BENNETTSYILLE, S. C. BY Sf. A. BBOWIT A CO. O/?co on Marton Street Opposite Masonic Hall. ^Friday, March 20.1903. Our Town Gorvernment. MAYOR-P. A. Hodges ALDERMEN-J. Frank Breeden, (J. E Exum, John T. Douglas, W. S. R?wo. CLERK & TREASURER-Milton Mc Laurin. Ottice open daily. / POLICE-H. S. Quick, G. B. Barrett Marlboro< County Officers. SHERIFF-J. B. Green CLERK OF CLERK-J. A. Drake .TUDOR OF PROBATE-M. MoLaurin COHOJNER-C. F, Covington "T??PERVIsoR-M. E._Coward SUPT. EDUCATION-w. L. Stanton TBEABORER-J- H. Thomas AUDITOR-Chas. I. Sherrin. SKNATOR-Chas. S. MsColl. REPRESENrATiVE8-D. D. MoUoll, Jr. J. P. Bunch, Welcome Quick. MAOISXAIES-C. D. Easterling, T. L. Crosland, Bonnet td ville, II. L. MoLaurin, McColI JohD A. Calhoun. Clio, W. J. Atkinson. Blenhoun, D, D. Stubbs, Brightsvillo, W. VV. Irby, Smithville. Beanettsville Church Directory. METIIODTST-A. B. Watson, P. C. Bundey sobool 3 30 p. m. Preaching at 11.00 a. m. and 7.00 p.m. Prayer^meet ing Wedaesday evening at 7.00 o'clock. Superintendent Sunday school, Phil. A. Hodges. BAPTIST-Rev. Ru I us Ford, Pastor. Sunday school at 10.00. Preaching Sun Jay at 11.00 a. m., and 7.00p. tn. Prayer uccting Thursday evening at 7 o'clock. Superintendent of Sunday sobool, H. W Carroll. PRESBYTERIAN-This church for tho present is without a pastor. Prayer meet ing on Thursday afternoon, at 4 o'clock. Sunday school, at 10.00 a. m. Superio* tendent of school, J- T. Dudley. EPiecorAl.-Ber. C. W. Boyd, Bector, ~~"S"TiflMhlDg every second nod fourth Sunday i\t il a.~m.,"and 7.00 p. m. Sunday school at 9.30 a. m. Dr. J. A. Faison, Superintendant. : .. Directory of Benncttsville Lodyes .rr CONSOLIDATED LODGE NO. 15, K. ol P., meets every second and fourth Moa I" 'lay nights at 7.30 o'clock. E. Power?, C. C. C. D. Easterling, Ki of R. & S. M.< ?uruOBIi ClIAt'i i : ' . . .< M., aicoj i tt*. 1:.'.- ntn-' '. vydi ' 1 l:V,.?? sjui. 'riilay ot euell no ?... . ^ ^ Hoi?! Ct ;: ' Ii, E. Stockton, Sucre j EUREKA LODGE NO. 43, A. F. M. __Ijeqts at McColl, each Saturday after noonThefbvc the full moon,at 4 o'clock. AURORA LODGE No. 33, A. F. M ments at Clio, Saturday on or after cac full moon at 3 o'clock, p. m. J. T. Stanton, W. M. John Parish, Secretary. County Church Directory. Benncttsville Circuit Appointments BEV. J. W. ABIAILLj P. C. First Sunday-11a.m., Pine Grov< 3 p. m., Smyrna. Second Sunday, ll a. m. McColl. 3 p. rn, Beauty Spo Third Sunday-ll a. m., Pine Grovi 3 p. m, Smyrna Fourth Sunday, ll a. m. McColl, 3 p. m. Beauty Spo Blenheim Circuit Appointments. BEV. W. B. HA KER P. 0. First Sunday, Hebron ll a. in: Ebenezer 3.30 p. m. Second Sunday, Parnassus lia. m. Bethlehem 3.30 p. rn* Third Sunday, Hebron ll a. m. Zion 3.30 p. m. Fourth Sunday Parnassus ll a. m. Bethlehem 3.30 p. m Clio Circuit Appointments. BEV. .A T. DUNLAP, P. C. Clio-Island 2nd Sundays II a. m., 3d and 4th Sundays 3.30 p. ni, Beulah -1st and 2d Sundays 3 30 p. 1 3d and 4th Sundays 11 a. 111 ?undny Eohool every Sunday 10 a. m. THE NEW YORK WORL Thrloo A Woolc Edition. The Most Widely Read Newspapi in America. Time has demonstrated that the Th ri a>.Week World stands alone in a cia: Other papers have imitated its form li not its success. This is because it tc it impartially, whether that news be p litical or otherwise. It is in lact aime a daily at the price of a weekly. In addition to news, it publishes fir: class serial stories and other featiu suited to the home and fireside. The Thrice a Week World's rcgul subscription price is only $1.00 per yt and this pays tor 156 papers. We of this unequalled newspaper and the De ocrat together one year tor $1.67. MILTON MCLAURIN, Attorney at Law and Probate Judge. Oflloo In Court