The Marlboro democrat. (Bennettsville, S.C.) 1882-1908, November 15, 1901, Image 2

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.^??-T tf. A. ISllOWN - - - Editor. Friday November 15,1901, Huijeoriptlon Prices Ono year.$ 1.00 Six months.501 Three months.25 PEN AND 8CIS80RQRAPHS Tho Baptist State Convontiou mo eta iu Eioronco Doc 3. Tho colored State Fair opens at Columbia next Monday. T. li. Covington & Co., of Rock ingham havo gono into bankrupt cy. > Dun reporte thc coat of living now .higher than it has boon ia 10 yo?rs. Then it is time for a change. Senator McLaurtn by invitation will address tho convention of cot ton spinner? at Atlanta to-day. Tho South Carolina Synod met in Charleston Friday. Rov. James Woodrow was elected Moderator. February 12th, 1902, Lincolu's birthday bas been iixod as tho day for tho President and party to visit tho Charleston Exposition. Thornwoll Orphanage bogs to bo romomborod on Thanksgiving day and we know it will be as well as tbs others in the State. The prose and tho pulpit were tho loading factors in walloping both brains and capital in Now 'York on tho 5th. Tho lesson should not?be*forgotton. Rev. W. A."fRogers 'pastor of tho Methodist church in Orange burg, has boon forced by the fail ure of bis voico to give up bis pul pit work. Ho will go to Spartan burg to live. The North Atlantic squadron consirting of tho flagship Koarsar ge and tho Massachusetts, Ala bama and Potomac will visit the Charleston exposition about Doc oniber 1st. Working for Other Men. All honest men jure working for other men. If a man works exclusively for himselt, he is a counterfeiter, or a forger or a sneak thief, or perchance a highwayman. All love of indus try, all love of integrity, all .'ove of kindred, all love of neigh T, all love of country, and all |&Ve of humanity is expressed Mlove for others. For this ser me thus performed a right to ^reward is required, and he for whom the service is performed .hay Imposed upon him t?iuduty l,o render the reward, und the service is rendered in Die hone, of i lie reward.. Everywhere in oi viii zed society men art? thus working for others. Every man, in all the years oihis labor, toils for hie fellow man, and the practice is universal among all honest civilized men, and last, from generation to generations and universal practice is grad ually becoming crystalized in to universal habit. One man is trying to make better houses for hie neighbors, another man is trying to make better shoes for his neighbors, another man is trying to make bettor laws for his neighbors, and another man is trying to make better books for his neighbors. Every man is thus forever dwelling lipon the welfare of his neigh bors, and making his best en deavor fo.i their good; and thus the habit grows from generation to generation, until at last some men forget that there is reward for service, and labor for their fellow men because they love their fellow men.-Maj J. VV. Powell. Dosiro For A Chango. Someone writing to the State from Greenville, over the pen name of "Occasional," gives expression to thoughts that strike us as containing a good deal of t. nth in a small compass. We quote the following. "The x^eople here are very much divided in their political opinions. The indications are that there is a great political revolution going on in this state. There is no doubt about that, but exactly what the re sult will bo no man can now foretell. Beyond all doubt Till man is losing ground and Mc Laurin is gaining ground in this f action. Facts are facts, and we had as well face them one time as another. It is not so muohMcLaurin as an individual who is training ground as it is n strong desire for a change from old methods to new;'methods that are abreast of the