The Marlboro democrat. (Bennettsville, S.C.) 1882-1908, March 15, 1907, Image 4

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BY ?. A. ?BOWK A CO. Office on Marion Street Opposite Masonic Stull. Friday Maroh 16, 1907. Our Town Government. MAYOR -P. A. Hodges AI.OKRMKN- - W.P. Breeden, Jr, 0.8 $ Chaffin, A. G. Sinclair, E. Powers, CLERK & TREASURER- Milton Me Laurln. Office open dally. Po Lt OB-W T Kelly, WM Atkinson Marlboro, County Officer*. H II KUI iw.J. B. Green ?JLKrt?C or COURT-J. A. Drake .funuP. OF PROBAT?-M. MoLaurio CORONER-1?. A. McCall ?SUPERVISOR-Frank Manu.nv?, Jr. 8UPI. KDUOATION-A. L, E ?Sterling TasAftuuBR-N. B. Rogers Au? WOK-James P. Campboll 8*NATOR-Tho?. I. Rogers C .EPRRSKNTATIVKS-D. D. MoColl, Jr. J J. Lano, J. P. Gibson ??---V ,ft?..oib?.:??8-?. D. Kutterling, and i - > 8. J. Mclnuip, Bcnuottuville, T?' U. ??. MoLaurin, MoColl John A. Calhoun. Clio, W. J. AtkioHon, Blouhoim, J. MoB. Hurley, Brightsvillo, VV. W. Irby, Smithville. ft.i linn???.aBgaaMa?eeMaeeMM ^ Bennettsville Church Directory ?.I.....^...?..?..>.....?.|.............^?..H.".."...?.......?.?. METHODIST-M. W. HOOK. P. 0. Sunday school 4 ?0 p. m. Proaohing at 11.00 e. <n, and 7.30 p.m. Prayermcot iog WedooBday ovouing at 4.00 o'olook. Superintendent Sunday school, Phil? A. Hodges. BAPTIST-Rev. Chas A, Jones, Pastor. Bundey aohool at 10-00. Proaohing Sun day at 11.00 a. m., ami 7.30 p. in. Prayer meeting Thursday evening at 8 o'olook. Suporintcndont of Sunday Behool. H. W. Oarroll. PRESBYTERIAN-Bunyan McLeod Ph. D.i Pastor. Servicos evory Sabbath (summer) ll a.m. and 8 30p.m.; (winter) il a. m. and 7.30 p. m. Prayer meeting Thursday 8 p. m. Seats free. Strangers cordially invited. Sunday school every j Sunday IO a. m. Superintendent, P. A. ^ M?rvonWi All paronta and ohildron mado welcome at tho aohool. County Ohurch Directory. Bennettsville Circuit Appointments REV. A. T. DUNLAP, P. C. First Sunday-ll a.m , Pine Grove) 3 p. m., Smyrna. Suoond Sunday, ll a. m. MoColl 3 p. m, Beauty Spot I Third Sunday-ll a. m., Pino Grove j 3 p. m, Smyrna Fourth Sunday, ll a. m. MoColl 3 p. m. Beauty Spot filmthtfm Circuit AppoiHi?n?hts. Kikv. W. fi, in a ?i'y't? P. O. First tfuml-t?, ITebroQ ll a? tai litbeueaoi vi n. TO. Second Sunday, PuYjt^.ii.sus. ll > Zi.ii 1 p. ru Third Sunda;. Uebun ll A.m. itibonosor tt.3u p. ut, Fourth Sunday Parnassus ll a. m. Zion 3.30 p. ui. Clio Circuit Appointments. BEV. P. H. UHULER, P. C. Olio-Proaohing o\cry Sunday morning at ll o'clock. Epworth League Sun day night at 8 o'olook. Sunday eohool, at 10 a. m. W. A. Hinshaw, Supt Prayer mootiug Monday night at 8. Betlah -Preaching ovcry Sunday aft at 4,o'c!ook. Sunday school at 3. K. M. Jackpon, Supt. North Marlboro Circuit. KEV. J. L. MULLINIX, P. O, Plret Sunday, Oak Grove, 10.30 a m. Pleasant Hill 1.30 p ra. New Hopo, 3,30 p. m. Second Sunday, Shiloh 11 a. ta. Ebonoeor 3 30 p. m. Third Sunday, New Hope 10 30 a. m. Pleasant Hill 1 30 P. tn. Oak Grovo, 3 30 p. nj. Fourth Sunday, Ebeneser tia m. Shiloh, 3 30 p, m. ?y Briyht&vilio Circuit. BEV. P. B. INO a AH AM, P. M. Bethel first and third Sunday at ll a. m. Boykiu * * ' ' nt 3.30 pin Boykin scooud and fourth at ll a m. Antiooh second and fourth at 3 30 p m. rectory of Bennettsville Lodges CONSOLID?TKi> LODGE NO. 15, K. ot ?, meets every second und fourth Moo* day nights at 7.30 