The Marlboro democrat. (Bennettsville, S.C.) 1882-1908, June 22, 1906, Image 3

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BENNETTSYILLE, S, O, BY H. A. ?KO WK & CO. OJflee on Marlon Sh eet Opiiostte Masonic Hail, I.".".I'. .<..?....<..<<........?......,..".".".,,.,.,,.,,,, Friday Juno 22, 1906. Our Town Gorvemment, MAYOR-P. A. Hodges ALDERMEN-W.P. Breeden, Jr. C. S Chaffin, A. G. Sinclair, E. Powers. Ci.KKK & TREASURER-Milton Mc L&urin, Office open daily, POLICE-W T Kelly, WM Atkinson Marlboro County Officers. SHERIFF-J. B. Oroon Ci,KKK OF CLERK-J. A. Drako JUDOE OY PROBATE-M. MoLaurin I CORONER-G. A. McCall SUPERVISOR-M. E. Coward SUPT. WDUOATION-W. L. Stanton TREASURER-J. II. Thomas AUDITOR-Chas. I. Shorrill. SKNATOR-Joshua II. Hudson, RBPRESRNTATIVES-I). ?. McColl, Jr. W. W. Bruce, J. P. Gibson MAOISTATES-C. I). Eustorliug, T. L. Crosland. Bouncttsvillo, II. h. Mel ,:uuin, MoColl John A. Calhoun. Clio, W. J. Atkinson, Blenheim, T, P. Stubbs, BrightBvillo, W. W. Irby, Smithville liennettaville Church Directory METHODIST-T. E. MORRIS, P. C. Sunday sohool 10 CO a. m. Preaching at 11.00 a. m. and 8.3D p.m. Prayor meet ing Wednesday ovemng at LOU o'clock. Suporintondont Sunday school, Phil. A. Hodges, BAPTIST-Hov.(mas A. Jones, Pastor Sunday school at 10.00. Proaehing Sun day at 11.00 a.m., Prayer A meeting Thursday evening ai 8 o'eloek. Suporintondont ol'Sunday school, II. W. Carroll. : PRESBYTERIAN-Bunyan McLeod Ph V., Pustor. Sorvieos ovcry Sabbath (summer) ll a.m..and 8 30p.m.; (winter) ll a. m. nod 7.30 p. rn? Prayer meeting Thursday 8 p. m. Seats free. Strangers cordially iuvitcd. Sunday school every Sunday 10 a. m. Superintendent, P. A. McKcllar. All parents and children made welcome at tho school. EPISCOPAL-Rev. O. W. Boyd, Rector, Preaching cvory second and fourth Sunday at 11 a. m., and 7.30 p. m. Sunday sohool at 9.30 a. m. Dr. J. A. Faleon, auporiutoudont. County Church Directory. 4-' Bonnettsville Circuit Appointments REV. A. T. DUNLAP, P. C. First Sunday-ll a.m , Pine Grove 3 p. m., Smyrna. Second Sunday, 11a.m. McColl REV. W. S. MARTIN P. O. Fitst Sunday, Hebron 11 a. rn: Ebenezer 3>30 p. m. Seooud Sunday, Parnnssus 11 a. m. Zion 3.30 p. m. Third Sunday, Hcbrou ll a.m. Ebenezer 3.30 p. m. Fourth Sunday Parnassus ll a. m. Zion 3.30 p. m. Clio Circuit Appointments. REV. F. H. SHULER, P. C. Clio-Preaching every Sunday morning at ll o'clock. Epworth League Sun day night at 8 o'clock. Sunday school at 10 a. m. YY. A llinshaw, Supt Prayer meeting Monday night at H. Beulah -Preaching every Sunday nit nt 4 o'clock. Sunday school al 3 lt. M. Jackson, Supt, North Marlboro Circuit. REV. J. L. MULIJNIX, P. c. First Sunday, Oak Grove, 10.30 a m, Ploanant Hill 1.30 p in, Now Hope, 3, ]o p. m. Second Sunday, Shiloh 11 a. 111. Ebenezer 3 30 j), m. -, Third Sunday, Now Hope 1030 a. ni. ^ Pleasant Hill 1 30 p. in. Oak Grovo, 3 30 p. m. Fourth Sunday, Ebenezer II a in, Shiloh, 3 30 p. in. Directory of Bennettsville, Lodges CONSOLIDATED LODOE NO. 15, K. ol moots every second and fourth Mou day nights at 7.30 o'eloek. T. I. Hogers 0, 0. ?. I). Eastorling, IC of lt. & S. MARLRORO LODOE No. SS, meets ai Bonnettsvillo, Friday evening, on or be fore oaoh full moon at S o'clock. J. F. Kinney, W. M. D. C. Pate, Secretary. County Masonic Directory. MARLIIORO CHAPTER NO. 30 lt. A M., meets at Bonneitsville on thc sccom Friday of each