u Bf?NNETTSVILLB, 8. 0. ?IT H. A. ?HOWH * ?O. O?lee on Marton Street Oppo?tU Masonic Hall. ^...M..?..S.H..?M..-*?..H.*U.S0 Friday September 32, 190b. Our Town Oorvernment. MAYOR-F. A. Hodges A i? i> K KM KM-W 1?. Breeden, Jr. C. S QlfUtUiv, A. G. Sinclair, IC. Powers. CLERK SC I'RKAS?RBR-Milton Mc Laurln. ?llice open dally. POLICE-W.M. Atkinson. Sim Bailey. HOWS THIS! We oder One Hundred Dollars Kc ward lor any case ot catarrh that can? not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J CHKNFY & Co , Toledo. O We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney lor the last i5 years, and be lleve him perfectly honorable in all bus? iness transactions and financially able to carry ont any obligations made by his firm. WALDINO. KlNNAN & MARVIN. Wholesale Druggists, Tob do, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting derectly upon the blcod ar d mu cous surfaces ol the system. Testimo nial! sent tree. Price 75 cents per b dib. Sold by all Druggists, - CHEAP ! TRACT oonaina 274 BO OB, situated in Cumberland county, N. O., 4 milo? wost of Fayetteville 125 aoron In high stato of cultivation, with dwelling and tenant houBOu thereon ; 250 noroa of ?aid tract oould bo put in oultivatiblo couditiou with out noy ditobiug. No bottor location oould bo found in tho Btuto, lu poiut of health .nd social foaturo , No wella or springs ] dry up and wator gooi nil tho yoar round ; v/ithir. oaay roaoh of four churches; land good upland aud will grow cotton, corn; tobaoco and all kinda of truok. Laud ad joining tkiB oould hardly be purchased at any price K?nnen for wanting to sell, no ono to look after tho placo proporly. Tho titles porfootly clear, and has boon owned by ?amo party uow owning it for about 40 yearn. No lions ot mortgagca whatovor on thia tironui tv. Thia property baa uovor ' >, nineo, it oamo iuto tho it owner, and thoBO in ?\ good farm, cheap, in .> would do well to cor WARD, l-'uycttovillo, N | , who will furninh full particulars. Septcmbor 1, 1905. TAX NOTICIA S OFKICK OY COUNTY TUKAHOIIKII, BouncttHvillo, S. C.. Sept. 14, 1905. NOTICE in hereby givou that tho Books ] for tho oolleotlouof TUXUB of Marlboro oaunty for tho fluoal year commeuoiug Jan uarv i noe. will lin dunn at thu Tronnurnr'n I Oflh . i li?? ''??';< ? 'I ?'? ?- - ' 1 .?' >y? rtV.Ji, 4<;o;i, ?di! totoain w. in -nu.. .>",,. thfci oatt tht- porftlij/ ?il. ! ,. iib : , . , ll Unpaid Taxi;*, 'Iiiti ;.?.-. ovj ?.Iii UKI-iii &fc?to bu . '. Ordinary County tax G? milla Constitutional School tax Jj milln Total tax levy 15 milln Tho following ?9 tho levy for Spcoia Behool.* : Benncttovillo 4 milln Tatum, 4 mills Willie, 2 milln Antioob, 2 milla Boauty Spot 3 milln Boykin ratha Iii i ?btu vii lo 2 j mills K dlock, 2} milla Leeter, 2) milla OLIO, a \ milla Ebenezer, 2 milla McColl, 4 milln Thuio will be au additionul levy for Clio District (not yet determined) to meut tho payment of hondo intmed by said dintriot Poll tax of Ono DulUr on all mulo per sona botweon tho agon of 21 und 60 y (mm, except Confederate soldiers and thoae nf ber wini: CXO'Upt b? law. Commutation Koud Tux of One Dollar on all able bodied malu pcriona from 18 to 50 years of ago. J. IT. THOMAS, Ti censurer Marlboro County. Directory of Btnntttsville Lodges] OoXHOLIDATED LootJK No. 15, K. ol P., moetv every second and fourth Mou day nights at 7.30 o'clock. J. W. Let J rand, C. 0. ?. 