The Marlboro democrat. (Bennettsville, S.C.) 1882-1908, September 08, 1905, Image 3

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?. -i. BHOWN Editor] Friday September 8, 1906. ' 8u?>sr.rJptlon Prien Ono year.$1.00 Six months.50 Three months.25 PEN AND S CIS S OR GR A PBS Twolvo colored mon voted in the Newberry dispensary oleotiou, and they voted against it. Tho farinera of Chesterfield have sworn that thoy will not pay moro than 40 cts por hundrod for] picking cotton. Tho 1 ig planing mill of the Atlantic Coast humber company was burned at Georgotown Fri day-Loses $100,000. FARMERS RALLY MEETINGS! On Tuesday next thoro will bo, a big gathering of tho farmers and business mon of Marlboro county at Kenuettsvillo to boar addresses from Ilarvio Jordan, Hon. E. D. Smith, F. II. Hyatt aud othors on questions of vital interost to ono ?nd all. Every body in invited and oxpoctod to como. The mooting will opon ntl 10 o'clock. A 1UC1I THE AT. Tho Old Maids Association iel to hold its regular mooting on Sept, 15, 1905, in tho Murchison School Auditorium. Each ono of tho mo robers, ua full-blown flower still drooping from tho parental stem on which sho grow," invites hor kind friends of Bennettsville to come to a public meeting of this club and to loam for what a noble end it was organizes and to eeo how it "baa grown in strength and beauty." Each ono of them, realizing keenly that "womau's chief aad only end is to adorn a home," will try to show to their friends in this meetiug ou Sept, 16, "how to achieve this end, how to mako known to lonely and bash ful bachelor hearts, that she ie waiting to bo plucked." A special invitation is given to all the old maids, bachelors and widowers of Bennettsville, tran sient or resident. Each old maid visiting tho club is requested to bring fifty cents to help defray tho expenditure of energy on the part of tho old maids of the club in showing how to make "zo hus: bands Hock around liko zo geese after grain." Each bachelor and widower, al so, is charged only fifty cents by the mcmbors of tho club for their untiring "Laborin' with him over hie. . _ w.i.i^o, J. resident Miss Joanie Crosland. Rebecca Retrace*, Sec and Tres, Miss Bessio Rogars. Minty cloyerpot Miss Nancy McLaurin. Mariana Moll ?ssa Flack, Miss Eunice Ford. Desire A. Man, Miss Ethel Ford. Heps i bah Odelia Olds, Miss May Weatherly. Sorona Husbeen, Miss Elizabeth Now ton. May Haver man, Miss Lucia Weatherly. Petunia Pickles, Mies Annie Sampson. Charity Hopesgood, Miss Jen nie Boll MoRae. Kuchel Ketoham, Miss Mayde Ma boson. Bolinda Bliss, Miss lia Easter ling. Or. Prof. Mnkorneux, Mr. Jae. H. Bookham. Given for the bonefit o? thc Confederate Monument. HOWS THIS ? Wo offer One Hundred Dollars Re? ward ior any case ol catarrh that can not be cured by Mall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. OHENEY & Co , Toledo, o. We, thc undersigned, have known F J. Cheney lor the last if? years, and be licvc him perfectly honorable in all bus iness transactions and financially abb to carry out any obligations made by his linn. WAIJHNC, KINNAN & MARVIN. Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting derectly upon the blood and mu cons surfaces ot the system. Test i mo niais sent lice, Price 7'> cents per butti?. Sold hy ail Druggists, Ml'JN PAST SIXTY IN DANOER, More than half of mankind over sixty years of age suffer from kindey and bladder disorders, usually enlargement ol prostate gland. This is boto painful and dangerous, and Foley's Kidney Cure should 1)0 taken at the first sign ol danger, as il corrects irregularities and has Cured many old men ol this disease Mr. Rodney Hornett, Hock Fort, Mo., writes; "I suffered with enlarged pros tate ("land and kidney trouble lor years and alter taking two bottles vi Foley's Kidney Cure I le/d better than I have tor twenty years, although I am now 91 years old." I ?'or Sale by Henncttsvillc Pharmacy. WANTED "A I O' 5 Horno FARM. '.Viii lake Oh Shari .; or lieut, and will rent Stock and feed. Add renn "G." Cure of ''Domoorat,'' Bcnnettavillo, _ Oil. Finn's Tent in.ony IntorofltinK. Dr. Thomas Finn, ol Hoonshoro, Mo., who has practiced medicine lor 32 years, says lie has used every persenption known lo the profession lor treatment of kidney and bladder disease, and says he has never found anything so effec tive in both chronic and acute kidney and bladder trouble as Foley's Kidney Curr. It stops irregularities and builds jp (be whole system. mVh? TO ENQUIKIE8. Card ot Thanks. Editor Democrat-Ae 1 ?nive lizard so many inquirios as to how und whoro iny son diod, you will obiico uio to pub* Hali tho enclosed lottor from tho Moroy Hospital Pro800lt. Arizona. In this coo - neut ion, I ask hu (her space to record my heartfelt thanks for thc very kind expres sion of sympathy from frionds and rola? tivot?, in 6ud beyoud tho limits of our county, in my sad bereavement. To lose suoh a son at homo would bo trying in thu extremo, but oh, Itow poignant thu blow, whoo it comes amongst .strangers, so lar away ? It ia very gratifying, under such painful circumstances, to bo aosurod that in his last moments ho received tho ten derest care and most affeotioaato minis? trations. Lon had an indomitable will that could not tamely Mimbit to defeat in any under taking, and henee tho desperate struggle for four years for tho restoration of his health. This fact is apparent, when wo reflect that though in feeble health ho visitod in that titno Phoenix, Flagstaff, San Diego, Cu),, Imperial, Descanso, fuma. Globe, Pfioenix nguiu and tautly Prescott, whoro his wnariod body could uo longer continuo thu unequal contest, ind from whence his pure soul winged itt* Hight for realms of eternal felicity, for lie wrote mc ho was ready to go aud not to ?riove for him. Who could obey such injunction? I fool undor deop obligation to our very efficient undertaker, Air. ll. T. Barfield, for tho commendable discharge of his duty from tho time of my son's body's arrival, nt night, and its deposit in tho Presbyterian church, until it was put to rest in tho beautiful vault lie had prepar ed to rceeivo it, in that sacred depository of tho dead, Evorgroon Cemetery. It is duo Mr. Barfiold to stato that the vault mado undor his direction for Lou's mother 17 years ago is in BUCII admirable preservation, that it scorns but tho work of yesterday. ^ I feel frank in paying that Mr. Barfield in his consecrated profession is without a peor. lt C. MclN.YIlK. Beauty Spot, Sept* 5. 1905. MERCY HOSPITAL, Prescott, Arizona, Aug. 10, 1005 Mr. lt, C. McIntyre. Benucttsvillc, S. C. Doar Sir-With regrot I havo to inform you of tho serious illucss of your son Mr. Bon M cinty ro. Ile carno to our hospital very sick on Sunday July 30, and is now failing rapidly. Io fact thc doctor says ho may di op off at any m omen t. Ho docs not know that 1 am now writing to you, as it might worry him. and wc havo to keep him as quiet as pos siblo. He is a nice, good patient, and I know you must miss him very much. I am sorry ho is so far away from home, but it will bo a consolation to you to