The Marlboro democrat. (Bennettsville, S.C.) 1882-1908, April 26, 1901, Image 1

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"Do Thou Liberty Great. Inspire Our Souls and Make Our Lives in Thy Possession Happy, or Our Deaths Glorious in Thy Jnst Defence." VOL, XXVI BENNETTSVILLE, S, Ci, pilDAY, APRIjL 26, 1901. DEFENDS HIS VOTES Senator: J jhruL. '.McLaurin Fires Mia First Qun. A REAL CAMPAIGN OPENER. Tho Work for Southern States man ?if He 8eee l\ Insista on Being Ind? pende nt on Oroat 18?uao Senator John L. McLaurin spoke as follows at t'jo banquot of tho Southorn Manufacturers Club nt ,Oharlotto .on Thursday. Ho said: : Idcsiro to m a ko a statement of scnio what ? por?otal na;uro boforo proooed in g with tbis speeob, whioh ? intend to deliver tonight. A oottnin uewspapor correspondent in tho oily of Wabhiug ton has persistently sproad tho report that I was norning to Charlotte to mako a spoooh whioh would launch a now party in tho south. Thu report is ab solutely falso. If I had any suoh in tention good tasto would prevent mo from taking advantago of an oppor tunity ol'-this kind. I tiu oontont to adv?cate within Domooratio lines tho polices whioh I believe to bo boat for tho south, and whon I oan no longer do this Iain toady to rotiro tb private lifo. lu'tho'south ..wo aro today roal zing como of tho droves of its far reaching otalesmen and buainosa mon of fifty ybarsiago,. ; With prophotio eye, they 'nawrtho industrial and eommoroial pos sibilities of our highly favored south land. With on advanoo of thought that is really surprising, thoy auggostod on tor'p'risOs ?f wendorful ruagnitudo for its -Upbuilding and oommeroial domi nanoo. 'l?ro??S?838 to 1860, oonvou ?tiona y/ovo held, to voieo tho domandsof n dcepH?a?pd""publio sontimont for in d?Btn?l.i.^?^?cs?. Tho story of thoso m?vomenis: fis ohroniolod in a South Carolina publication, which, under tho nnmoof j^obow's ltoviow, aid for tho old south what tho Manufaoturer's ile ootd is doing for tho south today. Tho same spirit whioh onablod our fathers to leavo tho bold of dofoat with nothing but their oeuf ago and thoir characters loft, still live in tho south, end hispiros you today in your great undo vt ak in g. Tho plans of tho great southorn businoss men and s tatet mon of fifty years ago aro no longer idle dreams. . Postponed by a oruol war whioh destroyed our sooial and indus trial system, and which for years reach ed cooperation in national undertak ings almost impossible, suoh mon as 1 moot hem louight aro making those - dreams aotual hvtug realities. ?alk about tho, "NDJP'YSV'th/i tho arno in ivmisnoinor. It is th?Taamp ?d ?tfdtifc revived .whioh sixty jronrs ago Ado tho south the dominant pbwor in this nation^-a position of whioh ing but" war .could have robbed 'her. What wo no od now. to again attain that proud -ominonco is tho samo broad con ooption .and tho same oomprehonsivo grasp of tho true situation. Tho last twenty year? have wrought an industrial revolution in tho south, whioh must find expression in our sooial and politi eal life. Tho timo is past for tho discussion as to whothor this government is to bo ono consolidated in its atruoturo or a IOOBO abrogation of (flo called) sovereign States. Tho civil war Bottled that. It if j useless to disousa tho question of whothor this is to bo a: purely thoo rolioal Demooratio government or an expanding , and giant Republic Tho Spaidsh > war settled that. Why not thon ?ooo'pt conditions as they aro and mako tho most of them? Tho agitation of suoh issues only serves to sidotraok broad Amorioan doc trinos and should not bo mado party questions beosuso thoy grow out of aotual .politioal .and eoonomio con ditionsj whioh it is boyond tho power of either party to ohango. 1 oaro not of what politioal faith tho oooupant of tho white houae might have been; for, if a true American, mindful of tho honor and'dignity of tho nation, tho resuft'?f tho* ^Spanish war oould not bo widely different from wi ni thoy aro to day/ Why should our pooplo bo tho only ones to ol?so their eyoa to what is going oh? Why should wo movo along in tho samo old ruts and insist that politioal policios and old tradition?, long since doad aro vital living issues, and depend upon thom for tho salva lion of tho south? Tho triumphant ro-elootion of Mr tho last ?ampaign is full of significando, lt is a stubborn faot confronting tho Demooratio party to day; suggostivo of roprbaohful romcm branoos and fearful, monaoor. What a reflection that this now Dtmooraoy did not corry ? Stat? whero tho isssuos woro disoussod.and judgment passed by tho peoplo Upon thom on their morits. Of course with us it has boon impos sible to decido elections upon istuou. It has boon simply a quostion of whito supremacy; In tho north and tho west, dissolved into faotions, tainted by tho errors of republicanism and tho follies of populism, tho patty oould not with stand the tido of popuUr opposition txoitod by unreasonable oritioism of tho oo'nduot of a foroign war, and by tho vicious and incendiary appeals mado dining tho last month of tho campaign to class hatred-'and prejudice, p Fandamehtal prinoiplos were lost sight of, and in an insano off ort to se* euro party kuoooas at any coot, tho at tempt was made to combino sooialism, populism and ncotionolinm, with, noth ing bUt thu sontimont and traditions of Do$b>iraoy, Thorbnl Domocratio lead crsof tho to na to for the past throo years have, boon Allon, Teller, and PotMgrew, nil. of them abto men, but ono a populist, ono a high-tariff Ho publican,- and tho other, 1 do not know what.