lijji V . . BENNETTS VILLE, B. 0, ?V ?. A. IS9WWN & CO? Ojjloe West of Court Howe* Fhday November 9,1901. Ow?" 2b NM GrWucnw?etti?, MAYOR-C. S. McCall ALDERMEN-J. Frank Breeden, (J. E. Kxum, John T. Douglas, W. S. Rowe. CLERK. & TREASURER-Milton Mc laurin. Oflice open daily. I'OI.ICE-J. H. Moore. .i^"irrnmiim ,.mmmimmimm.mmimmum ? Marlboro County Officers. St?E?ii'Vrf J. r>. Oreen ' .VMK UP Ci nu;. - .). A. Pr&fco .iypOK f'ttomvri:- M. McLuuriu 'oilONI-:it - C, 1); Covinyjoo . oUPERVLsott-M', E. Coward Su pr. KnucA'i ION-\V. L. Stauten TREASUREU-J. ll. Thomas AUDITOR-E. S. Carlista > .> E N A r o it-Knox J jiv i ii ?atoo HEP RES KN rATt VKS-Jt C. Dunbar, J. O, Cumpbcll, lt. L. Freeth a tn Directory of Bennettsville Ledges ?ONS?blDATED LODGE No. 15, K. of J'., moots overy Monday evening at 7.30 o'elock. W. Turlington, C 0. 0. J. Lido, K. of lt. & S. M AUT.noito LODGE No. 88, meets at H?doctuvill?, Friday evening, on or bo? lore ouch lull moon at 8 o'clock. J. F. Kinney, W. M. J. T, Dudley, Secretary. County Masonic Directory. MARLBORO CIIAPYKU No. 30 li.- A. M., meets at Bcnneusvillo ou tho second Friday of each month. Robt ChutGii, II. P. t?, E. Stooklon, Secretary. lilia EIC A LODGE NO. 43, A. F. M.. molts at McColl, ouch Saturday after noon, bofoio tho full ni ooo, at 4 o'clock. AURORA LODGE NO 33, A. F. M., or .?'.ts ut Ciio, Saturday ou or after each lull moon at 3 o'clock, p. ni. J. T. Stanton, W. M. .T. E. McLeod, Secretary. Bennetts ville Church Directory. METHOD. m. Sunday ?/.ol At .9 .30 .11. in, pr, J. A, L'?loo?, ttuooriutondeut. County Church Directory. . Bennettsville Circuit Appointments REV. ,T. W. ARIAH,!,, P. C. i?irst Suuday-11a.m., PinoGrovo' 3 p. m., Smyrna. Second Sunday, ll a.m. McColl. 3 p. rn, Beauty Spot, Third Sunday-ll a. m., Pine Grove, 3 p. rn, Smyrna. Fourth Sunday, ll a. ni. McColl, 3 p. m. Beauly Spot. Blenheim Circuit Appointments. REV. J. JO. HEARD, P. C. First Sunday, Hebron ll a.m. Ebenezer 3 ?30 p. m. Soeond Sunday, Parnassus lia. m.. Bethlehem 3.30 p. m Third Sunday, Hebron ll a. m. Zion 3.30 p. m. Fourth Sunday Parnassus ll a. m. Bethlehem 3.30 p. m. Clio Circuit Appointments. REV. T. M. DENT, P. O. Clio-1st and 2nd Sunda} a ll a. m.. 3d und 4th Sundays 3.30 p. m. Beulah -1st and 2d Sundays 3 30 p. m. 3d and 4th Sundays ll a, m. Sunday school overy Suodny 10 a. m. A FIENDISH ATTACK. An attack was lately made on C. F. Collier of Cherokee Iowa, that nearly proved fatal. hearne through his kid? rieys. His back got so lame tie could not ?toop without great nain, nor sit in a chair except propped by cushions. No remedy helped him until he tried Elec tric Bitters which effected such a won derful change that lie writes he feels like 'a. new mau This marvelous medicine eures backache and kidney I rsa ble, pori fies the blood and builds np your health. Only oe at J. T. Douglas & Bro, -- . 4 ? Flowers! Flowers ? Mrs. JnoS. Moore has aline lot of Geraniums, Begonias Perns, Palms and other plants,! .woll rooted, that she desires to sell Cuttings 25c per doxen. ?-1-,? -?*- ->-. {3^? Head every page, . , Yes, road every line, Vor by this gauge It may pay for time.