THE MARLBORO DEMOCRAT 8, A. linOWN - - - Edittyr Friday September 22, 1905. Ono year...$1.00 Six months.60 Three months.26 A BRUTAL MURDER. Un Tuesday night, September 19lb, between 10 and ll o'clock BB Sheridan jyicKiutton, tho well known colored blacksmith, wa6 on his way homo from town to Hunker Hill nonr Oak Ridge comotery, and in front of oue of the last houses on the road, ho was fired upon by ono Jake Jenkins, a colored youth, who has boon working a ound town, tho whole load of number 2 shot striking him in tho chest ami face and ciusing death in a vory short time His ca ls for help soon brought ? crowd, nnd a messongcr sent to town for tho polico while they looked nftei tho wounded man and the boy who dill the shooting. Dr. Crosland wat also quickly brought, but ho could dc not bing to savo him as soveral large nlmi. had penetrated his brain. Chief Sim Baxloy and policeman Kelly, wore found at the depot wait ing for the belated trains. Tho clue! jumped on a wheel and was soon or tho scone, and lound Jenkins in i house guarded by colored mon wh< were determined lie should not escape Tho chief wont in and brought hine oui and started with him at once tc town, a number of colored men follow ing until met by Mr. Kelly, when the} went back, one only accompanying them with tho gun used by Jonkine. Jenkins after the shooting throw thc goo ovor in a cotton patch and tried tn hide away, and but lor the prompl work of the colored men would hav< golton away. He did not deny thc shooting but give no reason for it. Tho result is a good and useful citi '/cu has boon ruthlessly slain and tort fro a his family, and a fine specimei: of devilish, reckless meanness is be hind tho bars to answer for tho crime Judge Purdy has annulled ? marriage cerimony in Sumter Tho Old Maids Convention The entertainment at tht Auditorium last Friday nigh I by local talent was a grand sue cess. Tho ladies acquittid them selves handsomely/and the ver dict was that our local talent got up the best and most enjoy abe entertainment given at the And itorium. We might have oue every month during the win ter .? -??? ? ? - Gono Back to Gibson. Mr. Sim Baxley, who has so faithfully served the town as oliceman for some months past, as tendered his resignation and gone back to his home at gret LO give him up. INSURANCE AT COST Rev. T. W. Seruggs, is hence forth a general agent but has agreed to continue his efforts in the interest ol' our County In BUrance Brotherhood until the first of October, hoping by that date to lill if. Mr. Scruggs has performed faithful service in the interest of our division and we hope our citizens will join in our efforts to establish and maintain it. This is practical, safe and eui i rely reasonable insurance, and the county and state officers are strong clean business gentle men. ?faT' In order to make room, we will sell two Square Piano's af Sa?rillce, come at once. Strauss & Co. From Smithville Mr. A. S. (Irani is running a grocery at the Cirant old mill, and will be pleased to see his friends, li' you don't find what you want go right up the creek to Vinor's old stand. Farmers who wish to get the improved colton seed for an early crop should see brother .lames Bennett. The Litt'e clus ter takes the day in Smithville. A large crowd of the boys went on the last. Sunday excur sion to Columbia. It was tho last for t he season. News is scarce and everybody busy on the farm. Sept 16, 10or> B* Weak (Wye? Iff fide .Strong, liy Haying UH to Pit your IvyoH up with a with a pair of Pare Oryslaline Lennon W? guarantee to suit yr ti or refund your mo oy-that's our plan. Prices aro the Lowest cohrisUnt with fl rathol AKA work. SAM J. HEARSON, jKWKhKK AND OPXIWAN, perm&uoutly localod nt B K > N UT TH V 1 J? JJ K, H. C. ?