- All of thom opposed to Stato $08$*'iBBU0 Vto$Qt safeguards, nd'mont other things wo nood in tho ??m?",: ?M? was. oallod tho "New )oihporftoy'? in oontradiotinotion from tho old,- and Some of its loaders stated that its.ereeds wero revolutionary and woro flo designed to bo. To sow dtaqontont... with industrial oondifciori? an<j dlsltast of the govern ing poWr; to array olass against class, hi tho hopo of noouring fanoied social and industrial equality, is to my mind the first ?top in revolution. Tho south iv tho Anorioan end of Amonoa. In no soetion io thora so small a foreign element, no much conservatism, and PO puro a patiotisin. What a politioal paradox tbon it ?B for our people to bo tho allies cf profossed revolutionists olsowhoro. It was not tho puro typo of south* ctn Domooraoy that tho bataneo of tho country feared in thc last prosidontial election. They know that properly in terpreted this was conservativo and safe It was woll understood, howovor, what ibfluonooH dominated, and that, tboro?oro, tho south in national affairs was still poworloes. Ono doubtful nortborn State had thon and has now moro influencio than tho ontiro south combined. Ono party sajs, Why should I commit you, I OMI hope for nothing. l?ho other sajs, l'vo got you any way, and J. will do as I picana; holp yourself if you oan. What a position for a bravo, high-spirited peoplo bouud hand and foot, tho miserable slaves of ono party and a football for tho other. I, fer ono, do not boliovo that tho peoplo of tba couth tro ready to t ust this g vernmont into tho hands of any party to begin tho leveling proooss through tho cxtroiso of tho taxing power, and yot this is exactly what this new propaganda meats, and out sido of tho south it is proclaim d by tho very samo o ass who preach and praotioo fiooial rquaUty Dotwoen tho races. Tho two dugmsB aro inseparably interwoven. Go into tho wost, attend ono of their campaign mcotings sorat'oh beneath tho skin and you will find tho samo old sooial < quality dogma, to tho tuno of whioh tho seul of John Brown id still "mnrohing on." Taxation for tho purposo of equalizing or rodistribu ling property is rank sooialism, not Do mo..-racy, Lot it tako hold in tho south and with it will go tboso barriors which wo havo ercotod to maintain tho pur?.ty of our race and tho integrity of our civilization. Anothor thing-to my mind it is folly to oppose i xpeujion undor tao hamo of imperialism. It doooivor, no man of intelligence Ho understands that thorn is no analogy botweon this country and tho Roman Empire, and that thoso who talk of imporialism do not tako into aoojunt that power whioh is born of our froo institutions, a fortress in tho hearts of our pooplo stronger than any ever built of stone As long as this is there thoy oan never- booomo slavos; and whoo it is dead it matters not w bother undor ropublio or empire, thoy booomo an oasy proy. It depends upon tho pooplo, not tho government, whether thoy bo slaves or froomon. It is tho pooplo that mako tho government not tho government tho peoplo. With a bravo, strong,-intelligent pooplo, with a froo press and popular oduoation, thero oan bo no imporialism. Why should wo bo afraid to trust oureolvos? The wholo tendenoy of tho times and tho spirit of tho age is toward Democra tic iostoad of imperialistic ideas of gov ernment. The throno of tho 4 Groat Whito Ozar^ tromblos today at $ho roar of ibo D.mburaiio Lion, and tho cohoes resound-cvon from tho far off Oriont. Our pooplo understand that it Ie not aotual torritory or dominion over peoplo that wo sock, but tho expansion of Amorioan thought, ideas of govorumont oommeroo and civilization. Politioal teador* might woll learn that the law of progress will swoop away as chaff thoso "who would placo barriers against this mighty tide which is dostined to spread the Domooratio idoa of govern mont to tho utter mo it bounds of the earth. My dofioition of Domooraoy is liborty for man, formulated into a theory of governmont. It moans man's inalienable ownership of himself, it moans freo thought and freo spoooh. ," In tho dark, ages of tho past some poor slave raised his bowed hoad and looking up into tho bluo sky caught in spiration from God's froo air and sun shine that ho also of right was free, and ovcrsinoo, that vision of liborty has boen an undying revelation for ovory age and all olimos. Grooian and Roman slayos saw tho heavenly light, and faoing their mastors' swords, bravely diod. Saxon ohurl with woodon oollar. and our own fathers, at Oowpons ana King's Mountain, lookod upon tho oe leBtial pioturo, and with a smile of joy gavo up their livos. Why need a imo Domooraoy hunt foi issuos in our rotations with foroign countries? lt is upon domontio prob loins, tho rights of man and man, thc relation of labor and capital and itt stand upon thoso homo issuos that hat ondoarod it to tho pooplo in tho past and upon whioh it must finally stand 01 fall. It is folly ?to attompt to dwarl groat national and international issuot into intro questions of party polioy; il failed in tho last campaign, and will fail ovory limo it is tried. Evory raombcr of tho Amorioan eon gross, when it comos to aforoign polioj a foreign war, and army, a navy, a mer chant marine, or any other question af feoting our honor as a nation, or oui prospority a? a pooplo, should bo free and untrammeled to voto as his judg mont and oonsoionoo dio tatos. Foi ray solf, I would not, under existing con ditions, bo willing to hold a soat in thc United States sonato upon any tormo, To allow others to think for me upor thoso great questions is a cowardly ova sion ot my responsibilities, andaorimi nal nogloot of thu truo interests of thom who Boicot mo. I am re joiced tonigh to ba in tho prosonco of so many of tin groat oaptains of muthern industry Von aro tho mon whose enorgyiand on terpriso aro dc vol o pin? our. natural