The Marlboro democrat. (Bennettsville, S.C.) 1882-1908, May 27, 1904, Image 3

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BEN1?ETTSYILLE, S. 0. BY S. A. BROWN & CO. f on Marion Street Opjws Masonic Hall, '......"? OM.....,.i i ;< Friday. May 27, 1904. /TIS AMATTER OF HEALTH POWDER Absolutely Pure THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE His Office ??ow Open. Dr. J. L GioHOD, who bas been taking | a/course nt tho Atlanta Dentnl (Jolie cime ta Friday and has opened bin office J.'or tho tren Lu. Mit ot old tooth or repine Jog them with nev/ ones, office over Mr. ; lsaaesohn's Btorn. Phono 19G. Quick Arrost J. A. GuUedgc ol' Verbena, Ala. was twice iu the hospiud from a severe case of piles causing '24 tumors. Alter doc tora and all remedies failed. Buckle n's Arnica Salvo quickly arrested further inflammation und cured him. It eon quern aches and kills pain. 2~>c. ut J, T. Douglas Druggist. I Suffered for many years with nervous j and tick headache. Tiied maoy modi cines and t-cvcral doctors. Nothing cured me until I got Lee's Headache and Neu ralgia Remedy. It is simply worth ?ts | weight in gold. | M KS. JJ?O.W. SPRINKLE. Charlotte, ijfC, The- piioti ;?OQ. ut the drug store Taught Rod Buck Mr . L. Shurlcy. the noted instructor told tho writer ho expeetad great things of his pupil, Mr. B.yam, the famous Southern Journalist. At same time he j wrote: "Send MIC doz. Kentucky Merse ned Cattle Powders. 1 ara out and there, j ?H a big call for it." Prevents Luug Fever and cuics Glanders, Distemper, eic., anil makes Fat., Sold by all druggists. Cull and Get One. * There are several boxea ol school books left in Co Supt's Oiiiee by the) "Lend ti Marni Li' 1 7" " n L i t e Anv aciicois w.i?hiti . hort should ci un tho Sui; t ?is H v-u hi tos?iblcb ?^.k HUI Kittie i.he ageist ?AJC r. A. : I \- i' ,,ujt received a curiuud si ...... huuti tome buggies and if you want n line buggy call on him A Sure Thing. It is said that mullina is sure except loath and tuxes, hut thai is not altogeth er tru8 Dr King's New Discovery for Consumption is a sure cure for all lung rad throat troubles. rh-m-und? can tes tify to that Mrs. C. U Van Metre of ?Shepher town, W. Vu , says "I had a severe case ol' Brooch!)is und for u year tried everything I heard of, hut got no relief Oue buttle ol' Dr King's New Discovery then cured me absolutely " ?is jnlulihlc fur Croup. Whooping Cou ?lt, i JG rip Pneumonia and Consumption. Try TSL Its guaranteed by J. 1 Douglas. TnaV^botlle free. Keg, si/.ce-s SOJ., ?1,00. -Ne\v\ Line Embroideries and Laces. attune B. Crosland Co. Our Town tXforvernment. MAYOR-P. A. I^odges ALDERMEN-J. Fiftank Breeden, C. S. Chaffin, A. G. Sinclair, \Y. \V. Pate. CLERK & TREASURER-Milton Mc Laurin. Office open tidily. POLICE-L F. David, C. Harper. Marlboro County Officers. SHERIFF-J. B. Green \ CLERK OK CLERK-J. A. K)rake JUDGE OP PROBATE-M. MlcLaurin CORONER-C. F. Covington I SUPERVISOR-M. E. Cowarkl SUPT. EDUCATION-\V. L. Sjtnnton TREASURER-J. IL Thomas j AUDITOR-Chas. I. Kberrill.