8+ A. B?iOWN '?; EditorA Friday.'November 6 1903. ; j Subscription Pirl?n One year., ............. ?}.:.% 1.00 Shx months... ,'vvv. .BO Three months.25 PENAN^) SCISSOR GRAPHS The State'Fair was a BUCCOBB in' every way. . Congress has been called to j meet on the 9 th: - Marion county will have a | hanging on the 20th. Gen Edward McCrady of Char leston died Sunday-aged TO. Mr. J. B. Williams has been appointed Supt of Education for Marion county. Tho Southern Cultivator advises the fur me rs not to sell any. more cotton for loss than 10 cents. Tho U. D. C's meet in Charles ton next week. Bates one and one third tare on tho certificate plan for round trip plus 25conts. The postoffice at MUII?DB, Mar ion county, was robbed on Friday morning last. Tho loss was about $800 in money and stampB. Tho citizens of Iiumberton, N. C., ran a whiskey drummer out of tho town ono day laBt .week who was there from New York taking orders to bo filled by Express. It is said that women's sleeves this winter will again be ot the atylo which will cause them to drag in tho butter and soup when passing things at the table. A correspondent of tho Edge field Advertiser utters solid truth when he says if newspapers, "preachorB and others were as zeal ous 'in denouncing the Lexington intemperance aB they are in de nouncing tho Lexington jurors we could hope for better things. TEACHERS MEETING The first meeting of the Marlboro's .County Teachers Association, for the present school year, will be held in the Murchison School Building at Bennettsville, on Saturday, Nov 7th Realizing tho groat good that is accomplishad by attending these meetings, wo cordially invite aud in? sist upon all our teachers attending, Tho meeting will open at ll o'clock a. m. W. L. Stanton, Co. Supt Ed. Oct 27, 1903. Nothing gives ?.-. Inrgo rc-lu run in proportion to space covered anil labor expended aa a well kepi strawberry heil p anted in really choice varieties* ..Let nil hi ?<*.<..< >f: j (inn 1-3 read itt] .... Continental Plant *."<.., in thia issue. They offer also nil kinds fruit trees Dots From Judson Tho farmers in this section are about through gathering their crops. Several of the Judsonites attended tho State Fair. Among those who went were J. C. Covington, J. D. Coningham, and family, Mrs. J. L Benuctlc and children, J. D. Hues teas and (laughter Pearle and J. D Wiigbf and daughter Jenneatte Thoy all report a nico time and want to go again. Wo have a flourishing Behool at Sinclair's Cross Academy with Mies Corn MeBso as Principal and Miss Annio C. McRao as music teacher. Some of our neighbor's are going to move to Robeson another year Messrs A. B. Bryant, J D. Wright nnd Luther Aiumous. Wc regrot to luso' them from our midst and wish them well where they go, Mr. .frank Bryaut ?B all smiles its another hoy. Misses Georgia nnd Lillie Woodard aro visiting their uncle Mr. J. L Dew at Latta. They also attended tho Fair. Rev. Simpson from Latta, S. C., preached for us at Judson on Sunday last. Miss Annie McQueen of Wesley is spending a few days with her Bister Mrs. J. C. Calhoun. News is scarce in this section and for fear of the waste basket will quit uutil next time. Best wishes for the dear old Demo crat. A Farmer's Girl. Nov 2, 1903. PLE A 8 E Remember, that Hamiltou handles every thing that is good to cal in Groceries Does Farming Pay? Mr. P. S. Stubbs says it does, and furnishes us with the following record on ono nero planted in corn-McCall's prolific What He Gathered. Corn, 55 bush worth ?44 00 Fodder GOO lbs '? 8 li OG Peas 4 bushels " $ 3.00 $53.00 Ex pense Account. 1000 Ihn meal worth $12 50 Cost of Inbor $ 2 00 Rout of land S 5.00 $19.50 Profit on acre $33 56 Tho secret is in planting Ibo best seed and proper cultivation. -?