times; methods that will meet the ap proval of the people north, south, east, and west. Narrow ideas must give way to progress and broad ideas. The people are tired of being cooped up and looking through the lattice work of their coops at the pro gress of the world without boing able to take part in that prog ress. The people of tho state are more awake than they have been for many years and wo should heed the signs of the times and bo governed accord ingly. Those aro tho ideas of the people of this section as I gather thom." Hf&* All tho novelties in Mens and Ladies neckwear at Mi tile's store. V ROM PROSPECT, Mr. Editor: Nowa ls scnrco.but I must wrilo a few lino*! Crops ato all gathotod aud pooplo aro crying out hard limos, but obsorvos tho homo Philosphor .'Tho crops arc all gathorod I rookon. ir..:..? ....Ki.? n good "hov.' ?cr thc ful!. But whats tho usc sighing, And watling and crying, Thank Qod, therc's enough for us all. Wo'vo lost somo on cot.ou, I reckon, Aud tules aro powerful small, Out what's, tho uso sighing, Tho fritters aro frying And (hero's just about cuough for us all. Well pull through tho winter I reokoo, Wo ncvor havo ?ono to tho wall So nut on tho griddle And (uno up tho fiddle Thom's room iu tho quadrille for all. Thc fohool nt (his placo iu ohargo of Miss Lizzio Bulviu is gotting on fino, She scorns to liko this placo-on account Your oorrospotidout spent Saturday and Sunday iu ltiohmoud County N. C., among Iiis friends. People un thoro scorn lo bo bit by tho samo snako that hil Marlboro farm ors-short orops and hurd times. I hour Ibo weddiog bells ringing t think I can report soon if somebody dou't back out-which hardly over is tho oiso. Mr. M. C. Quick is tulkiug of moving down io our midst on Mr. J. F, Evorel t's place. Wo will bo glad to havo him in our Church and school. Wo hear our old friend Rov. N. L. Swelt is soon to Icavo us and go to Oon grco S. C. Wo h ito to soo lum loavo, as ho has been a pillar in tho church so loug, but may ho go to his now homo and do Kreut and lasting good in tho church and in ibo oomuinnity, and with those he may bo associated with. Mis influence hero in tho chinch will Hvo whou ho is ??one. Our Pastor Kov. T, L., Uolvin will ptoaoh his last sormou for thisyoat at this placo tho fourth Sunday in tho afternoon. Wo hopo ho will bc returned lo us again after conference. For fear of tho waste basket I will dose willi best wishes to tho Domoorat, Nov. llth 1901. Stray Goon. A Pleasant Outing. By specitl invitation a part of tho force of thc DKMOCHAT spent Friday afternoon nt ibo clceant and hospitable homo of Col. lt C. McIntyre, in thc nolablc Beau ty Spot section. Tho trip was planned for an outing on his magnificent plants tion with his noble son Hampton, who i> also an accompanied entertainer aud in* deed makes his guests not only Feel por fcotly nt homo but inspires their enjoy ment with his cheerful, goncrous hospi tality. Soon afu r our arrival, willi dogs and guns wo started for n rcoonaissanoo of tho fcriilo fields for birds, Thoy wore soon found and our lillie party was surely flush with I ho oxoiling sport, which was kept up until tho shades of ovoning ad monished us that our time wis up. lt was un enjoyable outing, on a lovely afiornoon, on one of thc most proercssive farms in that section. Tho fields wero lovel, and in many places tho ground was covered willi peas nnd crain left iu har vesting-a paradise for birds. Tho Col duel's plantation is cut off into ouo horse farms overy tenant M encouraged to rniso not only tho rent in cotton but a bounti? ful supply of something to oil. On his homo reservation are boauliful plats of vegetables of nil kinds, sugar cane and M-v. Lil poultry yftiHl.'i with choicest bruins of duck.1], turkeys anti eh tokens. IV.c also gol a glimps-t of his well arranged i bog yard, slocked with a fair supply of !'