BS??NI^YILLB, S. C. BY S? A. HBO WK * CO. Q&ceoH Marion Street Oppoeite\ Masonic Hall, FridayfjulySo; 1903. tv-----L-^ Our Town Oorvernment, v MAYOR-P. A. Hodges ALDERMEN-J. Frank Breeden, 0. 8 U?affin, A. G. Sinclair, W. W. Pate. . CLERK. & TREASURER-Milton Mc Laurin. .Office open daily. POLICE-H. S. Quick, G. B. Barrett Marlboro County Officers. SHERIFF-J. B. Green CLERK OF CLERK-J. A. Drake t . JUDGE OF PROBATE-M. MoLaunn CORONER-C. F. Covington SUPERVISOR- M. E. CovTBrd SUPT. EDUCATION-W. L. Stanton TREASURER-J. H. Thomas AUDITOR-ChaB. I. Sherrin. SENATOR-Chen. S. McCall. BEFBERSXTATIVBB-D. D. MoColl, Jr, J; P. Bunch, Welcome Quick. M?aiBrAtEa-0. D. Eaaterliog, T. L. Crosland, Bennettsvillo, II. L., MoLautio, McColl John A. Calhoun. Clio, M. J. Atkinson, Bleuboim, / V, .0. 8tubbs, BrightBville, " W. W. Irby, Smithville. BennettsviUe Church Directory i METHODIST-A. B. Watson, P. C. ilunday aobool 5 00 p. m. Preaching at 11.00 a. m. and 8.30 p. m. Prayer meet ing Wednesday evemug at S.OOo o ock. rluporinlendont Sunday Behool, Phil. A. Hodges. BAKIBT-Rev. Rufus Ford, Pastor. Sunday Behool at 10.00. Preaching Sun lay at 11.00 a. m., and 8.30 p. m. Pray? meeting Thursday evening at 8 o clock. .Superintendent of Sunday school, H. w Carroll. PRESBYTERIAN-Bunyan MoLeod Pb D.. Pastor. Servioea every Sabbath (summer) ll a. m. aad 8 p. m.; (winter) ll a. m. and 7.30 p. m- Prayer meeting Thursday 5 p. m. Seats freo, Stranger? cordially invited. Sunday aohool ever; Sunday 10 a. m. Superintendent, J. T. Dudley. AU parents and children made welcome at tho aohool. HPISCOPAL-BOT. C. W. Boyd, Rector, Preaching every socond and fourth Sanday at it a. m., and 8.oo p. m. Sunday aohool ?t 9.3? a. m. Dr. J. A. Faiion, Quparintendcnt. Directory of BennettsviUe Lodge? CONSOLIDATED LODGE NO. 15, K. of P., moeia every second ?nd fourth Moa* day nights at 7.30 o'clock. E. PowerB, C. C. O. D? Eastcrtingi K- of R. St 8. &.A?I?U'?RO ?."Oin. Kw. an, ni-ialu rt ?tionnsUavil?., F?d?y ev?nUifi. ono; ho " AiTeitvYtih't'?li'tnrwt- at a c clock ... F Klin noy? W? M. J. T, "Dndb?. Secret?ry. County masonic Jjireciory. MABLBORO CHAPTER NO. 30 K. A, M., meets at BennettsviUe on the second Friday of each month. Robt Chaffin, H. P. H, E. Stockton, Secretary. ED KER A-LODGE NO. 43, A. F. M., neets at McColl. eaoh Saturday after aooB, before the full moon,at 4 o'clock. AURORA LODGE No. 33, A. F. M., iaeels at Clio, Saturday on or after each full moon at 3 o'clock, p. m. J. T. St-oton, W. M. Jpho Pariah, Secretary. y.ESBB m M ' ? '-l . BS88B-I I III IUI M.' . (jaunty Church Directory. J?enniUsvilk Circuit Appointments *EVt J. W. ABIAILL, P. C. .First Sunday-11a.m., Pino G rovo' 3 p. m., Smyrna. Second Sunday, ll a. m. McColl. 3 p. ra, Beauty Spot, Third Sunday-ll a, m., Pine Grove, 3 p. DJ, Smyrna. Fourth Sunday, ll a. ra. McColl. 3 p. m. Beauty Spot. Blenheim Circuit Appointments. REV. W. B. BAKER P. C. /irat Sunday, Hebron ll a.m: Ebeneser 3.30 p. m. Second Sunday. ParnaisuB ll a. m. Bethlehem 3.30 p. m* Third Sunday, Hebron ll a.m. Zion 3.30 p. m. . Fourth Sunday Parnassus ll a. m. Bethlehem 3.30 p. m. Clio Circuit Appointments. BEV. A. T. DUNLAP, P. C. Clio-Preaching e\ery Sunday morning at ll o'clock. Epworth League Sun day night at 8 o'clock. Sunday Behool at 10 a. m. W. A. Hinshaw, Supt. Prayer meeting Monday night at 8. Boolah .Preaching every Sunday aft st 4 o'clook. Sunday school at 3. II. M. Juckfon.JSupt. THE NEW YORK WORLD Thrlco A Week Edition. The Most Widely Read Newspaper in America. \^ Time has demonstrated that the Thrice a?Week World stands alone in a class, Other papers hare imitated its form hat BO t its success. This ls because it tells lt impartially, whether that po. litical or otherwise. It is in fact almost ? a