^t> ? LOST-On Monday night between Bennettsville and blenheim a package of Fruit trees, apple and peach. Tho pack ogo was tagged. Any information that will load to thc recovery will bc appr?cia, ted by B. T. WISE, Blenheim, S, C ' SAIillSDAY IN" NOVEMSEfc Large " Crowd-Clerk Made' Salea ot ; Proporty-Fine;PouUry Exhibits ?~ ?took Market Livelys-M4s3 Meet ing-rHoras 8ale. The first Monday in November ia always a big day.. Crowds bogan to pour in fit an early hour and by 10 tho streets au4 square were full. The Clerk of Court sold all the land ad vertised. Two tracts of the Swott In- tl 71 bores brought$1,306-M/JS. Cow ard purchaser. Tho other two 32 acres brought $720. The Eli T. Covington homestead 87 acres brought $7,000. Tho 9 acre tract of the " Stanton land was Bold to Mr. Jeff Edens for $150. The 33 nore tract to Ebhie Stanton for $1262.25. The poultry exhibits were good. Mr. Giles Newton, BuiT Cochins, D. A, Covington ' Buff Plymouth Rooks, J. M. Moody Blaok Minorca's and white Leghorns. The stock market was full and many sales were made. Tho mass meeting called by Senator McCall lo consider the matter of Scottish emigrante as advocated by Mr. Matheson was held in tho Court HOUBB, and Messrs A. J. Matheson, Knox Livingston, Charles Crosland, aud W. B. Drake were elected dele gates to a state convention to be held in Columbia next Tuesday. The crowd though large was orderly and the day passed off pleasantly. Confederate Monument at Marion. MR. EDITOR-I have been asked by a brave veterau of Marlboro to writo you a short article descriptivo of our Confede rate monument, which was unveiled hore on Wednesday Ootober 21, so that tho patriotic women of your county may feel encouraged when they hear of oar strug gle lo take fresh hold of the matter and redouble their efforts to build a fitting memorial to thc soldier* of Marlboro. Surely thoy deserve it-surely thor? were no braver, truer men from any part of tho State than from old Marlboro, and the women should fool proud to do them honor. The idea of a monument to tho soldiers of Marion county first originated in the brain and heart of Mrs. J. D. MoLuoas, who, as Miss Elvira Sherwood, had nur* sed thc sick and wounded soldiers in tho hospitals during the war. Sho was ably seconded by Mrs Duncan Molntyro, who had gono to tho front with hor husband and learned thc full meaning of war. In spite of thc greatest efforts, the fund grew very slowly, 60 slowly as to bo dis>> coura^ing, but thoy never gave up, and as the younger generation carno en they weic impressed with tho importance of tito cause, and thc interest in it at once augmented. About sjx years ago. tho Marion Chap ter U. D. C., was formed here. Tho first officers wore Mrs M. E, Durham, prest., Mrs A. M. Blu>j, vico prest., Mrs Dun can McIntyre treasurer, Kato Lilly Blue sec'y Their chief object was to raise the money necessary to build tho monument, but aa they were pledged to aid all other worthy causes, they could not make the money soon enough. So, in Mardi 1901 thc Ladies Monument Association was organized for thc sole purpose of building thc monument as soon as possible. The officers of this society wero Mrs C. A; Durham, mest., Mrs. O- A; Wood? vine prent,, Kute lally L'luc ,-eo'y, arid thoy want to work iii earnest. A sub??oriptioh list was JIIV.". .tired and ai B j iud, A lari y in each t?wush?p 'nt. flV'piunu'.d lu tate Bubs?ripilbosraou jj.