The Marlboro democrat. (Bennettsville, S.C.) 1882-1908, August 18, 1905, Image 4

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SAYS IT IS BEST. Dispensary is Best Solution of Liquor Question, Says SENATOR TILLMAN. It There Is Graft The Men Now Howling Against thc System Made the Fraud Possible. Turn Out Rascals If Located and See that There ls No Recurrence. The following is tho speech of Sena? tor Tillman doliovoreel by Invitation at Edgeflold last Saturday tus reported for The State by Mr. Wilban Hanks: Mr. Chairman, Ladles and Fellow Citizens: It ls six years since I have had tho ploasuro of addressing a pub Ho meeting in this my homo county. On that occisi?n the Issue was thc same one which wo havo today. Tho people have passed on this ques tion live or six times and settlod it by overwhelming majorities. That year the aggregate vote for tho two candi dates who wero running as dispensary oaudldatcs was 28,000 more than the prohibition candidate got, but there aro sumo people In South Carolina who hav.) never been wllllug to submit to the rule of the majority. They think they know more, that they are better than the masses of the peoplo, that they have the right to dictate to them what thoy Hhall do. So boro we have again this same old bone of contention brought forward for politicians to gnaw on. Hut wily outer upon a discussion of this sub j oct. I proposo in response to your Invit ation to discuss tho principles under lying it, and tho wi: ehm or unwisdom of the policy which is proposed; but before I do that 1 want to have a word personally with yen. Fifteen years ago by *bo suffrages of my fellow citizens I was taken from my farm ten miles bolow ridgefield and sent to Columbia to discharge the duties of chief executive. After four years' absence, with only an occasion al visit here, 1 was elected to the Un ited States senate and for nearly 11 years 1 have been lilllug as best 1 could tho resp ,nsible dulles of that position. These two great olllces, the greatest in your gift, that you have conferred upon mo, have been sources of great gratification to mc but my countrymen they have also caused mc to be an exile from homo, thoy have carried mc from amoog yi u, you whom I love better than any people on earth. I am a stranger In my own land, and but fer a few old mcu whose heads are gray or bald 1 know scarce ly 20 men in this audience. You all know mc; some feel aggrieved if 1 don't stop forward and call you by name and shake your hand, but 1 have met so many pi opie In HO many States that faco^ pass before me like a panor ama, ard 1 cannot longer recognize men. lt is not bee ins.: I feel any higher than you, for 1 am still plain Hen. Tillman. I have always regard ed myself your servant and not your master. "TIIK enron OK SILKNCH " I am hore today to discuss this ques tion. Soma haye said lt was improper and out of placa for a United States senator to meddle with local affairs. These men have felt aggrieved because I will not consent to shut my mouth, and close my eyes to the condition in which I am as much Interested as you are, and they have demanded of me the price of silence. 1 ain't built that way. Thark God 1 ain't built that way. (Laughter and applause ) Wher I get too cowardly to stand up in youl midst or anywhere else and speak thc truth as 1 see it and understand ii then 1 will have become too cowardly and worthless to represent you any where. I know 1 shall miike enemies. 1 know many of my best frloi els are to day-lined up lu antagonism to th? liquor system which l devised. Ho cau e they have changed am 1 to sur render my cen vi ct ion? 1 again sav 1 ain't buht that way. The ofllccof i ru ted Stales senator is a high and noble one, but tho i nice io not worth the price which some men demand of tue. Therefore l am here in answer ti your invitation to tell yen what i think, not io dictate-I know you aie not built that \ / ? i y. J'1 U oo your own thinking, ai.el nola; 1 .say. What is the Issue? How shall wo soil 1 quoi or whether wc shall sell it at all? '1 hat is the whole proposition slated in a brief sentence. Thorn are three systems that have obtained In ibo State, not in the Stal i as a whole, but In par.s of the State: one ls I he license syst? m, the old bar room system, the second ls the dis pensary system under which wo arc now working, and tho thl d ls prohi bitlon. Tho Ingenuity of man never devised any moro than tl ose three systems for tho 1 qu r 3ontrol. Which ene of those is tl e h.s.? you have heard ek quent ai d strong arguments, facts ano figures alt (bey w<_ro pre sentid in of prohibition. 1 confess to you as between prohi bition and thc barrooms, saloons ot any system of license, 1 am c. prohibi tionist. Hut will prohibition prohibit? 1 say no. Those other g< ntlcmeu .say yes. Let's give tho facts. ASSAILS MlOllHUTTON, We had prey Ibltioh in ?dgefleld about ' fst or 1805, When the elry Council - as rice ed yru coulfl not buy whlskoy ? wfuHy In tho town of lO.lge Held as a beverage; tho only way you could buy it was to get a certificate from a physician and go to some drug store with tho ei cot or's prescription, If you net tied some aqua fortis -what other Latin ph ras.; oo tl icy employ ? A voice: Splrltuciu forment I. Tillman: s une of jon fellows who used lt recollect, but I have forgotten thc formula. (Laughte ). I know this, that prohibition in thc town of ridge field was a hissing and a by-word, and that there was just a i much drunk enness then as thero ever had been under tho saloon system ; and certain physicians woo lived in tills town then grew abso'utoly rich by giving pro scriptions or certificates to Johnson, Smith or Jones wh i applied to thom that thoy needed this stuff for their health. (Laughter.) A voice: Those physicians you speak of are; (load