o'clock. C. W. Crosland, C. 0. O. D. Kastorimg, IC of II. U S. MARLBORO LODOK NO. 88, meets at Bennettsville, Friday evoning, on or be? fore each full moon at 8 o'olook. J. F. Kinney, W. M. R. M. Pratt, Secretary. County Masonic Directory. MARLBORO CHAPTER No. 30 lt. A. M., meets at Bonncttsville on tho fini Friday night after thc full moon of onoh month. T. E. McCall, II. P. H. E. Stockton, Secretary. EUREKA LODQI No. 43, A. F. M., Meets at McColl, oaoh Saturday after? Doon.beforo tho full moon,at 4 o'olook. AURORA LODOB NO. 33, A. F. M., meets at Clio, Saturday on or after each fun moon at 3 o'olook, p. ui. V " D. McQueen. W; M. T. A. Covi Secretary. BRUNS LODOE NO. 118 meets on Fri. day altcrnoon on or before each tull moon at Blenheim at 3 o'clock. J. E. Rogers, W. M. W. W. Bruce, Sec'y g! .'-'- '?..!_. J'i'jL'JJI 'i? Specials at Moore's. Canned Tripo 20c each or 2 for 35 , Heinzs 1'icklo-frosh and good. Frosh jolly-assorted-only 10. Armour's Sausago in tomato sanco only 10 oonts. Heinze's White Wino Vinegai or (nioklinp;. PERSONAL both quito sick with "grip.*"' ; Mr. B. F. Dullard's little bab* I? thoupbt to b<9 sorao bottes though still quite slok. Mr. J. F. Stewart and brother, now of Charlotte are hero for a few days on business. Treasurer J. H. Thomas ia now a ci ti wm of Benno tts ville. We extend a hearty welcome. Mr. James A. Haskow of Brightsvllle was down Satur day and called to swap news. Mr, M. E. McNair, of Maxton, spent Wednesday in our town with his sister Mrs J. T. Eason. Hr. Diok Easterling, of Colum bi?, is spending a few days here with his mother, Mrs. Sue Eas tarling. . Mr. W. Hi. Webstar of tho Bethel settion was down Satur day and called to m uko us feel good. Mr. Myer Mittle has returned from the Northern markets with a nice stock of uovelties for Easter. Miss Sadie Chapman of Col umbia is spending a few days with her grand parents Mr, and Mrs. S. A Browu. Mr. Robert Stubbs of McColl has accopted tho positiou of op porator in tho telephone oftico in Cheraw Dr. J. A. Faison loft Wednes day night for Charleston with M. L. Bennett who goes to the Hospital for troatraont. Mrs. T B Fraser and two little daughters. Ada and Lila, are ?ponding the week in Sumter with Mrs R. M. Edens. Mr, J. T. Donaldson of Drake was up Monday delivering one of his now machines for compost drilling. Everybody likes them. Rev. A. T. Dunlap passed I t'irough town Monday on his way to Columbia to attend the moot ing of the Woodmen of tho [World. Mr. J. C. McDuflie, who has been employed in tho talephono office at Choraw has resigned and returned to his home near ! Klonheim. Mrs Nellio Raybon now of! Robosou County and who has) been spending some time with friends in Hebron, returned to her homo on Tuesday. Mrs. Minnie Wilcox, of Mar ion, after a pleasant ' visit of th roo weeks to her parents Mr Mr. and Mrs. John S. Mooro who have been quite sick, retur ned to her homo in Marion Wed nesday. Mr J. B. Hurley, the new Mag I Iii? ?irnti v iii'1. ' rA.i (.owci .V\)s?i w; y u> * ... : . i rt l.r.S .Y.?U??,a? )? .}', WitU?foM Odom. ?j )} i ho Wit u d. j' for ?tfliiosa ut nd v\ Ul li-.