In S/Vhioh HQ lutreduoea Hope to the | Invalid and Erring onci, Ia this di?oourso I)r. TV.raago would lift jpooplo outi'of dospondonoy arid briug ?omofchingof futuro joy iuto oarth ly depression. Tho toxt io Hcbrows vi, 19, "Whioh hopo." Thoro is an Atlantic- oooau of dopth and fulluoss in tho verso from whioh my toxt is taken, and I only wado into tho wnvo at tho hoaoh and tako two words. Wo all have favorito words ox proBsivo ofjdolightor abhorronoo, word* that oasily And their way from brain to lip*, words that havo io thom morn ings and midnights, laughior and toan?, thunderbolts and dowdrops. In all tho loxioons and vooabularios thcro aro few words that havo for mo tho attrac tions of tho last word of my text, "Whioh hopo." Thoro havo in tho ooutHo of our life boon many aogols of Qod that havo looked over our shoulders, or mot us on tho road, orohanted thodarknoss away, or liftod tho ourtains of tho groat fu turo, or pullod us baok from tho prooi piooo, or rollod down upon us tho rap turous musio of tho heavens, thoro is ono of theso nngolo who has dono NO muoh for us that wo wish throughout all timo and all oternity to oolobrato it -tho angel of Hope. St. Paul makes it tho co?ter of a group of tbreo, saying "Now abidoth faith, hope, charity/' And, though ho saya that charity is tho groatost of tho th reo, ho doon not take ono plumo from tne wing, or ono ray of lustor from tho brow, or ono ~ aurora from the ohook, or ono melody from thc ?oioo of tho augol of my toxt, "Which hopo." That waa a great night for our world whon in a Bothlohom caravansary tho Infant Royal was born, and that will bo a great night in tho darkness of your . soul whon Christian hope is born. Thoro will bo ohanting tn tho skies and a star pointing to tho Nativity. I will not bother you with tho huBk of a de finition and toll you what hopo is. When wo sit down hungry at a labio, wo do not want an analytical disoourao aa to what broad is. Hand it on; pass it round; givo us a BHCO of it. John spoaks of hopo aa a "puro hopo." Peter oalls it a "livoly hopo." Paul styles it a "good hopo," a "BUTO hopo," ? "re joicing hopo." All up and down tho - .jBiblo it is spokon of as an auohor, aa a hatbor. as a holmot, as a door. Whon wo draw a ohook on a bank, wo must havo roforonoo to tho amount of monoy we have dopositod, but Mopo inakoo a draft on a bank in whioh for hor bonofit all heaven has boon deposit ed. Hope I May it light up ovory dungeon, stand by ovory sickbod. lend a helping hand to every orphanage, loosen ovory ohain, oaress every forlorn Boul and turn tho unpioturod room of tho almshouse into tho vostibulo ol' hoavonl How suggostivo that m> theo logy doolaros that whon all other dei ties fled tho earth tho goddess Hope re mained I lt was hopo that revived John Knox whon on shipboard noar tho ooasb ot' Bootland ho was foarfully ill, and ho was requested to look shoroward and asked if ho know tho villago near tho ooast, and ho answered, "I know il woll, for I seo tho steoplo of that plaoo whoro God first opened my mouth io publio to his glory, and I am fully per suaded how woak that over I now ap poar I Bhall not dopart this lifo till my tonguo shall glorify his holy name in tho samo plaoo." His hopo was ro wardod, and for twonty-fivo moro yoars ho proaohed. That, is tho hopo whioh sustained Mr.Morroll ofNorwioh when departing this life at twonty four years of age ho deolared, "I should like to understand tho soerots of eternity bo fore tomorrow morning." That was tho kind of hopo that tho oorporal had in tho bnttlo when, aftor Bovoral stand ard boarors had fallon, ho soi7.3d tho flag and turned to a lioutonant ooloo ol and said, "Kl fall, toll my doar wife that I die with a good hopo in Christ and that I am glad to givo my lifo for my oountiy." That was tho good hopo that Dr, Goodwin had in his last hour whon ho said: "Ab, is thisdoath? How havo I droadod as an enemy this until ing friondl" , tho samo thing over and ovor again for ondloBS years? No! Moro progress in that world than no cv^r rando in this Hopo will star,d on thc hills of heaven and look for over brightening land sonpoe, othor tranofigurations of oolor, now glorios rolling ovor tho eoono, now colorations of yiotorios in othor worlds, hcavon rising into grandor hoavous, seas of glass minglod with Aro, booom jag a moro brilliant glass mingling with a moro flaming Aro. "Which hope" Now, lot mo introduoo this fooling into tho lives of BOino who aro at times hopolosB. Thoro is a family whotm eon has gmo wrong. Fathor Mid motlier havo about givon him up, bo noonie so headlong, so ungrateful, so dissipated, and tho old folks do not know half thc story of moral precipitation. Ho has coAscd writing homo, but thoy hoar of him through pcoplo who liko to oarry bad nows, and every timo tho roport is moro dopiorablo. Ho swoars, ho gam bles, ho drinkf, In goes into ali tho shambles of sin. Hi s former omploycr cays thoro is no hopo for him, and all outside tho family