* pater! imueni o?uiuiittee jv..s r.p pointed whoso business it was to devise uovol and attractive entertainments which would draw crowds and bring in dollars. By the summer of 1902 tho whole amount decided on, $2300, was in hand, aud plans und specifications received from different sources. Thc plan selected was a bronze statue of a Confederate soldier willi his gun resting upon his arm, upon a pedestal of granite. Thc figure H 8 ft, thc pedestal 1 (> ft, um: as it stands in the centre of our beautiful elm shaded sq uar o at the inter section of Main and Godbold ats., it makes quite an imposing spectacle. lt was unveiled on the 21st, Bishop ISilisbn Capers delivering tho oration and Judge J. H. Hudson addressing tho as sembled veterans. It was a great day for Marion. There was a crowd numbering ?,00() present, muong them being at least 350 veterans. The writer had lue boner and pleasure of pinning the badges givon by thc Ladies Monument Association and the U. DT C-, and sho was thankful to sec E0 many survivors sf ill left. The town was gayly docoratcd in pa? triotic colors, and the parade was from Railroad Avenue down Main to^ Square. There were two military companion and a brass baud, then carriages containing the speakers, carriages containing officers of the Ladies Monument Association and officers of the U D. C.. then floats con taining members of tho two societies, then thc children from the Graded School and lastly 272 battle-scarred, timo woin vcto rans. It was an affecting sight. Thc cords were pulled by four lillie girls, thc descendants of Confederate vet erans, and as the unveiling fluttered down the band played "Dixie" and the veterans gave the rebel yell, lod by that grand old rebel, Capt A. T. Harllco of Dillon. It was a day long to bo rc me inhered in Marion, and wo who have given our timo and our labors to this cause feel amply re* paid for all. KATE LILLY BLUE. Marion, S. C. RESOLUTIONS By (ho Sunday school of The Thomas Memorial Baptist church of Bennetts ville, S.C. In that Cod has taken to her heavenly home one of our little members, EVELYN CROSLAND, we bow to the will of Him who docth all things well. Surely a s~?cot littlechild has been taken from us. A little flower has beco plucked from the garden to wither and die, but God hath a blighter purpose for her in heaven "Death loves a shining mark," and by thc plucking of this blossom from the garden wc arc painfully reminded of the uncortainty of life and thc certainty of death. Therefore be it resolved, 1st That wo tender tho bereaved fam ily our heartfelt sympathy and commend them to Him who hath said, "I havo loved thee with an everlasting lavo." 2-i, That thc Secretary bu instructed jo spread a copy of those resolutions upon thc records of* this Sunday school, that a copy be sent to thc Baptist Courier, a copy furnished thc local paper.i and a copy prose ? tod to tho f'umily. Bcuncttsville, S. C., Nov. 1, 1003. PLrKASIS Keep in mind ono fuel, that Hamilton sells thc best shoes for the money If it is reliable, up-to-dato and to be found in a first class dry goods store you can get it at Mit tle'? storo. DEA TMS' D OINGS ! Tho many friends ; of Mr. and -Mrs. Chas W. Crosland," deeply Bvnipathize with them .Ju the loi? of their, . liftle daughter EVELYN on Thursday inora, ing la?t after a short illness-aged about 9 years. The little one was a pupil in the Second Grade, at the Gra ded School, and was suddenly atrioken while engaged in hov studies at school* on Wednesday afternoon. - The funeral services were conducted by Rufus Ford of tho Baptist Church aesl8ted^hy Rev. A. B. Watson of the Methodist at Evergreen cemetery on Friday morning and was followed to her last. resting place. by the entire school, and the little mound waa cov ered completely with the ohoicest flowers. DcarcBt loved ono, wo have laid theo '<' In tho peaceful grave's embrace, ' But thy. memory will bo ch o ria h ed Till wo again soo thy heavenly lace. . * * Died at his home iu Hebron on Tuesday night November 3, 19?3, Mr Elijah C. Everett in his 84th year. The funeral services wore held at Hebron chureb Wednesday after? noon at 3 o'clock, and tho remains laid to lest in. tho beautiful, cemetery near by. A fitting