The Marlboro democrat. (Bennettsville, S.C.) 1882-1908, December 15, 1905, Image 5

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oiored Christiaa Missionary Who Turaed Cannibal. SHOCKING DOWNFALL Ol'tte Rev. Wilberforce, Who Has Been Arrested for Butchering and Ealing the Human Ikings Ile Once Tried to Convert In Dark est Africa. Of all tho fancies evor evolved In the Imaginings of Hider Haggard-of all the weird legends that ever came into the light out of tho darknts* of tho Afrloan forests there la none stranger than that of thc lt v. Dr. Daniel Fllcklnger, Wilberforce, of Sierra Loone, once missionary general and now reported to bo tin! war chief of the Imperial t:ibe and a de voleo of cannibalism. In tho whole history of missionary labor amnng the rucas of the E ust the story of this vene rabie pastor or seven ty year;', sometime Gilled Bishop o' the Oburoh of tho United Urethren o' Amer'ca, who, according to many do tailed dispatohes, afttr forty years ot missionary life, reverted by a gradual prooeesof avatlsm to his natural state vof pagan and oaniilbal, stands with out a parallel. Waerovor mlsslmary work ls known, when V r good men and wo men labor through many years ft r thc conversion of their benighted brethren in Incii, At ia or Afr ca the strry ls told and retold with lamentation* Scientists ar.d crlminokgls's the world over will accept the retrogres sion of this missionary, famous through the East for hts eloquence and learning, to tho wai paint of his tribe and a dinner of human ll sh, as establishing tho eternal trutli that the original b"-as<i 11 tho s.ivig * can never be quelled ln-cenlurles of civilization nod that Mr. Wilberforce, secretly hungering thr ugh forty years of re presston of his natural self for the Hash for which Ids bbod craved, and tho Idols of. his forefathers, has but obeyed thc law of h!s nature But tho gool mon and women of the white and colored races who through a long life have 1&bored with blind, ceadess, single hear bed devotion for the enligbter mont of the heatbon, stand aghast and lu face of this aw ful living spectacle of degeneracy ask themselves whether their labor ( f centuries ls, after all, labor sp ?ut in valo, and whether lt is. indeed, tho immutable law of nature that the savage strain once implanted in the heart can never l e wiped out Throughout thlscmntry thc story has struck deep Into the hearts of tin ministers of all creeds, aud of those who give bounteously of their wealth and substance to shed the light of OlvtllzUiou on darkened places. Aud over their hearts and the hearts of the p'ous men und women of Wdbeiforoe't? rao hangs a I lack pall of gloom aud s':;ame and doubt of tho future. For two generations bad Mr. WU borforce stood as the exemplar for all young negro students of divinity of the he'g h ts to which they themselves might reach in the pursuit of their saored m issi oe ; and for tbe mision arios of the white race he served as a beacon whenever their hearts failed them in the stupendous wo k of con version of tlie West Af rle m savage. To thousands of his fellows 1 mdlng tn West Africa, fresh from those shores, ho haB been as a dear aud venerable friendj rich in experience as In learn lng and erudition; an adviser and guide in tho lirst few troubled months of their adventure. And now, back at homo In Amorlca, or in England, or lah ?rintr still In the wild, they look blankly at each other and ask how in the name of Heaven such things can be. As if In reply fall tho w irds of the old man to hts c?pr.ors as he was led lo the prison at Sierra Loone, there to await bis trial for cannibalism. ,. "If I am to die lt ls well, I shah ,'die In tho faith of my fathers tbe faith that was born thousands upon thorsauds of years ago and which al) your Ohrlstedn teachings have not driven out. Tho forty years In which I lived In your fall h wore forty years of a living He. The volcis of my fath ers, of my pdoplo whom I had desert ed in my youth, of the gods that I had worshipped, were ( vor cabing to meto end my days as I had begun, And at last I beard and went back." The good men wlt.h whom lils lifo had been passed plodded with bim, oven with tears, up to tho very gates of the prison to return Lo tho filth that ho had abjured. And now they urge, with sinno anger, that the storn action of the Mission .ry Board ot tho UulUd Broth ron at Dayton, () do, In summarily expelling him on evldonce of his re trogression precipita bcd tho lin tl downfall. A KATHKU S 8A01UK10K. Well might t oo v/ord of missioner les wail over his lo.-s, for his sti ry reads like ?. rarely beautiful romane of olden times. it was in tho days of half a century agone, when the Hg it of civilization was drawing in darkest Africa, that the great chief of thc Impjrlal tribe, the most powerful warlike of those, timos, and tho R?V. Samuel Flicking or, pioneer arno ig tho missionaries of tho United Brethren, m<'t In solemn conforenoeto arrange a treaty of com moroa and poaoe. From that time the friendship of the cilef for tho enthu siastic* young missionarlos warmed and grew deeper with tho years. Too old to Ohango tho faith of his ancestors, he said he would make no ( If >rb to imped j the work of tho mis slonarlcs among his people. Pr'bab ly the aged chief saw tho commer cial value of a good, friendly under standing with the gentlemen who were In a position tc bring him so much mod trade from Hihgland and Ameri ca. Uiiof.of hin pHiploanl l.olrappar ent to his place