. I \<t j jct r Tho '. 11 bf ?peiioo ?ntl plenty float.4 everywhere. Bot VVO must oloso< ? willi heat tv i h auk s ld Mr 1-m it h Newton lor un cleguut leam and iu Cul. Muiuly.o and son for thc pleasure enjoyed, while wo wish for another like it. A Look Into Tho Future. MORE WESTERN CLIPPINGS. Editor Marlboro Democrat : The lollowing I rom the Orange Hill Sunday Bulletin ol October 23d. 1908, shows into what extremes people may bc lcd, in working, as they think, for the (church) Lord : ''Pastor Soloman Abraham will give an entertainment at the parsonage on Friday night. The object in view is to raise the salary ol thc pastor lor the last Quarter of the year. It was too cool to serve ice cream and too warm to serve fresh fish from the Pacific, especiailly when the ice had melted out. So this Pastor and thc ladies of bis chujeh de cided in as much as it was a good cause for which they were working, to have a dance at the parsonage. One brother said be had intended to pay his part at last preaching service, as bc had understood the ladies were to serve hot pic, after thc communion, to raise the remainder ol the aforesaid salary, but as they did not be had held on to hts money until the weather got cool enough for them to serve oysters." "The pastor said he hoped thc breth ren and sisters bad expressed in some way their sympathy for sister "Saveall" in her severe attack ol colic from eat ing too much fish at the last entertain ment in August. All who propose to attend the dance will please leave their over shoes on front porch, so as not to soil thc new par lot carpet purchased from thc proceeds of last entertainment, out of the church's part ol thc Circus fund. His eldest boy will be in attend ance on the porch to show the first de paning guest their own over shoes, and thereby prevent them from taking the best pair lo bc lound." . The pastor expressed the hope that the people he served were prospering. He said it had been a year ol delight to bim; having liad the cooperation of such a noble band of sisters. The following embraces a part ot his report to be made at thc annual gather ing of his people: Entertainments given during thc year, 14 ("ibis docs not in* elude the circus); Number saved or ronverten during year, 00; Number added to church by profession oflaith. 00; Number of death's (Natural) 11, this docs not include Hie brother that was kilicd at the circus by the elephant; Number ol deaths (spiritual) 87; Total membership when he took charge of 1 church 99. He congratulated the church that they bad not had occasion for ex cluding a single member during the year and looked lorward hopefully to next year's operations. Tho Bulletin (loos not say what denomination postor Abraham bo longs to. Wo hope, however, that Methodism is not responsible for tho proceedings reported. J. F. BOLTON. Tatum, S. 0M Nov. 8, 1901. 1 That Throbbing Hoadaojio B Would quickly leave you, if you used Dr. King's Now Lifo Pills. Thousands 0 f sufferers havo proved their matchless merit for Sick ami Nervous Hoadaohos, Thoy moko puro blood and>frong ?ervos and build up your health. Eusy to fake Try (hom. Only 25 cents, Monoy book f not cured. Sold by J, T, Douglas & Bro, Ouroa Blood Poison, Ganoo?. Uloorn, Ec? norna, Hto. Troatuiont froo. [ If you havo offoosivo pimples or erup tions, uloora on nuy part of tho holy, aohing bonos or joints, lulling bair, niuo ous patohos, swollen glands, ?oro lip?, eating, restoring sores, sharp, gnawing p?iiia, thou you suffer iVoui serious blood poison or tho boginojiiKs ofdoudlyeaucor. it ls n itnogorous condition, but you may be poruiauontly cured by taking Botanio Blood Bulm (li. H. Il ) unido especially to euro tho wot st blood discuto. Ii boals ovory noro or ulcer, stops ult aohoa and pains and rrducos till swelling* Botanic Blood lia)ui ouros till uiulignant blood tioublos, such us cc/, mia, reub* and senlos. pimples, running sores, oarbunolo?