1). tiastorlhis, IC. of tt, & S. MARLBORO Lonas No. 88, meets at Beuncttsville, Friday evening, on or bo fore oaoh full moou al 8 o'clock. J. If. Kinney, W. ty. II. B. Stockton, Secretary. County Masonic Directory. MARLBORO CHAPTER NO. SO lt. A, M., moots at Don notts ville un tho seooud Friday of cadi mont ii. J. K. Kinney, II. P. II, 10. StooUtou, Secretary. IOUKBKA Lonuv. No. 43, A. F. M.. neets at Met'olI, each Saturday aftoi neoQibefore tho full moou,at 4 o'ulock. AUROUA Lonou No. 33, A. K. M., wcett at Clio, Saturday on or aller eaoh fall MOOU st 3 o'clock, p. m. J. T. Stantoo. Wi M. T. A. Covington, Secretary. BRUNS LOPOE y.o. 118 meets on Fri day afternoon on or orlon- each lull moon at Blenheim at ,1 o'clock. J K. Rogers, W. M. W. W. Bruce, Sec'y 0LIO NOVELTY Manufacturing Works IYI1110 Business reccntiy known as (he Jt CLIO NO VIO LT Y MANUFOTU* HING CO , will hnrouftor bo known as TUBING WORKS, with V. H. I VIO Y .ole owner and dirootor, Th? latost iiuprovod wood working tnaohinos- aro being plaoed for doing ali Km 11 of Novolty work for buildors uso at hvintr orlons. Jut '93. 1003. PERSONAL, Miss Bessie MoNair, of Ma: ton is visiting nor aunt Mrs, J. ' Ka?on. Mr. ltobort T. Drauf?'.on < Howland N, C., was hoi o We* nesday. Miss Anna DrauKhon < ' Ro\ laud is spending a fow da; s wit hor stator Mrs Carl R?wo. Mr Oscar Mathew snout Ha urday and Sunday herc with li family. Mrs Fannie Irby Mciver ( Fayetteville has been spendin a few days at tho Marlboro We regret to learn that Mri Luna Mcbanlol Hubbard is agni quite sick. Mr. W. 1). Jenkens, on It. F. C No 2., was a visitor on Saturdu and called to seo ns. Mr. Howard Bounds, HOI working in Columbia carno ove Tuesday and spent several day? Mr. W. A. Dampier of Ben nottsville has entered Stanley' Business Collogo at Macon, (la, Mr. Robert C. Coxe, of Re? Hill, was up Wednesday am called. No special news in hi: section. Mr. Wei McCall, of McColl caine down Tuesday and spon tho day with his old friend Mr T. D. McCall. Mr, John B. Hill, who is man aging Mr, C. M Graham's Smith ville farm, was down Wednes day and called. Mr. John S. Moore, who ha: boon quito sick at homo for sov oral weeks, was ablo to get oui again last week. Mr. W. A McDaniel, who has been in Arizona for two years, is boro on a visit to bis parents near Beauty Spot, Mr. and Mrs James McDaniel. Mr T. W, Dullard of Adams ville was down Saturday and called. Ho says with good wea thor bo will clean his cotton field before October. Mr. J T, Clark, a splendid farmer of Hebron who fanni: on the McCall Spears place,, was Up Saturday and Called. He bas the fara: for il years longer and you will lind bini there. COMING - A., G ALLEN'S NEW ORLEANS MINSTRELS. A. O. Alluu'n New Orleaim Minatruh weru iu tho city luat night, ami with tlx Labor Day crowd miming loono cager fut ftinuROuioiit, tho audiouce laat night could not be accommodated. Thousand* of poo pla, whilo ami oolorod, wore turnoil nwaj from tho door booausa of tho ovurcrowdiui of tho