lr?, -el. BROWN - - - Editer Friday Ootober 20, 1905. Bl!_. . . . _ _ Subscription Priest "Ono y oar.f 1.00 &ix months.BO Three months.26 ?OURT OF GENERAL SESSIONS OCTOBKll TjBKM, 1905. Tho Court of General Sessions con* -yened Monday morning at 10 o'olock -His Honor Judge Gary presiding. The Grand Jury was promptly in pl "Ci, and Solicitor Johusou soon had 4i uumber of bills ready, which after a brief charge from His Honor, wero turned over to them. Mr. Percy B. JMooro, the loremnn for this year, is ? *nan of business and with a strong jury .knows how to despatch court work "True bille" were found in all the .casis gi von them, and by 8 o'clock on Tuesday they com ph ted all tho work aready, made their report and wen -discharged. Their report will appear ?ext week. The following members were drawn to servo for 1906 : H. B. Freeman. J, M. Jackson, I, A. Hamer, W. W .Fartant, G. H. Welch, J. T. Buudy Owing to sickness and other causes .only 20 potty jurors woro available, atm an extra vouiro had to bo sum moned Tuesday. Tho following canes havo been dis ?posed of to Thu rad ty noon : Clayton Ferg 1 Harvy Reed, ?ehatged with '?ito Mr. Doc Stanton's H' I d robbing tho Same, v rt ... md guilty :tu two .orcd, who shot ? ' i ii, near Tatum rc . ntl and though nbly defended bv Hon. T.I. lound guilty of assuult i\ a high and aggrivatcd na d will not shoot so quick next .ie gels mad with somebody. Annie Rogers nnd Eliza Thomas, colored, wont lo trial for stealing some jewelry from Mrs Fred Douglas The testimony wn? conclusivo, und they found guilty-one for stealing anil thc Other for helping to hide the goods. None ol thc convicts have been sen teuced yet. .luke Jenkins, thu colored youth -who shot and killed Sheridan MoKl'i" lion, the well known colored b'ack* smith' at Bunker Hill one uight last month, went to trial Wednesday eve ning, and tho case is still being heard ns we go to press Thursday noon. If Not A Member, WHY Not ? 1 wae sorely disappointed on my re turn to Renncltsville to find tho Marl boro Division not filled. Why so much ?... * .,*.*.> V, li*) sin ii id lot* o'i? .?i" Don't forget that I have a nice large Refrigerator in which to keep Huller, Cheese, Lard. Fi nits and all perishable goods fresh and cool during the Bummer months. W. M. Bowe WARMING NOTICE. ALL persons arc warned against troapiiBH iny in any mauser, upon any of my land or lamia under my control, cither by walk lng, riding, cutting, hauling, hunting, Anh ing, grazing atocle, or otherwise, under the donal ties of tho law, Oct 18 1905. S, P, WRIGHT. FOR SALE I Parlies in want of iirsl class Lumber can get it, from A. J. .TONES, Oct I?. Blenheim, R. F. D. 1. ENLARGED PICTURES. Don't fail to ace or write mo before placing your ordern for your POIITUAIT WOIIK. With nearly 4 years experionoo and rep. rcHcnting ono of the bent Chicago Co'a., 1 um prepared to nuit you. High gtnilo woik a Hpecialty. Rospeotfully J. F. PEBLE, McColl, ti. 0. Boforo buying Life Insurance in vest iga to the Annual Dividend poli cies of the "Penn Mutual." Instead of paying the saino thing for 20 years let your Dividends lessen your prom* innis each year. Wo nan anvo you front $.'! to $7 oil each thousand. Perfection in Life Insurance. Crosland & Tyeou, "Thc Insurance Men." - See my stock of Tobacco - cheap by the box. E. Powers E. O, MORRISON, nr. i s - Electric il and Plumbing Supplios. Electric Lamps a Spooialty. flfUfiaf/c)' fit;/ ICI eel riv riant. Phone 114, PcnnottHville, ti. 0. JJW>"" Itcport all trouble with tho linos or Htroot lights to thc above. BUD lu Tb Klug. EDfr?ft MARLBORO DEMOCRAT i Dear Sir-I eond ho?owitk u stator?ouc J in reference to yield of tba ootton tho oeod of which i bavo been soiling mid planting for several years : 1213 IbB. of scod cotton gluood At tho gin of Driggora Bros., near Olio, and wolgh od by thom. Tho balo was woighod again at filio by Mcsftr? H. K, Mein tyro and C. II. Woodloy publio woighora and woighed '')?!