" Do thou Groat Liberty Inspire our Souls and make our lives in thy possession happy, or our Deaths Glorious in thy Just Defence." YOI.. XII. I1 111 -1 NO.-8. SCH LEY OBJECTS. HU Gcun&al F.lca Reasons for ?tttilr.? ??lp&ou to the individual opiuion of Admiral ?fwoy. THU ?UOUNDfl FOft COMPLAINT. The bill atolls t hf\ fellowing grounds in nupport of tho oVJoc*ioa: 1. Thai majority of tho oourt havo giveo th^r opinion that Commodore - ' Sohley should liavo procoaded with tho utmost dnpatoh.ifl Oioufnogoa wbon thero wan no spoo?nv'ion covering this rubjoot, and rch*a tho opi>lioi\ni did not novo t>affioicnfc opportunity to bring in proper tmd convtcoinp; evidence in refer !iieo! thereto, and when tho only e\id i-oo taken by the oourt oa thikj luhj.ot wan direolly oontrary to thc opinion rendorod. 2. Tho ms j bitty of tho oourS have held that tho applicant should have en deavored to oj-on c rnmupiuation with tho inturgonts et tho place d*oi?u*trd in tho memorandum by Comrrorloro McCalla, delivered to him on tho rcoro icg of tho 23rd of May, 1899, whoo, in faot, thoro was no plr.co mentioned in said memorandum an hoing a plnoo afc whioh a oamp of insurgouta waa lo bitted. 3. Tho majority of tho court havo airiv ;d at tho opinion stabed in tho foregoing paragraph without iegwl to tho faot, which v/as proven by an over whelming weight of t#ntlmory; that tho said MoOfctlo memorandum was eont io Oomujudvio Bonley only io? nee in ooaaootion with tho information it contained relativo to certain batteries At, or being constructed in tho violciiy ' of Tho ontranco to tho harbor of Oion fuegos, ne attested by tho order No. ,6, dated May 19,18C8, and ?ont to Oom modore Sohley by Admiral Ssmpr.on, 4. Tho msjoriiy of tho court in thc opinion rendered hold that Commodore Kahley ?hou.'d h?vo maintained a olo'o ; blockade of ?sonfuojoo, whan by over Whelming testimony it wan prov?u that ?a olosO and effeotivo blookadr. of that . pert v;?3 maintained, tho jud^a ndvo . v^-harS^ ?.aufaix.jHldlv . abandoned, v ohargo to tko contrary.' Thc majority of tho oourt in tho op. rendered havo entirely ignored tho uujonlradiotod testimony proving ,chnt tho Uritish steamer Adula was pormitted to go into tho harbor of CJiqnfu?gOB in order that information m'ght bo obtained through hor au tc whether tho Bpaaish floot was thon in that port, it having boen dearly cs tablishcd that tho captain cf tho salo British ateamor Adula promised aud .agrood bofore permission waa givca him to enter the port that ho would bring his ship out in fewer than 2* hour J and furnish tho iuioiniaiion do " -aired. 6. Tho majority of tho oourt, ia the opinion rendered,, havo entirely failed to .refer io dispatch No. 7 admitted to havo beta scat, by Admiral Sampson to ?omu odom Sohlcy, tho construo tioa of wliioh WM agrocd upon in tho Argument of tho cs? o, to wit: That it ,. was an iatporative ordor for Gcmmo dove Sohit-y lp hold his roi';adro-i oil ?iqbf?eg?? ?hothor the Spanish fleet ?ai or waa not lh*i? pori. V Tho mujoiity of tho devitt in tho opinion rendered t-.ftvo entirely ignored tho admitted t\-. dieted toatimony of dpt. li. E. Gook establisher tho faot that tho o?ioial oharts with whioh tho fl?gahip Brook lyn wai BttppHod, aad upoa whioh (Jom modoro Bohloy ws oompelled to rely for. information, ebowed ooaling nt Capo Oma to bo neither foasiblo nor v' piaotloable, and tho rooord? ol?arly ehow that not until tho 27th of May, .. thrco days after leaving Olenfuogoii. Whoo Capt. Oh arion 8. Cotton visited y-?fo tho ilsgfahip Ilrook'yn, did Oommodoro . . Bohloy reooive aay dofinito information " oonaoiniag the foafllbility or praotjea bili tv oa^^?JU??&kiim from a col.' bavo boon wholly ignorod by tho ma jority of tho court in formulating their oaid report of fnot?. 12. Tho majority of tho oourt in Hint ing m itu report of facta that Ooninio doro Sohloy roooived no positivo in formation from tho ooout ships au to tho proionoo of tho ouewy** fleet in the harbor of Santiago utterly ignoren the ! overwhelming testimony in proof of tho j f ?"il that Capt. O. D. Signboo did no tu-' .ily report to Commodore Sohloy, and to otho? that tho Spanish Hoot wai not in the h?rbor of'Santiago. 13. Tho opiuion of tho majority of thc oourt and tho roport of faois ie en tirely silent on the subject of tho proven and adniibbcd failure of Capts. W?so and Jewoll to ooinumniost* tho information they had vcotivod in ref? i cnoo to tho presence of the Spanish I floet in tho harnor of Santiago to Com modore Sohloy. 14. Tliat tho roport of the faots sub mitted by tho courts stnt?fl that tho oohditioau o? niud, ana and weather Iron noon on May 2b* co Juno lot, wero favorable for taking ocal from a collier at noa i if Santiago, when this statoment haiti boen dirootly oontrovortod by tho ovidwnoo of tho wituosses for tho gov cm mont. 15. Tho labios proparod by govern ment oxm.iln and admitted in evidence bolero tho court showing tho co/l sup ply of.tho vessels of tho flying squad ron, with loforonoo to thuir oha<&iug oa p&oity, prcoicding at full spoad wiih loroocl uiaught, hnvo not even been ad v?ricd to in the report of facts. 