-MILLINERY OPENING HWBDNB8DAY AM THURSDAY^ Sept. 27-28. LL are most cordially invited to COMIC to this fash ionable display. You will be moro than paid for your visit, both as to the styles ol the season and as to your purchases. Miss STEVENS is in charge of this Department, which is a guarantee that yon will Und the btyles correct and the prices right. Come, and Make my Mi LU NICKY ROOMS your Headquarters while in the city. Bach and Every Department ol! Our mammoth Stock is now complete, comprising all the new and nobby autumn tints and styles in Dress Goods, Silks, Dress Trimminsg, Ladies and Misses Tailor-made Suits Skirts, Cloaks, Rain Coats, Zephyr goods, Furs, Notions in variety. Clothing, Over ?Coats, &o? We have not space to enumerate all our Bargains in ibo different lines, but we cordially invite tho buying public to come end examino our goods and foo convinced that we best goods and the Intent styles, correct prices. WE EXPECT TU MOVE Into Our "New Department Store" in Ninety Days. HOW LISTEN! WE PROPOSE TO MAKE PRICES TH AT WILL CLEAN UP T ll E E N T I ll 10 S T O O K WITHIN THAT PERIOD. Than ki'ug you for fittst favors und solicit i hg future business Respectfully, C. B. CROSLAND CO. May 17, 195. Bennettsville, S C. SH Ttouv Root' Runty 'i Preserve Your Shingles and Pro tect Your Roofs by Using W. ?I AY RICDONAIJIVS Patent Fire, and Waterproof Cement Roof Paint. Acknowledged by tho known world to bo thc only Absolute Protector of RoofH, Guaranteed to mop ovory Lenk. Endorsed throughout the Unitod Staten by thone who hftvo used lt for 15 yearn, livery gallon Hold guaranteed. Wo either contract your work or soil you the Paint nnd Cement. Our Paint nnd Leak Cure Comont, when properly applied, will make a Hoof auno lutcly Water Tight and Rust Proof. Equally good for Tin, Metal, Shinglcn, ot Gorrugntod Iron, Pelt and Gravel Rjofn. Painting Hoof? of Public Ruildings a Spocinlty. GlVK OS YOliH PATHONAOU All Work Guaranteed trW Bpeolol PriccH by thc barrel. Call On J. T. Douglas, Bonnottsville or nddrotw McDonald Roof Paint Co., Sumtcr.S.C. Sopt, i, 1905, STATIC OK SOUTH CAKOLINA County ol' Marlboro ('(uni ol Coin tuon Pleas. F, L. CURRIE, Plaintiff, ayaintt Ardno Parker, Jamca Parker, Thoma* Parker, William Parker. Judy Parke:', and IIortoiiHc Patterson child of Nancy Parker, nomi at law of John Parker, du oouHcd, Defendants. Copy Summons, For Relief, Complain* not Served. To TlIK DKKKNOANTS Archie Parker. James Parker, Thomas Parker, William Parker, Judy Parker, ami liortonno Put tornon, child of Nancy Parker, heirn at law of John Parker, deeoaned : You arv hereby Summoned and rcquir cd to answer tho complaint in thta notion, willoh IA filed in tlieollioo of tho Clerk ol the Court of Common Pleas in and fm tho County and State aforesaid, and to .serve a copy ol your answer to the said Complaint on tho subscriber* ut their of fice in BENNKVISVM.I.K, S. (!,, within twenty days alter tilt! service hereof, ex elusivo of tho day of such service; and if you fail to answer (lie complaint with in the time aforesaid, the plaintiff in this action will apply (0 thc Court for the relief demanded ?11 tho complaint. Dated May, A, I)., 100.'?. I SKA i., I J. A. DRAKH, Cloik. TOWNSEND A HAM ER, Plaintiffs Attorneys, To Archie Parker, Jamen Parker. Thoman Parker, William Parker, Judy Parker and Horteuno Patterson, heirn at law of John Parker, decoanod : Please take notice that the Summons and Complaint in this action, was filed on tlic 2'lth dity of May. A. I>,. 