\ SENATOR-Cha-;. S. MsCall. REPRESENTATIVES-D. D. M^Coll, Jr. J. P. Bunch, Welcome Quick. MAOISTAIES-C. D. Easterlin Crosland, Bennet tsvillc. IL L. MeLaurin, MoColl John A. CUIIIOUD. Clio, W. J. Atiiimon. Blenheim, D. D. Stubbs, Urightsvdle, W. W. Irby, Smithville. Hsnnettsville Church Dil M?Tiion?ST-T. F.. MORRIS, lt? C. Sunday Behool ii 30 p. m. Preaching al 11.00 a 111. and 7.?Ul p. m. Praycr??neet ing Wednesday evening at S.tlO cTcloek Superintendent Sunday school, lfpil- A. Hodges. BAPTIST-Kev. Kui us Kord, pastor Sunday school ut lU.uu. Preaching Sou day at 11.00 a. m., and 7.:?t).p. rn. Pruyoi meeting Thursday evening nt S o'clocl; Sdpoiiutondeot of Sunday school, ll. \\ Carroll. PltESHYTP.HlAN- Kuoyan McLeod Ph D . Pastor. Services every Sabbat I (summer) ll a- m. and S p. m.; (winier ll a. tu uni 7.:'.o p. in Prayeriuoeiinf Thursday 5 p- m. Scuts free. Stranger cordially invited. Sunday school ever; Sunday IO a. m. Superintendent, J. T Dudley All parents and children mud? welcome ut IM school. Br'IftCOPAt.-Kev. C. W. lloyd. Rector ?."roaching every Bocoud and fourth Sunda; :6t li a m., und 7.30 p. m. Hunda, ichool at 9.30 a. m. Dr. J. A. Faiaon t|BperInt?nd?nt. IPERSONAL Mr. J. ?dwi? 'Gibsoii. bow ft "Knight of tho Grip" spe lt Sun day with his parents hore Mr. A. H. Knight., r< turned yesterday from a visit to relati ves in chesterfield. Mrs. J. P. McGilvray, and son Bennie, of Clio spent Sunday in our town tho guest of her sister Mrs. John Thomas Mr. Mayer Mittle, attended the closing exercises of his brother! Eddie's school at Bowman, Oran- j gab?'rg, Co, this week. Representative D. D. McColl Jr. announces this week his can didacy" for re-election to the House of Representatives Messrs C. D. Eastcrling and Douglas Jennings attended tho meeting of the grund lodge of K. of P's at Greenville last week Messrs George Billiard, .laities Adams, Joshua Fletcher uno Temple Stanton. Marlboro stud erits at Oak Ridge, have return ed home for rest Mrs. H. W. Burwell tho bo loved wife of Rev. ll. W Burwoll a former pastor til' tin* IVcsb.y ic ria h church here but now of Augusta-, Ga., is here <>u a visit thc guest of Mrs. J. F. Everett Farmers Instituter We know that our people have had a super abundance ol' entertainments, picnics cito., hut the farmers have hud nothing special iii their linc The (.'acui ty of Clemson ?ire always to con tribute their help upon ibo in vitation ot* ]{i farmers in any locality in the county. Now, can't McColl or Tat 14111 gel thal many who will consent lo a bas ket; picnic and an all day dis cussion of quesl ions that inter est our farmers most-the boll weavel, the peach borer, eic, Such help always piys. What s:iy you. MURDER NEAR TATUM. On Wednesday ol' Last week, a regular "Jack the Ripper" murder oocure 1 near Tnt mn. A negro un med ll igh tower k iil ed his wife, cut her up in pieces and taking lier arms oil' ut liie shoulder joints, and then Ititi ii il them in separate places Tie niurdei er remained in the neigh j borliood several days and left. J Suspicious pointed to m urdir tinda searching party Sunday found the dismembered both ?is above stated. Those who iv? re al the inquest say that the cut ting up ot* the body was most I skilfully done, i 1 is believed llightower will soon be caught ' The demand in thc Soul h i foi : Read his anvertisomenl in ol lier I colum's. J. M. Jackson still has some Fertilizer and for sale. CARD or THANKS. To thc citizens, linth el i e -Hill c dor?ci. ! wl:o u.