tribute to his mem ory will appear later. *. * * The sad news was received here Monday of the death of Mrs. B. Y. McGilvray at ber home near Greens boro, N. C., on Thursday morning last at 3.30, after a long illness of consumption-aged 38 years She leaves a devoted husband and four children. She was laid to rest in the coraetery at Hine's Chapel on Friday morning. She was a member of the Methodist Church and tried to please her Savior. She has many friends here who will regret to hear of Lor death. IN MEMORIAM. DORA OWENS, daughter of G'. W. Owens, was boru in Marlboro-County March the 9th 1877. Converted nt au early age, and joinnd .tho Methodist Church and lived a consistant Chris* tian Life, She was married to Mr. ,T. W. Patrick December 15th, 1901. De parted this lifo Oct 2G, 1903, at her homo in Williamsburg County, S. C. .?' A Friend. . Dots From Bothel. Mr. Editor: I will try and give you a few dots from Bethel section. We were pleased to have with us on last Sunday Mr, T. C. Weatherly. He made us a good talk. We are always glad to Bee him come out to Bethel. To-day is big day at iBonnettsville and we will all have to go to town. Sunday was preaching day at Be thel and we bad another good sermon, Text Hebrews 6th Chap 19th Verse. "Which hope we have as an anchor of our soul both sure and steadfast; anil entereth info that wilhiu thc ! vail." Mr. C. Di Moore aud fahiily wor shipped afc Bethel Sunday. Mr. W iii Adams of Gibson, N". C., 1 wiia ai Bethel Sunday. Come again Mr. Adams. Mr. W. B. Moore waa in the Be thel sec don Sunday. We were glad to see him looking so well. I don't hear of any sickness in and around Boiboi. Wonder where the young man from Smithville and two of Bethel's Girls were going Sunday afternoon? That is right Mr-if you can't get one try the other. Mr and Mrs. J. T. Bundy spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. L W. Bundy nt Brightsvillo. Come out some time Mr. Editor to Bethel and bear our preacher. Tm sure you would like him. Potato digging time lins come and hog killing time will soon ho here. Oh! what a happy timo that will be then. I will close and if everything kecp3 on I think I can soon report a mar riage. Come out Mr. Editor and lets go hunting. '-' ..' With best wishes. Nov 2, 1903. A Farmer. PJLBA^K Remember, that Hamilton sells goods at a very close per cent--the quantity is what he ligures for. The Elections Tuesday. The elections Tuesday were lively and several deatliB occured. Marylaud wont Democratic, New York Democratic, Ohio went Republican, Massachusetts went Republican, ?Rhoda Island went Democratic, Iowa, Nebraska, Colorado aud New Jersey went Republican. Some Fine Potatoes. Mr. W. W. Bundy, superintend ent for Mr. S. M. Breeden, over tho creek, sends U3 n sample of Iiis now crop of Bweet pota oes-"Georgia Buck" variety-which aro of extra size, averaging 32 to tho bushel. He gays a little cotton seed and a littlo Kain it did the work The yield this year is over 200 bushels on loss than ono acre. Who wants better farmiug than that? Last year Mr. Broedou had tho inrgesr/potatocs seen. Mr. Bundy certainly makeB a good farmer, and good farmers moko good "supers " Mr. E. G Fletcher of Adnmsville, brought one salesday weighing 4-J lbs, as sample of his crop which will give 300 bushels to one acre-planted after oats. Going to Marion Mr. Lewis R. Easterling of Tatum has bought a farm from Mr. T. C. Covington in upper Marion and ^yill move over thore soon. Mr. Easterling is one of our strong citizens and we regret to lose bim. GENTLEMEN.OF THE JUKI" j FOR SECOND WEEK OP C?VKf ' v'."Th6' fol Io wing were drawn Wed nea day to aorve aa potit jurors for ????nd' wo^k of Court : - - - J HThornw'oll,..'- ' P H E?elerlibg, M J F.