16. Therj hau not boon tho slightest ie.foronou made by tho majority of the oourt to the oid?to of tho honorable seo rolary of tho ur/vy^ oflored and proved tu ovidcuoo, forbidding tho hoasrdiut; of Ainorioan ships against shore bab te?os, ?ind the court has d loi.ied against tho supplicant upon tho sevonth speci fication of toe prooept, without, in the Schott d'.(.;\co, referring to this imper tatt ovmeuoo. ' 17. The majority of tho court have onbiroly failed to givo any opinion at to tho ohar&otor of tho blookado ol Santiago, although tho same WMI in duded in tho oighthspsoifleation of tin prcor?pt, ai;d by spcoifio direotion th court wes obligated lo givo an opinioi thereupon. 18. Tho mt? jority opinion of tho oour that Commodoro Sohloy should luv ottdo?vored to oapturo tho Spaniel vessels at anohor noar the entrano? o Sau ?iago harbor, on Puny 23 add 30 and that ho did not do his utmost witl thc force undor his oommaud to oi% turo or destroy the Colon and otho vessels of the onomy, on may 31, i wholiy at vim KI? co with tho orders un dor whioh Commodoro Sohloy wes act ing before Sandigo, said ordexs, as i allotted by No. 8, datad May 21, 1898 and sent Ly Admiral Sampson to Cou niodoro Sohloy, rostrioting his open tion io Ibo ootablishuiont and mainton anee o? a ?WnK'ad? o? tho port of Santi UKO, if, ii.'. 3 no my should bo fouu thovoin; and also paid opinion ia uttorl ?nd t\bi)i.lrttely-> feb x*A?noi} with; tl overwhelming woighb of UstiuioD whioh o'iearly ostabtished the fact thc tho afftirof May 31 was predetermine upon and executed as a reoonnoisunc und nob os a xormal altaok upon tb Spanish vessels nor upon the land ba tm kn at tho outrance to tho harbor < Santiago. 19. Tho majority opinion of tho con is ambiguous and indeterminate in tht tho oourt holds tho ?urn of tho Brool lyu to sUrboard was mado to avoid go ting hor into dangerous proximity t tho Spanish v*ssolu, without stalin whether evasion of such dangorov proximity on his purl wan duo bo tl personal fears of Commodoro Soldo: or to a dssire on his part to proton tho ship iuuot, and ready for furttn Work in tho effort to win A victory fro the cnotny, 20. Tho mt jority cf tho oourt ha^ entirely ignor&d tho overwhelming ts tiniony munnittid in tho oauo in Arri tug at tho opinion that Commodo Sohloy erred in commencing the o gsgomejut on July 3 willa tho pert bi ?.ciy, tho evidence lu the caso olear] oHt>blidho& tho faob that in tho exec lion of tho standing order to ."oloso und attack in hurbor outrance," it w impo&siblo for tho Brooklyn, wibho turning away frc n tho onomy, to opi tho engagement exoept with hor pt battery; aud tho evidence,also oioai establishes tho faot bhnt tho turning tho Brooklyn in tho manner and dirt lion ia whioh ?ho did turu did ii cause her to lose oil mr diutanoo or j bi.ion with tho Spstuah vosneltf, t coe rary oj inion ol the oourt upon b) ?ui joct borny armed al only by diu Ricing ?.?i tho ovidonoo in behalf .umuiuudoro Suhloy. 21. Tho ni?jority opinion of the ooi is ambiguous and indeterminable ?.mu while stating thab tho Brookly burning onuaed tho Texiie to stop a "to buck htr engines to avoid posuil collision," said opinion doo? not sti Whcihor tho dangot of ruo h collision comprehended by hbo 9ih speoiftoati > milled in the oeio and could only 1 bson arrived at by the aotlon of oourt in wholly ignoring all of the denos of witnessed oallod by tho jr advocate, whioh wai favorable to nMd Commodore Sohley. 25. majority opinion of the oour inconclusive in that it lsd entirely lent upon a ohar**e proferred bx him to oo?ne within tho purviow of tho first spooifioatlon; to wit: That tho ?aid ?ommodoro Sohloy was dorolioi in tho ?isobarge of his duty and unmind ful of tho vologations for tho govorn moat of tho navy of tho United States iu that ho did not pro30iibo and pro mulgate anticipatory orders of battle, 26. Tho majority of tho oourt have entirely failed to dotermino at to who we? in ooinmand of tho Ainerioan nava! forooD engaged in tho battle of Sen* tiago, tho finding of which faot wwi ab aolutoly neoissary in ordov to determine properly tho fiisc npooitioation of tho prooept ae to tho oonduot of Comino doro Sohloy in oonneotion vii tu tho events of tho 8*uti*gooouipi.igu. 27. Tho wejurity 0? i-ho eourfc havo ry j to', od tho wno lo of tho testimony of fered on behalf of the applicant, and havo i oi ndv^rcvd to uuo'u tesijinonv and havo ontiroly ignorod ibo to??tim.my of tho Applicant hiumolt, who was on tho Btand for many hour* arni uubj o od to the most searching cxatmoaoiot j ?nd by so doing they have pcrnrtoa the cuds of ju-uoo. '.Chut if this tostimony was all faino they should h*vo SO an nounced, and if all or any part of ii wau true tho said applicant was ontitlwd to th? benefit "/it und by declining to oomidor or patf/upou it thoy have de pr iv co. hun of Ins o JIU mon law u&d con stitutional riguts. 