- h hots too. : v ri - ut um ?itA* Be sure and get a copy of "The | ELDER BROTH EU" by Theo. L. Jervey. Wo have fourteen copien] ou luind and while they last we will |HO11 them for half price, which is] j 75 eta or by mail prepaid fur 90c. BENNETTS VILLE BOOK STORE. EASON BROS PBOPS. Phone 228. -New Ketch Mackerel in kits, also loose in barrels at W M Rowe's. - GRAND FATHER'S CLOCK. Mr. S. J Pearson, tho Jeweler and Ootician, has a jenuine Grand fathers Clock, one 100 years old ou exhibition at his store. Those who have never soon ono should call and see it. Foley'? Honey and Tar cures the most obstinate coughs and expels the cold (rom the system as it is mildly laxative. It is guaranteed. The genuine is in the yellow package, Heid & Co. Ohronlo Constipation Curod One who suffers from chronic constipa tion is in danger of many serious ailments Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup cures chronic constipation as it aids digestion and stim ulates tile liver and bowels, restoring the natural action of these organs. Com mence taking it today and ypu will feel ! better at once. Orino Laxative Fruit Sy rup does not nauseate or give pain and is very pleasant to take. Refuse substitutes I Reid & Co. NOTICE OF FINAL DISCHARGE. EftTATK ov I). W. ODOM. HAVINU filed in tho Probato Jadgo'a Of tine ot Marlboro county my final roturn I aa Administrator of tho Katato nf D.W. Odom, Notion ie hereby given that I will j apply to eeid Oourt on the 2iot day of Maton 1907, for a Final DiBoharge aa auch Administrator. D. D. MCCOLL, Fob. :??, 1907. Qualified Excoutor, AN ORDINANCE To Prevent Convoying Hones, Mulei and Cows from ono point to another 10 lienuottsvillc, without having them secured so as not to run loose. He it ordained by tho Mayor and Alder men of the Town ol Henncttsviilo and bj authority of tho saino, !'.rei ion 1. That on and after tho I .Ml day of March 1U0Y no horse, mulo oreo? of any kind shall bo allowod to be con? veyed from point to another, or brought into or oonvoyed out of said Town without being scoured, fastened with bridle, hal tor or fantonod in ?onie way, ?0 as to prc vent hom running loovo. Section 2. That tho owner of any suoli horso, mulo or cow; or any person having ?arno io their possosHion or undor thoii control as agont or servant or othorwisc violating this Ordinance ?hall ho fined not Isas than Ono Dollar nor moro than one hundred dollars, or bo iuiprisonod 01 work on tho publio works of the Towc not lesa than 5 days nor moro than thirtj dava. Dono and ratified in uounoil this U day of Marok. A. D., 1007. P, A. HODGES, Mayor, TOWN AND OOUNTY NEWS. ?' Tua ??yp uro lengthening ?- Boys thore is a law pro* > tooting robbins. - Big Oyster Supper at the Palace Cafe to-night. [ .- The farmers are rushing in spite of the rains. , - R. B. Bothea of Tatara sec tion has our thanks for favors. - Court convenes here next Monday with Judge Menlnger on the bench. - Don't forgot to register if you want to vote in |the Town election next month. Mrs Kidds Pin Money Pickle at W. M. Rowe's |2jgr* Shredded wheat Biscuits at W. M. Rowe's. 13f Cabbage Plants at W. M. Rowe's D. M, Ferris'a Garden Seed at W. M. Rowe's. Every Farmer should have ooe of these Donaldson Drills. See his ad. Cracker Mool for frying Oysters. at W. M, Rowe's 1ST" Just received u nice line of Pox Paper from 25c lo 50c at B-nnettsvil'e Book St'>ro, iw-xi to Dr. Fallon's office lOtiflou Bros., Props - Try a package of Chase & Sanborn's Coffee, and if not the best you ever used, don't pay for it-20, 25 and ?P?o. W. M. Rowe. ?jr Bond your Kodak