The Marlboro democrat. (Bennettsville, S.C.) 1882-1908, September 20, 1901, Image 3

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" Do thou Groat Liberty Inspire our Souls and make our lives in thy possession happy, or our Deaths Glorious in thy Just Defence." YOI.. XII. I1 111 -1 NO.-8. EMMA GOLDMAN. "Quoon ot Anarchist?/' Arrested In Chica?/o. SHE 18 INDIFFERENT. 8he Bays 8ho Knows Nothing About tho Assassin or As sassination of tho President. Emma Goldman, thoannrohist q'toon, undor whoso rod bonner Loon Czolgoez claims ho standp, whoso words ho olaims fired his heart and hin brnin to attompt tho assassination of tho prosi dont, was arrosttd in Chicago, on Wed nofday of last week. Sho disolaimod all but tho slightest noquaintanoo with tho prosidont's ns sailaut; sho denied absolutoly that sho or anarchists sho know woro implicated ia any plot to kill tho prosidont. Sho Baid sho boliovod Utolgosz aotod on tiroly on his own robponsibility and that ho novor olaimcd to havo boon in spired by hor, as, ho is quotod ts af firming. Tho prosidont, sho averred with a yawn, was an insignificant boiug to hor, a moro human atom whoso lifo or doath wore mattora of supremo indiiforonoo to hor or to any anarohrst C/olgosa's aol waa foolish, yoi oho declared probably had its inspiration in tho mis ery whioh tho Polo had soon about him. Violonoo, sho said, was not a tonot in tho faith of tho anarchist and Bho had not advooated it in Olovoland, whore Czolgotz bad Baid ho luard her, nor elosowhero, Miss Goldman arrived in Chioago from St. Louis. lier immunity from arrest while in tho Missouri metropolis and up to Wednesday in Chioago af forded hor much amusomont. Sho to d, in Bontonoos punctuated with laughter of hor oapluro. In her conversation with reportors-and sho talked with thom at length twioo during tho day tho oxoitomeni sho waa laboring undor was suppressed and only onoo did tho broak down completely. That waa whoo Captain Sohuottlor lod her from tho of fioo of Ohiof of t'olioo O'Noill to tho oab whioh waa waiting to ooDVoy hor to tho womon's annox at tho Harrison stroot poli JO station. For a moment sho booanio a woman puro and simple andcriod. In a momont, howevor, thia exhibition of distroas was over and whon she put hor foot on tho stop to mount into tho oarriago abo was again Erna-a Goldman, tho "high priostoss of anarohy," as sho has been stylod by hor followers. SbOsflV'1 ?J"1' ?urpoao Va-fsai?e- *? . ? 6o has bcon to assist tho anar ,ists who woro nrroatod thoro sovoral days ago. Sho had intondod io givo horeolf up to tho police, but delayed it, for eine roason and for anothor, until tho polioo sho had doridod BO rhuoh had taken tho matter in their own hands. "What did you think whoa you hoard that an attompt to kill tho prosi dont had boon made ?" tho woman wa9 asked. With a wavo of hor hands and an othor shrug of tho shouldors sho nu swored disdainfully: "1 thought oh, tho fooll" Tho prisonor's manner bad boon crowing moro nnd moro excited, al though sho mado an ovidont effort to eontrol horaolf. In this sho finally suooooded and launohod into adiaoourao of tho teachings of anarohy. Sho do olarod that anarohy did not tonoh mon to do tho aot which hoi mado CzolgOBZ doBpisod and hatod the world over. "Wo work against tho eyatoin and education is our watchword," sho said. "lt was oarly last July whon I oamo to Uhioago to visit tho Isaak's family, sho continued, in nnswor to nn iutoriogation concerning hor where abouts rooontly. "On tho night of July 12, Isaak was out of tho houso. Tho boll rang and I wont to tho door. Tho man, who 1 learn through tho newspapers was Lt )lgotz, stood thoro. Ho wanted to soo mo. 1 waa about to oatoh tho Nickel Plato train as I and Mr. Isaaks' daughter were about to go to Pvoohostov. Ho went alone to tho Kook Island dej o?, whero ho mot us, but I was so busy inking leave of my friends that 1 scarcely noticed him. It wae not a timo when ono would want to make-nowfrionds. At tho dopot I had tho fow woida with him of whioh 1 havo told, That wan all thoro ovor was botwoen u?r." "1 am an an arch int-a studoot of so cialism; but, nothing in anything I over enid to Loon Czolgosz knowingly would havo led him to do tho aot whioh startled ovorybody Friday." "Not oven in your looiUrob? Ho says your words not hi9 brainon fire," askod tho interviewer. ''Am 1 hooountablo bcoauao some oraokod brain person put a wrong oon dtruolion on my wordb? Loon Czolgo&z 1 am oonvinaoa, planned tho deed un aided and entirely alono. Thoro is no anarchist ring whioh would holp him. Thore may bo anarohiats who would murdor, but thero also aro mon in ovory walk of lifo who sometimes fool tho im pulso to kill. 1 do not know nurdy, but 1 think Czolgoi * was ono of thoso down-lroddon men who soo all tho mis ery which tho nob inflict upon tho poor; who think of it, who brood ovor it and then, in despair, resolve tostriko a great blow, ns they think, for tho good of their fellow mon. But that is not anarohy. Oolgotz may havo boon inspired by me ; but, ii ho was, ho took tho wrong way of showing it." Tho anarohibtio Uoturor woro a whito shirt waist of fino matorial, a dark bluo eheviot akirt, palont loather boots and a straw hat enoirolcd by a dottod veil. Sho took a ohair in tho ruiddlo of tho room and faoed tho little group of inquibitoro with an air of confidence. Bosiao hor fat Captain Sohuoltltr, brtnd-uhouldorod and quiot. IQ front of hor woro tho ohiot of polioo anel Major Harrison. Captain Colloran stood baek in a oornor with lfiro Chiof Mitsham. Whon tho ioloivicw was over Captain . Oolloran, ohiof of dotcotivos, sorvod a warrant on Miss Goldman charging hor with conspiracy to murder tho presi dent. . Tho warrant was sworn to by Captain Colloran. It gives as hor co V eonspi?ators Abraham Isaaks, Maurioo ftk?, Ciomonoo PfoulKor, Hippolyto Havel, Honry Travaglio, Alf rod Soli no5 dor, ?Julia Meo'wnio, Mario Isaaks ard Mario Ii asks, dr. AL but M?BS Gold man wcro arrofitod somo daya ago, Tb? women woro allowed to go but tho mon woro held without bail and aor now in J?ib Lalor in tho day MHB Goldman WAU i n lei viewed iu (bo womon'a aunox to tho polioo alatioo by an Aasooiatcd l'robu rcproaontativro a?:d astenographic report liken. Mina Goldman Bald; "I fcol suro that tho polioo ate help ing us moro tbnn 1 could do in ton yoara. They aro making moro anarchists than tho most prominent pooplo oon noot< d with tho anarchist oauao could mako tn ton yoars. If they will only continuo I shall bo vory grateful; tboy wi'l savo mo lots of work." "What do you think of your own ar rost?" she was askod. "If I told yen," sho ropliod, ''itwould look somowliat oonooitod nud I oortainly woulu not iiko to bo guilty of that. Not only my arrest but tho others sraaok of tho Uaymarkot. Tho polioo aro very tnuoh in disropulo ?ll ovor tho country and thoy wish to do somothing to olear themselves. Tboy aro tryi?g to mako it an anarchist plot; if tboy wish to mako up a C?BC they may suooocd." "What mau in tho United Statos, in youropioion, in of sulFioiontproiuinonoo to warrant suob a plot?" sho waa asked. "I am not in position to say," ropliod Mice Goldman, "who ought to bokillod. Tho monopolista and wealthy of thia oountry aro rospinsiblo for tho existonoo of a Czolgofz If imperialism would not grow in this oountrj ; if tho libortios of tho pooplo woro not trampled urdorfoot thero would havo boon no violonoo." Itoforring to tho would bo assassin, Miss Goldman said: 4'1 foci that tho man is ono of tho?o unfortuuatoa who have boon drivon to despair andmisory to comm it tho dood. I foci vory dooply with bini as an indivi dual, as I would fool with anybody who sutlers. If I had moans I would help bim ss inuoh as I oould; I would soo that bo had couusol ann that j untied was dono him. " Although tho wbolo world awaitod Friday afternoon for tho buddina from tho proeident's booido, Mus Goldman did not oaro enough about tho rupert that bo bad boon shot, which abo board newsboys shouting, to buy a paper. It WAB Saturday noon boforo her intorost j was buffioiontly aroused to buy a nowa paner containing tho story. She waa moro interested iu tho arrest of tho i Chicago aoarohiitB than in tho proBi-| dent's oondition. ! Asked if sho thought CzolgOBa'a aot was praiseworthy from hor point of viow, Bbo anaworod: "I am not in a postion to say whether it was good or bad. It ia bad for tho man who attomptod to do it. 1 am Dot in bia boot* and know noth ing about it. What I don't BOO ia why they should mako moro fuss ovor tho president than anybody olso. All men are borno equal." Ohfrlee G. Norries at whoso home M?BS Goldman waa takoninto ouatody ia not tho typo of man gonorally as sociated with tho word "anarohist." Ho is woll hui t, good looking, noat and woll dresuod and ?B deoidodly in tdiligent, He ha? no oooupntion at prcs ont but bas been a dork and was recent ly in tho insuranoo businoss. Ho is a ('anadian by birth, but has booomo a oitisi jn of thin oountry. When questioned by ono of tho polioo ofiioors, Norris disolnimod any knowl odgo of any plot to aaBAsainato thc preaidont and unid bo know nothing whatever of Uzolgoaz. When asked how Miss Goldman carno to bo an inmato of bis pb-co bo xcpliod that bo bad on a provious occasion invitod hor to ma.Vo ber homo ibero wbenovor sho was in Chicago, "When oho carno to your bouso this limo did you know sho was wantod by tho polio?," domanded Chief O'Neill. '.Yes." "Thou why did you not inform tho polioo?'' "Well, sho said when sho carno to tho house that imo had como hero to sur render borsolf to tho Cbioago polioo and I Bupposcd sho would do BO wbon sho got ready." "Don't you know," a?kcd tho obiof, "that Bho was not going to surrondor to tho polioo at all? Don't you know sho was expecting to lcavo Cluoago?" "No I don't," was tho reply. "Sho told mo sho wai goi:ig lo give bor solf up and 1 liad no rcaun to doubt her." "I don't believe ooo word bo says," naid O'Neill, as Norris was led away. Tho woman was preparing to run awny as wo oan positively show and, of oourao, this follow must have known about it. I shall bold him in cu dody and havo him indicted for conspiracy to kill tho president." Maggie Arrested. Chief Wilkie of the seorot acrvioo has rcouivod unoflioial information that An tonio Mitggio has been arrostod in Now Moxioo. Maggio was tho oornotiat with tho Andrews Opora oom pany, and is ?aid to havo m ad o a ?tate mont not long'ago that President Mo Kinloy would bo shot boforo Ootobcr lat, and that bo was sorry bo, himself, was not to do tho shooting. Upon this atatomont roaobing Chief Wilkio, tho soorot aorvico operative was diroctod to prooocd to Now Moxioo, wbcro Maggio was roporttd to bo and plaoo him un dor arrost. From This State. In tho dail y bulletin issued by tho president's physicians appears tho namo of Dr. ICugono Wasdin. Dr, Wabdin ii a South Carolinian hoing a nativo of Goorgotown, and ho baa attainod ciniuonoi in tho praotioo of ourgory. Dr. Wafidih about fiftoon years ago nitorod tho navcy aa surgeon and his Bueoona waisuih t tat bobas boon assig'icd to many important modi cal missions by tho government. Negroes Lynch Negroes. Thuinuay night