know that ho is getting every possible care. Ho suffers much, but always with great pa tience, I trust that Cod will givo you grace to bear thc loss of your son with resignation, and may you bc reunited to him again in Heaven. Very sincerely yours Sister W. Stainslans Please instruct us as to your wishes in aase your son dies. Tho old Mothodist Fu??alo col lege property in Columbia has boon sold to Mr, F. H. Hyatt for 180,000. A PLEASANT OUTING, CHERRY GKOVR BKACU, Horry County, S. C. September 2, 1005. M non noa Andrew and Monroe Hill loft ?orno for thia plaoe, Boforo leaving wo cen red n wagon covor and tout. On tho road through Brownsville, wo ound crops good, CRpooially corn, pnBucd hrongh Latta and camped tho firot night lour Little Peo Doo rlyor. Tho next day va paBHcd Nichols and Loria nnd oamped ,t a church by the name of Flag Plant in lorry county. To our surprise wo found orno fino land in llorry, and, with tho crtilizor ar d cultivation that wo givo our rope in Marlboro, it would not bo far bo und in yiold. Wednesday evening about 4 o'clock wo rrived nt tho benah, not much tho worse rom our trip. I suppose it is nour ninety nilen from homo. Immediately wo piton? d our tent nnd wont to tho flHhory, whero ic Recured a Uno moan of froah mullets 01 Bupper. Thoy nro catching como fino nen now. Thureday morning part of UH .'ont 1.1 pi i nilling nnd soon had ? for break aHt. Aftor breakfast wo started for tho nlet, in search of oystors for dinner. Wo Dund a plonty of thom, tho boys wadiug 1 and gathering thom. Wo noou bad bout two hutihols and mado for camp rbcro wo noon had n fino stew. I toll you Ir. Editor you ought to huyo HOCH UH oat ig them. Wo niuo killed n duck for din er. Aftor a 3 o'clock dinner, we nil o: t in bathing and did not got back to ?mp until night. Friday morning wo got bout 20 sheep hoad nnd whiting for break ?et. Wo got thom junt na HOOU they woro rought out of tho wntor. All thoy oOBt ero tho picking thom np, you can get sh and oysters nfl many ne you nood froo iah nguiu for dinner. Aftor dinnor n roll on tho bench in aonrch of sholls, n YO lunns bath sud nguiu to cm np, and uh for Hiippor. A IUCHB WO found when u got to oamp, wo found that n "razor, lok" had demolished u part of our camp, it a few tin cup? and platen, nil of our rup that WO had been Having to cat on io way homo, some poppor nanoo, castor I, koroBcno i've Saturday morning nguiu i tho beach and moro fish for break fast, ro nro going to start for homo thin o von g feeling woll pleased with our trip. Yours J. II. Thomas. r V ?r * ?r ?r ? v v w v w w ?r v ?r ?? ?w w w w ?r ?r <r ?r ?r ? -ULLER BROS., Fresh ^ Arrivals, VK havo just received a nice lot of DIM V ING HORSES which we will sell on short profits or exchange i'or others* on't fail to see our line pair of display horses in our Buggy Repository at the 01d?Grange Store' which we have recently bought and fitted np for our BUGGY AND HARNESS REPOSXTOHY, ivo US a (Jail find we Will do OUR ?KST to do business with yon in our line. FULLER BROS . Eennettsville, S. G. jplember 1, 1005. -OHEAP ! TRACT contain* 266 ao ?H, Bituatod in Cumberland county, N. 0., 4 IUIICB woBt of i Fayetteville, 100 noroa In high Btnto of oaltlvutiou, with dwelling and tonaut houBou * thereon : 250 noros nf Haid tract , could bo put lu cultivaiibio couditlon with j out any ditching. No boltor location could J, bo found in tho btnto, in point of hculth ' aud Bocial foatoro . No wt Un or Bpriugs dry up and water good all tho year round ; I ( withiu easy roaoh of four