EETD?v.ft of tho Domocrati ?uTivo Commiitoo of Marlboro lipid on tho aftomooa of Monday Jan, 2 1905, A 10 min ti un WUP adopted and 0 committee appointod to draft suitablo ros olatlODB In memory ot Gul. 0. B. MoCcil oar County Obairman, whose budden an? untimely death caused a gloom to fall oro tho cntiro Comity, and made our meotiui E ucocesary. Tho committee reported th< g folio win? whioh wt B unanimously adopted : Whoreas, an nil wisc providence has in Iii; wisdom lomovcd from our midst tho hon nrubin C. S. McCall, who wa* c'iairinni of tho Democracy of Mtrlboro County, be|jj< it rod ol ve il: That wo will in truo christian spirit on doayor to Bubordioato our jadgomeut to n full recognition of infinito wisdom govern log what seerta to in an Irreparable Lots although it bo hard for us to undurstaad. 2 That tho certral figuro of tho county1, manhood, ono toward whom all eyes have been want to turn in every emcrgeucy, i no moro, and it is bnt fitting that tho dc mooraoy of Murlboro county whioh ha wrought such glorouB results under hi superb iud patriotic leadership, should re cord his g.natncES of mind and heart. Tb party has in iced lost an able, wiso, ant fonrlosB leader, U10 Stnto has lost r. faithful, upright and devoted publia sar. vunt. II?B friends will remember him f 1 r?3 hi? UDSRorving enstancy, and his opppn [ onts for hiB gcncroB?ty aud lungnanimity L Il waa then furlhor resolved, That | owing to tho 8hurt limo intcrvuuiug befoiry tho meeting of thc Giuioral Assembly, anti tho importance of Marlboro County, hav ^ a Ropresontativo upon thu floor of til jato, A MASS MEETING of ult th gj Luocratiu voters of tho County bn callee Sipscmblo in tho court house nt Bcnuott nday next, tho 9th of Junuary | o'clock, M , to nomiuuto ill the uaexpin Sonate .>reeinct Chair' ich call. Z\\ porsonB aro ri quested to give thu Fcall publicity. Tho Executivo Committee will moe: r.gain immediately after tho adjournment; of eaier, 1904. Notice was immediately telegraphed the Lieut-Governor,' Hon. John T. Sloan, and he tele graphed his personal sympathy and stated that he had appointed ve senators to attend the funeral. Monday, the 2d day of January, 1905, at ll o'clock was appointed br the funeral, and the body lay in ;he parlor of the residence of the|j leceased Saturday, Sunday and un-j iii Monday morning ll, and people locked in great numbers to view the *emain8. As soon as tho death wat inuounccd every shop and placo oi ousiness in the town spontaneously dosed and people stood in knots on ;he street corners and talked of the! lreadful calamity. Large numbers'^ of colored people sought to get a\ last look at their deceased friend.^ Floral offerings came in profusion,? made of the most beautiful flowers^ in artistio designs. Telegrams carne*! from many private and official ?j sources expressing sympathy for the v. family of the deceased and the citi-| zeus of the county. The days werea clear and pleasant, giving all an op-| portunity to show their respect andi love for the deceased. Monday morning was somewhat! cloudy but the crowds began to gn-j? ?her in town and visit the tomb inf which the body was to rest at am early' hour, and, before thc cortege| left the residence, the streets werc| lined with n vast concourse of pco-5 pie from all sections of the county! md adjoining towns. Vehicles werel everywhere to be seen in unusually large numbers, sind thousands of people were present to testify to their love and respect for the de ceased. They passed in a stream into the residence and viewed thc remains, slowly passing out as if? reluctant to leave. The Masons! l*j^rf^ present in unusually large) uumltersto take charge of the rc-| mains and biny-4h?m according to jj thc rites of the order.1 The active pail bearers were": t?~E-| tixum, 1*. B. Moore, T. C. Hamer, V i A. Hodges, C. S. Chaffin, H.L McColli J. li. Green and D. Jennings. . ? Tlie Honorarv pall bearers were J I H Hudson, D~D. McOoll, Sr., P. L ? Bree len, (J M. Weatherly, Edward Mciver, I Q Marshall, J. N. Drake, and Judge Erne.