28. That tho majority of the oourt found tho applicant guilty upon op*oi fioAtions whioh vtcre substantially ?,banc?oned by tho j nd jo adviento, as will appear from argument in tho oaao. 2D. That tho whole proceedings show that, tho majority of tho oourt, in the opinion and roport of f*otn rendered, h:=vo sciootcd tho to*liinony of a fe*/ hostilo witneBtos and upon that testi mony havo based the said opinion and report of i?voi.i, discarding all the otlur testimony ia tho casa without making the slightest roforenoe to it, os they were direotcd by tho prooopt to do. 80. Tho applicant, bonidea tho rea sons horoiu givon, hopes to bo ablo dur ing the further investigation of tho in quiry to nddaoe other serious nod im portant remona why tho majority opin ion ci! tho oourt should nob bo ap proved. 31. Tho applicant io prepared to show that the whola phioeedings upon tho part of tho majority rJ the ooucti havo boon ontiroly irregular; that hia rights have botu prejudiced and ig nored; that his testimony in many moro pneiiouiars than have bc cu heroin eitod has not been oonsidorod, and that the ovidonoo is absolutely iusuftioiont to Austain tho opinion which has boen ronderod by tho majority of tho oourt, that a gravo injuslioo hiis boen oomtnifc tod, whioh Would boooine irreparable and btconio porpotuntod unless this opinion of tho majority of tho oourt should bo disapproved. . Wherefore tho said applicant most rospootfuliy prayu that approval of .the opinion of tho majority of (fold oourt of inquiry bo o it h hold and that add opin ion ho>disapproved ?nd that ho may ho ?feffordfd'; t'ho??? piau?viuujtvr> to \Tiayo tlio testimony of ifrrco?d of Jir * .Chin witnesses . properly oohBidevod nnd pnssod upon, and that ho,bo givon tuc h othor and further relief aa ho is ontitlod to in tho promises. W. S. Sohloy, Hoar Admiral U. S. N.;(Hotired,) Isidor K&y?or, j Jamen Parker, Counsel for tho Apphoant. A Big Increase. It will ro doubt surprise many to know th tv, there has boen greater ao t i vi ty than in a longtime .'among tho county boards of aqualipatiom^and oqun ty auditors in tho matter ??' secaipng" ?ullor roturas ot property for tnx&tion. In faot, during tao yoaiv just cloding moro has boon aooorn pi lobed in this direction than for hom J yoara. ..Wed nesday the footingo of tho 'abstraotjs in the eontp.roller genoial'a omeo iori the year wore made auu thorn.will bo no ! ohango unlcsb it is a maUor of o ?ewv thouhand dollars only in,the porjouulty ilgutes. Tho figums compared ?uh" those of last your show- that thorojhaB j boon an inoro.ase tivtsxably property on tho books tins yo'?r-^b?-?e?r,Jj?r twiivo millions of dollars. Tue exiot figures | aro $11,870,212. Thin means a good deal and ?hows that thero. hus hoon greator aotivity thin yWyiu^vneSiuiu ler of ii av i g property assessed' * a|>ts proper YMIUI). Ol oourso a groat peal /uu yet io be aooouiplintud, but ibis lt? eoubidtrcd a very good1 start in ithe tight ouoooion. Tba . Va'lubbtorii of prop .vi.y for laxatiou tnia year a* t.-^on un i. OL /rom tho nu.mvo-j is a? toi u>. : Porcuna!. ft..... .v$ 'W?.l!3?6 Beal., ......_.."'IltiM6U|72n iUilroad.. ; . IA , .? ' " ' - '_ Toul......,. .V... ;'-:.;$i^8y5,?uo LA?JI yr.at's f^?ros^ aV U^i) 'ohm nielad af tor tho roport.of tho ooinpfroi 1er was iusuod, wore as.foilpwi?;. / ? PersonAl., ..$'53 428'?047 Baal.iv.. uVA lb2 137//77 Byroad.?V'f 2?;3&9,V.7a Total.?V.',. i ii ! :$:i8?>(J2?;097 This shoeing ls vsry giatiiying to thouo in ohavgo o;' tho finaheos of the Btftto.-Tho btato.' , . -, ? Safe Blowerii at P?lsior. The jewolew store ofv-Mr. G. K. Marohb?nks tn the town-bf Polio? was broken into betweeu -and 2 o'oiook Wednesday morni?^^tiU .the robbers applied dynamite to Kia j'^.-jlvy sfife, whioh in nmd jfu h;wo made, it apsifet wrsok. A ?ui?beri .of. watohe? and quautitieu cf Jowal y vvoravs'j oil?d p,y!tho explosion, Asd. f>0 sold lyalohes were oauied off by the .burglars.'. (Ilie im pression ii that the men engaged ia tino dastardly work went there in a buggy, whioh they used to make their..; ?iospe, a?d thu? thwarted the efforts made to traek them with bloodhounds/. No oluo hae boon disoovcrsd as to their whom j rbntts, but it is not likely that they Jm get away from thia seotion without being apprehended. Tho loss to Mr. Marehbank* is very eonniderabls, and ho has tho sympathy of the oom'.minity in his misforluae. A Strango Kind of Poac*. Thcro were six jkirraishos in tarions parts of Bitangas province Wednei* day, Th? insurAouts. did/not make a tdnrdo stand, Many Jfiiitiin'\ woro killed. The Am?rloant? had pA >\ ? 'ow men wouade?l. Additional Jjofe j hate been ?eat to Gen.