BENNETTS Y JLLE, S. C, HY H. A. UKO WN & CO. C?h'i) o.i Marion Street Opposite ?iasouie Hail, *.,'>..>.?.....'......>.....<..?.<.?."...<......".?.....? Friday July 20, 1906. Our Town Oorvernment. MA.Y.OR-P. A. Hodges ALDERMEN-WP. Breeden, Jr, C. 8 Chaflin, A. G. Sinclair, E. Powers. CLERK & TREASURER-Milton Mc< J.aux in. Ollicc open daily. POLICE-W T Kelly, WM Atkinson Marlboro County Officers. SHERIFF-J. B. Oroon Cr^EUK OF COURT-J. A. Drako J un OE OF PRORATE-M. MoLaurin CORONER-C. A. McCall SUPERVISOR-M. E. Coward SUPI. EDUCATION-W. L. Stanton TREASURER-J. H. Thomas AUDITOR-Chas. I, Shctrill. SKNATOU-Joshua II. Hudson, li B P u E s R N r AT i v E s-0.1). MoColl, Jr. AV. W. Bruce, J. P. Gibson M AGITATES-C. 1). Kastorling, T. L. Crosland, Bounettsville, II. h. MoLaurin, MoColl John A. Calhoun. Clio, W. J. Atkinson, Blonhoim, Ti P. Stubbs, Brightsvillo, ^W. W. Irby, Smithville. W?n ' i. .. JJ?-_ -LU-.JU. -e i"g .Bennettsville Church Directory METHODIST-T. B. MORRIS, P. C. Suuday sohool IO.m) a. m. Preaching at 11.00 a. m. and 8,30 p.m. Prayer moot ing Wednesday ovoning at 1.00 o'clock. Suporiutondcut Sunday school, Phil. A. Hedges. BAPTIST-llev.Clias A, Jones, Pastor Suuday school at 10.00. Preaching Sun day at 11.00 a.m., ami8.30p.m. Prayot mooting Thursday evening al S o'olock. Superintendent ol'Sunday sohool, II. AV. Carroll. PRESBYTERIAN-Bunyan McLeod Ph D., Pastor. Services every Sabbath (summer) ll a.m. and 8 .'JO p.m.; (winter) Il a. m. and 7.30 p. rn- Prayer mooting Thursday 8 n. m. Seats free. Strangers cordially invited. Sunday school every Sunday 10 a. m. Superintendent, P. A. MoKollar, AU parents and children made welcome at tho school. Bi'iacorAli-Rev. C. \V. Boyd, Rector, Proauhing ovory nooond und fourth Sunday At II a. m., and 7.30 p. m. Sunday Hohool at 9.30 a. m. Dr, J. A. Faison, ? uparintondont. ^ Oounty Ohurch Directory. Bonnettsville Circuit Appoinimc?its REV. A. T. DUNLAP, I?. C. First Sunday-ll a.m , PineGrOve 3 p. m., Smyrna. ?ooond Sunday, ll a. m. MoColl 3 p. rn, Beauty Spot Third Sunday-ll a, m., Pine Grove Pro?-n* iVortii ?liTjtJay, ; ; ... . . Me' .: p. i" p>ui,ty Si ?ci WUniwiw Circuit', /.; " /, '. \(in(?, jTirst S??uai?y, llot)ron it ?. Ebenezer 3?30 p. m. Sooond Suuday, Parnassus 11a.m. Zion 3.30 p. m. Third Sunday, Hebron ll a.m. Ebeneser 3.30 p. m. Fourth Sunday Parnassus ll a. m. Zion 3.30 p. m. Clio Circuit Appointments. REV. F. H. sinn,KU, P. c. Clio-Preaching e\cry Sunday morning at ll o'clock. Epworth League Sun day night tit 8 o'clock. Sunday school at 10 a. m. W. A. Ilinshaw, Supt Prayer meeting Monday night at S. Beulah -Prcaohing every Suuday aft at 4 o'olook. Sunday school at 3. K. M. Jackson, Supt, North Marlboro Circuit. REV. .1. L. M [JLLINIX, I*, c. First Hunduy, Oak i?rovo, 10.30 a m. Ploaftant Hill 1.30 ]) tn, Now Ifopo, 3,30 p. tn. Second Sunday, Shiloh n a, i??. ^ Ebenezer 3.30 p. ni. Third Sunday, New Hope 1030 a, m. Pleasant Hill 1 30 p. m. Oak Grove, 3 3d p, m. Fourth Sunday, EbunOBOr 11 a w. Shiloh, 3 30 p. m. ??lirec w. / 1_ {rectory of Bcnnettsvillc Lodges CONSOLIDATED LOHME NO. 15, K. ot P., moots every second and fourth Mon day nights at 7.30 o'clock. T. I. Hogors, C. 0. 