was his line strapping Btrlpllng of li?teon years- the ono hope of his life, the solo remembrance of the woman who did years before. And when Mr. Fi lek inger, who had the lad under his tut Mon, at. last hog ged the chief to rehngulsh him for good, Haying that ho would take him to his own home In Dvyton, Amorlca, tho old man onscntcd. And so to sohool and to a collogoho went, taking lirst prize in history, literature and thc class!CL And tho first years of the young OiUot's Ufo In America in the home of to tlitB country were years of golden* promise. From the earliest days of his arrival his trend hui been to rall ?loi. "My path In lifo is ohoseu," he said, with a smile that showed every ?Inamint? tooth in his head. "I- will be a worker In the vJueyatd." To the theoh gloal seminary he went, agalu gr*dur.t'ng with the big heit honors. His way wa? e'ear. For West A'rloa he sailed, and on tho ooast for twenty years he labored, wlnniog oonvorts everywhere and becoming famous for Ll? elcquoLoe aud powt.r, untd his re turn to Dayton. And when he married a woman cf his own race and settled down Into a ministry of tho home ol u'ou, lt seem ed that the malu work, of his life was complote. Dut the split fcntwdon the Ridloal and Conservative faotlons of tho United Brethren drove him first to ono aldo ai d then to the other ar.d at last back to West Afrloa. And now thoho who kuow his storv cito two peculiar o'roumstaucesalcoo.u unnoticed at tho time, bat nowrecAh ed in uv i viii memory. was In bis whole attltudo a orouoh, an animal stealth that sent a o ulder thu ugh those who watoced bim. lt may bo that in the storm of cou tentlon between the two factions of the oburoh ..ho first lense of rebellion against his t tl jptod faith-Mio rebel lion that had long lain smoulder lr g In bis hoari-arose strong and clear with iv him. Yoi ho bravely went I adi to his duly. Tho remembrance cf the gcod man-now to loi g lu his grave-who had taken him by tho hard, hold him fast. Rut toe devoted hoart that had bi en part of himself, that bad given feivir and foroo to his work, wat, geno. Yoi to those who watcted him coady now-he was seemingly thc Same gentle proti clor of the poor and the stricken that ne had ever boon. His mission Behool grew larger and lat gel ; Mi oburoh grow moro and more poweriu ; his lbfluenoo the wld or. ll h e m ver cs to C ir ls lian i ty wore fe und by tho thousand along b^e whole lino of tho Weit African coast Dis artas a preacher h \d ITU Howe! and ripened with cue years. lt was on tho night of a Sun lay thiee years ag0 that he returned to his cottage looking very tired and old. The services of that day had been mire than usually exhausting N v r, they said af er ward, had ho preachet .io well. Ile had take "S nc rltv" for his text. It was an address to bo re membered for all timo. B it lt was recalled afterward that right in tho heart of his sermon ho had oome to a sudden dead siop, his hand uplifted ?is thc ugh to bespeak ailene-, his eyes Uxod on vacancy, his whole expr?s lon as ooo who listens fr ra afar. Then, ai if with a great i ft' rt ho reocveioo his thoughts, sighed p-jep'y and re tanned his discourse. "I tm vory weary," he sahl to his servants. "To-night while I wasspoak ing, 1 board tt'o s und of tho prayer song that I r< memoer in my you'.h. The song seemed to be born In upon me irwin the y ry depths of the forest I heard the v los of oiy brethren cal-ed as tueu'h to call me. When they entered the room in the morning his b :d was empty. Yot they did notsearoh for him, bm after the manner of tnelr race, quietly sat do WE at their d<u,rs and waited. And ab, last there came, a dark time when, they say, for twenty one long days lie vanished fr< m the ken cf all who had known him. Diwmd br'g'it and beaut fal thc morning of the twenty-second day, and before the eyer, of I1I3 am /. 1 -er vants ho stoj.t-jiu sim) -/ot tr i formed. F >r the first time in 1 rt years bo was himself. Within a week the chu c'l in w . c he bad preached w 8 empty and the soho ilhous ; a dismantled ruin. Tue odiliceof two generations was des'.ray ed. Little it recked to him that the council of the church In far away Annrica had solemnly expelled him for li ll iellty to the brotherhood. For the first time In bis life ho breathed the air of freedom. And now from out. the recesses of the Afr.em forests, ten mils away from tho e >ast, came ghastly stories of the sacrifices i if J red up by thc tribes of the Imperial in return for the restoration of tnelr chief; of death feasts In which the ll sh >i ohUdren and women wes eaten. Sp cs and scouts, creeping through a theuiand paths, c raj upon them, and told >f the chief of the I m perri sotted with lils wives on a pile of rocks around him, his men dancing the of death iver a corpse. And in a wild nudley of ) us I los and revenge, police and soldiers alike wore on tho trail of the former missionary to lum', him, by day and night, until, in his own oamp, surrounded by his men, he was cai ght and ft reed to sur render, nnd led, a captive, to Siena Leone.