a mob of negroes broko into tho j til at Wiokhtfo, Ky, and ljnohed tbrco nofrrooB. Tiny banged tho mon to a OCOBB boam in a mill. Tho mon had wa) laid, murdered and robbed an old ntgro last Saturday night. Spanish War "Vetorans" Too Spanish war votorana aro to hold a flooond rounion in Columbia during fair week, and a banquot will bo given on tho night of Ootobor 30. Mombora of tho First and Sooond Hogimonts and tho Hoavy Artillery will partioipato. RULED HIM OUT. Admiral Howison Dropped from th? Bonley Court BY THE OTHER M EM BERK. Scnley's Keen Uwyor Finally Cornerod Howison Into Ad minion of Bet Vi*ws on Important Point. Tho Sohloy oourt of inquiry assena hlod in Washington on Thursday, and within throo hours from tho timo of oonvoning announood that Hoar Ad miral Howison was disqualiiiod from sorving na a member of tho oourt and waa oxouaod from furthor duty. Thia brought proocoding to an abrupt ter mination and o&usod a temporary ad journment of tho oourt in ordor to por mit tho navy dopartmont to doaignato an officer to fcuooood Admiral Howison. No tur thor Bossion ia probable until tho oarly part of next weok. It had boon expeolod that little official busi ness would bo aooompli8hod on tho oponing day, and tho prompt dooiaion as to Admiral Howiaon carno somewhat as a surprise Intonso intorost appoarod tobo takon by tho publio in tho proceedings and though it was known that only a vory "limited uuurber uf puiauiib would bu admittod to thu oourt room and tboBO by card, a largo orowd waa assomblod at tho oourt room Thuraday morning to witness tho coming and going of tho prominent naval oflioor? who wero to tnko patt in tho proooodinga. Thoy carno ununiformod and unhoraldod, and until tho full dress uniforma had boon donnod at quarters insido tho yard for tho actual sosBions of tho oourt, thoro waa little to loud dramatic inter eat to tho oooasion. Admiral Dawoy and Admiral Sohloy naturally woro tho premier figuroa in popular intercut. Tho lattor had about him a distinguish ed array of oounsol, including Hon. Joro Wilson, Attorney 'General Isidor Raynor of Maryland and Capt. Jamos Parkor, with Mr. Ton gu o aoting as ad visory oounsol. Tho Gorman naval at tache, Capt. ItobourPasohwitz, ooou pied ono of tho soatsin tho publio aroa and tho numbor of wivos of naval oih oor? prosont was noteworthy. A salute of 17 guns in honor of tho admiral of tho navy markod tho opon ing of tho proooodinga ni 1 o'clock. Tho Ubual formalities on tho oponing of a oourt wero transaotod with dispatoh. Tho first skirmish waa oponod by Ad miral Sohloy rifling from hi? neat and spoaking in a strong voioo, calmly and dolibcv&toly, challenging'Admiral How-' ison'a eligibility as a member of tho oourt. Throo witaosaos woro brought forward in support of his challongo, namoly, Franois S. Frost, William E. Spon and Postor Nioholls. Thoy gavo very positive testimony as to expres sions thoy had hoard Admiral Howison mako, favorablo to Admiral Sampson and unfavorable to Admiral Sohloy. Mr. Frost testified to a statoraont Ad miral Howison had mad o to him at Boston while the witnosa was sockiug non? aa a rcportor, Mr. Spon to re mark? uiado while ho and tho admiral were journeying back to thia country from Europa on a traus-Atlantio stoamor, and Mr. Nioholh)'convocation ooourrod during a businoaa oall at Ad miral Howison's privato rosidouoo in Yoirkors, N. Y. On oonoluding this testimony, tho question aroao whothor Admiral Howison would join iasuo with tho statements made by tho witnosaos, or would root upon his privilogo to withhold any answer until bo olrooBO to submit it. Tho admiral mot tho iasuo by turning at onoo to Admiral Dowey and announcing that ho would mako a writton rejoinder to tho ?tatomonta of tho throo witnossoa. This rejoindor ho proparod vory spoodily. While ooh? ooding tho noouraoy of somo pointa in tho ovidoneo it throw considerable doubt on other pointa and disolaimcd any rooollootion of the talks said to havo taken placo on tho trans-Atlantic steamer, lt was not suffioiont, how ever, to oountoraot tho vory direct tea timony givon by tho throo witnoBBOB and moroovor tho admiral himself, in oonoluding his statoraont, indioatod plainly that ho had no dosiro to romain on tho oourt and was thoro simply in obedionoo to ordere. Ho ovon appealed to his assooiatos oo tho court to dooido all doubtful questions aa to his eligi bility in favor of Admiral Sohloy. Boforo submitting tho challongo to tho determination of tho oourt Mr. Kay nor erofia-examino d Admiral Houi son very minutoly as to Ina poraonal Bontinronts toward Admiral Sampaon atd Admiral Sohloy and dovolopod that Admiral Howison had oxproasod cer tain definid oonviotionB as to Admiral Sampson's rotontion of authority and rcsponsibilityt ovon whilo ho waa ab aent temporarily from tho fleot at San tiago. Tho eli al lo H go thon was sub milted to tho court, whioh un' or tho oiroumstanoos, was narrowed to Admiral l)ewoy and Hoar Admiral Bonhara, to pasB upon, Aftor hardly moro than 15 minutos spont in retirement' to the consultation room Admiral Dowey briefly announood that tho oourt sus tainod tho challongo and that Admira Howison would bo oxousod from fur thor attondanoo. Tho dooiaion carno so quickly and unoxpoUedly that it sent a iluttor of agitation throughout the oourt room. Thoro was a buzz of ani mated oommont, and Admiral Sohloy oxohangod looks of satisfaction with hia oounsel. Admiral Dowoy thou at once olosed tho proooodings of tho day by annouooing that the oourt would adj )urn indefinitely until tho navy de panmont had named an oflioor to suo oood Admiral Howison. Havo Thoy Struck Oil? li tko City waa Thursday tho toono of tho greatest oxoitomont sinoo tho burn ing of tho negro postmastor Baker. \n artesian well borer, whilo boxing on tho lot in tho rosidont portion of tho town, is roportod to havo struck oil an ooal in good quantities at a dopth of 65 foot.