Films to the Rcennettsville Hook Store ami have your pictures finished up-to-date at reasonable prices. Eason Bros. Props. Soft Sholl Crabs, at W. M. Rowe's Best New Orleans Syrup at VV. M. Rowe's e^v* Write or Phone Beunottsville Book Store. Phono No. 228, when you need anything in Stationery, Books, Magazines, Kodaks nod Films. Eason Bros , Props. Heinz' Baked Beans with to mato sauce, always fresh W. M. Rowe's. - Wiley's Candios always fresh at Bennettsville Pharma cy Darlington street. t3BT lt its a Piano or Organ you want, see Strauss & Co., they will talk oasv payments with you. Heinzs Preserves and apple Butter at Claude T. Moore's. '.My, my ! what a dandy suit : eau you tell me whero you got it ?'' "Yes. Mr. Mazey Strauss took my measure, aud he has never failed yet. tS?" Frosh Mackrel at C. T. Moore's. ; fc&f*' I tm now prepared tri I (o! f)ish I ob <. IK it '? M< .*! bUid I Ii?.miit\\ Q i Moot j*, t-iv-vt. r ..-..ra >f/,<.>-iw}tt.| JL ?til w..*.vy io j j...j...,, cixcu MOOD expires. Tho books finally closes to day after which date all deli? quonta may have to settle with tho Sheriff. The Charming Woman. is not necessary ono of perfect form and features Many a plain woman who could never serve as an artist's model, poscossea those rare qualities that all the world admire?;; neatness, clear^ eyes, clean smooth hkin and that sprightli Bea's of Step and action that accompany good health. A. physically weak woman is never attniotivc, not even lo herself. Electric Bitters restore weak women, give strong nerves, bright oyos, smooth, velvety ukin, beautiful oom" plexion. Guaranteed at J. T. Douglas Druggist 50. PINE SALVE ACTSLIKE A POULTICE CURE? ALL FORMS OF SKIN DISEASE - You will not dread tho sound of the Uro bell if you have an in surance policy on furniture, goods, store or residence with J. S. Moore. CURES BLOOD, SKIN DISEASES, CANCER, GREATEST BLOOD PURIFIER PREE, If your blood is impure, thin, diseased, bot. or full ot humors, If you have blood poison, cancer, carbuncles, eating .sores, scrofula, eczema, ?telling, risings and Ixmips, scabby, pimply skin, bone pains, catarrh, rheumatism, or any blood or skin disease, take Botanic Blood Hahn (H. B. B, ). .Soon All sores beal, aches and pains stop and tho blood is made pure and rici?. Druggist or by express ?l per large bottle. Sample free by writing Blood Balm Co,, Atlanta, Ga. B. B, B. js especially advised for chronic, d.U'p-seated cases, as it cures after ali else fails. VYNBR'0 DYSPEPSIA RKMBDY, A (Jure. If you Buffer from DvHpepuia or Indigos* lion in tiny form, ?un, belching, bittir tattc, offennivo bad breath, riiszie spell?, tour etumaobe, heurt flatter, names, ^untritin, loathing of food, paint or swelling in the etomaobo, bauk or aido, deep aeated kid ney or liver trouble, thoa they will dixttp pear in a short timo after taking Tynpr'a Dyspepsia Remedy, mado OBpoclally to ourc Dyspopain, indigcBtion and all Htornaohc Troubles, even of tho Wor?t oases, Tyner'a Dyapopala Hoinody expel?a tho gaosics and sweotenB the breath It eurea Siok Head ' scfcp, Collo and Constipation at Drug gisto or by c>pr0*B ?o ponts a bottle. Mon ( ey refunded if it fuila to euro. Bonnptts? ville Pharmaoy and Marlboro Drug Co., of Bennottawllle, S. 0. Call on or write either store. t*r 9hU4rmu? Mfa, eur?. Jim mm?a?'