House. Are You Afflicted ? ULCEBINA is absolutely gu?rante to cure Ulcers, Ringworms, Etzen Itch, Sores and chronic skin discos Send .35 cents and get a package mail. Manufactured and sold by R; G. DOZIER, M. Di Lumberton, N. C. PERSONAL Miss Ethel Ford is vis Hing the Misses Claytons in Florence The Democrat returns thanks to Mr. S. H. Keeffe of the Cotton Mills for favors. Mr Geo W. Ballard of Brights vjlle was in town Wednesday and made us a pleasant call Mr. Sol Brown left Wednesday morning ou a tour through Geor gia and Florida selling furniture Mr. E. C. Newton of the Tatum poultry farm was in Saturday with some choice B. P. Eggs Miss Virginia Colo of Rock ingham, N. C., is here visiting Miss Florence Bristow Mr. N. C. McLaurin and little son of Red Bl afr were up Tuesday and called Mrs. C. D. Sparks and Miss Mary Halo of Bleheim are visit ing relatives in Marion Mr. C. A, Hubbard of Clio was in town Wednesday and made us a pleasant call Mr. J. G. Cully of Key was in town Wednesday and made us a pleasant call. No special news in his section Rev. Albert D. Woodie, wife and little daughter of Troy, Greenwood county, havo been spending the past week with his parents near town. His old friendsi were glad to meet him again. He has a splendid work over in Greenwood The District Meeting of ?fae W. F. M. Society of Marion Distrct Will ho held io Bennet tsville, S C, April 3-5, 1903. Opening services will he held on Friday night 3d, and all the delegates are asked to he present at these ser vices All persons that feel interested in missionary work are invited to he present. Mesdames Wightman, Humbert and Waite, are expected lo be piesent. Send names t>f delegates to Mr?. II. ll' Newton, Beunettsville, S. C. Mrs J. C. CAMPBELL, Mch 19. District Secretary. The Bennettsville Fitting School On last Friday afternoon this school had a third lecture from Rev. Rufus Ford. Mr. Dibble has a fine school. It is desire to do all in his power tc give the children every advantage, Occasionally some one lectures tc them. This lecture feature of thc ?school is supplementary to the reg give you trouble and make 3Toi pay any price for meat. Your onl; security lies in raising your owi supplies-beef, pork, mutton. Yo) should also eucourage your renter to raise every hog possible. I this way you can be independen of all combines. Postivcly Forbidden. Chief Hamraet, of the State Cor s'.abulary has issued orders forbiddin drunkeness by any of his force. TL hist offense is a thirty day drop; tl second is dismissal from thc forci Men who get drunk aro not wnntei Well those orders while sent to M J. J. Pearson were certainly not ii tended for him, for he is a lempei ance man. D Tho Hens arc Laying. Mr Neil Usher of Smithville w: down Saturday with a lot of thir dozen. We arc iudeed glad to repo that the weather and green food h called oil the strike. Hotel Townsend. We are pleased to annoum that Mr. Wm Prior has take charge of tho "Hotel Townsenc at Red Springs, N. C., now one the best summer resorts, and wi spare no pains to keep up the rep tntion of this and satisfy all wi visit this place for comfort ar rest. Thc medical qualities of tl water of the springs there need t word from us. If you want re that's the place to go Good Green Coffee 8J to 12?. ? W. M. Rowe's. ?W" Kingan's pure Va. Lard gin nnteed good ns home made at W. M. Rowe's. IKsT* Fresh mince meat and a pie butter at W. M. Rowe's. $65"* Cheese ?Sandwich at W. M. Rowe'*. Domestic Troubles. Il is exceptional to find a Ian where there are no domestic ruptu occasionally, hut there can bc lesser by having Dr. King's New Lile V around. Much trouble they save their great work in Stomach and Li troubles. They not only relieve you, cure. 25c, at Drug Store. A full lino of H. J. Heinz's C Pickles Preserves, Ketchups, So ces, Jollies &c. at W. M. Rowe's. Lownoy,a Candy for salo at W. M Rowe's TOWN AND COUNTY NEWS. - Spring opensjto-mor row - No snows yet -7- Corn planting has begun - Read Croslands opening ad in this weeks issue - Choice sweet potatoes for sale at C. S. McCall's. - Tho crowd in town. Satur day'reminded us of first Monday. - The wires for the Electric lights are up and work will begin soon on the power house. ?