largo tout. Ic wau oatbmitod thal 3*500 people worn in tho audience and tba 1,500 or 2,000 moro were turned away. Tho performance waH froo hom ?n ~l putt followed by buok and wing dancing luonologueti, tanja playing, contortions work, ute Tuleen all iu all tho ?how cou Ul bo well rcoomruondod an a doun, wholu ?saino, hoibtcrour produotion. Two of tho drawing cards woro a bunj J expert and a eloTcr f emulo hnporaouutnr, Tho above ia an oxtr&ot from tho ('al limbla Daily Stato, Columbia, S. C., July 3. Thia Oontuituy will ?mow in Hannett* ville Tliomin, next September 26. CHEAP LIFE INSURANCE. Wo are making an effort tc lill tho Marlboro Division, Mu tual Benevolent Lifo Insurance Association by Oct 1st. If yon are a member won't you hell us? If not a member won't you join us ? lt is insurance at cost and ils officers are as pure and sale men as our state contains. Call on or write Rev. T. W. Scruggs, Marlboro Hotel Ben ne tts vi lie, S. C., or Julian Mc Lnnrln, Clerks ellice, at once. -- Tho BouofitB of Peruvian. We publish in another col un the testimony of a number 01 farmers in this and adjoining counties as to the satisfactory results in the usc of this thc best paying Fertilizer on tin market. Mr. B. E. Mooore ba: taken the agency again and ii now filing orders for early ship inehts. If you want to malu money farming you must m?t it, and then quit grumbling ai prospects. -. ? ? ? -.. WANTED. I desire to rent about 100 to 12? aorosgood farming land with gout resilience on ?ame. Add rem "PEK DBE," McColl, S. C. -- - ~ ?-? ?.-> Your Horse is valuable, whv not insure him pgainst dea til from any cause. Hales low. Brot eel ion good. CilOShAND & TYSON "The insurance Mon. A ('U ar Oompl?Xion ami iiilr;M J'lyoB. lu most cases a sallow, blotched com plexion and doll heavy eyes arc due u poor digesllOn and an inactive liver Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup aids digca (ion ami stimulates the liver and bowel: and makes the complexion smoothe am clear. Orino I/ixitive Fruit Syrup doe* not nauseate or gripe and is mild am pleasant to lake, lleluse Substitutes, For sale hy Benneltsvillc pharmacy Every Family Nooda Ono. rf you would bc Independent 0 I i i . " . " P , I. /till iB'/.y nOlp gOt OilO'Ol LllObO L/lOUlOl Washers now advertised in lin Dcmorrat. Saves your clothes ant saves you money. Write McColl Hdw. Co. M0?0I! and got prices* CiC T?Wtf ?ND COUNTY NEWS - Tho Jewish ?New Year' falls on Saturday the JlOth. - Tho straw hats will soon disappear. - Cotton is disappearing rap idly from tho holds. r- Tho Saturday afternoon crowds aro on tho increase. - There woro some nico water melons in tho morkot Saturday. - Thoro wore only three an? ??Meants for teachers certificates ?Yiday, - Next Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday will imbi?; days in Benuettsvillo- every body invited. Mr. Sam J. Pearson, tho Jow eier and Optician has moved to his uew store in the ICxum build ing. - Write Stanley's Businoss Coll ORO, Macon Ga., utonco for College. Tho School can not supply tho demand for its grad natos. - Sheriff Creen and Deputy Minson carried Henry Thomas, tv crazy negro to Columbia Tues day. Tie was the wildest case