ohurohrs; land j good upland nod will grow cotton, oom; , tobacco'nnd oil kinda of tru'.k. Land od ioining thia could hardly be purohasod at , any prico. Kennon for wanting to Boll, no ouo to look after tho placo proporly. Tho titles perfootly oloar, mid baa, boon owned by BOIUO party now owning it for about 40 yearn. No Hons or mortgages whatovor on this proporty. Thia proporty. has novor boen for Balo boforo, ninon it oatno into tho bands ot tho proscnt owner, mid thoso in terested in buying a good form, ohoap, la a doairoblo location, would do well to cor riBpond with O. A. WARD, Dotlmn, Ala., who will furnell full particulars. September t, 1905. N0TI0E OF APPLICATION To Havo Judgo of Probato required to not os Gaurdiua for Georgia Whitaker, Her tha Whltnkor and Lillian Whitakor, Ml nora. STATK OK SOUTH CAUOMNA, t COUNTY OK MARLBORO. \ IN COURT OF COMMON PLKAS. Ex Parto, Ohessio E. Whitaker, In Ito Estato of Qoorgin Whitaker, Bor thn Whitakor and Lillian Whitaker. To Whom it May Coueorn : Nottco ?B hornby given, that petition Will bo Uiado to tho Honorable II O. Watts, Judgo of tho Fourth Judicial Circuit at bin Charabora, in Chornw, S. 0 , on tho 16th day of Soptombor, A D. 1905, at io o'clock a ra., or ns soon thereafter aa counsel can bo hoard, for tho purpoao of having tho Judgo of Probato for Marlboro county np pointed to act us Gonornl Guardian, of thc catato of Georgia Whitaker, Port hu Whita ker nml Lillian Whitnkor, Minors, which in situate within tho jurisdiction of tho court and which consists of Eight II und rod, Six ty-Six and 98-100 Oollars in money, thc samo hoing now in tho hands of Jas. T, Whitakor, Admr. Notico is furthor given, that no lit, compotonb and responsible per son lias or oan bo found who is willing tn anim m o such guardianship. ROGERS & L KO RAN I), Attorneys for Potitionors August 31, 1905. CANDY makes ts&/Txf friends ul) tho timo. Patrick & Co, Agents. Property Owners Your Roofs! DOON Your Kool" Lottie Y lin Your Hoof Itusty ? Preserve Your Shingles and Pro tect Your Roofs by Using W. JAY Mc]>ONAI,l>'S Ps?oi i Fl! i-uiuorsed throughout tho Unitod States by ( -D_ .... " thoso who havo used lt for 15 years. | v Evory gallon sold guaranteed. Wo cither contract your work or sell you tho Paint and Cement. )ut Paint nnd Loak Curo Content, when proporly applied, will mako a Roof abso lutely Wntor Tight and Rust Proof. Squally good for Tin, Metal, Shingles, or Corrugated Iron, Pelt and Gravel Roofs, dinting Roofs of Public Buildings a Spocialty. 3ivic us Youu PATUONAOK All Work Guaranteed ?HtP Special Prices by tho Barrel. Jail On J. T. Douglas, Bonnottsvillo or addrevs McDonald Roof Paint Co., Sumtcr.S.C. Sept. i, 1905. ?ruing to Movo. After the 6th of September, my ewelry nnd watch repairing, and my ptical and musical goods will be loved to my new atoro in Matheson Mock, opposite J. T. Douala's Drug tore. My bicycle and gun repairing 'ill remain at my present stand until utther notice. S. J. Pearson. TATE Ol? SOUTH CAROLINA County ol' Marlboro -Court ol Com mon Pleas. F, L. CC URIE, Plaintiff, (tffaintt roblo Parkor, James Parker, Thomas Parker, William Parker, Judy Pat ker, and Hortonso Patterson child nf Nancy Parker, heirs at law of John Parker, de ceased, Defendants. vpn Summons, For Relief, Complaint not Served. 