-t Gary, T. G. Math eson and J. W. Smith. Tho casket in which thc body was; placed was a beautiful nietalic, andj Bf nettsville, which thc deceased had recently dedicated as au extention jof thc Oak Ridge Cemetery reques ting that his remains' should bc buried on thejrhlghest point in it {Little hrnr?ver, did he think that l,? ,,-ohld bo the first to be buried! it. The tomb was built of bricks iud cement and lined with white. it was the prettiest and most sub stantial that we have ever seen. The chief of police mounted on i handsome iron grey horse had to ^o in front of the procession to kccp| die way clear for the cortege, as thc people gathered so thickly about tho| way as to impede its progress. No man has ever had such a fu-i ucral in this section cf country aiulg few greater in any other, Judge Hudson delivered the eulogy, andjj Dr. Bunyan McLeod, of the Pres-[ btcrian church performed the obse-j ?linea according to thc ceremonies of that church, niter whioh the ma-, -ons recited their beautiful ritual, and performed the solemn rites of i heir mysterious craft. Thc songs vvero sung, the prayers wore snid ?and the body laid to rest to await| the resurrection morn. i,_A- Jrictul has handed us the fol lowing fccmoir : On the Sib September 1843 in tho vii ano ol'Olio in Marlboro County this dis -.ingu'n-hed citizen first ?aw the li^ht. Hep. was tho oldest child ol'John L. McCall! aud Nancy Sinclair McCall whose parents] .?anio from Scotland in the early poitionL if ibo lust century. To John L andp \Tanoy were born live sons and live daugh 'ors, one ol tlio latter having died i; in ..uiey and two of the BODS and tho fat "er having predeceased our subject. Thc father was noted for his sterling integrity and refinement, and his mother^ or her larj;c endowment willi tbo bc.-t ijiiali ties ul'niitid and henri tliat pertain ;o thc Scotch people. ?She stiil survive* it thc aire ol'.Sl years and is uuaurpissed in indomitable will and energy. Charles Spencer, for such was our sub ?ect'a givsn ?amo, received lu's erjucatjon principally at the Clio Academy, and wa.? pcrjhnps a pupil in some of thecountryE chools not tar away. In and around ClioK was the hcene ol'his boyhood. Farm work ind ino pastimes incident to farm life being thc routine for hjs rjevelopcincut. || His father v/as fond of reading and kepi ?? ?veil posted on the news ol' thc day, nod read such Looks as he could conveniently tbtaiu. Among others he was very fond of tho works of the Rev. Thomas Dick the old Seo!ch ?n?ni?tpr ()l Puod?p, nnd? this fondccRS led him to adopt this nunn ? br his second son who now survived uoar Bcuncllbville His lather's motto wm 'pay ns you go, and il you can't pay loni KO", ana ho aoted it ihro ughout ile, Lein,'; scrupulously exact in all hisL., [calinga and paying gash for everything | ic bought, Ile was Industrious to a roat dom co and delighted to ivori; vyitllf! iis OKI) bandi as long as he livod. 'J'lu! war for Southern Independence unid Cliarlns, as will bc soon. .: youth of| s years He enlisted in 1862 In dipt, Vierkin's company in thc 20th S. C. 'oluutecrs, and in I se, I was transferred i the llamption Logion with which ho ^ xmaincd till tho sunender at Appornal-i ox C. II. Ho was captured by tho Fcd*> i als a few ibo a before tho surrender, %'tl ut succeeded in miking his escupo and 1} Otting baik to his command \ cloro it lurionderod- . His courigo was tostod on ir. tty a hard fought battle Hold adi he ?vus always fourni ia tho thickest ol'thu i??Vit and among tho foremost on du'y lie had a stroug frame, though of jni?ilj . tature, and a will nnd self reliance Hut ?vould havo dono credit to Napoloou. As soon as busiooss opened here uftei ho oloso of tho war ho obtained a derk ?hip in thc atoro of Mr. William Murcia .on, who was reared in tho samo neigh oorhood that bo was. but was many year hiasonior- He remained