* Bell, who|s o* frying on aifressWe oampaigiA 'ab?U and I^guna]pi THE STATE CAPITOL. Fact? About tho Building Now N *avii># Compution. OF INfER??T TO MANY. Whim 8nd Hew th? Work W*s S?gurt, Tho War Psrlod* Tho Resumption of Operation. Tho splendid fcranUo odifloo rchioh is tho o ill JU I domicile of (ho State, of South (J mo li nv, fcftor having boco 50 j yo*r.) in building, is at laot nearing ooniplotion. Deigned originally to oo/i $5,000,000 ?cd ?ntondod, aa some of tho political patriarchs of tho ?Uw aver, to ootvo au tho capitol of thu" southern Cotifvlerao/, it is today hut a p?mblauoo of tho oonot-ption of Jehu R. Niernsoo, who docignod it. As it e^unr, it hn? odflt tho Seato of Souih Carolina $2,500,01)0. lt i. intimately :<.:;. sooiatod min. ipfthy ?rufiio inoi Jcn^A iu tb > Sf iV.u'a histor; , and has bopoiao ni row ty ono of the historio etruoMirou of tho oouutry. At ? I'M ?o9?iop of tho gonoral awem bl> of 1850, wbilo rho Biato ?re) in tho 11)roon ol tito first great agitation of tho Moondon quotion, whioh oudod in tho i formation of the right of r, State to aooodo, the lo^islativ* ooiumittoe on tho B. ?to hoiuo reportad thar, tho State rooordu wero in d?ug'.ed for their ntcfo-keoping. In ootiii qa?ooo of this report, tho appropriation mil that yoar oontainod a olauuu authorizing tho uao of tho proceeds of: thc side of lots iu the oity of Columbia for thiu purpose. No bili authorising tho onction of a now State houvio was paiuod, although it io oleg.r tliatitwas tho intension of tho leaders at that time to pr?vido for tho erodion of a orodiuble publio building. Judgo O'Neal gavo tho orod it to Hon. Bou j Arnin Hunt of * 'loading tho legiulaturo lniporooptibly into tho soborno of building a now Stato houao." Tho oorns.vatono of a two-skory build ing ?7a? laid Deoombor 1.5, 1?5J. This building wai erected on tho tquaro thoo occupied by tho old S tata houao, fronting on Main (??ot, tho old build ing then ?Unding at tho oomor of Son ato and Auaeaibly etroeta. It was a modest straeturo, intsnded to servo au a wing of tho projooted oapitol. It wao about completed at a ooit of $250,000 ?sd nonie of the rooords had hoon ve rne ved io it, in the on mme r of 1851, whin the ocmmioeionorfi in ohargo no tiood cracks in tho door and Y/indow arch?o. Thcao dofoclit, bt coining more, pronounced, .tim commissioners om-, ployed John R, Niirnticoj kheri-,rodding m Bidtiinbrw, a^.coli??ul?ing arehh?.-?, .M..'..>'..;..??./- J ?i?U i }??&#$j$%KM'AI m inakituto and many okhoriam'dn? I/R?\-V inge, and was ono of tho foretnout arohi toole of his time. Architect Niorusoo abso.latoly oondemnci the otruokuro, and under his advice, it was raacd to tho ground, only a portion of the foun dations boiag toft, whioh now remain under tho wesb wall of tho prosont oapitol. It waa thon that Niernuoe do [?signad tho siiuoturo whloh now st?nde, tho gonoral assembly giving oanokion ko un isBUo of bonds for tho "continua tion" of the oouotruotion of a now Stato oapitol. Tao adjoining equaro wau purchased, and the building looato upon ita prc no nt site. * Iii anticipation of tho approaching gooat oonfhot tho work was fovorishly pushed ' until tho war practically titupped it. A tramway wa? oonsvraot od io tho granito q lamas on tho rm>r, and huudiodn of laborors woro em ployed quarrying and droaoiog tho .hugo pieces of granite roquircd. When tho work of building ?va? thus rudely sloppod, tho talented a?ohitoob cx olmii&H.d hm drawing iu?turmmito for he fi.-.oid, and did valiant oorvio$ in tao army of ibo som horn Oonkdwuoy. On that momentous day fco tho pro plo of this btato, Fobiuin ft lit ?le bUok or wc^Ue, and-\ /flnjlihei/iu the host; man?mt knowri'Vio stOnti etiiierii, It was id ha? ihat enkabl?Vdr'{ of th? djpjahi should h*> oui from s fl?DfccL ?steno, whioh was aotuslly qu*r . tod-i&d'?s-A t-hq ground at tho oloso of tho wft^'hiv^^waB novor dre?sod. and during Jho 'r^oonotruotion period tho bgird?itis* donatod n portion of it for ^ moriv'nont to a negro politician, . * Itym out in two. Thia is said to ? tho largest picoo of granito timo ovor quarried in tho .n'Si^oa. Dariitg tho di?graoo?ul p?rl#fct?/bio.U followed iho w*r, who? tho 'p%>V*o of tho north wore endoavor rug tjjj t-.'.'?u?o tho polition' rights of tho negro dy overriding thoio of tho intol iiit?nV/,^nd property owning poople of this ?Wtfy all material on tho ground fimair ?^?ogh to bo movod was "ap prop?i.Mo?j" with all othor property of tho ttit\t;o, by tho sonlawa^i and ildoy^vhon iu oonii'ol of tho govorn-, morie. - IO o huodrod thousand dollars c-ai\ ; v >puOtsd in "furnishing" tho St'; Uotuo with desks, clo., that wo?' ; f.i*.vr. boon cxhorbiuut Qt ono M mi .t'M'hu pt?coo ohorgod, ? nd in ouu^y. ?u?oh nowa aaa silver phtod ' vfarc;.' t)'(??or for uho governor's oHio .*-,?,^^IJ?^.ou?pjdoru ai $18 caoh, ^r-d ot.iit? *y jotoH ia proportion. A m*J >ri ty o? tfliomumbofO of tho house of rop rose&jbtives oonld not ?rito thoir naeiila vt'hil? a majority of tho mc in ner?! oh. w' o sonata vrero m tho habit of eottftfjjj; their porooual atounU by or d(jri6 Vtj,>on tho oouiingont iuqd of tho K dooiidvo turn to affair?.