daily at the price of a weekly; In addition to news, it publishes first, class serial stories and other features suited to the home and fireside. The Thrice a Week World's regular subscription price is only Si.oo per year and this pays fdr 156 papers. we ofter ..this unequalled newspaper and the Dem ocrat together one year for St.67. Are You Afflioted? ULCERINA is absolutely guaranteed to cure Ulcera, Ringworms, Eczema? Itch, Sores and chronic skin diseases. Send 85 cents and get a package bj mail. Manufactured and sold by R. G. DOZIER, M. D. LuraWrton, N, C. PERSONAL Mr. W. S. Mowry and family have gone to Hendersonville N C, Mr. Taos P. Ricaud and family have goufe to Mt Airy Miss Lizzie Hilliard of Browns ville is visiting her aunt Mrs. J T. Covington ia Choraw Mrs W. A" Benton of Cheraw, who has been visiting Mrs W. P. Breeden has returned home Mr. J. T. Whittaker of Paruas sus was up salesday and reported heavy rains in his section Mr. Levi Chavis of Smithville was down sajesday. He reports crops backward but looking well Mr. D. P. McQuaige of Upper Hebron was up Saturday. He re ports Bomo good crops in his sec tion, specially corn Rev. W. B^ Baker and wife of Blenheim who have been spend ing some time in Williamsburg, have returned home. Mr. Tew Manning, ono of He bron's best young men, and now in the railroad service at Vance's Orangeburg county, has been on a visit to his old home this week. MrsW. R. Wicker and her 3 little grandchildren, Misses Vir ginia, Essie and Louise Murphy, came down from Fayetteville on Thursday evening last and spent several days with her sister Mrs T. M Webster. Missionary Rally at Zion There will be a "Silver Jubileo" by the Young People's Missionary Society of Zion church Sunday evening, July 19th, 1903, at 8 30 o'clock. All are cordially invited to be pieaent. An interesting program will be rendered. First Cantaloupes Messrs Eus ter lin Brea & Co , who aie trying a melon crop just over the creek, made their first shipment yes terday morning, 92 crates, by express to New York. Another Rural Route. Marlboro got another R. F. D. route open on the 1st of July from MciV.l into Adamavillo, then hy Beauty Spot into Red Bluff, and back to McColl. Our popular and faithful Supt. of Education is now on this route, and all wishing to reach him quick should address him at McColl, R.F.D. 2. Clemson College. The Democrat returns thanks for a catalogue of Clemson Agri cultural College. "It is full of val uable information to those who have boys to send there. It ia a good school and Marlboro only had 8 there last year. X>5.-i? ni her ho iii limbri n ot Saturday;Y*Miri?.ij?{?', July - u?r Gov,. ! higt?ii?--aped v. ut -JO vs ir* i;h?. \ .*.*,.. la workii.-ji di.-i.-?.....?!, .:, devoted A iii-, ?. ?;eatie, loviog mother, and true to her rienda. She was A daughter of Mr. J. S. Fletcher, of Adamsvillc. She leaves on affectionate husband, four bright boys, and a host of relatives to mourn her loss.. The fuoeral services were held Sunday morning at Hebron church conducted by Rev. W.B.Baker her pastor. A number from our town attended thc service. *** The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Everett deeply sympathize with them in the loBsof their infant babe, on Monday afternoon. The funeral services were held at Oak Ridge cem tery Tuesday morning. * * * Died at her home at the EJ vin place .cast of town, OR Monday night, after an illili B J of three weeks, Mrs Jos D. Edens. She leaves a husband, several children and a largo circle of relatives She ?B a daughter of Mr. J.P. Hinson and a lister of Mr. Jos. ?. Hinson. She wa9 laid to rest in Beauty Spot come tory Tuesday afternoon. *** Died at her home in East Bennetts? ville on Tuesday morning J illy 7,1903 after a