there ??11*1861113 .vhen with his small uooumulalioo from .vagos bo opened store bu his own no yinni on the corser whore his ?argo es 'ablishmcnt afterward took bb apo about 12 or 15 years ugo. Hia devotion lo th?; business of bid employer and bia ; erupa lous honesty won for bim the admir anon if Mr. Murchison and was tho basis o! a friendship that ended only with death Mr. Murchison gave him a written rec JIU inundation which still bangs in his ollie mouuted in framo as an appreciation eli the good opinion of that fino business*; mau, und as a memento of their undyiuuf friend-drip Murchison also invited hiui? to call on him for aid and was half of (ended Eevorul years afterwords because'., tho invitation had not been accepted, lb-' i devoted himself to business strictly, staysH ing in bis store night uud day watahiug '.; ovcry detail lill in seven years it bad bo come ono of tho largest in tho county j.j He novor wasted limo in idle gossip or-i needless conversation, or sought the at lg' tractions of the social circle or indulgedSv! in worldly pleasures. These things noveia' seemed to have any bold upou bim. Hew enjoyed society when thrown with it, but?! ?was never a seeker after it. Hu bad uiauy friends without seeming to beck then [friendship. He was trtio ns steel in thi iinattcr, and was never known to give u|; ju friend when once acquired. If Iiis friend [forfeited Iris right to the good opinion oi ?others it never secmod to affect Iris friend ?ship. Tnis much may bc said for thc iwhnlc period ol' bis manhood life, In 1S70 whon tho Republican govcrn jmcnt of South Carolina bad become i 'stench in thc nostrils of civilization, and (intolerable to Ibo white people, and thev ?had determined to cast it off, ibo swdeo Itiou of leaders was of the most important ?consideration. In looking lor a leader in jtlris county where many bad claims to 'thc position, it was thought from the! (evidence of bia organizing power in busi-H inesH, to select him, and bc was given tin Ut ??place of thu County Cbuirman ol' tb?.8 |l)umocratic party. Hu proceeded in ?is jjbusiuess way to organizo the party and g| ?without diplomacy or promises, infused ?j tinto (bo organizion an april du corp.'ft li hat was most remarkable. Wlrilo it i vj Itrue that the spirit of triumph was in thc5| ?uir, yet thc most skillful muuugcmcutg ??hud to bc practiuud in order to properly f\ ^control that spirit and utilizo its cnergyaj ?for the success of tho Democrats and tb?. *j ?good nf tim country, uud !'2 look hold o'. ?j lit with thc t-kill of an engineer ut thea sthroitlc, and lui on and off ibu pressures Jto suit tho exact needs ol thu occasion,? |and to the astonishment of thu most ar-J| &dunt democrats rolled upa majority ofH 84.110 foi Hampton, although ho had.hadji ?MarlbOrt/xjOUii'.y r?'ii down >u thu rupub f;3 |liuan column, making allowance for thc? jgrcut odds with whiob bu had tocontoud nj JHo justly estimated tho force pf tho cu -S lu my and lliun planned for their defeat, pa afhisis ono of thc most important point-; 1 ;]in military strategy and was employed byi ijirini iu politics willi c?mplelo success g |Uo was chocen Statu Sunator in 1S77 t..M ?l?l thu uuexpirud term from which bisg Itepubtican pruducessor had resigned. Il- ^ {received the nomination ol thu democrat-H ijand was elected to tho same position '"rg jjuuttsvillc in mtm 'alnfc held ihat^oiliuc by g Ssaccesiivc election for a period of 123 ijycars. The oase with which hu did every -B Sthing mado lrim wonderfully Buccssslui? ?m bis work. Hu seemed always to bit iheg jjpoint io everything and lost no timo ing Studying to Hud out the principle involved? ^ind devising the bust'p'aua for putting i.[" jinto effect. His biuaplicily was so wondei'-g ^ful as sometimes to make peuple thiuksj Ibu was weak and uninformed. He soouicuf! to lack lauguagu in which to clothe his3 ideas, but be always knew the point to3 make in action, aud bu made it- Hu did? all his immense correspondence with bi.