>ik-il SO Llilllliltly end willi -u.-h ur-iij i fl'eci t., tuvo ::iv smri! IVnin tit,? tire I of ycsu-iiliy mot nihir. May li I I rot ur ri ! nw v.i ,-i iv linni,|;s ?nd appreciation lor lili ir M rvit: . ,. i help. May :;. IliOI. C. S. McOAbh ! GENERALLY, the part ii.1 shoes that pinches i< thc price, Au inspection ol' our stink will luke away ibis lear. STKAI: ?3 iv. Co. Finnois had been brought np in a strict Presbyterian household, and in ?ill her nine years hud ne ver attended service in a church bf another denomina! ion. While on a VIM! wilh ht r moth er to a par! ol' tho count ry far from her own bonn- she entered thc parlor on Saturday nftoriioon und eagerly asked: "Oh, mamma, may i gt) lo thc 'Pisc^ptrl church with Gertie to morrow? I'll promise not lo be lieve ?1 single word thc minister say.-!"-April Lippiiicott'.s Maga /.iue. "That was 11 great sermon you preached ibis morning," said thc old deacon, "and it was well linn I too." "Yes," replied the ears n, with 111 deep sigh. . ! col iced that ." "Noticed what?" asked ibo puz zled deacon. "That several of the c ?ugle pi llion looked ?it (heir wa'ches fre quently,'' answered ihc gVod ullin, with another deep sigh ChiO'lgti New.-. Ida'.!? Vi n: q Afjrtin ' On?' .! lb-. I Cuiji . New' Life I'iil (.arli! la I".'!" Itt?' WI-I in? j :;i ?'?'- i ? inj "ii i ij> aeaoi'' i :i ?.? |) A Tuoi,,l ril'.llt-iiiii-i'viowii. !'a Titi y'ti" d|C liosl ?ti iii?; iViiriil for Liver, :?. ?>.a: u.- an.I IIT VVI ly, I'ltlV'h \,el d,ie. \-1 stipe. Oi i> ".*?o at .1. T. Imd?-' btu:- Store. Horses ?>o (iv" .? ?i ! - When .1 hmstr. and iii'ih ; pout it i . not alua\s and iu<iic?iti<>n ih?it ile , do not get ciioilp.h ?al. Miiiy ..'i ?nv. like lion: 01 I i io; dave in digestion or the sysuati is ?.li um down and a ionic i-.i needed, lt is not Ilie mount til lood calen iii it in a I; es muscle and lal. More depends upon I ile prop er digestion or assimilation bl the lootl : than is commonly supposi J. Nolhini; has yet Peen discovered 1i1.1i will hnil 1 upa horse or louie heller I ha ti Ash cralt's Condition Powders th : only renn dy in its class sold^-under a gti -i anne. Ask Mr Smith Ni, ben nettsville. lor it-fine 'Kind pul np hi do . Jes. And McCdli Pru? Co., McColl. S ITOWN AND co??titr iVism *-;FulJ moon Sunday Sou b tino moonlight night-i - Mr. J. II. David has a line gardeu. - Court meets tho fou ri h Mon day in Juno - See Mr. Medlin about those cheap trips uext month - Everybody to Tatum next ! Tuesday with ;i full basket - Florida watermelons aro lin ing received ?u Columbia. - The eool nights are holding t:i?.' cotton back and tanners tire blue Gel u bottle ci' Harris Lifhia Giugcrule for sale at E. Power's G ?"beery - Weatherly's Big Depart ment Store want'syour attention this week. -? The strawberry season is about over-we got. a few this week at r> eon ts Artistic, neat, modem urti d.u ciiif cl t1 rms ?' i MeLlhdoii Uros, Um V> liifi barbi r Shop. - Monday next is a Lieder ?tl holiday and we suppose the post ellice will bb closed -- The Pee Dee had a consider able swell Saturday from rains in Anson and Rich mo nd Mr. .J. M. Jackson ?ins star ted