-Tho Stato. _ ' i Negro Dines Whites, Carlia Mitchel), a prosperous negro farmed, of Smithville, near Atlanta, han j o.ci'xl much oouiniont throughout tho hini oi favorable and otherwise, by hav 1 i'?ivto ditto itt hia homo a party of tho i;^oV.ki(e^.?'Vj>itopooplo in his ooinmu : iMUoboll is a sbrowd planter, ifv'f'j ry |V^o.'?6ira and ic vory popular KA -cr * ? i i rt ti s o.i>? o. \ Ho recently iuoo JCK j.'?ivo1 a Minnel ;) to nia iridio *ri< dey/iliuutr&tivo towhat ho pro di- d on hi? fr.ria. Among those itt mi l.wero Mr. and Mri. Orrio Thomp son, W. W. Tboinpaon, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Burton, Mr. and Mrs. Milton A. Smith. Atlanta; Mrs. Ohsrry, Macon; Mrs, fowell Mc Afeo, J. B. Ed warda, D/. J, W. Clark, besides a number of children. Mitoholl did not sit at tho I table with his guosts, but played tho ; host by dirooting tho waitera, whom ho ? had imported from Sjtithflola. At thc I conclusion pf tho dinner tho visitors ! ox.Minii.od tho v/yll lilied store housss of j their host, uod roturned homo oxprots i ieg thomsolvos ploetscd with his hospi tality. _ ' Industries in This State. Tho oeusus bureau proitmtnary report ' on the manu?Ajtaro? of South (Mroiina shows a total of 3,762 eatablrnhmontb with produots in 1UU0 valudd at $08, 748 731 and total capital inveotod $G7, 3&6,465. Other figuras ar?i: A vor Ago number of va&o ?aruor? 48,135; total wagoo $9 455,900; misaellanoou? cx ponijoa $3,111,587, and oontof ni^torinl used $34,627,7^5. The capital show? an inox??da of 130 por coufe, over 1890 aad value of prOdacts an ir. oro ano ol 81 per cont. Tho oust of ruatorltdu inoroas ed 80 per cont. The city of Chatltston soparaioly reposed, has a total of $12, 473 187 in CApital invented, and 00, 6b'2 387 in valao of produots. Those uro uuroasuB ot 70 and & per oint. r? npocuvolj. Chfcrieaton has 364 cs lablittbrosnta, 5,527 waua ooraers, got ting a total vf $1,'169,966 iu wages. Tho ini?eoilancou? ?xpouoo* foot up S7'H>, 573, and oouh ot materials u?o? $5,633, 578. "Where the Money Q oes. Po. m du iii. IUOAOVO i laja particuUr ?trotis upon our loio of peaca and our ttooiro to bo at psno? with tho world. Ic will tkosk him lo road th? latest irtniury nutlotiu aud loam that tho ox ponctitur?R ut tho war dapartment for tba preatnt fi*oal year exoood by more than thu? millloas tho civil and mis oollaneeus oxpiadituros. Aooordiog to that showing ?he only dapartmont with groa er expo&dituras is the pension or noo, and tbat, iuo)ud?ss poneiona paid to tho turvivero of all of oui wan, The isavy dep?rtm?nt comes forth with au ?xpendunre noorly twioo as largo as tho aalion'e intsrsit aooount. ?arnpson Pfotest?. S?ayiton & Campbell, v/ho appoarod before the court of inquiry as attorneys fer Admhal Sacapson, haye applied to Secretary hoe.?, for permission to ba heard i% prot?t against the approval by the ssoreury of the minority report written by Admiral Dawy aud append (jd to tho Wa joni y report of the cou ri of Inln'^y. Tho secretory ha? eon sent&d to r??ei?e any papers they may ?aro to submit, _ Mies Harriet Murphy, ono of the belt known young wemen of Pittsburg, P?M was Murdered in her heme by a burglar Wednesday moraine Th? as sailant entered through the rear of the house. The disordered ?room evldeno?d a desperate straggle. Mies Murphy Was treasurer of the Qinsley Honse lfuud, a popular eharlty. The money ie mlfiiilng. During tho past year hayo you been bonottlng your nefflthbor's paper? If so quit bothering your neighbor and TEN PEOPLE KILLED, Tons of fvUltad Metal Poured Up on Helpless Victims* HORRIBLE DEATH 8QENE8. A Plttsbu gQas Furnace Exploded and OAUftod tho Tumble Destruction cf LU and Pr? p arly* Ton roon woro burned to dooth and four ir jared by an explosion of gua at tho Bobo furnaoo of Jones & Laughlin, in Buiond avenue, near Brady streot, Pittsburg, Pa., Thursday, Tho ox plosion was oAUSod by a slip io tho fur usoe, tho pas and fl anio* bolohiug up ward through the boll. Tho men w?r* ou tho furnaoo platform, 85 foot, above tho greund. Thijro woro 10 mon on tho furnaoo vi hon tho explodion ooourrod. J/.f icon of thom were ona.?ht in tho fiamos. Two of them osoai'cd with slight ia j arion. The other four wore tho lej'.tli-iV men employed aa top fillora aud esoap?d without it. jury. . The explosion was oaused hy tho gas bcoomiux encased ia a or cut o? oindor forrniug at tho bottom of tho fucaaia. ? whooi barro >v ooataiaiogoro had noon sent up to tho mon aad wheo they weat to damp it into tho bill of tho furaaoe they pushod it over too far and it roll I ed into tho hopper. Th? barrow weigh I od 900 pounds 'and wan too hoavy for tho mon to raiso. The 15 laboro?, all llungariane, were thon ?ont up to as i:iat thom. Had it not been for the barrow aooidont no ono would have heoa hurt, as tho roguUr moa know how to