The Marlboro democrat. (Bennettsville, S.C.) 1882-1908, July 26, 1901, Image 3

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B?NNETTSYILLE, S. 0. lev ?, A. imo war A CO. >VWV''??.'WW"^,>''"'',,'"'k'w'"^^'*ww',,V,,,V* Oj?eir W?MI o/ Court Mouso. .'.....?.....iv".. '??? ?'?.?.'.. ....?...??.<?,?. ...<?, >>...,;>,, .?, >..>.,>?.,w Friday. July 26^1901. . MARION DISTRICT APPOINTMENTS. THIRD HOUND-W. 0. Powuii, P. B. . < Ho mid. Beulah, Olio, August 17,18 MoOoU & Bounottavlllo Mill?, MoColl, (night) August 18,19 ttennettSvlllo Sta, (night) 23,2$ Brlgbtsvlllo, Boykta, 24,25 l?ounottevlllo ot, Boauty Spot, (afternoon) 25,26 Blenholm et, Aug. 31, Sept : North B?arluoro, Shiloh, (afternoon) Sept 1,2 Ott)* Town Gorvernment. MAYOR-C. S. McCall ALDERMEN-J. Frank Breeden, C. E. F.xum, John ?. Douglas. W. 8. Howe. CLERK & TREASURER-Milton Mc laurin. OlTice open daily. POLICE-G. B. Barrett. Marlboro County Officers. HUBBUB J. B\ Groon CLERK OP CLERK-J. A. Drake JUDGE OF PROBATE-M. MoLaurln CORONER-0. F, Covington t?UTERVj?OR-M. K. Coward SUPT. KDUOATION-W. L. Stanton TiiEA?uRKR-J. II. ThoxnaB AUDITOR-K. 8. Carlislo S?NATOR-K001 Livingston KEPamNrATiVE8-J. C. Dunbar, J. C. Campbell, lt. L. Freeman. HBSMH Directory of Bennettsville Lodges CONSOLIDATED LODGE NO. 15, K. of V?,, incots ovory Monday oveoiog at 7.30 i'olook. " n W. Tnrlinclon. C. 0. 0." J. Lido, K.ofR. & S" M A no LODGE NO. 88, moots at fteancttsvillo. Friday ovoning, on or be? ?bro oaoh full moon at 8 o'olook. J. F. Kiunoy, W. M. J. T, Dudloy, Soorotary. County Masonic Directory. MARLBORO CH AFTER No. 30 lt. A, M., moctB at Boonettavillo ou the second Friday of oaoh month. Hobt Chaffin. II. P. I!, E. Stookton, Scorotory. .EUREKA LODGE No. 43, A. F. M., inooti at MoColl, each Saturday after? ?OOO, boforo tho full moon,at 4 o'olook. AURORA LODGE NO. 33, A. F. M., meets a? vino, biuuiuujr ?n 0? M..v. s soi! fut) moon at 3.o'olook, p. m. J. T. Stanton, W. M. J. E, MoLood, Scorotary. - KB ii vi'tatsx I Bennettsville Church Direotory. j .M'tmiUDLsv- '.< ii. >u! ith, C J /o', mid ty. K< hc.'i! ?j.ti \\ ni. : '1 J jfch?htf til i/j l '({Ci h VU. 1 ll !)!. : ..V.'V 1 . f Wd'?i'ii.ii/i'V ;>r .. i !.. <m?vV. j a?tj'?iiiuhl?ridi'jii Sun lay c..????> ! ;.... A 1 '.VoniV-^i.' . M.A?^'WJ-^^?V? H.?nm V,>\\\, Vi.?'i .r, I SuihVv fl?ttu?p? ? " ?'>? \\ji?\'?\\i\?i vv?i) j d..y.;'.t.! . '. : ' , meeting Thursday evening'at 8 o'olook, Suporintondont of Sunday sohool, II. W . Carroll. PRESBYTERIAN--Hov. H. W. Burwoll.j Pastor. - Preaching ovory Sunday at 11 a. m., and,8 00 p. m. Prayer mooting on Thursday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Sunday [ sohool, at 10.00 a. tn. Suporintondont of flohool, J. T. Dudley. EI'MOORAL-Bev. O. W. Boyd, Reotor. Preaohtng ovory seoond and fourth Sunday at ii a. m., and 8.00 p. m. Suuday sohool at 9.30 a. m. Dr, J. A. Faison, Superintendent. County Church Directory. Bennettsville Circuit Appointments REV. J. W. AR?AILL, P. C. First Sunday-ll a. m., Pine Grove' 3 p. m., ?Smvina. SeoondSunday, ll a.m. MoColl. 