protracted ?UneBS, Mrs IDA HAMILTON, beloved wife of our towi B man Mr. E. L. Hamilton-aged.about 25 years She leaves a devoted hus hand and one bright little boy. The funeral services were held at the Oak Ridge cemetery Wednesday morning at 9.30conducted by Rev. A. B. Wat son of the Methodist church. * * * Mrs Sarah Stanton, a well known and esteemed lady of Clio, died the 7th a^od about 77 years. She waa laid to rest in Hebron cemetery on the 8th, Rev Dunlap conducting tho service. "Ono by ODO we croea tho river, Ouo by one, we're passing o'er, One by one tho orowoB aro given Oo that bright and happy ?hore." NOTICE IS hereby given that a meeting of the "Oak Ridge Cemetery Asiociatioa" wi 1 be bold in the Court Honse at 5 o'clook p. m., on Tuesduy th? 14 th lott., for the pur pose organ'z'ng and obtaining a charter. A 1 who have Bubeoribed tho article? of Atsociatioa ar? specially urged to attsnd, nnd all persona interested in the cemetery io any way u:o invited to be present. n. II. NEWTON, Mrs 8. E. Croaland, and Others July 3, 1903. That Throbbing Headache Would quickly leave you, if you aaed Dr. King's Nsw Life Pills. 'Ihousanda of sufferers have proved their matchless merit for Sick and Nervous Headaches. Thoy make pure blood and build up your health. Only 25 cents, money back it not cured. Sold by J, T. Douglas & Bro Druggist. Ship Stuff. NICE FRESH LOT FOR SALE BY Co S. McCALJL. TOWN AND COUNTY NEW3, ,r - Mr. Chris. D. Odom has our thanks for favors appreciated. -The iron on the new railroad has reached Mr. Everett's field they can rush now. - Tho Silver Star Band has come to life again and is making pretty fair music. -The county summer school for whites opens on the 20th and teachers should get ready. - Very few came to town last Monday, and these had the plows stopped by the heavy rains? - Mr. Robt Spears of Hebron has a pet patch of prolific corn that he intends to astonish the natives with. - Mr. Luther McLucas has moved his saw mill up near Mr. James McDaniel's, in the Beauty Spot country. -Henry Tu rn age, a "bad sam" from McColl, weht to the chain gang Wednesday N for malicious mischief. -We return hearty thanks to Mrs. Ervin Powers for a box of the largest ripe tomatoes wo have seen this season. - The "Adams House" has been closed until September and the clever managers have gone to Red Springs for rest. . - Attention is asked to tho no tice calling a meeting of Oak Ridge cemetery association next Tuesday evening in court house. - Will Johnson, colored, who slashed the coat of Will McIntyre colored, at the depot Sunday eve ning and skipped to Darlington, was brought back Tuesday by Sheriff Green. The entrance examinations to Winthrop Normal and the College of Charleston will both be held the same day at Bernie tts - ville-July '10th. - The express offic 2 has been moved to the new drug store building on Marion street - Commutation Tax is due -better seo the Town Clerk at once - Don't wait to be asked for vour commutation tax 8&T Boye shirt waists only 25c at Jackson's Jj^HAfull line of boys knee pants 25c to $1.00 at Jackson' a. Lom?os extra Fancy only 20c doz at W. M. Rowo's - Our town Clerk is ready to write your receipt for the License tax-also the first installment of the tax levy for the Electric Light plant "RORI irnrwl trrpart or?flf??o 8$ tol2^ j ?la nt 00 ' W. M. KOWQ'H. ' i Royal IicMahg LNy.vdbrs at I|; \v. ni. mur.Mj. I Jii?fc ..fceivci) :i |it?.w lot of ?ood lr?i- t?z ?Oc .... ?1.?0 pei lb ul W. M Rowe's. NOTICE-1 HAVE REMOVED MY OFFICE TO THE KOOMS OVEU THE "PLANTEIIS NATIONAL BANK." H. II. NEWTON. Sept 1, 1002. t&~ If you want a good smoko try a Cubanola Cigar for Bale al W. M. Rowe's. . P?