ahd gone. Tillman: 1 do nob want, lo speak 111 of any dead man, and I do not Intend to. Wilone ver it has boen tried lt has had thc samo result. And abovo all lt has taught the people to he hypo critics to go te> the di otor and say, I have got thc belly nelie." (Laughter.) My objection to prohibition is, we aro nob Yet ?angela, moro tho pity; I do not see any wings sprouting on anybody's shoulder ; wo are sinful hu man beings, made by God Almighty 'in His wisdom with shnrtoornlcgg j the weaknesses of man; wo have our appetites, and it is in tho nature ot the beast to gratify that appotlto for stimulants, and if he oannot get it lawfully ?io is goi?g to get lt some other way. There has always been and always will be a demand for liquor as a beveridge, simply bcoauso mau likes the taste and its ciXcot, not be causo ho ls sick, uot bcoauso ho needs it as a medicine, but simply for his stomach's sako as Paul said to Timo thy, and somebody will always be ready to supqly lt for thc money. That beiug the cause, I have tried to deal with this question as a truo mau aud from a common-sense stand point to treat mon as I lind them aud not as I would have them to be, but to try and teach them to minimizo and reduce tho evil of whiskey drinking. I have not indulged in liquor myself but I have seen it, some of my family havo suffered from it, 1 have seen its misery, tho misery lt causes; I have seen too muoh not to know that if wc could destroy the formula of alcohol either from fermentation or anything elS3 it would injure tho medical pro fession In their business, deprive men of their valuable stimulants in cer tain diseases, but thc sum of human misery would he reduced. Hut tho best thing in my judgment as a practical man is to treat men as they aro and to try to teach them to restrain theil appetites as far as practical and min lmlzo the evil of liquor drinking. You have heard a good deal about blood money. AS TO ni.OOI) MONBY. Sometimes I got awfully sick in the sonate when I hear a fellow get up and twaddle about what he knows nothing of; when 1 hear preachers talking about tho drinking of whiskey being blood money. 1 look back tu the history of the world, J. Hud that no man. no preaohor priest or states mau ever droamed of attempting U prohibit the use of liquor until about 75 or 100 years ago, have not under took until the last 60 years to say that man should not drink or that il was a sin. 1 do not hesitate to say ) can hud in the hlble a dozen or twe dozen texts recognizing tho use o liquor to where you can lind om which discourages lt or denounces it Where does the sin como in? Tho sin docs not rest upon Bibi? authority, lt rests upon the preacher'! authority, and 1 object to anj preaohor changing tho scripture ti suit bis fanaticism and to make m< swallow his religion. (Laughter You cannot show me in the .serip.ur cs lo ono or two isolated case where the inc of wino ls denounced a a stn, and I can show you a dozei passages where lt is spoken of other wise. When any man talks to mo abeu blood money 1 put bim down as a abominable ass. I do not intend anj thing personal. I cannot see any po; albie excuse for any one to make suo a charge. I saw the other day where som man ?aid that rather than seo h children educated on blood money t would prefer to see them grow up i illiteracy. 1 do not blame him fe saying that If he believed it was bloc money. Hut lt ls not blood moue; I Where do you get the authority f< saying it ls a sin to use liquor? Tliei is no doctrine of that sort in the Hlbl You can lind plenty of texts as to tl ' abuse of liquor, getting drunk ar doing things that a man will do whe drunk whloh aro sinful. 1 ag reo I that. Tho dispensary ls Intended I ' minimize the abuse of liejuor, whl I prohibition is supposed to prohibit i use absolutely because U is sinful. SOMK COLD KIQUKES. I always Uko to back up my acse [I lions with facts. Some poople eira ?on their imagination for their facts, , may have done so at ti nes, but d J not do so Intentionally, I have el i dared and do now so declare th . prohibition does not prohibit an J where A fow days ago I received il last printed report of the coram . stoner of internal revenue at W?s Ington, and 1 find these figures: Sta of Kansas with a population of 1|47( .105 had in lt retail beer or mi liquor secured from t : United Statesgovernment3,l97,oi t people to every retailer of those be cragoi. That's in Kansas, remembi one liquor and beer dealer for eve .K',0 people in tho prohlbitl n SI ite , Kansas. (Laughter.) Maine has 00 . ooo population according to tho ls censes and had 988 lie ?i.s. s Issued the Uniti d States g iv e n mont lo Si liquor and beer, or ono. to every 7 , population. State of South Carol! hurl l 340,000 population.and the toi ; number of United State;; lieu sos ret all liquor and boer including t loo and odd di pensarles M>7, or o n t, ll seller for every 2.301 populath Now, those Ogures ought to spc for themselves without furthor ar^ mont; but 1 have "oreo furthor fae Take ? li ' ci y nf ? h r eston, S. C had in 1000 65,000 population in rou nun hers, and f e total l umber of ; rests in that city for that year v .1,002; arrests for drunkenness 5: Ml (1 you they ...ay Charleston ls t homo of blind tlgara, an '. l know it h s true. Kansas City, Kan., popu tion 51,000, total number of arre: 3,?157; arrests for drunkenness ?i I'ake Portland, the head c n*,re prohibition, where lt has b^on the 1 for 60 years; population f?o,ooo, ti number of arrests 1,000; arrests drunkenness, i, i #>r>; more titan tw as many as ?vere In Oha rh ?ton. peka, Kai a., population ;J:I,OOU, to arrests 2,071; arrests for drunkenn (?l i, a little over half of the p:>] lat ion of 0 i arl eaton, and loo moo rested for drunkenness. What are j going to do with these fads? S me say you ure going to vote \ abominable dispensary out and si atitute blessed prohibition. 