?? \ GiyoHim A Trial, 1 Elsewhere will be found tho I card of Mr. George h. Dixon, a . first, class Tinner from Rocky i Mount, who baa come to our ' town to open up a Tinshop. He j pan do anything ju the Till Une Call and seo him in rear W. h Pearson s Jewelry store. \HELIQIOUS NOTES. Huii?n/ ?Vno? hoar nc tao mou. ohuioh bas been changed to 4 p tn. Tho hoer for evening services at th< churches hi now 8 00 o'clock. Holinosn Frayer mooting every Tues day night in the upper roora io the Kirk wood building vt 7. 30. Kverybody inv? tod Prayer meeting at the Baptist otmi overy Thursday oToning at 7 30. Prayer meeting at the Mothodiut ot ?J? fi every Wedaeaday at 4.30 p. m. Prayer meeting at Presbyterian olmrcb Thnraday evening at 7 30. The Epworth Loaguo Prayer mo ls bold evory Wodnoeday evening in the Sunday eobool room of the Moth I ohureh at 8 o'olook. Tho publio inviti Presbyterian Services Tho Presbyterian congrega OJ will hold their Sunday soliool morning service noxt Sunday in tho hall adjoining the Hotel Skye ore invited. CUPID'S WORK On Mondav, March I, 1907, at tho Baptist Parsonage, tho Kev. Dr. Shuck united in murringo v B M. Moni.-! und Miss Ida Laurin, buth of ?eiinettsviii?-. Thc young couple departed wi'!, happy hearts, with their it turned to thu bright luturo bot thom.-Cheraw Chronicle Mar? 7th. DEATHS' DOINGS Died at thc hom? of his son il Pulstou iu lower Hebron on Sun.'", night March 3d 1907, after a 1 lg i 11 in aa Mr Charles lMatou in ' 74 h year. Ile leaven Qvo sous ono daughter Ho WHS laid to res .. tho Quick graveyard on Mom i ] uftornoon nt 3 o'clock, the serv beiug conducted by the past?ur of hu j Clio Baptist church <>f which church j ho was H member for youie. A Mngnzine for Dressmakers Kvery ludy who ?"ivs should I)uv copy ol STYLE AND ?MBKIOAM Du MAKUK on her table lt is lull of latest designs of gowns and wr , and childrens drosses, with many s gestions and helps iu milking hu i und childrens garments. Thc liter; department is also carefully lool after and tho stories excellent Subscription p-ice $1 n year. Se id your name nud addi ess for a sam] copy to S:yle & American Drcssmnkor. j 24* 20 East 21 st St. i , New York. - Nico fresh eggs at VV. M. Rowe. Don't Do Itl In cleaning up your yards dou r. ! dump the trash in the Street? , Theresia un Ordinance forbiddi. | >f .?.<(' you rn *v 1111 observing v \'<u eh on id h< tin. n,,?w.. ;? ii\ .,. . ? : , .?..,.,., 1 '.ed. I have about 1000 bushels of Kings Improved Cotton Seed,] especially grown und improved for planting seed to the highest stan-] dnrd of perfection. For curly maturing and yield of lint cannot bo excelled. No frost bitten cot ton seed in tho lot. Price f?o cents per bushel, f. o. b Youngsville, N. C. Sugar Loaf Cotton Farm. I, W. MITCHELL, Owner. Deo. 6, ioo6.;3m Found at the Book Store. A nico linc of Bibles, Testaments, ike latest Woiks of Findon, Magazines, Pic ture Frames. B'mik Books, Wire Curd Huck, nice lino of Table's ruled und un ruled. Box Rip r. and anything ?a the Stationary line- Ordern taken for cngra ved Card* nod Bm bossed Stationery. Kuhber stumps and Stenoils niudo any style. Agents foi any Mugueinn publ'itdied Subscriptions taken for ney Magazines or I Periodicals, Orders taken for any music Write, phono or call on Hennett.sville Hook Store IC ASO N BROS., Props., Phono 228. -?4B?