- What is said to bo anthraoite coal was forood up almost as largo in ?i/o as guinoa oggs and tho fluid ao companying it is said to "smell and burn oxaotiy Uko k or on o no." Tho find is on tho property of A, N. Hu to li flo, an I Atlanta Coast Dino station master. ' A GR???Iffi PRESIDENT MCKINLEY'S ??AI IM EARLY SAT Pathetic Scenes; ii Of the Beloved Man ami; Mi Hea*t Failure- The W Favorably ii?!) ito A dispatch from Buffalo, where ibo Prosidont Hos at tho homo of ProsidoViS. Milburn, of tho Exposition Company says Prosidont MoKinloy oxpcrionpod'n sinking spoil shortly aftor two o'olook Friday morning. Tho physicians adv rainistorod restoratives, but thoy had' littlo or no offcot, and at throo o'oloc). tho Assooiatod Pross was authorized lr say that Prosidont MoKinloy was oriti oally ill. About throo o'olook Friday morning ? tho following was issued by tho Pre&i-j dents' physicians: "Tho president's j condition is very sorious and give riso to tho gravost approhonsion. His bow* els havo moved woll, but his heart doos? not rospond properly to stimulation*' Ho is oo ano io us, Tho skin is warm and tho pulso small, regular, oasily compre^ siblo and 126; respiration 30; tem?, pjrnturo 100." A bulletin issuod at twonty-fivo after throe o'olook Friday morning said "tho prosidont is so woak that ho doos not apparently suttor muoh. Strychnine, digitalis and other powerful honrt ft ti in ulants don't produoo o H oot aud tho worst is foarod. His d jath may ooour any timo from hoart exhaustion. Mrs. MoKinloy has not yotboon informed of tho chango for tho worso." Dr. Mann at four o'olook said tho Prosidont rallied somo, but immediate ly oamo tho unwoloomo nows that tho rally was vory slight. At 4:15 Sooro tary Oortolyou aud Mr. Milburn omorged from tho houso and walked up tho sido walk insido tho ropod enclosure. Sec retary Oortolyou said tho prosidont was resting, that four physicians wero in tho sick ohambor, but bo offorod little in tho way of onoouragciUQnfck ? , HE I fl DEAD. T Prosidont MpKinloy diod at V-l?^aV urday morning. Ho had boon unooafloi ous sinoo 7:30 p. m. His last oonsoi ous hour on earth was ?pent with tho wifo to whom ho dovotcd a lifotimo of oato. Ho died unattended by a minis tor of tho gospol, but his last'wordg woro an humble submission to tho will of tho God in whom ho bolicvod. Ho was re conciled to tho crud fato to whioh an assassin's bullet had oondomnod him, and facod doath in tho samo spirit of oalmnoss and poiao whioh has markpd his long and honorable caroo?. His last oonsoious words, reduced to writing by Dr. Mann, who stood at his bodbido when thoy wore uttorod, wore as fol lows: "Good-byo, all; good-byo. It's God's way. His will bo nono." His rolatives, and mombors of tho ofboial family, were at tho Milburn houso, oxoopt Soorotary Wilson, who did not avail himsolf of tho opportuni ty, and somo of his pomonal and politi cal frionds who took loavo of him. This painful ooromony was ?implo. His frionds came to tho door of tho siok room, took a longing glauco at him, and turned toar?ully away. Ho wa) practically unconscious during this limo. But tho powerful hoart stimul ants, including oxygon, woro omploycd to rostorc him to ooneoiousnoss for his final parting with his wife Ho asked tor ber, and sho sat at his side and bold bis hands. He oousolcd hor and bado hor good-byo. Sho wont through tho heart trying soono with tho eamo bravery and fortitudo with whioh sho has borno thc griof of tho tragedy whioh hasondod bis lifo. Tho immediato eau JO of tho presi dent's doath is uudotorminod. His physicians disagroo, aud it will possibly require an autopsy to fix tho oxaotoause. Tho president's romains will bo takon to Washington, and thoro will bo a Slate funeral. Vioa Prosidont Boosovolt, who now suoooods to tho prosidoncy, may take tho oath of offioo wherever ho happens to hoar tho nows. Tho oabinot will, of oourao rosign in a body, and ProBidont Bossovolt will havo an oppor tunity of forming a new oabinot, if ho BO djidi CH. Tuc rago of tho pooplo of Buffalo against tho prosidont's assassin, whon thoy loarnod that ho was dying, was bo'mdloBS. Thousands surrounded tho jail, and tho cntiro polioo force of tho oity and two rogimonts of militia wero utilized to inBuro his protection. HOW THE END CAME, Tho Good Man Died With a Hyma on | His Lips, As stated abovo Prosidont MoKinloy bogan to sink shortly aftor two o'olook Friday morning attora oritioal poriod of 12 hours, in whioh alarm and hopo mingled in tho emotions of thoso who surroundod him. As tho telegraph instruments rattlod away with thoir forlorn story oarly Fri? day morning tho hastilly arouaod physi cians bogan arriving. An automobile, raoing at top spood, brought Dr. My titer firdt. Ho did not stop to speak, hut rushodinto tho houio. Dr. Mann camp almost on his hoole, ?td ho too ran down tho fltrcot. Noithor stoppod for a word as thoy lushed into the houso. Aftor thom oamo Abnor MoKinloy, palo and agitated. Ho had left tho houso soarcoly two hours boforo, and had departed with tho assuratiop that tho tide had turned in tho oaflo of M? dlBtingutrthod brpthor. Ho had boon MON MOURNS. iE BATTLE AGAINST DEATH URDAY TONING. i the Last Hour iguale. Death Gaused by omni Was Progressing irt Failure Set in around