1 dc care if you do, and sometimos 1 rat' Wish you would so you can got a d of thc physic for 12 months. AS TO HIGH L.IOKNSB, Now, v/e c uno 'o lilith I l?ense; t combination which v/e aro facing day, tho high l?ense people, tho p hiblMon people and blind tlgors, same v/e have been lighting since IS Thesopeople who are advocating h license, The State of c 'lumbla, 'J Nows and Courier and some other pors, and nomo o? our fell w oltlzo they arc not in favor of prohlbitl they tell you so, they say lets kill dispensary, then WO will have prob tion, and then what-high licet Tho preachers are going ono fOftd, prohibitionists are going another rt and tho blind tlgcri arc traveling third road, they ar? all aiert to tho dispensary, and when they ku and lt ls gone, poor thing, then wh There will be ? light among tho poi to say whet her lt Shall bo high l c ii or prohibition, and what will tho i pensltlOS do then. If we are HO and fow between that there will be hopo to restore tho dispensary, I going to line up with my friend Tal* bert and shout for prohibition. I never will consent by my vote and in fluence to aid the reestablishment of saloons ia any county in South Caro lina. I failed to give you Lawrenoo, Mass., experience, whore they have a high license of ?3,500 for the privilege of the monopoly of somo barkeeper to soil whiskey In Lawrenoo, Mass. Its population In 1000 was 02,000; total number of arrests, 2,3t)7; arrests for drunkenness, 1,321. The sentiment against the dispen sary ls runniDg so high 1 outlined it in a letter which 1 wrote some time ago, aud with one exception tho nows papers In my own county have not publlshod it, they havo not given you an opportunity to read lt, but their news columns and editorial columns teem with "down with tho damuablo dispensary." I have that faith in tho intelligence and manhood of the citizens of Edge field to feel and know that you are your own mastors and will study this question for yourselves, make up your own minds and vote as freemen. I havo always tried to lead you, I have nover undertaken to drlvo you, and you know lt. Lats come down to common sense, somo good, every day bacon and greens. They tell you to voto out the dispensary, and lets have prohibition. I have no objoctlon to others having their oplulons, let me have mine. Peo pie need not throw rocks at mo and not expect mo to throw brick bats baok. I have got a car load ot them. Let's seo what will bc tho efieot at homo. Aside from any moral, religious or temperance idea. 1 have shown you that you will have drunkenness N JW, wo have lo?s drunkenness in South Carolina than anywhere else. TIIK eilOV?T KICATUUK. In Edgetlcld lu tho days of barrooms what did you country bumpkins, who have boen appealed to so eloquently to day, what did you get from tho liquor traille? Nothing except the drunken nora and oxcept tho misery and pover ty which came to you as Individual; for Indulging in the stuff. Under the dispensary system the county schools including the ttwn of EJ go field and Johnston get $5,800 from tho dispen sary and tho free schools are now run ning and have been running five tc seven months a year. Take this $5, 800 away aud unless ytu put youi hauds In your pockets and supple mont lt by taxes your schools wil drop to four mouths or les3. If thai ain't blood money out of tlie Innoconi children who are to bc brought up li idleness and lguorancD, and God bavi morey on the preacher who sees ant says otherwise. (Cheers.) Talk about btood money. Thoy of fer as a sacrifice thc Ignorance of th poor little country boys and girls tba now have some chances to got an odu cation, because they havo found ; new religion which declares that th uso of liquor ls a sin. I have some written notes I am gc lng to read. When I want to b peculiarly mean, or as my encmle say, when 1 want to be "venomous, I write lt out, because I can dlstl hell lire into it with my pen. (Laugt ter and cheers.) INVESTIGATE Til IC DI 1T1 hi.KUY. I want this committee which th legislature has appointed to lnvost gate. 1 have not heard anything, bu I just smell something up tho creel (Laughter.) I want lt to Investiga! the Richland Distillery company, Un out how lt came to he organized, wi wero tho original stockholders, ho much stock they took, and all aboi lt. A voice: You will play the dev If you do that. Tillman: 1 am In tho humor I play the devil with auythhf that can oatoh, big, little, oid or younj (Laughter and cheers ) Let this committee lind out thi stink up the creek, and quit talkh about lt so much. Do you know hu much tho State ls credited with ( tlie booka of the commissioner as ha mg In possession, over $800.000 won of whi-ikey, $400,000 scattered all ov the State an i $100,ooo In Columbi What do they want wit h so muc T?!oy nie on a cash bas s, they c: order liquor from any source tin choose by the car load, get it he and bottle it and distribute lt in : days. Then 1 hear, 1 don't know he vine lt ls, hut 1 want this com m itt to tell us who ls responsible for. u a stock of unsaleable stair I no . that they havo what they o ill "ll stock" and "dead st? ck," stock tin can sell and stock they cmnot se Who bought any dead whiskey, at what sort of whiskey ls itthatnoboi will buy lt. Senator Tillman here took up tl reading of his manuscript but bc d not stick to tlie text all the w: through anel interpolated some i m irks which were even warmer th; the "distilled hell lire from his pon lie said In one side remark tl at If t dispensary ls selling after sun elow that is another placo where "si; twisted administration has wrong demoralization." Ile declared that he was not st ring up factionalism. "1 am not, help me God, but if 1 must do lt toko to tho woods, 1 will take do^ the t< m tom and sound it." "T.