ro sourocs and thus laying tho foundatioi for the full en} >y mont by our BO Ot io l of all that must follow in tho wako o tho oxpanding glory of our Ropublio and this in spito of the faot that it ha booomo tho fashion in nomo quartor* t snoor at what is termed tho "nordb oomracroial"argumontin favor of expan sion and other national issues. Our politioal lcadors should not fox !;ot tho faot that modorn Demoorao; iad it J origin in this same ?ommoroi? instinct. Two hundrod and fifty yoar ago it had '*? birth in thoto cities alon, tho river X, Ino, whoro, through trad and manufacturing, tho pooplo oouh compol tho feudal lords to grant thou oivil rights. Tho froo institutions o whioh wo boast grow up unde v tho fofl . toring oaro of oommeroo. Tho right of tho individual expanded into right for, his oity and therm for tho State so that modern Domooraoy doon no toaof; that thero is an absoluto rule fo government, and that any partioul* theory c\f govornmont is of pornmnon valuo and adapted under all oironm Stanoos for tho welfare of man, Th fathors of this Ropublio novor intondo to lay a foundation whioh was tob always of tho samo oiroumsoribod pro portions, Math a snperstruoturo of moe M n? : ' ly measured, parts all to oxist perma nently j dst as oooetruotcd. Thoy aimed to or?ate a giant hot a Kigmy. For a nation tho oontury has oon oontont to grapple with quoations of internal development, but suddenly in tho evolution of our national destiny, wo have booomo ono of tho groat pow ers of tho world, and oan no longer move in a oiroumsoribod orbit. Ii wo would maintain our supremacy or oven quality among tho nations of tho world, the shaokloa forgod by narrow, ooo tional prejudice;; must bo broken. Tho question of tho hour is not wbotbor this Kor.ublio is what its foun ders (with tho light beforo thora) in' tondod to uiuko it; not whether this is thoojotioally an ideal Djmooratio gcv ornmont, at all ti mos in oxaot conformi ty to tho toohoioal rcquiromonts of a written oonslituticn, but whether with tho spirit rather than tho lotter of that constitution, we are making tho most of our national opportunities arid moot ing tho politioal eoonomio condition? growing emt of tho constantly Changing neods of tho people It is historically true that wo form of govornmoot cv jr did rosult from doliborato ohoioo; it has always boon tho logical result of oouditions. Tho nation ia nothing but tho typo of individual lifo, and as from child hood to manhood wo outgrow garments and duties theso aro put asido, so it is in tho evolutionary devolopmintof a j nation, cooial, politioal, and industrial systems that havo their day aro thrust nimio for now mothods and new sys tems to moot a ohango and highor stato of oxistonoo. Wo havo reeched a otago of dovolopment in tho touth I where it is unprofitable to rako tho j doad ashes and oharrcd ombors of tho i past and whore wo must look forward ! ra ho): than baokward. Tiuo statqs manshlp, whilo vigilant as to tho proB ont, looks with prophotio oyo to the future. Tho pooplo havo a right to cxppot their, loadors to bo in advanoo of tho thought of tho ago, and hot tamoly drift With tho ourront. In an ora of transition and ohango Uko this, with out some, such forecast, politioal partioe will ding to dead issuos, and finally flounder in tho maelstrom of faotional divisions aod greed for offioo. Whor, Louisiana, Florida, Toxas, and Calif or nia were acquired tho groat loadors ol tho Domoorajy aotod upon this doo trine, and so when this war with Spain produeod oortaln results it would have boon tho part of wisdom to hava made party platforms and polioios oorro ?pond with existing conditions nut t.hoir natural and inevitable oonse quonoes. We aro now in tho oommoroial arena contesting ' with tho othor nations fe tho trado of the world. So far wo hav tiuilt up our foroign trado by intone* absorption in the internal dovolopmon bf our domostio industries, Wo nov ,V roduoc BUffioiont fot tho nooda ? twio? our population, and riot to fi m ? market for our aurolus is to invit stagnation and deoay, ? The most Btrik ibg foaturo in our export dtvolopin?n ?B tho romarkablo and oonstautly in oroasing dom ami for our iron aod stool Within six yoars wo havo advanoed t to the position whoro ?morioan hoi and Bteei enters into tho eonstruotio; of evory bridge and railroad in thoworl or fixes tho prioo therefor. I saw in tho papo? a few days ag that the Baldwin locomotive works 1 Philadelphia were supplying tho RUG alan government with 160' locomotive for the Trans-Siberian railroad. Th faots surrounding this salo aro of pc ouhar intorost. Tho Rusisan govorr mont owns its railroads and maintain largo shops. It j nts a duty of 4 oont por pound on imports, but when i oaruo to supplying tho oquipmont fe this giant road of 8,000 milos, it wa found that they had to como to th Unitod States. And yet, seven yeai ago tl e first iron shipment abroad wu from Birmingham, Ala. Another foaturo of American it fiuonoo is our ruddenlv acquired fioai oial independence. For years wo ha\ beon borrowers, .but during the tn years past wo havo beoomo leodora < money. Three of tho largest Europea governments, England, Gormuiy ac KuoBia, have found it nooosaary i oomo to Now York for important, loan thus showing that the centre of tl finanoial world has been transforrc from Lombard to Wall atreot. lt folly for tho politioal lcadora of tl south to close tholr eyes to tho trui that tho ojuvno-oial expansion* of tl Unitod Statos is a faot of constant enlarging proportions, domandii changed governmental polioios to me now conditions. In spito of highor wages, with labo saving maohinory, the saporior ski and intelogonoo of our operativos, u der a factory eystom