S. A. BROWN - - - Editor Friday June 16,1906. .'Kulmcrlptlon PrlCtS One year.$1.00 Six months.50 Three months.25 WAR Hlfe?ORY CORRECTED. The Shooting of J. M. Miller in '65. Mr. Editor-I notice iu your paper of June 2d, a communication from a Mr. Collum of Jesup, Ga., who like myself wus n prisoner in the 17th Army corps (Blairs) in March 1865, Mr. Goburn gives some corrections t?> ?n articlo wrilteu hy ono Mr. Ford who was in the ennio corps a prisoner ami now in the best of feeling for nil whoso chargo Blair hud put me, said to mo "John, if I meet But ler here, do you think I can whip Ililli?'' my icply wns, "Don't think you cnn Col," Well, said he, "you lilli hnck to the rear and we will do thc best,-God help UB," They thought Gem M. C. Butler the moBt dangerous man they had ever tackled. About thc outrages aud the cruelties perpetrated by Gen. Frank P. Blair's corps, my old oom nulos Ford and Co burn uro right. My father iu law lived in 3 inileB of Blair's camp; my wife .was there, and thc yanks stripped us of everything. They mudo my father iu law pull off his simes and took them 'iv, ?oil ?ii ??.--- ??(] ' . ]y i . :".;?I'-.IJ lil .. ..*, io bo;iiiU| heat-- ? outraged w'jmen. ?butit?d ki non and uhilelrcu, >Vr. '1 .u y incH otiC old mtin ! John it'i.-t it ii iv -V'te- virria!-tcfel . Ii i th lo ]iuli . .'< tiis ehoew. told ! _toivo mein, UUL IL would bo after lie was dead, and they let him alone. O, (ho hardships wc did endure on that march from Cheraw to Newborn. At Bouoellsville, where I now live, one mun, Poison, wns shot for trying to get a drii k of unter out of a ditch that u ns iu the lol where D D McColl'B house now stands.. Numbers of old men aud boys dieel on thc march irom exposure and ill usage. We were made to double quiok 15 miles one pitch dark night through mud knee deep. This after the fight at Bentonyille. Frenchers died that night. Respectfully, A. H. K MO ITT, Co. II, 1st S. C. In fy, Regulars FROM HEBRON TO BEHHETTSYILLE. Mr. Editor-Afier a hard fought fattie with "general green'' on our farm, and having some business up nt Beuncltsville, I nud son Thomas con cluded that we would make a flank movement to get there. So we left our home the first day of June, taking a rearward route by Widow McDuffie's colored. From thence by James Ho mer's to James McDnniels mill and on to thc Cross at or near the ole! Pee Dee church of my young days. From thence to Bennettsvillc-seeing noth ing that was flattering in the way of farming. But, oh my, "general green" was wielding his scepter vigorously in the fields and farms on the way and not much doing to flank him. From Beunctl8vil)c we took tho old Hebron rond homo. Soon after our arrival there I visited u fine pencil tree full of ripe fruit, thanking God I wns el ill clothed and in my right mind and the crop nt home in a state of prosperity mid looking Uko we will be fed and be able lo pay our debts. Brother farmers, do not bc discour u cd, 1 have always heard that the darkest were just before day. This is the way ol' Heavenly father has taken to cut down acreage ; and sometimes I get tickled in my sleeves, to know (hat wo have to lose to keep us irom gening above ourselves. From ibo present outlook there will be no trouble lo get cotton picked this tall, so milch will have to bc mowed for the grass, und corn, perbups, can not bo bought nt nny price-and that tickles old .Joel. Iviiler-This is the 5th of Juno, nud have just returned from a stroll of three III ile? from home, viewing the crops. Colton wns looking fine, but (ho co:ti whs lillie and yellow, and about one Hereof corn lo '25 in cotton. This was ulong the public roads, and 1 returned home helter satisfied with my own farm (han I was before. Joel Covington. Hebron, .June (i, I!!