* Pipos and Smokers Supplies in endless variety can he found at J. T. Douglas & Bro. WUT Knox's, Cooper's, and Cox's gelatine at W. M. Rowe's A complete line ol Armours Canned meats at W. Mr Rowe's W&~ Octagon Soap only $3 70 per case at W. M. Rowe's. "Strength and vigor come of good food, duly digested. 'Force', a ready to serve wheat and barley food, adds no burden, hut sustains, nourishes, invigorates.' " Driven to Desperation. hiring at an ont of tho way place to* moto from oiviliz ition, a family ia often driven to desperation in case of accident, resulting in Burna, Cute, Wounds, Ulcere, ato. Lay in a supply of Buoklen's Arnica Suivo. It'ti the beat on earth 250 at J. T. Doug la? Bra's Drug Store. YOUNO PEOPLE'S WHEKIiY. If you want your boy or girl to have a Sood paper Tur their own reading give icm tho "Young People's Weekly*' thc lea di n y young people's paper of America containing each week from 8 to 12 paget solid food for young mind*. Subscriber." to tho DEMOCRAT can have it sent to any address for 25 cts. Remember tho price of tho two papero is only $1.25. Worst of all Bzporionoos. Can anything be worso than to feel that every minute is your lastV Such waa the experience of Mrs. S. H. Noweon, Decatur, Ala. "For three yeora'' she writes, "I en dured insufferable pain from indigestion, stomach and bowel trouble Death soomod inevitable when doctors and all remedies failed. At length ' I was inducod to try Electric Bitters and the result was miracu lous. I improved at once and now I'm completely recovered. For Liver, Kidney, Stomach and Bowol troubles Electric Bit ter* is the only medicino. Only 500. II'B guaranteed by J. T. Douglas & Bro Drug, gist The Glorious 4th. Tho 4th came on Saturday this this timo, and un it wus -'Ration" day also, its observance was a dead letter with many; Tho stores and ? business houses wero all opon, ex cept the po?t office. The colored folks, howovor, had several picnics in difterent parts of tho county. We heard of no lire works, acci dents or inoidents, worthy of note. *W A full line of boys shirt waists al Jackoon'?. RELIGIOUS NOTES. Rev. G. W. Boyd will conduct ser vices rJ. St Paul's Episcopal Chu rel) next ' undny morning and night. EO.-V'OJ io PI oaby torlea Church uext Sab bath morning at II o'clock, and evening at 8 30 Subject of Sunday evening's eer I moa : "Dcoiuton of Character." All aie I invited. 1 Rev. A. B. Wakoo, pastor of the Moth odist church, ia preparing to start a pro tracted nicotine on the Ant Sunday in August, AU "mi ero?tcd are earnestly so. Hotted to ? OH) pe ra to with tba pastor, i>nd help make tbU an "old limo" meeting. Prayer meeting at Presbyterian church Thu rt day afternoon at 5 p. m. Tho hour for evening services at thc churches is DOW 8 30 o'clock. Prayer meeting at tho Baptist church every Thuraduy evening ?t 8.00. Prayer meeting at tho Methodist church every Wednesday at 8.00 p. m. Tho hour for Sunday School at the Methodist obarch hos been changed to 5 00 o'dook in tho afternoon. MARION DISTRICT APPOINTMENTS THIRD UOUHD-K.P.TAYLOB, P. H. Cito and Beulah, at Beulah Joly 25,36 Bennettsvlllo ot, Beauty Spot July 26,37 Brightavllle, Bavklu, August 8,9 Blenheim ot, Zion', " 15 Bennettsvilla Sta, !' 15,16 Mccoll & Beonettavillo M?h, (night) 15,16 North Marlboro, New Hope, " 22,33 Brownsville, 4.30 p. m, " 30,31 B3?T" Boys knee pants, sizes ?