month. C. S. Chaffin, II. P. II, E. Stockton, Secretary. EUREKA LODGE NO. 43, A. F. M. i moots at McColl, each Saturday after noon, before thc full moon,at 4 o'clock. AURORA LODGE No. 33, A. F. M meets ot Clio, Saturday on or after cac full moon at 3 o'olook, p. m. J. T. Stanton, W. M. P. A. Covington. Secrotary. BRUNS LODGE NO. H8 meets on Fri day alternoon on or before each lu moon at Blenheim at 3 o'clock. J E. Rogers, W. M. W. W. Bruce, Sec'y ? .?LIO NOVELTY Manufacturing Work nfl HE Business recently known as tl X CLIO NOVELTY" M ANUKCTl BING CO , will hereafter ho known ? THE CLIO NOVELTY MANUFA? TURING WORKS, with F. II. IVE Bole owner and direotor, The latest improved wood workin maahinos are being placed tor dninrr ? kindi of Novelty work for builders usc 1 living prices. >>t 23, 1903. PERSONAL Hon. J. L. MoLauriu has como homefor tv short while. Mrs. S. J. Melania is quito sick at her homo on Joni.?rigs St. Mr. J. C. Coopor of Sumtor spent Sunday in our town. Hon D. D. McColl. Jr. was at tlio Capital Saturday. Mr, Mosos Pearson spout Mon day in Columbia Mrs B C Morrison has returned from a visit to Florenco Mrs Sessions, of Ridgeway, is visiting hor daughter Mrs Grant. Mr. L? Li I voy and Master F L, of Clio, aro in Winston- Salom this woek Mrs J. L. Roper has returned from a pleasant visit to Lake Citv. Mr. S. A. Woods of Darling ton spent Friday in town on bus iness Miss Clara Kastorling, of Col umbia is hore spending some time with relatives. Mrs W. B, Adams and sister Miss Mattie Covington of New ton ville were visitors to Bennetts vi ?le Monday. Wo regret lo learn that Mr. Robert H. Humor of Beauty Spot section is quite sick. Ho is now in his 8-ith year. Mrs. J. C. Campbell of Blen heim attended the funeral of Rev. Dr J. A. Clifton at Sumter Sat urday morning. Mr. E. B Beyerly of Lester brought us a cotton bloom Mon day and J. U. Beverly sent us ono on Tuesday Master Hen ry T. Bouchier ol tho State University came home Monday night. Henry is mak ing (ino g regress. Mrs S. M. Breeden and child roh, Vorn and Hugh, of lion notts ville, aro visiting relatives and friends at Chesterfield. Ci Mr. Bon Jones had a tough ex perience bringing a colored woman lo jail Saturday after noon that was crassy right. Mr. M. D. Morrison of Red Bluff was up monday and called. He thinks tho rain Sunday night was tho heaviest of tho season. Mr. .lames S. Liles of Brights ville was down Saturday and called. Ile says tho corn ero)) has been hurt by the wind and rains and land washed badly. Mr. K. L. Kirkwood has pur chased from Mr. J. A, Drake tho lots next to and south of his cor ner store on Broad Street and will soon erect two handsome stores, Mrs. B. D. McLeod, of Bcn nettsville, and Mrs W. C. Brew er, of Wake Forost "N r* n>?o Thc Presbyterian congregation will hold their Sunday Behool and morning service next Sunday in thc hall adjoining tho Hotel Skye AW aro invited. 2001 h ANNIVERSARY OF PRES H Y t K RI A N IS 31 Rev. Dr. McLeod returned on Wednesday night last from the big celebration at Florence, lie reported a line meeting. The program published last week was fully carried out. The Dr's subject was "The Presbyterian church in missions and educa tion," and the "Times" says-it ? was ably and interestingly han dled by him Wednesday. A Texas Wonder Thoro is n Hill tit Howie, 'fox., that'd twice nfl Mg aa Inst year. Tliis wonder is W. L. Hill, who froul a weight of 'JO pounds has grown to ove iso. Ile says: ' 1 suffered with a lerriblo cough, and doctors gave me up to die of Consump tion I wu? reduced to 90 pounds, when I bogan inking Dr. King's New Discov cry for Consumption. Coughs mid Colds Now. aller inking 12 hollies, I hu vc more iliiiii doubled in weight mid nm completely cured." Only sure Cough and Cold cure, (?unrnnieed hy J. T? D?nelas Druggist. 