-ie man who gets me cut of i position will have to light for lt., holp mc God," ho said, and the h yelled. Somebody said the State shot make Its own liquor. Tillman reto o.;: "Then this crowd which is h le ring blood money weuld go to t asylum." At another place he said that the limited timo in which ho had p pared the dispensary law lie ml^i have made mistakes for "1 wasn't < lng any stealing myself and didi think of tho legislature putting n In there who would go to stealing, don't know that there ls any i.te&llrj he said naively, "but I havo hoi that there ls something rotten up I creek. " TACK I.KS NO LKOISLATUUK. "God knows what will become this poor old town." he said. "Tl might have better streets than tl have, but the town does not levy fl tax now." Jokingly, he Said that ought to sue thl i old town f..r vi nearly costing tho life of a Uni States senator for ho was Injured qu seriously lately. Ile recalled tho f that In 1801 tho law was doolared i o institutional and the State had p hlbltlon for four months and 1 blind tigers broko out then and took to tho woods with tho law keep them from killing lt entirely. One blind tiger came .out tuen f as he went out of oltlCi soon af I wanis thoy had bad nobody Lo | their eyes out. Ile does not mean brag, but his BUOCCSSOrs p ir'.iaps 1 not felt, that they should do much drudgery. Ho told what had done, as governor with the ass ance of his priv?te secretary in kc lng track of the dispensary constan Tho l?gislature had tinkered w tho law so muon that they had got the i law quite different ?rom the original; i He deolarod that the original law placed the governing pnwor In tho hands or meu eleoted by the people. What wo want is a legislature that will take the law back to its orignal uaoorlnuB. Who, under his adminis tration, bad heard of habitual drunk ards getting liquor. Some druuk ards in this county ' had become ol? most hij personal enemies. Ho doridod tho recent pronounce ment cf tho directors ot tho dispen sary to the ofToot that they would go buck to tho uso of the request books Why did thoy over drop the use of the books? Thoy bad no such right to do so. rr WAS ms wornt., in tho oom-tituMonal convention of 1895 tuoro was a tight on the dispen sary question. It was tho desire of the dispensary advocates to Incorpo rate tho dispensary i&w body and breeches into the organlo law. He got up when prodded to do so, and said that he would bo glad to havo tlie law Incorporated In tho oonstitu- ] lion, but the matter was beforo the United States supreme court and if lt should bo deolared unconstitutional, tho State would have rook-ribbed pro hlbltton forever. He asked for the de bato to bo adjourned and ho prepared tho se.otlon in artlolo 8 of tho consti tution which retors to tho dispensary law. If wc get to high lloonse, and that ls what this hullyballoo's about, the town of K I go Hold cannot issue that license and lt munt ho granted by tho authorities at Columbia Ho roforrcd to tho fact that many of the people of ridgefield oannot voto on tho dispensary under the Hr Joe law because they have no registration cortilloUos. About 26,000 people would bo barred from expressing their wishes. Again, tho Brice law does not provide for voting out distilleries. Ail thc blind tigers in Plckens would have to do would be to drive up to one r.f these distilleries In a hollow and load up on Illicit whiskey. Following ls the part whioh he read: ADV1CK TO T1IK COMM1TTKIC. Thc newspapers stato that the leg islative lnveotigatlug committee will commence its work at Spartanburg next Tuesday. I do not wish to ap poar clllclous and Indulge lu criticism until 1 am certain lt is deserved but 1 feel sure that others beside myscli have been disquieted and. somewhat disconcerted, to uso no strongei terms, by the reports which came ti us that this committee has already exhausted its oxpsnse fund of 13,001 and there is the probability that it; work will be hindered or prevcntei for laok of money. I hope these wer kilo rumors withe ut foundation be cause lb would be little short of ? scandal if tho oommlttoo chargei with such important work should fal to do lt and go to the legislature wit! snob a liasco as that. Newspaper have led us to suppose that ther would be startling dlsolosures as t tho coi ru pt lon In Spartanburg an we have been treated to a sort c opera bouffe performance ?n the Uti gU.lon Instituted to seoure possessio o? Mr. Farnum's papers. I foel tba I voice tho opinion of a great man thousands of my fellow citizens who 1 say that while we are Interested 1 unearthing corruption hi any an every department cf tl e dispensar that the people arc ?<lr? Vt,ry muc concernod about the ruhio/l} gs of 1< cal dispensers. Th ' dfp, ....- fjiptic with the dispensary^oCs hot rest u] on these. There aro a great many storli atloat and 1 have heard any numb of these and 1 therefore presume I make some suggestions and I leno that all right thinking men. lnolu lng th ?se most Interested will thin rather than blame, mo for doing whi I shall b ?cause I shall do so beean no one elsa seems willing to disonar) thc ungracious task. There has bei talk almost universally of thc sudeh wealth or evidences of much mon boinn In the hands of two high di penfiary officials. Ono of these ls ll h g and can take care of himsel The other ls dead, and his frion among whom I count myself one, el sire to have the truth known and l memory cleared from what we bello lo b^a vilo and malicie in slander, ought to In easy to find out from t b:inks and tho records in tho clerl clfiee whether there is any foundatl in fact for these oft repeated storh "ll()W KA hS IO A NU INFAMOUS.'' Mr. Hubert Evans, chairman of t board of dispensary directors, is t living man who