8* J.* BHD JJ'N - - - Editor Friday. January 22, 1904. Subscription Trice ! One year_ Six months... ; Three months*. m-tmII II nm, MI i nwfl na .51.00 . .50 .* .25 , PEN AND SCISSOHGRAFHS Florence has a double daily train to Sumter. Tho Legislature adjourned Sat urday to Wednesday. The record of railroad wrecks is fearful for the new year. Dunn. N.' C., a little town on the Coast Line n^ar Fayetteville, hud a $75,000 furniture fire last week. Tho trustees of tho Columbia Female college nave decided to take Mr. Hyatt's offer and move the college to tho suburbs. The Confederate veterans of the state will wear mourning for Gen, Gordon until tho next reunior, by order o? General Walker. George Francis Train, the' hero ofFinuneial Circls, died in New York Tuesday. The making of fertilizers by the stete will enable the farmers tu compete with the trust, and get pure food for the sail. Tho Democrat years ago ad vocated the manufacture of com mercial fertilizers by the State. Now tho question is before the Legislature with some hopes that it will be dono in the Ponitenifary. It is never too late to do good. DON'T DO THAT Some people envey the wealth accumulated by dishonest moth ods. Dont do that. If yon are willing to listen to gossip you will surely hear it. Don't do that. The man who cannot tell n. story is always trying to do it. Don't do that. Failure to make a child happy when opportunity offers is worse ^than 8?otul.. Don't do that. The^easiest thing in the world to do is to deal out good advice all thc time. Dont do that. Some men imagine that if thoy advertiso their own virtueB the world will bc too intorcsaed to see ihoir faults. Don't do that. It is easy to acquire tho habit of leaving your smiles at thc office and taking your troubles home, rv-'* rio thal Sprue men waote .-u> much tioie wamug for somebody tu gi vu thom a start that: Ihoy ociiUin'l accomplish .* ny-'.. (... il i\uv wert": , . It is Wonderfully easy to spend v? all of today thinking about what i you will do tomorrow. Don't do that. DOTS FROM BIIIG1ITSVILLE. Dear Mr. Editor:-I have been a reader t i tho dear old Democrat for mauy years, and have never made up my mind until this morning to drop yOTTVAjw oois, and if they miss the wasto ba sk eifel may come again: We claim n\liuve the best country school in the ccmnty, controlled by two of your town Indits. Wc also have the best mail route in the county, managed hy Mr. Woodla, who ia a clover young man of your town. We have two boys in Woliord Col lege ns sinait as ever entered their doors^'lliat have a little Covington blood in theni',lf> *?t the rest is made up of Stanton and L Jier. If any reader doubts this we ro'.^r them to higher authority. \ Jan 18, 1904. A School Boy. DESERVES CREDIT The following letter will ex plain itself: Columbia Jany, 4,1004. Mr. I?.. T. Barfield, Bennettsville, S. C. Dear Sir:-Your letter of the ; st instant has been received and n reply will state that Mr. S. . ). Thompson has been written } asking him to display the . ags, or if he had no facilities ;.?. doing so that he iuform me i\ od the Hags would be recalled. lonld he ask you for the ll jgs please turn them over to [lim, aa well as other articles be i mging to the Weather Bureau, ti ten as envelopes, instructions, rds etc. Allow me to return my kind it thanks for the attention you .ve given the Hag display for many years, and have given the matter such conscientious care, that the people of Hen nettsvillo owe you a vote of thanks for what you have done for them. They are the benefi ciaries of the weather display, not this o ll ice, but my duty is to see that the people have the forecasts if they want them, and you have given nie most efficient aid in that, and for it I thank you personally. Very kindly yours, J. W. BAU KU, Section Director. For Salo Oh oap. 3 Feather Beds, 1 Cornish Organ, and 12 Picture Frames. Apply to the New Furniture or to J. J. Neason, Blenheim, S. C> MABLBO-BO UNION MEETING The Union Meeline; of the Baptist church of Marlboro will be held at Brownsville on Sat urday and Sunday Jan 30, Bl. 