8* A. BROWN' - - - l'UUtor, Friday. April 26,1901, ... .^"^v'^'^^" "'-'?'i'";i""J -A' . ?"-'"""?"-"-"I1!--!-1-" Subscription rrlcot Oaoyoay.,.......$1.00 Bix months. (, Xv . .* *.uU Three months.25 ? PEN AND ?3CI88QRGHIAPH8 The trains are running now from Cheraw to Chesterfield. Alabama was visited by a terrific tornado on the 18 which did great damage. It looks as if the weathor was in'sympathy with'tho plan to .reduce the cotton acreage. Postoffice Department pro" poses to use cotton twine in . place of jute, for tying up letter . moils. Tho atorra .of Friday and Sat urday seems to havo swept tho country from Maine to Texas, and muoh.-ilamago was dono. Senator MoLaurin has accept ed au invitation from prominent citizens of Greenville to make a public address in that city May 22nd. Mc?oll isa town now to make any county proud of possessing it. Chut?nos, schools, factories and farms all nourishing togeth The So??iWn temer- . who persist in buying western horses aud mules and Western corn to feed thpmjf need.not expect to be ' serenely liappy'all the tihie. A Berlin paper predicts a col lapse^in^Wall street as a result of over speculation. The wish iii this case may* be the parent of the pr?diction, . which is not al together without grounds. It ls very hard to please some -people. If president appoints a negro tb of flee in South Caeolina the kickers raise a dreadful hoWl>'.,-J"? he appoints a decent white man they howl all the same. The world is full of beauty, full of comforts, full of helplul agencies for man's pleasnre and progress. All that is needed is wisdom to find them. Let him but look, labor, learn and they all will be his. The Southern white people, as a rule, aro not in favor of negro suffrag?, but they are not averse io lie*pijiij i. lio . ?'oro; :4u(ii|i|rj u| jil coi tit whttdi i'< i Inti' 1 . s.iJ since itiiC) ..;?.! >..* $i' ,'fi . ?,(K* > ..? Iiis ,,.v{h?.yi"; 'Mv. U iii IM|l\iipo1:ii tho mnivrjiU tings in tho newest designs and WM,.j,,at,?,lvedutMc0ttU)6) OLIO CORRESPONDENCE.^ Items of Interest From This Hus tling Little City, Moat people oro saying did you over see mci) wernher. It is a strange thing that ono'e recollection goes a muck so often Wo have had colde/ weather than this in April, so somo people say. I heard ono man Bay this n. m., that he cotted remember ono year when thoro was frost every month in tho year. I don't remember that year my Holt*. I nm glad that my name is not Aunanins, ii it was I ara afraid that tho cold spells, fishing experiences, thunder clouds and oncou utera with snakes would cause me to biro an ns mutant liar or go out of businos. Nev ertheless, if I wauled un assistant in the business I could easily got him -tho harvest is ripe and tho laborers are not few on Ihcso particular lines, my observation tells mo. I alway* write on n Black Out wilting tablet, purchased from Geo R Welch; this may in some measure account for my wild flights of imagination. Some peo ple say its something else, but I lay all tho blame to the black oat, and tho company I 9 m obliged to keep agafn8t my will, and unsettled con ficionoj as well. I am sometimes afraid that some of our consciences in regard to tho weather, fishing &o, are like tho Irishman's-as go >d as new for they aro nover used much. Boys keep a clear conscience, and nothing cnn hinder you in thc road of progress and honorable old ago. Somebody wont from Clio to Bon* uettaville Inst night ou a tender heart ed expedition, But "the best laid plans of mice and men gang nftaglco." Thc horse got loose tho boys got loft, aud the horse like the proverbial black cat hasn't got back yet; but I rock on ho will come back and again take up the burden of life at tho front end of a dray. I ara not calling any names ns I have been warnsd'not to do so, but I am not drawing on my imagina tion nor tho Snturday Blade either though I may have to do both later ou. ?apt. Hin shaw left this a. m , for Wilmington to make arrangements with thc R, R. authorities foi: iron to lay A traok acros) little Poe Dee Ki vor and on to Robtsou County, whore ho hae purchased large bodies of timber. It successful he will also haul freight for tho people along the line of Road. You can't.dowu a working man. Dis. Covington aud Evans .have been to Florence to tho Medioal As sociation. I dont think there is any danger in eating lettuce, if Dr. Cov ington is right, and he must be, for he says he eau provo what he says by Dr Reese of Tatum. Why do tho heatheu rage and the people imagine a vain thing? One poor old Chronic grumbler hal just said to me as I am writing this, "The end of time is nigh this weather is r?r\..1 r* ? ~ Hf?ak tip \vH!i ~ b!p'1*b.un he will bo cal (Ci A .".?A ii ai:. 1 ! .'....i*' ..;<.?. *i?iy OM jo fi- < ic? j i 1 v tVyVn^'io [ . . ir? tee rilni .lulo O? ving lyu tc doa th b< hoy/; 'Vb?v'tl batter (ry Lo briiibteh livl'a hy abUihg u.? VJ t.'.ko di ii); er . i iii? them. Laying foolishness nsido thc weath er is allright if tho people are. If we do our duty according to our advan tage ami opportunities the weather will suit our case every limo Thcro is a heart, there in a hand Wo feel but cannot BOO, Wo havo nlwnys boon provided for And we ahull nlwnys bo, Nobody hero ou a visit-nobody sick. I think somebody U going to get man led. If thoy don't I have just for gotten how I used to do, that;) nil. If anything happons I will let you know if nothing happens it will be a Wonder to rae. Any way, I'll play McCowber and wait for something to tura up. Apr 22, 1901. J. F. McG. I)0T8 FROM FOX BAY. Farmers are nearly all done plant ing cotton. Some aro afraid they will have to plant over on account of the cold weather, Mrs. J. C. Spears aud children are spending tho week at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Spears. Tho quilting at Mrs. James Davids wasenjojod by a host of young lad ies. We aro sorry to say that Mrs Wm Spears is down sick with grippe again. M caa ra A. L. Enstcrling and Robot t Spears visited tho home of Mr: and Mrs.\Jamo3 Wright on last Monday. Mr. and- Mr? Silas Spears left last Friday for Rul,Springs. They will return next Monday.