- IS'JW York American. Atitinpiuil Bu.Olde. Dr. J. H. Matthews, In Jill at Greensboro, N C., for wife murder, uame near etui lng his life bv cutting lils wrist with a spodii handle one day last week. The physicians reachod ulm in Limo to stop the il JW of blood md be ls no v out of danger. A guard ias been plaosd In the cell with him (\ prisoner In an adjoining cell r.o ileed him lying on lils cot with his landaged wrist hanging down. Ask ng what was tho matter, Matthews .esp aided that he was cold and had >andaged his pulse to mako him varm. Suspecting something wrong, ,ne jailor was notified and on Investi jation found the prisoner with a tin p ion handle, but lie had failed to lover the artery. Ho had tied a landkoroblef over lt and was holding ils hand down with the edge of tho danket concollng it while his blood i ?wed In a bucket. Matthews swab owed n quid of tobaco, several match mads and charred stumps of olga ettes ho had boon allowed tosnrnko luring the day. The physlolan give dm a powerful emiti? and saved his .fe. Mum 1'ioUuoo l'auere. Tho Sbato Supromo Couti ls doter nined to lind out what ls ontalnod u those alleged prlvato lottors and ithor papers which Chief Beor Dis lenser Jamos S. Farnum, of Charles iOn, on tho advise of comiso! had re novod from his dispensary, NJ. 12 in Jharleston beyond tho reacli of the llspcnsary investigating commission oar.o?her S^ato and to this end thursday passed an order requiring dm to place them beforo tho curb. Dontli I lim ol' Hunters. Tho total numbar of hunters killel iy accident so far this year, Wlicjnsin nd Northern M chlgan is twonty six. 'Ifty-one have been wounded. Moro n iters klllod this year by ao: Idental discharge of their own guns han ev. r b.firc. Many were shot by ilstake by l.untors who took thom ur deer. ft.-7--*?M?J From Deoei?ber 14 to 2C ?V Ooh ic. 15. Wfttaon in tho Baptist | 8tAto Convention, Ol, H. B. Watson, of R'.dge Spring former candidate fur governor, stirred up tho Baptist convention in Colum- 1 bia ono day last week in a ringing speech against the ''intrinporate ad vocacy of temperance," taking oeoa sion in the course of his remarks to Boore tho hypcorlsy of prraolers and others. Hu was speaking to tho re port of the temperance coumltteu'B report, a motion having been put to lubllsh tho report. Ho deo?arcd in a voice trembling with emotion that we are not ready to enf rjo prohibi tion in this state until as a church the members and deaoons aro prohi IhHed from drinking. Ho told o? seeing two men who had been moder alors of associations aud two d?ac ns or more, take diiuks with young men. "If you dou't daro to enforco tem perar o i in your churches" he decl-ireri "tow can you espcet to euforco it tn tho state. Go he mo and eduoale your peoplo along tempor?neo lines before you talk aootit disfranchising people who drink or ?ell whi key." O 1. Watson added that be bad Incorporated in thc deeds to lots he sol.i at his homa that tho owner would forfeit bis tltlo if bo solo whiskey on the premises. Half a dcz'u members ot tho con ference replied to Col. Watson with more or Issi heat. Col. Watson explained that ) e did not favor the dispensary oe pt os the most practical way cf handling the matu-r at pri s nt. Ho was a temperance man. Tito renort of the Woman's Mis ?lonary dion, roui by the Rt.v. G B Butts, was viry Int renting.. Tin soolcty ralsr-d durlug the year *!3,:i88 whioh is $2,421 m rc than it ratstd last year There are nine women missionaries In the stfitc mpported by the union, a situation that has i o parallel in the s u h. The R v. Dr. C. G. Brown '"bad a kick coming" against tim lr c insistency i f the con ference. II* o mplulned that though the cinference forbid women proaob* I lng to men that herc they were golug out to tho I ..titans and preaching to thom. COTTON STILL KING. i.'b'.h r.iti < ol tito Staple M ak' n the Bou ii **ro,pi rou". O)tton, unlike the C/.ir, ls scated on a staple throne. The gjod old Southern monarch, despite all ti?orts of speculators and market gam bl. rs to the contrary, holds p WM ful swny throughout the wodi. Tie govern ment report rf last Tu sday coi cern lng the present crop tends only to the support of the c ttou ?. ark; t. A* this crop, on account of the dry fal), has been compktely haiVtSUr4, the estimate this tims biomen almo-it an c'.ual statement as tu the number of oales made. The ri port puts the number at 10,107 818 As these Hg. urcs are considerably below the world's const ni pt lon of cottm t'?o surplus o last year cm easily bu taken up with out reducing tbe price cf thc staple at all. Cotton that ls being told must In the f.ico of this rrpjrt become moro valuable than lt is at pres? nt and as much of the boilings Is s^lli in tho hands of thc farmer tbe prospects ?\?c that there will bo goo 1 times in Dixie during the next twelve months. But there ls moro significance In this small crop of cotton tban tba which attaches to the present year. With only ten million bab s, as stated before, the surplus of the gr. at 1904 crop will havo to bc used to meet con sumption, and this will start thc 100? cop with a cloan sheet. Tnere w 1 be nor.e, or vo*y little, residue from dormer crops to bear down I s price. Tauen all In all thc conditions for prosperity In the South are altoget cr cheerfki and the pi opie have but lo usn ene'gy and judgment to grasp BtiCSess.