agroo in thinking ho will novor refo/m. Tho father and mother havo not quito givon him up, and those words aro to Htrongthon thoir hope. That boy is going to oomo baok. You have a hold on kim that you must not rolax. Through prayer you ma? win tho eternal God for your side of the struggle You must enlist all tho hoa vonly dominions, ohorubim and sorap him and arohacgol, in tho movomont tc save your son. Somo day or sonic night ho will oall a halt to his infam ous praotioos. Something will happoi to him, as hnpponod in a Now Yorl hoto), to a bon of ono of tho most dis tingaishod olorgymon of Scotland ant ono of thoqueou's chaplains. "Whoi can I soo you?" said a distinguish^ looking young m MI at oloso of ono o! my services in Brooklyn tabornaolo. j said, "You oan soo no now.'' Ho said "No; 1 want a private convocation with you at your own house. Whoi oan I oomo?" I said "Tomorrownight.' "Your naroo?" I onkod. Ho gavo m his namo, tho exact namo of his father whoso namo wash known and is knowr through tho Christian world, thougl yosts ago ho departed this lifo, llotarn ing home, I took upa book ofwhiol his fr,tlior u;n tho author, and in th pioturo at tim opening of tho book found that tho young man had mos markedly hin father's foaturos. So 1 wa suro thoro was no doooption. Oa tho following ovoning ho oamo Ho said that ho was tho blaok shoop o tho family Hook. Ho had wandoroi tho world ovor and boon in all kind of wiokodnoss, but a fow nights boforo after reading a lotter from his inotho in Scotland, ho had rotirod for sloop but in tho adjoining room ho hoar? somo young mon in Buoh horriblo eon voreation ho oolud not sloop Ho wai shocked aa ho had novor boforo boon b: tho talk of bad mon. Ho aroso, struoi a light, took out tho lottor from hil mother and knott down by his bodoid? and taid, "0 lord, God of my mother have morey on mol" Ho said that ainoi that prayer ho was ontiroly ohangot and lovotl what ho boforo hatod ant hatod what ho boforo lovod and askot what I thought it all moant. I ropli I od, "You havo booomo a Christian.' Ho said ho might bo oallod at any tim? to have tho oity. I novor saw hin again, but it Boomed to mo that ho hat turnod his baok upon his wioked pas and had btartcd in tho right dircotion And it may bo BO with your boy. Writ? him of ton. Toll him how you aro al thinking of him at homo, and, it ma: bc, your lottor in hand, he may call up on his mothor's God to help and sav< him. Hopo, you of tho gray hairs ant wrioklcsl Heaven has its thousand of BOUIS who woro onoo as thoroughly wrong ai your boy is. Thoy ropoutcd and they uro with tho old folks in th healthy air of tho eternal hills, whor? thoy may booomo young again. Hopi 00, and, though you may novor hoar o: your son's roformatiou and othors ma; think ho has loft this lifo hopoloss, win knows but that in tho last momo nt aftor ho bas ooasod to spoak attdbofori his soul launohos awjty, your praye may havo boon answorod and ho bo om of tho first to moot you at tho shinin gate. Tho prodigal in tho parablo go homo and sat down at tho toast, whil tho older brothor who novor left tho oh plaoo, stood pouting at tho baok doo and aid not go in at all. To another otana of persons I intro duoo t'-e angel of llopo, and thoy ar tho invalids. Porhops aftor longwatoli ing or overwork or towering griof you nervous systom is ruinod. Porhap you have a hiddoa disordor that th world knows nothing about anti whio you cannot with any doliocoy spoak ol Porhaps it may bo a rheumatism tba distorts and inflamos or a nouralgi which runs its sharp knifo along th (emploi) of your forohoad. Perhaps i is an indigestion causing food whioh i a recuperation to others to booomo torturo to you, Perhaps it is an iii somnia whioh koops you as wido awak at 12 o'olook at night as at 12 o'oloo at noon, and hour aftor hour, like om in tho Bible timon, you ory, "Woul God it woro morning.'' Thoso pessimists do not roalize thu two inventions of our timon aro going t nu?ko it possiblo under God to bung thi whole world into fiai vah?o and millonnit condition within a fow weeks after thoa two inventions sholl bo turnod into th sorvioo of God and rlghtousuoos, as the will bc. I refor to tho telegraph an tho telephone. If you think that Ge allowed thoso two inventions to b made merely to got rapid information oonoomlog tho prloo of railroad atooku or to call up a frioud and moko with him a business onga&tnoout, you havo a Vv?y nb?jvnvii?ou looa, or what oui bo done and will bo doao with thoao two instruments. Tho intelligonoo of tho world is to bo oxpandod, and oivilizv tion will ovoroomo barbarism, and Illit eracy will bo oxlirpatod, and the prom iso will bo litorally fulfillod, "A nation born ina day." Lot Hopo aay to tho foreboding: Do ' all you eau with with Biblo aod spoil ing book and philosophie apparatus, bat toil with tho suulignt in your faoos or your efforts will bo a failuro. Tho pallor iu tho sky is not another phaso of tho night, but tho first sign of ap proaobing day, which iu ns s uro to oomo ae tonight will bo followed with to morrow. Things aro not going to ruin. Tho Lord's hoatti aro not going to bo drowned in tho ll d Soa of trouble Miriam's timbrel will play on tho high banks "Israol Delivered." High hopo for tho homet High hopo for tho ohurohl High hopo for tho world! 