-'rii own hands, but his words were so fe wt?; ".that it lessened the labor of writing to :IRS [?ieat extent, in thc Booato chamber beg .?aid but littlu, but it was always lo thegj spoint. Hu DOV Jr mada what would beta ?called a sut bpeecb in bis lifo, and wat-W mover so muob at disadvantage as when? [placed on ibo hustings, but bu could a!-& ?ways make a busiu ss statement ol any ? jibing and, what Ls more, give thu force? jot influence with it. 'photo U nothing soK?I [powerful as truth and perhaps nothing .- < gj Isimplo. Ii permeates evuiy dcpurtuieutpj of lifo and menus things as they are, un-S disguised by language and opinion, [nu other words, it is thc principio in cvery-a thing, and thc mau who bas thc intuition^ to perceive it and ibu honesty to et nt o it^ will tu most oases prevail. Was not tbi.-|] ?jibe secret ol bispowei? It would so seem [* 'ilia bosom was thu repository of the see irts of many peo|>le. They talked to lrini'^ jwitbout the injunction of secrooy, foi (they knew be never would repeat whales (i hey said. His ndvicu was sought by hun-[3 lihcds, perhaps thousands, and it was al-?.' (ways given in a fuw words. Safety was tbe? ?primo olomcDt in it and that was ibu rea - ' ?-uu it was so Milich valued. m J fi j In jc,oa thora seemed to bo a popular^ jdcmnud for his return tu Iba Se?alo and? ?no yielded to its influence and mada the: jean vasa in tho democratic primary, bein!,'' [elected hy a largo majority, showing thait* ]ho had lost no ground in thc popular [timute sinoc his retirement in rS. 1 tori high degteo. l|o had trayelje:! "? couflidernbly, having mano un extonsivu tour of the old world, ntid although ho^? said little nbout it, bo romombcrod ovcry-}i l'oing ho saw in that most int?rcstiogS lourney, fipw he found timo for al} t!.i . . LhingH and yot tpok (.aro of his large bni.jtf liens IntcrcHts is a marvel to evoryuno. j?? Ho was chi(-fly conceroed with tho farm [og aud mercantile interests of the cou mil npou IhcKO ho left the Impross of n muster hsnd. His information on tites ;' | mbieqtti waa ostensivo ant] ho bad the".' ?. |iovvor to put it iuto prauti :al reRuits. FJo it'idoratood tho poil clement?, draiuaga,*3 ind. fertilizing, aud tho best modes of cul-Jj tivation The value of landa anon doubled &] auder his treatmont. Tho jioaplo of tho^'j ^ounty will novor know how much thoy>Q ?ro indebted to him tor tho ndvaucomont .P if the fuming l?teronta. !?e was muster ' >f l])o ltd) r uitu?tion. midoraUnrltng 1> ) \* 1 o employ nod rumiado I ul io . .. . ns to J nuke it nv Bl t-filcicnt. ? Parm-S m ty,pt ino meroauiu? wona wa . . . , ra ot bin b38t efforts,', B ..; .!"?! usino?s by alwaya runului :.. . bi" ?j rlrciplc, tc2atdIo?a c. ooo . Tl esult was that be built l'as i-vin pat h ct io tc a grot ?ways listened to oLmita. ie bad won. tho sobriquet t nan's friend." He gave Ubi iiTTOus denominations, ?UH a bia will ot $5000 00 to ri )rphaimge, and also made 1 ! m ' ' ' lifts. Tho limita of a uewupap uifico to give a Ekotch of ' arcer of the doioased. Iiis 0 Hud den as to nhoolc tho vv h fruty "lu tlio middt of louth. FROM BING-H ..1 Mr. EDITOR-I will i fou tho latest at and a ham. Christinas passed oil' iccideats to report. The health ot' our is very good at presen ly sick are those that t cotton and cotton eeei the pric3 of seed was cents. There uro a number down for the uew year Gaddy and family hav Latta. Mr. W, A. Gallowt cently bought tho Gi flon and lot has moved iu a charge Jauuary 2d. Mr. Manning McLsa ed out to W. \\r. P will move to Latta. Mr. W. M. Gilbert . Dillon next week to e Beef Market and Groe Mr. A. L, Berry wi Kirby's X Bonds aud i smith shop and a s store. Mr. Jumes Mcllao Dillon. Hs luis rc^tt to James Mcluuis. Mr. J. Ii. Smith, w laithlully managed tl farm for Mr. C. P. Ho signed and will movec plantation six miles so ?ham. Ho claims ho h ^coril breaking crop turin-tho largest ever [He is a good larmer at ' ige coon labor to profe Iwieh him good luck, gun ol Free State will "oh tho Bingham farm ?com him to our city, t LtOV ?viii fe? 1.