from slumbor hy ft moosongor who told him to oomo at oooo. Soorotary Wilson and Boorotary Hitohoook, in griof at tho poril of thoir ohiof, ajrivad within a fow momonls. ?Noithor know tho truo otato of tho pro indent at thnt moment, nnd in silent fear thoy quiokly oh te rod tho houao. iAuothor hurrying visitor was Dr, Wasd int whoso arrival oom ploted tho oirolo of phjsioians; another was Mrs. Mo Williams, tho friond of Mrs. MoKin loy. - ." TUB WHOLE OITY WAH AH0U880, 5? Tho Buffalo papors all had extras with tho sad iuUdiigonoo o' tho y ny. A don t'a relapso on thostroots at daylight. Ooo. imper announced that tho pro?i d o i^t wac dying. Tho ros ult waB that tho wholo oity was thoroughly aroused and alarmed onrly, and bot'oro 7 o'olook crowds cf people Hooked in tho diroo f.lon of tho Milburn rcsidonoo to learn fl tho latest nowa was not moro rcanour fing. They stood at tho ropes, far down tho i atc rao ding streets, and w ruted patiently for tho appcaranoo of tho (notniog bullotin. Many of thom ro i'lyicd to crodit tim nows of tho prosi 'ri budden ohangc for tho worse un toy had loamed by word of mouth tho sentries' of thc president's orouB and critical oondiliou. sall tho sad houaohold, only tho >*vv Hid not know tho truth. Sho BujrhiiBed that Mr. MoKjmley was worse, fni- oho was told that it would bo bot tev lor her not to enter tho Biok ohamber. Sho aseontcd, but it wan withja look of muto appoal in her eyes The;presidont himaolf seomod to realizo that his lifo hung by a throad. Friday moiling ho looked out of tho window. WiiiiViiio nurao sought to adjust tho pillow to koop out tho light, ho mur m;ei.OAl{? fooblo protect. "It is so boau tlK?Jiv???id ho; ."tho trcosarc so beau ts *;^ttt seo-thom.". Vf.. W*. Jout?fi?n of Washington and' Dr. -Jane* way of Now York, two of tho most erjuinont hoart specialists in tho United States, wero Bummonod to lend thoir skill and oounsol, and Dr. MoBurnoy, tjie noted Burgoon, who left Thursday, Was rooallod. Vioo ProBidont BOOBO voll and the abt?nt mombcrs of tho oabinot wero also telegraphed for. DESPERATE RESOURCE AU01TEU. -When tho sinking spell ooaurrod about 2 o'oloCk Friday morniug it was fcarod Mr. MoKinloy might expire at I any moment, as ho did not respond to ordinary stimulants, it was only when todouroo was had to tho desparato ro souroo of injooting nalino solution, whioh savod Mrs. McKinley's lifo in San Frauoiaoo, into bis veins that tho circulation grow stronger, and after an hour ho val hod somewhat. His puke at ono time was almost 140. But tho slight rally carno, and rolurning hope with it. With tho frosh onorgics of daylight, tho prosidont appeared por oeptibly stronger, and tho physicians announced ia their 0 o'clock bullotin that his oondition wau improved. Tho pulno had fallen several points from tho highest, and thoy aihimod thc cxistonoo of hore A MEMORABLE SCENE. At 0:30, tho soono about tho Milburn rosidonoo waa ono that witt livo in tho metuory of thoso who witnessed it, as I long aa lifo lasts. Down tho stroots, in every dirootion, pooplo wevo massed, hundreds doop; wbi'o at tho oornor whero tho hoadquartora of tho press aro located, oorrojpondonts of all tho load ing journals ol tho world wero waiting, retid? toilssh tho first newt) as far as tho wiros rcaoh; while within tho i Cn ts, tho buay tolograph iustruraouis wero clioking off tho sad intelligence In front el' tho rosidonoo, tho bluo ocatod soldiors paced, with arras at right shouldor. All woro waiting, waiting almost breathlessly, for tho nows. Tho phyaioians decided that it would not bo well for Mrs. MoKinloy to cntor tho siok room Ftiday, both on aooount of her fooblo hoaltb and tho oxoitomont it might oausc tho prosident. FRI EN UH AND RELATIV KM ARIUVE. ?hortly aftor 10 o'olork, tho intimato frionds and rotative ? of tho prosidont who wero tologrnphod for bogan to ar ri vj, and soon af tor, 10 o'olook thoro wero assembled in thc down stairs rooms of tho Milburn house S ona tora Hanna and Fairbanks, ox-Seorotary of Suto Day, Soorotary Wilson and Si o rotary Hitohoook, Mr. and Mrs. llor ?n ann Baor, Abnor MoKinloy, Mias Holon MoKinloy and Mrs. J. T. Dun can, sisters of tho preaidout, and Mts. L&fayctto Mcwilliams, in addition to John G. Milburn, fot mor Postmastor General Biasoll, John N. Host herd of Buffalo and ltoprcaontativo Aloxandor of tho Buffalo district. TUB LAST FAREWELLS Before 6 o'olook it was oloar to thoso at tho prosidjnt's bc d?do that ho was dying, and' preparations woro mado for tho last sad ofliocs of farowoli from thoso who woro noarost and doarost to him. Oxygon had boon administered steadily, but with little effoot in koop ing back tho approach of death. Tho prosidont oame out of ono poriod of un? oonsoiousnes9 only to relapso into an other. But in thia poriod, whon his mind was partially oloar, ooourrod a aeries of ovonts of profoundly touch ing oharaotor. Down stairs, with strained and tear stained faeos, mom bore of tho oabinot wero groupod in anxious waiting. Thoy know tho ond was no*r, and that tho timo had oomo whon thoy must soo him for tho last timo on oarth. This was aboutC o'olook. Continued on pago 4, IN THE WRONG PEW. Mrf. W H. Folton, of Georgi*, T*lka Right Ou?, SOUTHERN METHODISTS Forced to Hoar Som* Unpleasant Things Said About Their Section and Its People. Understanding ns 1 do tho excossivo bittomoflB of many lOogliBh pooplo *o warda tho Bouth, I watohod with oon eidt rabio intoroat for tho first discus sions at tho t?ouraonioal council a?tond od by tho followors of John Wosloy from all ovor tho oivilizod world. This Eoumonioal