance. Don't Delay your comiug ! WE are constantly receiving NEW PIANOS and ORGANS. Always have them on hand. Sold on easy terms. Several good Square PIANOS for sa'e Gheap. RESPECTFULLY I Strauss & Co. I Bennettsville, S. C., January 8, 1007. ^tiiii i wi lliwin *GB8mm??msBBMsm m& WE .i VV U Hil HIM i JJ JJ ill m m HM U 1 UU /?X >W X*V H*K XftH K*X *?K W NO USE TO WOURY, BUT COMR HIGHT ON TO CLAUDE MOORE'S ITT "STOTT -%r\r Drv G-oote, Clothing, Shoes, JSJ otions And Fancy Groceries. Wir Fresh Water Ground MRAi. and HOMINY n spocialty, Wo Keep a full liomin each Dopartmont and will lill your Wants in eaoh AT THE LOWEST PRICKS. When you como to Town call and soe mt. Phono orders in town dolivored FREE, and satisfaction guaranteed, Call and see us-Near Doughift1 Drug Store, BENN ETTb'VILLE & CH ER AW RAILROAD. Schedule lu Kffoot Sopt io, 1906. E?mJs??._lu? -DAILV Except Munday. 7 00 p m 7 SS P u? 9 SS P M 9 $o p ui 8 maui 6 io a in 9 45 a m 11 30 a ia i 45 p m 4 13 p ni 10 00 a in 4 30 p rn 11 50 p v 4 30 a ni H 55 a m 6 30 a in 7 20 a in 8 50 a ui 8 50 a in 5 20 p ui 4 SS 1? ni 8 36 p ui li 17 p ta 2 3$ a ni 6 30 a ui ll $0 a m 8 40 p ra 9 50 a in i 15 P ? 5 45 P ? Lcavo Arrivo ?ennottsvillo Kollook Ohorn vv Hninlnb Norfolk Hicliinond Washington Baltimoro Philadelphia New York Charlotte A t'a uta Columbia Havannah JaekHOnvillo Arrive 9 15 a ni 8 10 a in 8 06 a ni 6 10 a m 812 p m 1000 p ni 6 25 p m 5 07 p m 2 SS P m 12 25 p m 9 00 p m S 30 lt Ml 12 10 a m I.eavo 7 50 p m to 15 p m 9 3S P ?1 9 ?S P >?' 9 lo p m 8 48 a m I 30 p m to co a m 8 45 a m 6 39 a m 12 10 a ni S 00 p in 8 20 a m 0 4$ p m 1 1$ P m 9 00 a m Wy* Oottection is mado at Kollock, night aud morning, with both North I Sf id ! Al T;ino Trains. A, J, MATHESON, V, P. and Gen, Man. 1^" - TIEN YOUR LIFE DB IOINE YOU TAKE, curate. We give our eoti and tlie needs of our patr< Thereby protea ling them tage of a skilled Druggist SUNDAY ff Om BBNNETTYIL PHONS 43. ?. A JW" AU varieties TURN 2 s fk& Marloo: Both. One Year The New Idea Woman's Ma month of fashions, dressmaking, nccdl Each number is beautifully ill fashion plates, some in color. These two publications furnish household. BEE'S LAXATIVE HONEY AND TAR CURES COUGHS AND COLDS PIMP POTT HM l HIL. UU I ITADn/IQ i ttnmu un FOR SALE IN CHESTERFIELD COUNTY MIC I'eo Dec Realty Corporation Itavi . limited number of Kine Ou ...ti ii; 1er ^::le Clny lands that will nro ?o Ihu' Halo Colton por aero ar ONK .VI UU) PRICE of Marlboro lands. VVIMO I his linn and have thom locato lino ('oiion "va for you. Tho ?. 66 Realty Corpora?oii, .Line 27. 1900, Cbcraw, 8. C. R)iO^H0m^>TAR ?SOP? SI?? courin ?nd !*.?!. lunrfa FOR SALE I Parties in want of ftrst class] Lumber can get it from A. J. JONES, Oct 18. Blenheim, lt. F. D. 1. land Health REVIVO RESTORES vimm "Made a, Well Man! of Me." THE prod uer? line results In 30 dny*. It acta powerfully ami quickly. (Jures whoa others foll. S'ount; mon can regain their lost manhood, and old ?non may recover their youthful vigor by using H HOV IV?, lt quickly and quiotly re inoves NervousnoRs, Ix>st Vitality, Soaual Weakness such ns Lost Power, Falling; Memory, Wasting Discuses, and effects of self-abuse or uxeoss and indiscretion, which unfits one for study, business or mari hige. It not only eurea by stnrtlnr,' al tho sent of disoaso. hut ls a groat uorvo tonic mu? blood builder, trlripicm hack tho pink (flow to onie chocks ?nd re storing the lire ol' youth. It