- -1 . ?with tht'r parents Mr !C. D. Morrison. I Mr. Henry A m mo tin streets to day shaking I. [old friends. Ho has u 1 mule now to start a ere cottou with. Mr. ?. h. Willis issj week with his family n where they moved sou" to engage iu a Miliner; Mr. J. ll. Smith spun day at Hasty and re pc timo and plenty to eat December 27. 1004. Com T!ic State oiSoutli To the Commissioners of for thc County o WMEKKAS, The Hon who, at the Gent held in November, 1902, ' member ol the Senate loi District of Marlboro Cou lor lour years, has since departed this life. And wlu stiiotion of tho State of S ? lireets that in sucli case a (ton shall lie issued hy the the Senate for the purpose vacancy tims occasioned lc .1er ol the term tor which tl deceased was eleetc? lo se How, THEREFORE, Yoi you are hereby required, vcrtiscment, and with stric Hie provisions of the Cor Laws of the said State ti duty in such ca??, to hold a Member ol the Senate, io District aforesaid, to serv matnder of the term for w Honorai,le C. S. McCall i he Polls to he opened ai places 01 election in the sa rUI'SDAY ti.e Twenty January, I QOS hy the va Managers tor th:>se places 'ml the counting of the v the declaration ol thc resu lion to he in accordance \ ?ions of law providing lo Elections and the manner t i he same. Tins WRIT, Together \ Luvn ol the Election to be ' lave before the Senate at i ing alter the Election. Witness the Honorable J. Esquire, president ol t Columbia this third da in the year ol our Lord nine hundred and live. 101? IN' T. : President of ROItERT R. I l EMPHJLL; Cleric oi tue i??naie. WARNING NO AH persons are hereby w. resp ass in any in inner up il the undersigned in any Hinting, fishing, hauling ^ itock or otherwise. A. W J, l\ .? anna ry ?, 100$. Not So For 11)01 or 190. Thu Rockingham An lays tho first day of Mi mis and New Years ah itt the sumo day nf tho 11)05 (he first two arc o inti thc I ist onus on V AN HONEST MAN. iv At the request of Mr. A. Huff,.agent1 ir the Virginia & Carolina Chemical lo., to make a test against PERUVIAN iUANO with his Fertilizer, he made me present ot two sacks of 8 4*4 ot thc . & (J. Co . goods to make thc test /'Uh. The trial was made on land se cted by Mr. Huff himselt and Mr. lr ine, my Svperintendcit. Ten rows /ere planted, with equui amounts ui ach fertilizer, at the rate ot 400 lbs per3 eic. with the following-xesults : - Peruvian Guano made 191 lbs, Mr. Huffs 8 4-4 made 153 lbs. A dilterence ol 38 lbs on ten rows ?hereby certify the above statement isMI correct. (Signed) W. H. Dial, hereby certily the above facts and hg urcs are correct T. J. Irvine, Superintendent Witness, W. G Watts At this rate the difference on one acreta /ould have been 342 lbs of seed cotton,'! r 114 pound ot lim cotton. Now figure 114 lbs at 8 cents and yoi/j| lave $0 12 per acre in FAVOR OF PERUVIAN GUANO The Peruvian Guano used in above est only analyzed 2 87 per cent Amonia ?.67 per. cent ot potash and io per cent phosphoric Acid, which was the lowes! jrade sold hist year. I am now offering a limited quantitj )t Guano containing over 8 Per Cent of Ammonia is well 8 percent ol Phos Acid and over 2 per cent of potash, which I be lieve to be the finest cotton and corr fertilizer that can bc had today. As there is only a limited quantity, ol this Cargo remaining unsold it will ht necessary tor me lo take your orders a: once, and I trust that all my friends wih decide lo try at least A FEW TONS ot PERUVIAN GUANO Til IS Y BAR. B. E. Moore, Agent Marlboro & Scotland Counties Dec. 22, 1904 NOTICE TO CREDITORS. ALL persons havine: claims agains' the estate ol l>. F. Whittaker, de ceased will please present them to tin undersigned, duly attested within thc time required by law( and all person indebted to the Estate will please settle the same promptly wiih T 'I' nru:.._i.