3 p. ni, Beauty Spot? Third Sunday-lt a. m., Pine Grove, 3 p. m, Smyrna. Fourth Sunday, ll a. m. MoColl, 3 p. in. Beauly Spot.1 Blenheim Circuit Appointments. REV. J. E. BEARD, P. C. First Sunday, Hebron ll a. m. Ebeneser 3i30 p. m. Seoond Sunday, Parnassus ll a. m. . . Bothlehcut 3.30 p. m Third Sunday, Hebron 11 a. ra. Zion 3.30 p. m. Fourth Suuday Parnassus ll a. in. Bethlehem 3 30 p. m. Clio Circuit Appointments. REV. T. M. DENT, P. O. Clio-1st and 2nd Sunda)s ll a. m., 3d and 4th Sundays 3.30 p. m. Beniah -1st and 2d Sundays 3 30 p. m. 3d and 4th Sundays 11 a, m. Sunday lohool every Sunday 10 a. m. LUMBER! W" LUMBER I Any kind you want. Apply to J. M. JACKSON. July 3, 1900. Eggs-aotly-Eggs! BARRED PLYMOUTH ROOKS. Best all ronud Farmers Fowl in tho world. Choice EAge at 600 per Setting of 13 ,' B. C NEWTON, Tatum, S. 0 ?'fipworsl Flowers! Mrs. J nos. Moore lias a lino lot of geraniums, Begonias Ferns, Palms and other plants, well rooted, that she desires to sell Cuttings 2fcc per dozen. Where To Find lt. I have retired from business, but you will ihn? my agent at the old .stand selling Aold Iron Mineral, natures own remedy, and monarch over all diseases. H. J. Odom. July 19 'Ol, County manager, j PJ1X?80NAL. . Mr. Myer Mittle ls visiting friends in Columbia. ^ Miss Nora Bounds of Florence is here visiting relatives. Wo regret to report that. Mrs, H. W. Burwoll is quite sick Miss Mattie Odom is visiting relatives over in Darlington. Miss Vista Dudley is spending some timo with Miss Stewart at Laurlnburg. Mrs. Rachel Pato of wost Bon nettsvillo is visiting relativos in Smithville. Miss Ethel Ford of our town is spondidg a few days with friends At Blenheim. Mr. D. C. MoRao who has been ju ito sick for a few days is out ?gain. Mr. Ernest Adams spent Fri lay and Saturday with friends lear Darlington, Miss Nellie Bristow of Flor mee is spending some time with 'datives in our town. Mr. and Mrs. Li. M. Morrison vre spending some time with re iativos in Red Bluff. Mr. and. Mrs. Sol Brown aro spending two weeks at Wrights irtllo below Wilmington. Mr. Tom Easterling of Rock [lill spont a few days last woolf. Arith relatives in our town. Mrs. G. Golden of Newberry md Mrs. Pierce of Columbia are visiting Mrs. Mittlo of our town. Miss Ila Brasington of west bennett sv i Ho is spending some rimo with relatives in Wadesboro. , Wo aro pleasod to report that vliss Nellie Easterling who has )een very sick is improving. Mr. J. J. Tart was in town Sat ?rday. Ho says tho roads are im proving in many sections. Mr. Jackson Stubbs of Bright iviiio, now in his 64th year, was n town Monday and in excellent tiealth. Mrs. J. F. McGilvray, Miss Mary and Master Bennie of Clio spent Wednesday in our town, tho guestof Mr. B. Y. McGilvray, Mr. J. Edwin Gibson now of Hartsvillo who has been spending a, week at home has returned to his post. We are glad to report that Miss Hallie Fraser who has been very sick for the past week is able to be up again. Mr. Neil Usher of Prospect was down Saturday. Ho says there was the heaviest rain.last Friday he over saw. Mr. George * W. Bullard of Brightsville was down Monday and called. He says crops are improving in his section . .Mils Toitfl?? Bir?Wr? %ho V' ivr . t>pt>odinp .' ?. i ho? v/Hu lu>< ' -t>) i i H f A! :.