5?0 and $1 00. Trial bottle free. Outwis Thc Sergcon. A complication of female troublos with cu la rr h of thostoaiaoho and bowels, had reduced Mrs. Tho* S. Austin, ol' Leaven? worth, Ind.,.(0 such & deplorable condi lion, that her doctor advised an opera? lion; hut her husband fearing fatal re sults, postponed this to try Moobie Bit ters, and to iho amazement of all who knew lier, this medicine completely cured her. Cnn a nt ced cure for torpid liver, Kidney di.-case, Biliousness, # jaundice chills and li ver, general debility, ner vousness and Mood poisoning. Mest tonic made. Price fit) cents ot J. T. Douglas'* Ding Flore, 'fry. It. High Cn in pul g n Assessments Candidates aro sometimes dispo sed lo think tho campaign assess ments charged in this county oro ti little high. Wonder what would they say if they had to pay those which have been assessed over ii Dorchester county : Candidates foi Treasurer and Auditor, $40 ; Su pervisor, $'M) ; Supt of Kducation $;m ; Representatives} $20 ; count] commissioner $20 and magistrate! $10-more than four times what, ii usually charged hore. TO. College of Charleston 1006 ('llAlll.r.STON, S. C, Kntruncc examinations will he held ii (he Court ll HUM; nt Bennottsville, Frida' duly <i. at '.tu. lu. One Free Tuitioi Scholarship to each county of Son11 Carolina awarded hy the. County .Supt o iOduoaiion and Judgo of Probate. Boar? and furnished rooms in Dormitory, $1 1 r month. All candidates for admission art pei milted to compete for vacant Bove Scholarships which pay $100 a year. Ko catalogue and Infor ni it iou. address HARRISON KANUOI.IMI, Mav tilth, 190ft. President. TOWN AND COUNTY NEWS. - Now moon yesterday, - Court conyouos Monday. - Grass is humping. - Kains suspended chopping - Berries plentiful. - Peaches coming in. -Tiie longest days aro hero ^ - Wo return thanks to Colin Sanders for appreciated favors. - Wo return hearty thanks to Mr. James Liles for sorao choico cabbage. -.There was a light shower of hail in tho Smyrna section Mon day afternoon Best Flour in Town a W. M. Howe's - Munnorlyn can supply ICE to help you keep cool and sweot. - Tho swell in "Pee Deo" Sat urday was a big ono, but we have hoard of no serious damage. - The Fireman's Minstrels of Darlington gave an ontertain mont hero Tuesday night to a packed house. J3?T? We keop tho host oranges and lemons all Bummer W. M. Howe. - Remember tho stores will close every evening ut 0, except on Saturday. Hat one of Ring's Dyspepsia Tablots af ter each inoul nnd you will not Huffer with indigCBtion. Sola by Marlboro Drug Co. - Best Butter and Cheese in Town at W. M. Rowe's. - Mr. Li. D. Newton of Now tonvillo has live splendid cows with young calves which ho will sell or swap for hoof cattle. S?if~ Your chickens should drink fresh water from the Fountain. To be had at THE FEED STORE. Drink Chase and Sonborns Tea and Coffee for salo only hy W. M. Rowe. It is the host on earth. - You will not dread the sound of the lire boll if you have an in surance policy on furniture, goods, store or residence with J. S. Moore. Tho clemming, antiseptic and healing proportion of Pinoealvo makes it superior to family naives. Sold by Marlboro Diny Co. - It will nay you to read tho "Feed Store ad. - Eggs, Eggs-Feed Cooked Poultry Food. Wo keep tty host Butter and Choose in town^.lways nico and frosh. On ico at W. M. Rowe's. When mmlioil nnfl nn\.nrr.A ...!??