ever taken over. - The A. C. Line is building a handsome "Coal Shute" for our Cotton Mill. They will also build ono for tho Oil Mill. Wudosboro, N. C., after trying prohibit ion two years held election Tuesday and wont "wot" by 53 in ?jori ty. -- J. T, Douglas is agent for the McDonald Roof Paint. Horsfords, Royal and Good Luck Baking Powder at W. M. Rowe. - Home seekers will find profit in reading Mr. II. C New ton's ol?er in another column. Full line Armours canned meats at W. M. Rowes. Fairy soap at \V. M. Rowe. - Mr. D. D. McDutile wants lo rent or loase a farm ol' any size from ii to 10 horse - Mason's Fruit jars at W. M. Rowe's. - Call at S. J. Pearson's and lind out what is the matter with vonr oyes. Low ney'8 Cundy always fresh at W. M. Rowe's - Wiley's Candies always frosh at Beniiettsville Pharma cy Darlington street. - 1 ioave your orders for Fruit jars at tho Hardware store. - Have you Myopia; call on tho Optician at S. J. Pearson's and lind out. \jth Try u can of Sweet Potatoes thev ?nv (inn .?.? A ..iou mt oi iMigi?y whips cheap, at E. Powers. ?-See my stock of: Tobacco - cheap by the box. E. Powers *fc?>"" Oall and seo. our new lines o? Coll?e ami Toa. Prices from 121c to $1 per pound. W. M. KO WK, Evaporated Cream-new and nice, at W. M. Rowe's The Dispensary election at Marion on Tuesday resulted in a majority of 7 to 1 Against the Dispensary. One by one they go. The jug business is the most popular in a prohibition county. Tho Colonol'a waterloo. Colon? 1,lohn M. Fuller, ot Honey (?rove, Texas nearly met his Waterloo, ti om Liv? r and Kulin y trouble. In a recent letter, lie says. '1 was nearly dead, ol these complaints, artd, although 1 tried my lamily doctor, he diu me no good; so I got a 50c bottle of ymir ??real Klectrlc Ritters, which cured me. 1 con sider them tlie best medicine on raith, ami thank God who i;;ive you the know ledge to make them." Sold and guaran* tr? (1 to cure, Dyspepsia, Biliousness and Kidney Disease, by J. T, Douglas drug gist, at 50c a bottle. Startling Mortality. Statisticc show startling mortality, (rom appendicitis and peritonitis, To prevent and cure these awlul diseases, lhere is just one rel i abc remedy, Dr* King's New Life Pills, M. Klannery, of 14 Custom House Place, Chicago, says: .'They have no equal lor Constipation and Itilliousnes," 25c ai J. T. Douglas druggist, it?" We curry tl full line of Fancy and Heavy Groceries, and will nutko the prices tight. Sro nie before you buy. W. M. HO WK. WW WV* W*r?V WW W vwwww? w E ARE IN IT! WHY 1 TO SELL Heavy and Fancy Groceries and a full iine of Canned Goods Pickles, Sauces and Dainties Candies, Cakes and Fruits. Tobacco and Cigars -ALSO A nice line of Gloves, Hosiery? Heavy Underwear for mon amt women, and many Novelties Needfuls in the notion line -ALSO A full line of Crockery, good enough for any home. In Tin ware, we have anything from a cup to a milk bucket Also, a nico line of Pants and Storm Coats that we oller at living prices. We invito special attention to our slock of Guns and Ammu nition of Stevens make. We htivo too a few nice covered baskets, to go as bargains. Cull Hud seo us j JG. POWERS, Marion Ht. litnneltsvilkvH. C. nvz.rarom. NOT&K