---Charleston Post. A Mild Winier. Too Now York Sun si) s 10 ia> Hartz of Reading Pa., aged ?2, tin goosabone weather prophet, helped to eat bis tlr.?t gooso of the season Thurs day. L oking j?.t the breast bono after lt was dried, Mr. IlirUstw very lit tlo cf tho usual purplo coloring and at ces declared c m ph at e di y that the coming winter wiuhl be very mild. Al ng abnii the holidays, or during the early part of Janurary, a sharp drop In the temperature ls In dicated, but lt will not last more thun a few days. Tho remainder of that mouth will ba mild. About tbe Hist of lVeburary severe coll weather with plenty of snow and proba lil y a bl zz ard may ba expected. R:al winter weather ls predicted for that month and lc. may ? xtend into M ireh. Toe bono ls perfectly clear UQllll tho mid dle of tuc winier when a dark spot lg shown, Then lt again oleara and rc mains so untill thc closing m nilli of thc winter. Tho dl?ooloratior s of the bone arc In sharp contrast com pared with those (f ohe two previous years. T ioono for H?01 1006 showed from tho dark tn 1 jr all thc way through that tho winter would bc so vero from start to ('nish. Not D*n]Murphj, Thc State Bajs "lt appears that Dan G. Murphy Is not in j iii at Swalnsboro, Ga., after all -and per haps ls In tho Pulllplnefl, according to tho story whioh reaohed Columbia last summer, OJOO to soo Murphy would bs to remen.ber him always, Sorgeant C. C. Rob rta of tho poul tenttary guard went ovor to Swains boro Mjnday. IJ.roii seolug tho pris oner ho wired. Suspect is not Mur phy. Peculiar cast Thc man at tempted suicido when tic v/as told that an ofllOlal frorr South Carolina would como te? Identify him." The ohlef of polloc of Augusta wrote with ?iicn coi li lenee that it was believed that this really might li .ve lr cn Mur phy, but Chief N rr s evidently was rn isl af ^rmcd_ Humed to Di nth. Thc little community around Kvles Port, Tenn., has b>on the scene of two shocking accidents in 24 hours. Tho first occurring M mday afternoon, was thc accidental k liing of Miss Rosa Gollies, a well known voung lady of tho neighborhood, by thc discharge of a shotgun in tho hands of Cephas Roberts, while ho was examining the Kim In thc bomoof Miss Collin's f ither. Tho ute md was tho burning to death :>f M1S"B Annie Gibson and hoi mother. The daughter's slothing caught lire ind the mother runnh ? to her r. : eu was onvoloptd lu tho mmes. hoofer ?roll in ir, Do / "'A MA mo?wif " Borne Thoughts for the Tamer v| hen J I/o Gets Cid. / -JU, I / .Unelo II :nry WftlUO'V1 .linger ? Jolly ?ntl UJI ful Old M/.r|, Ciivcn thoHforot <>r Ic. ' As your Ucole Harry IMB almost reached the allotted ppan of Ufo, and fed* pretty well, tl ar.k ycu, it may not bo amiss for him to surest to tho rr st of I he di IT rs how it i-t pcEslblo to llvo an long as tho Lord lots you and ho reasonably ccaiioitable, says Dr. Henry Wallace, lu Wallaces F .racer. Flist, don't fat too nacob, Why do you want to load yourself up with a lot of and? nt blubber and go wheez log arouud with lt o your cbcomfort and inc sb( rtci.Jng of ycur daytV You don't wnut anythlrg over and ab >vo tho food cf supoort. There Is no strength and health in fat. Ex ocssivo fat ls dlseaie, or lather tnt evidence of disenso. If you aro oat lng half as innen as that st.ventcen >e?>r-)ld grand ion of y urs you art: uatmii q lito tao much, lt -marabel Sotom a.'a injunction: "When thou ?ittest to cat with a ruler oonsldci diligently what is beforo thee; and put a knife to thy throat, If thou in: i man given to appetite.'' I1} ls q ittc posslblo that ns many people d\\? their graves with their teeth as by looking upon the wine whin it ii red. N X ', sleep. When ycu hr ve don? >e ur nay's work aud sat rt your pray ers, or rattier frayed (somethingoMer Ihite ditrerent from say Irg prayer) .?et In tie :, and go tho sleep U maid -i ire urs'lf as dead til) muralug. What Ines a dead man want lo do with tin Trots ard worrits and vexations o lit* ? Sle;ju quite ai mauy iiours ai i" u were acoustimed to when young li ,:ht aro not loo man; ; but sleet md don't let anybody i r anything r? I von of your sleep Lt ls not an cas; thing to do, we admit. Possibly I ?an't always be dune, hut if you don' io it, you will shorten your ('ays. Tua machine, combined mind and body needs oiling aid repairing and fix lo up. We should put it in the shop nvt ?light The Maker of it will tlx lt u for you and give lt to you In go nrder lu thc morning, if yui will le Him. Next, don't spend to > much nf yon time with other old fi Hows. Som have been fortunata; sim: are ui healthy; some are chronic klokei anyhow. D n't stay t<>o mich wit the orowd. Associate with young p i pie Next tu your wife, your s'ms au daughter ere. tho be^t associates yo oan hav ; ntxito them yt ur grain chi dren. As'oclate with youngi people, propio who have life befoi them, Something to do, and ;<re e*ri ostly bent on doing lt. They will bo r?-ct tho views of lifo that are like! to he mt ri allied by an old man or a old woman. Hero in whorr> most far .tiers mal a mistake la moving to town. Tin g t away from their boys and girl Lucir sons in-law and daughters J law, and \?( t with another lut of o fellows and hoir the grumb lr.g ai complaints Uoleas tlioy tight ir, t|ii will take the old mau's vHw of li which ls largely a mistaken view, they had stayed on th) farm tin woiili have been in O OM r touch wi their families, lt is d.'ftloult for ; ld min to lid. c o o to young rn with whom ho is not Immediately i a'el. Ile can, however, keep CI.J .o t:iH boya and ulrls, their wi*v,s a husbands. Toi-, io our mind, is t greatest ot J notion to iel! lng frc the faun, lt outs you off from t very class with whom you ought iiavo must lulim ito. ass iciation. Ke( p doing BOOQCtblog, No une c pf cts a man over Bovonty or ovi over sixty io do very much ha AO lc, except as a st. rn necessity. T man who has u ed his ti n e wlsr d m't iiavo t ; hu', tho man who ste work altogether, wi o retins, ve materially shortens lils d.