will, 1 am sure, gin ly welcome the most searching lnv II gatton Into his financial oondlti and tho lamented H. H. Crum is t other. His friends will, I kno thank me for giving them the oppi tunlty to prove how false and In mons aie the statements which hs bonn sent broadcast about his large tate, Thon wo have reports that a Towlll, another director, accopti very lino horso from some whist man in Kentucky as a present, wti Mr. Itoykln, the other member of t hoard of directors, was drummer some one or two whiskey houses fore he was placed on tho boa Have those houses had any uni share of the trade of thc dispensa Why ls lt necessary to keep on hs such a large stock at the Stato c pensar y when lt ia on a oash basis s goods can be ordered out and dist I uted In 30 days? Who is rcsponsl for such a large stock of unsalea goods when whiskey ls a staple arti and a good brand of it Just as salon one day as another? lias all whiskey that has been bought b distributed to the local dispensen ls lt In stock? Has thero been loss, or to put lt plainly, no steal in this way? Wc want light, gen men of thc committee, and wc oui to have had lt before any of tl elections were held. TA L KS OF OLD TIM KS, 1 with to call attention to a pl of thc Ihm )r question whioh r have beon lost s'ght of by many ; at tills juncture lt ls v/oll to refi the minds of tiie people by a st: meat of fact. When the dispensary law first w Into operations The News and Com Tiie, State, the Greenville News al with many other newspapers tur with the most virulent abuse of Stite government and of all pen who had anything to do with la 'i enforcement. Tho constables were called "sp and thc people were urged to re with all their might and In every possible tho enforcement) of tho I Lawlessness was considered by tl newspapers as a badge of superior the constables wero hounded bey endurance and thc Darlington followed as a natural and inovlti res tit. For three or four years policy was kopt up and evory poss Influence was brought to bear by tl aewspapors to break down the dispon-11 lary system. Any number of Iles wore told about any and evorybody joDoerned with the arl ministration of bim law and lt was only after repeated Meats at the polls by overwhelming majorities that any semblance of dc souey tn ntl ending to the dispensary ind *b? officials connooto? -with it Dbtaiood. Tho armory of abuse and slander was exhausted but tho lying Dontluued to go on; by Insinuation, Innuendo and falsehood tho Bystom lias been attaoked; and of course, as founder and father of tho dispensary, I have been abusod and lied on as no uther man In tho Stato's history cvar was. "UBBF LAH) SCHUMIS TO DKBTKOY In 1902 all political oppositions oeased and no man was told enough to t offer for ofllee in tho Sta co as an anti- ? dispensary candidate. I do not wish j to revivo fnationalism and I am sorry to bo compelled to have the appoar anco of doing so, but tho truth de-1 j mauds of mc this statement that dur ing tho last six years and ?von before the majority of the South Carolina legislature has been composed of those who wero once antl-Tillmanites or Conservatives, and if it bo true that j bad men havo been eleoted to control ( and direct thc affairs of the dispensary ( t.lio Conservatives of tho Stace are rc sponslble for lt. 1 believe that there j has bern a deep laid scheme to de ( stroy tho system by mismanagement, and tho oharge that it is a political machino may be well sustained by the faot that these same Conservativo leg islatures ammended tho law to provide that tho county boards of control should bo appolntod by the recom meudatlon of tho members of tho gen aral assembly thus placing Its admin lstratlon in the counties in tho bauds of politicians and their satellites. I am aware that many of the strongest supporters of thc dispensary now are men who woro and aro yet probably Conservatives while some of Its most bitter antagonist aro former Reform ers. It, therefore, cannot bo chaged that I am endeavoring to draw the old lines whioh rent tho State in twain, but there ls every Indication to show that tho present onslaught on the dispensary ls being engineered and lcd by those who have been, are now, and will ever be my most bitter polltl cal opponents. The more venomous of these men have not hositated recent ly to say lu the press and in other places that they regard tho dispensary as tho main prop of Tillman's political fortune and that If they oan pull that down ho will fall with it. Tho people aro treated to columns and colu -?ns of cant and hypocritical moralizing and sermonizing cm thc rottenness and corruption and evils of the dispensary system while the sole purpose of thc crusade in the opinion of the best and closest observers ls that morality and temperance have no place in the hearts and minds of these men bub that their only hope and desire ls to organize a movement that will result in my polltloal over throw. KLKCT1CI) ON OTIIBK ISSUKS I want to say right here and now that I had been eleoted governor twice on other issues than liquor control and the dispensary had nothing todo with my political fortunes. lb never con tributed in the slightest to my election to the senate. The'scttlcment of the liquor question came to me unsought aud I would have been glad to have had nothing to do with lb. Rut as the Issue was forced while I was governor I m vdt! such settlement of it as I deemed best in the interest of temper auce and morality among the people of the State and the ungratified on dorsement which has been given the dispensary system by the masses i.? sufficient justification of the wisdom of any action. 