0. I). Easlcrling, K. ol' lt. & S. MARIIRORO LODGE No. SS, moots at Bennettsvillo, friday evening, on or be fore each lull moon at S o'clock. J. 1?\ Kinney, W. M. 1). G. Pate, Secretary. Oounty Masonic Directory. MARLBORO CHAPTER NO. 30 lt. A. M., meets at Bennet tsvillc on tito Second Friday ol' each month. ('. S. Chaflin, ll. P. II, E. Stockton, Secretary. EUREKA LODGE No. 13, A. F. M., moots at MoColl, each Saturday after* ooon,before tito full moon,at -1 o'clock. AURORA Lonou No. 33, A. F. ?M., moots at Clio, Saturday on or after each ull moon at 3 o'olock, p. m. ^ . W. Quiek, W. M. A. Covington, Socr dary. BRUNS LODGE NO. II8 meets on Tri. lay aiternoon on or before each lull noon at Blenheim at 3 o'clock. J. E. Rogers, W. M. VV. W. Bruce, S<-c'y ?LI0 NOVELTY Manufacturing Works rH 10 Business recently known ns ?he CLIO NOVELTY M A NU PCT I' ll MG CO., will hereafter be known as TH1? CLIO NOV IO LT Y M ANUFAU CtUNG WORKS, with F. ll. IVEV ?le owner and director, Tho latost improved wood working ucliinow aro being placed (or doing all kinda of Novelty vork for builder;.' USO at ?vi u g pr i OOS. D*)t "23, 1003, PERSONAL Miss Clara Dullard ?is visiting friends in Sumter, Mr, Simeon Moore ?3 up again but looks feeble. Mr. D, K. McColl, went to Wilmington last Friday. Mr. Jamos Pratt of ColUJobia is visiting his sister Mrs. J. T. Carroll. Misses Julia Drake und Annio McCall have boon visiting friends at Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Douglas have boon visiting relatives in Marion county. Mrs Tracie McCollum of Sum tor is visiting hor parents Mr. and Mrs, Dr. Jordan. Miss Foddio Stewart of Max ton is visiting her sister Mrs S. O. Thompson. Mr. Joseph II. Hubbard, now of Tampa, Florida, is hore vlsi? ti ii - j aines wanting wood 2ft or stove can make it known to Tom Odom as he rides around - Wiley's Candies always fresh al Bennettsvillo Pharma cy Darlington street. lt its a Piano or Organ you want, set; Strauss & Co.. they will tulle easy payments with you. - if you wash to save on feed bills uso Cooked Horse Feed. avery form of diatrosaiag ailment known H H Piles origiimtoH ?niel nully. Tho ron! unuuo of thc troubla ?H in nido. MunZui ?H put up in collnpuiblu tubes with noazlo, HO tho medicine omi bo applied whoro it will do llio mont good, mid do it quickly If you uro HU d'or lng with piloH yon owo yourself the duty of trying Mangan, Sold hy Murllioro Drug Oo Heinzs Preserves and applo Butler at Claude T. Moore s. "My, my ! what a dandy suit : eau you tell me where you il '.' ' ' Yes, Mr. Mnxoy Strauss took HIV mensuro, and he has never tailed yet, : Fresh Mackrel at C. T. Moore's. i-*-':' I am now prepared to furnish home made Meal and I Hominy. C. T. Mooro. A hundred years ago tho hont phyaioinna I would tfivo YOU a mcdioluo for your heart without stopping to oonaidor what cftoct I it might have on tho livor. Kvon t'? thin good day oough and cold medicinas