* LUMBER! LUMBER! Any kind you want. Apply to J. M. JACKSON. July 3, 1900. a Eggs-actly-Eggs! BARRED PbYMOUTn ROCKS. Boat all round Farmers Fond In tho world. Ohoioo Egge at 600 per Setting of 13. H. ? NEWTON, Tatum, S. O. ?Sr PaintB, Oile, Varnish, Glass hil, (Iruahos oan bo bought at lowest \t\o>i at J. T. Douglas*. Miss Minnie Ashford of King Sprunt Faison. Mr. H. C. Coxe of Rod Hill was in town Wednesday and caliea to see us. Mrs. Maggie Sims of McCall, ls visiting her sister Mrs, Janie Dees of our town. Mr. H. S. Grant of the Pros pect section was down Monday. No special news in his section Rev. O. B. Smith, Messrs J. F. Breeden and P. A. Hodge aro attending conference at Colum bia this week. Mr. .C. T. Eastorling of Beauty Spot section was down Tuosday -everything lovely in his sec tion. Rev. JJ. M. Hamer, the old veteran of Hebron, ls attending: Conference at Columbi,,"-a great privil?ge to Mr, J . T. Eusoti, oui popular Bxpaoss Agent has our thanks for ono of tho best pencils ever used on Editor's table. Mr. Thos S. Smith of Smith ville who has been serving on| the jury dropped in to see us Tuesday. He is going to Florida next week to visit his children Mr. Joseph L. McColl of Rod Bluff who has been serving on j the J ury called Monday after noon af tor his discharge. . He only comes to town when com pelled Miss Emma Munson, who has been spending several months in Wilmington has returned to Bon? netts ville. Her old friends aro glad to welcome her back for oven a short stay. Mr. B. Y. McGilvray, who left last week for a Railroad Job in Georgia has secured a run on | the Seaboard from Jacksonville to Savannah. He is pleased with the new run, bnt we regret to| lose him from among us. DEATHS' DOINGS. The citizens of Clio and tho country around, sympathize with Kev. T. M, und Mrs. T. J. Bout, in tho lose of their infant daughter Hubie A., boro October 25th, 1901, and died Nov 22, 1901. The.-o clnistiaii pastante would gladly have kept this litflo ono; but knowing that tho Lord willed it other wise they nie prepared to say "The Lord gave and tho Lord hath taken nway, blessed be the name of the Lord." ?'It !? well with the ohild." It was buried in Hebron Como tory November 23. 1901. Kev. John Man ning conducted the funeral sorvic?. Nov. 25th, 1901. ?H" lMo??^o^?ightT U th* mTttefct ff" tho good pt?j?'ljlo pf McColl (d Tatum, i,ho excellent Kin (al/?/i?ni given af flit' Grad .'. Behool j Chapel last bVtedue la y nigh t j "Aili be re j.i fi', t tul. af. ftuojj If?n I'ruhiy night. Tu %iH)$?iih\ I anti '.to rente. TO A Five Room Cottage RENT in East Bennettsville. Price $6.50 pr month. Apply to G.W. Waddill. A Fine Porker. Mr. W. J. Covington, one of Hebron's hustler's killed a hog Tuesday morning which weigh ed 83j8 pounds. He has been stuffing the hog for two months and has now been rewarded. The pig was 23 months old. Who next for 1901? Kates to Charleston Exposition. Tho rotmi lo Charleston during tho Ex position have hoon fixed in otosacs to ault all who oau got off to go ; A-$6.15, Tiokofcfl aold dally with final limit June 3d, 1902. B-$4 50, with lirait te io days. O-$3 40, with limit to 7 day? D-$- with limit to 5 daya. TiokctH B. 0. and I), will be aold only Tuesdays and Thursdays