wards off ap proaching disoaso. Insist on having ItRVIVO, no other lt can bo carried In vost pocket. Hy mall, SL.00 por paokagc, or six for $5.00. Wo Klvo free advice omi counsel to all who wish lt, with guarantee* Circulars froo. Address ROYAL MEDICINE CO., Marine Dido., Chicage. lit For Bale in Bonnottsvillo by J, T. Douglas, Druggist. BENNETTSVILLE Marble Works. Orders fur MONUMENTS o? TOIMCBSTONE, promptly filled Call on me, u my placo of business ncai thc Atluniio Coa*t l ino and tho Sos board Air Bi.iu IV sonder Depots, 01 write mo. Bosigns ?nd l*i icot furnish cd on application. Phone No. 05. J W. MoKBYVBrS. January 26? 1900. NEW \ rv SHOP I have opened u nu up to date Tin Sliop i'1 tn0 vmr 0 L. Pearson'* Jewelry Store, whero nm now pre pared to 1)0 ALIJ KINDS 'UN HOOFING GUTTKItlNU ami SLATING on short notice. Protect your houses by \isitijj; Guners, etc. All new work guaran teed. You will (Ind my work done in I the best Htylo. Givo mo a Trial. Old Cook Stoves Hepuirod. YOURS TO ?BBVR G. L, DIXON. April 6, 1906. PENDS UPC 'HB Ml We fill Pre? ?riptioiiH re time to our DHUO STOK, ms. i and giving them the advan ALWAYS. !-S"9 to 11 A. M. LE PHA?(MA6Y, , MATTHEWS, Mgr, IP BB ED fresh. ? BBBB WM www ww 'ww ww VVVVV^^VVVyiRF i?yyin^ \ Bargain FOR OUR sif ubscribers The New Wea oman's Magazine AND io Democrat, for Only $135. gazine contains over 100 pages each IcworV and household helps, uitrated and c^.tnins nine full-page i reading for every member of the f?gr Read every page, Yes, read every line, For by this gauge It may pay tor time DRESb^i) LUMBER, Stove Wood an I ce. WE take pleasure in informing the publie that wo are now prep re * o Dress Lunib. r, till orders for RO? ?try stove wood, supply Ice in atty quantity, at the Bennettsville planing mill, near the Coast liino yard. Phono 166 and your orders will be promptly delivered to you, J. J. MlWNEBLYN. April 26, 1906. KILLT? COUCH ANO CURE THE LUNGS WITH s New Discovery ? c CONSUMPTION 0UGII3 and <0L0S Prlco EOc &S1.00 Froo Trjal. Surest and Quickest Curt? for all THROAT and XAJNG TROUB* ItSS, or MONEY BACK. WE STILL FEED THE HUNGRY! WHEN in town and you want ? good meal, remember we caa nerve yon. A good meal for 350. Rohtaurant north of the Market. FRESH OYSTERS in every atyle. D. J. BKAYBOY iii VJVJI u ihoroughbred :o. I*, nock. 13 for only 60 cents horne de livery-10 cts extra for packing and delivering to Express office. JASPER FLE1 CHER, MCCOLL, S. C. march 8. R. F. D. 2. THE NEW YORK WORLD Thrloe A Wook Edition. The Moat Widely Read Newspaper in Amerieu. Time has demonstrated that the Thrice 1?.Week World alanos alone in a class. .Uber papers have i tu i tuted its form but .10 \ its success. This ls because it tells it impartially, whether that news be po. litical or otherwise. It is in tact almost i daily at the price of a weekly. In addition to news, it publishes first class serial stories and othei leatures suited to the home and fireside. The Thrice a Week World's regular subscription price is only $1.00 per year ind this pays lor 156 papers. Wc oller this unequalled newspaper j.nd the Dem? ?ocrat together one year for Si.67. Thc Merits of Our Eye (liasses - AFFORD YOU - CLEAR VISION, EASY VISION, HAPPY VISION. He Seas best who Sees the con sequences. DON'T PUT IT OPP Come at Once and Have Us Fit Your Ey es for you. PUKE EXAMINATION ?v SAM J. PEARSON IOHO lightwood Posts For salo by ItannettwUta Mercantile Co. v