1905 In office of '.!.o Clerk of tho Court of CoinJ mon Pions nt Hennettsville, in tho conn ty ol Marlboro in the State of South Carolina. TOWNSEND tfe HAMER, Plaintiff's Attorneys. Hennettsville, S. C. September i, 1905. V VALUABLE L. FOI; ; ALK. I havo nt present '2700 f I fine lands lor sale, a TRACT No. 1 -1470 aor^H, r. ?i N Eaat of Baxloy, ?? all tho year round. Titi ? ! Ptl $7,ooo -($5,000 CaBh bala: > TRACT No. 2 - GOO aorc ii : wost of Baxloy. 100 aoro Throo HOttlomouts; good fi viopi ? ' A 12 horno farm can oaall; >< l?nod iu ouo body, Novor fuil?ug t .1 l\, fl ryhig from gray loam tog I yoliow cloy subsoil; location h and clmroh faoiltlcB good bordoring placo for about .1 ni commuuity. Tit Ion gooJ. Tcrmn may bo triado oaBy, ?tb ? r town. TRACT NO. 4-310 aore in Coil 8 milo? BOttth of Hn/.olhurnt .county of Joff Davia wltl lim county alto ; improvomouti farm opon, balaaoo well bli timbor having nover bcon cow rango; uovor falling wo < ' la'ttoa on thoorook; good o> water aod good soil. Prto Timbor in said to bo wortli . . tho prloo nskou for tho pin Options on several ul lu varying from loo to 400 < from 6 to $10 per :iorn, 11 tioo, improvements, Sio. thora, Landa wi.I never 1 again. 63,000 acron Hold I CorroHpondonoo Bolieitod H. C. NI FOR SA? ATRAGT OF LAND On. Kant of Clio, contait (67 i ) und one-half acres - and tho bnlanoo can bo oa Qootl dwelling bouse, Tv and other nccoHBary out bl $60 per acre, giving tho t liighcr bids. For fuller p writo T. D. D AugtiBt 23, 1905. RENT OR JL I desire to rent or three to a ten horse fan County, within easy Court house. Referent ness man in Bennettsv me, lieniiettsvillo, ft. C. D.D. Aug 7th, 15)05. Attention G inners now propared to inst houses and seed cot I special rate before ii CROSLANDe* , .rm. ^ T,. . . Beiiiiettsville l l c A ? n/ A, M > vito, "Shall Wo Gathor nt ibo River." Oloan and Refined ADMISSION- 25 and 35 Cts. M ION l'A BT fi I XT Y IN JJANOl'JW. More than half of mankind over sixtj years ot age sillier I rom Icindcy an? bladder disorders, usually onlargemcni ol prostate gland, This is both pando, and dangerous, and Foley's Kid nc j Cure should lie taken at thc lust sign o danger, as it corrects irregularities an? has cured many old men ol this disease Mr. Rodney Burnett, Hock Port, Mo, writes; "l suffered willi enlarged pros tate gland and kidney trouble tor yean and alter taking two bottles ol Foley's Kidney Cure 1 leel better than I hav< lor twenty years, although I am now 91 years old." For Sale by Bcnncttsvilh Pharmacy. ENLARGED~PiCTURES. Don't fnil to HOO cr writo ino boforo plaoinf. your ordern for your PoUTflAIT Won ic With nearly >\ yourH oxporionoo nial rop> icm util.;; OHO O? tllO hilHt OhiOOgO OO'B. 1 rmi pw parmi lo Bltlt you. High gladi wotk a Rpooinlty. IlcRpc itfully J. V. PERLE, McCall, fl. C. J \Ve can give you a S] turill' rn to on your gin I seed cotton. No usc lo by (ir? wlion protectioi OltOSIiANI) ?te rl ? -Tho tn sn ra WANTED-A I or.5 ri Will (uki: on SliaroH 01 tient, stock it ml toort, A ?ld renn (?uro of .'Dt niooiat,'' Ho n it. b'lmt'x 'I'oHtfnioiiy in I M Thomas l inn, ol llooi wlio lias practiced medicine pays he has used every known lo Ihfl profession loi ol kidney and bladder disea lie lias never lound anythin live in both chronic ami a and bladder trouble as Foie Cure, it stops irregularitie1 ?ip the whole system. A full lino of ll. J. Heinzs (Jo. iokles Preserves, Ketchups, SHU ;H, Jollies ?fcc, m W.M. UOWO'H. A Fearful l'aie. It in a fearful l'aie to li?vo tn endure i! terrible (orono of Files. "I cnn I .Mitti Hy niVi" writes I?onry t'olson, <>f nsonvillo. la-, "iliat for Wind, Weed ir. [telling inti'.] I'intruding Pilon. Buck? I'S Ai nica Salve, is (lie bOPfc euri' ide." Abo best for Oils, bin n i and