0 TICK DKKKNDANTSJ Archie Puikor, James Parker, Thomas Parker, William Parker, Judy Parker, and Hortense Pat torson, child of Nancy Parker, heirs nt law of John Parkor, decenscd : You ure hereby Summoned and rcrjuir 1 to answer thc complaint in this notion hieb IA lilcd in tlicollicc of tho Clerk ol ic Court of Common Picas in and Coi io County and State aforesaid, anti lo .rve a copy ol your answer to the said ornplaint on thc subscriber* at their ol' m in BBNNKrrSVII.I.K, S. O,, within vculy days alter the service hoi coi", ex usive of thc day of such service ; anti ' you fail to answer the complaint with i the limo aforesaid, tho plaintiff in ?i;? adieu wi!! apply lo tho Court for ie relief lomandod in tho oompluinl Datod May loth, A, I)., 1005. |SKAI?, I J. A. DRAKE, Clerk. TOWNSEND ?v, HAMER, Plaintifl's Attorneys ) Arcillo Parkor, James Parker, Thomas Parker, William Parker, Judy Parker and llortonao Patterson, heirs nt law of Joh i Parkor, deceased : Pienso tako notice that tho Summons al Complaint in this action, was filed \ tho 24th day of May. \. |),. (005 iii fice ol thc Clerk of thc Court ol' Corni on Pleas at ?ennettsvillo, in tho conn ol Marlboro in the State of South urolioa. TOWNSEND & HAMER, Plaintiffs Attorneys. Bcnnettsvillc, S. C. Soptombor I, 1905. YALUABLK ?.ANDS"' 3 i'tm BILIS. _ I havo at pn??ont 2Y60 ros of line landa tor ? ' . uti ? ! I 1 I : / TltACT No. 1 - I ; - u aeon, l'i mites N Batt of Huxley, nv av M tiwi ar ; 75 noroB in cultivation aod weil Improved lico or i soo scroa . la ?< ?oto i ult i vu t fon ensily. Mo tty oy ?oil with oUy subsoil. I 011 tho lillico, nt willoh goo?' II ?Uti !*i ol ?'?ad and uthor fitili aro oaugb . otft?j lt '?id?neo two miloo from rlvt .. U - y ...?.otion ^ood freo slono wa 1 ' l< il ' go for hoya and cows-nun ni . il lil noarly nil tho your round Litton good Prico $7,000--($5,000 oar bulaloo i- ! ,'oarH. TUA CT No. 2 - G' cre?) y udliM south wont of Huxley. ic ? i .1! ixtion. Taroo Bottloniontn; 1 ul ft< 1 ?loui valor. A 12 horHO farm oaii 1 ' )' bo . <> od Ia ono body, Novor fi '. bru lOh >il va rying from gray loan lo gi with yellow eluy subsoil ; loo lt ?< ll oliool ?od ohuroh faoiltioi rond bordering placo for . mt . mil< Good community. Titles 1 ! ^;,ooo; Torino may bo rondo ... ? . 1 . for ? town. Tn ACT No. 4-340 m Co, 8 milos BOUth of llo/.o now county of Jeff Davis ? 1 st a? I county ?ito ; ?inprove lorao farm opon, halauoo w ' 1 '? i'nw timber having never I tm & cow range; novor failli v 1 ? diing lakoR on tho crook; gi 1 limn good water and good soil. di ; tah. Timbor ia Raid to bo worth mo half tho prico nuked for tl Options on HI ve ral I acts, vary ?og from loo t?: 1 noon from 6 to $10 per HOI non tin . huprut omento, ' MO llitin. Lauds wi'l ni > hero again. 63,000 acres 1 il tbi OorroapondenoQ solii II. O. .MEW li Vs.,l'.V, 'J v. FOR g j ATRACT OL' LAND inlf East of ('lio, coi /en (67^) and one-half acre ion and tho balanoo can bc ? . Gcod dwelling houao, IO? and other necessary on loo $60 per acre, giving tl. ny higher bids. For fnlle or wrlto T. D. August 23, 1905. TEACHERS' EX. TH 10 regular fall teachers certif?cate the Oottrt House ut linday Sept l?, 1 promptly at ?) 30, a. ut -I p. m. There will not be a lion lor this pu rpo ipi ill}.'