-Visitors to our town note considerable changes about the public scpiaro - Tho announcement of Ben nett Co., of Clio claims attention this week One and all are invited to at tend Miltie's opening display ot high art millinery on "Wednesday and Thursday Mob 25th and 2Gth. Mr Leonidas Wicker is bringing in some nice pond fish daily from traps. - The storm billed for last Friday did not reach us and there were no regrets - Only a few moro days left for the hunter's sport with the birds - Lewis Ives, the old colored man spoken of lait week as hav ing lost his mind, has been taken to Columbia - Laying iron on the new railroad will begin soon and we expect to hoar tho engine whistle, in four more weeks See tho ready to wear garments offered at Mittle's store. - Tho pretty park at the Pros by terian church has been ole gantl.y raked and cleaned off un der the personal supervision of Misses Ida and Ella Dudley two faithful workers of that congre j gation fi?"Just received n new lot of seed Irish Potatoes of all kind nt \V. M. Howe's Blue Ribbon Extracts 10 & 25 cents at W. M. Rowe's. - Special attention is asked tri the supplement to the Supply Ordinance, which appears in this issue Royal Bakiug Powders at W. M. Rowe's. - If you want to buy a nico ? home in Robeson county write Mr. ? W. B. Burns at St. Paul's, N. C. Attend tho opening at Mittle's . store Wed nesday and Thursday ' March 25 and 2G. "T"*" T-rwnved a new lot o? !r . )c to $1.00 per lb nt W. M Rowe's. ! "N IAVR RKMOVIv O MY lol i: hOOMS OVER Tilt ' ': >. ic N'A i> I-A NI-: ! It. ii. NK.VHON. it ii': viani, n good smoke 11 Cigar for sale at W. M. Rowe's. - >d Smokers Supplies ir eu di twa valiez can be found at J. T Douglas & Bro. S??T Knox's, Cooper'fl, and Cox': gelatine at W. M. Rowe's Escaped an Awful Fate Mr. II. Hoggins of Melbourne. Fla. writos, "My dootor told mo I had Con. Bumption and nothing could bo dunc fo me. 1 was given up to die. The oiler of freo trial bottle of Dr. King's Now Dia covery for Consumption induced mo to ttj it. Resulta were startling. I am now 01 tho road to recovery and owe all to Di King's New Discovery. It surely saved m; fe." Thia great euro ia guarantee I foi Il throat and lung diseases by J. T, Douglas ?Ss Bro Druggists Ptice 500 am ?1.00. Trial bottles free. Nearly Forfeits His Lifo. A runaway almost ending fatally, starte a horrible ulcer on thc log of J. B. Ornct Frinklin Grove, III. For four yoara it dc fled nil doctors and nil remedies. Bu Aucklen'a Arnica Salve had no trouble t cure him. Eqally good for BurnB, Braise Skin Eruptions and Piles. 25c at J. 1 DougiaB ?fe Bro Drug Store. 