InvarU j nhly hind tho boivoln TII?K ?H wrong. Hoe'* Laxative Cough Syrup with (lonoy mid Tur iiots on tho bowel*-drivon om tho cold-oloar? Ibo hoad, rolievea ?ll oouglia, o'.cmiscH mid sLrongtliona thc mucouH mein. hrmiOH of thc thront nh ont, bingil nud brou, ohial tutos. Sold by Marlboro Drug Co. AUK YOU a Constitution agent ? Is theron good one at your I'ostoMioo? Hid beever HOIicit your subscription f If your field is not fully OCOUHKl), write today for an agency. Tho best proposition ever made to canvassers Live agon ts wanted all over Carolina. SulMOriptiona oasy to take, money in your pocket for every order. Write today. The Atlanta Constitution, Allanta, (.?a. _ You cnn BOO tho potion I'ino UIOH oleara out of thu kiibieyH mid bladder, A ningle noHO atbodtlmo ivlll Hhow you moro poison upon rising tho noxt morning thmi omi bo expelled from t)io system hi Any other way. Pine alon dinolvo tho impurities, lubr?calo the kidneyn, oloanso the hl'iddor, rcliovo pain and do Awny with t)i\ok ache npocdlly, ptoiiHimtly, pormanontly, Sold hy Marlboro Drug Oo, Spooials at Mooro'H, Can nod Tripe 20c each or 2 for 36 Heinzs Tickle-fresh and good? Fresh jelly assorted-only 10. Armour's Sausage in tomato sauce only 10 couts. Hoinzo's While Wino Vinegar fer pickling, RELIGIOUS NOTES. Rev E M. McK is-Mi-k lins A mooting in progresa nt Boy kin thia wcok. The protracted mooting nt Salem Baptist ohurch begin ? tho second Sun day in August, Rev. Chas A Jone? has noNlcri 31 Murnea to *Jio church roll ot tito Baptist church 8inco January. Kov. Mr. Hogors has a meeting in progress in tho now Baptist church at Bleuhuim, and is hoing assisted by IUv. Olm? A, Jones of Benncttsvillo Hapt'iBt church. Rev. Dr. McLeod of thc Presbyte rian church who has boen preaching n serios of Bornions to young mon-1st Thu young man in business; 2d, Tho young man in society, will complote this ?crien next Sunday night on The young mau in religion. Hov. Obits. A. J on et of tho Baptist church who has boon preaching a sc ries of sonnons to young men from the prominent characters in tho Biblo, preached Sunday night on tho "Fatal mistakes of Rohoboam," tho sott ot king Solomon. Thc hour for cvenitifir services at tho ohurohos is now 8.?50 o'olock. Tho hour for Sunday school ut tho Methodist church han boon changed from 4 p. ru. to 10 a. m., for tito summer. Prayer mooting at tho Bnutint church ovory Tim md ?y ovobing ut 8.00. Prayer at tho Mothodivt ohurch overy Wcdneadny nt '.l.'M p. m. Prayer mooting at Presbyterian church Thursday evening nt 8 00. Tho Epworth League Prayor mooting tn hold evoty Wetluemluy evening in tho Stim'ay Behool room of tl??) Methodist church nt 8 o'clock. Tho public invite tl. Fuller Keeps Them. llubbcr-tircd yell idea ure grow ing in popularity. They are nut only much more cnmlortahlo to ride in but closo observers, ns well na cai ringo repairers and manu facturera, say th?t by reducing tito jolting and jai 1 ing of tho run * ning-gear, rubber tire? prolong ibo lite of a vehicle. Hf??1" Frosh lot of new Ketch Mackerel