. W. Chm'u < Aug 21, 15)00. Weir In order tc we will sell two S it Saorifioe, come Jounly, within easy io Join t house. liefere i less man in Bennetts 38 nc, Heunettsvillo, S. ( D. D Dm Aug 7th. 1905. Attention Ginne: *e tow prepared to in n louses and seed co tr pecial rate before CltO Sf J AN I) "The Ins MARION DISTRICT Af E. P. TA Y no it iennottBvillo ot, Pino (1 lio und beulah, Denial to irownnvlllo, Muming Chi 6 orth Marlboro, Shiloh, ,3 rightavillo, Boykln 4 .j lenheim ot, ParnuhSUH, onuottavillo Sta, I0C0II Mission, bonnells Cures Bil??usncs Headache, Sour ach, Torpid Liv? Chronic Constij Pleasant to ti 0 hoap Rending. Tho Dom ocra t a i 'titilvly Atlanta Joi ,ir r 31.50. Tho Democrat s lagn/anc-an oxc< s look for $1.60 The Sunny South : pat for only $1.50 Tho Atlanta Con )t)tnocra( t>nt! year fe - You will not tlr ftho fire boll if yo u raneo policy tn oods, store or resit! . Moon?. HW Don't forgot Ihn irge Refrigerator in \ nitor, Cheese, Lard, . orishablo goods fresh a ie summer months. . ??? . - That tho best is st in tho long run lid of buggies and ill linil both af I\ I Dttotn prices - Until furl her Ofioo of Snporintondt ilion will IM> open al unlays and first e - Smoked should IO Dowers Grocer $5?/" Head every j Yes, read every For by this gauj It may pay for ti > 10 WHOM 1-Aili NO. CLASH 158 1G0 101 100 107 Lpril 7 So. }le]] Toi. v.'o., M 10 Coward, Kienan! Cain, VV ll Adams, J B Green, sherill, J Ul Thomas, treasurer 108 A P Hilliard. 109 W Li Stanton, supt ed. 170 John ? Hayes, : 171 Strauss ?fe Co. 172 J A Drako, * 173 J T Douglas, ?< 174 W ll Pegues. 175 M E Brigman, 170 D F Atkins, 177 W L Kinney. . 178 Bank ot M ar. h .ro, 179 Walker Evan* & Co. 180 Dr. A. 8. Townsend, 181 Ira M Bounds, 192 ? D Easter!ing, 183 Dr. J E Kinney, 181 Excelsior Hdw Co., 180 J E Townsend, 188 Dr. W. J Crosland, 190 A M Eietohor, 191 Dr. J. L Sordau, 192 Oeorge N McCall, 193 W (J Smith, 195 Levi I voy, 1.90 J II Bennett, 187 Marlboro Wh Grocery 198 C I Sherrill, auditor, 201 E P Tulum, 205 Bank ot' Marlboro, 200 B. & C. Ry Co., 207 J II Thomas, tronsurer, 208 Apl 21 Dr. A. S. Townsed, 209 J M Huusuoker, .. 210 S J Hubbard, 212 WU iain Evans, 213 J I Rogers, 214 J 10 Hunter, 215 10 D Townsend, 210 P A MeKellar, 217 W W Irby, 218 Edwin Weatherly, 219 ?1 J Ingram, 220 Champion Machine Co 222 C A Brown, 224 C M Weatherly, 225 A J llaies, 220 May 5 ll S (Jrant, 227 D K Stanton, 228 P B Moore, 229 W W Pegues, 230 11 D Townsend, 231 So. Boll Tel. Co., 238 J A W Moore, 231 J ll Thomas, 230 T L Crosland, 239 C M Parker, 2 10 Era uk Manning, Jr , 211 D D Parish, 242 Fred Cl Hollis, 24 1 C A Moore, 215 Hugh McCoMum 240 W li Drake, 247 7. 'I' Pearson, 218 ?NI 10 Coward, 240 J A Stanton, 350 C JD Eustorliog, 251 W L Stauten, 202 Pee Deo Advocate, 262 C T Moore, 264 Walker Lvans & (Jo., 250 F P Tatum Sous & Co., 257 Kiri ian! Cain, blneksmith 258 J B Oreen, Sherill', 259 T Barfield, 200 Sheridan Mckinnon, 201 Beunott?ville Udw Co., 202 J T Douglas, Druggist 203 ) deport of Gounty SupervisoVlor 2d Quarter.1905. WAKKA NTS DRAWN ON ORDINARY FUNI\ SECOND QUARTER 1905. K)R WUAT 1 Alli "MOON': t Court limiso Phono Rent $ 2 00 supervisors salary 75 80 shooing county mules, 3 90 Board Equalization 8 00 cou voy ing luuaties 13 38 salary aud stain ps 25 75 dining 12 juors 0 00 salary and stamps 59 34 iiauper account 47 75 Mau kots for tho jail 2 20 salary as Clerk ot' ('JIU t 142 45 niorchandiso 3 95 pauper account 5 00 Board of Equalization 2 00 work at Jail 3 00 work on public road 17 40 borrowed money 2084 45 stationary bill 4111 lunacy account 5 00 repair work ll 00 magistral o salary * 20 83 physician and lunney 23 00 nurehundiso 1 00 08 hoard of equalization 4 00 lui.ney accouut 5 00 hay and leed for stock 117 28 lunacy account 5 00 coronor's salary 37 50 hoard of equalization 9 00 board of equalization 4 00 hoard of equalization 4 00 corn and teed for stock 103 05 auditor's salary 25 75 Two horse wagon 51 00 corn und oats 07 12 freight account 17 28 jury, wituoss and constable 542 00 testifying ns an