better organic than any in tho world, ia giving ua i dustrial asoondanoy. It neoda, hoi over, to support it a broad BtatoBtna ship, not bandioappod by nc dion pr?judices. Wo oan differ \bout d mestio mattors and divido upon par linos, but when it comos to utilisii national opportunities, north, Bout east and weat should unite in maintai ing tho BUpremaoy of tho United Stat in tho groat atrugglo among tho a tions for tho oom mo too of tho world. The south must play an importa part in our oountry's futuro. Foi third of a oontury sho has boon ha pored by a struggle for moro existent forced to devoto alt of her onorgy a statesmanship to tho maintonanoo white eupromaoy. Thank God, this pormanent and assured beyond pore vonture of doubt. At last oho 1 omerged from her forlorn .and pr, trato condition; freed 'from her < thrallmoat, she can put horaolf in tou with tbo best thought of the age. a again oxeroise an influonoo in nattai lifo. I boliovo tho time will oomo wh tho south will bo the hopo and sab tion of this cation. Her marvolc growth in manufaoluring enterprls hor development of national ronouro and her rapid advanoo in progress1 thor. v* and action, in making 1 aga' JO leading aeotiou in this COT try. i.'he oentro of manufacturing tho United States has boon transfer? from Fall Itlvor, Mass., to Oolumfc b. 0. But if wo would make the m of our opportunities we must renom sectional prol?dioe* and support bn national polioios, looking to tho or Hon of foreign markets, the,exp sion of trade ?od the upbuilding c oommon country. We mast demi and haye for the south a full sh of the benefits M well as tko bord of national life. The south fa vite interested in the Aslatio markot*. 1 nianufaoturors aro studying tho needs of tho pooplo in an intelligent effort td tura ottt produot? suited to tl. oao mar , kots. Tho dosing of tho ohinamarkots owing to rcoont troubloa has oausod a Stut of gooda, which is af?oolod by a colino of throo corns a pound in raw ootton, The administration is doing ft groat: deal towards improving our commercial opportunities in tho oust, by showing somo rogard for tho inalienable rights of China, whilo protecting tho longiti mato dutmnds of foreign in torc? tn. Dowoy's victory first established'Amor* - ioan prostigo along tho ABiatio ooast. lc was thon that 800 million people in. the oriont learnod ro9poot for tho Uni ted S tatos and saluted us os a first olass po ?or. Tho attiiudo of the Cai tod Slatea nineo in tho Hold of diplora aoy in China has given cot-fi loooo and inoroased that rospoot. Thu Uoitod Sialos from tho first took load, avd oven tho warlike ISinporor. of G*ririany has had to yiold to 4 Unelo Sam's" frioodiy admonitions. Wo now occupy tho vautago ground, because on fr?ondj? ly terms with all tho powers 1 uiak? j tho assertion that tho south has'moro to gain than anv other eootion from tho forcigu polioy now pursued by tho a. ministration, partioulady Whon tho, Isthmian oannl is oohatruoted, aa ic will bo. 1 havo road oxtrauts from tho spoeoh of my amiablo and dijuin guishod friond hi* cxoollonoy, Ministor I Wu, rcoontly nm do iu Chicago, lt is reploto with wisdom and good eonao. Wo oannot hopo and wo should not wish to break down tho civilization of China upon whioh is based a polity, sooioly and religion tho blow growth of 4,000 years. To do so is to destroy ' tho. j iGmpiro In tho attempt to suddenly thrust upon her a wostorn civil! zUion for whioh her pooplo aro not proparod Ali wo oan hopo to do is to vitalizo thia old civilization with wosltrn ldoas, soionoo and invontivo genius, thus making it moro potential in m atonal aohiovemohts. This country has dono well to imo overyiffcrc by tho benign influonoo of its political and commer cial powor to preservo tho identity of tho JG tupi io and tho integrity of its civilization. Uador this policy, it is roasonablo to oxpcot China to boComo tho constantly expanding market for. our produots, and as gradually her in torior is fully developed by a of railroads and all of her oitiee. opened up to fproign commerce, tho oppor tunities almost without limit, The South now o on ti oin moat of thin trade, and with ouch dovoloj.mont, in tho near future, it should inoreaao tenfold. Wo aro np longer ai uroly agricul tur?l section, but mining, manufactur ing and kindrod interest havo, spruug into prominence and demand govern mental polioios to pro tc ot and dovolop them. A atatomaupb?n pardean in ita oharaotor tm to ,adr 1 ' ' ' ^o.Utj* cal -d?otr'ln^i?^^ilio'?t^cBpiViv., X '? tho arbitrament of tho * o word or fil'raly fixed as governmental polioios, cannot j solve tho political and ooonomio pro loins now confronting tho southern poo plo. Suoh a statesmanship oannot proporly interpret prcsont ooonomio movements, por pr?vido by aggro naive and progros?ivo thought for tho iradi cally ohangcd conditions now confront ing us. A Frightful Accident. Four pooplo aro doad and aoven prob ably fatally injured as tho ronult of au oxplosion Wednesday aftornoon on tho steamer llamona whijh "plies on tho Fr ns or rivor. One of tho plates in tho roar of the boiler-blew out, tearing away tho whole front bf tho vessel and knocking into tho wator all those in that part of tho o t o amor. The accident happonod whon tho boat was in mid stream opposito Fort Langley, thirty milos from Vanoouver, li. C. Two women, Mrs. Harry Morrison of Lang ley and Mrs. J. Bailoy of Mount Leh man, wore ?Unding on the front dook and wore knocked into tho wator acid drowned. Two deck hands named Joamos Mack and Androw Phipps woro struck by ono of tho flying boilor plates and instantly killed, being so horribly burned by tho o&oaping stream as to bo unrooogniajblo. ?. Powor, tho purser; J. Maynard, mate, and