() lbs. net, making un nvorago of 45 lbs Liut to tho hundred pouoriu sood cotton, ltospootfully, 1?. H. STUBBS. t&" Samples of tho sood can bo soon nt Tho Dcmcorat Olllco. Insure your (jin Houses and con touts wiih Crosland & Tyson. They huyo low rates in (Jin lionnes "a word to tho wiso ?R sufficient. Phono 212. CROSLAND & TYSON. "Tho Insurance Mon." WANTED-A 4 or 5 llorso FARM. Will take on Sharon or Rent, nnd will rout Htook und feed. AddroHu "Q." .' Caro of ''Democrat,'' Rcnnettsvillo, DH. Finn's ToHtimony Intorostlng. Dr. Thomas Finn, ol Roonshoro, Mo., who has practiced medicine for 32 years, says he has used every perscription known to the protession lor treatment of kidney and Bladder disease, and says he has never found anything so effec tive in both chronie and acute kidney and bladder trouble as Foley's Kidney Cure. It stops irregularities and builds .ip the whole system. A full lino of II J. Heinzs Co. Pickles Preserves, Kotchups, Sa? cos, Jollies &c. at W. M. Rowe's. A Fearful Fate Il is a fearful late lo have lo endure tho terrible turtum of Files "I can truth fully pay," wiites Henry (.'olson, of Musouvillo. Ia-, "that for Blind, Bleed ing. Itching and FtotrUding Piton. Buck" len's Arnica Salve, is thc best cure made." Also best for cuts, binns and injuries. 2f>c nt J. T. Douglas Druggist. MEN PAST BIXTY IN DAN OKU. More than half of mankind over sixty years of agc suiter from kindey and bladder disorders, usually enlargement ol prostate gland. This is both painlul and dangerous, and Foley's Kidney Cure should be taken at the first sign ol danger, as it corrects irregularities and has cured many old men ol tins disease Mr. Rodney Burnett, Rock Port, Mo., writes; "I suffered with enlarged pros tate gland and kidney trouble lor years and aller taking two bottles of Foley's Kidney Cure 1 lcd 'netter than I have lor twenty years, although 1 am now QI years old " Foi S ile by Rcnncttsvllle Pharmacy, .-. -. - JaW In orel er to make room, we will sell two Square Piano's at Sacrifice, come at once. Strauss & Co. TO THE PUBLIC. I beg to inform my patrons and publio M .? , i," .-. <:-. Ai,i ,..,? ? t r< And -ni M ' ; !'- 1 . ob tn .. to ike 1.? '...,0 o M iv ? \\f. .'A yv. i?L . , is inn - o in'< , .. '.- 7 lu'nTn?ynr ? itopuir vvoiK uuu ui iiiipioviug yoUi --^ igut. Come and foe mc S, J. PEARSON, The Jewler. For tho present my Bicycle and (Jun Shop will bo located in the Market building, where my man will be glad lo seo you nnd lill orders. Ready for Your Orders. Tho Clio Novelty MTg Works will get up your Bill for Flouting, Ceiling, Uer mane Siding Ar. Weatherboarding, as veil as your House I ri minings Door, Sash, Blinds, dribs nud Man tles, promptly and cheaply. ?Soe them for anything in the building line llie^ will save you money. The State of Sou Hi [Carolina, County ol Marlboro- Court Common Pleas. HENRY C. HERRING, Assignee, Plalu'ff. -against Thomas Smith and Ceorgo F, A viager, Dofondnnts, Copy Summons tor Relief, (Complaint not Served.) To thc Defendants, Thoma? Smith and Qeorgo F. Avingorj You arc Hereby Summoned and Re Quired to nnswnr tho complaint in thin uo linn, which iu hied in Ibo offtoo nf Ute Olork of tho Court of Common Plon? for tho said county in Haid Stute, and to servo a copy of your answer to tho enid complaint on tho subscriber