1 Marvelous Invention. Wonders never cecse. A machin has been invented that will cut, past and bang wall paper. The field of ir veillions and discoveries seems to b unlimited. Notable among great discov erics is Driving's Kew Discovery tc Consumption. It has donc a world c good for weak lungs and saved man a lile. Thousand have used it and con quered Grip, Bronchitis' l'neumoni; and Consumption. Their general vei diet is: " It's the best and most relis bte medicine for throat and lung troul: les- Every 50c and $1 00 bottle is guai anteed by J. T Douglas & Uro. tlriig gist. Trial bottles tree. Unclaimed Lotto 1*9. Letters addressed to tho following nunn dcraons remain, uncalled for at tho po offloa In Bcnnottsvillo : MOD'S List. James Brooks. Manly Ellebee, M. Boyet, L. E Robinson, J. . Nordon, Alfred Adama. Women's List. Miss Brandel, Gracia E.'ane, Ma J. King. Town Registration NOTICE is hereby given that the ofiico open for thc purpose of registering t qualified voters of thc Town of Bcnnot ville and will bo open every Saturday tho Probate Judge's ollico in Court Ifou from io n. m., to 4 p. m., until ono wc before tho neut goocral election in Af next. Requisites, 1 years In tho Stato. year in tho county and 4 months in I Town, and all taxes pa'd, and exempta from certain offences. H. S QUICK, Town Supervisor Registration, BennotUville, January 14, 11)03. RELIGIOUS NOTES. Tbo Baptist Union mooting will be hold at MoGoll Marou 27-2otb. Tho hour for evening services at tbo churches is now 7.30 o'clock. Prayer meeting at the Baptist obarob every Thursday evening at 7.00. Prayor mooting at tho Methodist church every Wednesday at 7.00 p. m. . Tho hour for Sunday School at tho Methodist obarob bas been changed to 3 30 o'clock in tho afternoon. RUT. Bunyan McLeod filled bia appoint ment at tbo Presbyterian church Bund ay morning and night. Tho addition of tho noted visiting musloiana added much to tbo Binging. Rev. C. W. Boyd will conduct ser vices at St. Paul's Episcopal Church next Sunday morning and night. Tho visit of Bishop Capers lo St Paul's Episcopal church on Friday evoning last waa cortainly enjoyed by a largo nurahor of hia old aoldier friendB who turned oat to attend tho special services. A class of four was confirmed by tho Bishop followed by ono of bis bsst sermons. Many regi?te wero heard that ho could remain bat one night, having to bo in Charleston Sunday. How A. D. Woodie, Jr , of Oreen wood, ulled the pulpit of the Baptist church Sun day nigh.. His Hermon waa ninch enjoyed by many who had no ver heard him before. Tho Methodist congregation are working to have their new church comploted and ready for dedication carly in May. Tho next annual conference of thc Mc thud int Suaday School worker? of Marl boro will bo hold with thc Schcol at Pino Grove on Friday and Saturday before tho first Sunday in May. It is earnestly hoped that every Sunday School in tho county will havo icprceentalion, aud to thia end it IB urged upon Superintcrde uta to aclccl dclegntea who am and will attend. MARION DISTRICT APPOIN fMENTS. pinsT ROUND-E. P. TAYLOR, r. B. Clio and Beniah Clio, Feb 15,16 McColl ct and Milla, McColl, night, Fob 20 Bonnettevillo ct, Smyrna Feb 21,22 Brightsvillc, Boykin, Feb 28, march 1 Nurdi Marlboro, Ebenezer 3\ p. hi, mob 1 Bounettsvillo Stn, (night) march 13,14 McColl & Bcnuettsvillo Mill?, Shiloh, march 14,15 Blenheim ct, Parnassus, march 21,22 Brownsville, Bethlehem, (3 30 p.m ) 22 23 t?T" Heinz sweet mixed pickle in bulk at W. M. Rowe's. FOR S^LXJE. One nair good wagon M ULES. Work anywhere. Price reason able, for cash or on linio or on time to right parties. mch 12, 1903. P. C. Emanuel. W il W T E jy-A man who is not afraid to wotk to &3II Sewing Machines in Marlboro connty. Good contract to right man. Experience not necessary. THE SINGER MVo CO Florence S C. -.kM->' - ?VEOi AL NOTK.JK! . >'TAV!N<; Weilrod thc scVykita ul ii ?Clv,, good man, ;. um prepared to jj '? . li'wu and pull 'ip pnnil):i. SiTisfudiita gu?rame?;!; Ord .Ti left d either Hard I ware ioi'J will bf prdiiio'lj at to Lided tu. inch !2, 19031 1*. C Emanuel Wim lcd ix Traveling Snlc.smiiii To work retail trade iu lilia and four adjoining counties. Good salary and per nianent position