proiootthomsolvoeatsuoh times, an similar explosions aro of frequottt ooourrouoo. The explosion ooourrod in one of tho big blast furnaces. Tho mon woro at work at tho top of tho furaaoo over 120 foot from tho grouod. GU ri, which had aooumnlatcd in tho furnaoo, oxplodad and toas of molten metal and sl?g wore thrnwn ovor tho uofortunato moa on tho top o? tho lilraoturo. All tho men mado a tush for tho olovator, but it had gone down and thora was no oaoapo. lo. jump meant certain death, and tore main ca tho platform was just as cer tain doom. Tone} of moiton metal and flames foll upon tho mon and burned nine of them to death. Their bodies fell to tho roof of tho mill, 85 foot below, over y bono was broken andan unrecog nizable mass Of human flesh, Ordiaarily only three men work on top of the furaaoo, bat this morning about 0.15 o'olook ono of tho heavy iron wagons used ia taking ap tho csc.to th?-top of tho fijrnaoo got stuok .on Ono, t?jft.r.t "/Uto* si?o';?.r.?o-;'nt).\V. mon wont up, but they could not niovo tho wagon and moro wont np, until tho number roaohod 14. It was whilo thoy wevo trying to got tho wagon re leased that tho fatal explosion took place. All the mon at work on top of tho Iurnaoos wero Slavs and Polos. Eyo witnosseo say that it was tho most horrible sight tboy over witness cd. They cay that v/hen tho oxploalon took plaoo there was ono groat loud roport and tho hoavens woro illumi nated with a oheot of fl .uno, showing tao mon on top of tho furnaoo run ning about, gesticulating wildly. Tho flanios aaa hot motal lookod liko a voloaao ia notion. ITivo of the man woro blown ot? tho top of tho furnaoo and n. rao go ns it may soem, theso moa ?to tho oaos that aro stilt liviag. Tho ot hors hung oa tho reding, nomo on tho outside, others on tho insido, until their olcthiag was buraod off. Two of tho viotimi hanging on tho outside hold on, ai.d romaiuod tonaoiousiy oliaging to tho railing until their fin ger? woro burned off. Thoy thon fell to tho toot' of the mill, doad. Seven of tho viotims woro found dead on tho platform of tho oupola. Theso wera oomplotely denuded of clothing by tho ll>mun and thoir bodies rf( ro bumed almost to a orisp. HuudreUD of predeBtriant? on S*oond avetiuo had narrow esoapes from death whoa tao explosion occurred' Toas of oro, coko ono hot cinders, some W0?ga? lng nimost throe pouud, rained down on bcoou? avenue aaa many had to run imo housua and stores for pre tootiou U .IJNJ 369'of tho Homestead division atb p..(i not; ju it ac tho timo tho gas lot go. ibo OOKO atid othor material failiug on tho oar, which lind 25 paaavu^oru aboard, oausuo a panto ault , M.y jamp?n elf and more would havo f oho/.od aad not tho coolness of the oouductor saved thom, NJOO of tho paasoogoru was in tho ioaat in jured, bat all wt/o badly toared. Over two toa? of tho debris fell on Soooad avenue aud a foroo oi 60 men was put to work to oiu.a it off the traokj. Trallio WH*.iiapo?ea, but within a half hour after the acoidout all th? tracks woro oloared. Tho people resld ing about tho furnaoo and for blocks on eitiior sido woro . badly frightened, Thoy rushed from thoir homos and a foi/ minutos after tho roport had sounded throughout Boho thousands of pooplo gathered about tho furnaoo. QTwo of the viotims were found in tho stcok yards of the plant, 26Q yards from tho f ivcnaoo. They wera horribly barned, but had) they not been . thoy would have been kiilod by suoh a force. Every bono in their bodies seemed to bo broken. Tho most dispensing feature of the acoident was the buming of a maa named Frankowics, He was leen by the thousands of people on their way 1)0 work to run to the platform railing and leap into th? air. He was a mair of flames ao he went through, the air.1' Ho fell to tho stook yard shed and Ht mali? burned io death before tho eyes of tho oiowd fifty feet below, who had noway to re nob. him, ThoBiggost Fool T. M, Wxum, a fannor living noni: Oontreville, Tonn., t70iik homo and when bia wife ot jested to Ms shooting into tho floe* ?bout hoi foot, shot he? dead. Ho carefully laid hoy en the, bed with tho assistance of his uhlldfon and then blow ont his ownprefcp BOHLEY HAS ?JUKNDa And They Tropooo to Oso That Ho Got a Justice. tn tho Houao. of l\ oprc ii on tnt i voa Wodnosdav lUovoxontotlvo Wheolor of Kentucky, a mombor of tho house com mittee on naval t ff vlrs today intvocluo ? ad a resolution for m investigation of tho Hnhloy oaae. Tho resolution rc oitioi tho reaults of tho reoent court of inquiry, and adda: 'Whoreas, Admiral Goorgo Dewey, rooogniztd as tho foremost naval offb oor cf the republie, entirely disagrees and dissents from tho opinion bf his collogues on mid board- of inquiry, and. 4 Whore ai tho Amerioan people doniro that tho oonduot of Ur ar Admiral Sohloy should bo inV?>ig*t??.d and pm? ed upon by oil a'?nil fha republic ia nowitio ort/ .ti-?