\ sorof ula otc. Especially ndvisod for all Obsti nato cusos that have roaohod the fccoud or third stngo. Prico $1. Trial treatment freo by writing Dr, Gillam, 213 Mitohol St., Atlanta O.t. Describe trouble und freo modioul ad vico gi\cn. Medicino soul utonoo prepaid. For salo ul J. T. Douglas & Bro. - ? -~- .? Astounding Discovery From Cooporsvillo Mich , comes word if a wouderfcl discovery of n pleasant i asl ing liquid i hut when used boforo rc iriiiK by any ono tioublod with a had cough always ensures a good uight's rodi. "It'will soon cure tho cough too," writos Mrs. S." iliuiolburger, 'Tor thrco genera tions of our family havo used Dr. King's Now Discovery for Consump ion and novor found its cc, uni for Coughs and Colds." Its an uir ivulcd Iife>suv3r when used for desperate luug discasos Guaran teed bottles 50c und $1.00 ot J. T Doug las Sc Bro Best Patent Flour at W. M. Rowe's. Notice of Court. N?TIGE ta hereby gtvon that tho Court of Gcnoral Sessions for tho County ot Marlboro will convene nt Bonnottavlllo on tho Third Monday tn Novombor iboing thc i St li day thereof) IQOI, and tho Court of Common Pleaa on the Wednesday noxt following eaid Third Moudoy in Novombor (bolng the 20th day thoroof) IQOI, at Bon iiottevillo in and for tho county of Marlboro |and State of South Carolina. All poisons interested will tako duo notloo thereof. J. A. DRAKE, Clerk Court of 0. P. & G. S. For Marlboro Ox. S. 0. Oct io, IQOI. - 5 NOTICE OF DISCHARGE, Estate of Martha McDaniel. HAVING filed in the Probate Judge's office ot Marlboro County my final return as Executor of thc Will ot Martha McDaniel, deceased notice is hereby given that I will apply to said Court on the 14th day ot December- 1901, at li o'clock in the forenoon for a final dis charge as Executor of said estate JOHN R. MCDANIEL, Nov. 14. iqoi. Qualified Executor nrtwfi i mtrmttm~nxrmtm rofrjttTiiTTTr^i>fTTT> r*wiTrra TirvrTt Tax Notice 1 OFFICE OF COUNTV TRE\8URER, Bonnottsville, S C., Sept 10, 1 ?JO 1. THE Books for tho collection of Tuxes for tho fisoul year commencing Jan navy jsl, 1901, will bc oprm ?U tho TITM?-? ?nir's Ofiiee in Dimbottsyllle S. C., T?ord?y October loth, unil romain ?| nnii! December Slid, I?I0I, niter \vh tlic penalty w\ll bo added oh till Taxes 1 pu id by thal I* if. KtnitC ol* Aivvy: ?Stute Tax, ? mill: Ordinaiy County, 3 mills Deticicnoy, 1 mill New Jail I mill Road und Bridges, I mill Constitutional school, 3 mills Total tax levy : 14 mills SI'KOIAI. SCHOOLS Antioch, 2 mills Beauty Spot, 3 mills Benncttsvillc, 3 mills Boykm, 2h mills Brighisvillo, 2A mills Clio, 2A mills Ebenezer, 2 mills Kollock, V\ '??'I? Lester, 2J mills Tatum, I mills Willis, 2 mills POLL TAX of ONE DOLLAR on all able bodied malo persons from 21 to 60 years of ago. Commutation Hoad Tax $1.00 on ablo bodied male persons from 18 to ?5 youri? of ugo, or work six 1 ays on thc public highways of tho county. J. H. THOMAS, Treasurer Marlboro County. ?TATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, County of Marlboro-Court Com mon Pions JAMB8 A. DRAKE, as Cloik of Court and Administrator of the personal es tate of J. C. Lunccford, deconsod, Plaintiff, against J AM KS LeNOEvoiti), FANN?K I.UNCEFOR? and MAUDE LUNOEFORI), Defendants. Summons for Moho/--. Complaint Not Served. To the Defendants, Jumes Lunccford, Fannie Ltincoford and Muudu Luncc ford, You (ire herein/ Summoned and requir ed to answer I lie complaint in this notion, which ii filed in thc oftico of tho