to right man. Address with references, Lock Box 107, Redford City, Virginia. Tried To Conceal lt. It's thc old story ol murder will out" only in this case there's no crime. A woman leds run down, has back ache or dyspepsia and t'.ianUs it's noth ing and tries to hide it until she linally breaks down. Don't deceive yourself. Take Electric Bitters al once, ll has a reputation for curing Stomach, Liver and Kidney troubles and will revivify your whole system. The worst forms of those maladies will quickly yield lo the curative power ol Electric Bitters. Unly 50c, and guaranteed by Druggist, Don't You Love Flowers V Il so, and you want sonic prelt) pots of all sixes in which to place them, call at tK? Hardware stori and you can li? suited. Heller Than Gold. .'I waa troublod for sevornl yearB wid chronic indigeation and norvonn debility, ' writes F. J. Oreen; of Lancaster, N. II "No remedy helped until I began usioi Electrio Bittera, which did me more goot ?.han all tho medicino I over used The; havo OIBO kept my wife iu excellent hcallL for ycara. Sho says Electric Bittera arc just rplendid for fornido troublas; that choj aro a grand tonic and invigorator for wen! run down women . No other medicine car take ifs place in our family." Try them Only 50c. Satidfiiotion guaranteed by J T. Douglas & Bro. OurOB Caneo, snd Blood Poison. If you have blood poison producta] eruptions, pimples, ulcers-, swollen gland humps and risings, burning, itching skin copper-colored spots or ras-h on (ho skin mucous patches in mouth or throat, fall in li hair, hone pains, old rheumatism 0 (bul catarrh, tako Botonic Blood Bain (B. B. B.). It kills llic poison in ih blood; soon old sores, eruptions heal, har swellings subside, aches and pains sto and a portent cure is nimio of the wors . cases of Blood poison. For cancers, tumors, swellings, catio; sores, ugly ulcers, persistent pimples c all kinds, biko li. B. B. It destroys th cancer poison in thc blond, heals ounce - of all kind.-:, cures thc worst humors o suppurating swellings. Thousands cure hy B. B. B. after all else fails. B. B. li composed ol' pure botanic ingredient: Improves tho digestion, makes thc liloo pure and rich, stops thc awful itching an 1 all sharp shooting pains. Thorough! tested for thirly years. Druggists, $1 p< R hollie, with completo directions for ni;i 0 cure. Sample froo and prepaid by wri - ting Blood Balm Co., Atlanta d.i. Do: t cribe, trouble itali free medical advice al: t sent in scaled letter. For sale at J.' c Douglas & Bro 1 r flowers ! Flowers ! jj Mrs. J no S. Moore lias a lin lot of Geraniums, Begonii Perns, Palms and other plant well rooted, that she desires 1 sell Cvjttings225o per dozen. "WES JS^Gr TO TUESDAY lill 1 ?V? ? *iH he PATTERN HiTS I .ger than ever I J. 3lx 19, 1908, I ? B ? ff I II tl m m ,<-:< tes ?Y in (he couuty and surrounding country arc cordii* ISIT MY MILLINERY PARLORS on the abovo sec thc GREATEST DISPLEY OE ART eyer ex Marlboro people My Milliner, MISS rtAISY ' O' bas for the past nienth vis-tri r." ot' tlx Noaherii liri pontiQifi ni i';?Miiio?j'; arid inn s?ke?ul the' fu?kt s.tyli.;)! ne J up-tO'datc fitock ^vcr displayed ia thi? market 1 biiye spew time, eu?rgy find morie-? f? cot lo^cihor this firent ?gj^gntioii of M Ul? fieri creation and n4i 'i?ulj c?v deni ibjit ' eau rmi lite taste of alli ie One, Come Ail, l in Store your home while io (he city. I propose lo give )U Jlilltnciy that has never been heard of before. MY STOCK OF 0? m 0> ?fiH Se to rai Apr: irioli SK or oil ton, ex prc of ll wit bi pay i UVA I Ibis : each linn Cu in shall tbau goat SILKS, And Trimmings, Has been pronounced by all my lady friends the best I have bought experience in thc Dry Goods business. ,ods io ORGANDIES. MUSLINS, ZEPHYRS* ' MULLS, are exclusive do.