1 introduce tho angel of Hopo to thoso who havo through doooaso lost Christian frionde, "How oould I Ibd thora," says a bereft soul, "up thora in tho laud of tho multudinous?" You may find thom by inquiry, by hoavooly OBoortaud by unfailing motnovy of tho guard at the gato. ''And ho oanicd mo away in tho spirit to a groat and high mountain and showed mo that groat olty, the holy Jerusalem, do soonding out of hoavon from God, hav ing tho glory of Ged, and her light was like unto a atone most prooious, even liko a j:\3jiev oto?o, olear ni oryBtal, and had a wall givat and high aud had twelve gatos and at tho gatos twolvo angols." So, you soo, thc ra will bo au angel guarding en oh gato. As you go in ask tho armed guard. Ho saw your loved ono pass through and will know tho dircotiou to tato and by what foun tain or io what street of gold in tho mansion prepared. Tho blosBod Christ knows where your departed lovod ono is, and ho will toll you if no ono oise will. Fifty ways of findiag out tho whoroaboutfi of your asoendod ono. "But will 1 surely know him whon I got there, for ho will bo so ohangod? ' Yes, for you will bo just au much changed, and tittil old affinity will assert knoll'. Tho foul bo as easily diatin uiohod there as on oarth tho body is istinguishod by tho body. Opon that oloacd instrument of music in your parlor that has not beon played on nineo tho hand of tho doparted player forgot its cunning. Put up boforo you on tho music board tho notes of tho hymn of Isaac Watts and sieg "Thoro ls a Land of Pure Delight ' or Jamos Montgomery's hyinn, ''Who Aro Those in Bright Array?" or Fil inoro Bennett's "Ssoot Byo and Byo" or "Jorusalom tho Golden." Take souio tuno in tho major koy-"Ariel" or "Mount Pis gah. ' Whilo you play and sing tho aogel of Hopo will stand by you and turn tho loaves and join in the raptu rous rendering. Reunion with tho iovod and lost i i?voriaoting reunion i No farewoll at tho door of any mansion! No goodby at any of tho twolvo gatos 1 No moro daik apparol of mourning, but whito robo of exhalation I Hope now is on its kuooo, with f?co uplifted, but Hopo there wilt bo on tiptoe or beck oning you to follow, saying: "Uoine and hoar tho ojioirs sing I Como and seo tho procession mnroli! Gomo and seo tho river of lifo rolll Gomo with mo ovor the hills that rico into over lastiDg*hoightH." OoloBtial Alps and Himalayas hoiBtod into other Alps anu Himalayas 1 From this hour oultivato hope. Do so by reoding all tho Scriptural prom ises of tho world's coming Edouization and doubt if you1 doro tho voraoity of tho Almighty whon ho Bays ho will make tho dosort roseato, and tho loop ard and tho kid will lio down in tho samo pasturo fiold, and tho lion, oeasiug to bo carnivorous, will booomo gramin ivorous, eating "straw like an ox," arid roptiliau venom shall change into hann lossnoss, so that tho "weaned child shall put his hand oa tho oojkatrioo's don, and thoro shall bo nothing to hurt or destroy in all God's holy mountain, for tho oarth shall bo full of tho know ledgo of tho Lord, as tho waiora oovor tho soa " So niuo h for tho world at largo. Then oultivato hopo in regard to your own health, your o?:n iiaaooial pros pority, your own longevity, by seoing bow io otbor pooplo God meroifully rovorsoB thing3 and bring? to pass tho unoxpootod, romcmbaring that Wash inglon lost more battles than hogainod, but triumphed at tho last, and, farther, ! by makirg nitro of your oternal stfety through Obrist Josue, understand thad you aro on tho way to palaois and thrones. This lifo a spun loug, oudiug j in duration of blisj that neither human nor arnhangclic faoultios can moacuro or oBtitnato-rodolonoo of a springtime that novor onds and fountains tos.'iag in tho light of a sun that novor f ota. May God thrill us with anticipation of this immortal glee I "Whioh hope 1 I said in tho opening of this subjoot that my toxt was only tho wave on tho bo&oh, whilo tho wholo verde from whioh it is taken is an oocan. Bat tho ocean tides atc coming in, and tho soa is getting so deop 1 must fall baok, wading out as 1 waded in, for what mortal oan stand bolero tho mighty surges of tho full tido of oternal glad ness? "Eye hath not Boon nor oar hoard; noithor hath ontorod into tho hoart of man the things whioh God hath prepared for thom that love him." Tho Liberty Boll. Tho building orootod by .Philadol ?thia ou tho grounds of tho South Caro ina Intoratate and Wost Indian exposi tion liai boon oomploted. lt eon moro than $20,000. Tho arrangements for Liborty Bell, whioh is to bo ono of tho prinotpal attraotions of tho Phila delphia building, to Gharlo3ton havo not yot boon