work on iii; new brick store next to W. M. Howe's grocery. - fliive you tried the now drink--Carbonated sweei oidor- - for salo at E. Power's: lt is Ono. <yy~ Pal roni/.c ain! us.? vmir in fluence- fur MfTjtfiidon Ii TON Wldto h irher Shop uiid sunn uni will huyo die best shop in thc Stat .. - The-Musicule given by tho Music <,'?ul? at ilni Auditorium las! Thursday hight was a suc cess in every way. Tuesday was Pythian Moni orial Day. lion 'i', i Rogers' mude a line address iii this court house al "> o', loci-; and ..coonil ties visited the cemeteries. - Thc baptist parsonage lot j af'Tihinhbim is oliered for .saie-: See notice elsewhere. \ - Rend l!":iii!-ti & Coving ion's i ad about Organ.*, Pianos stud Sowing Machin s -.-- Teachers who expect to al iono tlie summer schools chit get ul! ti;'1 infortnatiou they want from Sh]it W, !.. Stanton, as lo studies, board, eic. l??resh homo ground meal al ways on hand tit Claud Moore's. Pie peaches '<~K~ per cati or two for i??cls al Cliiatl .Moore's. -- If you wan! to look well and feel uoo.l all the time, ?iel your clo,liing at C. .->. McCall's how agent for ?he. \Vilmihgtbh Slea iii Laundry Social tea, ? ocl?ek'?on (takes and pound cake are Fresh and bice at Clam! Moore's. ?llave yon seen those hew articles of Purnithro ut Mr. Waddill'H Okra amt tomatoes utily l()c al. Claude Moore's. - --Ju?-.! recd :: I'rOsh lc*. ,?? D. .'vi. Perry Si (. o's (i it'd en Si-.' ! at W. Al. Howe's. - I? res h bc, ci canned Pi as. Pears, ami Pig's p'ooL at; Ckihti Moo i c:'s f.f.?- piptv I S?-.,ken Sappl? f in ii ?-- v: 'itv t-ii II !.<.. ;'.iiiit.? at .!. T .?>otlgl::3 A: ibo. Ch era w has gone back info lin luise b di busincs.-. . - I * i ? iodate line "Ladies ?SiiiVl Waist Suits at the C. ii. Crosland Cu. i ?i o tor MV.I.V ,\our ; e ?!.. io Mnl j 'i/?c? whu.i tho\ ?ire: L'iiini' -o ?o v nt Wad jiiil ,V Soo, nomi licttiM' in (..-.-1 :. Tee salli: :.i ?nv hoi an ! ? i'i ?! mitts* Lie ! -I boni ."i to S --i . piT.yaiil i i-tlier. Will I?lu'iw iri*'?ie?s ;.. ?o.i.A. Se? itb'ci t tte-.: .Mo.-ii'a'uo Can. ? i . i'o Prospective Giulio and Oigan Wwy cry. ? ll will pay you ?o see Strauss ! .v ( 'o, if ?ii i in- min kel for Mu- i jeal Instruments cf any doscrip t ton. A Stni tlhii; Tent j To S:i\<i a iii';'. .>,-. T C. M ci rh'.. ..! No. M?di-cipany. i'i . mudo a j-t-4:-t.i??t: ie-1 ii'Hiiiing in a wowleif'i! eine II? j'V?iii-. ""?i patient was ?uiti?-licd \vtili vio ! .ont in-;ii i i !. :.'.. . i-iutij ! hy ide?i'alioti ol j 'in: Melli: i h. I Ind dlicil fe-Ulltl l'A ellie hitlers V Xe dieta 'or ac.aio -louiacli ?mr! I ? v i . r i..I pr<s;?tih '? i hetti, ?l'l?? (.ti*? 'ai i- :in.-il l'iotii th" li- *. an I lias iioj II ii* I en a1 lack ia !'uioutli-v'' ?Oiecine Iht-i l-l- I?! i-ii ii.i', UUaliitl Ci-i| l'or Ib'S j?o ii. ?e-i'.'.'.-:.i-.?. Ceo-aipaiioti ti'iid Ki.Vn?v.iro'ihl'ia 'Av Til > ;. Only U\\* ,it J. T. I'M: ci :. hell? hini \>: ox bil}.! I !c. '?? <? ... i :. ! vie.-. I/in v Ilea . inaii .. in ij.c lYiorf.ihi? wi h .? l i; ii. .. .-A .-'tu.' Ite.i '. ae?ie. no: cnoit-di c.'eej.i lo ;.-ei . - is ih il, had la ile PI t )<?'. nra. I. i i .] '?..--. il'- liol ?idvii'e tl.. ; -i ?nii i?otids 11 . a ??>;-;. iJo-': ol'Pr. Kill?'. !A.