-M?Kinnon?".; .CA Brown,, WD Rogers, WB Pogues. J S Horndon, R L Kirkwood, i,< J .E_ WilUs; - ;. J,.F Townsend ? Addison Hayes, - L B Hubbardr? "'??Ai Thomus Chavis, J B Coxe. * C P Hodgos, 8.P .WrjghJ, , ,( UL David. ;< .'H B Frecmjnn, ' Fronklin Qi?ok, -- Thomas'Mumford, <; J A Hunter, G II Ganos,; . .G.RvWcIob",: . G N MflCiili.,:; ' B D Mooro, * HT McLaurio. , , W H MoInpis. .. ?oel Gitisoo, B J DaProe, **"?rD Daviu"? J H Harper, JD Moorul <. W W Peguos, J'W VTurnBgo? ' ?' M Hamer. A^RoWo',1 A SORREL COLT, , two yeqrs oui.; with throe white feet,and/flax m?iio anti tail? strayed off from my place near Ebo*v nczor church Tuesday last aud neat, off il.V the direction o(' Adamsvillo. He had cr. a plow line halter and. long HnoJiaiigtn???;. I will appreciate any information that help mo to recover him. . r. ) . .. D, D. MoDUFFIE, . '-,.! Bebnbttsvillo, S. C., Nov. 3, 190* ? Jj NOTION OF D?SCHA?I " EST JOHN G: HITBDRD. ; v I m comber 1903 ibr Letters Dismisser;/' such Administrator. . J: B. Il UESTES S, , Nov. 2, 1903?- ? 4 AdminfetiHtOi'.; \?S\ .. ......... , - . FOR SALE . THE OI?DGRADED SCHOO1' LUI1.' abd THE OLD BAFflST CjlTJROI? thereon. . ' * ALSO, the. H buso and Lot on Jenn inga street, known OB the Bounds He.:.- . . Apply to J, M*. JACKSON: Oct. 28.-1903. Bo?beft8ville. S-C. pj Jipi PURSUANT to.au ordor of tho COVI??;> Board of Education, tho Public Bohooli of Marlboro County will ' opea on Monday October 26th, or ns soon thoientier an practicable. Tho County Saporintondont'8 ptuao will bo open every .day for two wooka, b^ghi" uing Oat 19, from io a. m to 3 .p. un., and aftor tho expiration of this tilno, lie CJIHCO will ho opon, during tho Bai .- hoar.,, on Monday and Saturday of cr. - W?eif? while tho pabilo schools aro in stsak'U Olorks of Board of Trustees aud teach'1 ora, who have nob yet dono BO, will fro., vido themselves with now chook I ?oks uiitl teachers regtBtor. Tho Stato S..nt intis?. that these new forma, which ur? now in tho possoEBion of County Supt,, Khali J30 used. ' ? W. L. STANTON, Cn>:':i O? Board of T.Cv Vt it 10,. r .jo^ .jP . ..... y ' . 1.4*AA Ji? MU <;>." -j- :r ".it, _ 0 ?flJ ii AT you can ALWA.YS Fu-: af t ?jt The ; CORNER GROCER? a .jui)] Line of choice . g J . jl Family Groceries, Canned Goods, Fruit, Yegetabie.-, Confection ?,cy. Also a nico line of SHOES, Ul -: >! ?B WEAR, ond NOTIONS. Our Table Gooda arc always Fresh Give us a CALL. C. B. HU BB AR J*. Cor Darlington and Gherav ula. * Benncttevillo,'C. Town Tax Notice _ ?fOTICE ia hereby given - thai th % Booka for tho. collcotion 0!"I Taxes is open and will remain ope ? . the 31st day of December 1902, u l which time they will bo closed 1 od tho penalty added oh all laxos qnpaid. - f ??fs on llie $100 for current expe risoi 21 cts on thc $100 to pay Int. on R. li, j bonds. cfs on tho $100 as a sinking fun. to j retire ll. R. bonds. 14 cts ou tho $.100 to pay Int. on 101'ictri? | ?1 ct;) on the $100 aa a sinking fund i . retire Electric Light Bonds Total Ipr all .purposes 59 cents oh the hundred dollars. Respeotflly ' MILTON MCLAURJ N, ? - Clerk^nd Twv.ta. Oct 15. 1903. Strawberry Plait The Largest Stock in the World. Nearly 100 Yarieti?B. All thc choice, iluscious kinds, Garden aud Fancy Market. Als? ??hi; ping varieties. Also Fjuit Tree kind* to growers at wholesale rates will save you half in planting an-01. hun' Dewberries, Asparagus, Rhubarb, Grape Viucs ?fcc. ? ? Our 120 page Manual, . free tn buyers, enables.. everybody to grow them with success and ptofijt. All plants packed to carry aero.1 ; ^?10 con' ii'ODt fresh as when dug: Illus 1 cataloguo free. Specify if you want logue of Shipping Varities or Fancy denkinds. ' CONTINENTAL KITTBELL, N.. ..C. .0 :. Fire Insurance, ENSURE YOUR COTTp?? Gi S'S Tl ngainst losa by firo. Rates ret nv al)le in best of Companies. Call nt or address (office over National B ink) A. J. BE38TCW. Agi Bennettsville, S. 4 . FOR SALE. Home grown Rust Pi Oats. Also Texas se Oats same variety. C. S. iclili . Oct 13 1903. ", ill ii - A] : C AN SUPPLY ' From the ] SN m t- -OF I fl. "fr. CMS o Sa ' .