arios, ??a nt ?I. T. Douglas OruggHl. We keep our Butter and Iteose on Ice all summer and tarantee it to be tllft best on rth. W. Rf, Howe A German Scientist lias in nted a mach i ne that makes od whiskey from saw dust. Tho S tato Fair. We return thanks to tho Soc? rotary, Mr. A. W. Love, foi a prenti tun lust of the next. State Fair to ln> held ill Columbia Oc tober ld to 27 inclusive. Our fanners ure offered ?onie ohoico prom i tun s thia your. One of these in for the best yield of cotton on live acres, it is worth working for. Heatly Cor Your Orders, The Olio Novelty M'l'g Work? will ?ot up your Hill for Flooting, Ceiling, Germano Kiding & Weatherboarding, JH voil ns your House trimmings Door, Saab, niimle, Grills etui Men* lion, promptly and cheaply. Hen them for anything in tho building line tho) kwill save you money. ?BIP WEDNESDAY and TH URS? A Y -? '-!-ir31 *jp IT'-**', f rt * nf j, . ? ?v; -^ -i-.^j 5?-?-?-. Unrivalled Show of STYLISH MD BASHING MILLINERY MISS BENTLEY is again in charge in charge of this Department, as sisted by Miss Florence Bristow. We Promise the Best. We Give the best. j. r^,y.i,.vi..i..p?y<-.-p - m '.vi ????j ? FALL % WINTER AHE SHOWN' HERE Ott Vliese- Days mm JUUJJU ?CS? DON'T FORGET US?, Ci M. WEATHERLY ?j ?opt. )5, i 1)05. OLD RELXJLJUisJt: s? Practical Pharmacist and Dealer iu ure S&riip ml .Beatent < ? 'I ? ? * ? JI < ? g t U S V i ii vc WE ?LS? C?RRY STA NI) A lil) MEDICI NES, k PAIN I.S. OIL?, CHEMICALS, I /MUSHES of all kind?, TOILE" ?nd Fancy Articles, % . VARNISH and STAINS. PEIIFUUMEUY, SOAPS, | PREPARED PAINTS, Dil If SHES, SPONGES, j WINDOW GLASS, STATION A11Y and SUPPLIES J LAMPS, SH AD KS, Etc. K MOORE'S JLXP YOU -VV^L?TO? Dry G-oods, Clothing, Shoes, .Notions * And Fancy Groceries. *?D*" Fresh Wntor Ground MEAL ami HOMINY a specialty. Wo Keep a full line in each Department und will lill your Wants in each AT THE LOWEST PRICES. When you come to Town call and soo na. Phone orders in town delivured FRK13, and satisfaction guaranteed, (Jail and soc ns-Near Douglas1 Drug Store. ~ '"7 ^ '~^*~rv^~x?~^*~1^^ IjU, 3ENNETTSV1LLE 0?R IlAUDW?llE OF RY DfiS?KlfTi. WE ARIO NOW OPENING UP ONE OP THE LARGEST and NICEST LINES OF Buggries and Harness EVER OFFERED ON THIS MARKET. We also have a Large Stock of i ou very ?iose J'rices, SEE VS BEFORE BUYING IT WILL PAY YOU. You will always find our Mr. Throop Crosland at Olir Repository, on north suie of Public Ajuare, who will gladly show you our linos and M A Iv V, CLOSKsT PRICK POSSIBLE. Very respectfully fl July 20, 1905. V ft H Our New Line m M -Til K DIttEOT WAY- li ll OSJ O^'X'E?:, BOUTH:. ??.--g fcj :EJ.A-?'J?. WEST. ?>& ll BENNETTSVULE & CHER AW R. R. | ?| -AND- >?< I SK.ittOAlin I ? vl/A' LINE RAILWA Y. |c Leave Bennottsville *7.05 a. ra , 7 00 p. m. & |P Arrive Chcraw 8.10 p.m. DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. ?X * Direct connections nt Chcraw with through trains to Vx. ?>i thc North, East, South ami Wost. jj>5 The short line aiul quickest tim?te Wilmington, '('hurl ?tlc, Atlanta, J\?? ?y Haleigh, Richmond, Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York, ^ Jo! Boston. Bulfulo, Pittsburg and all points North and K?st. tyx. \' ? Tho fdiort line and quiekest time to Columbia, Savannah, Jtrnkfionvillo, Ry y? Tampa, Montgomery, New Orleans and all points Knuth ami West. j& K01 further information call on ?J. T MK?MN, iignnt heunottftvillo & |?>3?f fc? Cheruw ll. M., Bennottsville, 8. (J., or address lt. |j, BlBUtO?OlIS |? ?? % T P A.i RKABOAUD Ant LINK RV., Columbia, 8. C |? || CI1A1U.1? K. 8T1?VVAUT, A. Ci. P. A., S.A L, tty, Snvauoah, Oa. || SMITH NEWTON, BennettsvUle, 8. O. MoOOXiL DIUIO CO., McColl 8. O,