-. ! ;.:..! Liver l'iiiS l'aii'v :| <. lAiol :.u i ji.^ul it ?.iiiiniiidir. eo'ii-ii?!! ?li rna .-li !.. viii-, alni iiilik/r ill? ?iv. r le:?- \a nilivilii:, tri ito dir o?' n?ui?e iiitii'; :'. '>? !. \ ?it ail NOTICIO ':<> (?lMC? ??T0TIOK is; . r-:,v",MC. X'i creditors . I die . i I'ATK, (I. e?ayed t:i .t i i-\ .. ar. aceoi?it ol lhi:ir iii ni e u hu . i? estate duly ?itusied ?o lir?jli i , ??Jcd I?. K. r? i'.x.'.' l'O.V. !'.,??/mo henncttsville, Si C , \] iy io( ?'/-.|. IA lt lt Ii IISl f Ofit'.j iitijj?G???? mrr?3i ' bi?b'riliVl Diy oxnrt Uei wli? bu betti Ul Pine G rovo next Su ntl uv 29 li o*? 4 o'elobk P. ft!. Tho publie uro ituuo.i. . Vue Bubjtot for iho onorniog Hermon nt tbb Presbyterian church on Suutlay tux' " ill bo '"Csu Emersion bu found in fc'c Now Teatarnen. " As S 30 " thsre will bo ; i nion Bocviceu and tainan by It'iv. T H. I ./I oin H ?f tito Mctkoditit obtiroh. I Next Sutidny will bo 1 Obildroo'e Day" nt ihn Methodist churo'.i. At 11 o'?;.o,,t< llev. T.'E Mo: ria will preach n Rorm'jti o tLo young to which a'd lieder 9,5 yean? a Q invited. In iii" iifternouu nt 5 o'clock -.iu 1 excellent pu gram will bu rendered by tho j children ol tho Sitiid.iv FCUOOI TO which ? i vc .; body its invited. Itcv. il. Il OuvhiKlfiii i-f Sumter eon. tl nett, tl service*, nt S: Paul's Epistirpiil ( ianeil Sund iv nigh:, lt .-v. C. W ll yd !..?\.;-?. rvehr.tijjoi pulpit? with l im for the diiv. Every lo it <?i" sp-ioa i.i tins little church occupied and vnry many H tooti : I th? wiudowB cutaidn. Tile text f..?r the 1 v.ui: was John i 6, i'. Tllil music was lino. Tho Epworth League Prayer meeting i. htiUI e.voiy WtdntiRdiiy cvtuiug in the Min ny tchool room t.f tho Methodist, i litireh at :'. o'clock The public invited. '. .>.. hour I r evening services at ?he t hin cites i .> how S.30 o'clock. . .. sr .: tiii|{ : . sh? Baptlafc ch tu cb ? evf:r? 'i'liufrduy evening '.t 8 30. i J ,,.:> moling dt 'in- Mut hodirt ob uren ' eve i y VV?tbiei'diiy at p. m. Prayer inet-ling ?it Presbjterian church j i Thiirsidity evening at. S 30. ! '?'hu l.< ur for Sunday Schot?! nt the. M'tl.o ii.-:: eli ii i ch ii :>< been changed i> o'clock in tue nit- rtiwoii. .*...-. .-rn sra ? - * a *.T>.*.-=aL*n :, .J 11'-.t arrived n lin?: assorti munt; new shapes tn Ladies Hats Plowers &c . ni thc t '. I ; Crosland Cn. J. M. .Jackson still ! has some Fertiliser aii? ! Kainit foi? sale. I ' *"~* j : . " While hoi o ir F -.ved vt the Whi 1: bather's: ..!. ?1-Mei>iidori iii. H - ou will IK- kepi co d with j i-1'ettie fans nlriitdy installe?). Tl CK LK11S ol' every man's (ami!v ure tho handsome natcrn.H in our spring; niiil f.iintnuir showini; <>t Suite, .line'ts 82?li hud up. fi i ve us :i f ill. .SriiAtra? & Co. t'j" i'ii'1 i t lin? and >> r mi/. : lit oem V'ir:!?t" i,:,. b.> J - 00 rigHiett? nr'.i : ?. thin?; OII'.UIK?VO to lit.- .?? l.??id llov.'ll li. thing; I'owtifi s ;;l W. M. Rowe's. I fe i . '..or.'t You Love Flowers? I lt RI), nh ! vim waul Komi' ne.a;- I 1' tu* l?y ? ins iiwuor It inn y jut y for time. t'pjbtrpti ?Vsi* the Wu: k. ?Mr. S .1. L'- ittSOIt. I ?111 .b'W. 'vf. h?? J I'IIV: ot.i ibu latest ito -i'tivemeiits ' v'?-, 1 ?gnivia? y ; ni; . or i'iii i!? ; iiliy :. i tic >. "I ?V.,),| . r sil v? r or lit??? ?11 ll f .:. -; !!..