\y . No mi ter wiiat tho woik in, so ihat iii occ pies the attention and keeps his i):n busy. When the brain dien tho b.' u ght as weil bo dead. The ncr vegetable or animal (xs'enoeiri n woito living. Mental act v.fy is 1 ?cntial to any i i fe that ts worth li lng. li re ls where the retired farm mikes another groat mistike. 1 jften stops h's agricultural papi Juts himself elf from his old lines thought and can't take up any ni ires that rt qui re study, Hence Ills himself up with tho gossip :ho dally press and the news, mu if which is misleading and wror Lt :ad thc d .?ly pap'.;rs; kei-p up wi iho t ?i es. Don't neg cor youragrloi /urfil papers If you wish to hvo lo md be happy. T.^ke a oneerful view of thc futui Lf j ou have not rr ade your peaoo wi /our God, you have missed the r. neaning of life. Don't miss t noanii g In tho little of lt that ls lr ,o you. Don't he afraid of tue agon I >f doath. Tin re ls no reason woy In mid not bo as easy to dlo as to i .rn. Tho o 'ming In of a Ufo and i [Oil g out of ono h.ith bring pain a tnguish to otheri ; but there ts noe lenoe that except tu ovos of untlmi kath, thc falling of the apple bef( t ls ripe, there 18 any special p;i nnnccted v.lth lt. The body prov is lti own ancsthello for tho dyl lay. Held vc In t! o fatherhood ? id I! i has becu better to yi u 'our life than yow des.uve. Why ca 'OU trust Him fur tho outgoing a ni rance. Into tho larger ?Iii ? R mae mr always that "a merry heart don :ood Uko a medicine: buta brok pirlt driotii the bones." A 1*11 1'tinily. livery person who travels on t team'.r Ohequamegon which plies ween St. Ignace, Mich , and ri ;.. wa, ls foi ot d to ?ok up io i nastcr of tlie craft, ( Inriata (J. F -w' or he stands six foot nine indies, ii s tho tallest boat uapta'n on the lak Japt. Fowler ls a member nf a oarkablo family. Illa brother, Irv . Fowler, of Whltccastlo, La . th cars bis iunli t Ls of tl o samo Hei? nd weight; t la father, J. K. Fowl if Nashville, Mci., also is six f line, and his slstor, Kiora k*0 Ie1. Calamazoo, ia six fcot two Inchest 'homariner ls woll proportioned) Little Qtrl Uuriied. A little daughter of Mr. Jud A on wa? frightfully burned Th irs: ,t lioim alnut throe n iles frOtu G icy. From tho meagro details land it ls learned that the mot eft tho little, one to go to tho v short distance from t! o house, eturnlng she met thc Ob)ld In lian Ye condition of the child or lc us. | jt?DAN HAD El FORT CHANGED. Intluocd Htorotmy Wilson to IOH?I mato on Gross Wt tj;'it. To Pre9ldeut Harvle Jordan of the i Southern Cotton Aa&o>ua< iou, accord* ; lng to a' v c^s from Washington, is duo tho faot that the go vern mont crop < est?mate was not 600 000 bahs larger than tho ligu es glVdU. ! According to tho story which reached Atlanta, Assistant Scoretaiy i Hayes, of tho statistical bureau wlreu i Seoroiarv Htster. of the N w Orleans Cotton E xchange that tho cotton otop 06timato would bo mido on the hists of 475 pounds the bale, Instead ol 600 pounds as heretofore, the obj co be ing to glvo tho net weight of toe ba'.e This bftsls would lu vo lnoteas'd the estimated by stunt tun g like 600 000 bales and would u ltiutiotedly have bad au aporeoiablc ellcct lu bril ging aown the price of o atou. Secretary He tor wirrd this In'or matlon to Pres d nt J jr dan of tue Southern Ass c A lon and ho no i ved thc tclterm jj-,t Int?in3 to ca ch the noon lim teu train f>r Wa*hlt gtou Mr J jruan w< nt right to the ttlloo ot secretary of Agriculture. W?Bon and ls tb said (h m .i d d the t the e.-timatt be made In accordance with us go iha ls on the hasis ol 690 pour tis to Hie bale I - is sahl this is wny tho p b t cition of the istlmate, winch w?s *x p?c.el to btv ? bon given ni t at lr o'CIOOk, was delayed until 12 3) p m. According tu a telegram fro n Pies iden o J odin, Secretary Wilson no only granttd his rtqiest but also a mood to make tho report without tlu usual porcentitg ? whici wa* added or d. ducted uudtr the IL de administra tien. tMALL -JROP. tilimer?' Ann )ol*? loa l'rmllols IJ ?B 'i in.ii rei, Thousand Hales. Folio wi ag is th J o toa crop report >f the National Glan rs' As*oclatlon, niven out? TnurSday from 1) illas, Tex is. Uopor.s soot to us frc m tho whole lotton bait, every pis to flin ropr-v -entrd, I nd1 Ci tes a lol? 1 crop of 0, 023.COO huhs, with 8,480,000 bales ginned up to December l. Toe bron thus far picked ls 024 per cant and 88 per cent has bl en gmnel. Tho report by Stales ls as follows: Alabama-1 cm,oto bales glnnec'; U5 pc r cent p'eked. Arkansas-420,000 glnnec'; 8i> per cent pick d. Florida-01,000 gloried; 95 per cent pick- d. Georgia-1,649,000 ginned; 97 pvr cent plcko.l. Indian Territory -242,000 glnnec*; DO ptT cent p ck- d'. Louisiana-311,000 ginne*; 90 por oent picked. Mississippi 820,000 ginned 87 por 0< ri!, pick <i. Misson:. -31 000?Inno/"; 5)0 percent ; p'ck< cl. North Carolina -601,000 glnnec"; 00 per 3ont picked. Oklahoma-234,000 glune'';87 per ecnt pick'd. South Carolina ino,ooo glnnec; 08 per oint pick d. Tennessee-198 000 ginned; 89 per cont, pick ?d. T x 1 978.000 ginned; 92 pir cent picked. Justillo l ia h'lrlii?. In Altnona, Pl., bil) other night live you g mon se ouiried tho lad love of one of tho parcy. A nelghbo ralsed a i.earby window and tired h revolver at ibo purl y then called n policeman ? ni had them all arrested for disorderly coud' ct and disturbli g the pe u-' . In police c urt the nexi morning tho young tn n protested that lhey wore singh g love