().">. Tho many friends of Rev. John A. Porter who is well known nil over Marlboro will regret to learn that ho is critically ill at Iiis homo in Marion. - Wiley's Candies always fresh at Bennettsville Pharma cy Marion street. TOWN SEWERAGE, No other one thing bu given the o itv? a and towns ot tho world BO much tro ubi o ta sewerage. Properly disposed ot in deep water it oiten aocuroulates_to roch an ox tent, after a great bamber of yeats, as to cuuBO sickness and great innve. nience. Such is the case with the olty of Havana, where ships cannot be an chored in the ueual way, by casting anchor to the bottom of tho bay, but havo to bo fastened to buoy a fixe J in tho harbor for that purpose. If cast in the usual way, when taken np, the anchor will biiog with it the horrible tilth accumu lated L a long deposit of sewerage Ia den witb the deadly germs of yellow fever and otb or pestilential dioceses. Fblladclphia has untold troublo and expenso in the management of ber soworage. For many years it was deposited in the SchuykiU, but a malignant type of typhoid fever more than decimated the population bor? dering upon that river, and large expeme had to bo iuourred to remedy the evil, but it hoe not boen entirely eradicated. Tbese cities aro named as furnishing an illustra tion. Tbere are haodredB ia the United States that have suffered more or tess, in various ways from this great menace thnt hangs ovor all of them. If seaport towns have troublo, what mast be the danger to tho inland towns tbat have no aalt-water to partially neutralizo the deadly character of thin greatest moonee to tho pabilo health and comfort? As long as tho garb age and sewerage of cities and towns is left to the open air and sunshine to dissipate tho ill odors, and to tho insects and Beaven gore to destroy the matter, no possible harm con ?orno of it, especially if it bo re moved to uninhabited areas; bat when taken from those agonoios, appointed by God for its destruction, and put directly into water to fester and to poison it, the danger becomes of such proportions aa to require tho groatest possible care and lar geBt expense to put it entirely out of reach of tho inhabitation of mao. I have given this Bubject considerable atteution and claim to havo gathered informatioa that will con vince any reasonable mind that tho small inland towns of the State with their limi ted means cannot safely provide for the disposition of sewerage, and must roly upon sanitation along tho linos of tho old sys tem, utilcss they be in easy rcaob of ?orne liver. It is true any town may be able to get its sewerage away from its own doon, where it will work no barm to its inhabi tants, but if the sewcrago be dopositcd HOI r I plantations, or country residences it will destroy these latter, ned actions in the Courts for damages that will lay a burdon upon tho town sufficient to pay the full value of the proporty destroyed and dan ugca beeiden for maintaining a private nuisance will bo tho probable cons?quences Charlotte, N C., bas had to pay heavily along this line, and besidos has boon oom* polled to put in two filters at a cost of $35, ooo.00, and it in doubtful if these will succeed, and tho opinioa prevail H that ubo will at last hs? ?J to pipe her seworage ten milos to tho Catawba rivor. She at first deposited it in a crook on the border of tho town, and it was not long before a malignant typo of typhoid fever broko out all along that sido of the oity bordering ou the oreek. She then changed the deposit to a crock about two miles away and lt ER.CT. A-*r,trft _ j.