*. Ho) 1 . ow \\ ii. Cc MS -'.v.' . .: visit ?'r-Oi-i h in f.:i%<k. ; v- ' " . . ? . :> . ... M< li, >..'!(.;y',' a ! cir v. i; ' ?vi( i r 01 iii feht-iviile. liuiiUfl lt d!j i ftirm?j $. ft il is li u crop! <h\n\ ?yc\vi' I Hey v. Ill <*o Weil with1 the present prospect. Mr..Daye Mittle, who has been spending a short rest at home, left Saturday for the Isle of Palms where he will spend a few days and then go back to his work at Beaufort. Mr. Oral, who has been serving in the freight department at the Darlington Coast Line Depot has exchanged places with Mr Alden Creech of Bennettsville and moved his family over. Misses Jehu Fulmore, Margaret ? and Louise Purcell of Red Springs N. C j Misses Sophia and Theo Kuker of Florence, and Messrs Thad Carmichael of Dillon, Char lie McCollum, of Rowland N. C., and Mr. Dan Pate of our town, are all attending a 4'House Party" at tho home of Mr. T. D. McCall. Mr. J. H. McGilvray, who has had a sovere spell of rheumatism was biou^ht to Bonnettsvill} on Sunday from Tatum, is now at tho home of his brothor Mr. B. Y. McGilvray. In tho four days he has greatly improved and able to sit up. DEATH'S DOINGS. Tho many friends of Mr. and Mrs Fred E Rowe extend sympathy to them in the loss of their infant babe on Saturday after a long illness of cholera infantum. The paronta in the hope of eaving their babe had gono to the mountains in western North Caro lina but, the Suviour had need for tho little flower, and while the feud parentt are lonely they have tho ai? on rance that all is woll with the child. The romains wore brought home Monday night and laid to rout in Oak Hid go cemetery Tuesday. On Sunday last as the morning light was breaking the ?west spirit of Mun Mando Rogers, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Rogers of our town, bade adieu to earthly things and took its flight for tho homo beyond j the sky, after an illness of three wee) s of typhoid fever. Miss Maude had reached her l?tl> year. Only a few short week* ago oho came home from Winthrop Normal College to spend vacation She was lite picture of health and her .sub sequent sickness and end death wsaa painful surprise to those who knew nothing of her illness until apprised of her death. The funeral services v/ere conduct at tho family burying ground in Hrownsvllle on Monday hy Rev. R. Ford. SW Wo offer Mason's Fruit Jars at 7Bc por doz for quarts, and $l.oo per doz for hail gallons. Bennettsville Hdw Co. Tt and Oe oaliooes during this sale 4c the yard at Mittle'H St?M, TOWN ANO COUNTY NJRW8* - Futl moon next Wednesday. - Masons moot Friday night. - Tho days aro4 'gingery" now but tho nights are pleasant, t^-Oost sale at MUtle'sl store for tho next two weeks. ~ The summer school for teach ? ers has closed and the teaohors have come home, - The Pee Dee Educator whioh has been suspended for somo time has resumed publication. - Mr. Sim Mooro is supplying the market with melons and is in luck getting his own prices. Slippers for everybody at prices never before quoted at Mittle's store. - Mr. Willie