dooidod upon bpon by tho couuoilmanio oommitteo. It was tho or iginal intention of tho oommitteo to take tho historio relio to that city in timo to havo it in place when tho exposition oponed, but thia idoa ha? boon abandon ed and tho boll will not bo removed until aftor tho beginning of 1902. It will bo Aooompanied on the trip by all tho member,} of tho apooial oommittoo and por hu pu by other mc m hero of both branohoa of oounoil. A program will also bo arrangod for ?hort stops at tho principal oitiofi and towna botwoon Philadelphia and Charleston BO aa to onablo roaidont* of thoao plaooa to aoo tho liberty boll. Archivos Lost. Koporfc ia mada in Pittston, PA., that many papers of tho greatost impbrtanoo te tho oily govornraont aro missing and aro boliovod to-bo in tho pooket of Miobaol Langau, wheeo bodygwith 57 minors, aro oatombod in thoM?l-fatod twin shaft. At tho timo of tho dila tor, in 1896, Langau waa aoting Mayor of tho oitv, and a few hours bof?ro ho entered tho mioon had received valu able papera. Thoro ia no hopo of ovor penetrating tho fallon rook and rceov ing eithor body or papara. i tf?ftlU ?0? T?B O?tti ?N X.0V?, ?mn? ,i im" Wii? ?onoluelon* That Hava JBeon Boru o? ?xperttmoo. You Jovo for" yoursolf, and if ycu Minrty, vou Hoal tho destiny, happy or wrolohed, of your own lifo. Tboro foro, novor marry for o thorn. Morry for you B?ko. - Lot no, human hoing, howtvor doar to you, havo a right to violate tho true iostmot of your horn f, or put a constraint on your lovo. Ooly bo careful; do not imagino that you aro in love boforo you havo triod all tho toals whioh may oonvlnoo you that you roally aro. You may bo only too Hablo to miBtako a onprioo, a fanoy, a rooiantio day dream for truo lovo? Fir at lovo ia seldom truo lovo. A wholo Boriea of light, faneioa whioh havo boon mistaken for love havo'often been followed by tho oarnost passion of a lifo. Tho erodulity of womon on tho Bub Soot of boiog loved is vory great. They often mistake a little admiration for a partioular rogard, and on this founda tion build up a oastlo io tho air and Hil it with all tho treasures of thoir brigbteat hopos. It ia oaf or to bo. very fi kain i oi\l on tho subj?ot of hoing loved: but if you make tho mistake tako ali tho blaine on yoursolf and eave your dignity by seorooy, if you cannot koop your hoart from loving. Mon will always bo polito, attontivo complimentary and pajiug yon nil sorts of lit Ho flatteries, both of words and notions. Aoacpt them quietly and oelmly> aa your right, hut, nt vov noon to givomoro weight than iu niuo oasts out of ton they have. Hurry no oourtsbip into an or gage* mont, and never mako an ongagoment from whiuh you cannot honorably with draw. Whon you feel potfeotly euro that you lovo a man, tboro aro many subtle wai? for you to lot him know it. I havo always failed to uadoratnid why womon should not o h OOH o their hus bands and why only unmarried reigning queens oan do so 1 do not soo why they ohou'd not proposo. Of cour no, thoy should do so in a manner quit< diflorcnt from that in which mon pro poso, But vory ofton a girl oan make hoi ohoioo from a oirolo of adinirors, givinf tho neodod onoouragomont to tho on? sbo prof?ra, and dcoiding for horsol her life's dostiny. There aro men, and very cf ton tin best, too, who aro shy and need on oouragouiont, inasmuoh as it should bi romoinbored that tho mon who deolar thoir lovo in somo boautiful languag fro thoso who love loaat truly. The real levor is a stammerer. 1 tho woman whom ho lovos should re turn his nffoolion, sho should givo hie all tho dieorcot onoouragomont sho oan Hotter marry a man of this sort (hf. a Thomas Oarlylo, who spent bis lif writing swoot lovo lottors to his wif and nevor suooooded in saying a picar ant thing to her and in making he happy when in har nroHcnoO: If ever you reooive from a man a l.ov lottor wordod in moot exquisite st Vic full of pootry and professions! of deo attachment, tako it for granted Ipa min has had a long ex po no roo in suo lottor writing. ., Yr There is not a singlo man, really an emly iu lovo who would not bo ashall od to road, especially to havo road alon a lottor ho has written to tho objoot < bis n flo ot ion. Nevor toll any ono that you hive \ laotod tho advaooos of such 'aujIyRVj aman. Tho man who boasts of his oonquoa a oad: tho man who boasts ot thoso 1 has not not inado is a our and a nooun roi. Tho woman who boasts of tho p fors sho has rofused is a woman tf laoks roflnomont and tact, After all, thoro it very liUlo diff4 euoo botweon tho qualities of a perl gontlcman and those of a perfoot Ind Advocating Good Roads. Goa. M. U. liutlor is intoroati liinself aotively in tho good roa movement in South Carolina. Recognizing tho groat itnpoitanoo this progrotsivo movement, ho h thrown tho vroight of his poroonali and influonoo iu its behalf. Ho is i simply londing it tho moral support his approval, but is aotively at work tho cause. Ho proposes to advooi tho adoption by. tho next sossiou of t logislaturo of a bill to mako tho Sti railroad ootnraieBionors also ennui sinners of publie highway. He ES tho publio roadways aro eoarooly sooo in importanoo to the Stato's railroad and tho commissioners might w have supervision of both. Their til is ?