'PROGRAM SATURDAY-10.80 to 11.30 De] ^ votional Exercise, Organiza tion, and Miscellaneous Busi ness. 11.30 to 12.30 Discussion S. S Organization, E. P. Eas terling. S. S. Teaching J. J. Lane. 12.30 to 1.30 Recess for Dinner. 1.80 to 2.30 Discus sion, Object of the S. S., J. B. Harrall and B. Ford. SUNDAY-10 a. m. to lia. m. S. S Lessons followed by a talk by T. L Crosland. ll o'dock preaching by Rev. E. P. Eas terling. Dots From Bethel. .b armera have commenced work for the new crop with cheerful hearts many for a large crop of potton. Mr. Eugene Breeden of Benoatts" ville, was in the Bethel section Bun" day afternoon. Mr. Henry 'Webster a hustling young man ni B.mneitaville, was in the Bethel section Sunday afternoon He must have been on a "dear" hunt. Married on Sunday afternoon at the home . of tbe bride's father Mr. N. F. Bundy, Mr. Thad Stubbs of B ightsville and Miss Bessie Bundy Ouly a few of the near relatives and ti ie [ul s were present. Rev. F. H. Shuler performed tho ceremony. May this happy couple live long and al ways bo happy and blessed, and be able to say after twenty years "I did n't commit any act of folly when I m-irried my sweet molly." Mr. C. D. Moore and family of your town was at Bethel Sunday. Bev. Shuler preached at Bethel Sunday morning, Text Mark 10 chap. 17 verse. Miss Dora Bundy spent Sunday night with Miss Lolte Buudy. I will close, and if I hear of any thing like a marriage I will let you know. With best wishes Jan 18,1904 A Farmer. A.VHY HE WASN'T PROMOTED He watched the clock. He was always gr umbi i og. He was always behindhand. He asked too many question?. His stock excuse was "I forgot." Ho wasn't ready for the next .stop. He did not put his heart in his work. He learned nothing from his blunders. He chose his friends among his inferiors. He was content, to bea second rate mao. He ruined his ability by half doing things. He never dared to act on his own judgement. Ho rlirl not tl i '!.. ii worth iii ile to'! learn how. He thought it was ' o??v-.*r to uso ooo reo and profano ? . iu gauge, lit- traitai ed tho habits . 'mon who could stand inor? than li VIA ck tr the best parf of his salary was not in his pay envelope. Success. . Daily Memoranda Calender. The re-issue of the Pope bi cycle daily leaf calender may be considered the opening gun pro claiming the natural aod health ful return of bicycling. (k)l- Al bert A. Pope, the founder of our bicycle industries and the pioneer in the Good Roads Movement, is agaiu at the head of the bicycle industry, upon the 366 calender leaves are freshly written lines, from tho pens of college presi dents, doctors, clergymen states men, and other eminent men and women, all of them enthusiasti cally supporting bicycling. Half of each leaf is blank for memoran da. This calender is fresh at the Pope Manufacturing Company's stores, or any of our readers can obtain it by sending five 2-cent stomps to the Pope Manufactur ing Co., Hartford, Conn., or 143 Sigel Street. Chicago, 111. A Question ol' Lnw. A judge of one of the United Stales circuit courts has a fi year old niece of whom he is yery proud. A few days ago she came to him and said with a very serious air: "Uncle, there is a question about law I want to ask you." "Well, dear, what is itl" pa tiently inquired the judge. "Uncle, if a aman had a pea cock and it went into anotuers man's yard and laid an egg, who would the egg belong tor' The judge smiled indulgently and replied: "Why the egg would belong to the man who owned tho peacock, bul he could be prosecuted for trespassing if he went on the other property to get it." The child seemed very much interested in the explanation, and Mien observed, innocently: "Uncle did it ever occur to you that a peacock couldn't lay an egg?"-New York Times. She-After all you canuot deny that women aro botter than men. Ho-Oh. I don't know. Tho good book doesn't say anything about seven devils being cast out of a man. She-No. of courso not; bo bas every one of them yet.