Smi.h has a bar gain for somebody. Find his- ad and read it; it may bo just what you want. - Everybody come to Benntts vllle next Wednesday to take part in the discussion of better roads. Attend this salo early as some quanitiea are small at Miltie's store/ - The young man who hustles for a job will got his mimo on tho pay roll quicker than tho ono who applies for a position. - The heavy rains of Friday Saturday and Sunday stoppod the plows in somo sections for soveral days. - Tho recent hot weather has helped the crops somo, but tho crop is in bad shape yoi, and not more than a half crop oan bo ex pected. - We are pleased to learn that Dr. Jordon has recovered his his stolen horse. He was found near the town of Laurinburg and brought home Sunday last. - Quite a iiuiuuwroi tho young men who went to Darlington Fri day to witness the gamo of ball between Choraw and Darlington are particularly severe on the Hotel accommodation received. - Special attention is asked io notice of County Chairman for meeting of tho Township Com missioners to look after the coun ty exhibit at tho Oharloston Ex position. . The meeting will be held on the 81st. - We invite special attention to the new ad of G. W. Waddill's. Call and see his display of mat tresses. -Mu non'ii Fruit Jars and Kulti-] bera at W. M. Howe's. Sr?S^ Masons Fruit Jars atl llaJdwin's. JW* See the new lino ol em broideries just in at Mittles store, TVf T^fc'- VfvlMa i?) .f?|lf ot?fl Pout"-! t'.W '".> MwOvMuj. j 'Viii.. .''.i..?V?A*..?CwtV.-.--:?i . t.v, -v., WphMVi,: j Bpi 1 v." j ?. 'A 11 i ' ., Mel ,!ii:l lit) rafe >. od j Brvv'h?.'..< B??oi} piii'i '.'''.'.uyi' boj (bund ?'jc*?sb ;?{ W< .Si KoSvc'ui Hotter Roads. Elsewhere we publish a call for a meeting of tue citizens of the county at the Court House on Wednesday July Bist at 10 o'dook to take some step look ing to the betterment of our publie roads.. Better roads is money saved to the farmers in many ways and we hone to see a full turn out on Wednesday the 31st from every township. Unclaimed Letters. Lettern ?dd rested to the following ?mined portons remala uncalled for at the poBt office in Beinottovllle : W O Ad cc ok, A 0 Anderson. Hettie Burk, Bertha Oampboll, W 0 Dragers, Fanny MoNair, Samuel Parker, Mrs S J Uoheson, I Bitza Moody, Uhula Wane, [ Aaron Marten, Allie Sander?, Well Moore, Fanny Tillor, Aellton Tally, Boot Williams, Mrs O Muoes, W M Wheeler, Miel B W Weston. Tue Special Examinations. At the spcoisl examinai iou hi ld on tho 12th for entra?o > to Winthrop Normal College there were only two applicants Mieses Cora Bell Hogers of Bennetts <illo and Miss Florence Eas terling of Ta'uro. There was only 1 applicant for en? trance lo the College of Charleston, Mas'er John IO v croit of Ben netts vii hi, but as no questions had been receivod his examination wa* postponed to the 20th when the question* was passed upon' aud returned by next'mail to Prof Randolph. --i---??k>? White Man Turned Yellow consternation was felt by the triend;- jf M. A. Hogarty of Lexington. Ky., when they saw he wa* turning yel low. His skin slowly changed color, also his eyes, and