-10 25c at Jackson's. Homicide in Smithville. Oo Monday afternoon about 3 o' clock Purdy Langley, a young man of ubout 20 summers, waa shot and killed by Mr. J. W. Coward, in tho north tast corner of Smithville township OD White's Creek. It is said the young I mau provoked the difficulty, and was advancing on Mr. Coward with open knife when the fatal shot was fired Mr. Cowurd came down to town early Tuesday morning aud surrendered to Sheriff Green. His counsel, G P. Townsend, PJ-q , will no doubt make an effort to secure bond, if possible, at our Court will not be held for several months yet. The unfortunate difficul ty seems to be regretted by Mr. Cow nrd very much, as the young man was a near neighbor. Corom r Covingtou went up Tuesday morning and held an inquest. Unclaimed tottors. Letters addressed to the following uamcd doraona remain uncalled for ?at tho port omeo in Bennettaville : Men's List. Euceno Savazc, J M Spann. A J King Tom Juokson, Forest Main, R H Philips YVo?ion.; hist.-. M ry McGill. J?aiinioflfay, il mus?.t Brown, Mr ?od MR? .?? *? Hr&iltci Z?Xi } UHF: ; XQ'JEH! 1 I want you all to know that I have oponed in connection with my market an ice house and am prepared to lill all ordern for ice in any quantity at right prices. Send mo your orders and see if I don't fill them promptly. Call aud get tickets if you desire to save annoyance in making change. Respectfully, C. F. Covington. (Martling Evidence. Fn Bh testimony in groat quantity ia con? stan ly coming io, declaring Dr KmgV New Discovery for Consumption Caught and Colds to be unequdod. A recent ex pression from from T. J. Mcfarland Ben tor villi.-, Vu , serves as example, no writes: "I bad Bronchitic for three yearn and doc tored all the time willum', Iwing beaetited Then I began taking Dr. King's New Dis. covery, aud a few bottles who'd j cure 1 me.'' Equally effectivo in curing alt Luag and Throat troubles, Consumption, Pao naoma and Grip. Guaranteed by J. T. Douglas & Bro Druggist. Trial bottles fraa, regular sizes 50c and 81.00. Free Scholarships. The progressive young ladies of Marlboro are offered free scholar ships by the South Carolina Feder ation of Women's Clubs in the following institutions of learning: Converse College-three Methodist Col logt}-one Greenville College-one Charleston kindergarten and Nor mal-one -*-? Clifford Seminary, Union, S. C. -one. Tho examinations will be held July 10 at Iienncttsville. Appli cants must file their names before July 1. with Miss Louisa B. I'op penheim, 81 Meeting St, Charles ton, S. C. ?SjT" Not cheap goode but good goods at Mitilo's store. Cheap Hoad I nu. The Democrat and the Semi weekly Atlanta Journal one year or 81.50. The Democrat and McCall's Magazine-an excellent Lady's Book for 81.50 ' The Sunny South and the Demo crat for only $1.50 Thc Democrat and NEW I ?EA for $l*50. Sample can had. Don't You tove Flowers? It so, and you want some pretty pots of all sizes in which to place them, call at the Hardware store and you can bc suited. MILTON MCLAURIN, Attorney at Law and Probate Judge. Oiflce in Court Heute, Th? Law Department of thc ? South Carolina College. JUu addition to .ho regular lectures by Ul? profoesora ot law of tho Bouth Car olina Coliexe, tho trust?es and faculty are pleahcd to b* abJo to anno unco tar thc coruhig ??>?ron a very attractive ?riin o? iocturc:; to be contributed by ?ww of tb? Unding members of the Bench and ?ut- of Routh Carolina. Acf rr thoo* ? ho nave con-sent od ts 'denver one or mure lecturas to tbs lav cUw>e? erf tho O ol I tam ar*: Ho*. Charles H. Clr-ionton, U. 8. Circuit Junee; Hos. William ??. Brttwlay, U. a,' Petrit* Jud??;. Kon. T. f. Pope, ch loi J ont lc* ol Southe Carolina; Hon. C. A.'Woods, Awaoctulc Jit.-ut.-fe; Hon. Eugen? O. Gi tr;. . Aa.--o-.-la it- Justice; Hon. Edward McCmdr. Hon. J. C. Sheppat?, Hon. Q. Duncan r*oilliiger. Hon. 8. J.-Simp son, Hon. J. P. Carey, and Hon. Andrew Crawford. < Tire trasteos nnd faculty feel that Ut se.-iiJ ii,.' the >ir: lytunco of these dls tinr'ihihee Judges and lawyers they have tu.-o-wiplUhcd something that will pr?vu ot the rcr-.-atest bene?t to those tnklrift tho law course in the South Carolina College. The number of those enrolled bi the Uw department during tho huit t vu yetti3 has bean the largest in the history ?f the collegs, and the he?.'