son^s. ai cl ( I? red to sing for thc et u t b> way ol proving t'oo'.r Innocence of too charge against them. Too court, heard them ri ru' two selections whereupon tho ic en d rt were im formed that if the. coi.ri had p.'eyiou sly any doubt as to their guilt ! J bad entirely disappeared. "Anybody would bf j stilled for (iring at >ou, if \ou were mik riga noise ilko that " s.itd tlic Ju ige. He lined them $f> 0 C l._ Holism lt li? ck. The Sputent u g .1 urn al says an important land salo made Monday which was not pub Ishrd was that o' >f 140<t v?rcs near P.c 1 ;t. T ie land war sold under mortgage of W. T. S'ni m ons to the Fidelity L ?an and Trust Cernoany, and was b. tight in by ti L, Carrier for the sum of ?9650 Tobi li c nsldered a line bargln by those who are be t, on land values. Tao lani In question has a history. Somo wiek.t ago Mr Simmons pur Chased the property through a Wes tem re al estai o man, who handled the property for Mr. Carrier pay ir g about il l ,000 fjr tho property. Mr. Carrier bought back bis land, ll; nov has his original tract of la id anil he ls a bout *l 8oo to the good. t% Dead I ns tie. The Columbia Record says J, Warren K lifer, of Odo, formerly speak r of thc house, is lack in Con* ?M s aod ho jomes primed and load ed v.ith Southern represe nt J ti ve re duo lon scheme!. 'Ibo chief couk and bottlo wash r In this movement, Crumpacker, ls still on hand, but he hus been r.:hi ll* d and turned clown so often by his o*n party In Ibis matter that he ls as yot undecided what he will pu sue in this Congre s. He and ICelfer will doubtless get together and produce the annual bill. They will bo given thc opp ?rtu ilty to make thc usual bitter, partisan speeches but this will be as a passing bree/.) and wlil be cpi lok I y forgotten. Killen hy M tunanta O J. Hughes who formerly resided In Galfney, was s'oot and ls reported killed hy Itufui llyars, a tenant near his homo In Cherokee o ninty last week. Relations between tuc two aro saul to hav . been strained for some timo. Details of the t IT ?ir arc very soarco there, lt vars, too was formerly a resident < f Qi IT icy. The Shooting was clone with a double b.-.rroled shot, gun^wo shots t iking a ll* .ot. Moth men aro about 30 years old. A war rant has been Issued for Myara an his wife by Mn/.strate M. J. Gold, at Ul cksburg. Ollliera from this oity have gone to tho soeno. Moth men aro well known hore,_ Burned to Doatli. A dlspa c i from Johnston to The State says a colored girl 14 years oki Mvli g on the farm of Mr. J. ti. Hart was burned to death Thursday from her clothing catching Uro andas she was running c uld not bo saved, A \ pity \ I At cd, Prank Martin and .lohn L. O?lvcr, both of Math, Mc, were found dead In bod at tho residence of Martin's sister, Mrs. irV.anois MtcCuiloy of Prov denco, lt. 1. Tney had been ?sphyxlated by Illuminating gas, acoldontly turned on, THU COLORED 7 UBACHS RB \ . .. ... Appointment* eftheNorthoru Rtetho ?um (Jhuro h to* South C?i-oiiua. . Tte following ard the app; lotment of tN N ir thom Method lat Ohuroh In 3euth Carolina fir the next year. All of the preachers, exoept one, are coloree* : Bennettsvllle District-J. S Them an, presldhg elder. Aleut, J A. G ,t) ; Asbury and New Uody, D. L Tt.OJu EU>; Ashland, J R Grahams; Bennett avilie, W. S. Thomptot ; Cherav ; U S J oks D) Gheraw sud bte ety Hill. IS J Marisol ; Chesterfield, J G. Hurob; Clio aud Tatum, J. Mt E .dd ; Darlington, J. B Mtddleto? ; Dillon, J McL od; Hart8vtlle, W. B. R.mam; J Urson, M V. Gray; LLtlo R ?ck,i S. G eel ; North Mar b ro, J. P. R ?b luboi ; Smyrna, R. F. Barr ngtot ; Spei-r^ ? O. J. oksoo, Syr cu o, G G Kohinoor), N. S. Smith left wltucut appointment to attend schcol. Bnufort D s:r ot-G. J. Divis p o lding 111er. A ken, C. K. Hov,, Appleton, L W. William ; Allendale. W. G. White; Beaufort, 1 ?ac M yei*; Bim well, M O S.owat ; Bu b tu N T. Bo ven; B onOi rg ol ouit, V. S J ibt.80! ; 0 ttagrtvllie, I S E p ; E iruaia , J J Ju';; Grahamville J L G>us i.ut; Green Pond, ii. D Hayes; Hau p on, William Stoney; Gol y ll 1, M S c*ar ; Ja c kson boro, A. Il Harrison; Lodge, IC. J. Curr ; It 111 , K F ?rtbfc. SclgiUig ville, A M Wright; Sprlngtown, J. T. Lits " ; Wal'erin ro, A. D. Browi ; Weimer, is' l\ Boweu. J ; YouoMec, ?VashThcuu as Charleston D S'.TIO'-J E Wilson, prci i ilhg eldor, Charle?ior: Cent?n ary, M M M;U)i.? ? d B;thel, 1 E L iwt r) ; Mis1 ion, to b? euppllc? ; W.sley, E B. Burroughs; C opci River, G S. MoMlllan; J ,?n'? Island, A G. Kent e-1* y; Maryville and St An3 ow'i. B F Minai ; Pluopoils, S SI m mom-; Ridge Ville, J S. Tv lei; R .s W R .Livo);St. John, G. F i M.ll? ; S .. S epheu's A R. Smltl ; ?t. Tucma', Ti ornas Judg'-. suppl);! Summetv Ile, B S. A. Will ams Washington and Lidson, C. Il llit leston. Fl ?rei o District-C. R Brown, oreblilng eider. Batnesua, Bei j B own; B ack River, W S. Kel', Bfook Green, Dniioi Bruwi ; l<\ urente, W II. R-adti h ; Georgetown ?Ld Waee* maw, J. G Gibsoi ; Greelcvvlilo ano P Jr r estoc, J. T. Mirth; Iv egstree. J. A. narrah; Klugstreo circuit, L. L. Thomni ; Like City, .1 li. Thurm ; Line's M Wi's^r ; Luta, P R. Cim lu; Mus B IT Wm D*vh ; Main, R A. Cottlnghao ; Mullins and Shl loh, Frank L Baxtt r, J ; Sinteo ano M oOi el lan vi Ile, J. A. N url ; Salen iud Wis ey, Wiley Ll ttl" joni . s . Mary's, B M Po?ues, Springville, C ll Hoo ; Tlmmonsv.illo, D J. Sin der ; Turkey Clock, D S ,itt rs. G<eenville D strlot-J?ra?? F. Page piiSldlnrjcl o , Ashevll e, J 0. Gibb; And'r&on G. C. Soo? ; McF.irluui ; Easloy, L G G reggi; G tinville, lt L Hloka n: Greenvale mission, J. O Armstron, ; L berty, M M tso! ; i, G T Mille ; Marietta. ? G L. Lotfa? ; Olia, H. H Matthew?! Pendleton, W B B ?wen; R ck Mill , ci. S Bulle ; S.n ca, J D. Michel ; Seneca oh oui y, G W. B ck'.n m; S uti. Grecnvllle, J. G. Martli ; -it. Mirk.'