Cloik ol ibo Court ol'Common Pious in and for i lie County and State aforesaid, and to servo a copy of your answer on tho sub seiibcr at his office in Benncttsvillc, S. C, within twenty days nfter tho sotviee hero of, oxolusivo ol' the day of such so rv (00 ; and if you fail to answer tho ooinphiini within tho timo aforesaid, thc plaintif! in lids notion will apply to tho Court foi the relief demanded in tho complaint. i/iiiuu in,uim:i ?1, ?Xi 1/ , li/ai, [SEAII.I J. A. DRAKE, Clork. T. I. ROGERS, Plaintiff's Attorney. v To tho Defendants, Jnmes ltincoford, Fannie Lunccford and Maude Luuco forl, Minor Djfoudunte, and to Ann Holder nnd Jamos Roller, with whom said miuors reside : You will please take notice that tho Summons of which tho foregoing isa copy and the Complaint in this notion, wero filed in tli9 ellice of tho Clerk of tho Court of Common Picas for said County, in said Stile, nt Bonnottsvillo, on tho 3d day of October, A D., 19<)|. And yo? will tako flirt hoi' no'uo that unless you procuro tho appointment of a Guardian Ad Litern to represent snid minors in said notion, thc pluintilf will apply to tho courts for nn order appointing ,1 ullin T, Dudloy or nome other suit nido und proper ?orson to )>o tho guardi?n nd ti tem for said infants and authorizing him to ami jar and dolent) said action on their bolnlf. T, I. BOO EBB, Plaintiff s Attirney, Tlenneltsville, S. ?. Qol^bcr 2, V ~sr assn wm TORE. !TORE. .0-o-?. nu11 'V li m I BUT RELIABLE GOODS M fir Stoek amp?ete 1 ?LIf?eS. ?lfli?'4:?# '.HIM luWlWiK .-(y Your Money Refunded, If not satisfied wi th purchases made At MITTLES STORE. We Carry ? ; Stock, We Make il We Do ** me M ;0?iiies?. yitwjiys f?&a.? TO ??ja yow, YOURS FOR H OX MST OKA LINGS. o Ren m e t te ville, S. C. Special Town Notice i |OTICH la hornby givon ttmt tn? fol lowing changea hovo boon mad?' In ?ht? Ouiinnnoo Regulating the Olean&luj Watet Olosetu &o. l'rivato fttinilios por Month 150. Boarding I Iou HUH *.* " jo ItuuincBH ItoiiBOd Offlum &o, Vor onoh oponlug io, In all othor rcapoota the Ordin*mi<> to maina unchanged, Parilea who hat puid for tho month onding Ho ju 30th will i? cr 0,1 it ed with tho amount paid. Dono and rotiflod in Oounoil thia tilth day of Oiit., A. D , 1901. MILTON MOLAUKIN, Ole? I. NOTICE OF FINAL M80HARGE EAVINO flied with the Judged) is? bato o?'tho County of Marlboro my Anni roturn os Executrix of tho lau vVt?l und Tealnnicnt of Robert 0. Kaatotlin^. deeensed, notice if horoby given (hit thirty days from tho date hereof, to ?fit. on 'bo 10tb day of November next ousu* ing. at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, I nil! apply to said Judge of Probate for a d?a* oliargo ns suoh excoulrlx. ^ ? . A. G. BASTHRMNu. Oct 17, 1901. Bxeottlrix. I1 LAIN, on tho outside BUT DELICIOUS a lonf of our bread has nothing more to recommend than its rich, golden brown coat of crust but when ir is cut and bitten into the light n st.? crispness and line flavor is rt -lation to those who have boon using othor brear)? ?Jvwy Variety of HioruJ. . is uuvdo Itere but wo oa? especi atty xicommend our "Rye" and "Jtiam Bread." li. P, SOB UtZ, BsNNKTT?VILMt 13 AK WHY. N Copnor public BCjtwffe, FUR UARMPQQ ondSaddlo florVfl Mexlonn.Must??? lAnU run limilVkOO mont j? jur.b what you ?cod. It talcos cffoot At cow, aaa you will bo u? ton lah wi lo ooo how quick ?y lt i i ca hi sores. I it's mas way You can burn yourself with Fire, witt ] Powder, etc., or you can scald yourself : with Steam or Ilot Water, but there is ';? only one proper way to cure a burn_ or ? scald and that isby using. . v ^s Mexican I It gives immodioto rolicfV Got a pioco of soft old ! linen cloth, sat?ralo it with this limmont and bind 1 loosely upon tho wound. t Von can' havo no adequate 1 idea-what an oxccllont remedy this is for a buril until j you kavo tried it. { ?. - jv1*?