he suffered terribly. His malady was Yellow Jaundice. He was treated by the best doctors, hut Without benefit, then he was advised to try Electric Bitters, the wonderful Stomach and Liver temedy, and he writes "After taking two bottles I ? was wholly cured." A trial proves its matchless merit tor all Stomach, Liver ? and Kidney troubles Only 50c. Sold hy J. T. Douglas, Bro., Druggis. She Didn't Wear A Mask Hut he beauty wa? completely hidden hy sores, blotches and pimples till she used Bucklen's Arnica SAlve. Then they vanished as will all Eruptions, Fever Sores, Boils, Ulcers, Cai bun. e'es and Felons from its usc. Infa lible tor Cuts, Corns, Bums, Scalds and piles. Cure guaranteed 25c. at J, IT. Douglas Bro. A Poor AU Hf ona i aro Lately starved in London because he could not digest his tood. Early use ol Dr. King'a New Lite Pills would have saved him. They strengthen the stomach aid eigcstlon, promote assimilation, improve appetite Price aie. Money back it not smUed, poid By J T, Dough*, Oro,JDrugglst, RELIGIOUS N0TE8. .% . Tho hour for Sunday sohool at the Presbyterian ohuiuh baa bopu fixed at io o'ulook a, m. * Tho hour for Sunday soh??l at tho V~t~>?~-t -.-. ?_? . - . - ? *-A-> ?.|..wu|i?i UUUfVU UOO uuuil ,VUHU|{VU *?v?>? 6 p. tu, to a. m., Tho hour tor Sunday school at tho Moth? odist ohuroh bas boen changed to %.oo o'dook ia tho af toruoon. ? Tho Wodnoaday nftornoort prayor* moot tag nt tho Mothodlst ohuroh in now 'hold at 4 ?oo o'olook. ! ? ? .>-* Prayer meotlug ? at tho Baptist ohuroh ovory Thursday ovoning at 8.oo. Tho mon'* prayor mooting at tho Methodist ohuroh lu hold ovory Wednen day evening at 7 30. Th? publlo 1 nv 11 od. Tho hour for Sunday eohool at tho llap* Ust ohuroh has boon obungod to 10.00 and tho hour for proaohlng to it.00 a. m. Oot a <<l4?ghtn?uflc>'rTnthe? groats gt freezer ou earth. Easiest to cluan, lightest to turn and tho 1 fast to churn. ?Vt . : .? I O. S. McCall's. I A Bennottsvlllo Prize Winner. On Tuesday last Hanovor Lodg-: of Odd I Follows of Wilmington, N. Ci,; hnd ? plo..IP at Carolina Beach boloW'that oity>.^-; <b?l| of .the f eulin 00 of entertainment wn&a hat\j : show. The jo were 35 ontrlos. 'I'd o firs* pri/.o, a lu?nOls?mo,go}d ring, WAR awarded lb Vivian Matthew^, daughter of Air. lind Mrs Osoir A, Matthows, formerly'O? oiifi town but now of Wilmington. ; Mrs Mat?., thews will bo romoraborod as Mum ?alite ! Powors, daughter ot Mr. S. F, 'Powohf,: j . Love your neighbor tuul dogqodj to thom thut toll youi* wife, what ? t^hcir husbands have told them about you. "j Don't You Love Flowers? It so, and you want somo pretty pote of all sizes in which to place: thom, call at the Hardware store j and you oan be suited. ' . . i ---- m:?\ Try a bottle of stuffed mangoes ; W. M.. Rowe*, ' i .-?<?>?-.- 'V .:. i\ i Fresh cake ; and crackers recd every week at W. M. Rowe's/ ??^A nica line . of coffees' I and tiUi at any price at W. M. Rowe's. {^".Ladies call at store ?f W. M. Rowe's forSapolio the great? est powder for cleaning and pol ishing Silver Ware, Glass and Tinware, as a polish it has no eqnal. : ! tGP Pipes and Smokers SupplicaTn'l endless variety.cati be'found atr J. TV Dougin8\'.; c- 0 Paints,- Oils, Varnish, Gltiesj ?nil -Ni'nulwici nfin LA honr.1,* n* ^?OWWT' '(^.VVS \ii j). T. th. Ll}. OQ;:W Vf, Of-^L #$fj i)?lA;? L!teT<V\V S. 0. ' j ?.'