- .. *--? - Parties wanting wood 2ft or stovo can make it known to Tom Odom as ho rides around - Wiley's Candies always fresh at Bennettsvllle Pharma cy Darlington street. S?gT" lt its a Piano or Organ you want, see Strauss & Co., they will talk easy payments with you. - If you wish to save on feed bills use Cooked Horse Feed. nvery form of distressing ailment known UH Piles originatt'H internally. Tho roal causo of tho trouble in in H?do. M un / . n in put up in collapsible tubes willi nozz'e, ?o tho medicine can bo applied where it will do tho most good, and do it quickly if you aro suffering with piles yon owe yourself tho duly of Uji-ig Man Zan. 8o!d by Mi.rlboro Drug Co. - Cooked Hog Feed will pro duce HO per cont moro pork I han corn at if the cost. Orange Hams, best on the market at E. Powers' Oro cry. Heinzs Preserves and apple llutter at Claude T. Moore's. ?r??" Try a can of Georgia Corn Syrup at Claud Moor's. "My, my ! what a dandy suit : cati you tell me where you got it?1 ''Yea, Mr. Maxey Struuss took my measure, and lie has never failed yet. ?W Fresh Mack rel at C. T. Moore's. irsgP' 1 am now prepared lo furnish home made Meal and Hominy. C. T. Moore. A hundred years ago tho lient physicians would give You a medici io for your hoait without stopping to consider what effect it might have on tho livor. Kvon to tie's good day cough and cold medicines iiivari tbly bind tho bowols This is wrong. Hen's Laxative Cough Syrup with Honey mid Tor not? on the bowels-drives out tho . cold-clears the hoad, relieves all coughs, ? ol can SOS and strengthens the mucous mem. I brallos of the throat chest, lungs and br00< I chial tuboH. Sold by Marlboro Ding Co. ? RING'S DYSPEPSIA TABLETS , Curo Inctlgoatfon ?od Bloomed Troohloo A li 10 YOU a Constitution agent '! *f ts there a good one at your Postofllce? Did he over solicit your subscription ? 9 If your field is not fully OCCUPIED, ?> write today for an agency. Tho beal proposition over mudo to canvassers. . Live agents wanted allover Carolina. Subscriptions easy to take, monoy in ' your pocket for every order. NY rik today. The Atlanta Constitution, i Atlanta, Ga. 1 You can seo tho poison Pino ules clear/ . out of tho kidneys and bladder. A nlnglr j poso nt bedtime will show yon moro poison , upon rising tho iio>r.t morning than can bo > expelled from tho systoin in Any other 0 way. Pino ulos disolvo tho impurities, 1 lubricate the kidneys, cleanse the blunder, ireliovo pain and do Away with back acht spocdily, pleasantly, pormanontly. Sob by Marlboro Drug Co^ RELIGIOUS NOTES. Tho State couferonce of tho W.F.M ls io Beadon nt Muri JU thia week. Rev. 0. W. B?V?i ia expoctod t<> oonduel aervico at St Paul's Episcopal church ou Suuday Tho hour For ovonimr sorvicos at i Iii? ohurohos is now 8.30 o'olook. Tho hour for Suuday school nt the Methodist church has been changed from 4 p, m. to 10 a. r for tho summer. Prayor mooting nt tho Baptist clim b every Thursday ovoniug at 8.oo. Prayor meeting