at \V. M. Rowe's. - .? ^m- ? - - Giyo Him A Trial Elsewhere will be lound the curd of Mr. Georgi) L. Dixon, a iirsl class Tinner from Rocky Mount, who has como lo our town to open up n Tinshop* Ile cnn do anything in tho Tin line. Call ami see him in ruhr \Y. L, Pearson's Jewelry store - Georgia Cane ?Syrup ut W. M. l?o wu' a. In the Days of Old People Wore help 5 lo l luovtii uh tt ntl Luivo me easy without danger if you need glasses. Examina ti on free, prices low, services and goods strictly high grade, SAM ,1. PKAUSON Leading Jeweler & Optician. - Full line cakes and choice crackers at YV. M. Howe's PINE SALVE ACTS LIKE A POULTICE CURES ALL FORMS OF SKIN DISEASE ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. Mr. J. J. Munnerlyii, is now prepared to dress lumber on short notice nt bis Planing Mill near the Coast Line yards, and also lill your orders for stove wood. Ile bas also made arrangements lo keep a supply of ice and furnish yon in any quantity. Phono No. HUI. A Professional Nurse. We invite attention to the curd ol'Mr. C. D. M ilea of Lumbortoiij a professional nurse, who ollera bis Hcrvicea lo the people of Marl boro. Ile makes n specially ol Typ??id lever If you should need him write him at Lnihbeiion N. 0. Remember Your Dead. Wo invite special attention to thc .ulvertisomeot of the Bonuottsvillo Marble Works in this paper, t'all and yee samples, or write them. Chonp Read In?. Thc Democrat and McCall's excellent Lady's Book for $1.36 The Sunny South und ibo Demo crat for only $1.50 The Tri-Weekly Atlanta Consti tution and DICMOCUAT ono year for only $1)75. This is the cheap est rending ever oller cd, - - > - ? Tho old time method of purging thc Hyxtom with (JnrtharticH Unit tour, gripe grind nnil tirunk down tho walls of tho stomach und tntostinou ix superseded by Dade's Little Livor Pills, They cleanse tho liver, mid Instead of weakening, build np und Ktroutfthoii thc whole ty mm. Un Hove bcaduobe, biliouitnoss, constipation, etc. Sont by Marlboro Drug Co, Horses Do (Jet Sick, When a horses and mules ate poor it is not always and indication that they do not get enough to eat. Many MU mais, just like human beings, have in digestion or the system is all ruo down and a tonic is needed, lt is not the a mount ol lood eaten that makes muscle and fat, More depends upon, the prop er digestion or assimilation ol the lood than is commonly supposed. Nothing has yet been discovered that will build up a horse or mule better than Ash er.ill's Condition Powders, thc only remedy in its class sold under a guar antee. Ask Mr. Smith Newton, lien? lionsville, tor it the kind put up in dos es. And McColl ping (Jo., McColl, S P. "i OOO TONS -mm mn Ju: ? Received at Gi?ariest?n. Fine for '.^op-Dressing. G I? II toed An Alysia s 9 00 pr neut At rt i in, 9. pr (ont Potttth. 10 25 pr COI Acid, 8 per cont available Ht Worth $10 per ton F. o n Ulm ri Lon, ( h sight draft, against . hading WIP ,D UR ci.AI) TO flBhL YO?1 B 15, r/iOORE, Agt. mu ttsville, R I?' D., I ?Tun?? ii!y lUOiUSt .