-.?l fully ocoupiod with therailroa and thoy might greatly improve t publio roadways of Oarolinn by a tomatizing tho oouut.v work and oatt lhhiDg a gonoral plan that will onoo ago permanont improvomonts, tho r oi tho best matorial, and tho wis mot bods of road oonstruotion. 'i Augusta Chroniolo very rightly oi this is cortninly an important ont priso, and ono worthy the best effc of Carolina's boat mon. Robbed and Murdered. A story of nun dor and robbery coi from Van Wyok, a fow milos bo! R : ok Hill on the Goorgia. Carolinas Northern railroad. Tho body of Pt McKinney, a well-to do oolorod worn was found in tho railroad out thi quarters of a milo from her home. 5 baok and loft sido of tho skull brokon and tho nook was broken a' Tho wounds woro ovidontly from utiok, as bloody rplinters wore foi noarby. By tho a'do of tho body quartors of freshly slaughtered t wore found, Tho bosom of tho d woman's dress was open.' Two sot tracks led from the body and kooj to got lu r to tho oreok about one* foi of a distant. After going up tho stn for a short distanoo thoy aoparAtod wont in opposito dirootions. Tho b was found about sunriso this mort by two colored sootion hands on tl way to work. Thoir namos aro J Springs and Cy Mamoy. Whon fo tho body was still warm, Stenographers "Wanted. A Washington paper reports: malo stenographer of fair ability fioouro a position in tho Philippine a enlary of $1,200 a yoar to start The oivil oervioo oomruis&ion ia un to supply tho demand for stonograp and typewriter;) for tho.Insular fien ovory eligiblo ono who has boon latnod ur> to this timo hiving boon off to Manila with an nppointin Spooial os animation* were ! throughout tho oountry raoently to mon for thoso positions, and onl oandidates qualified. Every man would aooopt a poBitiou in tho Ph pinos was appointed at onoo." Wo aro ruled out br.oauao thoy aro 1 wantod in tho ICast." Tho candid munt bo botwoon tho ages of IC ant and the salary of $1,200 in raise $1,400 it tho probationary porlod o months ia passed satisfactorily. -1~.*??; Havo you paid for your papor? you havo not, don't yon think you o to? Tho printer nooda hit? money. \ I ; \ ? ?A?At W&WHt A Soeno of Iudeiorlbable Gonfmilo* and Horror. A fatal wrc ok oooorrod on tho Santa Fo Railroad, ono milo woBt of Fran oonia, Arizon, a ewitoh station 20 miles oaet ot' Nocdloa, (Jul., o?riy Wod nosday. Soven trainmen wero killed, threo pasBongers and 14 trainmen injur ed. Limited trains, bound eastward and westward, orushod tegothor whilo running at full spood. Tho eastbound train was drawn by ongincs, while tho wost bound train had but,ono looomotive. The trains wore orushed and blown to plooos by an ex plosion whioh followed tho eolliaion. Both traius woio mado up of vest?bulo oars of tho heaviest kind, and while t hoy ito jd tho tor rift o shook woll and protcoiod tho passengers to a groat ox tont, several of cara took firo at onoo and burn od up. The dining oars, one on caoh train, ono Pullman and two corop jtdto oars woro destroyed. Tho oollision is said to havo boon duo te a disregard of ordors by tho orow of tho wost bound train, though full particulars on this point aro as yot, lacking. From all aooounte, however, it is gathcrod that tho east bound train had ordors to tako tho siding at Fran oonia and await tho passing of the wost bound flyer, whioh was running two hours late, and trying to mako up timo. Tho onst bound trniu failed to roach tho sitting, and, aa the wost bound train did not wait for u, tho two trains oamo together without warning and with an awful orash. Tho boilor of tho wost b(uod ongino is enid to havo explodod immediately af tor tho orash, s o al ding to doath thoso of tho ongino orow who had not boon killod outright. A eoono of awful confusion followed. Tho massive engines pilod up in an in describable maes of brokon and twisted Bteol, whilo tho coalding steam hung in a douse, suffocating olould over tho dobris, from whioh tho agonising orios of tho injured and dying onginoer could bo hoard. Tho hoivy Pullmans and oomponito oars jammod tho dining and baggago oars upon tho beatod pilo of debris, carrying doath to tho dining oar crows and setting tho ears afire From the mengro details of tho to?nos gathcrod from tho panaongera, it ie learnod that tho Blooping oars, with one or two exceptions, eufforod slightly, and aa a rosult tho pasiongors woro af fordod comparativo immunity from in jury. So far as learnod, only threo passengora, all from California, suffer ed injurio? of a fovero oharaotor, tho terrible roeults of tho wrook being con fined almost ontiroly to tho train crows and tho omployea of tho dining oar seivico. Tho wost bound limitod oarricd a full passenger