at tho Mothodift chun b ovcry Wednesday at 3.30 p. m. Prayor meeting at Proebytorian elna i Thursday ovening at 8 oo. Tho Epworth Loaguo Prayer mooth . in bold oveiy Wednesday ovoning in th" Sunday sohool room of tbo Method! j obnroh at 8 o'olook. Tho publlo invited. Marlboro Honored Prof. Olarenco Ensterling, of Tan tum, has been elected Principal of th? Marion Graded School. He has beer leaching nt Woilord. Long: Tennessee Fight. For twenty years NV. lo Kiwis, of Bolts. Tenn., fought muai catarrh. Ho wiitcs; "The swelling and soreness im side my no?o was fearful, lill I began applying Buoklou's Arnica Salvo to ibo sore surface: this caused tho soreness aud swelling to disappear, never to ro-? .nm " Host salve in existence. 25o at J. T, Douglas Druggist Frosh Tot of now Ketch Mackorol at VV. M. Rowe's. Giyo Him A Trial Elsewhere will be found the card of Mr. George L. Dixon, a first class Tinner from Hooky Mount, who has eon m to our town to open np a Tinshop He can do anything in the Tin line. Gall and see him in rear XV. li. Pearson's Jewelry store - Georgia Cane Syrup nt W. M. Rowe's. No Cure Tor Epilepsy. .1, R. Waterman, of W t riown. 0 , Itu ral free delivery, writes; "\My daughter, filleted h?r .vars with Opilepsv, was our d by Dr. King's New Lifo ri 1 . Sh ims not had an attack for < V T two \ nos "' best bo ly o'ounsors and lite giving tonic pills on carib. '2f>o at J, T. Douglas's Drug Store. Iii the Days of Old People Wore So don't work your Eyes too much without glasses. \V>* uah help you to be comfortable and take life easy without danger - Full line cakes and choice crackers at W. M. Rowe's PINE SALVE ACTSLIKE A POULTICE CURES AUL FORMS OK 8KIN DISEASE ORDERS PROMPTLY PILLED. Mr. J. J. M ii mierlyn is now prepared to dress lumber on short notice nt his Planing Mill near lim Coast Line yards, and also lill your orders for stove wood. Ile has also made arrangements to heep n supply of Icc and furnish you in any quantity. Phone No. 1 c>?>. BEE'S LAXATIVE HONEY ANO TAR CURES COUUIIS AND COLDS A Professional Nurse. We invite attention to the cuni of Mr. C. I). Miles of Lumberton, a professional nurse, who oilers his servicesjo the people of Marl boro. Ho makes a specially ot Typhoid fever It you Bhould need him write him at Ln in berton N. C. FOimHONET^HfAR for children/ aafa, aura? Alo oplattta Remember Your Dead. Wc invite special attention to tl ( Advertisement of the bennetlsvilb Marble Works in this pe per. Cull anti see samples, or write them. -' <te (Jhonp Hoadlnff. The Democrat and McCall'.' Magazine-au excellent Lady'? Book for $1.36 The Sunny South and tho Demo crat for only $ 1.60 The Tri-Weekly Atlanta Consti tution and DEMOCRAT one yeat for only &l,7?. This is tho cheap cst reading ever odored. rOlETfSli??EY^TAl ?lures Cold?! Prevents Pneumonia Tho old time method of purging thc systom whh Cart har tics that tear, gripi grind and broiik down tho wulla of itu stomach and intestinos ia superseded li) Dado's lattin Liver Pills, They oloaiiSi the liver, and instead of weakening, built! up and strengthen I ho whola ayHtom, U l hove bondaohe, UHousnosa, constipation oto. Sold by Marlboro Drug Co. Horses Do Get Sick. When a horses and mules are poo it is not always and indication that the i do not get enough to cat. Many .'