of eaob wools, ooinmonoing Doo, 3, 1901 and iuoloding May 2QU), 1902. Tho Excelsior Cotton. Elsewhere in this paper Mr. G. P. Moore, tho grower of th io variety of cotton, ollero a prize of $25 in gold for the beat six stalks grown in 1902 This cotton will make on rich soil from 2 to 3 bales per acre. It has been tested and is now oflerod to the farmors ns the colton to raise and make monty. Sump os are on exhib it at the Excolsior Hardware Store, and wi I also bo on exhibition nt the Charleston Exposition. Mr Mooro ia mnnngtr of tho cotton exhibits there and U proud of ibo exhibit? he will have from thU county. Cal) . nd see tho anmp'es at tho Excelsior Hardware Store and try te in?rense your crop next year with lesa expense. Two Smash-uns Prlday. Some of the pet horses of our town "live high" and occasion ly make things lively, espec ially when in town. Las^t Friday the noted animal that ran through the line from Hasty to town without breaking any thing, and quick on a curvo, made one at the corner of Che raw and Darlington streets and threw Mr. Moses Pearson out, then let out for the wholesalo grocery right down Front street. At Mr. Carroll's store the buggy struck a post and stopped, hut the horse kept on as the scared crowd gave him tho right of way. Neither Mr. Pearson or the horse were hurt, but the buggy needed repairs. There was another in West Bennettsville in the afternoon, but the parties yocle howe ?U the same by borrowing a pajr oj? shafts. f All goods bought of W. M. Rowe by town customers will be delivered free immediately. TOWN AND COUNTY NEWS. -~ Next Monday is salesday and a large crorvd is ???WVVU. - Our farmors aro planting big crops oats, ryo and wheat. Fruit Cakes 1, 2 and 8 lbs at W. M. Howe's* - Como to town next Monday to attend the s alo s and rent land for 1002. Until Jauy ht the County Supt will bo in hts o iii co three days instead oftwo--Monday, Wednesday and Sat urday-^-from IO a. m. to 3 p .m. Teachers cnn got desk copies of tho now school hooke, for a limited time, at one half the regular price, by ap plying iu {loreen, to tho County Supt. - Tho convicts wore all taken to Mr. C. S. McCall's farm Wed nesday morning, - - Hicks Surely hit the nail on an carly witt tor. Frost ?sleet, snow und icc in November atc rare. - Special attention ia asked to tho sale notico of Rev. Nathan L. Swett in this issue. Ho has articles you want - Sunday was tho *'Worlds Tempor?neo Day" but tho dry town of BonnottBville had sever al casos of ''taking too much." - It is not too late to plant wheat. If you have not already fdanted, buy your seed and put it n tho ground at once. Still showing a big lino of Silks, woolens nud worsteds at Mittle'? .tore. Other merchants havo a talo of woo to toll -Mittle sella tho goods, More goode and better goods for lees money at Mittle'? store. $&* Buckwheat and Maple syrup at W. M. Rowe's. - Mr J F. Breeden wants a few good wood cutters Full cream ohooso and butter at W. M. Rowe's. t3gT" Fresh Mince Meat nt W. M. Rowe's Heines white wine and oidor vinegar at W. M. Rowe's. Frosh Raisins, Currfcuta and Citron at W. M. Rowe's. Buy your Blanked Com forts and Counterpane's at Mittlo'B store. '- Advertisers will please hand In changes on Friday afternoon. Tho days aro so short we must have all the time possible. Mittle refunds your money if purohnses aro not satisfactory. AttT* Apples, Banannas, Oranges and other kind of fruits nt W. M: Rowe's. Lownio's Gandy for salo ut W. ?M.'n. Gol ii jv oed l)a! elttfau tho piece io do thi, j? ?