* - Rey. Irl R. Hicks 1907 Almanac Kw Irl It IliukH han been ounpoll-d by the popular demand to renuinn tho pub liootion of IUH well known and popular ] Almnnno for 1007. Thia aplendid At. macao ia now ready. For milo by nowa (lenient, or Hen t pout paid for 25 oenta, by Wolli) AND WOltKR PUIILIBHINO OOM FANT, 3201 Loouut Stroot, 8t. Lous Mo., publish era of Won? AN? Wo lt KS. ono of tho beat dollar monthly magusiuea iu America. Ode gocn with evory 1 nb ci ?pt.inn. DOES YOU HOUSE LEAK? It so D. L. DIXON will gi ve you a close est?malo on repairs, or it your roof is wornout and you wan't ii NEW TIN HOOF paint ed and ready for tho hard beat ing rain, you had bettor see him bofore the west!) get? worse. My Tin Shop is now moved to I). K. Odom'B old stand. llonicmbor Your Dead. Wc invite special attention to thc ?dvertisomont nf tho Honnottsvi?e Marble Works in this paper. Call and (joe samples, or writo them. Horses Do GJet SicH. When a horses and mules are poor it is not always and iudictitiou that they do not get enough to eat. Many ani mals, inst like Ipi rn an beings, have In digestion or thc system ts all rpo. down and a tonic is needed, lt is not the a. mount ol lood eaten that makes muscle nip) int. More depends upop thc prop er digestion or assimilation oi the tooti than is Commonly supposed. Nothing has yet been discovered that will build up a horse or mule better than Ash crait's Condition Powders, the only remedy in its class sold under a guar* antee. Ask Mr. Smith Newton. liens nettsville, tor lt-thc kind put up in <!<>> ' es. And McCc" Ti CV ??-^>n ?' <3r * JLStm TToia. BCave suffered From Bye* aches ! For t^r?i?j you will appreciate clio iuiiiionso loliof (bal como fruin (ho J wearing ol properly fitted glusaoe. I . ' AH (ho burning sensations coaso And ali tho aches and pains. And where discomfort lormorly was ts now fcbvoluto oye comfort. uangft can bo brought about io a very s'iort timo, indeed-and we are ready to under lako it ot any time yoo wy. N.i ouarge for anything but glasses. SAM J. PEAKSON, JBWKLKR ANU OPXIOMN. you to pay in ftd^anoe Tho uinil ordor houso says-send us tho monoy and wo will send you tho goods. Wo say--ohooso TUEN pay. ^? Wo offer you I ho opportunity of examining to houri'* content and thou please yourself about accepting or otherwise. Don't yo i think this is a far Miler und m uo natural way to shop thou lo pay in advanoe for something you havo never ovon scon? Wc think it is, and if you will vivo us a chanco wc will demonstrate it to you. SAM J. PEARSON, JBWELKR & OPTICIANS Practical Pharmacist mid Dealer in i B?nigs ? ti d goalen I f^jedicines. WE 71 LSG CARRY j S '. < V DA li f> M EDWIN VtS, j PAIN IS Ol LS. 71 . . 'CALS, j Bit US HISS of all ki nils, 2 'Oft. ,. :\i? M i al Fancy A rt I rles, J V \ KNISH and STA I NS, VUMERY, SOAPS, % PREPARED PATNT8, sn ES, SPONGES, f WINDOW GLASS, ?ART and SUPP TA ES T LAMPS, SHADES, Etc. PINE CIGARS AND TOBACCO. _ Prescriptions carefully compounded at all hours o tul guaranteed to be of the Purest. Drugs and at reasonable prices. \\ ?ne Qarden Seed ?