Victor Nowell, tho fi roman, who had gone on that day for tho firdt timo? wore burned so badly that they oannot possibly looovor. Four Indians woro dto.ulfuily soaldod and only ono of tho?o is expected to ro o?vor. One Indian baby is at tho point of death. Oapt. Seymour and John Olivor, tho onginoor, who ownod tho largoot intorcst in tho voasol, woro un hurt. Both Mrs. Morrison ftnd Mrs; Bailoy had left thoir babies upstairs in tho saloon and had come on dook for frosh air. Tho babies woro unhurt. I'iio injured pooplo wero brought to Wes tm in is tor. Powor, tho purser, had gono insano and tho others aro in suoh a condition that no hope is hold for their rooovery. How Ho Got lt. A Washington dispatoh to tho Char leston News and Courier, referring to the appointment of Mr. John G. Capers as United t? tatou district attorney for South Carolin?, says that "for some timo past ho han boon in frc qu ont con ferences with Senator Pritchard of North Carolina, Sonator MoLaurin of South Carolina and othor wOll known southorn mon who profess to bo in toroatod in the formation of a white man's llopublioan party. Ono of tho most aotivo and influential supportors of Mr. Caporn is Sonator MoLaurin, who rcoontly declined to oooperato with his formor Domoratio associates io the nonato and has; since boen olassod among tho independents ox 1 a now con vort to llopublioan principles. It has boen known for some timo that Senator MoLaurin has boon industrially at work in bohalf of tho appointment of Mr. Capo? as din riot attorney for South Carolina." A Groat Scandal. Tho London Globo so?nts ft gross Hoandal in its alleged discovory that two mombora of tho govommontM oom milloo appointed ? year ago to dotormino tho valuo of various oxplonivoa have taken out patents in thoir own fiamos. Tho Globo says: Col. William Hob or tn Auston soourod a patont for improvo ment? in do ?0 bator a while Sir William Crookea has paUnted nitro explosiven for artillery. When tho eommtttoo wan appointed Lord Lansdowne, then war minister, Assured inventora and manu? faoturers that they might submit their produots io tho committee in tho utmost oonfldonoo. M la y Tarr?fala Arraignment by 8ariator Tillman. CH Aft Q EB OF ?ISHONES1 Y. Has ? ut hoes for Qr nth Carolina on ?ill? Account and Northern < Con tia m on Have Shared His Footings. .Senator Tillman, wa* soon at his homo at. Trenton Friday hight and replying to a.jr.<quofit for hie opinion on Sonator MoIWurin's.Charlotte spoooh, says: ' V 4,?& is contradictory, full of para dox^ ?nd scorns intended to pavo the iray for tho sonalor's passago into the H' oamp. It may oxoito sur prise oUtaido of tho Slats, but tho only thing wh'oh astonishes un hero is hie continued effort to pose aa a Democrat Douiooraoy has a broad or general monning and a sp; omi or loo ?I moan logeai appliud to ono of tho groat na unreal pt.rvioa. My colleague tay*, 'My dofioition of domooraoy ie liberty for ioaari foimulatod into a theory of gov ernment; lt moans man's ioalionablo owtl'ordhip of ? himsolt'. lb moans froo thought and froo spoooh.' This ie not tho,do?aition givon in any^ dictionary, nor is it tho definition given by Joffor sonv.and it H only intendod to Justify tho fiona tor's desertion of his party, his treachery to its prinolplos and his bo traya) of tho poop!o of South Carolina who havo trusted him. Tho Kansas Qitv phv.form ii tho only ? mbod mont, of JD. ru )Qratio prinolplos that oan now bo vo?9gnizod a id no m?n o*n bo oon nidorcd a Domoorat who iguores tho principios and polioios laid down in thtffc rplatfoim and persistently votos svith thVjiopublioan. administration in boib ito foreign and dotnostio polioies VSortftior? MoLaurin iterates and ro iteiV.toi tho ohargo that tho 'now Do mooraoy' is a scott *nal p ?rly and then truthfully claims that tho south Which in tho Inst campaign was alono Demo er?i?o, 4is tho Amcr'oao ondof Amori oa.',. S r ?ugo that bcoauao of this fact and our veneration and lovo.; for- tho principles: upon whioh our government rcfits^hat thia 'broad Amonofcn stator jm^'u* and now born Dom?orat ot a hith?rto;u?knovvn typo, should oounoil om peoplo to 'aocopt conditions as thoy ar$ and nikko tho most of thom' * a imtfv Moluclti do'oliu'fld in '98 that -*JM(Killeyshould bo ronom'uatod by?':.'a?ol'un?t?on.J and if Mo ppocoh 91 ^9?^^hl%'.% moana' that tho Do \-iu?ji*?ib)i'*Mfo " ' " jto Burrondor all { of its traditions nmuu ho claims, aro ;'lo'jQg si'noc doad,1 bcoomo an echo to thq Republican party, ondorao its for eign polioy as v/oil as its domestic poli oy, 'ship-subsidy, largo standing army anti everything, and cubsido absolutely aa ii Domooratio party. '?If tho administration polioy ia right in dvery rospoot what ncod is th<ro for tho Dcm joratio party as a politioal fao tor. 1 havo novov believed that my oolloaguo would daro faoo tho pooplo of South Carolina in any politioal cam paign again, knowing what I do about him, but aa ho indicates his purpose to still masquerade as a Democrat and whilo attacking mo o overtly as ono of tho 'leaders' of tho so oallcd now Do mooraoy, it is his purpose to load our pooplo into tho Republican camp, duty compels mo to speak oat and toll oortrin things. 