cxpeit 5 00 board of equaliz ation 8 40 pauper account 2 00 board of equalization 4 00 board of equalization 12 40 board of equalization 4 00 board of equalization 9 00 merchandise accouut 20 90 magistrate's salary 4 10 bourel of equalization 5 00 Bhuckeiiug prisoners 3 00 blades 1er machine 10 00 pauper account 21" 00 merehaud?8e account 20 OD constable services 37 50 board of equalization ll 00 hoard of equalization 2 00 hoard of equalization l l 00 board of equalization 0 00 merchandize account 0 3' court house phone rent 2 00 board of equalization 4 00 salary ns treasurer and stamps 20 21 magistrate salary 20 83 hoard of equalization 4 00 board of equalization 4 00 board of equalization 8 80 merchandise account 13 77 Pauper claim 4 00 board of equalization 2 00 board of equalization 8 4U board of equalization 0 00 Supervisor's salary, 78 00 Board of Equalization 2 00 magistrate's Hilary 20 83 salary and stamps . 69 23 pinning ueeount 23 85 paupor ueeount 3 00 Probate blanks 3<> merchandise ueeount 10 88 repair work 3 00 conveying, &o.. 23 30 burial ol prisoner 0 50 shoeing county mules 3 (10 merehundisc ueeount 10 20 merchandise ueeount 1 15 . _i ,.?. ?",!., nv MU hoi lirowu, B L Jones, B D Towmeud. V c Holds, Monk Blucfoot, Julian MoLaunn, Milton McLuuriu, J T Medlin, uno 2 Bank ol' Marlboro, So. Bell Telephone Co., B & C Ry., Co., M 10 Coward, W L Stanton, F IO Rowf, .I J Ingram, W T Carver, Walker lOvans & Co., J T Whitaker, G 1 Sherrill, une 10 So Bell Telephone Co , uno 2S Sarah Fair, T J Jackson, C P Pool, A C Creen, J <J Laue. Goorgo N MoCall, Dr. J A Hamer, J F Townsend, A C K By Co,, une :io J ll Thomas,, treasurer, 270 282 283 284 285 288 280 291 202 203 308 3O0 310 31 1 317 318 310 324 328 341 ?47 348 349 350 ;:?l 352 353 354 355 Wo can give yon a special low irill* rato on your gin houses oed cotton. No uso to lose them y lire when protection is cheap. CROSLAND ?& TYSON "Tho insurance) Mon.'' RESERVE YOUR EYESIGHT. In order to help you do so. Mr. H. . Pearsui, Jeweler and Optician, as employed an export, who will as st you in lilting glasses, nnd will ipreciato a call. Only tho best mu ir?ais used. As now is Hu; season when ) much Tea is used, you can ot afford to use anything but , E. Blanks high grade Teas, >r salo by W. M. R?wo. A full lino of II J. Heinzs Co. ?ciclos Preserves, Ketchups, Sau? is, Jollies ?ko. at W. M. Rowe's. A Fearful Fute. It i-, a fearful rate I" novo tv? onduro a terrible torture of Piles. "1 eau truth i i y ray," writes Henry Colson, of asciville. la-, "that for Blind, Bleed g, Itching and Protruding Piles? Buck? i's Arnica Salve, is tho best cure nie." Also best for cuts, burns ami ?mies. 25? at J. T, Douglas Druggist. eep on ii Ice a Butter and heese on Ice all summer and tarantee it to be the best on nth. W. M. Rowe J'.*..,/.,, uvu^uu, *- Mti constable services 15 00 merchandise account 12 50 merchandise account 30 07 oleauiug up court houso 2 ou ribbon lor Typewriter 9 00 Lunacy account 5 00 sewer pipe for county 200 55 Draft due ... 