., ls tatertnihed that the prospect of them) ndiUUorial lectures may still further Increase the growing number of Uw students. Q 'Che KU"t value-of the training af for-dea" by Bchoobi of law has been too thorough?/ demonstrated to render mcej;.-'u-v any mguments In their ?up? pert. Thi day of preparation for th* hi.r by coli tn ry study In a lawyer's office bail practicably punned. Everyone fa-uiii.r- Kith the working of a law ec" ..>..-.. nr.nt (tuvo been impressed with th? i.-?<.?.-?.. . interest and seal.that re sult ii ot M hi mere association of young man wiic have come together for the cc,.?i.m. iHirpoBC of studying law. The ditU" Als. UBSioiiH of questions' of law, not only with (he professors, but also witii aol. other, beget an enthusiasm for th i lu iv which possibly. In some in stance-.', ?jttild rover have been acquired ot ker w UK (j? liv- nd-'autuge qf attending ? prof ra el.. .. t{ -iiiot In the Mute In which a m\ . I? ii practic* hts profeentoQ is in ne ou* i ? ohvioua than in that sf a lawyer. Besides the familiarity gained with ih?! decisions and statute law af the t?-At* th? . > ndahips that he sonna at such school add very materially to hi . future uscfutieea a? a etilsa'n. Th* career Of lawyers as a class ta moro apt to Vc of publie nature than that off litote encoged in any other professtsa w hu Jiu-JU. Not only are all of the Judges ol '.h* .':-.-.te drawn from tho bar. bu t ihr cecupant? of the l?gislative and ex tl vc offices are also drawn very surgely from the saine source. As oo ?nany ?.r" the ....? ?bern of thc legal pro fosatan A i naturally destined to public careers', ir ls oi no little Importance th-- . the yoting men who have decided h beeoiiMi lawyers should come into dei* toitch vit?? otfesr yanns stcn of their ?Tr? 8v.nt? who hove chosen the SV.I?V.- ?V -Kr Or ll. 'ff.? '? Hit '.suiting friendships ore not uitVequt-itly formed during the part .of a ptah's life th?-:t ls usually devoted to preparation foi the bar; and it is un fortunate lt thin period should be spent in ? 8?utc other than that In which he I:-: to live, Several years npent At a pro fession pchoo] n another state aome II mes flr.O the student so completely out 61 ibttisl with the young men ?f hta own State tltNt when be returns to practica hi* ?Mofesalon he Ands hinioMf labor 1.%' under a serious disadvantage, TV !> vc*. : i oorric ns tan ce a ls never over r-.>iivit. r A hi v vcliool, however, should be 4f*.r0tu:ed r?ot ilone by those intending to pr? i I .? law. There is hardly a call Snj| li Tor -vhk'h one would not be heHcr ;.i .-,>.-? 1-..J *?y having taken a ! oour?.: iii law, Almost everyone who t ??-.?o in d i an .tarnest stusy of the law win i.rrse vllto Burke that il is > "arda e . does more to quicken v>g<,> jir. thc understanding than othai r-'*?.Zr ??? au/nan learning pa* t*s*-| r ? hope ls Indulged, thare ntre, ti? ; the .?teadance upon the law South Carolina College may , iude aome who have not d? Vic la? Ovdi .<.f-vt.!t? I Co?.. ;liiii \\s. iapttdwi o? il f ~?.kf(. I ,vr:f?*ui?''m.w?.k- ivdi?n.tft&ris foi th? law . riiii-J.?,-' ;pL,\\ iK^iatihUi i.f t?if Bjiiircicne ' JOUit fi-.- .'.? .I-.. i'?At^ WlcU',1 I Colir.ti? nd Qi ihr? f Coings, r;lve I . wit ortpoi'tuhity td iv ar isl cn- ? i-iudlug lsv>vyer? of u?. ~. . - UuvHa ul? practical oo minioi ;: -.II ?>i the prindple? of the ..T. fa pr*.vcelHr?g his ??tudles C? w!i! jil?o tl *. th'.r having access to tbs law tltifir J; the Supreme Court, as well A? to De s--;o library, will be of tb* (.ve?' U .