The Pie Dee Pnsbytery convenes at Florence next Tuesday. The Columbia Ferualo College opens ou the 28th. Marlboro will he repres ented. Kev Inou?s Bristow filled the pulpit of tho Baptist church Sunday mom inj; and night. Tlie third Sunday iu October will ha observed Ulis j\?ar aa ''Itaiiy Day" by tho M et hm I int Sunday Behool?. Tho Wo m un'rf Homo Missionary Beeiety will hold its annual meeting at Darlington from tho 12th to 15tn of October inclusive. There was a baptismal tcrvico ntl tho Smith old mill in Smithville Sun- | day morning conducted by Kev. M. 0. Quick. Tho hour for oveuinar sorvicos at tho uhurehos is now 8.00 o'clock. Prayur mooting nt tho ttaptittt ohuroh ??very Thursday ovoning ?t 8 oo. Prayer mooting at tho Mothodivt ohuroh rvory Wcduoaday at S.oo p. m. Prayor inootiug at Prosbytoritwi ohuroh Thurftduy evening at 8 co. The hour for Sunday Bohool at thu Molbotliat ohuroh han boon ohangod to io o'dook tn the morning. The Epworth League Prayer mooting \H hold ovoiy Wed ne nd ny ovoning iu tho Sunday Hohool room of tho Mothodiut diuroh at 8 o'otook. Thu public iuvitod. THU OIUUINAL. Foley ic Co., Chicago, originated I louey and Tar as a throat and lung remedy, and on account ot the great merit and popularity ot Foley's Honey* ?nd Tar many imitations are offered lor ihe genuine. These worthless imita ions have similar sounding names, lie? .vare ot them. The genuine Foley's Heney and Tar is in a yellow package. Ask tor it and reluse any substitute. II is tho host remedy tor coughs and ..olds. For sale hy BennettsvUle Phar? na cv. V Splendid Homo Cheap. lu un ot Ino- column wo oiler an clo ;ant home and farm 4 milos from fayetteville that will just suit some Marlboro farmer who is tired ol culing and wants a homo that he ian pity for. Cull and we will givo rou some riots. Btrikon ll Kiden Hocks, When your ship ol health strikes thc kidden tocks ot Consumption. Pneumo na, etc .you are lost, it you don't get it-lp I rom Dr King's New Discovery lor Consumption. .). \V. Mcliinnon, ol Tal? adega Springs. Ala, wlites; "I had >ccn very ill with Pneumonia, under the ?areof two doctors, hut was getting no tetter when I began to take Dr. King's !"iew Discovery- Thc li rsl dose gave re id, anti one bottle cured mc." Sure cure or sore throat, bronchitis', coughs and :olds. Guaranteed at J. T. Douglas's Irug store, price 50c and $1 (ld. Trial >Ottlc lice Shooting Near Tatum. Mr. H. L B. McCall of Red Bluff was tired upon by one Joe McIntyre, colored, anti severely with bird shot at long range. Knocked In Tho Hoad And Cut To Pic?os With a Knife Mr. VV. J. Baldwin tho "Bool Mun" has some as (ino hoof that ons ever been knocked in thc head >r cut to pi?ces with a knife, it s kopt nico and fresh all thc time, [join, porterhouse und rouiidsteuk, mt just right for the pan. Has rush fish and oysters every Sat irday. Good weight, measure mt! quick delivery, ('all, phone ?42. Inorodiblo limtality. lt would have been incredible brut.tli y il Cha*. F. I.emberger, o; Syracuse-, ^. Y.. had not ?lone th?; best he emin or his suffering son. "My boy," li? s?>. 'cut a tearful gash over hi* eye, MI ? ppiicd liucklen's Arnica JJAIVC, which |UICkly heated it and saved his rye' loud tor burns and ulcers too. Only 15c at J. 