- > Mrs. H. B. Spears is not'iiiiproving very fast. s, ( Mr. James McQuaige and Mi; Willie Spears are hauling lumhor for .Mr. Alfred Hamer this week. Ask cousin T-how she likes to get April tool H. The people of Hebron are having tho Church painted over. Hurrah for Hebron they will not bu behind. Gordons are looking well since the rain. Apr 22, 1901. Two Foxes. FROM SMITHVILLE, Tho siok of our section aro all improving. Oom io ooming up and cotton planting ia about ovor. Sorao aro worriod about stands as eeed is scarce. Wo had heavy rains lo at week and Peo Doo river is on a boom. Perhaps wo will havo a dry May. Rov. Franklin Quiok our young local proaohor o onduoted service at Ebenezer ohuroh Sunday morn ing. Ho is making fnio progress and is winning many friends. The picnic Henson is near at hand and Ebenezer folks are look ing forward to a pleasant gather ing on Children's Day? App 22, 11)01. fr, a Pythian Picnic nt Hunt's Muff. Mr. Kdltor? - On Thursday April l8th, 1901 . Hobron^Lodgo K of P. furnished a Ulah dlunor at Hunte Bluff It Was nu un fortunate MOJO, so for as fishiug with tho OQlno waa oonoorued, th? rlvor waa too fa!! fer fishing, and tuw iviny tribes could go ou thole way up tho rlvor unmolested. Tho Pytbfnns, howovor, woro uot oanjht napping, being owaro ot tho uno?rtaluty of gottlog shad at nil times, thoy bad mado ampio provision for au emergency To M , U. P. WI)lttakor waa entrusted tho duty of scouring fisk for tho occasion, and tho un derstanding ,was that it ho fui Iud to get Qah from tho rlvor, ho waa to gob thom' whorover thoy woro to bo had Early in tho day Mr. Whitaker drovo up with dm in obundacoo from Drako's millpond-fino largo bluo broun, porch, trout and somo othor varluties usually ouught In a mill poud, Wo oun say without any oxagg-ir ntion that ho brought thom by tho bushel Tho K. of Pa certainly ontrustod thia foo turo of tho progrntuno to ono who faith" fully poi formed his duty, for it may bo trnly said that ovory person prcaont hal placed beforo him or hor "Benjamin's I moss," Thoeo fish woro prop trod by Jamos Neoly, tho proprietor of a restaurant at Clio, who had boou employed for that pur poso, and so far aa that iaoonoornod thoro is onough said, for ovory body that know? .Jini" knows that ho understands tho art, and how to do enoh things "do aontlj oud iu order," and that no ono could have boon placed in ohargo of tho ouisiuo that would kuow any bettor what to do and how to do it. When tho fi-th woro modo ready thoy woro plaood ou a table that hud boen prcparod by Mr. A L. Morria. Tho tablo wno about sovonty five foot long, but boforo tho uuturara .ni.vt'tt'.t ..v:iun- < . . a '. cl (1M. .> on that th j' lt, ol Vii ..?v> h .oi /. nt Heb j (IJCJ hov.? a l-di'jfj ni nnh ip, and inofit uv?iy1 IVday rn;'!-i M il ir moot ...?/.> ure wo om awaited Dint they do YUM nlaii 1 l><3 U ro^ lici?n!? ni dor va at Mao varuu o know that ilu.y do not iiioolc.'.\t KEPT BIB IJLHJ, Twolvo yoars ago J. \V. Bull?s . ol ! Hartford, Cooa., soratohed his lot ftith a rusty wire. Inflammation and bipod j poisoning sot in. F>?r two years Iii s?; j ferod intensely. Thon tho best doctors urged amputation, "but" ho wrbo i. "1 unod ono bottle of Elcoirio Bitter- am! 1 boxos of Buoklon's Arnica Sa!' - ! my log was sound and well as ovor ! or Eruptious, Eczema, Tetter, Salt Ith? 