-ir--i. r-t-ntntlons with ? ' -. ;f .. it ufvoitd abovi ? prod l< t that li ??i rige ho (rumd i uti? ? .: iuk |l oh wOTk ? f*e*^U4>wH*T^ ? ; - r/i. t.bat will t i?etowo owe. "'"Hov r.s ./ not be financially able to provide for the engineering necessary to remedy the evil. If tho sewerage be put lower down in the creek it will destroy tho health of the plan tations and residents along its coarse and damage suits followed by injunctions will give us trouble such as wo never contempla ted. Our City Fathers, Boveral years ago, ac cording to my recollection, passed an or? dinance prohibiting tho throwing of barrels of this mutter into the creek stream Tbe Mayor and every Councilman should make moBt diligent inquiry into this matter each for himself, and only aot after the plainest proof that the measure can work no ill, and after requiring the most stringent safe guards, with a final proviso that tbe fran chisa could be recalled at any titao. The parties alleging the dangor should ho heard and their facts and information given duo consideration. Aiken is in serious troublo with h?r sew? erago. and has suits Leeanne she hos practi cally destroyed the plantations along the banks of a stream into which sho empties her sewerage two milcB away. I believe our wolla are largely supplied from the streams Out water bearing stratum ?B doubtless reached hy tho waters that are constantly going into the ground from the streams. Water will permeate the soil and the clay roadily, as may ba seen whore rain is pooled upon the earth. It will surely per meate it from the creeks in liko manner, and I have noticed that when the water geta scant in the creoks it gets low in the wei If and rice versa. If the water-bearing stratum gets its supply from the surface cf tho earth (and it must) it cannot got it from any other placo than tbe ntreams, for tho rain doos not run into tho wolla, but into tho stream?, and the water must be distributed from them to the wella. It cannot bo arguod on principle that single individuals may'deposit coverage tn the creek, while a water-works and sewer age system nhould not. Sowerago is sower ago. Of course, a great amonut will^iooner bring trouble than a small ono, but a small amount will bring it in the end. I am informed that tho Grand Jury presented tho jail newer which empties in to tho creek, at the last form of Conrt; und tho llighland Park Hotel of Aikoo, S. C., sovoral years ago brought noriour. troublo upon itself and noighbors by pip ing its Bcwerago into a ravine in a barren section two miles off, tho odor alone caus ing tho Hotel to abandon it. No system that stops short of Pee Doo rivor can bo considered safo for in, and suoh a system I would advocate if tho town should put in wuter-works. Thc ijurntiou ia one of supreme import and the favor of friends munt not affect its adjustment. Tho granting of a franchiso ie always fraught with danger where it in volves tho URO of town property for private eiu'e, and if fhoro be tho leaat doubt that its operation will bo without injury to tho public welt .tri: it should bo ref lined. H. II. NEWTON. Itennettsvillo, S, C , June 13, 1905, A Fearful Futo It is ? fearful fute to havo to enduro thc terrible torture of Piles. "I can truth fully say." writes Henry Colson, of MuBonvillo. Ia., "that for Blind, Bleed ing. Itohing and Protruding Piles. Buck" len's Arnica Salvo, is tho best cure made." Also best for outs, burns and iujuries. 25o at J. T. Douglas Brugg tnt. CHliDBBMS' DAY AT BETHEL, Programma of Bxerolsoa For Sunday June 18, IO A. M. Anthem by Choir Song-Sunday school Boll. . Prayor-by Pastor. Itcoitation-Welcome - Ollie Townsend Hearts of Qold. Angel of Flowers-- Mary Townsend Mother Earth- Mattie Horndon Ram- Hertha Oeues Dow- Earline Townsend Sunbeam- Edmund Townsoud Dandelion Georgo Pearcu Applo Blossom- Mario Webster Johny Jump Ups-Milton Townsend, LeRoy Townsend, Austin Towa sond, Bon Townsend Forgot Mo NotB-Julius Garton Fred Townsend. Doo Quick-, Bobbie Bundy, Grady Horndon, Nellie. Horndon. Arthur Patterson. Song-Forget Mo Not. Collection. Daisies-Ethel Bundy, Mamie Greooli, Ava Jackson. Mattie Jackson, Sarah Lou Quick. Water Lily-Alice Bundy. 