1 had won the res peo t and confidence of the people because of their faith in my integrity and c'iaracter. If I had consented to keep quiet and steer clear of Stato politics, having nothing to do with local affairs as a politician would havd done, I would probably havo had less opposi tion and might have continued in tho so ?ate without navios to light for the place. The position of senator ls a very high one and 1 co voted thc honor beoause 1 believed that 1 could bc of som ; service to the people of the State. My record in Washington will show whether or not 1 have been able to ac complish anything worthy tho admira tion of tho people and to keep my hold 00 their affections. I would not re tain the (.llhie one minute longer than 1 can hold it with honor and maintain my self-respect. It would be cowardly to lo.>o sight of the public welfare In the pursuit of my personal ambition. I believe tho dispensary system to be the best for the people and for tho cause of temperance and si believing, 1 havo acted. 1 believe now that the law can bo changed so as to preclude the possibility of corruption in the pu nh ase of whiskey for the State dis pensary, and lt would rost with the people whether or not the regulations and rules governing the local dispen saries are observed. No law can ad minister itself and when the grand julies fail, as they havo failed, to see that tho dlsponsary law lg enforced In the counties tho people themselves are to blame. STOl'3 Tl IK (I lt A Kl' No system of liquor selling or prohi bition either o tn e vor succeed any bet ter than the dispensary has succeeded unless there ls an enlightened and de termined publlcoplnlon which compels observance to thc law. If the legisla ture at lbs next session will make such amendment and changes In the law as I am prepaid to offer, the boldest and most unscrupulous ene mies of tho system will bo compelled to declaro that there ls no room for "graft." That the law ls now dis oredlted by many who wcro onco its staunch supporters ls duo entirely to thc (cheming of those who have changed it and taken thc power from thc hands of the governor where lt rightly belongs and placed lt In the hands of the legislature and Its crea tures. If there ls corruption lt ought j tobe punished and the System purged by such changes In the statute as will mako lt Impossible. The Issue will bo presented to the members of the legislature at Its next session as to whether they will change tho law so as to lift Its administration above suspicion. 1 repeat again lt can bc dono. If the legislature falls to act then lt will rest with tho people next summer to elect a legislature and governor that will reform tho Insti tution or to elect a legislature and a governor that will kill lt. if thc peoplo want prohidltlon and arc pre pared to cnf oreo lt, then I want them to have it . i'd bo glad to seo at lonst a dozen of our counties voto out the dispensary hotween now and January in order to let tho pr.oplo ot those counties have an object lesson in seeing how far prohibition will be prohibition In South Carolina. A great many let ters and arbloles arc appoarlng In tho! nowspancr !n regard to the t.hant/A? hat havo boen wrought lu Cherokee nd Plokens by voting out the dis ionsary. l warn the poople to tak) hese at their true vahn. cn A i.hUNdici OHKHOKW?. ^ A n&w broom always sweeps olean nd the prohibitionists In those unities are undoubtedly exerting heuisolvcs to tho utmost at tnis imo, but Justas certain us like cant o iroduoes like of feet will it oems to ?ass that demoralization and failure viii result there as lb has resulted in Cansas and there are indications that ve aro not getting tho whole truth ibout theso o aunties. Now some of ny bitterest enemies havo pretended io lind in my letter to Mr, nigglns lasts for tho idea that I am straddling ir woakenlng ou the dispensary issure. ro all such I say that they may put ,heir doubt to rest if they ever had my. I shall Qght for a reformation n tho dlspenary and Its restoration jQ tho original scheme upon which it was organized. 1 promised Mr. Net tles and othor prohibition leaders in ibo legislature In Daovmber, 1892, that t would free tho Stato from barrooms md I did lt oven In (Jnarleston. wu KKK IIB STANDS. And 1 now say that if tho legisla ture now in power does not at its next icBslon, change the law so as to reform the system, I will undertake, If I am living and well next summer, to light for a legislature that will toform lt. i lo not stand for a debauohed and oor rupt dispensary. I will not light for mob. Hut 1 do stand for the system is lt was ffrst Inaugurated, and re gardless of consequences to myself, will light to purify and maintain lt. I repeat what I have already said be fore. If is useless to talk about sell-1 lng liquor In South Carollua under any lyeetm of license, high or low. I have rloolared and I believed it to be true that a saloon would never bo open In South Carolina again. Instruction of the dispensary will mean of course a free rein for those who sell liquor Illic itly, but I prefer to see lt sold thus rather than see it plaoed in the hands of Individuals, a privato monopoly created with thc greator demoralize tion that would follow. Fully one third if not more of those who are now howling for the destruction of tho dis pensary aro avowed candidates of high license, and the prohibitionist dupe themselves into the belief that they have succeeded with thc aid of theso men In destroying the dispensary, that they cw maintain prohibition. But 1 perdlot that tho light will always be between prohibition and the dis pennary rather than oetween prohibi tion and license and in any event I shall use every instrumentality In my power to antagonize giving the right to soil liquor to privato Individuals. I want this matter settled entirely apart from my personal and political fortunes, lt is a much greater (jues lion for the people of South Carolina as to how they shall wisely and best govern the sale of liquor than as to whether 1 or somo one else represents them in the senate. 