'inj, Soros aod all blood disorders 1. ? Bitters has no rival on earth. Try th m J. T. PoCgla8 & Bru. will guaran i? ^faction or rotund tho monoy, Only 60 oonts. SPICEXU^OC?L^ NE I V BY J. B. HAMILTON. I soil tho celebrated 'Oui':; I den aced. Yes, and give tho larjji ?i j paper of peas and beans sob' h<;i .\ j Sec ceo before you hwy f$ j --I will meet cote pe titio n, ! fjolj UnliM luolaaiib? et :*5 ot?, j i A nice U ?>( of General Sesiona will cou < >..> the j j Filth Monday iu April 1 hoing th? y.qiU daj thereof) 1901, and tho Court of ( \ run 01 Pleas on the Wednesday next following paid Fifth Mouday In April, f(bf??dg ll)* j iat day of Muy,) 1901, at Bennet tnt! ir. (ii and for the oouuty of Marlboro on I tf'ifcto of South Carolina. AH poisons totee iU .1 will tako due notice theroof. J, A. DR AK ICj Clork Court of O. P. & O. H. F?r Marlboro Co . ri. O, maroh 12, 1901. --4t ILTON Mci, AU BIN, Attorney at Law au ' Probate -Iud Oflloo in Court Ilouse, SHERIFF'S SA STATE OF SOUTH CAK:>i/(NA County of Marlboro-Chu rt Oom mon Pleas. JOHN N DRAKE, as Assignee, l'l'fi' 0 H a r rici. 1 rby^S?tiTe 1 roy fcjj??l a r d, and Others Defendants. j TN Obodionco to a judgment of ..?o I* closure and salo grantod in the above stated caso, I will ofior for sal? ho l'on itu Court House Door at Bonnolisviil? S. O., on thc Gist Monday in May beut, dui in... legal sale hours to the higho:-'. bidder t"i eash, all that certain pieco, hare*)) 1 ir?oi of land situate in County and thain antro* said containing nine hundrod scroti inor? orl088, situate in county of Mar!! OV? and State aforesaid, bounded by lijo G rea i Peo Deo Rivor, lands now or for(ii(jrly ot" Ebt. ol' Elizuboth Poar?on;- by lard- pf Jumes L. Irby and O. M. Qrahituj Said boundories ombraooing and Intending to ombraco oil tho lands Ownod by tho late Jobn B. Irby beforo and at the tiaie 01 bis death und now or hnroaftm owned by tho haid Harriet Irby, lying on tho lower or wcHtorn eldo-of tho publio road leading IVom- Bonnotleyillo to Choraw, 8>ivo und oxcopt tho traot convoyed by iaid J ho IV Irby, to tho defendant Janice JJ. II by, by deed dated thc 8fh day of Fe by 1897 and reoorded in tho Clerks offtoo ol said coun ty in Book No 4 of Deeds and Cony? yunce pago 461 ; and also the traer conveyed by thc said Harriot Irby to Pct in profusion, too numerous to mention. Our,?Stock> is more complete than ever, and everything in Dress Material ol ..il description in White and Colored goods wc carry. [.adios are specially invited to call and examine Our Slock. WARNER'S CORSETS in all new shapes, and every Pah Guaranteed against rust. , v 'aces, Trimmings i Embroideries and Insertion WE HAVE A FULL LINE. TM- Celebrated Hamilton Brown Shoe rWei S&TXr%YPGL FOR MEN LADIES and CHILDREN vO S ola wJ?a&, Bom mon ana LOW eui:.. New lasts and new shapes TO FIT ALL tfEET.%^?^ dahi??Sm/** is fliiiy: 25 per cent chewer wi"HHBBg lhan her?tofove. T? prove this ?ce ?un new line of Summer Goods. Our *4mado tp;1(|??^??|: Department is a.spocial feature. 'Every fit guaranteed- ; Hate, Caps, Groceries, Hardware, Agricultural ? Farming Impleme?ts, Pumps, Points | Piping and Crockery, ? Lime, Cement AND Plastering Hair, Paints. Oils and Varnishes of every description. Ask to see our-celebrated Hammer Ready Mixed Paint-one gallon makes two. Don't Forget Our Furniture Department, lt is more up-to-date than ever. Wo can Faro you 20 per com on anything in tho FURNITURE LINE. . 