'J', Douglas's drug store, WIIY NOT llavo your ?yes correctly Hied with a li rsl, class pair of CYM ti LA ss KS i We have them ind are fitted up for doing ac ;urate optical work. We guar intee to tit your eyes perfectly >r refund your money. S. J. PEARSON, I'ormauont Optlulaii, Aug io And Jeweler. Tiiey Guarantee A VIV ll you will give thc matter "I ouie.liusing a nico taiior-math; mit careful consideration, mature lc) ibo ration and earnest cogita Lion, you will give BTU A OHS & Co., ihn tudor winch they guarantee without hesitation to liill to your ul ?lieut ion, your sweetheart's elu tion, your friends admiration. Ittincitihtr Your Bead. We invite special attention to the idvertisoiiieut of tho Bonnettsville Mai ble Works ill this paper. Call and icc samples, or write them. Flowers I Flowers I Mrs. .Ino S. Moore ha? aline lot of Geraniums, Begonias Kerns, Balms and other plants, well rooted, t hat site desires to sell Cutting? 25c per dozen. Horses Bo (jet Sick. When a horses and mules arc poor it is not always and indication that they ?lo not get enough to eat. Many ani mals, just like human beings, have in digestion or the system is all run down ?ind a tonic is needed, lt is not thc a mount Ol lood traten that makes muscle ?nd fat. More tlcpvnds upon thc prop .r digestion or assimilation ot thc lood than is commonly supposed. Nothing lias yet been discovered that will build np a horse or mule better than Ash trait's Condition Powders, thc only remedy in its class sold under a guar antee. Ask Mr. Smith Newton, lien ?tettsville, tor it-the kind put up in do* 3S. Ami McColl Drug Co., McColl, 8. [J. : ivwioejot Court. f ' by jrlvou that tho Court ??SHMioiiA for tho County of iveua ut lionnoUflvillo ru t"1, - .KL. -y lu Cotobur, next, iboinp s6ch tiny thereof) 1905, lu und for tho OOUOfey t?t Mmlboro and Statu of South Carolina AU petRonn interuated will tnko iilt?u nO.mii! it(c:(joi. J. A. DRAKE, Clot? Court of C. P. A O. 8. Por M?ritmo Co., 8. C. B*pt 15, M.',. - un ..MN ?V?UI?! i?. 0. MORRISON, . . UKAl.Kit IM - Dlo?trical and Plumbing Supp'.ios. Slaobrio Canaps a Spooialty. MuHttffct' ' ff/ ICleotrio Plant* mu 1 Ponnottavillu. 8. C. Kopo* 1 llghta ii ill troub'.o with tho Huon or tho above. uii'ox'cy?ioiitii v?ti?cy. DENTIST. OKK?CK Up ataba io Cropland building, rhone ISO, VHNNJOTTBVIIJIIX}. B. O. II II. NKW10N. Jr.NN?NOS K 0WKN8. NEWTON ft OWENS, Attorneys at Lawf BENNKTISVILLK, BO. OA, Offices Over Planters National Bank. ?W. BOUCH1KK, . Attorney at Law.l llonnottsville, S. 0. Olfioo ou Darlington strcot near Pot C., August 14, 1905. 1 used Peruvian lor corn and cotton anil can recommend its use. Would rath er have it at Forty ($40) Dollars per Ton than anything on the market, and will usc it again. Sim I?, Wright. Bcnnettsvillc, S. C., August 7, 1905. 