* ' h^j *> Wp cordially invite every lady, ii rounding country to como to our E . ?.his mngtificont collection of Fore CLO ?by far tho best efforts wo havo ovei ment?a new and up-to-date, and tasto and tho low price that we pro convinced that from our stock is tb jj^j - Our Store ?8 overflowing with th stock thai lias ever been our pleas Come One, R I AND MAKE MY STOKE HEA] ? ? m ARRBVI .. MISS. RUTH NOBLE h; DEPARTMENT. YOU will 1 accommodating but combii the most skilled trimmers i Thanking you all for yo. . tainly expect to give better merchandise for you: bought before. IE?> DB ?=* IE* IS O *Z? 3T TT D STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, County of Marlboro-Court Com mon Pleas.. MAI?GARET CROSLAND. Annie Meyers. Kitty Grice, .Betty Torrey, T B. McLaur?u, >T? T M;l?9u'nDj uni 0;'B;'MoLaurin, Piriinti?'s? I^fpj iii, t)r^V. Beatie McUus . .?'yt, iii.-ii.iul C.n?d'.vln arid.. Ju'.!...-. .! ; -'7jw ai AdwiiitflTator ?!' tho personal .' ; d' B. liv>'v '.he ), Diifccdybts. Siwwi'iiis 'for ' Relief-Complaint not Served. To .'/-o Defendants, John L- McLaur' ive: -i s McLaurin, Samuel Goodwin and ?1 uliu? J. Lane aa Adm'r of thc person* iii enlate pf B. II. Bellica. Yon are hereby Summoned and requir cd to answer tho complaint in this nation, whicli is Clod in thc office of thc Clerk of lie Court of Common Pleas in and for tho County and State aforesaid, and to t'crvo i copy of your answer to the said aa plaint on ibo subscribers at ibo office ihr at Beuncttsvillc, S. C, within web ly lays after tho service hereof, ex i'lii/ive of thc day of such service; and if yon ! iii to a nsw cr thc complaint with? i" tho 'imo aforesaid, the plaintiffs in ihh-i action will apply to . thc Court for ibo rc}tef demaudedin the complaint. LV? tl Scptenibor 23J, A. D , .19D3. [Sr, ul J. A. DRAKE, Clerk. J. H. HUDSON, T. I. ROGERS, Plaintiffs Attorneys. To ihe Defendant SAMUEL GOODWIN : Please take uotico that tho Summon; his action, of which the foregoine if i jony, wan filed in the office of thc Clerk if th? Court of Common Pleas at Bon -vi'lo, in tho county of Marlboro ir tli? ?talo of South Carolina on thc 23d luy'of ;-!cptcinber A. D., 1903. j rr. HUDSON, ; . T. I. ROGERS. Plaintiffs Attorneys. . Benncttsville, S. 0. .Sep. ii, 1903.-fit .. y .? ? ? 9 ww* y~^ry v ?> y w w y wVr? ? w v o ?? v. notice of Court. klOT10E ia horoby.givon that tho Courl \\ ol 'lenoral SCBH?OIIB for tho Comity ol Marlboro will convene ab Bcnnottavillo or d Monday in Novombor, i.boing thc . iy thereof) 1903, and tho Court o! Common Picas on the Wednesday nexl '.?i. . { said Third Monduy in Novcinboi . tie i Stn day tboreof) 1903, at Ben? ui?tlavillii in and for tho county of Marlborc . oof South Carolina. All porsoui d will tako duo notice thereof. J. A. DRAKE, Clork Court of C. P. Ss G. S. For Marlboro Co., S. C. t viet ; p 1903. - i m XHfflji? BIEBER SALOOK '.Throe Barberai Three Chairs 1 >);>i?ry thing Firat-Claaa. SALOON ON MARION STREET. i ? III AIRS, CLEAN SHAVE! I. SST OF H AIR CUTS I s'hil Ireh receive special attention luther at thc Shop at their house, Your patronage solicited. J. A. GRACE, Barber. 1.ENNETT8VILLE, H. O. SPECIAL NOTICE! "n;v\ ING secured thc services of i .li?flod man, I am prepared to pu dpwn -nut pull un pumps. Satisfactioi guan iiteed., Orders left at either Hard ...nt atoro will b'? promptly attended to. iii !. 