60 Rolls of ohoice Japan and Oliina Matting In all now patterns and designs, , ?IVE US A CALL. POLITE OLmCS AJSf?) READY TO SERVE YOU, YOURS TRULY, PW?^t?v|Iler-R-.a Aunifc t% 1901. ? : .:\: "DEXTER M Ii you have a "DEXTER," or a- "KO you will get the Comfort, that no other M Come and sec them, . ,At the same time i Novelties in Malting c I carry thc largest ?tock in thh IMMING I TO ? Nice Vresh.Stock, from the Cheapest to tl " to FURNITURE and its Belongings, a UNDERSOLD." I sol lett your put ronato lu Very JiespccifuUy, lit1 : ill Beuhettflville, 8. C., Msroh 5, 1 < AJLAN?I? COASTLINE RAILROAD i. * oinsoH TO COLUMBIA, j LEAVE. , " Am?VB. ! r6 45 ?,:.m. Gibson, . io to p. to. |^ 7 it? .JQqnnott?vllio, 017 802 Darlington, 825 9 z$ ' Sumter, 6 40 .?5 m< Oblumbla, to 55 a. m. OIPSON TO CnABIiKBTON. LB A VB. . ' 6 45 a. m. Gi hoon, . 7 ?O ' Bonnettpvillo, 8 02 Darlington, hit TCTA 4'49 p. ni. ' Ohnricot?n, . ABKIVE. io io p. m. 9 17 8 as 7 55 " 4S FLORENCE TO WADRBBORO. LEAVE. I ?RRIVK. 8 45 a, m. Florence, 7 00 p. m. 9 20 Darlington; .6 29" II 30 Ohoraw, 5 15 T. M. EMERSON, li. M. EMERSON, r Trafilo Maoagor. . , Aae'fc. Gen Pasa. Agt. J; lt. KENLY, Gonoral Manager. W? Feed : The Hungry, WnBN in towu ami you want a Tgood moa), remember wo caa sorvo yon. A good mont for 250. Restaurant north of tho Market. D. J. BRAYBOY; HOW .ABOUT WUXt . Doon it keep tho correct tinoV Ordo you linvo to oct iL livery twenty four ho UKI? Do your know what in i\a mailor with il V Bring It to mo and let mo put it lo correct | tlmo-kccpmg order. It nny bo dirty and need cleaning. It mny havo n Cog'.broken; | It: may bayo a Mjrow lco?o^ or it may only ocerl regulating. Bring lt to mo and no mnttor what ulta St, I can put it tn first, olaes condition. My obargos oro very mod orato and tho 'work will bo don? promptly. I repair Jowolry and Olooke, a'<50 Guns and Pistols. For anything In my ljno4poo mo. I eau and do moot ail competition. 8. J. PEARSON, Jowolor and .Repair**, j PATENTS GUARANTEED out fcc returned if we fail. . Any one scmllnr sketch and dcsc'ripMou .of any invention,wi! firomptly r?celv? our .opinion free concerning lie patentability of saute.' "How to Obtain a Patent'! sent upon request. < Patents 'secured through U9 rid vert 1 sod for sale at our expense. Patents taken out through ita ieee i ve s?>ec(al notice, without charge, in Tun PATENT K KOOK n, au illustrated and widely circulated Journal, consulted hy Manufacturers and Investors. Semi for saUlpto copy FREE. Addtess, V?QT?R ?I. EVANS & OO. (Patent Attorneys,) Evans Building, WASHINGTON, ?. Ci. ti [J (J AT T 11.13 OLD STAND Amid Prepared to lill nt Short Notice - Orders for - ?ypre fft n tl HlliHc li t . SashrI3aara and Blinda] AT Boi'f?M rmoKs. Wo soil no shoddy work, or ml?s-fita. Shops on M0O0H atroot near residence. S. V. FOWl. O, A lmndsomol culAtlon of roar : four ... T?NSOEilli. PARLOR. THE best workmanship.. Ray Hum and Tonic Treatment Tools the best and sharpest Pdllte attention always assured Thrco AftiMs in constant attenq>ncft. LAD1K3 WORK & Specialty I J Once a customer, always a cuatocher. J4?K?0N, ??ATOHER, TH( LAS 'I .VTTRE831' YAL ELASTIC FELT" MATTRESS attrcss gives. I am agent, for both, iee the . md Window Shades: ? Line In Benncttsville, S, C. I IN F he Best. My time, is given exclusively md, on a Square Deal, I will not be i my IJIIIC. Waddi?L 901. '?m JtXLAHTIC ANS TADB1H jJAlLR?A?, 1\ -ii lix Kff??t M ru oh ?.G, 1890. Bu ul fi ' Bound Dally No 52 MAIN LINS North Bound Daily 6 50 p 3 SOP O A * r? ? tj r a 30 p 12 42 p ?? 