*0UM,:kb IN ijMfjj . 1 Bttoiu; Fawlty; t bh oi^ilppcrt i/luViulc? I ?u>d.cai aud -UlOiOgiout iiuuuiutuiiuii,. Obj , [sorvatory; Library of 14,000 volumes ; aud ? the finest Museum of Natural History in tho South. B A , n. S., and M. 3. Course* offered. Tuition $40, puyablo in two installments Hoard it. Collego Dormitory cad bo had at $to a month. Ono Scholar ship giviog freo tuition is amii ^ mid to ?aol? county iu tho Stato, tho holder to bo ap pointed by tho Judge of Probate aud tho County Superintendent of E lunation. All oandidates for ndmiiwion aro permitted ito competo for vaaaut Boyeo Scholarships, whioh pay $150 por year, Eatrauoe oa Bininations will, bo held in Bounottsvill.o.. July 12, 1901, by tho Supt, of Kdno.itlQii and Judge of Probato. Next Rcssion open* Sept 30, 1901. For catalogue address f. HARBISON R?NDOPII, Prost. An Ordinance : To Prohibit the Keeping of Butch er Pens and Killing Animal* within thc Corporate Limits qj\ the Town of Bennetts ville Ile it ordained by tlTe Mayor and .Al dermen ol the Town ol Renncttsville in ??Uncjl assembled and by authority o'! the same ; . Sec I. That Irom and after this date it shall be unlawlul tor any person or firm to keep a butcher pen or kill or dress ipr their own use or market any beef, sheep Roat or hogs, within the corporatei Omits' of the Town ol Henncttsville. ". ' Sec 2. That any person or firm vibra ting this ordinance shall upon conviction be- fined not less than Five Dpllara nor more than One Hundred, or be ftp prisoned not less than 10 days nor u\or< than 30 days. ^ * ! Done and ratified in Council tins ?isl day ol June' tool. ?. S. Mc?ALIy, MAYOR.' Warning Notice. ALL persons are hereby warned no: . to trespass on my lands in Adams ville Township-either by walking, ri diing, cutting timber, hauling straw or hunting. I will prosecute all who violate this notice. j" ; . ' . April 22, 1901. M. F, GIBSON." Three Papers One Year Each, pnly ??oe.. WEEKLY TIMES,*' RICHMOND, VA., Now Only 50 Cunts A Year,; and Includes absolutely free . ..4, THE PARAGON MONTHLY, New York, TUB FARM JOURNAL, Philadelphia? The Daily and'Sunday times, including Farm Journal ami Parngopi Monthly, Now only $3 per year. Or 2$ cts per month by mall. .7 ? Address TUM TIMMS, ' Richmond, Va. w, nouoiiiBU, Attorney at Law, Bonnettsville, S. 0?' Ornoo on Darlington stroot noar Postal Te lex ra pt omeo. January, 1899* MILTON MCLAURIN, * A Horn ey at Law and Probate Judge? Oillen tn Court Home, But we Can't Help lt. -?oeee<reoeoooooeoeo M HAIN HU Y at your Price. It lias been our custom to close ( oin but ..mire stock before purchasing tho COMING SEASON'S STG?k. OUR ANNUAL SALE commences June 1st, anti j contin?en to July 1. OA ?..L AT ONCE, before the Goods are picked over, or you will tufas Home bargains. These Goods are nil fresh and up-to date styles. You should see them. -o Those loishing HATS TRIMMED, We to Ul be ph a ed lb have them call at once, as Miss Martin ipili /?'