list from eastern cities, lut it appoars nono woro injured. Bridal Superstitions. Relative morita of tho various months with regard to zj?frioj?Dy are net lOrtu in tho old rhyino whioh runo: "Marry whon tho yoaris now, Always loving, Hud and truo; When February birds do mato You may wod, nor dread your fato. If you wod whon M*"*oh winds blow, Joy and sorrow both you'll know. Marry in April when you can, Joy for maidon and for man; Marry in tho month of May, You will suroly ruo tho day; Clarry whoa Juno roaos blow, 0 vor laud and Boa you'll go. j They who in July do wod, . Must labor always for their bread. Whoovor wod in August be, Manv a ehanoo are s uro to seo. Marry in Semptomber's shine, Your living wdl bo rloh and Ano. If in October you do marry, Love will como, but viohos tarry; If you wod in bleak Novombor, Only joy will oomo, remomber; When December's snows fall fait, Marry, and truo lovo will last." Of tho days in tho wook, Wodnoiday is the best and Saturday the worst on which to get mauled. Tho old rhyme runs: "Monday for wealth, Tuesday for health, Wod no sd ay tho boat day of all, Thursdav fororossos, Friday for losses, Saturday no luok at all." If wo are to believe superstition, a brido's happiness doponds not a little on what she weare. "Borne thin g old and something now, smoothing bor rowed and something bluo," ia invari ably regarded by bridoa. Aooording to an old rhyme: "Married in white, You have ohoaen all right. Marriod in gray, You will go far away. Married in blaok, You will wish yourself back. Married in red, You had botter bo doad. Married in greon, Ashamod to bo soon. Marriod in blue, You'll always bo truo. Marriod in pearl, You'll livo in a whirl. Married in vollow, Ashamed of tho follow, Marriod in brown, You'll livo out of town. Marriod in pink, Your spirit will sink." Charleston Great Show. Tho Atlant* Journal very truly says tho South Carolina and West Indian exposition isa big namoand reprosonts a big thing. It is tho designation of what will boone of tho largest and most interesting expositions ovor hold in tho south. Tho people of Charloston luvo supported thia ontorpriso with a liber ality, enthusiasm and unanimity that (loos thom honor and insures susses*. Tho exposition ia heartily otdorsed also .by South Carolina genorally and tho surrounding staion fool a gonuino in terest is it. Tho preparations aro al roady BO near completion aa to inauro a vory handsomo ahow from the start. Wo are roliably informed that exhibits for tho exposition aro arriving at tho rato of fifty oar loads a day. They oomo from every part of tho oountry and ro . prosont all tho loading industries. Tho oolloetivo exhibits will form a fino study and will havo a very stimulating offoots toward tho dovolopment of South Carolina and tho bouth gonorally. Charleston ls making ampio propara lions fo? tho host or vl?itors whom abo is reasonably expeoti?g. Thoro aro fow moro beautiful oltles and tho his* torio metropolis of South Carolin? will bo at its beat throughout tho ontlro period of the exposition. Elovon Hurt in Oollision. Eloven people woro injured in a ool lision Thursday night botweeu au no oommodation and freight train near Chunohula, on tho Mobile and Ohio road. Only ono, a negro ilroman namqd Collins, is boUovod to bo hurt. There woro four oars of ntook attaohed to tho freight trained and mott of it wai killed, OVERCOME IN AMINE And B lieved to Havo Died fr? rY);| Fire Damp. INVESTIGATING Tho Min? Inipeotor of Weat Vir ginia Among tho Party Be lieved to Havft P? r??h?d in the Mino. A dispatoh from Bluofiold, W. Va., nays at olovon o'olook on Friday morn ing Suporintondont Walter O Malloy, of tho Pocahontas oollories company, along with Stato Mino Inspector Wil liam D/iest. A. 3. Hurst, ohiof coal inspeotor for the Caataor, Curran & Bnllitt oompany, of Philadelphia, Rob ort St. Clair, ohiof coal inspootor, Mor. ria St. Clair and William Oldham, sub ooal inspectors, Frazier G. Boll, Min iug'Eugiueor Cardwell, manager of tbo Shamokin Coal and Coko oompany of Maybury, W. Va., oomposing a party of oight, ontorod thc west main of tho Southwost Virginia Improvomont Oom pany's oollorios for tho purposo of ex amining tho truo situation in rogntd to tho rooont explosion and flro in tho Baby mino, and up to this h our -(12 midnight) have not boon hoard from. It was supposed that tho Baby mino proper had boon out off fr J m tho west mino for tho purposo of operating tho west mino. Tho largo fan in tho WQbt mino bad boon startod at an carty hour this morning and at ll o'olook today n w?s thought that all gaaorf originating from Uro in tho Baby mino had bo> n foreod from tho main portion and it watt ooasidored safo to ontor. A G p. m. a party consisting of cxporionoud . minors led by Assistant Suporintondont Ka g entered tho miuo to rosouo tl o los'.' pir ty of oight, but at 6.45 thoy roturned, having encountered t uch quantities of blaok damp as to make it impostiblo to enter aay distance into