13 P 11 55 r? II 07 a io 36 n io 09 a* 8 45 ? Ac LT LV; Lv Lv Ar LV Lv Lv Lv Wilmington Fayetteville ?? 'Salford ' Climax ; ^Grqen?bpr?'J Greouoboro ^Stokeadale - ^Walnut Gove Bural Hull Mt. Airy Lv At Hi Lv Ly Ar Lv LV Lv LY Ar South Bound Pally No 64 - BKNNKTTHV1 LLB 9 00 a tn ia io p!'??/ ,.':*. 4 ii I? lb .4 ai pan Bound.. No 65 8 00 a m 9' 07 a ra . 9 35 a m io 20 a ra 10 40 a m Lv BonueU'jvlllo Ar Lv . Maxton . Lv Lv Bed Spring? Lv Ly J Hope Milla Lv Ar Fayetteville Lv No 46M South Bound Mixed Daily ox v S??day 7 15 P * 6 t$ p? 5 35 P if ' 4.5^p,?p: 4 33 P?J MAD/SON BU ANO? Ar" LY No 4? Bound , Mixed Daily ' ox Sunday < 30 p rn 3 Sp P ? 40 p m j Ly 2 3c/,p;m 12 30 pirn 6 iff) ?' BH '. 9 ' 7 '\ f? n',O?,?;..;'{. ; - ;. it ss *&mm .'^nmcorir '."'??v . "Ol i max A?. .0 reenuh?ro- *j Ac 0)C( l.v 'Madison Ar _"->..>( rv-._.-v:/.7^t?i* 0?TOBI&>' Contrai Kai I ro?rt, 'aTBi:d; Spring? with the Bed Springs and Bowmore railroad, at *|AU?, ford with tho Saaboatd Air Line, A? GU|* with the DurUnni and CharlottO'Railroad, at Grconboro with tho - Southorh Ballway Company, at Walnut Cove with tho Norfolk and .Western Ballway, j. R. KENLY, Gen'l Jfl.anngar. T. M. EMEBSON, Traine'Manager H. M. KM BUBON, Gen'l Paaa-Ag*na,?; Ott J. W. MoELtWElS, BENNtTTSVItitf 10, I HAVE .recently,.wm^f Marble Works from, Mo?oll.ttt Bonnet tavillei ?adf?rihe^proy* ent nm loon ted nour-tho Depot, and oceupythe McCall Brie* _ -Warehouse,; where ? I Wfpm pleased to" continuo io supplyall *o.t$f needed in my lino to ibo poopl? ?l ftt?rl> boro and" adjoining counties rnrtlea fiodt lng it inore eon?venlent can Lavo-their 0V0 d?rt? fil?cd from my yard ai Dillon, S. O. Designs, estimates and pilera 'furnished application. Cleaning ant) rei?tt?og mon uments and tombstones a ppfealalty. Thanking tho general publie Tor pall patronado I respectfully solicit A--?QOIX???*? unncc of the Bamo iu tho futuro. Very r?spcotfulty, itote-.?? J. W. ?Mo?I.Wei5#s W. W? PATE?. M^NAOitB, January 22,1990 ' Three Baybere! yhr'ee-QbatfBt SALOON ON MARION BTRKR?V EA8Y OHAIUSrOLEA?fstf^i? BEST OF HA?R O?X?i ' Children. receive spooint .ftttenttpn ? either.at tho. Shep nt their KoueeV Your patronage soUcltcd. : . J. A. GR?tlE, 'Butfyr.h BBNNKTTOVILLB, ?. O, Otoestsi whaat'yott aat* It artifiolally digests the food ^fedaM?a Nature in otronathentntj! ?n? .truottnft the exhauster! dlsesttyiijMN yans, lt iotlio latestdlncoirereaaiBeai* ant and tonio. Ko oth?r prepasfttlc? can approach it In cfrtoiency. lt lia?. Bluntly relieves ana permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, ?i?avtLuti?. FfatulAice, Sour Stomach, Nans?? SlclcllcVaaohe,Gastralglft,CJrami)S all oth^r results of impeefeot dlr Boug?ft8 Bros, drug store* ?d ' ' i eu* aid.M a ?Ht PAtRN^lW? j^tflUtnom to fha Vm*\ %mt\ tfl?pRM?