-'.'. (1;|"0 !l'aill.Or ! Tho iitmtdes ..! vi"-. MII'I.'':!*! > ii ?;?> by i ito ai i just !!.." > :ii iitiil s>-c him. Uno: ! UTI <; !.<. tee- . 1 .! 1 ?. ; . .\ .i? t en Ai.. In* '11. \\ lit:!' ii - i .isl i ':t i .11 Mi.-.- ; M o-.- i '. hn't-s ?:?, M?tttiio .Mr ; Killi . Iii!:..- 11:111 ! ) : ' (:!. ! .till .MtttThiill. Til? lUPriSt I'AIWtliN'AGH LOT ind I liWEi.lil.N'li'iiinii.? td? ?ul (2) IwoJ jiei ?H ? f '.).: 1, < tu cully I'ten! o;l in desi rub! o P'trt ' : 'i'tiv.'ii o'." Itletiheini. A| ply : > ..*:?. o . .!- t-i ? fur ptirt.iiil'tra V/. V. DKAKll, M iv iS, t.i?j Wm. riv AN ii, Atc Evoi'jthing In Sight hr. Kiit?i'i? (I i; oil i' v r Tonio is. v. i il o :i <? UV . I hi.' i'i'St uiodleirii! ! h uv.<. fbtni.l CM- A? HIV f'Ui?.v :\ t ' ;.i i'.'. * ii' Itisi tt ni - j iiier, iutt! ' :.! MM'e.f?iI m her eui?? lonies !i -1 I' ii. i. tired tb-, ivng's, ?ml in r. y !..'..! i-< v.v. wore .>'.> b.-iter, eat int; every?hi?'? i;; sight. S. N. MeUOltlviiK. .i.i hy iiii llrueuisb. I'AMii.V .NJ IL IC AO \'\ Tl UK 15 P. _ \ G?til) I.N .'"i.l I II ('.M OLIN A NtiW Sol.I? i'.v S.K?iiO?U?i Aiu lil NI: li \II.WAv Ctitiiu?Mifun^ tiiurc.ii 'J?'.t:, Ilm Souii?miti Air Lint; liiilw.jy, in! ufitijj liiiuct! with tn-w law, have oil .!.. Itl'/i) fit!.- Inuiily tie'ets. ' got ni ?or t hi: nso ti I thu iihthctliatoj ? ntt?tnhfi?i t?l (?ai? lamil y, Indxvu?n itdaliiuiH within (Iii! Sinti? bl'Soiitli ! ('?I 'li'.', mi ti??? lino ol' tho iv-ii b m ni .'.ii- liino ll?til way. "heno tic ..-i.-; ui't> sold ul .v_:.*i,??l) ?ttitl are timitt'il tt) otu: year froth date ni is.-sUf. Til?.' jit.'invhvr Itilet'filiati'realile u ....!;. ?..I nvt ;. 'J."? tliii'dreut. lines, ; wi ? i.'otitilttto ?'M unit: iludor satin: , ouidiiiou.s its herot?foroi i For I'd r fl i ol' inliiriiiiilioii !l|)p)y jin Heahoiird adonis, or add ross l.ltis. W. fcitownrtTrjiv. I'ass. Agent i ioltnnhi i ?S. ( '. h 'j i,;' iii; - a. ! V. ttiri ,/j i hf it ns it'i v. agans. Mr. 1'. A. Utidges is opbiiitig a ..MI O?' ;:,i .- ' durabie wagons -~niiu ami two Ju r.e. uv? y ?H.o ot timm gtiaiiin teed ilga: asi nov d. ; i, n?ai? ia! or svoriiuinnhij). flt If ll ,i0 [iib p?itil VO li r :s???- -??: '*v -?C?-?-?ss?. 1 w K . w mt to see our Friends on ? abject of MID-SUMMER A F ? 'AREL. We are fixed for em in each department. tho WHITE au?1 COLOREO WAS.'I GOODS on ?n'gs in tliein, :tntl :i pretty linc ol' LACKS and ?IDLIMES to triii! them up willi. KJNDERWE?R? Hing- Hol. wo must lix ourselves. Wo help Come, let us make you comfortable! QUALITY mid DREW SELBY'S SHOES for Tho best shoes nmtlc. ' ! . VNAN & SON and ONQUEROHrf foi* Mon-the best made. ?ell s and Neckwear. Hosiery and Fans ) to keep you ooo!. , M MER CLOTHING. '. bf ?Sninnier.Two '/ove Suits that's made-Ail v JMMER S TS> V'HAR. This is our ?mj? looked for Midsummer ey aro moving, pei in \<i;li tho crowd. ' ?tf -p ir } M * T T isl .P'^'V" . j J A ? A i ? i if & ? A J A, J: * .At i. ? uro ii:." season will close, :ui>i wc arc anxious lo live ns a ?(.? ?inn we will e ?nvine . von Hint 0)1 i S THU/. Y, . WJE?OM?S?ttjk* Stock C-ommleteepi .___,._"" ? ^? juxt .i A CAT? LOAD OF OAK SUITstff/J )" 0 . K BK DST K ADS. gg5?@ kes our Kt oe!