-Cincin nati Inquirer Cobwigger-AVorc you roarly pleased that tho women n#$t door had a new coat ? Mrs Cobwiggor-Not at first, thy depr, but I was as soon aB I foung out that it wasn't real fur. -Judges SEABOAIt? BETTERMENTS. The Seaboard Air Lino Railway takes pleasuro in announcing to the traveling; public the following Im proyements in the equipment of their passenger trains: On and after December 1st, 1903, the Cafe cars on trains Nos. 81 and 84 Will be operated between Hamlet and Jacksonville, instead of between Hamlet and Savannah; as heretofore. On and after December 5th,. 1903, tho - Pu>lman sleeping cara on'trains Nos. 27 and 60 will be operated be tween Jersey City and Tampa, Fla., instead of between Jersey City and Jacksonville, as heretofore. A LOYO Letter. Would not interest you if you're looking for a guaranteed Salve foo Bares, Burns or Pile?, otto Dodd, of Ponder, Mo , writes: *'I coffered with an ugly eora for a year, but a box pf Buoklen's Arnica Balve oored me. l'ts tho best solve on earth 350 at J. T Douglas & Bro Drng store. Can't be Beat. Music huth charms to soothe savage breast. So has money; A word of cheer may comfort the distressed, So may money: The silent grave brings peace to those who sigh, Love louds glad brightness to the tear - dimmed eye, Faith moves the mountain whose crest cleaves thesky, So does money. Wisdom is an overmuch for strength, . So is money; Fair efforts win tho world's re gard at length, So does money: nope spreuds a charm upon the Homely face, Change ratees fools to power and to place, The distant sun still holds the world in space, So does money. -Chicago Record-Keraid. Daily Memoranda Calender Flowers I Flowers ! Mrs. Jno S. Moore has a fine lot of Geraniums, Begonias Ferns, Palms unti other plants, well rooted, that she desires to sell Cuttings 25c per dozen. Unclaimed Lottors. Letters addreseod to tho following named dersons romain uncalled for at the post offloo in Bennottsvillo : Woman's List. Billar Pegues, Roda Nersey, Loney Lide, Nancy Lowry. SHERRIFF SALES. STATE OW SOTJTH OATl**7!?A Ccun'y of M.trlouro-'Joint Com mon Plea? ag;*;-..-. [ Poi.KBT .1 KKK IMS; ) E - virtue of a warrant ot |J foreclosure issued by James A. Drake, Clerk, in the above stosod notion I have seized and will s-11 before tho Court House door in Bonnettsvillo during legal salo hours on tho first Monday in February nest, to tho highest bidder for cash two bales of lint cotton levied upon as thc property of Forest Jenkins I will sell same to satisfy tho lion in said action and costs iuoidont to paid soiz ure. Terms of sale ensb. J. B. GREEN, s M. c. Citation For Letters of Administration STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, MAnLBORo' COUNTY-Hy Milton McLaurin, Judge of Probate. WHEREAS, Robert T. Jackson has nado suit to me to grant unto him Letters of Administraci?n of tho Estate and Effects of Campbell Weatherly de ceased. These are therefore to cito and admonish all and singular tho kindred nnd creditors of the said Campbell Weatherly, doo'd, that they bo and appear before mo in tho Court of Probato to be held at .Hen ne tts ville, on the 30th day of January 1904, after pub lication thereof, at 11 o'clock in tho fore? noon, to show cause, if any they havo why enid administration should not bo granted. Given under my hand, tbis 18th day of January A. D., 1904. MILTON MCLAURIN, Jany 21, 1904. Judge of Probate. CLERK'S SALE. FIRST MONDAY IN FEBRUARY. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, County ol Marlboro- Court Common Pleas. JAMES NEELY. Plaintiff, a QUI II st ELIZA NEELY. WILLIAM NEELY, and Others, Defendants. Complaint /or Partition and Relic/. IN Obedience to a Decretal Order ol Sale granted in the above entitled action, dated January 7th, 1904, and signed by His Honor R. C, Watts, Judge ol the 4th Judicial Circuit. I will sell beiorethe Court House door in Ben? nettsville, on the first Monday in Feb. ruary next, to thc highest bidder, FOR CASH, all that certain piece, parcel or tract of land lying, situate and being in the Town of Clio, in Hie County and State aloresaid, containing Two Acres, more or less, bounded on the South by Public Road leading