& Onion Sets. Thankfi for uuHt putronago yours for n prosperous now your. J. T, DOUGLAS. j905. AT THE OLD STAND 3 ft I m 1907 )RE our annual "stock taking." we offer to the nblio for the NEXT FIFTEEN DAYS, our entire ot M Clo t? vin*;:, bid aira Skirts, aixcl ali tho i Hea,vy Winter Cr?ocU: I At Greatly Reduced Prices. These Goods are all Late Arrivals, and up to date. Come and get prices. Now ia your chance. Don't Delay your coming ! WE are constantly receiving NEW PIANOS and ORGANS. Always havo them on hand. Sold on easy terms. Several good Square PIANOS for sa'e Cheap. RESPECTFULLY I Strauss & Co. Benneltsvillo, 8. C., January 8, 1907. WE HANDLE BARGAINS TOO. ' >$< >$< >\<>\y X< >*< >*< NO USE TO WORRY, BUT COMK HIGHT ON TO CLAUDE MOOEE'S Dr,r Goods, Clothing, Shoes, JSI otxons *. And Fancy Groceries. Fresh Water Ground Nf RA I. and HOMINY a specialty. Wo Keep a full lino in each Department and will f?? 1 your Wants in each AT THE liGWBST PRICES, Whon you como to Town call and mw u< Phono orders in town delivered FREE, and satisfaction guaranteed. Call and see us-Near Douglas' Drug Store, BENNEJTb'VILLE & OH ER AW RAILROAD. Hohedulo in Kffoot Bopt lo, 1906. - DAILY - Except Sunday, IIKAO DOWN. No. j, No. i. UK AD Ul? STATIONS. No 2. No. 4. 7 00 p tn 7 ss y. .? 9 SS P .? 9 50 p m 8 io s tn 6 10 a ni 94J?w it 30 a m i 45 p m 4 ?3 P M for/?? m 4 30 P ?> II $0 pra 4 30 a tn 8 (,S k n 6 30 a rn 7 30 a rn 8 59 a ri) 8 so ? ra 5 20 p ra 4 SS P n? 8 3P P ra H |7 p ra 2 35 a ra il 30 a ra ll jo * m M 40 p ra ? 50 a ra i ta p m 5 4? P w> Leavo Arrivo ?onnottsvlllo I?olloek Ohonuv Ilainlnt Norfolk Richmond Wnfjldivit-'U Mrdtiaittrn Philadelphia Now York Charlotta At'anta Columbia Savannah JnekHOiivillo Arrive 9 IS a ra 8 io a ra 8 06 n ra 6 10 a ra 8 u p rn I P. po p m (? 25 p m 5 07 P ra 3 $S P ?n 12 25 p m 9 00 p m 5 3? " 01 12 io rt m Loavo 7 50 p m 10 15 p ni 9 35 P ra 9 ?S P ra 9 10 p tn 8 48 a I 30 p in 10 00 a in 8 45 a 6 39 0 1210a ra 500pm 8 20 a in 6 45 p m I <S P WI 9 OA II m MJP Conflation is made at Kol look, night anti morning, with both North ana Southbound Seaboard Air Lino Trains. H EBON, V. P. and f?en. Man.' 1 AooilRAO HEN YOUR LIFE DE IOINB YOU TAKE, curate. We give our entl [BS and the needs of our patr< Thereby protecting then tage of a skilled Druggist SUNDAY HO Uh BENNETTYIL PHONS 43. ?, ? nmr AU varieties TURN Both, One Year The New Idea Woman's Ma month of fashions, dressmaking, need Each number is beautifully Ul fashion plates, some in color. These two publications furniJi household. BEE'S LAXATIVE HONEY AND TAR CURES COUGHS AND COLDS FINE COTTON FARMS FOR SALE IN CHESTERFIELD COUNTY. : 'UK Poo Doo ltcnlty Corporation hsv> *? i limited number of Fino Cn tr 17 in 'or snlo Clay lands ttint will ??. .Uno Halo COIIOD per ocro ni ONE IMIHD PHIOK of Marlboro lauds. Wi ?io iliis Grui and huvc thom looato li,..- Cotton 'rn for you. The ?. ce Realty Corporation, .1 ?.ne 27*1906. Chcraw. S. C. nutr?s<? i'?-i w k;v> *$$IK t\ *?<t hkiftil >j SnWifitfi Parties in want of first class] Lumber can get it from A. J. JONES, Oct 18. Blenheim, lt. P. D. 1. land Health REVIVO RESTORES Wimm "Mada ai Well Han! REVIVO n^3MOBDIX3'S* produce? fluo results tu SUI day?. It acta Powerfully nnd quickly, Cures when others foll, omi:: mon cnn regain tholr lost ninnhood. and old mon may recover their youthful vigor by using IlliVIVO. lt quickly and quietly ro niovcs Nervousness, Lost Vitality, Seiusl Weaknesssuch ns Lost Powor, l'\iUlur; I'?CIMUI V, Wasting Dlsoasoa, aud effects of solf-abuso or excess and indiscretion, which umita ono tor study, bustnosu or marring?. It not only cures hy starting nt tho sent of disease, hut