oiunoil io now in sosoion in tho oily of Iondoa. Tho mootings aro hold in a building which is intimatoly assooiatod with tho aoiivo work of Kov. John Wesloy during his noted oaroor. To this spot tho hundreds of doio ?atoi woro attraotod and a program had icen arranged oovering ovory hour of tho ontiro scs&ion of lon days or two woeks. Somo Georgians aro supposed to bo present and Bishop Gallaway pro?ohod tho oponing sermon by invitation of the oomuiittoo on program. lio u a south ern bishop So far, so good. Bishop (Jallaway ftrotohod his sormon ard a fow hours ?ter a nogro bishop from tho stato of Now Jorsoy took oooasion to Jonouuoo tho southorn statos as favoring lynch ers and porsooutiDc negroes. This no gro bishop from Now Jor3cy declared that ninety negroes woro lynolud in the southorn Btatro during the yeer 1900, and only olovon woro found guilty of assault on tho portions of whito womon. Tho Britons ohoorod tho nogro bishop to tho ooho and it is roportod that a good many southorn dologa'os loft tho building iu disgust. With tho lights boforo mo I roopoot fully assumo that tho southorn mon found thomsolvos in tho wrong pow. and unloss thoro is ooutogo enough unoovorod in tho southorn dologation iO A u uuita.i VA v nu uimuknUitu aifair, tho Akron tnaesaoro and tho hos tility of dozons of other looalltiop io tho north and west to negroes, I hore . doolaro that our southern dologation would do well, to shako oil tho duet of London and l?ave tho nogro bishop and British nogfopholists to close oomrau nion and raoial sympathy without ut tering anothor word in that prononce Those > who enjoy hoing kiokod about'-,f?'?atiOir;''- 4?u- by nogro bish?ps, may of bourse onduro tho Hok ing oxeroise, but I protest thoy-have eoasod to bo representativo men from Southern Methodist ohurch if thoy fail to reply in strong words to tho New Joraoy nogro, whose posos as a bishop, boforo tho Eoumonioal oonferonoo. Tho story told by tho nogro bishop as to tho numbor of rapists as boforo sta ted, is a palpablo mistake, to speak re spectfully of his utterances. Such spoakors as this nogro bishop aro among tho inforraora who have "paddod" thc roporto of tho Howard association of London with falsehoods of vioious mag nitude in regard to tho exoossivo bru tality of tho southern whito mon of our oountry towards tho southern nogroco. And it is buoh cunning, orafty pro varioators who withhold all mention of tho burning alivo of nogro rapists in northern and western states. Tho samo orimo brings tho samo pun ialimont whorovor whito mon aro bravo onough to protoot thoir own womon from violcnco and rapi?o. And i measuro my words in tho sight of hoavon, and in hoaring of tho Kaumon ioal council, if nood bo; tv hon 1 say it is a sorry whito mau, unworthy of tho name, that will rofuso to punish tho black fiond with quiok and oommonsu rato punishment that has thus destroyod his iunooont daughtor or wifo on tho publie highway or in her own homo. It makes ovory drop of blood in my anatomy tinglo with indignation to hoar of theso apologists for rapo fiends, on this or on tba other side of tho Atlan tic oooan. lt pasaos understanding that tho ra pist's violim finds no sympathy among t-uih KO (ulled religionists as ohcorod tho nepro bishop ovor yondor in tho oily of London. Woman as I am, I'd toll that crowd of piotietd a fow wbolesomo truths in tho prosonoo of tho ontiro body of dolo gatos, or l d wa^h my hands of tho con corn, and Hcoodo from tho Organization quiokor than you oould say "Jaok Rob inson." I'd tell tho story of tho Qoorgia wo man, well (dioattd, tho happy wifo and molhor d' four ohildron, inhor own homo, at peuoo with all tho world and trying to do her duty to hor Maker, who was outrajod for hours bosido tho woltoring, bloody body of hor murdored husband, in tho prosonoo of bor own young daughters, and I would ask that eoumonioal council to namo tho pun ishment that would mcot tho indignity and inhumanity of tho situation. They should reply, or tho town of London would not bo big onough to hold us to gether in a so-oailod mooting of preach ers and offioial laytnon of tho Metho dist followors of John Wesley. Aftor their applauso of tho words of tho nogro bishop, that body of Metho dists should hoar tho truth in plain languago, or southorn dologatos should nevor attompt to fellowship anothor hour with suoh a gang of fakirs and fi nudo, masquerading in tho p,?,rl> of roligious followors of John Wosloy. I am no apologist for any of tho evils of slavory, but I am tho defondor of in nooenoo and virluo. ? do oontond that tho wrong indicted on the innooont wo man by tho black fiend that pursues hor like a canino with rabies deserves no lightor punishment than suoh a mad dog would got whon ovortakon. Suoh a fiond hie no claim to rospoot or pity, in my opinion, and whon iden tified suoh an unhumanizod bruto should not bo allowed to infest a oivil /,od oommunity a minuto longor than indignant relatives and friends could dispatch him. I grant you that mistakes aro ponei bio; whoro idontifioation ia not assured, but whon tho suspootod rapist oonlosaes his guilt and tho violim is satisfied as to identity, which should ho required, I nm quito as willing to trust a jury of a hundred citizens in tho woods as a dozou in t ho oourthoueo. I would bo gUd to toll those maudlin Mothedi?t Bruous that thoir bu to h or y of iuuooout Boors in South Africa re mind H mo of straining at gnats and swallowing oamols, and if thoy uoodod a Biblo quotation or illuntration, I'd toll thom ibo story of tho ill-fatod wo man whoso lifeless bands lay "upon