-?.;., Airn\A/l TIP IC you nave a bli'd afflicted wltlvltoup or any TU WW Li III a othor poultry dteonso uso Mexican -Mustang Huluveut. li) bi culled a B??NOAIUJ remedy by poultry broodors. THE " EXCELSIOR " THE BESTi What Homo people you Muon, and w;ho hnvo Tested These Goods, Say about tho Hxcelsioi* Cook Stoves: 1 bought an "Excelsior Cook Stove" last Spring. I am well pleased with it. It not only performs well bo? refill rea less wifriti t'ha?t .*"?v Stove T ev??i h .id. <';r.o. y?. WKBSTKK. _ ? hpvc been using ?i? nc v ICxcJsioiiCqok1 Stove"' made by l. A. Sheppard Co., for ? 6 years, and it li ks always j^'lven entire suiLslactit n. Mi i J; Ci. W. COIHl. Mrs Conn hus ?Jai l putin un;'hor li.rcgaj'd the -'Excelsior vook stoves and Hanges" as,good asthebest, and when in need of a Cooker I endeavor to get that make ol Stove. "A. J. 4BRISTOW, Mr. BRISTOW bought one fi'oin a sister town, as until recently there was no agency in Bennettsville. . agency Tho "Excelsior Rango" bought of you gives outiro BtilUfuoliou. JAS. P. DAVID. These goods and all kind, of Hardware, Crockery! Paints, Oils I?, mi be had at EXCKIM?H HARDWARl? CO. Bennettsviiie, s. c. , Next to W. P. Breeden's. THE EYEB AND HAND OF THE EXPERT ?ill do moro in fi vo ni imiten for your watoh, olook or other pfcco of jowolry than tho Inexperienced ropairor oan do In a day. So tuuoh ' ? Jewelry .-v Itopair Work y io done boro that wo aro never out of jin,o leo. livery job is skillfully dono he eaoBO we know how to d > it tint way only PIICM moderato. H. W' CJ&RROL.X., Uev/olai; Sept 27, Bennettsyille, S. 0, A FREE PATTERN (you* own Bolcctlon) to ovary sub. ncrlber, Only SO ccnii a year. BA va?" *hOTlMhr?Pj ?MAGAZINE A IADSES' MAGAZINE. A rams beaullM colored, plates) lit o o IMKIoa?| drenmahlnff ?conomUi ; limy wojU ? hourehold lilma ? fieilon, tie. Sub . dib* ?odky, or, Und SO, for Inlett copy. Lady tftntl w?ined. fond for tarma. ?fJlyMnli, Reltattltv S'lniplo, Up-to ate-, Kconoiiilcat khd Absolutoly erfcct-Xrittliitf Paper jpAUern?. BAZAR* Stem Allowed ind Perforations i lite rtottinj tad Sewing Lines. Only io ar.d ij cent* each-non* higher. Atk for them. Sold In nearly ?very city And (own, or by mall /rom THE MoOALL CO., West 3tlt St, NEW YORK. mm. ?|U clffnatur* h on wry box of tho conn Ino Laxativo Brottio*Qu?ti?tio Tauet? '?"?.^ t?*? *?### H MM Itt Orto Ut?* FOR BENT An 8 llorac Fnrra lo a (Wai ra' lc lei ant. J. T. DUDLEY, Atty u Law Aug. 21. 1901 Real Estate Agency. R. L. KIRKWOOD, Manager. Parties wanting to buy or sell prof? orty of nny kiud -houets, lots, or farina-should seo mo or write me ntt?onnottsvillo. H ? ve two nice building lota in Eust BonneltsviUe-ono lot .} acre. One lot 1 nore. R. K. BREEDEN'S S BW DRUG STORK NOW OPEN. . km m TUB motobea fonh from HELPING ovory medicine HAND bottlo in tho atoro Thom's fi euro in PUEGOIUPTIONB 1?UT Ul? hero bcuuuao tho drug** aro as puro and fresh aa it ia possible to obtain. Tho ut moat <ruo ia taken in tho measuring weigh* lng and oompoundlug. AOO?HAOY ia ono of our atrong poluta. Tho ohnrgoa In our .prfaorlplfou dopart mont uro ua low aa good quality ?nd per* foul eor\loo'will permit". Warning Notice? ?ll persons are hereby prohibited Irom trespassing noon any ol my lands,' a reward of TM dollars will he paid for prool suffi dent to convict nay ono of a violation ot the law o nd er ttiis nottc" by hunting or fishing on any ol my hinds. 0. 8. MCCALL, Bennettftvllle, S. C., Sept 4, toot, i UTK. AHB YA?KlH RAILMD, n y.f?oot ??niu?i y.?, 1099. South Bound Di.ily No 53 6 50 p io 3 50 p tu 3 45 P ?? 