1 know there are many mon who will vote for me re gardless of their former political af filiations and of their present attitude on this question and it ls probable that there will be many who will be aggrieved at my activity in dealing with this question. 1 can not help that. I have the same right and in terest in local affairs as any other citi zen and mv elevation to the cilice I now hold would have been spurned had I felt that I would be deprived of freedom of speech and aotlun becausa of it. I prefer to retire to private lifo if it is the will of tho people of the Stato rather than surrender my con victions on this important matter and play the c ward in dealing with lt. WEATHAJR AND CR0P3. Tho WO( kly Crop Hun Mc (In I KIMI <Ml by .Sect ion Director II auor. The mean tempera'ure for the week ending 8 a. m. August 7th was slightly normal, but the week ended with successive heat. The extremes were a maximum of 5)8degrees at Co lumbia on the Otb, and a minimum of 00 degrees at Greenville on the 2nd, and at Kingstree on thc 3rd. The prevallng clear nights were favorable for rapid radiation, causing consider able complaint of tho nights having been too coi 1 for vegetation, although thermometer readings were not nm usa ly low. Tho winds were generally light. There were no damages repor ed from storms, hail or Hoods. Thc greator portion of the state was without rain. A beneficial rain on the 1th covered the territory from Ocoucc county to Cherokee and a por tion of York, but did not oxterd east ward beyond the Piedmont section. The extreme, southern portion had rain on thc oth. The drought ls se vere and Inj ur iou? to crops over the western and central counties, and over practically all the Savannah river valley counties, but the need of rain ls felt over prac Moally the entire State. Tlie weather was favorable for cul tivation and laying by orops which work ls practically finished. With tho exception of geed reports from the coast counties where cotton ls Impovlng, there seems to have been a general deterioration in the condition of cotton over the whole stato due to the plants turning yoi low, shedding leaves, squares and young bolls, and to rust willoh is now widely prevalent. Reports of damage by insects continue out are fewer than last week. Cotton is opening gener ally over the southern counties and In places, picking will ho active next week. The lirst bale of the season came from Hattlevillo and was ginned on the 1st of August. Tho 13 year aver, gd of first bales Is August 6th; the earliest was July 28, 181)0, tho lat est August 20th, 1805. The dry weather is Injurious to late corn, especially that portion now in the tasselling stago. Tobacco curing ls nearly finished, with tho late orop better than the early one. lOarly rico ls heading and harvostlng will bo ghi the latter part of the mouth. Desired I m ni Iteration, It ls reported that Jimmie Hyde threatens to j ?in William WaldorlT Aslor and James J. Van /Mien In the expatriated colony abroad. If Jim mie wt uki only put his threat Into execution and persuade Harry Lehr, Mettle Green, Uiulc Russel Sago and a fe?/ others who could ba easily spared to follow suit IKJ v.ould confer a favor upon tho general public that would mako partial amends for lils record In this country. Lighting' Newberry was Monday night visit ed by a severe electrlo storm accom panied hy a heavy rain. Four resi dences in thc city woro struck by lightning, one of them having tho weathorboading torn from ono end. Fortunately no ono was Injured nor wore tin j of the houses set on fire. Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Typo guaranteed conreo 20 wooka. Single hand, 8 mos. 12 calls for graduate? ? mend. Write. Machinery Supply H( WE SELL EV HeacJquarters for EVERYTHING ir All kinds of Injectors, Lubricators, I Supplies for Saw Mills, Oil Mills and Largo atook of Well Pumps and Oylh ^ , COLUMBIA SI] Columbia, S.O. The mao n THE GUINARD 1 COIvUMB] Manufacturers Brlok, Piro Proofr. Flue linings and Drain Tile. Pre or millions. Whlsko Morphine I Oigarot Habit, I Habit Habit .Cured by Keeley I 1S29 Lady St. (or P. O. Box 76) Cohn BO Oitd. BRAIN LEAKS. Bricht Hayings of Will M. Manuln In I 1 tho Oom nioner. Tho man who never falls never tries. A home without love is merely a stopping place. It ls easy to make exouses for those we love. God's throne is not readied by way of the back pews. The man who would be young again should cultivate a youthful spirit. When a man begins wondering If ho looks his age it is a sure sign that he docs. When we want to employ a boy we are not going to employ one who friz ales lils hair and lets the wavey locks stick out over his brow from beneath a hat set on thc back of his head. Always speak the truth, but don't forget that it ls often wiso not to speak at all. Strange that so many young men think that in order to be goud "fol lows" they have to do wrong things. The man who enjoys what little he has is far bottor oif than tho man who has everything and enjoys nothing. What hoe beoome of all uuo OldTH?ti who could oradle ten acres nf wheat a day when they were in their prime. Things would doubtless taste Just as good now as they did when we were boys if wc haa boys1 appetites. No matter how rank the grass grows in your yard, if your neighbor goes visiting and asks your boy to take care of his yard, the neighbor's yard always looks well. Young man, when she begins hint ing that you would better save your money instead of spending lt for buggy hire and loe oream soda, it is timo to either back up or begin looking for a cottnge. When "?raft" is exposed immediate ly thc pessimists begin declaring that tho world ls growing worse. The world