tho thronhold," and whoso mauglcd and outraged body was ont in twelvo pieoos togother with ber bonds and sont throughout tho "ooaBts of Israol" bo oauso no suoh foul deed of rapo and violonoo had over boon known or neon among tho ohildron of Israol from tho timo tho thoir doparture from Egypt into tho day that tho outrage upon helpless womanhood was thus porpo tratod, and "all tho ohildron of Israol roso up as ono man, saying, "Wo will not any of us go to his tent, iud th or will any of u.i tura into his houso," until this wrong shall bo avenged. Those indignant relatives of outragod womanhood went botero tho Lord and asked Him, "Shall I go up to battlo against tho ohildron of Bonjainin, my brother?" to extorminato tho "mon of evory oity, aa tho boast and sot on firo all tho cition wo oamo to." Tho Lord acaworod Israol, "Go up against him." Bead tho twonty sooond ohaptor of tho Book of Judgos and tho ohapter prodding for tho faots hero givon. Tho pursuord gavo tho rapist tho treat ment thoy gavo to obnoxious boasts, and tho Lord sa'd "Go up against him. Tho spirit of fiendish violonoo and tho opidoinio of lust whioh ls now bo fir? m .1 ?nl.-Jnfnl.l^ ?/? tllSfc /% t ^ 1 n A M it r%$ "V1-.W lll-V?VI.r.Wlv WV Ui?W V1VKJ /nu V*< Amerioa, in thu north, oast, south and wost, han boon fanned into a blazo by tho F milling, Bearding solf righteous Pcoksniiia attonding tho Eoumonioal oodhoil in London. Lot thom embraoo tho ropist in bl'ok if it niits thoir naluro and their understanding, but J ojntoud that southern Meihodiala in goi d standing at hem j aro now find ing tbomsolvos in tho wrong pow.-By Mrs. W. H. Felton in Atlanta Journal. A BOSTON MAN'S P?lDE And How It Mot With a Great Fall. A fall has boon takon out of ono Robert Treat Paine, of Boston, in a way that merits applauso and it was handed a gontlomau by a mau bearing tho samo namo who rcsidos, in . Now York. It is oommon in this ago of similarity of names for mon to havo their lettors mixed and it was through just snob>n ooourrenoo that Paine, Of Boston, dl&covorod to his sorrow .that thoro lived anothor Paino in New York. It acema tho Now York man got somo oi tho Boston man's letters, and..see ing ?bea thoy v-jre i'ntend?d tor another sent thoni'forward with this noto: "Please find onolosed letter opened by mo by mistake For your own oon vonionoo, kindly notify poisons Bond ing monoy to you of .your propor ad dress." Tho man from tho Hub was angered, not only booauso tho letters wero mixed but beoJu;o thoro was anothor boering tho samo namo. Ho sent tho following roplv to Now York: "Your lcttor with tho ooolo?uro has bren reacivod by mo. I hope you will allow mo to oxpross sinoore regret that you should boar tho namo that by right of lineage bolcngs to mo and my family boro in Boston. There is no other di reot doeoondant of Ulbert Treat Paino, signor of tho Declaration of Indopond onco, who wait tho first to boar that namo. if thc namo was givonto you out of honor to the siguor, I think such practico should not roooivo tho Banotioa of anv thoughtful person." Plain Mr. Robert Treat Paino of Now York waa aurpriaod at tho tono of tho lotter written by Mr. llobort Troat Paino, of Boston, so ho wroto him a BC lection thai nooma to fit tho oaso ox aotly: "Your remarkable lottor has boon roootved by mo and for th i raaaon that it ia impossible to atop tho bray of tho dookoy without killing tho ans, I will allow you to expresa your ninooro ro grot. Tho family to which I havo tho honor to bolong exUtod long boforo tho signing of tho Declaration of Indopond onoo, and your statement that tho sign or wai tho firat to boar tho namo sug gests thoughtu an to his antoocdonts. I havo novcr boen sutluiontly intorost od to traoo up my goncologioal troc, and oortatnly I shall not do it now, lest 1 might find that ono of its withorod branohos roached out to you," So tho Boston man doubtloss ronlizoe by this timo that "thoro aro others," oven llobort Troat Pain on. Want Him Lynched. Tho pooplo of tho north, ovon that tho northorn pross and pul pit, soom willing to admit at last "thoro aro aomo orimos whioh would scorn tc justify lynobiug on tho spot." Suoh a orimo thoy oonsider tho ruthless shooting ot' so noblo a man as tho na tion's obiof executive As revolting as it really if, oan it bo ooosidorod moro BO than tho assault and murder of a puro woman by a blaok fiond? If tho oowaidly shooting of a prcBidont can BO arouso ucoplo aa to call forth senti monti in justification (f lynobiug, what in tho namo of heaven must bo the fronzy of tho noighbors when thoy find somo innooont wifo and mothor cold in death, with, perhaps, hor holploos in fant lying boaido hor in a pool of its mothers blood? As awful as is tho punishment that so swiftly follows suoh orimos, how light doon it soom in com parison with tho orimo itsoif.