1 Hose - Rosa Genes. Song-Beautiful Childrens' Day. Recitation - Dessio Hem loo. Address by Mr. T. C Weatherly. Soog by tho Choir. Address by Mr. Milton MoLaurin. Address by the Pastor. The public most cordially in vi te.1 to at tend these services, which will begin at IO o'clook. Hot Days Cool Nights. The cold nights wo are having in Juno ie playing havoc with the cotton crop, and ita effect is worse than the ravages of the boll weevil People aro slueping under blankets every night. But think of five in ches of snow in the White Moun tains, New Hampshire, last week. Choraw is working lor a cele j bration of tho 4th ot July, {SPECIAL OFFERS In Lawn Swings, Lawn Settees, Refrigerators and Ice Boxes While these last you can get bargains. G. W. WA DD i LI.. June 13, 1905. A full lino of H J. Heinzs Co. i Pickles Preserves, Ketchups, Sau jces, Jellies &c. at W. M. Rowe's. I PRESERVE YOUR EYESIGHT In order to help vou do so. Mr. 8. I J. Pearson, Jeweler aud Oplitiau, has emploveJ an expert, who will a sist you in Utting glasses, aud will appreciate a call. Only the best ma terials used. t5?F~How about Insuring the Life of that nice horse for the summer ? Rates low, protection good. See CROSLAND ?SC TYSON ?irPV.? T^pnvn,,/i? Moil j T~ j\mpi}g tho v; lt., *.?.?.. -.. U?.t, : i^v?*?. Acadv'niy fv;?.. j ? ui&??i? was "A w-.'.fw L?ayi Rod ! noon. We are ever ready to look after your Fire Interests, and will appreciate a part of your business. Strict attention to your interest and best Co's. CROSLAND & TYSON. "The Insurance Men."' tGF Pipes and Smokers Supplies in endless variety can he fouud at J. T. Douglas' Drug Store. Notice of Court. NOTICE ia hereby given that tho Court of General Sessions for tho County of Marlboro will convene at Bonuettsvillc on tho Fourth Monday in June, next, vboin? 26th day thereof) 1905, in and for the county of Marlboro and State of South Carolina. All persona interested will take due notice thereof. J. A. DRAKE, Clerk Court of C. P. & G. S. For Marlboro Co., S. C. May 25, 1905.-im [JACKSON SPRINGS. JV. a. OPENED MAY 25, 1905. The Hotel at Jackson Springs was opened to the public on the 25th day I of May, 1905. The company desiress to thank the public for its liberal pat ronage in the patronage iu the past j and guaran?es the same good service land atteutiou in the future. There is no other plaoe in North Carolina where a person can realize the pleasures and benefits to be derived from a visit to to the healing waters of Jackson Springs. Now under uaw management of the experience! and efficient ROBERT IRWIN, Late ol Hotel Guilford. Juue 1, 1905 COLLEGE OP CHARLESTON. 1785. CHARLESTON, S. C. 1905 Entrance examinations will ho held in the County Court House on Friday July 7, at 9 r.. m. One Free Tuition Scholarship to each county of South Carolina awarded by the County Supt of Education and the Judge of Pro bate. Board aud furnished room nt Dormitory, 010 a month. All candi dateB for admission are permitted to compete for vacant Boyce Scholarships which pay $100 a year. For further information and catalogue, address HARRISON RANDOLPH, Jiue 2. President COUBT OF COMMON PLEAS |OTIOE ls hereby given that tho Hummer Term of tho Court of Common I'loas for Marlboro County will convene at Hon notUvillo on Monday July 3, 1905, at 10 o'clock, a. m. All persons interested will take due notico thereof. Urand jurors are not required to attend. J. A. DRAKE, Jone 9, 1905, C. O. C. P. QenUemen of th 3 Jury. ' Tho following were drawn Saturday' o Borve as petit jurors for thu Ct>v,r. [j f Geuoral Sussions, which t .av?uOS tero Monday 20lh with .Juc^o Waits >u the Bench ? H. M. Quick, H. W. Carroll, r. JJ. McQuage, W. R Sfrtlt, ruo. L. Breeden, IC-1. Hmiaaokor, daniel Clark, .Jas. A. Stn h ton. j*. Manning, Jr. Ci M Unikat?, 3. T. Easterliug, P. li. Mooro, ?V* N. Gibson, Tom Whittaker, I. J. Bundy, Ed. .U'.ostos?, ?acob Isaacsohn, Alexi; lick, Seo. H. Cones, S. J. Hubbard, I. T. Galloway, H. C. Townsend, fj. A. Drake, W. ll !