.ni mais, just like human beings, have in digestion or the system is all run dowi and a tonic is needed, lt ia not thc a mount ol lood oaten that makes muscl 1 and lat, More depends upon thc prop i er digestion or assimilation ol thc looi i than is commonly supposed. Nothhij has yet been discovered that will hui! Up a horse or mule better than Ash crab's Condition powders, thc onl; 1 remedy In ii? ?las.s r.o!d under a 6"?<"?'? i antee.' Ask M?'- Smith Newton, lien 1 ncttsville, tor it- -the kind put up in dos I cs. And McOoll Drug Co., McColl, S 0. 6?IAL OOMMUNIOATION. A special coin m rn ?cn I ?on of %|jf Lod^e No ?8 A F. /^*/\ M , will bo held th'? evenhif? xi o'rlock slurp, to confer the Third U*I*?*?. Vibiting brethren cordially i vi!*. ) lo attend. i'v order . f J. F. Kinney. W. M. > 0. Pate, Secretary. IS -I ty Juno 22) 1D0?. ^ IS) TONS MU 111! MW? ii i u Ju<t Received at Charleston. Fi?x? for Top-Dressing. -oed A a alysia : ?) .r>0 pr cent , 2 pr osrit Po tat ll, 10 25 pr ce.) f'ho?? Aeid, 8 per cent available iH oi Worth $40 per ton v o B hui ;itpi Canil sight draft, ag linst I Sill o! Lading WI ;U) I IK-GLAD TO SI5LL, YOU ;. MOORE, Ag?. ?HinettsvilU?, U F I), 1 -luny l". .9U0-3i ? Ino l.'i of Surgery. ' 11 (ii iorgo Hivers a few days ? e misfortune to get ??i ri j li I liand caught in a saw no I li umb cut off. Dr. .1 ; . K(i m i ie wed it buck on for him itnd put on some new salve lay Mr. Rivers tells us th Otu 1 s healing nicely and I lino viii be saved to his 1 Itv us certainly a skill lui pi surgery. ? ? - ? . - - - I I Tho Roads. ip tho public road ia a vi iiO law, and it is very ai ig to hose who have to d over it and puah the w may he riding. The plow er . ?I . is the only ono lo lil ? mail carriers thinks hi li n tho patron? want hil lino. Tl . idge. 11to heavy rains ol the pa r. Coward has bet II un seed with the work. Tl from tho Mills on Cr< . hove town have not on ibo work hut has also mn .itllto bridge below un li i or three days until soi io done. Those coin ing v tho Clioraw road coi ? Spot bridge. V GU LETTERS. ?ettorn romain unuallcd for Postofltoo : Ii MST. It PU Tl KOt i Gerr ns v Dooi lb S, for a will : i . Uli riles, triton. Orders. f M'i'g Works will r Flooiing, Ceiling, i Weathei boarding, (loose trimmings s, ? J rills and Mair cheaply. See them i building line thoj i.V. x the Kidneys MENT FOR SI.OO* ving backache, bladder trouble two or three retiring at night before morning. JCQ> emile Doug dicinnl virtues of tho ;uui3 and rosins ob ,'rom tho Native Pia? : by the medical pro In Pine-ulea we offer thc Native Pino that ig all idde* Troubles ed by A? CO., CHICAGO ro Drug ( Jotnpany, ?noken-Suppl u t ii be found at J. T to. 3ile Cure OTIICaS FAIL 5( in r livery aie! d< march -*5 0 P' C*? Thoroughbred lents home de a for packin,' Express oiliee ; FETCHER, iJ?LT., S, C. K. F. 1). 2. EVIVO ?ES VITALITY prm?oc.-s th? I'M iv, ci fully .n, ?ly, Young mon wi: mou wlU.rocc ItEVIVO. It noaa, Lc ?. VU? Lout l'owor. Fol nil orrocte of ? Whloh unfits on Imt only euros I H a groat nervi Int} back tho pl flwUjg tho ur? (ind Coneumptfi SOiar. It can h U .00 por pac*, .I?? TrrUton Cito inonov. ll V.I ,1 li m i lil .i Kly k , ?M * , ' i * i j Mi IOI f, V r .i.rc, u'i w '.von lr.Ki 0(M IO'.<-,, .V. Mid Myl KUYAlJllii)! Madoa Well Man fy. of Mo, 30day?. Ittel icu oil other? ttl' manhood, and ol< I visor by usin ' restores Nermuf (ditly Kroltaloni In? Oleoaeos.ani and Indlscretlor nor niarrlago. I at ot disease, bu builder, in Un > vi.?oWn ?uii ?i ards off luanna ig rtiivivo, a ock t. Dy mal .o, wan? poa ir? or ??luni . Au?rtiMi Tl.'