-. -.o him. ir ii il ure depends moro ttpoti : <-i ' ia)', than upon environ . tli? ,.? ORDINANCE 'Co pi vci ii 1 punish the prac .lining or Gambling Tuv.'n of Bennettsville : Iii by tho Mayor aad Alder i 1 i of BenncttavMH iu Ooun I . I by authority of tho samo : That the plnyiDg of any gamo . H io, rattling', craokaloo, ,nd .-gamea of chanco for, din, l?o, atorj, houso, oHlce or - sr 1 ted os a placo of bunin CHU unoccupied building wibhrf ? tl?. imit of said Town is hern Lu? ? y jicraon violating til in or conviction, shall bc fined - yo Dullars nor moro iban . ; / : ll illara, or bo impriuoDcd, or -nil elie pi >lic works of tho town nit . -ya nor moro than 30 Hay?. lcd in Council thia 5'hduy I) 1903 A.. IIO?GKS, Mayor. rt rs! Flowers! I. Moore has afine aniurns, Begonias s and other plants, that she desires to s 25c per dozen. 4? NOTICE. lufttcturing TOBACCO IS before buying. We i i money. ' ? . i P. A. Ho DO ES, * ?0 bought of W. M. .irtintced to bo froeb ,'ct satisfaction il* not - urn them and get lt 'rtok. - ?*?^ .v ., - every page, 1 . ;d every line, l * i his gauge pay tor time. Uuros Blood Foison, Canoor, Ulcors, Eo zoniQ, Carbuncles, Et o. Medloluo Froo.. Robort Ward. Maxoy'f. (Ja., says : 'SI Buffored Iroin blood poison, my hoad, fuco and shoulder woro otto mass ol' corruption, adios in bonos and joints, burning, itch iag scabby skia; was nil mu down and discouraged, but Botanic Blood Balm cured mo perfectly, hoalod nil tho sores .nd suva my skin tho rich fjlow of health. Blood Balm put new lifo tuto my blood, and new ambition into my brain." Qeo. A. Will'auis, Rpxbury, faco covered with pimples, chronic soro on back ol' head, suppurating swelling on nock, oatiug uL oor on log, bono pains, itching skin, j cured perfectly by Bo tonio Blood Balm bores all healed. Botanic Blood Balm cures all malignant blood troubles, .such I as eczema, scabs and scales, pimples, running sores, carbunclos, scrofula, cte. [ Especially advised for all obstinate cases | that havo readied tho second or third 1 et ago. Druggists, Si. To provo it euros, sample of ?lood lSalm sent freo and pre paid by writing Blood Balm Co., Atlan ta, Qa. Describe trouble and free medical advice ?-cut in sealed letter. For sale at J. T. Douglas & Bro FOR SALE. CAR FINEST WHITE COItNt\ FOR MEAL. At C. S. MCCALL'S. A full line of H. J. Heinzs Co. Pickles Preserves, Ketchups, Sau ces, Jollies &c. at W. Bi. Rowe's. For Forage, CANE SEED-BOTH AMBER I AND BLACK TOP. At c. s. MCCALL. FOR SALE ! ?WO PINK JERSEY COWS, with first calf. They are| beauties. Price $35, $40 each. ?. F. MOOEE. Nothing has ever equalled it. Nothing can ever surpass it. Dr. King's New Discovery A Perfect For All Throat and Cure : Lung Troubles. Money back if it falls. Trial Dottles free. i'liAHft?l) i'sYAlOUTH j;.acii's; Aro tho Furruer'a Favorito, Tho Poultry roan's Ch nico-in fact they ara tho Pride of tho Poultry World I Why not raise Thoroughbred Fowls in Btaad of Scrubs ? I ona soil yoa choice I Eggs from gonuine thoroughbred B. P. RV j of tho celebrated "Hawkins,0 "Milan'' and "Vandobilt" Btralns, and remember that it is juBt as easy to raise a IO lb. Plymouth Rook afl it is a baby Bantam or a Frizzly Scrub. $i for Setting of 15 EggB. $1 75 for two settings 30 ecrga. E. 0. NEWTON, Tatum, S. 0. New Scholarships for Men Teachers at the South Carolina College. C lu us? from Appropriation Act cf Gen eral Assembly, 1M: "Th?t one thousand alx hundred gad Corty dellars bc appropriated to be ?oed to provide forty-one scholarships tn cbc Normal Department, one frost c?ch county, of the valu* of forty dollars, bMldco the remission of tuition and matriculation fees, the beneficiaries to be selected under regulations to be pre scribed by the Board of Trustees." This means 140 In cash to the student, - besides remission of 140 tuition and sf 018 matriculation term fee. Thus toe scholarship student will receive from the College |& a month for sight mon I hs & assist bim in his necessary Mvlca expense?. REGULATIONS BY TUB BOARD. 