at his ellice in Bonnottsvlllo South Carolina, within twenty days after tho Hervico boroo!, exclusivo of tho day of mich servico ; and if you fail to answer thc complaint within tim time aforesaid, the pluintiff in this notion will apply lo tho Court for Hie rollof dcin.unlod iii t!ic com plaint. Dated September 27, A 1) , 1005. T. W. BOUCillRIt, Plaintiffs Attorney. To tho Dofondant Thomas Smith : Yon will please lake UOtico that tho SummoiiH and Complaint in this action has boon (lied tho oili?O of the Olork of the Courtof Common Ploas for Marlboro county this tho 27th day ol' September 1005, and that ut the expiration of tito limo heroin named in this summoiiH judgment will he domauded in accordance with 'lie prayer of tho Complaint. T. W. HOI'(JIU KU, Plaintiff's Kilt Kept 29, 1905, r. Bcnnettsville, S. C. VOil H itt NT. ON IC Three horso Karin about a mili! from tho town ol Hod Springs, in good I otate of cultivation. Unod ('raino house and other improvements Ono Three horse farm about one half mile from thc town ol' hurnborton, In a high state of cultivation One Four horso fbrm in tho lower oral of Robeson noiiniy, on !$hou Hool Creek? about htint for Parti/ton, ReU.f. BY Virtue of an Oidor di above ontitlod notion, ) ?do beforo Ibo court IIOUHO [fl (?on nottavillo, nt public outcry Momliiy in Novombor next, d boars of Bale, tho following parcels or trncta of land, couuty of Marlboro in the 8 Unit ia to any : ( i ) All that certain traot ns "TUB TKKUBIII? FIIU.I Thirteen Hundred (1300) A locH, bounded North by lar I Evana, (known nB tho Lfiml by landa of L. B, Carrigan McLeod Place), and South landa of Hnid L. E. Carrigan (2) All that other cortnii known nu "CANE PABTUR, Ono Hundred (loo) AorcR, bountied North hy landa of / (known na Btior Field), and 1. rind on all other H?IICH by tho 1 Uiver. (3) All that other coi tain known as "GUM SWAMI''' 01 containing Fifty 150) Acres, hounded North hy landa of A .'DuPreo Place,'' East by 1 Wino, and South and Wea JIUUMB O'Neal. Torma of Sale-Oao Hal balance on a credit of twelve dato of Silo, tho credit porti terell from ?aid date, nay er i mi cr ot UKI i u tviiuiu tu inila, to bo ro?Bold on the Mibauquont oaloailay nt tho jun chimer or ptirohnadra, or purchaaora to pay for all pw H, SiU'b pleini.-es are Hold grant of tho Umbel thereon Ooxu, deecaaed, during bia 1 J. A DU. Clerk Ci Bcnnottevlllo, s 0., Oet 1 NOTICE ?F FINAL Di* Estate of Geo. W. \ WAVING riled in thc Pr< .M. oflice ol Marlboro Co return as administrator ol Rstate of George W, Tayl Notice is hereby given that to s.iid (.'om i lor a final du il.ivs hom tliis dali: as aldu s lid, (',, W. \\ ?jt 25, 1905. rr--T-1-i i n II iniimm^ii Nolico of Dissolution of Cr THE co1-partnership beret between tho undersigned lice of law ha? thia ?lay bee mutual eonacnt. Any pcr?< dcm and againat the linn ia present Hame for payment w iliirty daya to T. I. ltogorn, I liiuu: bu.dncsa in lite Hame 01 ! Qrand retiring tu open an oil m Hie McCall Brick Kow. those Indebted to na to muk toon an practicable, T. l. 1 J. W. September 25 IQO$ Wea li ICycN Mudo by Hnyhig UH tJ Pit j on r with a Jinir of Pure Crysta We guaratiloo to mi! y 11 < mu ey d.i.I'M our pl.n Plii l'S are the Limiest 00] (lrat*olaea work, SAM .J. PE JV'AVKbklt AND iv rniaceritly loo ned at i 1\ K N N KTTN v rLT, i Tho Ncwto'ii Pills. Those great blood romola tors nr? kn Marlboro. Ker the < u di ol' his customers ho low boxes at (bis ( I they can gol them. THE GREATER S?AT? FAIR. Evoryono is Going to Attend tho Ono Great State Reunion. 