-igns. ic of Ladies Shirtwaists, Skirts, Wash Suits, ything you can wish for iu my Store. I htven't spnee e keep. iou for past patronage and soliciting same for \ason. dPBCTFULLY ksi m m la m 0 5. BENNETTS VILLE, S. C. te 1 enilnient pply Ordinance for year ending j nended so as to .t any person seih ny y fresh meats, mu' . . or fish shipped by j tltc corp >r.ile limits ! nncttsville, (except ! ilouse Stalh) sh ill ? annum before ofter* ty person violating lined five dollars for imprisoned not more serelion of Mayor or This Oidiiinuce rsons celling liol loss ef. mutton, pork or council ILAUKIN, Cleric. Th rc H THE THE Tl incl Mot O Ad?' Vear Each, only 50c TIMES, ND, VA., Oonts A Year, absolutely free Mi'IILY, New York, M., philadelphia. Sunday Times, urnal and Paragon ' $3 per year, nih by mail. THE TIMES, Richmond, Va. AN ORDINANCE To Prevent leaving or Pattin on streets, pur lie square an ways of the town of I3ennetti ville any machinery, agrien tural implements, paper c rubbish of any kind. Rc It Ordained by tho Mayor and ? j dermcn of tho town of Bennot!svill<\ ? council iisBcmbled, and by authority uf 1! ?Bailie: That auy person, Ibm or corpo j (ion who ^hall or mny after this dato lim convey or leave on the streets, jmblio equi and ways of tho Town of Ucnncltbv: machinery, agricultural implements, bi gios, wagons of any kind, paper or tubb! and trash of any and every kind, shall deemed guilty of a misdemeanor nnd up conviction shall bo fined not leas than T nor more than Ono Hundred DODIIM, or itnpiisoncd not less than five dnys or mi than 30 days. Done and ratified in Council tho 13th ii t f Fcbrunry A. D., 1903. P. A. HODGES, Mayor NOTICE TO CREDITORS, TUE ESTAIK OK M. A. J. MOORE. LL persons having claims against t *^ Estate of M. A. J. Mooro deoeas< will present tho same duty aMcstcd will t]ic time required by law, and all pera indebted to same will please arrange 1 sanie at once, Mrs ALICE MOORE, .TAS. D. MOGUE, J. A. MO ORK, weh 9, 1903? Qualified Excoulorf ri%ro"Cjrefore. H. mfa tUF#Q CLIO, S g Have a large supply of the celebrated *'Fsir" l'? mers Friend Corn Planters- We * Y sold a large number ol' tlicsc Planters during the i ])ast three seasons, and they have given universal satisfaction. Every one ol' them are g mt nt ni ced hy us to give sa I ? sf ac don. WE also have in Stock The COX, The ECLrlPSE aud The celebrated CALDWELL ?ottOD. 3PXS5,:OL"to:r,?? which we are offering at "rock bottom" prices ' WR ar See us Before Buying Anything in Our Usine, as wo are in Position. To Make it Interesting to "You Very respectfully February 2(K 1903. J. T. DOUGLAS. Ai 0. DOUGLAS. B 13 a I? .-Practical Pharmacists and Dealers in fMm, ?)ri!gs mid Paient Medicines, Plain and Fancy Stationery and School Supplies. 3?ainis5 Oils, Varnish* Blushes, GLASS and PUTTY. <^FINE CIGARS AND TOBACCO.^ &@r Prescriptions carefully compounded at all hours and guarani ced to be of thc Purest Draga und at reasonable prices. A full line CR ar don Seed SL Onion Sets. Thankful for past liberal patronage ive solicit a continuanccof same j. T. BOlll 6 BRO. l/*r JaDnary..l, 1902. m lu AT THE OLD STAND, sh lo ou wo bj ire iay mt BK MMI.?.IE GO. bc ul, tin ons 1 lie W. P, BREEDEN, Jr. MANAGER. Machj-neT37- of Ail Kinds AND GENERAL^ RE? AIR Y/ORE, ^> -A'iilBQ - DJS AL MK IN AND M A N U K ACTUIt lilt OF - ,. Ceiling, Flooring, Biding, Brackets, Balusters, Mewels, &c, BUILDING MATERIAL OP ALL' KINDS. [F YOU ARR IN NERD OF any kind of LUMBER, -ongh or dressed, wc would be glad lo have von call at our MILL and look over slock. ?5?r? Phono orders promptly attended to#