ta a great nerve tonic anti Mood lui Utter? bringing back tho pink glow to pate cltoeka and ro siorlng tho Uro ol" youth. It warda oft ap proaching disonso, Insist on having HKVIVO, no other lt ona bo onriicd In vost pocket. By mult, $1.00 lier paokago, or six for Q5.O0. We ptve freo ndvlco and counsel to ntl who wish it, with uuuraiKoo. Circulars freo. Address ROYAL MEDICINE CO., Marino Bldg.. Chicago. UL For salo in Bonnottsvillo by J. T. Douglas, Piugulst* BENNETTS VILLE Marble Works. Oidora fur MONUMENTS or TOIV1?13TOWK promptly filled (Jail on mo, at my place ol business neat j thc Allan io Coast hine and tho Soa? board Ail Li .io Pattons or Depots, oi writo me, Imsigna und Pri?es furnish od on ft nnli out I ea. Vhone No- V5. J W. McKLWKK. January 25, lOOfi. NEW \ rv SHOP I ba ve oponed u HU up to date Tin Shop i? tho retiro W. L. Pearson's Jewelry Store, where am now pre pared to DO ALL KI NOP. UN ROOFING GUTTERING mid ?LATINO on short notice. Prelect your houses by using Gnttors, etc All new work guaran iced. You will find my work done in the best style. Give me a Trial. Old Cook Stoves Repaired. YOURS TO SKRV?. o. |?; D? ! April 5, 11)0(1. rpUNTS \ ,Vi:u\\>, \.)V< .'HE We All Pre?, iriptions re time to our DRUO STOUK i and giving them the ad van ALWAYS, IS 9 to 11 A. M. LB PHA^MASY, . MATTHEWS) Mgr IP SEED fresh. \ Bargain FOR OUR uhscribers The New Idea oman's Magazine AND ro Democrat, for Only $1-35. gazine contains over 100 paget each rework and household help?, usu&ted and contains nine full-page i reading for every member of she t3gT" Read every page, Yes, read every line, For by this gauge It may pay tor time DRESbud LUMBER, Stove Wood an I ce? WE take pleasure in intermit.!/ the publio that we are now preprre\^ to Dress Lumber, fill orders for gor dry stove wood, supply Ice in any quantity, at tho Benncttsville planing; mill, uear tho Coast JLine yard. Pbone 166 and your orders will UM promptly delivered to you. ,Y. .1. MUNNt:iu,VN-V April 'JO, !t"'<\ WE STILL FEED THE HUNGRY! WHBH In towu and >?u want H good meal, remember ww CUD berve you. A good meal for 250. ItCRtaurant. north of the Market. FRESH OYSTERS in every stylo" D. J. BKAYBOY i?r*r*Q OF JCiVJvX? Thoroughbred! S. I?. ROCK. 13 for only 50 cents home de livery-10 ots extra for packing and delivering to Express office. i JASPER FLE * CHER, MCCOLL, S. C* march 8. R. F. D. fe THE NEW YORK WORLD Thrtoe A Weok Edition. The Most Widely Hoad Newspaper in America. Time has demonstrated that the Thrice as Week World stands alone in a class. Other papers have imitated its torin box nu i ?ts success. Tilts is because it tell? it impartially, whether that news bc po? litical or otherwise. It is in tact almost! a daily at the price of a \veek\y. In addition tonew&, it publishes tirsC class serial atavies a ad otfr".r feature* suited to tho home and fireside, Thc Thrice a Week World's regular subscription price is only %\ 00 per year md this pays tor 156 pap?-.??. We otter this unequalled nowspaper and the Dem* ocrat together one year for Si.67. The Merits of Our Eye (.lasses - AFFOni) YOU - CLEAR VISION, EASY VISION, HAPPY VISION. He Seas best Vcho Roes the cori? sequences* DON'T PUT IT OFF Game at Once and Have Us FU Your Eyes for yon. FREE EXAMINATION BV BAM h P1IARS0N I00& Lightwood Posts Foy sale by MennettsvHIjo Mereant^Co