.o Uultdlng I 11 CAUO, ILL. For sn lo in P Dhottdvillo by Dru^ist. Cooked Cow Feed -The greatest milk producer, Cooked Horse Feed-The best and cheapest Horse Feed, Cooked Hog Feed-moro pork produced than other feed, Cooked Poultry Feed-the greatest Egg producer, Wheat, Cooked Corn, Shell, Hone, Grit, Charcoal, Beel Scrap 4'Biddie" Feed, Powders, Lice Killer, Houp cure, and all kinds of Poultry supplies. Hay, Corn, Oats, Shorts, Brant Rice Meal, Corn Meal, Cotton Seed Meal Hulls, Rock Salt tor stock. Stock Powders, Salt Brick, "Worm Powders, &o. When in town. Come and see me. Free Delivery in Town. Junuary ld, 1006 Gi WI HEARSEY, Manager. Practical Pharmacist and Dealer in . jpiirc ?rugs and patent Medicines. WE ?LS? GARRY STANDARD MEDICINES, ^ PAINTS, OILS, CHEMICALS, 1 BRUSHES of all kinds, TOILET and Fancy Article*, j VARNISH and STAINS, PERIURMERY, SOAVS, J PREPARED PAINTS, BRUSHES, SPONGES, j WINDOW GLASS, STATIONARY anti SUPPLIES | LAMPS, SHADES, Etc. FINE CIGARS AND TOBACCO. _ Prescriptions carefully compounded al all hours and guarani ced to be of Ute Purest Drugs and at reasonable prices, A full line {?arden Seed & Onion Sets. Thankful for (mut putronugo you.T for a pronperoiih now yenr. J. T, DOUGLAS. lamm, 1. 141? AT THE OLS ST AMD m n mi HE GROWTH Of I ENDORSED BT VALUE. TWs M?H feo?Ti 'M ?hn1 B : M Siifcc?ss to !,:::, We . : ri vc to \m? t? ; i" Piib't?'n?C'rb po?no bar!-' ftg???, MT STOCK h ES Been C?roflilly Looked after and We Believe We Can FILL Y?UB WAITS IN PRESS W?BS, HOES, MOTIONS, Etc. Come and See Us, You may Be Wanting an Organ or Piano or other Lines. CALL ON US WK AUK ALWAYS GLAD TO S iii? Yo p. Hespert J ully, STRAUSS & CO. I ANDLE BARGAINS TOO - yU vi< m >*< >l< >ix >*< " NO USE TO WORRY, BUT COM IO RIG I IT ON TO ?LAV1)D MOORE'S IF YOU ^ Dr^ Groofs, Clothing, Shoes, lotions ??* And Fancy Groceries. Kay*'Fresh Wutor Cl rou nd M HA?. nod HOMINY it spociulty. Wo Koop o full lino in ouch Department nod will fill your Wanta in eucb AT T1I10 LOW MST I'lHCWS. Whoo you come to Town call and see us. Phono orders in town delivered FUK13, and satisfaction guaranteed, Call and see us-Near Douglas1 Orup; Store, m M CTERY ONE KNOWS mi i m Fill I AT our stock of Drugs und Medicines is complete, * and prices right, but perhaps you are not familiar with our great variety of Toilet Articles, Soaps, Combs Brushes, Perfumery, Powders and Stationery. Tlicy are worth looking at, even if you Icon't buy. We are always glad to show them? 0 DR PRESCRIPTION DEPARTMENT is a special Feature of Our Store. Send your Prcaeviptions to us. We will do you right. BENNETTYILLB PHA^MASY. ? , ?. MATTHEWS, MsU?, - WILE Y'S CA Nf) Y.~~ PHONE 43. wm A ... H.F I 1 Thc new Laxative that does not .gripe or nauseate, $*lor*?ant to take F*?y tiffie nt rjRiMn 5?w u?a vn wa KB "Ci fflP , laxativa Fruit Syn Bennettsvill?i^ iQ?ui-it?i'-\Y\r_i&?' ' -NEW SCHMDUMC. IN EFFECT Anur. 6, 1905. >VKST HOUND F HOM BBNNKTTSVIJW.I.' jv Ucunotlsvillo ..v I si uv JV Mauelino ijv Evorel t's UV Irby liv IfroMfl Virivc Kollook Wrivo Cbcraw THAIN No. I. 7 05 a m 7 1 5 a in 7 20 a m 7 30 a ur 7 36 a m 7 'IO a ID 7 45 a m THAIN No. :5. 