'Ube Dar ut Prosper lt jr io br c*lrbri?t*U. Th? Tldluu? liront Columbi* (or ?Ur. lo lr OM Outobt'r Ut io 'ft, In vi ns Iv*-. ChCMp Hut? li. With thc continued prosperity that is now blessing ibis State there is every indication I hat thc State Fair for 1905 will lc more largely attended than ever bc?ore in ils his tory. Last year the South Carolina State Agricultural and Mechanical Society celebrated its annual Fair at its new home in the southern su burb of Columbia. As is usually the case, lhere were some little de tails that could not be finished for thc holding of thc last Fair, but President C.uignard bas bad a full year in which to have all of these lough spols smoothed out, and the outlook is that never before in its history will thc State bair have a more suceeesful Fair than that which is to be held here on October 24th, 25th, 26th, and 27th, inclusive. Thc inquiry for space at thc grounds, as well as from small ex hibitors, indicate a very general ap ?neeiation of thc value of such cx libits. A great deal of interest is being shown in thc mechanical de vices for usc in agricultural pur suits. From thc inquiries that have been received there will be quite a nt?'tiber of labor-saving devices ex hibited, and, of course, all up-to date fariucrs want to see these things. There is, however, a far more in teresting phase of the State Fairs than thc mere exhibits in thc build ings on thc ground, and that is the opportunity for intercourse between the people of thc State that thc State Fair ?fters. Mr. C. B, Hubbard is closing ?ut his tiro salvage floods tit and .clow cost. ('all at once and *et bargains. -WfflM I I Valuable E - TNOLTJ Timber Land Farm L -AN j Tob 11 m (tf- CORRESPONDENCE SP October 19, I90?. - m m tm m m IC arc now in the Store and Miltie's Store, "W7 X3CI33 We are prepared lo serve 0 Everything in a wei \ ?nt for WILEYS' CANDY. We solicit your patron ? BEN NETT VIL] M u. ?. COURT OF COMMON PLEAS I OT I OK in hereby ?ivon that tho Pall Torin of tho Court of Common IMoni. for Marlboro County will convene nt Bon? . ot (millo Moudny November 20, 1905, nfc io o'olook, n. m. All pontons lutereotcd will tiiko duo notlco thoroof. tl rand jurors j are not required to attend. J. A. DRAKE, Oct 13, 1905. 0 '5. C. P. HURRY UP ORDERS. KRHONS wanting the "BHKEDEN FcbDlNO STALK CUITBII" on Truck NV heels will pienso put in their orders at once, aa 1 shall make only a. limited number. Otherwise orders may not bo filled when wanted. Shall carry Cutters for wagou whoelsi alno. W. M. RitKKnr.N, Bonoettsvillo, H. C., R.F.D. 4. Oct 18, I OOO. NOTICE. OPENING OF .SCHOOLS. AU. tho Public Softools In Marlboro co , which have not yet opened, will open; OH Monday Ootobcr 30, or nu HOOII thereiif ter UM practicable. Tho County Bllporlnteudoiit's oHioo will bo open every day from 10 a. Ul., to 3 p. m., for two week*, from October 23d to! Novombor .j. Af toe that tl? to tho offloo ] will bo opon as ubini, on Monday and Sat- j urdny of each week while tho public hChooltf? .ire in HCHH?OII, \ W. D. STANTON, Ohm'n Co. Hoard of Eduoatlou, j Oot 7, I9?S 3 WANTED. I dosi re to rout about 100 to 12f> acres good farming land with good rosine nco on same. Address "PER DKI:," Cit?v? tif TlAmanMl \-*OCN Your Hoof Leak V IN Your Hoof Rusty If Preserve Your Shingles and Pro tect Your Roofs by Using w. JAY MCDONALD'S Patent Fire, and Waterproof Cement Roof Paint. Acknowledged by the known world to l?o tho only Absoluto Protector of Hoofs, Guaranteed to mop ovory Lenk. Endorsed throughout tho United .Staten by those who lu*vu unod lt for 15 year?. Every gallon ?old guaranteed. Wo either eontrnot your work or HOII JOH the Paint and Cement. Our Paint and Leak Cure Cement, whoo properly applied, will mako a Hoof abso lutely Wutor Tight and Huat Proof. Equally good for Tin, Metal, Shingles, or Corrugated Iron, Felt and Gravel Iljofs. Painting Hoofs of Publio Buildings a Specialty. GIVK us Youn PATHOS AUK AU Work Guaranteed l i?