^_ ... ?v ??i.initi.r. Dec. lO, 1904. Qualified Executor. IV ARNING NOTICE fl A LL persons arc hereby warned against I Irospassine on nnv of my lands inj lied Hill township by bunting with dog^ ind gun day or night, or in any way tres i, na.-.-iug upon same. Thc law will be en-jj forced against all who violate this notice.| Mrs Annie Covington. Rod Hill, Dee. 3. 1904. Tax Returns Oi'Vica OF AUDITOR MARLBORO CO., .uriari Ti .. o.^.i, us owner, or holder, or husband urcnt, uuardiin, trustee, oduriuirlrator. .icouutinir officer, agent, attorney or the ir, on thc 1 -?t dav ol' January 1905. arc quired to list tho sain-; for taxation ithin the time required by In?, OR IN ua TUE PENALTY pf 50 per cent, which Undies in ease ol' failure to do sb. Pleas? ike notice aiso that uny improvement n real estate should be relumed at tht une time. Thc Poll Tax ni' One Dollar is lcvic? 0 all persons between the aves ol'lil ono xty yoarss except persons who arc main: nd unable to cain a support. Thc Auditor or an assistant will attend 1 the following places in thc county on^ 10 days named for the convenience of ie public. od Hill, Mandeville, January ii .od Hill, Blenheim, " 17 rownsville, Briatow'H Store, " iS| euron, Hauiflr'e Stoic, " 19I bo, " zo ed Bluff, Factory utoro, " 23 .'cColl, " 24 alum, '. 25 daiusvillo, Newtonvillo, " 26] rightavillo, OOOJWIU'H Mill, " luiihville, Grant's Mill, " 3o| My oflice in Benuotlsville will be open, uring (he time prescribed by law, from! inuary 2nd to February 20th 1905, herc panics in Bcnncttsvillo and (hose .ilinu lo maka returns nt thc above uned places caa be accommodated. C. I. SI1RRRILL, Auditor Marlboro County An Ordinance Requiting nil persons living within jj tho corporate Iii: its of thu Town ol Beuuettsviile to be vaccinated : Bn ic ordained by tho Mayor and Aldor icu of tho Town of Benncttsvillo in oonoil assembled : That nil poraona living wit?iin tho cor irate Limita of tho Town of BennottavilU .all immediately o ill upou thc cuy Phy oian and bo vaccinated except tboso who ti perlifi :.ito from r? roputnb?o Pliyn ian that it in not ncouHBiiry. Any person refusing to oomply withf i'a ordinance shall ba Unod not, less than ive not more than ono hand rod dollars, . bo confined in Jail not moro than thirty ?ya. Dono and ratified in Council thc 7U1 day ! December A. D., 1904. I*. A. HODGES, Mayor -i;m" j All Li lNOUllflft SURETY BONDS, KIDBLITY AND COURT. O NTH ACT and FIDELITY BONDS. There arc no hotter companies than ?eso, represented by .) NO. S. HOOKE Nov 15, 1801. MBmammmhaeamaa^mMS TRESPASS NOTICE. Notice io hereby givon that tho J. L cLaurm Farm in Bcd Bluff township ha? ion p?Btcd, and that trospaas will not bo irmittcd for hunting, wood cutting, h int g ctraw, liding or walking or otherwitu 1 tlilfl place ned all persona violating thin itioo will bo prosecuted according to law specially object to stock grazing. Nov io, 04. B. If, Stanton, LASSO. '"1 '? '. "iv": ? " ' -?-.-:-"-:' Sf (!) E ?3 i -oo .o Cabbage 3F*1^3att?3 I have for eale Succession Wake?ield and Early Spring" Cabbnge Plants/grown in open-air on sea coast from seeds bought from the best and most reliable Seedsmen in the United States at the following prices F. O. B. Lots 1000 to 5000 $1.50 per M. " 5000 to 10OOO S1.25. IiO?? of ItMM?O special price? on AppIIcutiOB. ISP" Special Inducements to Dealers. _Jg? Any information ss to tho cultivation of Cabbage will bo ob o er fui ly givon ou application. S. J. Rumpli. Adams Run, S. C. -o-o-0-00-0-o ! y un nu ni POR HARDWARE OP EVERY Do you wajat the best Hay jrress? that has ever been on our market?, iWe have a car iLoad of them and| are selling them at $60 each. ?lf You expect to buy a BUGGY, a WAG-ON or a'&gT OF ^ARNESS, be sure to see me jl Have just Received Two Oar Loads of BUGGIES, One Oar WAGONS, And 100 SETS Of HARNESS. \mMI of which 1 egm going to seM. It will be to your interest to see me before | jbuying any o? these. Very respectfully Ti j Sept 8, 1904. ^y?