12, 1903/- P. C. Emanuel. SD - rHEIR WANTS new and tte Display THE - ?LAND CO., liss and child ia tho county and sur [toro whoo in tho City and inspect iga and Domcatio Millinery. It ia f made. Everything in thia Depart to seo tho styles, workmanship, fino pose to mark our Hats, you will bo o place to mako your selection. e best bought, most carefully select uso to show tho public Come All, DQUARTERS whilo in tho city. SrOODS 3 DAILY. as charge of the MILLINERY ind her not only polite and ted with thia she is one of in the State. nr past patronage, we cer you this season more and L* money than you have ever mm NOVELTY Manufacturing Works Tiff HE Rosiness recently known as the ?L GL?O NOVELTY/ MANT?FHTTT. I LIING CO., will hereafter be knov THE CLIO NOVELTY MANU) : ( ! LNG WORKS, with |F. H? I sojtVpi^n'rjt aoifdiroctori . t Titi, tatos improved ivuod \\\ [machines ar? being placed for du randi] ol' ???vcUj ?rtsk for buildurs -. living prices. Mr. P, A; Hodges is agent nt Bennetts villo and will take your orders. Oct 23, 1903. orse For putting in prime condition any horse or mule the best of all remedies is Ashcraft's Condition Powders. These Powders are Won derfully effective because they cre ate appetite, the digestion is made perfect, worms and parasites de stroyed, and the system cleansed of all gross humors. The Pow ders fatten but never bloat. Ashcraft's Condition Powders are wrapped in doses. In fact, in their preparation the same care is used that a druggist would exer cise in the filling of. a physician's prescription. High grade and real merit is the first consideration. Ashcraft's Powders consist of small doses, prepared from the purest and highly concentrated in gredients, that have been found beneficial to horses and mules. Ashcraft's Condition Powders always high grade-are not to be classed with the many bulky, good for-everything powders now on the market. Ask for Ashcraft's, the kind put up in doses, and good for horses and mules only. ' Having tried many kinda of Condition Pow dors, I confider Ashcraft's the best on thc market. I mite pleasure In recommending them to my friends aud customers.-H. CAMP BELL, Hickory, N. C. Price 25c. package Sold by SMITH NEWTON, Bennettsville, S. C. m W. BOUCU1ER, jg, . Attorney at Law, Bcnnettsvillo, 8. 0. Office on Darlington street near Posh Telegraph office. January. 1899. KNOX LIVINGSTON. B. WOFKORD WAH LIVINGSTON & WAIT, Attorneys at Law, BENNETTSVILLE, SO. CA. LIM HOTEL TONSORIAL PARLOR. THE best workmanship. Bay Rum and Tonic Trcatmenf Tools the best and sharpest Polite attention always assured Three Artists in constant at endance LADIES WORK a Specialty ! Once a customer, always a custome HATCHER & MUDD, TONSORIAL ARTISTS. 4 i 1 i I g I g 1 ll D JJ HU.* MI88E8 LEASE AND W0?T?R8. DBPOTSTEBBT We are showing A CHARMING LiNB OP'tr Eal! and Winter Hats/ In All the Desirable Shapes and Material. You will find there any thing you may wish in the Ladies Line. We have also a "beautiful line of Always glad .to show our lines, OCT. 8, 1903. ya 5 1 !: ? S" What some people yon Know, and who lu;vc TcstedVThese - Goods, Say about the Excelsior Cook Stoves: 1 bought an .'Excelsior Cook Stove" last Spring. I am weil pleascd'with It not only performs well but requires less wood than any Stove I ever had. * GEO. M. WEBSTER. ..; 1 have been using the new " Excelsior Cook Stove" made by I..A.-Sheppard Sc.. . j Co., tor i6 years, and it lias always given entire satisfaction. Mrs J; Cr. W. COBB. Mrs COBB has just put in another I regard the -'Excelsior Cook Stoves and Ranges", as good as the best, and - when in need of a Cooker I endeavor to get that make ol Stove. -A. J. BRISTOW. - -: Mr. BRISTOW bought one from a sister towri, as until recently ' there was no agency in Bennettsville. Tho "E.icchuor Rar-ge" bought of yon gives entire Bat?B?aot?on? :" JA9. P DAVID. These goods ami alt kind nf Hardware, Crooteyv F???S, OUsi I can he M at ?