^i.vd or idiotiflnd with tho navy dop?im&et, thewjfor?lM^^'j "HOB'dvod, Tuai tho oomwUtoo on naval aftMm of th? house of reproflont ativas ho dir-o arid inolu^ing the oncRgormout mvh tho Spanish squadron off the ooaak of (Juba " Provision is uoaita for ? report to the house of ropro6v??c\?iiv 'S ?nd authority ia given to Bond for person? and pa por?. ?^p?es^ntattvc Griffith of Indiaoa, introduced ?, ve BO u iou for aa investi guion of tho n?.vy department and of tho Bohloy caso.' Ropmenu?v'? Sabirm bf Maryland, introduced resolutions whoih, it i ? f.-.id. to a eontideiable extent represent tho views of ?hi-. Maryland d?W*tion in congress. The refolutions read: ''That ?ho opinion and finding of Ad mirl George Dewey bo ?nditishsre by oudcrsod ?a tho only opinion and Anding justified by tho ovidonos ad duotd and p?rtinoot faots eatabliBhod boforo tho oourtof ii: q ni ry. ''That tho thanks of oongross are hereby oxtonded to the said lt.'or Ad miral Sohloy rutirt d, and to the offi ooru and mon nndor his command for thoir brava and tffioicni oouauok in aohieving the vio tory o vor tho Spanish fl tot nuder tho oom m and of Admiral Oorvcra: 'That Rear Admiral Sohloy be plaosd upon Ibo Us? of retired rear admirals of tho United Stakes navy with tho fall rank, grade, privileges, emolu ments and pay of offiaora of said rank in tho aotive service." Representativo Mudd of Maryland also introduced a resolution tendering ibo thanks of congress und of tho Amerioan people to Admiral Sehloy. Representative Gaines of Tenneisco, introduced a resolution rc oit inf, ibo "unparalleled achievement of Admiral Sohloy in destroying the ontiro Span ish. squadron with cowmmmate skill and terribie celerity." ^ :of Ad-1 ;:nkVi.l)o,?oy ^ Yandivor of Missouri and Qoopor of Tex as, attempted to s coure unanimous con sent to consider Sohloy resolutions, but Mr, Payne, who had th? floor declined to yiold. Mr. Ooopor'a roeolution declares Sohley in command and entitlad ty orodit for tho viotory of Santiago and dirooting that ho bo plaood on tho ac two list with tho rank ho hold boforo retiro mont. Mr. Van il ive r'a ro solution r coi to u that tho language of the oourt of Inquiry re flected upon Admiral Sohloy and calls for an investigation by seven members of tho house. Milos for Sohloy. Gonoral Miles mado an open declara tion approving Dewey's verdiot on S-ihloy and espeoially arranging tho whole administration for the attempt to steal Sohlsy'o glory.. He is ap proved alike by Dsmoorats, Ripubli oana, Senators and OoDgresamon. This is a hard blow to tho navai cliqua. Congress will undoubtedly order an in vasugatioa, if public sentiment does not compel .ho pioudoot to rovorso I o findings of tho majority of the oourt. General Milos said: "I am willing to uk* tho j idgoie??i of Admiral Da vey in the matter. H? was compandor of a il ?ec and as ?u?h has knowa the anxieties ai.d rotponeiuilitio* whion reut on a nun ubdyr thoso oiroum etanoos. He tvuo ?ueiramantal in tho destruction vf ono 8p*uii?h floot aod koowa and raai>isos tho footings that enoompa^a aa offioor under such oondi tions. I think Do .voy bas sum mod up the mattor in a olear and o ;UO?SJ man ncr and 1 beiiuvu his oooolubions 'will bo jndornftd by the patriotic people of tho Uuiiod S ?toi. I have no sympa thy with the efforts whioh have been mado to destroy thc honor of an of&oor u?dor ftuoh ououmstances." To bo Very Gold. Thc waathcrwise prophets declaro that thc winter now begun will bc tho oddest ever known by tho preieut gen eration. Possibly these .predictions arc inspired by tho emissaries ot tho osal trust. At all events tko predic tions arc very similar to what was heard last year Josi about this season. Last year thc prophets said that tho foy beering animals had oonti much thicker thea ?sn?l end that therefore the winter would bo muck colder than tho average. As A matter of record last winter WAS rather mild and open. Perhaps tko prophets have redeemed their failure ox last year by a success ful prediction now. Possibly if they keep on waking ihoto predictions long enough they wilt hit it right nomo thoo. jrrnfuw' ?.?-pi -n't- vj r rnr?i-*. SheBHuaedmwi. Oatt Lindsay, on employe of (bo Amer lo sa Lamp and Brags Company, at Trente*? N, J,, wac made blttd.py bf|rJeb?orie*oi?\ thrown in his face by ft yoting Woman who worked at thc sam? beaoh with him, The two had A dispute over a pieoe of worl and bloom ing enraged tho young woman .picked up ft pan cf thc acid a?d hurled tho contents at Lindsay v striking him full In thc face, In addition to tho Jo?s of his ?iaht Lindsay io terribly marked by thc acid, Tho young Women hss not on arrested* ^wwipi .Tm II im? nairn i w iwm wiip JMiirtii iii^rtr noedlo*s to ?ey that no powerful . 