'Mr. MoLaurin mado in tho sonate, January 1899, a spec oh whioh was as ultra and as pronounced in it! denun ciation of tho acquisition of tho Phil ippines and portr lyod tho many dan gora whioh threatened our oountry in oonsequonoo as any o vc ry delivered in that body. Up to Saturday night bo foro wo votod on tho troaty with Spain on Monday, February 7, 1899, ho ro peatodly told me and other sonators ho was bitterly opposed to tho ratifi cation and would not voto for it. Ba twoon adjournment Saturday ovoning and tho v >to on Monday tho mantlo of 'broad Anwrican statesmanship' do soended upon him and a fow minutos boforo tho aonato .rent into oxooutivj session to oonsidor tho treaty and ta ko volo as ?geed, ho gavo a halting and l?mo explanation of his intonded ohacgo of front His voto seourod tho irtlifio?tion <*booause on tho first roll oall Mr. Jonos of Nevada who had also told us ho would vote against tho troa ty, 'passed' when his namo was oallod, and 1 feol eortain if Sonator MoLaurin had stood by his party and by hiinsolf, Mr. Jonos v/ou'd not at tho ond havo VOtod for ratification. "Uonsoiouo as ho is that his voto wa1) tho go vern i og faotor in tho train of m>montoua oonscquenooa so far reaching and terrible and involving tho war of subjugation in tho Philip pines, tho cxpondituro of hundreds of millions of dollars, tho loss of thou sands of livos and othor diro rosults whioh no man oan forosoo, it is natu ral for Sonator MoLaurin to m a ko a dosperato effort to vindicate tho Presi dent's polioy and his own aotion. Tho doolaration of indopondenoo of ooune has boooroo absoluto and an abandon ment of 'dead tradition' ie tho polioy of a roan who bohaves as ho has dono. "Such a man has no oonsoionoo or prinoiplos. Tho eloquont spocoh whicU ho dolivorod in tho nonato was largoly stolen from a ssrmon dolivorod by tho Rev. Dr. Honry Van Dyke on Thanks giving day, No vombcr 1898, in tho Briok Church of Now York city, two months boforo Sonator MoLaurin delivered it in tho senate. "1 have not only had to iblush be cause MoLaurin had do.-mrtod his party in a great orisis undor onspioioui oir oumstanoos and contrary to hid avoffod pu rn ono but havo had tho mor i lija vio i of having other senators, northern gontlemen, speak of tho dog radation to whioh South Carolina had como in being represented by a man who would boldly s to al the brain work of another by wholo sontenoos and paragraphs and havo tho effrontery to dejivor it in tho senkte. 'Tho pooplo of South Carolina can not bo further deceived or misled by this man and I speak now in order that they..nay fuSly inform thetn&oWes On all of thoBo mattors'and stand ready to* furnish, tb/? proof of ovorything I say and if ncooeoary will moot Mr. MoLaurin fa?o to faoo in any forum ho many choose, If his proposed soborno of broad atatonmnship is Pcmooraoy, thoa I am not ?nd have nover boon a Dornoorat, ?naas thopooeplo of South Carolina havo reoontiy reoleoted mo as a Democrat without opposition, I fool warranted in lotting tho pooplo outsido of tho State as well as thoao inside know just what mannor of man this is. I havo kept silent horotoforo, bo oauso I was ashamod to let tho world know how our poopie had boon do ooivod in him." . The-Evils of Divorce. Charlea H. Swooncy, a wealthy ootton plantov of G roon vii ri Ky , Thursday 'uhob and killed his wife and then com mitted suicido in tho apartment of his wife's bitter, Mrs. W. L. Philips, wifo of a Gbioair.0 tobaoco tnorohant, in tho Dubu-pio flats, Rush street, near- the Gtraoadada, hotel Ohioago. Mrs Hv?? noy left hor homo at Greenville a month siooo going to Ohiosgo, it in enid, for tho purposo of soouring a legal separation. Sffoonoy U said to havo told his wfo ho would kill her if oho persisted in suing for a divorce, Swooouey roaohod Ghi cago Thursday morning and carried out hi? threat. Mrs. Sffoenoy arrived a day or turo ago and Thursday morning during the Uinporaay "abponoo of li r elster, sho went down' to-tn shopping, oho roturaed at 9 o'clock and stepping into tho apartment, was mot by her hus band who hat boon admitted by Mru. Philip's 6 year-old eon, Swoenoy graopod hor wrist and pulled hor inside. At tho point of a revolver be ordered tho bay to run. Crying out that a murder was being oomlUod, tho child Aid to tho Granada hot ol, but bof oro help ooiOd arrivo two shoti was hoard and tho ho tel att??a?s found tho mau nod woman lying on tho fljor. Mrs Sweoney wai doadand in a fow moments her husband expired. Mrs. Swooney was tho daugh* tor of Thomas P. Morgan, an (xtensivo plantorof Greouvillo. . KNIGHTS OF HONOR. A Fleaiant and Profitable Session. Order in Good shape Tho Grand Lodge of tho Knights of Honor met Wednesday night in Co lumbia with a good attendance of dolo gatos. Tho roports of the grand effioora j woro read and properly roforrcd. The following working committees wore ap* pointod: On Memoirs to tho Supreme Offioera -P. K. MoCully, BG Clifford and D McIntyre. On Mi moirs for Grand Lodgo M?in* bors-N N Burton, A Berg and J O Vernon. ./ . On Roturo*-Wm. Hoffman, M R Haimar and L D Herrall., On State of the Order-Sol Blank, W A Fowell and Samuel Littlejohn. On Appoals and Griovanoos-H R Uyttpnborg, J . P Phillips and M 8 Polier. On Pre BS-BO DtiPro, O W Birch* laovo. Ex-G over nor John O Sheppard ropro Bonts the suprome lodge of the order and on being called on Wednesday night made an appropriate responso. After the reading of the roport on the state of tho ordor, Hon. J U Shep pard, Buperme vice presldont, addressed the grand lodgo, which was greatly en* joyed. Tho grand lodge dptovminod to again employ an agent to represent and pro* in ul ga to tbe principien and benefits of tho order. The following offioera wore installed by Vies Supremo Dictator Sheppard: J W Todd, Seneca, past grand dicta tor. M F Konnody, Charleston, grand dictator. P B Waters, Johnston, grand vioo dio tater. J B Lewis, Anderson, grand assist ant diotator. L N Zsaly, Columbia, grand ropor tor. J T Robertson, Abbeville, grand treasurer. liov. N N Burton, grand ohaplain. T P Qiarlos, Abbeville, grand guide. John Kennorly, Elgoftold, grand guardian. W C Meredith, Pelzor, gland sen tinel. - J O Lidd, Sumter; H -O MOBBOP, Suramcivillo, and B ? BuPre, Co'um* bia