Irom Clio to Red Bluff, on the North by lands ol T. N. Edens, on the East by lands of Martha J. Edens, on the West by lands of T. N. Edens-being one acre wide on Public Road, and two acres deep The same to bc divided, by a linc drawn perpen dicularto the Red Bluff and Clio Road, and sold in two separate lots ol ONE ACRE each, as specified in said Order. Terms ol Sale CASH, ll the purchaser lails to comply with the terms of sale, the said lands will be resold on the same or some subsequent salcsday at the risk of the purchaser. Purchaser to pay for all necessary papers. J. A. DRAKE, Clerk of Court Marlboro County. Bonoettsville, Jan. 8, 1004. Repart of County Supervisor for Quarter Ending December 31, 190 Dale Oct 2 WARRANTS PRAW&ON ORDINARY FUND. To Whom Paid Luther Fletcher, O I Sherrill, Dr. J F Kinney, A J Matheson, Mrs A G Easterling, C PThoraas, C A Brown, Theo L. Breeden, T L Crosland, York Rogeri!,_ J C Campbell, Excelsior Hdw Co., M W Duvall, Champion road mao. Cc Joseph H David, Flora Reese, John .H Thomas, J T Douglas Bro., J D Hayes, J W Griggs, Bennettsville Hdw Co., M E Coward, - Oct 16 J B Green, Nov 6 Alex Quick, Luther Fletcher, J D Hayes, Flora Reese, C B Crosland Co.. Dr. J. F. Kinney, W M Atkinson, 8 C L D Telephone Co Mrs A G Hasterling M E Coward, T B Gibson,. George Prince, C A Moore, W H Kirkwood, McD M tr r ison, J A Drake C I Sherrill. D W McColl, _. Joel Parish, R J Rivers, . T L Crosland. John II ai th cock, B F Moore, Charley Odom, J H Thomas, C D Easterling, Cl A Brown, Champion Machine ( J 8 Mclonon, Simon Strauss,^ Dr. J. L. Jordan. J B Henegan Marlboro W. Groe'. Nov. 14 Bank of Marlboro B ?fe C R R Co., J P Henegan, J R Pegues. Nov 20 Dr. J. A. Fa?Bon, Rev. E P- Easterlir W S Rowe, W W Irby, W A Smith, - George W Douglat .1 amea Bennett, T M Newton, N C McLaurin, J H Gibbes, 1 M Haig, A C Peanon, J P Henegan, 0 D Odom, Doo. 4 J P Henegan, Kb Jones, J A Calhoun, Alex Quick, W J Atkinson, El L M T.. A J Hu v.1. K.l Woodier W Fl W ood li vV Ourroll, M E Cow rd ?V " !;.-- . m, 0 D Easterling, Flora Reoso, J D Hayes; B and ORR Co., Dr. A C Everett, J E Ilucstess, M J Hay CH, Marlboro Democrat. Charlie Odom, Simon Strauss, 1 M Bounds, W L Stanton, J H Thomas, LeQrand & Pond, T h Crosland, C I Sherrill, E A Patterson, Z T Pearson, E W BrecdeD, .1 F McLaurin & Sot. G W McEachern, Harmon Odom, J D Stanton, Dec 18 R L MoLeod, J H Thomas, 18 J R Pegues, ?V B McLaurin A J Matheson Luther Fletcher, Geo W Waddell T M Bolton, j A Drako, J C Hyatt, J M Hyatt. C A Brown, Henry Crosland, E J Woodley, H T Pearson, A L Parham, Mrs A G Easterling, W W Parham, C M Weatherly A K Molntyro, 1) D Stubbs, C ,S Evans, M B Nicholson, C A Mooro, II H Hubbard, Deo. 31 Bank of Marlboro, J D Hayes, Piora Reese, 444 .145 ? 16 M7 448 .449 450 451 452 453 . 454 45(5 ma 457 458 459 400 tdl 462 463 404 -ri tl 476 477 478 479 480 -*81 482 "?83 ?184 485 480 480 487 4iJ8 ISO 492 493 494 495 490.497 498 409 iit?O 501 592 503 Jo. 504 505 500 507 508 509 611 51 ii 513 514 515 i 516 517 320 521 ?99 VA6 Sag ,r)21 530 it 50 W 051 ? 65? 655 ?SV 588 : M 634,6." 5?9 eco 601 602 ??3 604 805 606,001 co? ciio. Ptf? 611 63 J 632 33 5 687 J B Green, J B Creep, 638,63. .. J B Groen, Q4g,n V>? Sn ??.* li pocket. B.' mail, $1.00 per p?elcagc in plain I wrappvr, ot six tor Jfip.oo, with n. po*ittya TVT.U?^ I Un ; ran . to cur.- or J... -Iii? 'imuay ia ?ve: y ick .;; "or !i cc circul?t addi :\s I i>?> -.} ||fn,i;,>;n'. i\\ Tiavn?,f'dMlii?a ?-i--d?ii^jalu ii. iiCiiv.t ii.iV)iii? Lij I ' 1 .. I >OL!OfZ?-^7r DKO" - i I I Nothing has ever equalled it Nothing cart ever surpass iL Dr. King's New Discovery ForC A Perfect For All Throat and Cure : 1 Lung Troubles. Money back If lt falls. Trial Bottlos free. ??HBHBnHB?HBSaBfSHSl - " ?_1 BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRADE MAUR? DESIGNS COPYRIGHT? Ac Anyone tending n ?k<,t^\n"(><)"cLlr:Ut"tl<'.oiitl?l. nnnrtbooxon 1 l'ntonta tnUcn tliroii?ti Munn * rBcolT? tptdal notltf, without clinrjo. In tho Scientific flitter can. SUNN ? r,n.38iBw?dw>,HBw ra? '"MBS OTB? P St.. Wa.htagten.-P. ?