-Atlanta Journal. No Place for Him. Prof. Jarnos II. Torbert, tho assistant prinotpil of tho Fort Valloy, Ga,, High and Industrial Colored Soheol, had a rough timo up North roeontly and oamo homo disgusted. Prof. T?rbot has boon in tho habit of making trips through tho North oaoh aummor to solioit con tributions for tho maintonanoo of his sohool. In the lattor part of last month ho mado a trip through tho Adirondack rogion, and ho onoounterod so muoh raoo projudioo that ho had difficulty in scouring food and sholtor, Ho told a Sun roporter that ho would not go through tho samo phyaioal haidihip, not to montion tho porsonal indignities that wero hoapod upon him and his companions, for a groat deal of money. TILLMAN'S WARNING We Should Not Co Olf Hatf Cockod About Anarohists. A DANQEROUB THING To Tampar .With the Principles of Nlogna Charta Race QuasHon Most Serious One for Us,* A spcoial dispatch from Augusta to Tho Ns wa and Oourior, says in an in terview ihoro Thursday night Senator Tillman paid a high tributo to Mr. Mo Kinloy aa a man. Ho was, ho said, a man of ability, a good husband and an exoollont oltizon. Oortainly ho had aohiovod tho groatost diplomado tri umhin of any man who had oooupiod tho Whits Houso sinoo tho war. Gao of tho group of gontlomon to whom ho was talking expressed tho hopo that ho would uno his inlluonoo to tho fullest oxtont in scouring tho ox-, pulsion from tbis oountry of all An arohists. "Now. that's whero you go off half? oookodj'' said tho Sonator. "How aro you going to tell who aro Anarohists? If you tako meroly thoso who aoknow lodgo that thoy aro Anarohists and aro down as suoh on tho roster of tho or- ' ganization8, you got but a small por oent. and who is to say that suoh and ?nt nil m.TH A ?arnli?u?a on/1 muai 1?? p??ied? Tho"~groftt~ dlmoaUy"is~~tbst whoo you place any suoh power in tho hand of any man or any doz sn mon, _B though they bo thu very best mon that/' ' oould bo selootod, at the samo timo you put a weapon in tho hand of tho tyrant of tho futuro, Whonover you broak down tho barriors by whioh tho pooplo protoot thoir liberties you open tho way lo tho abuso of power." Ho wont on to say that ic was danger ous to trillo with the prinoiplos of tho ohartor wroated from King John at Runny modo. Tho habeas corpus oould not be suspended with safety for any great longth of time. Ho would bo yory oaroful, ho paid, how ho voted for any legislation. oxpolling tho Anarohists from this;"'oo.untry. 7 Oontinuing, tho Senator said that tho . ' / race, problem was tho gravost question '% whioh confronted tho poopio or. tho South { He did not hositato to. toll tho: peopl j of tho North that thoy woro io sponsiblo for tho conditions wMoh pre? voil in tho South. Wo of tho South, he told thom, felt.a oortaiu sonso of j ??ratitudo to tho nogro booauso of th? ' aot that nll duringtbo civil war, who; tho mon of tho Southiw/oro away* fight\ ing as tho ..'negroes knew, t or tho ooh titi.Ufttio?, ofi tUely, bo^drg^v^ib, worn on of tKo Sou th absolutely'tun tooted, nobody ovor hoar/d of a elp'L,,^ instanoo wh'pro tho negroes had Offered; thcBo womod t<n indignity. It was for this reason that tho pooplo of tho South wore moro iodulgout towards tho* negroes than wore tho pooplo of tho North. Now, if undor slavery thc nogroos wore so much bettor than they aro now, and if tho aot of tho pooplo of tho North was pro duo ti vo of woll known ineroaso in orimo among tho negroes, whero should tho blamo for prosont condition robt? Ho always told his Northern hoarevB that they did not bo liovo thc negro was their equal. They thought ho was on social equality with us, bub thoir love for him waa in pro portion to tho squaro of the distance, and thoy woro simply hypoorities when thoy talked about his social and politi cal equality. It is along this lino that ho will talk in a largo measure during his forthcom ing leoturo tour of tho Wost. Fat Job For$?arkor. Tho Atlanta nogro, James Parkor, who felled tho president's assailant at Buffalo, will probably seouro a kiora tivo berth from tho administration tho roward of his oouragoous aot. Parker is still omployod as a waitor on tho ox position grounds, but from . prose . in dications thoro is talk at Washington of providigng tho negro with a govern ment position that will be suitablo re cognition of his prompt aotion in knock ing (Jzolgosz to tho floor. Tho publio sooms willing to aooopt tho theory that Parkor actually saved tho lifo of tho prosidont by ovorpoworing tho anarohist boforo ho had opportunity to firo tho third timo. Parker, aooording to reports, is hoing horoizm in Buffalo. Tho clothes worn by him on tho day of tho shooting havo practically all boon dis posed of and at Parker's own prioo. Murder and Suicido. Paul Mullor, of Now York, tho drug olork, who shot his sistor, Johanna Mul lor, at tho homo of Clari Oppornian, in Union Squaro Saturday night and then attomptod suioido, died in tho New Ro ohollo hospital. Mullor ft rod two shots at his sistor booauso sho refused to go to his home in Now York and tako oaro of his two ohildron. Thon ho out tho artorios in his wrists and thrust a oarv ing knifo in his right broast. Miss Mul ler's oondition is serious. Sho was shot through tho loft shouldor, and tho bal lot has not boon found. Bryan on Kansas City Platform. In a lottor to Goo. W. Harrio, prosi dont of tho Bryan Traveling Mon's olub of St. Louis, mado publio Thursday W. J. Bryan outlines what ho boliovos will bo tho loading issuo of 1904. Mr. Bryan boliovos that tho silvor quostion is not Bottled and that tho fight against trusts must oontinuo togothor with op position to government by injunotion and finally that tho Kansas City plat form bids fair to bo as sound a d?clara tion of Demooratio prinoiplos throo yours henoo as the timo it was adopted. 'Adoso Call. A speoial dispatch to tho Atlanta Journal from Birmingham, Ala?, says William Huntor, a briek mason, whilo at work Thur? Jay on top of ono of tho furnaoos of tho Sloss-Shomold Stool and Iron company, f jil to tho ground, a dis? tnnoo cf 77 f jot. Instead of tho man hoing dashod to pico is, as thoBO stand ing by cxpootad, ho ?voso and although, suffering from novoro injurio?, was able to walk to tho ainbulanoo to bo oonvoyed to tho hospital. Ho broko his fall by Srabbing hold of u number of ropos in is downward flight.