(ti M??,:K' . ri.->vo, i .., . .j.:. jrrontyt pleaftrtnl ni>*yawo'tto >'. (Vt ii )<* ?or.vieO tn ys'hat v-wS ono lij?is "t Mittle'a; tfni <, Cjd' ul I JP. M'hr.(r?t \>: iy^??) tlV?iin, t?tll iii fehci -'.iar.i.Vivix-i. i?t?Wm tVftd VOU <\ n Ij't? . M?U:(I. flt vo l tili? CV. uj';b and Woivkc nCi Vn< liiiAoiiiu iiiOlUO QukOiUt) xa?tuuj Oint > i >i in ono diiy. No Ouro, No Pay, Price ? jo box, Unolalmod Lottors. Letters addreaaod to tho following i.nm? p-inonu romain unoallod for at tho riot ofHoo In BonnettBville : Moo's Dist. William McLain, G. M. Green, Ailie Grady, Elisha Bloc!., Tom P. Ambrose, T. L. Bloin. Women's List. IM i H Eilen MoLcod u Daisy Ttuffin, " Elcr Davis, TO IfcEJST. FORTY-FIVE ACRES of Opon Land, being a part of E*tato land of lato Y. 8. No?Vton near Nowtonvlll?, S. O , wi 1 bo ranted for noxt yoar at publia outory to tho highoBO biddor beforo Court House al Honn?:.tavillo on the fha'., Monday ir De,? ocmbor next. It L. & T. M. N?WrON', Nov 20, 1901. Exeoutors. NOTIC E OF FINAL DISCHARGE EST BOUT. COVINOTON. HAVING flied my final return wit1? thc j Judgo of Probato for Marlboro ?tmnty Notioo ia he oby given tl.ab on tho 30t .. 1 f December 1901 I will apply to ?aid Cou it for Lottors Dlamiuiory as paid Executor ELI T. COVINGTON, Ex ?. November 29, I Sot i ETTATK OK TllKSTON PKXUSON, DlC< W, I AVING thia d?y filed with tho Probate Judgo of M ml boro county, my In; il return aa Administrator of tho OBtali: ot Preaton Puarson, d?o'd, Notioo ia ho 1 .. glvou that on tho 4th day of Deoairib.u-. 1901, I will apply to nu id Probate Cour foi Lottora Diamieaory t.s Administrator of s.iiil Batato. J. N. DRAKE, Nov. 4, 1901. A.lminibtratcr, We offer First-class I Horse Wagons comulete at $25-Sp?? Cash- _ Hardware Co. Farms For Sale V WILL SF.LL MY FARM-(355 Acres) in Adamsville township, this county, located on thc Gibson Branch A.C. L fX> H. at Newtonville Depot. Good live room dwelling, large barn, out building? tenant houses. Near to churches and schools, Healthy community. At lie depot there is a nice dwelling and large store house. On this tarin is a 20 acre pasture with a nevcr-lailing stream run ning through lt. This is a big bargain I have also several line farms near by that I will sell on good terms. Bec me il you want a bargain in good farming lands or a fjoc bijsine^n 6,ta,n/b L, D, NEWTON, Newtonville, S. 0 , Oct'. 16, 1901, ILTON Mo?iAUM?. Attorney at Law and Probnto Judge. . Offt> In 'Ooyk Heneo, JU ? h UL \J\JVJ?SkJ) -!-O -o I liave rented ont a^y store unary, so ??rae OP i .< MM* JBLJe :\ovmvA'\Ri 4, loot. T. DO UCLA ?3. A. O. DOUGLAS. ""CO I, Tv OO?lsLifi? m, onu i nc , Practical Pharmacists and Dehlers in - pire gj)rng8 and palcnl Medicines, ^Qife ARTICLES '?ll^igiMjtt^ Plain, and Fancy. Stationery and School Supplies. 