tho mino, Supt. King wai oomplotoly ovoroom > b/ tho gas enoountorod and is now in a orbi cal condition. A consultation is now hoing hold in the ooinpa ty's < flio?s at PooahocUs of tho difleront mining ex ports from tho Flat Top ?old. theeo ox ports having been rushed to Pocahontas hy special train this aftorooon. All efforts aro boiog und to roocvor tho bodies of tho inspi'Ottog party, buv< no hopes are ontorUincd that any of them will bo rooovorod alive. The scorotary and troasuror of tho Southwest Virginia oompany is dirootly in ohargo of all movotnonts nt tho mines. The fleo that originally started in tho Baby mino last Thursday corn ing and whioh was eupposod to havo boon under oontiol is now burning fu riously. All members of tho lost party are promit.ont in tho coal Holds and tho ex oitornont now prevailing at Pocahontas ii inte oe, business having boon praoti o'.lly suspondod. AU m cubers of the patty aro married, eomo having, large tamilics. A8H0R? COTTON CROP Over Half Million Bel?s Leos Thin ,.??>'? ... >'' Last Year, Tho Gulf Pert Trading omipany has sett out a compilation of eta Soason, Alabama.1,000,000 1,100.000 Georgia .1,295 000 1,420,000 Louisiana. 719,000 ' 790,000 Mississippi. .. 950,000 1,400.000 Tennossoo. 350,000 350,000 Arkansas. 762,000 ?25.000 Florida., 45 000 37,000 North Carolina.. 542,000 492,000 South Carolina.. 911,000 850,000 Toxas.3,809,000 2,700,000 10.383.000 9 764 000 Iooroaso. Doorcase, Alabama. 100,000 Go?rgia. 125.000 Louriana... 71,000 Mississippi. 450,000 TonncBsoe.. . Arkansas. 137,000 Florida. 8 000 North Carolina... 50,000 South Carolina..". . 61 000 Texis...... 1,109,000 746,000 "' 1,365,000. "This shows that tho proneut orop will bo 619,000 bales short of the orop of last soason. "A groat numbor of tho mills report that owing to tho exceptionally fluo weather iu October, and oarly"Novem ber, tho orop has bcon ber vos tod so far oomparativoly tnuoh faster, and has also boen marketod on a much moro liberal BOAIO tuan in paat year?. Tho reports mako mention of the O.ot that tho orop is vory light, abd that frost has oouu'iod in tho last days of October and oarly this mouth pret ty generally all ovor the ootton bolt, with tho oxooption of aoutb Texas," ; Killodthe Steward. Tho British bark Birnau Wood, from Rio Janeiro, in ohargo of Mate Poe, ar rived at Mehi lo Faid ay and roper.s that on Nov. 18dl tho oaptain, na'tnad Mor ris, killed tho vosol's ?toward. Tho bodv was buriod at see. The oaptain kept hifl ohbin. pacing up' and dowo; Whoa informed that Baud Island light was sighted Nov. 22, ho gavo tho* mato the course, plokod up a spa load,'jump od overboard and waa drowned. Af ado a Haul. '?? Announoomont wau made Friday that thc Bank of-Livorpool- had.boou vio tiwiaad by a trnstod bookkoopor to a largo amount. Au ofttoial statement issued by tho bank Haye that through the dlnhonotity iud hotting tranaaotiona of a bookkoopqr thoy may 1OBQ;?170,* 000, Tho Bank of Liverpool's sbarefl fell 41 on tho stock oxohango today. Tho dofaultor has not yet boon arroQt* od? Vor nil form? of fovor tako .IOHN.<:< tlinod liottor than qupnno ona doo? j qo in 10 days. Wa sploiuIJa euroa oro ?indo by quinine. C03TS 50 ?m A Hlgh-louod Ohrlsllem IoBlltutlon, Considered by pronitnout educators tin , KduoAtea along all daes. Dovolop? lutoheot aad oh tractor.'. Gives poraonal. Individu d attention .to Ha? a lat ge H t urton t body roproHoutiog linn, Virginia, ?ad South Carolina. Has a lot g lint of pleased patron?. 1 KxpouscK-Hoard $7; Tuition $4; MU? Ilandsomo Building*-good rooms. Gold awn, SH var in 1000 . if j Tho report of tho director of tho United States mint shows that although tho war in South African has reduced tho pro duction of gold in that scotion from $73,000,000 in 189?) to $9, 000,000 in 1900 this loss has been in part offsot by a gain of $M, 000,000 in this country and in Canada, abd the world's product still aggregates the handsome total of $257,000,000, or double tbe aggregate ton years ago. As tho industrial uses of gold aro thought to call for barely $125, 000,000 a year, there romains as much more to oxpand the cur rency of tho gold uping coun tries. This oxpansion is equi valent to an increase of about 2 per cont a year upon the present supply. In regard to silver tho director of tho mint reports that tho total production, measured by ounces, was a trifle greater than ever before, though its commercial value was of course loss than a decade ago. During the last year, howover, says tho report, the price of silver ad vanced from 59 cents an ounce to GO cents, tho cause of the in crease being Eugland's pur chase of $30,000,000 worth of silver bullion for coinage into rupees. These purchases, it is remarked,, "seem to restore India to somewhere near her old position as a customer for silver." Swindler Arrested. John 13. Bortholf, mauagor of ino K?storn division of tho Western Uoion Telegraph Company, at tho jersey Ci; v. w*s errootod Thursday on tho ohargo thst ho viM carrying on a "green goods" hueiness. Tho oomplaint was inado by Ohief Polico Murphy. 