[PAIQN MEETINGS. ?xi ontivo Committon hiivo mad ; !1 .vi i r appointments for tho bouil Lin '.andidatflii In liio oanvans for con ' itor and cm ?ty util MIS; IJlei ?rn i ti lay Aug, 14 ' . Wodnesday 1 s, I .Iio, ri 'Osdiiy 16, T vin. ? li'i ?doy 17. . T?i ?y Aug ai. ' \ .i W i ?m ?liiy 22, limul 1 raday 23. "rid iy 24. Walei ??don 'oiliest'. rson who brings us ll ^ ; ternielon this sum n i ?Ive a your's sub st ' 1 ie DKMOOHAT free. S ibsorlption to th? o 1 tho next largest 11 .md records to end s . i otb. ? ED LETTERS. lottern romain uiioallod f< 0 Postiillicu : >n, Lillie 1* 1 lercton, lorgia McDaniel, Mist , J un io Bowie. LK I.IST. W D Wilson, H W. .\ ? . i iy Currey, Il W Fox, I ian. Janies F. White ? x Willa every page, id every line, lis gauge ay for lime r. ?turo Store. lition is nuked to tho H ol' thc new Kurni t ont ly opened by air ? Stock up-toiliitu II ht. Next door to 1 d wine. ii wer This One ? that every patient willi til . leweler &. Optician our Orders, ?veliy M Tg Works will ll for Fleming, Ceiling, ng & Weatherboarding, our House trimmings Hinds, < ?rills and Mun and cheaply. See thom 1 thc building line the\ honey. for the Kidneys iEATMENT FOR SI.OO* - ? ? - - - kache having backache, 5 or bladder trouble ike tv/o or three )on retiring at night ved before morning. \c medicinal virtues o? tho ide gums ami r?.iius ob . .ned irom the N.itivc Pino ?ized hy thc medical pro ies. In Pine-ulea wo otter i of tho Nativo Pine that lieving all Bia??d?r Troubles 'repirej by )IC!NE CO.. CHICAGO nlboro Drug Company, ni SmokorsSupplics in can he found at J. T* hi Stoic i Pile Cure IfcN OTHERS FAIL !) Thoroughbred . ROOB:. y 50 (M?lls home do s ext ia lor packing Hg lo Kxpress olliee. f?ll FLETCHER; 0 MOOOLL, S. C. ll, 1<\ 1). 2. REVIVO RESTORES VITAUT1 . "Made a 1 W 1 Well Man U 'J, K' i "1 flt ' **k' 1 I ,. . NtiftgIn80?lnym n U?IH ?Uly. Cure? wlirn othrrs (uti. ^ uin their lost manhood, mut 0 . er their youthful Vl?Of tty H ". 11 Quickly mu? quio Hy ro il . is, I.oxl Vlliility. Soxuul u ?st Power, Falling Memory, V I. lid offerts of KOlMlhllSO or OJ lion, which 1111 Mts ono (ei st iiarrinun. It not only euros hy ut of dlse.'iso, lull IH a irreal m i vi In un .. blood builder? In I lu; I UK hil t\V to pul* oliee?* mid ro? Kt< Ho ?1 onto, ll winds off ii|i l?r< : Kisten having lilt VIVO? ?'i' nilled lu veil poe lu: I. Hy mu ? " liilKO, or six for $6*00. Wi My ouiiHOI to all who ivlnh il, with IA mi rn ni . Irculni?f freu. Tdd rosa ' (?Ml Marine Bltlo., Chicago. Ill I i.. oltHville by J, t. DougUH, Druggist' Cooked Cow Feed -The greatest milk producer. Cooked Horse o'eed-The best and cheapest Horse Feed, ltry supplies. Hay, Corn, Oats, Shorts, Bran, Rioe Maa!. Corn Meal, Cotton Seed Meal, Hulls, Rock Salt tor stock. Stock Powders, Salt Brick, Worm Powders, &e. jfley~ When in town, Come and see rue. Free Delivery in Town. January 18, 1006 Gi W. HEARSEY, Manager. flt ?J v^^PAdbU ?I) PJ ?12/ ^=i/ \ZJ ^ii*<>i< >?i< >i<> -?.