07 Cu court hume phoue rent 2 00 height bill 17 10 salary us supervisor 75 85 salary as supt of education 59 28 eli ott io lights for Jail 42 50 uiuking BhaoklCH for convicts li 60 repairing Juil roof 9 50 account lor stationery 22 '?0 pauper duiui 12 00 sultuy as audi i m- 25 00 court house phono rent 2 Ol) cleaning up tho douri house 10 50 putting down pump 3 00 wmk on publie road 3 50 Kl bushels of peas 10 25 board of equalization 7 00 salary us coroner 50 00 post mortem. &j. 10 Oo work on publie road, 9 25 Freight ueeount 2 50 jury, witness and constable 472 25 Your Horse is valuable, why not insure him J-gainst death from any cause. Rates low. Protection good. CROSLAND & TYSON "The Insurance Men.' Here Yet. WU ION YOU ARE IN NEEL -OK - TOMBSTONES, MOJN UMEN TS, Or anything in my line, don't forget to call on mc, at my place of husi ness near the Atlantic Coast Line and the Soaboard Air Lino Passenger Depots, or writo mo. Designs and Prices furnished on application. Phone No. 0.r>. Respectfully J. W. MclOLWElO. January ii.'>, 1005. tar Pipes and SinokorsSupplicsin endless variety can be found at J. T. Douglas' Drug Storo. oon'tYou Lovo Flowers? It so, and you want somo pretty pots of all sizes in which to place ?hem, cali at tho Hardware store and you eau he suited. for chltdrmnt oaf?, muro, M* optatoo aa* rant MA? ?a? U2?NU Cleanses the system thoroughly and clears sallow complexions of xative Fruit Syrup p,T????'bl?t?he"' mum v. SMTCMHUMB, Pradical Pbarjuac??t and Deaicr in g>nro jg)ru gs and Jettent Medicino*. I .lox'A^ipywrjgMiH WE ?LSP C?RRY ?TAN DA It J) MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, VOIIJET and Fancy Articles, rEUEUllMEllY, SOAPS, UlUSIIES, SPONGES, i TA TIONA H Y and SUPPLIES PA I NTH, OILS, BHUSHES of all kfndB, VA KNISH ami STAINS, PREPARED PAINTS, WINDOW GLASS, LAMPS, SHADES, Etc. FINE CIGARS AND TOBACCO. ***** Prescriptions carefully compounded at ail hours and guaranteed to be of i fee Purest Uruga and at reasonable prices. - A full line ??arden Seed & Onion Sets. Thankful for punt patronage youru for a prosperous uow yonr. J T, DOUBLAS, Jaaouiy 1, 1905. AT TBS OLD 8TAKD WE HANDLE BAPGAIWS TOO. NO USE TO WORRY, BUT COMM HIGHT ON TO CLAUDE MOORE'S IP YOU WANT Dry Groofs, Clothing, Shoes, Notions * And Fancy Groceries. tt?F Frcah Water Ground MEAL and HOMINY n specialty. We Keep a foti line in oach Department anil will (ill your Wants in each AT THE LOWEST PI?IOESh WI.en you como to Town call and seo us. Phone orders in town delivered FRWE, and satisfaction guaranteed, Call and seo us-Near Douglas1 Drug Store. IITTS?1LLI HARDWARE CO., FOR HARDWARE OP EVERY DESCRIPTION, WE ARE NOW OPENING UP ONE OF THE LAR0j?S*T und NICEST LINES OF Buggies and Harness EVER OFFERED ON THIS MARKET. We also have a Large Stock of SEE US BEFORE 1WYING IT WILL RAY YOU. You will always find our Mr. Throop Crosland at DUI* Repository, on north side of Public Sqiiaro, .who will gladly show you our lines and M A K R CLOSEST PRICE * POSSIBLE. Very respectfully July 20, 1905. ? ? H M <Z>"ULX* 3Xre*^v" Hjiixx? -TI IE DIR EOT W A Y USTOIR-'ITIH:, EAST. SOUTH . WEST. BENNETTSVILLE & CHER AW R. R. -AND AIR LINE RAILWAY. Louve Bennettsville *7.05 a. m., 1-00 p. m. Arrivo Choraw 8.10 p. m. DAILY RXOBPT SUNDAY. * Direct eonnoctiona at Choraw with through trains to tho North, East, South and West. The short linc and quickest time to Wilmington, ChnrloUe. Ailnnta, Raloigh, Richmond, Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York, Bostou, IlufTalo, Pittsburg and all points North and Must. The short linc and quickest timo to Columbia, Kanannah. Jacksonville, Tampa, Montgomery, New Orleans and all points South and Weat,1 Foi further information call on J. T. MEDLIN, agent Bcnnoltsville & Chctaw R. ll., BennottsviUo.S. C., or address lt. h. BURROUGHS T 1* A., SEABOABD Ant LINK RY., Columbia, S. C. 0?ARLIC3 V. STEWART, A. (J. P. A., S.A L, Ry, Savannah, Ga.. .sm tv-c, ...-w^.ljK... Jl > FOR HORSES. ANO MULES ONLY SMITH NEWTON, Bennettsville, S. C. MoCOLL DRUG CO., MeColl 8. O.