-: complet;', und ive aro m posit un y?fea: i ?XSID15 F?GUHFiSi li your purpose U i? $y?. TO SAVE YOURSELF MONEY, nod nt I h. ??et f?l Class C.?.i.,-, wo eau aiil von. 7vf7* ! not time nor inclination t.; sland on tho s!ree?R5g\i ?I say little piensan trie.3, hut areal all linuv^^^ ?o husinesa on husiucss line.?. WE WAN'IV; IJS?NESS, nml if'Fair Dealings' ii nd a doterini laud to every promise rind ?ivn you prices Iliat>?.*J? mi/ compel if io?, wo will ;;?..> t if. ?gj - H r L? r lisa SPECIAL lips week "Felt." Mnttresse?^!/\? to si;";.00 fur thy IK-SI Mattress on til Mattressesf.VVi ho market .3?p VITE AN INNPEOTION OF OUIl ST0CK.&&& W. Waddill & Son nuil m . ... -. ... .* . . . . .i . . ... * i.' . .. . . ,v. ? - . " .? ../.*.-.. . .. v.T..-.i ??.?ii llio Publie thal I represent S0??16 Oil FIRE T.NSXTRA.NO? Companies ?rid. iliberal io Terms and l?ales. ry me ! ?Ol. .INO. S. MOORE, . ? ? ? DI y vni bl l i WAI >^<>^<>+<>4.0v<>%.(>^0+< ) WORRY, BUT COME lliGHT ON TO tU'DE MOORE'S IF vZOT.T XVAWT ls, Clothing, Shoes, .Notions ** nd Fancy Groceries. ?tor Ground Me.u. anil ??o:,nK\\a specialty. tie in e ich Department ?uni wi i? fol your Wanta in each AT TIIH L;'\V:;sT P?tU*i?S. To/vn call a'">l saa II?. I'no'uifJi'dera in lunn dc?iv. e . satiflfACtioh Knaraiitoed, ?? is - Xe ir Do.iu;l;is" [),?. )>x M"i'i\ WIDE FENCING, BIG1E?] ?IRE AND WIRE KAILS. E HAVE THE?DE GOODS, lio?giit by Hie ear load and eau ?iive you LOW PRCIOES. .??- See us before buying. March 3, 1004. ?J. & M cC A Li IL. FRESH BREAD ROLLS "THREE TERMES A WEEK. ' y R. R F. SilllLTZ HAVING CLOSED IIIS HAK ERV II RUE. L VI have arranged to keep a supply ol FRESH HlvEAi), ROLLS AND ARES of bia splendid make ul ruy Store for die uectfinuiudution of lae 'radi'. Shipmen td received fresh three timed a week und orders eau he filled aiiy as wanted by cu-to m er.-?, d guarantee proni[)t servioe. March 3, 19?4- W. M. MO WE. ~ - >x< >$< >?< >?< > x< >?< >x< THE "i uu BRAN n leir own story? the mew Spring* at Mt C? *fe* Februarv 26, 1904, For sale by SMITH NEWTON", Eennettsville, S. C* Af* GGLL I>vh >. '!>. ii- s. Y\ . ii INC**; OE ISOHK.>U?JK. - SKAUOAHD ? jr Lin-: ?Uii.vs ,? . Tin- Seaboard ?Vii Lino liv f.ehetl .i', iiti^ changed cu tiuUUttIJ i?lii. r??fis leave Chernw.S. (.), us follows: Northbound Nobb ?t 8:05 a. in. No 5(1 ut 9:24 |>. m. Southbound iS'o ?7 nt 8:05 a. m. No '27 ut 10:40 p. m. The Bennntl8vil]o and Cheraw ll. I., leaving Bennettsville at (>. '15 a i , connect with No (iii and No -~>7. The afternoon liait) leaving Ben? ettsvi'le nt 4 p. m. gives Bennetts* i le people no opportunity lo luke . nins No 6(1 and No ?L10 NOVELTY ! Manufacturing Works ' (THE lininess ree? ni Iv known a* thc X OLIO NOVELTY MANUFUTU UNG CO.. will hor?ul?er bo known as 1110 CLIO NOVELTY MANUKA Ur I IKING WORKS, with F. ll. IV KV ?le owner and director, Thu latest improved wood working machines aro being placed for doing all iuds of Novelty work for builders usc ut iving pri?es. Mr. P.A. llodircs is agent at Bennetts i le aud will take your order.