1 bought Ten (io) Tons Peruvian G uno Irom Mr. B, K, Moore last spring and am well pleased with it. I used it o 1 corn, as well as cotton, and consider tt by far thc best Fertilizer I have ever used. Wagram, N. C., August *, 1905. W. G. Bum. I bought Twenty (20) Tons Peruvian Guano Irom B. E. Moore, used it lor corn and cotton, and am well pleasetl with it -consider it a fine guano. Will use it again the coming year. . John ],. Breeden, Lester, S. C., August 5, 1905, Mr. B. E. MOORIC, BonnottsviMo, S. 0, Dear Sir-Have never used Potuviuu Guano until this year nod am highly ploased with it SO far Corn crop is lino with only 200 lbs Peruvian to the nero and is to Cotton orop Think uow will get I halo to thc acre, wheeo I Used itt bushels (J.)tton seed and Two Hundred pound* Peruvian. Yours truly, S. J. SMITH. Gibton, N. 0, PERUVIAN GUANO is registered with tho Department of Ag riculture us "Genuino Peruvian Guano," which fact alone is suillciont proof of its genuineness, Moreover, tho solo Agents for N. C., offer $10,000 to any ono who can prove thc contrary. FOE SALE BY B. E. MOORE, BENNKTTSVILLH, S. G., R. F. D., NO. 4. Agent for Marlboro, Ri?lo nomi. Scotland and Robeson Counties. -FIRE HS SURP?TY BONDS, KID?L1TY AND COURT, CONTRACT and FIDELITY BONDS. There arc no bolter companies tinto! ihcsc, represented by J NO. S, MOOEE. Nov. 16, 1804. j REV IVO j RESTORES VITALITY. let Day. 15th D?r. TU* APPAT ?,,?.. FRBNCH ??? :>. ?? . .< <.?. ihr; Huey* uw.U. I fuViji .Ml <,tll. Viv. t Made? Well Man of Me. M li OY,; .iii auatluirs j f.'.: \ ouhg 11 ?m ni ut t.ld iitan ^vill m o vet t\\'Ar \ j Ul!:.,' V.|: >! .y 0U?? 1 kMIVlYOi l( .vll??:Vb' | ami surely restores from etlcctsotscli-abuseor excess and indiscretions Lost Manhood, Lost Vitality, Impotency, Nightly Emissions, Lost Power of either sex, Failing Memory, Wasting Diseases, Insomnia, Nervousness, which unfits one tor study, business or marriage. It not only cures by starting ut tho scat of disease, but is a Great Nerve Toole and Blood-Builder nnd restores both vitality nnd strength to tho muscular and nervous system, bringing back tlic plate glow to pale checks and restoring tho fire ot youth. It wards off Insanity and Coo? sumption. Accept no substitute. Insist on hav ing REVIVO, no other. lt can be carried in vest pocket. Dy mail, $1.00 per package, in plain wrapper, or six for $5.00, with a positiv? writ? Un guarantee to cure or rsfuetf ita? mens? ia every package. For Iree circular address Royal Medicine Co.?^ffiu' For suie hy J. T. Douglas. Bonnottavillo, S. C ?.arSJcaasrnssnrsmBi^^ j Kl LL THE COUGH pwp CURE THE^ LUNGS f w,tH ??r.ling's Um Discovery I?.,.,, /CONSUMPTION Price 5 IF OH fi 0UCH8 and 50c&$1.00 I 8 l^?/OLDS Freo Trial. . ? Sur'eet niid Uuickeat Cure for nil i THROAT and LUNO TROUB I hiiH, or MONEY HACK. BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE PATENTS I MADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS AC. Anyone, nnmtlntf n sketoh ami description may quickly n-?->??? i [?un our opinion froo wliuthor un Invention i .i protifihly rmlonlnlilo. Coinniiinlcu Honsit rielly coiiailontml. llANnOOOK on Patents sent freo. indent nuonoy for locuring putouts. Putouts t ak itu tlirouKU Munn fe CO. re?oive ?