1. Applicants shall hs young ?neu at least rpneteen years of age. Tee pur pose af the General Assembly being- to encourage men teachers, preference will be given to those wno furnish sat isfactory evidence of having' already taught for at least eoe session, and with sucgess: but if from any county there be no suitable applicants who have taught, thc scholarship of that county may be awarded to a young man who only intends to teach. J. Applications shall be made to the President of the College, at Columbia, before July lot. upon prescribed blanks furnished by the President or by County Superintendents of Education, upon re quest. These blanks shall provide for information und references es to the applicant's age, physical condition, gen eral character and ability, educational advantages, financial circumstances, teaching experience, and purpose in taking the special normal course. The Information thus submitted will be re garded as a preliminary examination, and those who receive permits to stand the later examination will be credited with the combined results of these two examinations. 0 ft. The later and iori rmi examination stetiH be upon English Grammar and Cwnposltion, RlBtpry and Geography, ArftnineMc and Elementary Algebra. (Algebra, however, ls not indispens able.) ^The Normal Scholarship Corn sattcee^f the Fuculty shall prepare tbs anestioas and mark the papera, The Oouafty Board of Education of each ceasfty ls requested to conduct this ex* 11 ml nat cou at the same time with Uta entrance and other scholarship exam inations of the South Carolina College and of Winthrop College (which thts year will be on Friday, July loth). The County Board will receive the questions from the Prosidcnt of the College, and is requested to return the answers to him, at Colombia, forthwith, by mall or expresa. w? 4. A stundlng Committee on Bchotar shlps, appointed from the Board, In con junction with a standing Committee from tire Faculty, shall select the schol arship students for each county upon I the results of the cxarnlnallon? fe j ported by the Faculty Committee, gr.d all the other information submitted. I Tho proper announcements shall be mads through the President, t* f. After the first year the iaoumbejit nor be reappointed, provided tfcat, in cb* Judgment of the Faculty, bia ani ses? to teach, hts progresa In study .ama bte p?serai character ln?icat* fiai .ls * a su?Ubis person to f?fttt the mWm a???!*! AMM**** W Jim Dumps asserted, ?Too much meat la Bummer causes too much heat. What ?halt wc eat ell rummer IQ$ in Our Line, as wa are ia Position To Make it Interesting to You Very respectfully *6i February 26, 1903. J. T. DOUGLAS. A. 0. DOUGLAS J.T. DOUGLAS & BROTHER, --Practical Pharmacists and Dealers in $>nrc ?rugs and patent Medicines, CTTO?L?T ; ARTICLES |^|$^Y^@W|j? Plain and Fancy Stationery and School Supplies. |?aintg, Oils, YunisI?vsBrafiiieso GLASS and PUTTY." - ? <*^_ FINE CIGARS AND TOB?C??. ^> *?* Prescriptions carefully compounded at all hours and guaranteed to be of the Purest Drugs and at reasonable prices. A full line Garden Seed & Onion Sets. Thankful for past liberal patronage toe solicit a continuanceof same J. T. DOUGJJAS & BRO. January .1, 1902. AT THE OLD STAND. 3 PEB BBB MACHINE GO W. P, BREEDEN, Jr. MANAGER. - DEALER TN ]MC&,otxiia.eir3r of All Kinds AND GENERAL REFAg. WORK, -DEALER IN AND M A N UK ACT U It BR OF Ceiling, Flooring, Siding, Brackets, Balusters? Newetei &c, BllWG MAHAL lill iF YOU ARE IN NEED OF any kind of LUMBER, -ough or drefl?od, we would be glad to have vou call at our MILL and ijok over stock. \ f?T ?horte orders promptly attended to|