<>*< ' NO USE TO WOUR Y. BUT COM K HIGHT ON TO CLAUDE MOOItE'S I.F rou -V^^JLT^T'X* Di^r Groofs, Clothing, Shoes, JNotions *** And Fancy Groceries. It?y-Ercnli Wator Ground MEAL nnd HOMINY II specialty. We Keep ii lull lino ii? ouch Department ?ind will lill your Wants in each AT TUE LOW JOST PRICES. Wlion you como to Town cull und soo us. Phone ord ora in town delivered FR WE, and satisfaction gunrantoed, Call and see us.Near Douglas1 Drug SI ore, m sa i m =BS8U8 - I \H /ACCURACY ?CHINTS WHEN YOUR LIFE DEPENDS UPON THE MED ICINE YOU TAKE. We fill Prescriptions ac curate. We tflvo our entire time to our Dunc, STOUK and the needs of our patrons. Thereby protecting thom and giving Hiern the advan tage of a skilled Druggist ALWAYS. SUNDA v nouns 9 Lo 1 ! A, M. BBNNETTYILLE PHAl^MASY, PI?0NE 43. U. ?, MATTHEWS, Mgr, *?>". All varieties TU UN IP SEED fresh. The new Laxative that does not ?rip? Pleasant to take? Laxative Fruit Syn For otilo ?it B Bennettsville & Cheraw Rajlror d -NhiW ?Oi?KDDLl!/. KN EFFECT AWU. r>4 "v05? WEST BOUND FROM ?BNNKTT8VILLH TRAIN TBAI? I JV Konnottbvillo Lv Islay Lv M addi no Lv Everett's iiV Irby Lv Frosts iVrrivo Kollook No. 1. 7 Oft a in 7 15 n ui 7 HO n in 7 30 ii in 7 35 ii ni 7 40 a ni 7 46 a in No. 3. 7 00 p III 7 lop in 7 20 p in 7 36 p ni 7 40 p n? 7 4ft p n? 7 :>?:> p un Arrive Choraw jOM..!!.ni '?AST BOUND FROM OHKHAW. Lv Cheruw liv Kollock IJV Frosts IJV Irby lKNNKTT.SVnnaii?ikiiiiiwiiii III inman T rn' I WE STILL FKK I) THE HUNGRY! WilKN in town anil you want a tfood meal, remember wo eau Borve you. A good moni for 250. Restaurant north of tho Markot. FRESH OYSTERS in every stylo. 1). J. BRAY BOY MORE PROMPT SERVICE For the convenience of tny patrons, I haye had a Phone placed in my res id?neo where calls for my servico can be made and answered without delay. Persons who desire hurried service will please give name and phone number. Respectfully Allen Stoney, Carpet and Paper Man.. Bennettsville Phono 181. - Write Stanley's Business CollOffO, Macon Ga., lit once for Col loge. The Behool can not supply tho ?Ionia i ul for its grad* natos, tl ? 'j?m-ifc.vim?rj?gttTi w-A?OTO??jmwnr?.?xs.- Viua rr. murna ti 50 Y KARS' EXPERIENCE THAD:-: MARKS DESIGNS COFVRIQHT? &c. A II vf m n son ai UK' n Meet ch mid deportation muy quickly llSCOrllllll ?mr liplnloll free -vin MUT an Invention IM probably y itoiitttblo. ' "nniiunicu. non? RI rielly conltdonllal. i^NOGOOK I'ntouhi eojil freo, iiiiii'st nuonoy 1 .< nocurhut putouts. I'litontfl iiikuii ilirouuli Munn .v cu. rocotvi tytclal notttt, without oiiajKO, lu tho Scientific ninerican. A Juitlu of nny Holontlllo Journal. Torin ft, f3 a yotir i foiir inopOis, t l. Bold i>y nil h. . _- i. ? -. MUNN &Co.3C1t, o^>-Now York munch Olllro. ti at 8:05,(1, in, " No 50 At 0i2?l p. lu, Southbound ND 57 Ht 8:05 a. m. No 27 nt 10:flO p. m. Tho BoiniottsviHo and Cho'raw, Iv. lt., leaving Roniiettsvillo at 7.05 it. m., oonncet with No 60 nnd No 5"< " The afternoon hain leaving lit ti nettsvillo nt 7 p. in. jrives Penmitf ville people un opportunity lo biku ti nins No GO and No 27. Cures Stomach and Liver trouble and ?P Chronic Constipation. KNNKTTSVILLK PHARMACY^