(tve for Ballimore Jane Wth. Uvnwttsville Dry Goods & Millinery Co, M ny i i'.h, ipoi KIRKWOOD'S OLD STAND. A. 0. DOUGLAS. I. ?. ;;'.>?. ?i L?*?'.- . -, .': . " V, DOUGLAS & BROTHER, -.Practical Pharmacists and Dealers in - Ipi ?rnss Wi Ml0('*ci,,cs5 Plain and Fancy Stationery and School Supplies. 9 \yjS.Aa} ? ??A UA0U^ "'GLASS jmd JPVTTY. i :?Nt? C?U?K? ?NU TOfc*?<JCO. ftk Vres?riptionk carefully compounded at all hours turd guaranteed to be of the Purest Drugs and at r, abonable prices, 1 full line Carden Seed & Onion Sets. f/i?rihf?d for past liberal patronage wa solicit a continuance of same. J. T. DOUGLAS & BRO. Jajraofcry ?I, 1901. AT THE QZiH STANS. CAN HJELiP YOU ! mxim in Ti CB SEASON WHEN HOUSEKEEPERS HAVE TROUBLE TO I h 0P ? 00D FROM SPOILING, ?\nd aro HOrolj puado 1 what to d ?. "A: ; <??., h?tl|< (?ll Auoh I Como mid seo out Stock of Piop.irotl OAN'NKD GOODS . u'. i';, in ?ii. iiii.UlcB to tull tlio Hot Wouthor Oontin^onolu?. v ; j iSro low ?; 'MN !: win f?t. '.VD' . Ky-too, 0>, .-hit. f'.itli j! .. 1?<??.?Iny', ?,'M'y?.kty . ?U?--<u\ \ \> ..( ' l',vii. '?"'1 ic -, ?.- , '-'.r?s 'T.;?! . '. .; .. .awr.-'. :.?W-I>-;??', (r?wi .. .t.t;'1-. V> ,V : 1 ,\ .A'I 1 T>..?".. . L. J li . ... . it.': !>:: i\- ?.?.*.. iel S . t..*. ' ki 11 ti 'iir.)n>- ..?;??? < ^1 .if e'? linVfl' i1'!??vtifdl Sonn, Corn un !. .c. 'l\,v.\-.'?.vu fan Ukin, ??oitdt ?>e?f, limn, Muccurnr.i, (jl?ee3i?, Pen*, ^histnrd Sauce, Corned Hum, Cranberry Smiee, Plum Pudding, gellie*, Apples, JNut.s, Ruish.s, Pi tim s. FOR SUPPER W's havo Oysters, 81ioed Hain, Chicken, O?fnod Beef, Sausage. Crackers, Shreded Codfish Wa fuis, Mustard Sardinns, Cherries, Pears, Postum O?real. i t?? iv m Our supply of Canned Goods, Pickles, and Daintios are of 'rino nj' ? .1 us supply your wants. W, M. ROWE. i 'ioi Ho, UH. lien nett* ville, S. C. DR. HOFFETT'S EETHIN (Teething Powders) Allays irritation, Aids Digestion, Regulates thc Bowell, Strengthens the Child, Makes Teething Easy. TEETIIINA Relieves the Bowel Troubles of Children of ?.jyu Costs OBly 25 cents at Druggists, ANY ACE. .( %MM^^ Ormall26cent? toe. J. MOFPETT, M. DM ST. LOUIS. MO. UL III A USS' STABILES. {Mm hand AT STRAUSS' STABLES DEPOT ?BM? a ?iee lot of young Ulules anil Horses. Ano will continue to keep them for sale, i ? ^ill bc Misrepresented and you can rel)r on MKAf?? ni?ALTNGP. " l'obiuuvy 7, 1901. ?? STORE! WM GOODS! A FREE PATTERN (your own selection) to every sub scriber. Ou ly SO C?U?U a yc.vr. i Having secured the new store ii^xt <t<?(>! to the Douglas' Hros. ! Drug 3?ore, we have oponed up a liioo ?tock of General Mer-i ohandi/.e, und solicit a cull from | ti|0 gc no rou? publie and an in? spsoilon of our pt ices before buying I heir Dry Goods, Shoes, Hats. Notions. And Groceries. NV?- Bindi pav close nttonfi->n to ocr iini) .il Fancy Grocer! a, Conned Goods I Sii.