truntoos, J G Tompkins, Edgcfiold, ropreaen tativo to tho supremo lodgo for two years; John Konnorloy, altornato. Invited to Greenville. Tho following oorrospondonoo ex plains itself: Greenville, 8. C., April 13, 1901. Hon. John L. MoLaurin, Bonnottsvillo. \ Dear Sir: Bolieving that a formal presentation, from your standpoint,, of cortaiu national issues now boforo the Ecopio will bo both interesting and olpful, wo ask pormiesion to make ;. n appointment for you to addross tho public, in a mooting to bo heh? in Greenville, at such timo as will be ojvx| voniont to yourself. Wo would suggest some dato about the middlo Of May. We will take ploasure in making snit ablo arrangements. i Hoping to hear at an carly day and favorably, we beg to remain respect? fully, Jas. Ii Orr, J. H. Maxwoll, M. D , Jos. A, McCullough, Frank Hammond, W. J. rhaokston, L?wis W. Ferkor, W. C. Boaoham, W. D. Motts. A. A. Bristow, Alostor G. Furman, A. J, 8. Thomas. Bonnettsvillo, S. O , April 15, 1901. Messrs. J- L Oit, J. H. Maxwoll, M. JD., J. A. McCullough, Frank - Ham mond, W. J. Thaokaton, Lewis W. Parker, W. C. Boaoham. W. ?. Motts, A. A, Bristow, A. G. Forman and A. J. B. Thomas, G re on vii to, 8. C. Gontlomen: I am in roooipt of your lotter of the 13th Instant, noising per mission to mako an appointment for me to addross the publie in a mooting to beheld in Greenville at such time as may be oonvonlnt to mo. I note what you say about making suitable arrangements. It will afford me pleas* uro to aooode to your wishes and to ad? dress the public in Greenvillo from my standpoint of certain, national issues now boforo the people, t would sug gest as a convenient timo for mo the 22nd day of May, or thereabout. Until that time 1 have engagements in Wash ington and elsewhere; : Thanking you for tho kind interest you have shown in thus giving mo an opportunity to pr?sent toy tiows on thapo iaBU03, lam yours sincerely Jno. L, MoLau? MR. CAPJSR&' APPOINTMENT. The Old Lino Republicana M .iy Moko a Fight. Tho Washington Post says tho ap pointment of Mr. Oapora to bo Unit od States district attornoy of South Unroli na will bo a groat surprise to resideuts in that Stato, although rumors-Oof lt havo boon ??bat for so ruo time Mr. Capers will Buooood Abial Lathrop, tho prosent distriot attornoy for South Caro lina. Mr. Cspcrs is ac present an attor noy in tho department of ju?tioo, in this oity. Ho han boon in tho department about eight yoars, having oomo hore from South Carolina during tho Clevo land administration. In 1H?IG ho ro fused to support Bryan for prosidont, and again werkt d against the Dowooin ti J oaodidate in 1900/ He some timo ago alignod himself fully with tho Re publican party. Mr. Lathrop was ap .pointed four years ago upon the recom mendation of K A. Wobalor. lt -i<ubli oan national.aoramittooman from South Carolina. It is uodorstood po obivrgcn woro msdo against Mr. L ti hr jp. Mr. Capera is a warm friend of Socator Mo Laurin and a solon of ouo of tho bcot known familioa m tho Palmetto State. His father is Bishop Ellison Caners, of South Carolina. Mr. Oapora will pro bably tako the leadership of an indo - fiondont ole mo nt which i j just now fer? og- to tho front in his S'.ato. Ho is about 36 yoars old, of good reoord ss a lawyer, and progressive in his political viuWM. lt i?oxp??tnd trat uomo 01 the old lino Republicans of tho State' will mako a fight and may seek sOmo ad vantage from a prosoeutiom against him somo yoars ?go of a tcohniosl violation of tho po?aion laws in tho oonduot of a ponBion oaeo. Tho ea o was investiga-, tod by Attornoy. GoncralOluoy and was followed stortly afterward bv Mr., Ca pore' appointment as an attornoy in tho department of justioo. Preaidont Mc Kinley WAU fully informed of this ob ourronoo, and Mr. Capers slades that ho will bo ready to mool any oh argon > and show his innooonoo. State Press Association. '. Tho coming annual moeting of tho Stato Proaa association promiaos to bo one of tho moit successful and ot?joy* ablp in its hiotory. Tho mooting ia to bo hold at Glonn Springs tho first week in July and tho mombers oxpcot to start at its conclusion on a trip to tho PanAmorioan exposition at Buffalo. 'President Aull, of thc association, and Soorotary Langoton wont to Spar tanburg last wook, composing a apOoial commit*oo. At Spartanburg thoy v/cro mot by tho Monurn. Simpson of Glonn Springs, Mayor Oalyort of Spartauburg and tho looa! newapapor mon of Spar tanburg. Tho rcooptiou was a ^cordial ono. Tho oommittoo was assurod hy the Mesara. Simpson that thoy woro anxious to do all within thoir power to mako tho mooting ono of the moat de lightful tho editors had evor had. They agrood on all arrangomonts. A ban quet will bo furniahod tho aasooiation on Thuraday ovoning of tho soBaion. Spartanburg wishes tho association to spond at least ono day in that oily, and a programmo of ohtortainmoht will bo provided. Mayor Calvert and tho ole o tr io railroad oom pan v have this in charge. Mr. J. T. Harria, formorly of Harris Lithia Spings, also mot tho oommittoo and wants tho aasooiation to visit his new Bprings..Tho pro gramme will no doubt bo arranged no that a big barboouo can bo servod tho, visiting editors at Mr. Harris! springs. The wholo Spartanburg programmo will, however, bo furniahod Soorctary Langston by May 1, so that ho may got out tho full offioial programmo as noon thereafter as possible ThoA exooutive oommittoo ia now putting in oonoo hard work On tho arrangements fdr tho trip to Buffalo. - . Cannot Serve Two Masters. Noting tho faot that Mr. John G. Capers, tho no ?ly appointed distriot attorney for South Carolina, "will re turn to his native Stato aa thc oxp?? ont of tho strango doctrino- that a man oan oponly oapouao - tho eau jo . of ono politioal party andi claim affiliation with another," tho Groonvillo Moun tainoer romarke: "What" moro is re quired to plaoo him in'full affllation with tho llopublioans? ?