|(JM0| H?E?WIRi '? Bennettsville, S. C. N6Xt tO W, P. BreBiiBllS. .? mr eiperloDco with yoazAto.ll.at mo Iroobleticlblofl- Et.rf nunedj w?j_?4bnm C??GS CfioIera-?n?flBl?O, . DisrrhOM.Dyreniery, r.nd the Dowel Troubles ?i i' ChildrenofAn'??g?.i \ Aids Dkjes Jen, R^UISCCP the BowJ?S, S trcogth ? 03 .. Costs Only 25 ?ats at-Draggists, ^TEETHING EAS? j Or amU 95 o?ote to C, J. MOPPBTT, M. D" OT. LOUIS, MO. : ?8,1678.-Diu continued to pa ia ott par? t)lo aolermln.d ' th* towel* wore refalu, lasdb Hu molber dolermln.d to tr? TBBTB , and thant? {?j Toot?, ?tot. ftfJV?s ?vwdSurwelL , ?Edil** OJlil Proprietor TUB keg? (Ala.) NOTTS. Citation For Letters of Administration. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, MAULBORO' COUNTY-By Milton McLaurin, Judge of Probate. WnsHEAB, J. A. Drako, Clerk of Court, a ado suit to ino to grant unto hini Lettera of Adminhitracion of tho Estato and Effects of Robert Gray deceased: These aro therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of tho Baid Itobort Gray, dco'd, ? that they bo and opnoar before mo in tho Court of Probate to be hold at Bcnnottavillo, on tho 4th doy of Novombor 1903, after pub lication thereof, at 11 o'clock in tho fore noon, to show causo, if any thoy havo why said administration should not bc granted. Givon undor my hand, this 26th day of September A. D., 1903. MILTON MCLAURIN, Sopt 26, 1903. Juclgo of Probate. An Opportunity! AN IDEAL SITUATED BETWEEN ST PAUL'S AND LUMBER BRIDGE, ROBE ' SON COUNTY, Near A. C. li. lt R - 500 ACRES. - -200 ACRES CLEARED, Good Dwelling and Tenant Ilotes. Fine Farming or Trucking Land. Good Neighborhood. Churches and ScLools, Good Waler. WILL SELL CHEAP I For further information apply or wri lo NOTICE ! IS hereby-given . that undor an order, from tho Court of Bankruptcy I am authorized to sell at-privato sale the.fol ? . lowing land belonging to._ the Estate of John Manning Bankrupt ni tua tc in Marl boro County, S. C. to wit: Ono tract known as tho "Galloway Place," on tho road, from Parnassus to Clio, ooo faining IHTi acres. Ooo traet knowa as tho "Dunbar Place" containing l?79 acres. Ono tract known a? the "Bundy Placo" containing C9 acres. Ouo tract known as tho "Evcrelt Piacc" on road (rout Choraw to'Mari?n containing 2ii(> acc?s. . ?'? ' -.. Persons wishing to buy can address mb at Clio. S. C., or H. IJ. Newton or T. W. Bouchier, at Bennettsville, S. C. JOHN CALHOUN, . Trustee. OFFICE OK COUNTY TREASURER Bcnnotavillo, S. C., Sept 19, 1903, OTICE is hereby given that tho Books ., for Ibo collection of Taxes tor Wari? boro county for tho u?cal year commencing H O IH E . January ist 1903, will bo open at tho Trca ' ouror'? Oft?cc in Bennettavillo on Thursday October 15th nud romain ouuu until DJC? ember 31st 1903. Tho penalty w.ll bo added on all taxes not paid by that dato. Tho lovy ia aB follows : State Tax 5 milla Ordinary County tax 5 milla Con nt i tu Li onal School tax 3 milla PaBt Indebtedness I mill Tiling public highway J mill to T TV T>TJ/"V,WVr tt ' JL/. i?J.lV TT IX, FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. Augusto, 1903. E. C. MORRISON, Electrician . - Machinist, BOX 57 FLORENCE, S. C. Contractor for Electrical work and dealer in Electrical supplie?. Hot Air Pump ing Enginis nnd Gas Engines installed. Pipo'fiitting and general machino work. August 20, 1903. iai milla New arrivals Mitti o'a store. "rn nock ruffs at Total tax lovy, SrEoiATj SCHOOLS : Antioch IPoH?ity Bpot,. Boykin Bennettavillo Bright?villo Kollook Lestor Tatum Wilna CLIO Ebenezer Poll Tax of Ono Dollar on all chlo bodied malo pcr?OUB from tho ages of 21 to 60 years. Commutation Road Tax of Ono. Dollar on all "Ma bodied malo pcraonn from 18 to 50 yoara of agc. J. H. THOMAS, Treasurer Marlboro County. 2 milla " _m.. ? .niuo . 2 A mills 4 milla 2 i milln zh mills u\ milla 4 milla 2? milln 2.\ milla 2 -milla