\ We. ia temi oleo to moko a few .'pcct'dticfc Homo Ground Meal and Hom i Ay, Fresh Butter and pure Cane .Syrup. Dor motto will he IMNKST WKIOIITS ANO rruoKe,; Soliciting a liberal share of your patronage, wo ore Youiti TO Pl; KA mc. A. J. Wo on rai SQ BON. if A!), 10, J?01, ?C MAGAZINE' A LADIES* MAGAZIN!!. A ?ems l" ?ni if ul colored plater; latta) flattaient ; dittsin*klit|? tcoiiuinlei ; fane, v ur k ; l.mi-.r IKII J li 11.1:1 ; tictUn, ?IC. i'iil> Klilj? in il.y, or, tend jo tot Utsit coyy, Ijady ?eciua wanted. Send for term*. Stylish, Reliable, Simple, Up-to date, Kconomlca! and Absolute); rcrfcct-riultttr l'jipcr Pattern*. We offer First-class I Wagons comDlete at $25-Spot Cash* Hardware Co. We have recently added a Book and Magazine Counter to ?ur Jewelry Department? In clio Magazine Department wo will atiom;>t to furnish such copies of Periodicals as are desired by the Heading Public. First, we must learn what is wanted. Come a?d seo our assortment. If you dcnH seo What you want, mk for il, ft? W. CARROLL, lt en net t? ville, 8. C. Muroh 15, 1901. FULLER BRO^ DEALERS IN Buggies, WagonB And Harness, APTER THIS DATE, and during the eniire Trading Season will keen their STABLES WELL FILLED with a choice seleetlou of Horses and Mules, which they will sell for Cash, or on time with good approved notes. Wo havo recently added BuggieB, Wagons and Harness to our Stock and we intend tokeep up-to-date goods at the best prices. The following is a list of sorno of the makos of BUGGIES wo now handle Courtland, Watertown. Am??. BarWar, Wrcca, Sftaiiil aril mid Hickory Carriage Co. ootobor ?8, ?900. FULLER BROS ?Sj I? tia U>,V!>W llfttlll ll ?|I?! lilli mimw il?lil For The ?*?e Dee Section; Do yon contemplate buying Machinery of xauy description ? Then call on us. We are Manufacturers' agtnts for Engines, Boilers, Saw Mills, Cotton Grins, of all maires and are in position to give best prices and terms to buyers. How about HaiTOWS? Wo carry in stock Four different makes. The ACME RIDING HARROW at $10. The MORGAN ?PADING HARROW at $15. The SPIKE TOOTH LEVELING HARROW at $12. The Round and Cutaway DISC Harrows $18 to $20. And then wc have a Disc Harrow Cultivator, which can be used both as Harrow and Cultivator. We are still agents for the celebrated Deering Machinery, and have a few Mowers yet unsold from last Cur load lot, which weare offering at $40 each We sell thc Farmers Friend GRAIN DRILL and have one on exhibition. See and examine this Grain Drill before you buy. We guarantee them to give perfect satisfaction. Wc have a large line of BLLTING-Gandy, Rubber and Leather. AU of which wc guarantee, both as to price and quality. It will pay you to sec us before buying, We carry in stock a large lino of Inspirators, Injectors, Ejec tors and Brass Fittings of every description and size. Will bc glad lo servo you, when in need of anything in our linc. Very respectfully, July 25, 1901. W.-P. BREEDEN, IS STILL AT THE OLD STAND Really to Setve bi^ntn?sVlfiU^^ in His line. Morses and Mules, Cash, or'on time .With good secusity. SOLE?AGENT For "Old niokory," "Auburn" and "WJvito llickory" WAGOJ>u. Tyson & Jones, Hockney, ftabcook, Rook Hill, Continente!, Advance and Brown Carriage Co. ' ? ara dimorfo* of ray slook of MUDLES, COLI AH8. C0LLAlt4>?b& a jd HO 1MB at fpcoiat prices'. .Ton. 1,1901 g* W.ii?.l