1' li: Lit l B$ ,KiX^9 GKLASS and PUTTY. .FINE CIGARS AND TOBACCO. prescriptions cave fully compounded ab ail hours a i kl ipiaranfecd to be of the Purest Dricgs and at reasonable prices. A full line Carden Seed <& Onion Sets. 'Phnr.l-ful formant liberal put ronan c toe .solicit q, continuance of same. : I ?lilli I 111 : ?001. .-v.!/ -VT:*- $? ?TAWJ>. xv^- .iL .?.Ti v.J. WI ,.3 >...,\ vi?- '4,6* h VU Lt I rt TUB SEASON WT/ZiW HOUSEKEEPERS HAVE TROUBLE TO ? K:\h:}' FOOD FROM SPOILING, and aro m,rely pulled wh:tt to do. ,VM or.ii help ail Hiioh I Como and eco our Scock of Prepared CANNED GOODJ ; u HQ tti quanlittoB to Boil tho Hot Weather Contingencies. hu td Ci? Out FOR BREAKFAST. WO have Buckwheat, Maple Syrup, Oatmeal, Sa!t,Fish, Hominy. lireuVc fast Bacon,' Vo.l Loaf, 'I"! i po? Chicken Loaf, Bme Ci lick en, Hum Loaf, Ten, Coffee, Hanauas ?md Oranges. FOR DlttNER Wo liavo 'Flavored Soup, Corn and Ileana. Tomatoes and Okra, Honst l'.e?f, Nam, M aeon rou i, Cheese, Pea?, Muslard Sauce, Corned liam, Cranberry Sanco, Plum Pudding, Jollies, Apples, Nuts, Raisins, Prunes. FOR SUPPER Wc luve Oysters, Sliced liam, Chicken, Corned Beef, Sausage. Crackers, Shreded Cod tish: Wafers, Mustard Sardintis, Cherries, Pears, Postum Cereal. O g O O to hx ix bj supply of Canned Goods, Tickles, and Dainties are of THE Vu li? supply your wants. PL??o Ri?. ??8. Bonnor IK vi lie, W. C. km: ll : > mm ALL. CASES OF HARD HEARING by our new invention. Only those born deaf arc incurable. wm HOI .~. A. WERNIAN, OF OALYIWIOKK, 8AY8] BAI/TIMOKR, M<1., March 30, i?or. OtntliM?ti i .-. ht ?ng entirely cured of deafness, thanks to your treatment, I will now give- y?u i\ full history of my case, to be used at your discretion. Aljotu fire years ago my right ear began to sing, and this kept on getting worse, until I lo:.t my liratjn? ,n Ulis ?. r entirely. I ihjd< 1 wont 11 treatment for catarrh, for titre? months, without any success, consulted a nun icrs, thc most eminent car specialist < ' > me, and eyen that only tcmporaril arlng in tito affected ear would bc lost forever. X then saw your advertisement accidentally in a New York paper, and ordered your tret.i who told tuc that head noises woul i mmjf?M beg to remain Very truly ^{RMAWi 7Jo8 moftaway( Baltimore, Md. Our (vraiment doe* not intevfero with your usual o??upatiom ??w?i vnil fiAN nillir YOURSELF AT HOME ftttt?lttal A Home For Sale. SEVpN kOOU COTTAGE, com. lortahly furnisiied. fine location in East It'ji.neits'.tile. pirties residing in the j ountry aiul doiriu^to move to town lor V.ehoo!. privilft?ea. will find ii profitable :?. call cu writ.* this office tor terror rrfl W. l?0 PO ttl KR, JP,, ? , Attorney ai Law? P/onncttsvillo, S. 0. OlVtcfl on Puil/r.^ton ttvect near Postal Tuhgraph ci(!!<.(.. ?|"ap\i,f\ry. 189$. Three Papers One Ye rr Each, only 50c WEEKLY TIMES, RICHMOND, VA,, Now Only 50 Oonts A Yoar, and includes absolutely free THE PAHAOON MONTHLY, New York, TUE EAHM JOURNAL, Philadelphia. The Daily and Sunday Tli?i?s, including Farm Journal and Paragon Monthly, Now only $3 nor year. Or 25 eta per month by mai). Address TUR TI M KS, KI ch mond t Va, l?TTPXfTTTJPVE JL W JLVX "I X. JL \J JLV-?-J USB ? WILL SELL FURNITURE If you need anything IN MY LINE como