?, W. F. SmlU ; Walhalli, W. G D ;a> ; W.hlajDSton, York G odktt. D. M Minus, president Sterling C ?Hege. (J.-jugvburg Di?triol- G W. Ccop^r, orenldtng eld jr. Branonvd'.e, G VV Gant ; Ciu:nbl>, S. I) Willum-; C>* umbi? mlialon, J II. J Pmsoi ; DJL matk, B. G. Frederick; E listo Fi.rb, J A. Brow ; Jaunso? J. lt Town sen' ; L sing t?. .n B. F G \ud ; Maci* donia, J. M. Puillpi; N rt', W J Smltl ;O angeourg, I. H. Fm o ;0 nngeburg circuit, J L. Grlc ; fuie ville, A. G. To vnsent ; R3e\e viii?. T. G Robinsor; R> wes vibe, W R Bit??j ; Spring tiela, S. J: Coop ; St George's J L Henderson. L M Dun ton, pres^ d ut Cir 111 n University. Spartanourg Disirict-B. F. With er poon, presiding elder. Biao<<s burg, A. D. Harrh ; ?Citawba, A Lewis; Cocster, F N. Newio; ; Gam pobedi ; J G. Pattesoi ; Cl vor, W. H Greet; G JW pens, D. H. Kearse, Vt w pens circuit, I). B. Butler, E worth J T. L Dunham, G reen wo? d KW. V ince : Greenwood c'roult, A; W Fillr; Greer's, R C. Gimbel GalT ey, J. W. Don ; GtlT icy Circu? ; J 10, Wool: Newborry, W S. Batley; Ninety-S x, G. W. William-; Paoolet, J W. Grov. - ; Rock Hill, H. J. Kir? ; ltiklville, C. ii. Lowery; Saluda, L Rice; Spartanburg, A. E Qlos; Spartanburg ciren t, Jamas A. ti len: j St James, F. D. hm ih: Wellfo:d. B J Bostoi ; Yorkvllie, E W. Anaim; York circuit; William Gr til ; Glenn Sprints W. E Gar!soi;L o's Guape), S. Goocilock Bauline, T. E Maher) ; Moore's Seation, W. T. K sllei ; Snuv? Hill, M. G. A-iderron. Sum ,er D.?&rl?? - Y G VUoiMtn presiding elder. Anticoh, William luker; B shopvllle mission, Henry Mo Donald; Borden mission, W. J Mc Danie'; Camdon, J. B. Taylor; Jimden circuit; ll C. Asbury; Limar md Sil dors Grove, W. H. Jonch; Lyuohburg, S S. Sparks; Longtown, S. A Kin, ; Mayosv.llr, I. L Hardj; Maohai lesvllle, R. A. Thomas; Monut ?'.Ion M S Cooper; Rock Spring, S. \. Kind; Sharp mission, Stark Smltl : tollo?, J. A. Murr); Sumter, W. M. Hann? ; Sumter circuit, A B Murphy: Sumter mission, Henry Mo Donald; ?tMaithows, W. G. Murphy; Water so, F. E. Mo.D-.mald. (Jii)iier(< Itoport. A bulletin is^u d by tho census bur eau ?'riday sV?ovs tho numbor of bales if co'ton ginned to Dec. i, u>Of>, to ec 8 081,842, counting round b\lcs as ^alf bale?. A report sh owed ' -lus, 107 b ?les ginned to N v 14 1906 Tho am tint of cotton ginn? d, by Hates and territories is as follovs: Mah ma 1,066,728; Arkansas H22.K13; florida 05 466; G.-orgia 1,601,001; ln llau Territory 240 102; Kentucky 028; i ansian* 3J.264; North Carolina 673, 1)8; Oklahoma 230,048; South Ciroli ia 1)02,708; Toruiesee 203,388; Texas 1,075,01 3; V rglna 13,030. A N Kro BhOt< At Holly Hill on Monday night if lai wcok somo negroes who won* ngaged lc gambling in a small home in the edge or town, got Into a qu r cl, which resulted in tho Shootil g if ono of them, Pomp Jenkins by lame, a wollknown, turbulent, negr-. lo was left helpless In tho hut by toy al Roblnsou, who shot him, and a legro named Waring, who was tn tho ow. Jonklns called for help and at a ate honr was takon to his home bad y hurt. It ls though his leg will lave to be amputuled. IIAUKGO, at Atlanta. A dispatch from Atlanta says tho egal execution In Fulton cr. un ty, for ho crime of criminal assault, took .lace at tho tower Friday morning /hon Jim Walker, the self convloted egro assailant of Mrs. Alloe Mooro, ras hanged. \ Free Medica! Advice from artx? pert Specialist. Dr. Hathaway Offers to Counsel and Adviso Evory Pereon Freo of Cliarge On any Disouse. Twonty-ftvo Years of Remarkable coos? m. IJ.?B Honor d WRITE HIM AND SAVE YOUR DOCTOR'S BILL. 'No oxtra olmrfto for uu'diolm'p," ..Na mlaloadtn? s*?tiPm*,nf'or lio ip tlr*? proposition* ?I ?-*w*<1 tn mr ?dirUe ninnis." DH. J. NICWTON IIAl'IIAVVAY, Wh i we. Knowledt o Is free to tho Stck. Ti yon (tro fouling ill, und d . not MOW JllSt whnt la tho in At ter wt tb you, du not muk? tho mistake ol'ealltllK on ?our local doctor for conoulUition hut just ?lriir ly write to Dr. J. NowtOli II? luiway, 88 Inman lildg, Atilinta, Ga., just how you tv flor, and ho w ll conn Bel and ndviao von for n- thing, while your homo doctor will charge you anywhoro front SI to (lo und tin? Hinno BOrvIcO, lind again, Dr. flatbnway'u > dviee ?H worth lon timos more to you, for hid wida oxnorleiico in tho trcatmont of these diseases (25 years), enables Idhi t< ttl on o undors'.nnd tho exact natnro of youi trouble. Ho will ?1HO sond you a Solf-Kxnnd nitti it lil.rik nnd a valuahlo hook on youl disonnr, of which ho 1H tho author, froo ol rhargo. Dr. Hathaway's specialty 1*? d?neuses of r chronic, or lingering nature, and those ho lin.* BUCCCS-tfully treated for ovor twonty-ftv< ??oats. Tho HUCCOSfl I G lia? met with is some thing remarkable Ho 1ms reached tho heat of his profession und hin l.t'o of "the recog nized authority on Chronic Disensos" lllfttTj bolongH to him. Not only ha? ho cured t,-,jiiH und of BtlffoferN who call at bis olllco for treat-' mont? but nearly every State io ibo Union ls represented on bin list of cured patients whom ht? was nb' to cure hy bis method of hinno treatment. Ho hn\ hud snoeiiil success in cur ing eases of long Hinnu'p ; and of II complicat ed natnro, after several doctors lind given thom up os incurable, but wh'other vour case is of long standing or not, you i boult! at once seek the advice or this groat specialist, lt will lx> of great benefit to you, even if you do not laka treatment. Ile bas a positive e?