3.ato wai ever oro o tod or over ova bo, oroqtv.d upon suoh iuinioral. and, unon*: , ; ligbiotti d foundauoOB " Tino b atomont ?a rn*do by Goa. Ohaf fec, military govornor of tho Pniiip piaoa, io ? rtvujtf of onj of a aumbor or oour martial o*sos in thu j-dunda, tho A o rda of whio?t h??Vj b^on ro coivod ai. tho war dt p .rtinont! \ v Tho 3a*g wo'ott orotti?bt fot'tfoHht^ o m nom. fro tu Gr du. Oa^o :wa|' .'One^ whorr.ia sovoa aa?ives/ 'wot? triod j an ly on aohargoof luutdsr, Tho ao: ott?tid voro aoliior.i tn th> ?aMiroat army and after dd?oat by tho American atuiy iu tho fluid, nsbaudoucd ovoa tho ehow ot opon opposition of tho half ; unitoxarod guerilla banda, u>.d . took .': up thia rosidonoo ia Taytay iu Murongv promoo, Luaon, a pluoo protected by an Amurioan girmou Thon, following thc prooJ?tiuK'd polioy of tho iaaurgoat ouiwfa, ?hoy proonoaod to organiEO so orotly a bolo band Attor tho nativo population within tho linos of tho^arnry ot' K> JoupAtioo iud boon autbonz l?" >p tstabliih oivil goveraraoat, tho baud ~ oaaio forward uodor the leadership of, 9, rosidoat padrdj diotatod aad teoourod r thoir election as municipal offioora of Tay tay and oaterod upoa thoir dutton under Amsrioaa authority. Thoa en sued a remarkable attorn pfc to norvo two masters. lu all laviful mattora they ?orved with, duo appbaraoo^i^* v loyalty tho American g07ornw?v|jto whilo at tho name timo thoy lwboreoT* secretly and diligently ia tao interest ? of tho i?Durrcction. Thiadual for?a of govoramoat, says Gea. OaafCoo, ex isted ovorywhoro, in strongly gar- i risonod ohio's Uko Manila ai Well ai tho j canalloat plaoos. Tho municipal pffidors . of Tay tay next entered upon a : OM ion I of murders ? and continued thoir , work ! uutil tho growing ndmbor of ,inystdri oua dieappoaranoea from tho com munity led to tho dinoivory o?* tao por petratoro hy tho American autho'rit?c.?H '"Ono undeniable tmtli," says; Gea? Ohalfeo, .'utftvidcr out in .this caso as in hundreds of like casos of murder, thas^j tho average aativo of the so islands \ .has r.o.fc moro/han tho ;m.oree.'truinen ;t*ry,.e.y'^ 'and'Audi? as a ima?, and ad O" 1 tiil? vb-Wyll a>;^h*:Wilv' 'ohicf, hite for 'th'i?ir'u'?f^rio dc P ar j; 0;... Six of thc ?oven aativr'? y/oi-o u fceuood to be hung, hui Gcii.: Oaltfo oomrautdd tho nentoaoo in tho ciaos of throb of them to impridoamoat A haid labor for lifo. . Tho aeventli nativo, Leonardo I'oHby, a roguiarly ordainod priest, asked for aad Was granted a soparato trial, Afc bia trial Posoy, who -was hold to bo tho ohiof ageat in'tho Taytay laur doie, took advaatag? o? tho loopholo whioh appeared to bo afforded by bia position ns priost, by oontenaing ihat whi.to tho participators in tho wholesale muvdoro in TVytay would ooo fees, tho eamo at ooafoasloaal, ho wasroitfaiaod by his ohioo to keep siloabo. Goa, Ohalfee pronouaobd thia def of no value, inlying that "tho oo sional doua nob lay upon nay i priest or layman, the obligation of pressing kaowlodgo or orn?os b coiumttud by third parties,-, tho summation of whioh oould havo proveated without violating the I ercoy of tho oonfessienal." la thift tioaiar caco, it is atatdd the kuowl of tho ornaba was brought diroosl] tho priest's a?tioe aad wa? not ga through the coafesaiooal. Uta seat Wt',.soor of tho Pubiflo .?Hiiajer comp?iuy1 Wodnoidv* fouao burled; ia a ah ... tronon alou*isi'J,o tho Uio Grande aet?r Bixta and T?media Btrbot H?' hik? Ult;/ Monday ai?ht O.?y baile i at ibo homo of Potor Mortooflea, a ooa tractor living at 2310 Walnut avouuev and oolleotoU $3,8tj0 svhioh Mortonoou . owed tho p?oi.io J?uanorr oompAoy, y.ad wlueU iat.j in thoateraooa Hay;'had*re? fusud to aocept, not O?>ri?g id IA?IV? fcriafc amount io thu ifftow safo at night,,, Ho gave a reooipt to Mjrtooson'for'tho money and loft tho latter's houao with, tho reniaik thafc he wa? going to take tho money to Manager G. 1'J. IV?nnoy . Of fcho iamb?? c?mp^hy. 8iaco that time nothing has bein boara of Hty until Wednesday , whoa* hit? body vraa found/ f ha money Was gOno aad io tho bAvkof H*y'? head waa? great jagged wound. Hay wa? 31 years of ago and was prominent in Mormon ohuroh woik,, Ha oame to Salt L*ke from Ao?tralta aovoral yeara ago. Peter Morteaoeu wat? arrested Wednetday afternoon .barged with botng coaaootod with Tho murdar. Morttnsoa, it is ?f.atod, gavo :. tho polier? their first, information itt ro Sard to ibo location Of tho body. Ho oniefl all knowledge of the orinto. An Uprising IToarod. Tho authoritloi ia Manila evidpntiy fear a ricing, for Manila papers report that artillery is being placed ia pirns about tho oliy heretofore pvftoiioally, unprotsoUd exonpt by email inf?atty gusrd dolaahtuoMfci, GatHag'goaK have been plaasd la tho headquarters of tho d?partaient, of Southern hxmn and- it is uaderstcod that a small aunboat will take up a position la.th? lagoon at th* [ rearof tho headqqattats building, Old Port Santiago too, is brlntUng with gund. Two rapid?five guns have b??a mounted on tho rat?part?, ono Of thew d05ttia&adit)ga full flweep of Oallc? IVia olpe dud tho river f font. ; ..A sn-.all Gat? ling hai hean mouotod on tho J5a.fr.al0,, Goa. Ohaflico's privA?O launch,