ls really growing better all the time because light ls being thrown Into dark places and rogues aro being uncovored. .'A Merciful JIMIKO." Here are some of the sentences for manslaughter Imposed by Judge Klugh In the sessions court In Laur ens a week ago: Jim Kelloy, two years. Balle Parks, three years. Mart Gary, two years. Virge Williams, four years. Clarence Neely, two years. Coocher Clfcrdy and Dick Davis, seven years each. And the following for assault and battery with intent bo kill-an offense that would be murder wcro the Intent successfully carried out: Klotchcr Spurgeon, 18 months or *ino line. This looks like playing at Jintlco. The penalty for manslaughter ls from two to thirty years. Tho averago lu the abovo oases of manslaughter is not (i lite four years. The law as thus administered is no great terror to tho the evil-door. And lt looks like putting a verv low estimate on the value of human life. Newberry Observer. Quarantine Brutality, A case of quarantine brutality was reported to the Louisiana Stato board of health by Judge J. L. Gaudot, who who presides in the parishes contigu ous to New Orleans. Ho went from Jefferson to his homo In St. John and was there set upon hy sovoral guards Mid brutally beaten and tho parish health oflloer refused to recognize the health cor ti Sente, whjph ho brough^ from tLo parish he?iui c??locr or Jef ferson that ho had not been near any infection for six days. Toe Judge also reports that a lady and her child were manacled and conveyed to a detention oamp willoh was unlit for human habitation, M 1st ?koii l 'or A Bural nr. Ex-Senator and County School Com missioner W. H. Cobb of Royston, Ga., was fataly shot Tuesday night by his wife for a burglar. Ile was un conscious until his death at 1 30 Wednesday morning. Mr. Cobb wa shot twice, ono shot taking cl?ect in tho head, the other shot taking effect In tho abdomen. Wanted. AGOOD COUNTRY PRINTER who can set. advertisements, and l ake charge of thc t ypo sotting depart ment of a well-stocked country olllco. Should bo able to make up forms. To such a printer a steady job with good 'wages is open. Apply, with refcr I jUCCSi to Tino Ti M KS ANO DKMOOUAT, Oranfrcburfif. s. C writing, English branches, Full i course of either Business or Short-, a ?bout 20 days. Can't supply do rose for the State. ERY BODY. i MACHINERY SUPPLIES. >lpe, Valves, Fittings, any ono in Machinery business, uiors. Get our price. [PPLY 00.. ornery Supply honee of the State BRICK WORKS, Terra Cotta Building Blook .for pared to fill order? for thou ands I All Drug* ndTobacco ! Habita. ???rtLturte, of C2. ubi?, H. ?: Confidential correspond lionest Treatment for Weak Discouraged men. Do Not Throw Your Money Away on Worthloss Treatments, But Writo to Dr. Hathaway, tho South's Most Export Specialist, Who Can Bo Depended Upon to Curo You. 25 Years Exporionce. MEDICAL BOOKS FREE, Wirte for Them, Tf you aro a man suffering from unnatural lischnrgos, omissions, prematuro discharge, or Trom a completo loss of your manhood, do not brow your money away on tho many worth? loss treatments from fako modical companies, 'institutcp, otc, hut alt right down and writ? to Dr. J. Newton Hathaway, ?H Inmini Hld;;., Al lani 'i, Ga. Thia nhysloiau lias porfcotod a method of trea'.mont after ovor 25 years of ex? porlenco that will positively restoro any woak? wornout, discouraged man to a typo of porfoot manhood, whether tho patient ia young, old or middlo-agoo. Heady made medidnos cannot possit y euro tliia condition, hut eaoh and ovor j case requires spocially prcparod troat* .. mont administered hy an oxpertphjsioian who is competent to understand just what your case requires. Tho vast oxpor'onco of Dr. 1 lathaway has given him a knowlodgo of this condition in men not possessed hy any other physii ian; and every man in thiH condition should write him without (Inlay. Kvorything is kept stritely confidential, and all modi ol nos. which are prepared in his own labora? tory, are sent in plain packages. During ?ia years and years he has been established in Afci ( Inn tn he hits conducted his business in alf honest, strai thtforward manner, and his repu tation is known to nil. He ?ill 8*ud to eaoh Bufferer his book for mon, entitled '"Manli ness, Vigor tied Health." Ho also euros all other disensoi of men tuoh as Stricture, Va? ricocole, Gleet, otc, and if you aro a?l?lotod write him for a book on your diseaso. Ile lina a number of them. Have no hesitancy in writing him. The address is J. NEWTON HATHAWAY, M. D., 88 Inman Illdg., Atlan ta Qa. A Proposition of Interest To all readers of this paper, who call or write for treatment within the next 30 days. I will cure them of the following diseases for ONE-HALF my usual charge: LOST MANHOOD, SYPHILIS (blood poison), GONO IIIIE, GLEET, STRICTURE. VARI COOELE, RUPTURE, CATARRH and all CHRONIC DISEASES, of both sexes. Diseases of women cured without operation. PILES oured under guarantee without the knife er any tying or barning operation. Consultatiors, Examination, A di! ; Free. ^ T. S. HOI LEYMAN, M.D., THE SPECIALIST. Rooms 421 and 422 Leonard Building, Augusta, Ga. N.B. Catarrh of worst;form oured quickly at homo. tr ^?Piaixo^ You want the Best. Wo haye exactly what you want. Don't walt to feel exactly ready. We an make you able. Our prices aro LOW-our terms aro EASY. Write us at once for catalogues, prices and terms. Address MALONE'S MUSIC HOUSE, COLUMBIA, S. C. LEARN TELEGRAPHY; And R. It, AGENCY-Wo also train yo? fori 't ho U. H. SIGNAL CORPS. Behool estatH li shed 17 yoars. Choao board, low tuition and Our Plan INSURES position. Cataloi freo. GA, TELEGRAPH COLLEGE, Scnola, Cia. feto BY. A' ^\3%y?\?\? Ralhoad IV? Paid. 60 J*_F ll KR Courses Offer? . "^aS6fi?OTBB85HPSl B ar.! nt Coat Witto Quh .tORQlft M ACO0J?;??.?ace?.?i