>d permanent our? for disoiiBos ot men and women BU h AS LOBT MANHOOD. STIUCTU'-K, V\HIOO ULU, NKUVOUSDHnii ITY.l?NLAKGKD PHOS TATE!. KHICILMATIBM, SPHOIF BLOOD POISON, KIDNEY AND BLADDER TROU DLR HEART DISEASE, STOMACH AND BOWELL TllOlJ?l B, D I A U H f KS, IUUUHT'8 DISEASE, UltlNAKY THOU PLE. KNLAKOISD PKOSTaTE, VEMALB IUOUHLK. WOMB TUOUBLK, OVARIAN raOUULE, LEUCORltUEA, KW, and if you tro nlllicied with any of tin no diseased, yo? should IOHO no timo in coiuiultlng this fain out oprcialist. Hin t rent meut for these disensos is Und DI ?. lion bo oiico disciiArges you ns cured, ye? ie?>d hnvo no fear that you will ?ver be tra?? bled with your dineano ngnin ids curer are jw .iinnent. Dr. Hathaway is the nu thor of eight /aluablo medical books w doh should be in dio hand? of evory ono nfiliotnd, or overt bend of a family, and bo will send .ny one of thee? ooks to you on receipt of your nam* and ai drem 1, dlB ases of the throat and lungs: 2, kidney* and urinary trnot; 9, diseases ef women; 4i sk Iii, rectal, rheumatism; 5. blood poison; 0. nervous debility and vital weakness; 7, Btricturo; 8, varlcocole. VA* book fer mon entitled "Manliness, Vigor and Health," clo iiiltl bo in tho hands of avery man. Write for it, lt is freo. If you ?fy not suffer yourself sond him tho name of some ene that does. Do not forget the addreev-? J. Newton Hathaway, M. D~ 88 Inman Bide. I Atlanta, fla. m* F1GGER IT OUT 1 Golden Eagle Buggy J Set Hame Harness I) alors Pr co $05 00 12,50 $77 50 Our Price $.!!>. Od 4.9?) $53 00 Your saving on first-claw out fit bought direct from factory $23.(W\ enough to buy your wife., a silk dress. Would you prefer to give it to her or to tbo mid dle man? We cut out the beary tar of dealers' profit and drummer's expense, by soiling dlrecl to con sumer. You ?ct $77.50 value for $53.90. WriL? for Catiioj?ua Na 2), ci the splendid Golden E itfle Bu^v. Satisfaction gu iranteaJ. Golden Eagle Buggy Co., Atlanta, Ga. ^ToT^^B^O R N E jvi Joi.T^riv, OA. Bookkeeping, Shorthand,^ Type-writing, Ei glish branches, Full guaranteed course.20 weeks. Single courue of either Business or Sherfr hand, ? mos. 12 calls for graduates in about 20 days. Can't supply de mand. Write. ?m**v?4i 11 H S GUINARD BUICK WORKS. COlvUMIUA O Manufacturers Brick, Fire Proof Terra Cotta Bullilup RDU Fine linings and Drain Tile. Prepared to till orders for thou i or millions Prepared to till orders for thou ands *w*p*a ee v?^???* M ? ?ANCHI COTTON QINN6R S\ND MACHINERV tfrV?it >. Write for Prices oa the Following Babbit Coup'lngs Guages Drills Guage Cocks Oil Oup9 Hacksaws Oil Cans Bolt, leather Fittings Injectors 1'ipe Lace Leather, Packing all kinds, Shafting, Collars for Shafting and anything else in machinery supplies. Columbia Supply Co.. .... Columbia. S.~C. Lubricators Bolt, Rubber Fj .clors Files Belt, Gandy Drill Pre? Hammers Pulleys TJSN PEE8JNJ KILLUJ) T --.- ii. iii Anti a Numb r I ni tired l>y a Hoad on }'? g arasais aie ^?tmm^mi^?m?mt < (tlHuion. Ten persons were killed and ll tralo amployo.s and e)fc,hi passengers wsie Injured in the wn ck of tile Overland Limited passenger train Nu. 2 on tho Union Pacific, nv> miles west ol lt ck Springs, Wyo,, TlnmcUy morning, rho Limited was ruo Into head-on by i freight train and i oih onginci? were lemolished. The dyamo car, mall car ard din ng car on tho limited burned to tho sheels. Several of the dead were nclncr&tcd. An oxtra freight train va? given an order before it lt f It ?ok Springs to meet four eastbound pas tonger trains, of willoh the Overland im Hood was Gio last one, at Ahsay, a liding live miles weBt of Book Springs. Tho freight to:,k the siding at Ali lay and waited until three of thone lad passed oast and then pul cd out. Wlicna mile and a half west of Alh ?ay tho freight met tho () orland Ld raited and crashtd imo it, head m. B ?th onglnes were demolished and he first three oirs of tho ()-orland Ldmltocl Immediately caught Uro and vero burned. Engineer Brink of tho might train, who it ls stated cluci dly, was rtspofmlblo for overrunning ils orders was ono of tho killed. Sov ral trains had boon badly decayed nt Granger, with tho result that four ia? enger trains wero ru ihlng closoto [Othor. The freight had roooivod posi tivo or dor? to meet all four of tho iraius at Ah?,ay, and tho tablais say bat theoidcT8 wero either mlsundoi - tood or misread. m We honcs'ly b?llev. that $287 ppenl with us buys more lasting Plana satisfaction than $400 spent eis where. There's a reason. Write us about il. Full particulars by return mall. Pigh Grath? Organs, $47 50 to $05. ? Ludden & Bates, S. M. H., 1 Dept. "IO' Favannah, Qa. All 5(>o. Popular MUPIO 17c, or ti picone for BOO. J H ow < Nilli minn A London money louder pressed Us claim for money loaned In a oltv lourt and tl e Judgo, after an exhaus? ,lvo inquiry into tho merits of tho tase, di rooted tho defendant to pay ibo dobt at the rate of one penny por nonth, tho entire ami nut to bo paid >y the eud of the 209bh year. . - ORGANS - - of tho best puality $45 up Upright Pianos From $225 tip. WfitA lu - - . ?JO for cataloguoB and terms. Malone's Music Uonsc, 1432 Main. Btt'cet Almost oppoflito. Ma?onio I 'i'oinplo. I COLUMBIA, gj; 0.