-. Oct 23, 190:1. PURE BRED BUFF ROCKS. Thrifty, Reliable and Profitable. Thc Buff Plymouth Rock is the low or firofit. The time 'or setting lor the -pring brood is near at hand and to gel g >s so as to have them ready when the ?.e ?son opens, you should place orders at II ce and state date ot delivery. Setting oi 15 Kggs $i 50 1>. A. COVINGTON, |an 5, 1904. Gibson, N. C. Directory of Bennettsville Lodges CONSOLIDATED LODOE NO. IS. K. ol meets every second and fourth Mon ia y uiL'hts at 7.:5<i o'clock. .1. T. Dudley, C. C. C. I>. Eastcrliog. K- bf l?. & S. MAKI.HOUO LODGE No. 8S, meets a Bennettsville, Friday evening, on or bc ore each full moon tit 8 o'clock. J. P. Kinney, W. M. II. V.. Stockton, Secret, arv. County Masonic Directory. MARLBORO CHAPTER INO. 30 IL A M., meets at Bennettsville on (lie ont Friday ol' each mouth. J. I?', Kinney, ll I II, 10. Stockton, Secretary. EUREKA LODGE No. 43, A. F. M. meets at McColl, each Saturday oDet noon, before thc full moon,at 1 o'clock AURORA LODOE NO. 3:',, A. V. M. mont* at Clio. Saturday on or after t ito! full moon at 3 o'clock, p. m. "D. ll. Everett, W. M.jj HT- E. McLeod, Secretary, ? SPECIAL NOTICE! AAV 1 NC secured (he services of good mnn, I am prepared lo pu down nnd pull up pumpt Siti-l'aciin guarante?d. Orders left <i( oil ber liait] ware store will be prorm-tlv attended roi .mch 12, 1003. V. C. Emanuel Z Iii H. N i'. U' T o If; ?tiovi?iov at Law? Planters National han's mn tunix, Practice "i State mid Federal Co'urisj Attorney lor the Pla'ntti'rs'N diemal Bank and Union Savings I' ink. BUNNl?TTsvii.idi, 80. CA. DUDLEY & WAIT, A'rroit'Niivs Ai' fi AW, i?,!?:>;XL'i 'i'svi LI ,L. s c. ?fl \V. BOUCHIBJI, X 0 Attornoy at Law, Bonnet tsvillc, S. C. Office on Purl/C : iii Nlrcei near I'o.-ta Tclcgrspl office. January, isO'.i. ILTON Mel.AUJilN, Attorney Law and Probate Judge Olllen in (Joiirt IlouBC. 2EL C. r'XO.RHJSOiV'., Sl?ctvioian . - Machinist, r.t>.\ 57 I'I.? ?ll KN CK, S. ci Contractor lor I'jhscirical work and dealer in Kleetrieul supplie* liol Air I'tiiup iiti; Kiu:ine> oui <? Kiigiiie.s installed. Pints liiiinu ?iud gciicriil uiaeliiue work. Aucnsl -Jo. I '.?.'? '.. Fire Insurance. 1NSUIIL VOUl; roi loN Glh'S T again.-l loss by Uro. Kales i eil? li* allie 11 lu st 01' ( !< nijmnii .. Call on or nd il ress (oilice Over National lia uh) A. J. RRSSTGW, Agt. Bennet I ?vi ?I-, S C Don't Forget Rf! tl AT voil clin \IAVAWS Pl NJ) at ft The !''b:.\r-; (?111 MJI?HV a Tull bine ol' choice Family Groceries, Canned Goods. Fruit, Vegetables, Confectionery, ?U:? it nice hue Ol' SHOKS, UNDHI .VEAH. aol MM IONS. Our Table (?.ls are always I'resli. (?ive ns a CALfi. C. Ii. IIU BB ARID, Cor DarliU?lou and Choraw sis. JJ c ti hi: t f> ville, K. C. TUL N L VV Y ORK WOHLD Tlirico A Woek Kditlon. Tho Most Widely Kemi Newspaper in A morion. Time has di mom 1 rated that thc Thrice , ! a-Wccl; World stands alone in a class. li j Other papers haye ; : ?lated its form hut ; not its success. 1 his is because it tells ?j? i it impartially, v? hhthet that news bc po I litical or otherwise lt is in lact almost ' a daily at thc price ol a weekly. In addition to news, it publishes First class serial stories and other features suited to the home ami fireside. Thc Thrice a Wed; World's regular ? iuhscriptioii price isvonly $1.00 per year . .nul thia pays lor i 56 pan is We otter ! this unequalled newspaper and the Dem. oer?t togr.t! er one year for Sr.67.'" M"