{if liai not (cr, without clmruo. In tho Scientific American. A haudionicly Illustrated weekly. Largest cir i iiini inn of any solomillo Jonriiitl. Tonus, 93 a your; four months, f i. Bold by nil newsdealers. MUNN ? Co,3B,Bio,dw8"' New York branch Offloo. ?26 V HU WashliiKton, 1). C. CHANUK OP SCHEDULE. N u tlibound i? Southbound SEABOARD Air Line RAILWAY. Tlic Seaboard Air Lino Ry ached nie wau changed on January i Otb. Trains leave Chcinw.S. C., as follows; No GO nt 8;()5 a. III, No f>U at 9:24 p. m. No 57 nt 8:0f> a. in No 27 at 10:40 p. tu. Tho Betiiiettsville and Oheraw U. lt., leaving Rcnnettsville nt 7.05 a m , connect with No 00 and No 57. Tho afternoon tinin lenving Ben? itetisvtlle nt 7 p. m. gives Botioeitu ville peoplo ntl opportunity to take ti aies No 50 and No 27. FOR SA 1.10 ! A Ulcyclo for a lady or Goats color Black or BlUO with 28 in wheels and rubbor tiros. S. J, Pearson. 8en netts vi 11 B & C h e ra w R ai [roi rt F^-yA^T*' az MLJSL?i_??t' -NEW SOME?)U?jl?.-. IN EFF?CT AI'KH. 6, 1905. WEST BOUND FROM BENNETTS VT LLB T?l?lN TRAIN No. I. No. 3. Nv RcQQOtlivitlo 7 05 a m 7 ot? p ni L.V Islay 7 15 a ni 7 15 p 11? IJV Madeline 7 120 a m 7 20 p Ul liv Everett's 7 30 a in 7 35 p ni IJV Irby 7 35 a in 7 10 p ni IJV Frosts 7 'lo n ni 7 15 p tn Vrrivc Kolloek 7 45 a in 7 55 p ni Arrive Chcraw 8 10 p ni EAST BOUND PROM CIlEltAW. THAIN THAIN No. 2. No. 1. IJV Chcraw 0 15 p m fiV Kolloek S 10 a in 0 40 p 111 IJV Frosts 8 '20 a m fl 43 p m ? Uv Fwre'l v 40 a in '? ')'.'. p ni IJV ri vl 'li'if . 50 u h> |p hi) p ,ih hvjl'sh)] . no i' MI i?> p in Av V|qlioi>tt?\i))fl .. I :? 'i ni jO . ' \> -n V?tiU?t i io ila AT BKNNHTTHUIT.T.K-Tho POU'h boned morning tra?na on A. O. L. oomiootn with train No I, Train No 2 coiinoots with A. [C. L local freigbt north ami routh bound, j AT Koi.r.oCK-Train Nos i niul 2 con nect with north and south bound S. A. IJ. tratan, AT Ouanxw-Train No 3 connects willi north ami south bound S A. L. tratan, and train No 4 conncetu with north bound 8. A. L trains A. J. MATHESON, V. P, and Gen. Man. Here Yet. Wll ION YOU AHE IN NEED - OF - TOMBSTONES, MONUMENTS, Or anything in my linc, don't forget to call on me, at my plaeo of busi ness near thc Atlant ie. Coast hine and tho Seaboard Air Jj'nu Parscngor Depots, or writo me. Dosiges and Prices lurnishod on application. Phone No. fl5. Respect Cully J VV, MoELNVEE. January 25, 1005. SHINGLES AND WOOF>\ Yellow Pine Shingles. Best Cypress Shingles Two Koot Wood, Four Foot Wood and stove Wood. For sale by P, C Emanuel. for chiidrmnt ?af9, ?ur?. Mo opiatma T^nnn ^ OF TJVJVJO Thoroughbred 33. I?. 18 for only 60 cents home de livery-10 cfs extra for packing and delivering to Express o iii co. JASPER FLET011ER, MoCoLL, S, C. mnreh 8. ll. F. 1). 2. WK STILL FEED THE HUNGRY ! WIIKN In town and you want a good mont, rnmembc? wc e.r.". tiorvo you, A good rnonl for 250. Kentaur?nt north of tho Market. FRESH OYSTERS in every stylo. I). J. BK A Y IK) Y KILLED ACCIDENTA! LY While handling ti gun that was oui of order is usuniiy tito story. Now. in oitlor to prevent accidental killing and to ho sure and kill when y u want to, 1 have employed un cxj.oit Gunsmith from Charleston, 8. C., >\ ho has my gun repairing tlftpartmorit in marge, Wo aro prepare?! to do any kind of tine gun repairing in factoiy order. Oivo us a trial and you will he convincod that wo aro pro pa red to givo you satisfaction in price, work, manship and promptness 8, J. PEARSON. The J owler.