1W polioo havo in (hoir possession several oireularj sont to tho South and Wobt, and thoy o'atm that they eau show that j tho tohgtaphio replies from tho pron ptotivo viotiros went direct to Bortbo f. Won't Run for Congress. Gov. MoSwooney when a&kod Fridij by a Stnto ropertor tho plain quoin-on as to ?bother ho would bo in tito fool for oongeces in tho Second district noxv| BUOD.inor,-in fojordauoo with tho H'OJ?OP going tho rounds of tho proas o? the State, otnphatiotlly doolarod that bo would not. Ho said : "Pioaao oay that 1 am not and v?ill not bo a candidate for oongress from the Si.oor.d congres sional district." TjicJWovld's Greatest Cure for Malaria. For all forms of Malarial poison ing take Johnson'5 Chill and Fever Tonic. A taint of Malurial poison ing in your blood moans misery and failure. Blood mcdloinoscAU'touro Malarial poisoning. Tho antidoto for it ls JOHNSON'S TONIC; (Jot a bottto to-day. testa jo fisnts |t |t Cures. Agents Wanted ??|We want ono hundred moro atudenta'^?t ouao to oomo and complete our business or shorthand oouraoa and aooept good poaitlona Immediately after graduating Ia ordor to givo all aa opportunity to grasp this apooial oiler at onoe, we trill pay full-railroad fare, and take good uotos cr cfit co vrork aa part payment of tuition; also ssouro ohoap board. Write at onoe for full information. Columbia Business College, COLUMBIA, 8. O. W. H. NEWBERRY, Prosidont. For the M. "LIFE QI ?ooker T. Washington." ! Written by himself' Everybody buya;-agenta are now making evor $100 por mouth; btjst book to sell to oolored pooplo ever published. Wi ito for terms, or send '?A oents for outfit and bogia At oaoo, Ploaso mention ?aid paper. Addreaa J. L. NICHOLS, AUanto, Ga. What's Better Or more appropriate as a Birthday or Xcuaa Gift to Tither, brother, sweetheart or Bon tuan a box of Ln PANTO OIGAUS, $2.26 box-pOAtago prepaid. Ordor dlreot and get fresh gioda at lo weat nrioM., F?BD B. SOnOYloN & 'CV.,,-J C\numbla/0. Cf . \ - -, . T- -'-r^ Xmas Gifts.; . ': Our etook of High Ora ie Goode for at\oh purpoao cen not bo exoelled tn U. S.'?r Can. ada when quality ead workmanship Ja.con sidered, Mall orders will rcoe'lvo prompt and oajro fut atteutloa. "p% SYLVAN BROS., Jewotera, , 1621 Mala St., Columbia, 8,0. /U95G INVEBtMeNF" iv j}, I . .That w^U Pay ,/ . j $20 to $?(K) l>Iv*?DB??I)S MONTHLY ia a thorough, praotloal nuBlu?es or snortitaiui training at ? STOKKS' BUSINMSS GpLiiWaiai, Wrlto or can for Catalogueland full particulars. W) KING ST., LChavleston, S.O. qm? mm Win?.*l ??! i 1 I?.4n I iii il II ?.?WM. ? YOUNG MAN Should attoad a ooll?go with MK wtablUne<| ro'p?tatlon. A diploma fropi. Converie Cow morohtl Mohool ma s ci lt cuy to nenuvo tho beat positions. Thorough work; beat equip ment; positions guaranteed. Address B. W, G1??8?NGKB, Upftvtanburg, fl G ??,?>?Wfri)ili[ii i j nil u>?.?i?,jt?ji,niii||i ?*,*+i,mni+aMiifii*vm* ot rof?ronOAS., ?M vosM.?(V ?r?mint?.; Koo* on im IN'? furn i A vu. imyntt ?r/w?irv^. Iv. i d i known roiuedy for for Hay Fever. If your druggist or grooora doei not koop it writo KE-td Co., Atlanta, Ga., for the sam-: J plo. Trado supplied by MunnAV Daua Co., I Columbia, S. C., and oona Daua Co., Char lenton, fl. (J. 1 1 ?M (hn (VA WiUptirohai 3)0 W 8loKbu8fy?f ? i vngeburg, b. C. Mumu !?.n?.????illnA?'..?lii. ?il $2,000.00 IN QOL?)V0IVBK AWAt to our agents besido$/iho regular commis sions, for selling our ?pleudid une HOLIDAY BOOKS fer-1001. No big ptiica to a few, but avsav AUHN? got* a ?luirc. -'Ftfteen yearaV buflinoss rooord 0,10k of tiuno?'or. Handspike eamplo-oaso oulflt ohly 86 ocntti, dellvcrod. Order outfit, and atonto o?cioo of territory I atonoo. Address D. E, li?THt?U VU ii. CO. - Anama, Ga. HEAL THYSELF. You eau do so by Kotfclnfr ono bf our Furn- ' lyMouloluo Casoa, and "x'tio Homo Piiya clan." Tliosot aro ?.4Aotlvo Prluolplo". (nor, ,-. wholo Drug) Modtotnos, all Physicians uso them for (pitok and sure result. No. l Onso 185.00, No. ls, caso $!l,00, OooK froo with oithor onay; oaeh Caso owuor outltlod to froo oon ! sultatlou from this omeo. Write for froo i sftinploa ot our 4,Aftor ninnor Pill," lt euros Stomach and Livor dlsoasoa. Agonts Want Ioa ? : ? r ? ? THU HOMt? HEMEDY CO eiO-^OAu?tolOi'ldir., Atlanta, ,0a. Feel Badly? Po you suffer from . Indiito?tlo?, Dys pepsia, .-ff ant 0 t Appetite, Los?.of Strougth, Ltok of.Eaorgy, &o? Take a fow.doses of '8 mOH J!Pi# A Gen?lrto Blood Tonio. I THE MURRAY DR?J Co, Columbi*, H. C., Are you eufforlng from unnatiiiral di;H ohargeti. We will ouro you in ? Uaya ov to fund y mr money. T?ko Dr Muhley1*' Im jcotiou; priei 60) eaoh, sont a?ywheroon vo oolptofprlo?. OHS, A. HOl?AFt?UU, iO'W Oroos ?t,, Ballimore, Md. Eduoato for Business . . . -xx ya* OhtvdoBtpn Oommorci?t Soh?ol. (Y M O A BulUUne;.) K?NG ?lreat, - r Ohatl?stoU? g., ? flyHd for Oataiosuo;and tornis, li^?0Vj? AT' ? ? ? ! L:? .