2 30 p m 12 43 p tn ta 13 p m ti 55 a tn II 07 n in to 36 ii m io 09 a m 8 45 tv ui MAIN LINE Ar Ly Ar Lv Lv Lv Ar Lv Lv Lv Bv \V iluiinttloo Fuyulf-Hvillo fayetteville Sanford Climax Onjoneboro Greensboro Btokosdalo Walnut Gove Kural UftU Mt. Airy Lr Ar Lv L\ Lv; Ar Lv Lv Lv Lv Ar Worth Bound Dully 9 cd aw 2 to p m a a 8 p m i 43 P to 3 44 p td 4 *5 P i? 4 ?5P ? 5 ri p m 5 44 P m 613pm 7 34 P w '.V South Bound Dally No 64 BENNETTSVILLH Noittt Bound Dally' No 6i 8 00 a m 9 07 a m 9 3$ a m 10 20 a m io 40 a m Lv BonuottBvillo Ar Lv Maxton Lv Lv Bod Springs Lv Lv Hopo Mills Lv Ar FnyottovHlo Lv 715pm 615pm S 35 P m 4 Sa p m 4 33 P 0? No 46 South Bound Mixed Daily ox Sunday MADISON BRANCH No 47- . North Bound Mixed Daily px Sunday S 30 p ra I Ar 3 50 p mlLv a 40 p m(Lv Ar Lv V.v 230pm i 15 pm 12 30 p tn Bnrasour . Olimax Groouaboro Groouaboro Stokondale Mad loon Lv 6 40 n m Ar 8 as a tot Art 9 17 a m JM 9 35 ? m Lvli'i 07 a w Arjii 55 a in Oonneotious at Fayett6vllIo with Atlahtlo Confit Ltne, nt Maxton with r'jo Carolin* Control Railroad, at Rod SprlngB with the Bod Springs and How m ora railroad, nfc Mun ford with tho Seaboard Air Line, nt Gulf with tho Durham and Oharlotto Railroad, at Groonboro with tho Southern Railway Company, at Walnut Covo with the Norfolk and Wostorn Rntlwny. J. R. KENLY, Gen'l Manager'.' T. M. EMERSON, Trafflo Macagor. II. Mi EMERSON, Gon'l Pans Agont. ' AJIANBCCOASUINER AUROA*! GIBSON TO COLUMBIA. ti B AVK. 6 45 a, m. 7 10 8 oa 9 25 S 45 P. *?. Gibson, N Bonnottaville, Darlington, Sumter, Columbia, AKUlv K. io io p. w, 9 ?7 8 35 6 40 10 55 a. n?, OIBBON TO CHARLESTON. MC A V I1'. 6 4S a. m. 7 io 8 03 9 *S 4 49 P. Gibson, Bonnottaville, Darlington, Florence, Charleston, ARRIVB, IO io p. W, 9 17 8 ss 7 55 13 45 VLOHRNOB TO WADIiSIIOHO. 1.15 AVK. 8 45 a, w. 9 20 it 30 Florence, Darlington, Ohoraw, ARRIVB. 7 00 p. n. 6 29 5 IS ? ? V\ M. E MI5RSON; I/. M. B M E f J BON, Tfafflo Mu? idor. Asa't., GonX*ftjw; Ayt,. .}. It, KENLY, General Mau'ag??. LI10I10 HOTEL TONSORIAL PARLOR.' THE best workmanship. Bay Rum and Tonic Treatment , Tools the best and sharpest Polite attention always assured Three Artists in constant at end ance. LADIES WORK a Specialty J Once a customer, always a customer, JACKSON & HATCHER, TONSORIAL ARTISTS. Three Barbers I Three Chairs ! Everything First-Cla??, SALOON ON MARION STREET. EASY CHAIRS, CLEAN SHAV?? BEST OF HAIR CUTS 1 Children receive special attention either at the Shop nt their house, Your patronnge solioitod. J. A. GRACE, Barber. BENNETTBVILIiE, fl. O. 60 YEAHS' EXPERIENCE PATENTS DCSIUNG COPYRIGHTS &O. Anyono sonfllnrf a ?ketch mid description may Qutokly oacortnln our opinion froo whether asi liivontlon ts probnbly patontnblo. Coiinnunlca. . tiona BtrloMyoonnrioiitlnl. limul booh on I'ntonta Dont froo. Oldost nnency for accurln(i patents. rut oms tnkort through Munn & Co. roootva special notice, without charge, tu tho Scientific Jlmericait. A hnnflaomoly IlluatfRt?ft ?\t9Mf.-?Mk^Hj?^' eolation of ?ny BQwnttSo ionniMl, Torrna, W.? fonrmontbt, 91. Bold i>yu1Jnew?<!Mie* 0 381Broadw.y.f|e\VTp 00. m V nt, NViwbiuitton, ?. c. LIME! Lill! Lill FOR SALE. J. M. JACKSON. July 12. 1901. THE NE W YOKK WOULD Thrloo A Week Edition. Tho Most W idely Read Newspaper ; in Amerita. Time has demonstrated that the Thrice i-Wecl: World Manus alone in a class, Dlher papers have imitated Bs foi rn hu t ?ot Us success. This ls because it tells ; l impartially, whether that news he po .'. itical or otherwise Iv is in lac? almost i daily at the price of a weekly. In addition to news, lt publishes first? slass serial stories and other features tufted to the home and fireside. The Thrice a Week World'o regular luhscriptlon price ls only $t 00 per year ind this pays tor 156 papero We otter his unequalled newspaper ?nd (he Dcm* ?ctrat together ene year ior $1.6??