~tubbs/ 5. A Patters in, Bl. W*. A latos, 3. B. Odom, J.J. fcf olihs, i. II. Stanton, W. A Breeden, f. M.Jackson, W. li Tatum, rheoL Breedeu, W. M. Weatherly,!, kV. It. Spears, John T. Thoma? Tho friends ofRev. R. V. Poole, vlio is now serving two Baptist jhurches in Florence county'will bc sorry to learn that ho had ono A his anus hurt ?cpulently 3iOBsing a swollen crcidc. His hug- ! gy ran up against e log under water and he was thrown out. Mr. Jake Jones, who is flin this year in tho Bethel section Benda usa full growi coll >rj iori from his field, that would have been a hinom in a no th . w NOTICE ! Through us you cnn I ii nw ? ?. . 4 per cent simple ii.ti'ic; build a home. 89.23 j er ni . do this. How much rent already paid out? Wh it ' nvi you I show for it ? Slop, thin :. . ult CROSLAND & SON, The lust II i Me?. EYE SIGHT TELEGRAM Come at once and havi youi eyes tested and tl pro] glasses correctly litt I F. A. Lieghton Opti ian. di with S. J. Pearson. Choai) Reading. Thc Democrat ami the Semi weekly Atlanta Jour one'yeal or 81.50. The Democrat a: I M " . I Magazine-an excel Book for SI.50 The Sunny South ai : erat for only Si.50 Thc Atlanta Cons tuition Democrat one year for 1. Winthrop Polle; Scholarship and Entrance; ID aatti Tho examination for tho : tv ird r ' vu scholarships io Winthrop C ." iln- (it tilt) - |o ur, ii >tt?uj ? : .;. : li ti A. Jil Aj } li.ii.nl, y - tr;-;? ? ^f?M^ .hlpii ate M .*..< I 'u.;lc.''Jly V, jiif.r w. ; j ' i ...?. aided ; c tho??! n t?i.b; IVClu^t) un t?m t:.\ ti m OJ a nun | meet tho conditions govornii " .he it wa ' Applicants for scholarships eb til President Johnson before th' fur scholarship application bl Scholarships uro worth !; i nac? reo tuition. Tho noxt session \ tomber 20, 1905. Por fnrth> r infon :ind catalogue address Puns D. B. JOHNSON, R I. 0.1 NOTICE TO ORB ESTATK JAMI?S T, Cov N?TIGE is hereby given , having claims of any ki ?nilwt I Instate of James T. Coving! .0 prcaont them duly atteste . lclit.ed to unid cstiito to nu ?ayiuent to the undersigned JOSEPH T. COV s April iS, 1905. Ai uiiri - Another suppl}' H. Molusses. just in, ??rs Grocer) , at 65 ce: I TRESPASS N( ALIJ persons are hereh to trespass in any ni Ul landa or lauds nuder my 'specially hunting, fisliin B. Edi May -I, 1905. FREE A8 TH ; : 2 GWINO to thc Charcoal a. dicr.ts of Keilura's S;iiir For In di ge: (t stimulates and excites tl raus and juices to perform [unctions. This onco done, /our lifo brightened, your h iud your Indigestion remov? I like tho artificial or pepsin 1 liclps only for a time, cure by culing naturally. Now wc ask you to call and get 1 lo not ask you to pay a cen >'Oii what we have, if you : nato member of tho vast a Lier) - suffering with BOUT si jurn, blues, nervousness. Very respectfully, J. T. DOl A pl 20. ?.) ggis Here 1 WHKNYOU A -OP TOMBSTO MONXJM: Or anything in urgct to call on mc, at my less near thc Atlantic Coas iotiboard Air Liao Posscng or write nie. Dosig tarnished on application. Phone No. 95. Respectfully J. W, R liL' Janunry 25, 190.r?, mn UP WITH THO MARRIOTS miS BUST TO BE HAD. , AND h OOme ?ja. 50 now )AK DRESSERS. 12x20 American Glass, (?5 SO DOW 1ENUINE LEATHER COUCH; $37 50 now GENUINE LEATHER ARMCHAIR. 30 00 now I MT LEATHER COUCH 10 00 now WILLOW PARLOR SET. 3 pieces, 15 00 now IMPERIAL M AHOGONY DRESSERS, 20 Ol) now LADIES QUARTERED OAK DRESSERS. 