* Special Pcloes by the Darrel. Call On J. T. Douglas, Bonnottavillo or .-illili. : .! McDonald Roof Paint Co., Sumtor,S.C. Sept, I, 1905, FOR SALK. ATU ACT OF LAND OLA milo and a half East of Odo, containing Sixty noven (07 j) and one-hair norcH -50 in cultivation and Um balance can bo easily Oloarfd, (?und dwelling liotlfte Two tenant I1OU8O8 and oilier neoewmry out buildings, Price $60 per aero, giving tho privilege for any higher bids. For loller particulars seo or write T. l). DIUGGEK8, August 23, 1905. Clio, 8. C. -- J, T. Douglas is agent for tihe McDonald Roof Paint. ?l^",-~. t-.v~.? -J VUlmU.MrfW/u^WH.H^.?. . ?rosta v. ?Doim? Practical Pharmacist and Dealer in g%c? fljrugs and patent-J^edicin cf3 es. T WE ?LSn CARRY k PAINTS, O?LS, f BRUSHES of nil kind?, X VARNISH nod STA I NH, $ PREPARED PAINTS, M??iuBJujti, arvMUJSfS, ? WINDOW GLASS, STATIOKAltYanti SUPPLIES Y LAMPS, SHADES, EtO. FINE CIGARS AND TOBACCO, t STA NDA ltl> MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, TOILET and Fancy Article*, PE11EUIIMEIIY, SOAPS, IS lt (/SUES, SCONCES, ?oy- Prescriptions carej'aUy co/npoi?nded al all houi s arid gaaranteed to be of the Purest JJrags and at reasonable prices. A full line Garden Seed & Onion Sets. Thankful for punt pulronngo yours for n pro&pcrouA now year. J. T, DOUGLAS, Jaamny 1, VJ?->. AT TBS Ol?? STAND WE HANDLE BARGAINS TOO. NO USU TO WORRY, BUT COMM RIGHT ON TO CLAUDE MOORE'S YOU -W"u3L3SrO? Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, JM otions ** * And Fancy Groceries. Freeh Water Ground MEAL nod HOMINY a spuoialty. Wo Keep a full line in each Department and will lill your Wauts in each AT THE LOWEST PRICES. When you come to Town call and seo us. Phone orders in town delivered FREE, and satisfaction guaranteed. Call and soo us-Noar Douglas1 Dru?; Store. BENNETTSV1LLE HARDWIRE CO., -3E3Le4Etc3Lc^xxci,x*t;eDr?s; FOR HARDWARE Ol? TORY ])|{8CRH}TI0N. WE ARE NOW OPENINU UP ONE OF THE LARGEST and NICEST LINES OF Buggies and Harness EVER OFFERED ON THIS MARKET. WP also hnVb a Lnvgu . rook of 'T?$T e$k ??''%>$'?jO%T$**? - ... UAH i^io mut are therefore in position to make You very Close Prices, SEE VS BEFORE J! J) Y TNG IT WILL PAY YOU. You will always find om- Mr. Throop Crosland at our Repository, on north side ol Public Square, who will gladly show you our lines and MAKIO CLOSEST PRICE POSSIBLE. Very reaped fully July 20, 1905. Our TSTG-STV- Line -THE DIRECT WAY SO? ll If M JSTOIR-'X'TT, BAST SOUTH' M BENNETTSVILLE & CH ER AW R. R. 51 ? ? AND AIR LINE RAILWAY. Loavo Bonnottsville *7.05 a. m., 7.00 p. m. Arrive Choraw 8.10 p. m. DAILY KXvEFT SUNDAY. * Direct connections at Choraw with through trains to P tho North, East, South and Weet. fl p p p p ? B Si The short line and quickost tiuio to Wihnineton, Charlotte Atluotu, Raleigh, Btohuiond, Washington, Ballimore, Philadelphia, New York, Boston, Buffalo, Pittsburg and ali points North and East. Thc fchort linc and quickest time to Columbia, Savannah, .Iiieksonvillo, Tampa. Montgomery, Now Orleans and all points South and Wost. Poi furtho.r information call on J. T. MEDLIN, agent Bennettsvillo & Oheraw H. H.. Hennettsvillc.S. C., or address ll. L. BUlUtOUGHS T. P A., SEABOARD AI? LINE RT., Columbia. S. C. 0HARLI5S V. STEWART, A. 0. P. A., S.A.L, Ry, Savannah, Ga. ?mew "^9 FOR HORSES ?ND MOLEIS ONLY SMITH NEWTON, Bennettsville, S. 0. MCCOLL DRUG CO., MOCOU S? O.