^^^^y^^v^y^v^^^y.^ xy&cV&< y.^ < v;^ >&< y& yc&yS?i*v? | Our Mew Line [ I -THE DIRISCT WAY- g$| 7\s U i I WT ? fi li p p i i k ll fi p A/K LIME ?A/^FAF: i I Leave Bennettsville *7 03 a. m., 5 00 p. m. j Arrive Cheraw 6.10 p. m. j DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. * Direct connections at Clio raw with through trains to j the North, Eaat, South nntl West. I Thc short line and quickest tinte ?o Wilmington, Charlotte. Atlanta, fc^l - cw York, i nc snort line and muckest time to Wilmington, Onnriotie. Raleigh, Richmond, Washington, Ballimore, Philadelphia, N Boston. Bu tin lo, Pittsburg und all poiut.s North and lOast. The short line au I quickest limo to Columbia, Savannah, Jacksonville, 'l'auipa. Montgomery, New Orleans and all points South und West. Poi further information call on J. MEDLIN, ngcht Bennettsville & m Cheraw ll. lt.. Bennettsville.S. C , ur address JOS. W, STEWART g^j T P A., SEABOARD Am 1 NE Rv., Columbia, S. C. CHARLES F. STEWART, A. G. P. A., S.A L, Ry, Savannah, Ga. |>| IT*, la Practical Pharmacist and Dealer in ure Ig) ru g s and patent edi cine sj }plam and Fancy Stationery and School Supplies j Paints., Oils, Varnish Bfusles, ?C G-L.ASS and PUTTY. ! <^_FINE CIGARS AND TOBACCO. ^> j it?r 1'rescriptions carefully compounded at all hours to/id guaranteed tu Oe uf ilie -furent Uruga and UL ! reasonable prices. ?A full line {?arden &eed %% Onion Sets. I Thankful for past liberal patronage we solicit a continuanceofsame I I Juauury" I. 190-1. AT THE O?.D STAND 9i ^??P AshcraJt's Condition Powders! Makes poor horses and mulesjf&t without bloating. It does this by first thoroughly! cleansing the system of all impurities, allowing perfifect assimilation of food, thereby creating solid muswe and fat. Horses and mules imuVovc in appetite and spirits after the first few doses/ thc hair sheds, and the new coat is always sleek andr glossy. Ashcraft's Condign Powders are packed in doses, without "filler,M aruff good for horses and mules only. It is a most powGrful tonic and appetizer, being the formula: of a practical veterinarian of over a quarter of a century's experience. It is easily the j foremost remedy in its class on the American market to-day. Pmcc 25 cents package. sale by SJftlTH NEWTON, Bennettsville, S. C MVCOLL DRUG CO., McColl, S. C. r / . H. NEWTON, NEWTON Attorneys BENNETTS VILLE, Offices Over Planters DUDLEY ? ATTORNEYS AT: BENNETTSVILL W W. BOUCHIER, & . Attorney at Law, Bcnncttsvillc, Office on Darlington strcot net telegraph office. Juuuarj, UJILTON MCLAURIN, lYI Attorney at Law and Probate Judye Offloo in Court House. E. C. TrJOMUISONj Electrician . - Machinist, HENF.TTJ VI LE, S. C. P. O. llOX 98. PHONE 111. dont rae: or for Electrical work i< nd deafer in K'eetrioal supplies Hot Air i'utrip ing Eunines and Cas Engiucs installed. I'ipc^-fiitting and general machine work. August 20, DJ08. THE NEW YORK WORLD Thxioo A Wook Edition. The Most Widely Read Newspaper in America. Time has demonstrated that thc Thrice asWeek World stands alone in .1 class. Other papers have imitated its form hut no tits success. This ls because it tells it impartially, whether that news bc po. litical or otherwise. It is in tact almost a daily at thc price of a weekly. In addition to news, il publishes first class serial stories and other features suited to the. home and fireside. 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Lamest cir culation of any Bcienlltle Journal, Tenns. ?3 a .year: Sold by all newsdealers. pUNN&Co.3B'Broad^" g Branch Oftlco. KM V St,, \V Hi fon't T#T von can ALWAYS 1*1 ?Lino Jfm CORNER UKOUhRY 'vi' choice Cariiily Groceries, Canned Goods. ' Fruit, Vegetables, Gonf ecti chery* Also a nice lino of S?IOES, T.'NPEl ?WEAR, and NOTIONS Our Table Goods aro always Frosh. Clive us a CALL. Cor Darlington end Clu-raw sts.J ?cnnotlsvill?, o. Ci ?Rotk Hill Birggics. J The nfront Mr. P A : just rm i ved a carload ^ffome budgies nntl ify^ i buggy call on him