18 00 now LADIES B I MAPLE DRESSERS, 2000 now OAK BEDS. 72 inches high, ? 50 now OAK ; BEDS n>- low as $1 75 Folding Noiseless, all wire springs. FELT MATTRESS, (best) 15 00, now lo 50: Felt Mattresses 12.f>0 now KELT M AT i RESSES, lo (io now 7 50 ; IRON BEDS 10 00 now IKON BEDS. 7 50 now COO; Iron Reds 5 00 now One WARDROBE. F B (ll uss Front, 25 00 now CHINA MATTING 27 cents now 20o; China Matting 20 els now 15 cfs JAPANESE MATTING 30 ct? now 22 cts; Ja panoso Matting 25c now 18 els ~. , Japanese Matting 20 cts now 15 cts. CORRUGATED CARPET LI NI Nd. 85 cts per Roll. 50 yards SECTIONAL BOOK CASIOS, 1 Sections and Drawers at bottom. $25 now 17 50 " I Sections If) no now 12 (Ki OAKSIDE BOARDS $25 now 17 50; Oak Side Boards lt; 00 now $11 00 I give prices on some ol' the leading articles, but these CUT PRICES will apply to all my stoek. The cut sales are for Spot Cash-nothing to be charged. I will continue the INSTALLMENT BUSINESS as usual. NOW is the timo to buy Furniture at Lower Trices than ever offered in Bennettsville. 35 00 80 oo 15 00 il 00 (I 00 fi oo 4 50 30 ou 24 nu 7 50 Pi (IO If, on 13 Oil M (Kl .I 25 1 58 io 00 ; r,t) .l on 17 50 May 1, 1905. C3r. ^W. WaddilL BENNETT'S VILLE, H. C. East Side Pubho Square. Practical Pharmacist and Dealer in I^ure ?rugs .and paient l^dieinc*. j WE ALSD C?RRY . ' ~ STANDARD 3IEDI?INES, CHEMICALS, TOILET anti Paney Articles, PER F Ult31 ER Y, SOAPS, BRUSHES, SPONGES, STATIONARY and SUPPIdES PAINTS/ OILS, " BRUSHES of all kinds, VARNISH and 8TAINS, PREPARED PAINTS, WINDOW GLASS. LAMPS, SHADES, Etc. FINE CIGARS AND TOBACCO. *&~ Prescriptions carefully compounded at all hours and guaranteed to be of the Purest Drugs and at reasonable prices. A full line Garden Seed & Onion Sets. Thankful for past patrouuge youru for a proepotouB DOW year. J. T, DOUG-LAS, Jaanuiy 1, 1900. AT THE OLD STANZ) WE HAILI BARGAINS TOO. NO USE TO WORRY, BUT COME RIGHT ON TO IF1 YOU -XPSr^JXTrp -*3 Dry G-oods, Clothing, Shoes, -Notions ?* And Fancy Groceries. Z&~ Fresh Water Ground MEAL and HOMINY a specialty. We Keep a full line in each Department and will till your Wants in each AT THE LOWEST PRICES. When you come to Towu cali and seo us. Phono orders in town delivered FREE, and satisfaction guaranteed. Call and sec us-Near Douglas* Drug Store, itu ir il -Headquarters HOB HARDWARE OP EVERY DESCRIPTION. Do you wait the best Hay Press that has ever been on our market? We have a car ?&3.d of them and are selling ?hem at %Q0 ioti If You ezpecf to buy a B'OGG-Y, :t VAG'ON . or a SET oj? HAi^iV .?SS, be sure to see me I Have just Received Two Oar Loads of BUGGIES, One Car WAGONS, And 100 SETS Of HARNESS. It will be to your interest to see mc uefore buying any ot these. Very respectfully Sont 8, 1904. OTJL3T JST&^rV Lain -THE DIRECT WAY isros.'X'ia:, EAST. SOUTH WEST. H p p >x i? p P P P BENNETTS VILLE & CHER AW -AND OARJ? AIR LINE RAILWAY. Leave Bennottsville *7.05 a. m., 7 00 p. m. Arrive Cheraw 8.10 p. rn. DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. * Direct connections at Cheraw with through trains to the North, East, South and West. The short linc and quickest time to Wilmington, Charlotte, Atlanta. Raleigh, Hichmond. Washington. Baltimore, TMiiladclphia, New York. Boston. Buffalo, Pittsburg and all points North and East. Tho Ebert lino and quickest time to Columbia, Savannah, Jacksonville, Tampa. Montgomery, New Orleans and all points South und West. Foi further information call on J. T- MEDLIN, agent Bennottsville & Cheraw li. R.. Hcnncttsville.S. C., or address R. li. BURROUGHS T. P' A., ir'EAUOAnD Am LINK RV., Columbia. S. C. CHARLIE F. STEWART, A. G. P. A., S.A.L, Ry, Savannah, Ga. 52>?<>?<^?53>5<>?<>^>$<>5*>$< W>^ . FOR HOR5ES AND MULES ONLY SMITH NEWTON, Bennettsville, S. 0 MCCOLL DRUG co., Mccoll s. o.