7 00 p ni 7 15 p m 7 20 p m 7 35 j) m 7 40 p m 7 45 p in 7 55 j> m 8 IO p m EAST BOUND FROM CHEBAW. fiV Ohoraw liv Kol lock hv Frosts . Lv Irby l.v Evorelt \iv Madcliao liVtlnlay THAIN No. 2. THAIN No. 4, 9 15 p in i 9 40 )? m 9 43 p ut 9 47 p tn 0 52 p m JO 00 P :.i 10 05 p m Kl 20 p ni s IO a m 8 20 ? m 8 30 a tn 8 40 u ni 8 50 m in 9 00 a in Ar. Bonnot tsvillo u lg n in Connections. AT BKNNKTTHUK.M?-Tho houth bom <1 looming trahiB on A, 0. Ii. eonnooln with train No i. Train No 2 cooncctH willi A. U. L looal freight Dort h and south boui.<l. AT KoM.OCK-Train Nos 1 und 2 pon* uect Witt) north and south bound H. A I;, trains. AT CHRRAW-Train No 3 oonnots with north and south bound S A. Ii. trains and train No 4 ooimcotn with north bound H. A. L traiiiH A. J. MATHESON. V. P. and Gen. Man. ?wrw-^r v yr r yr* 1? ww v w SURETY BONDS. KI DELIT Y AND COU HT. CONTRACT and FIDELITY BONDS. There ore no helter eoni| autos Ihtiii these, represented bv JNO. S. MOO R IO. Nov. 15, ISO I. HM'oico?lomU davfc?. U II. NEW?ON, JENNINGS IC OWEN Si NEWTON <fe OWENS, Attorneys at Law, BENNETTSVILLK, ?SO. CA, OHices Over Planters National bank. ?i W. BO CCI tl EH, , ? Aitornes at Law, Bcnnct?svillc, S. C. Olfioo on Darl/ngton street near Posta ?elcgrapl ellice. January. I8?9. 1)R. Sri?NGl?l?, DENTIST. OKPICB Up stairs in Crosland Building, /' // v it c ISO. BBNNETTSVIliIiE, S. C. _#_"__ ..? ._ MILTON Mo LAU HIN, Attorney al Law and Probate Jud gc Oflioc in Con t li o? m . hm i RS WITH . 11 H ir* mig g Nsw ?JiS8?W@if I ..OR 8 OUQHS ar.d cOo g ^'OLDS Fro? T. lal. i Surcet and Ouickoav, Caro foi" Bli ?j THROAT nud IiTJX?G l'BO??i* M LES, or MONEY BAOg. WE STILL FEED THE HUNGRY ! WHEN in towu and you want a trnad rucal, roincmbor wo CAM serve yeti, A good meal for 250. Bemann; i.* north of tho Market. FUESIl OYSTERS in everv styl>N D. J. BRAY BOY MORE PROMPT SERVICE For the convenience of my patrons, I haye had a Phone placed in my ns id?neo where calls for my service ena bo made and answered wi" hool delay. Persons who desire hurried servico wilt please j^ivo name and phono liuniltci Respect fully Allen Stoney* Carpet and Paper Mau.. lL-nnetlsvillc Phone 184. - Write Stanley's Business College, Macon Ha., al onco for College, Tho School cnn not supply tho demand for its grad natos. aaa iiwuuMi II?IIIIHII.-:I 60 YEARS' - EXPFnifiNCE PATENTS DESIGNS CopvniGHTs &c. Anyone. BoneitlK a nkololl niul dOflPI lotion nun ?Miii?iy assort ititi on r opinion froo whether on Invention IH probably palontahiq. roinmiiiiiou Uon-iHlriotlycoutlilontlnl. ItAMOOOOK Oil I'ntOUU som iron, oiiicsi iiuoiioy i >r noruriiu? pAtontn. I'.ii.'iii-i taken OiroUldl Mann & Co. FCCOlVC $ptctnl notice, without ohnrno, 111O10 Scientific Htneriea?. A handsomely Illus! rn!o<l vveotOy. 1 .'livest e'r Cii (litton nf any nclontlflo Journal. Tonas, fa a yivav i BolJbyall now?d?Ocr?, MUNN &Co.86,l,?o6dwa?'New York Branch OrBco, (?25 V BU, Wtvitun.-ton, l). c. " ( ll ANO OF SCHEDULE. Sl?A HOARD Air Line R Al I AVA V* Thc Seaboard Air Lino Hy fcl.ctl* ule was changed on January lOll.l Trnina leave Chcraw, B. (Vi as I'OPOWH Northbound No 60 at 8.??) a, in* " No 60 at d:?4 \>. m. Houllibcomd .No 57 nt 8;0fi a. )*. > No 27 at 10:40 p. lu. Tho Bennottsv\llo ami Ohoraw 1;. H., leaving Bonnettsvillo nt 7 05 a? m., connect with No titi and No n . Tho afternoon tlain leaving Ben nettsvillo at 7 p. m. gives Bennet?? ville people an opportunity tn take ti nins No 60 ?nd No 27. Cures Stomach and Liver trouble and IP Chronic Constipation. KNNKTTHVILLK PHARMACY.