-'low oan a man maaqucrado as a Domoorat when ho is doing tho work of tho Rapubli oana? Senator MoLaurin and Mr. Capers may think they havo a right'to Sur DUO auch a devious politioa) fj?urso, ut thoy will find out thoir; roistako when it is too lato,, and they will bo I oompollod to receive tho romaindor of tho degrees 'Whioh will ontitlo them to full an/l oomploto membership in tho MoK.inlcy lianna aggregation. Tho initiation foo has boon paid, but there ri are othorrxaotions yot to boonoountor II od.' Yo oannot soryo twomastorn.' " Deserters Rewarded, Tho Columbia Stato says: "Tho ug liest foaturo about President MoKin loy's appointment of Mr. Capers as Unitod StatoB tiatriot attornoy for South Carolina is that it displaces a man who ii admittedly a good oin ocr and entirely unobjootionablo to tho public although a Ropublioan of longstanding. In this aoin othor mattorstho prosidont. kioks tho priuoiplo of oivll scrviQO reform out of tho door. Merit, it seoms, ls not to oount in South Carolina's fodoral offioos whon polioy demands tho reward of do aorters'from tho Demooraoy. Wo would not bo surprised if Postmaster Eksor of this oity, who has boon a faithful aad efficient officer, and in a Ropubll oan who has boon hold in muoh renpoot by this community, whoro ho has lived evor sino? tho war, should bo displaced to mako room for somo shabby turn coat." .Tax Reform, Tho National Civlo F?deration ls to have a national oonforonoo at Buffalo, Y., on tho great question of "tax reform." Wednesday tho govornor was asked by tho seorotary of tho f?d?ra tion to appoint 10 Mogato? to repre sent this Stato at tho oonforonoo. Tho following woro zanied:* W. J, Storon ami J.\1>. Cappelmatt of OharloBtOD} W. A. Olarkand tt. MOS?B^DAVIS of Columbia; Goo. S, Mower of Nowborry; W. L. Mauldin of Groonvillo; W- & Montgomery of Marion: IX JA. Hydrlqk Of Sn??tinburg; T. W< Bouohior of Marlboro; LoKoy Bp^in?^?f^^^l^^ 5323'' A DEADLY FOE. Mosquitoes Reaponilbl* for ^tha Spread of Yellow Fever. TO PREVENT THE pSSE?SE I The United States Government Revolutionize it? Methods. No Quarantine of Bag gage Nroessary, Surgeon Gonoral Stceburg has just gi von hisapprovol, without reservation,. to tho report of tho opoolal board obmpOB ed of Surgoona Hoed, Carroll and Agr? monto upon the "etiology of yellow v fovor," in wbieh tho o?nolusi?n was / rooohed that tho'mosquito ia respo'bsl blo for tho, transmission o? thia foll disoaso. Moreover, tho medical dopari; mont of tho array is moving energeti cally to put into practical operation methods of troatmont for tho preven tion of yollow fovor, iavolyinga radi?; oal rovorsal of existing methods, which-' ; form tho basis of tho ropott. . Wodnosday, Surgeon aenpral Storn burg formally approved;a cirQular pro- -, ?arod by Ohtof Burgoon Havard at [abana, with this on^?r?ooiont: 4'Tn'mu onit!!OD the present stitts cf our knowledgo fully Juatifloa tho pub- ? lioatlon of; this oiroular." The tojit Of the oiroular whleh ?will1}? form tho instructions for all ;r?odleal ' effioors in tho army in treating fovor Xi\h attaohod.1 Tho gonoral ordora roforred "\ to under head ono provides for the Hb- , eral.uao of coal eil to provont the \ hatohing out of moBqulto eggs. Tho oiroular eavs; ' ' "The ro??nt oxpor?mont? made in Habana' by tho mooibal dopartmont of tho army having proved that yoi lc ff foyer, like malarial fovor, is oonyeyod , ohiifly, and probably, exclusively, by tho bito of infeotod ttoqaitOOB, im ?iortant changes in the moarmvou ue'od or tho provCntion anti ?rea?niottt of this diaoaao havo boo?ino nooosiry. H ' "So far .aa yellow fever is oonoerncd, infootioo of a room or building aimply moans that it OOH tain infootcd moB ?uitoos, that is,.mosqiiit?oB wbiohhavo od on yollow fovor pationta. Disin fection, thovoforo, moano tho employ ment of moasurps aimod ,at ! tho ?do struotion of thoso mosquitoes, . v?he mest e?eotivo of tko80*( measures: la fumigation Cithor with aulplyur, for ?ialdohydo or inaoot powdor. The utnes Of sulphur are tho q?iok?st ?rirj tho most offoetivo ineoctio?do, but are otherwise objectionable IjVmnldchvtjo gan is quito effective if the infected roomaare kept'olosod 'end a??lod for two or three hours, Tho smoke of in soot powder has also boon proved twa- ? ful) it readily atupoflesmosquitoes, winoh drop to tho floor and oan bo oaaily destroyed. "Tho washing of walla, floors, oeil* . inga and furniture with disinfeotants 'wim * unn?oeasary, \%w "Aoit baa boen demonstrated tl at yellow fovor cannot to Conveyed hy bodding, clothing, effeotfl and baggage, thoy nt od not bo any special ' disinfection. Caro should bo tween, however, not to move thom from tho infeotod rooms until af tor " formalde hyde fumigation, so. that they may not harbor any infeotod mosquitoes. "Modioal effioors taking pare of yel low, fever patients need not bc iuoletod; thoy oan attond othor p?tiontfl and aa sooiate with non-i nummo a with per foot safety to the garrison? (Nurses and attendants taking earo of yellow fever patients shall romain isolated,, no aa to avoid any possible danger of thoir con voying mosquitoes from pationta to non? immunos. "Malarial fovor, iiko yellow fever, ia oommunloatod by vino* quito bites^ and ia just as muohof an infoetion * disease and requires tho name monsuroa of pro teo tion og ?.in nt mosquitoes. On tho assumption that mosquitoes romain in the vioinity of their brooding plaooov or novor travel far, thc provalonofr'oi malarial fovor at a post would lodiento want of proper Caro * and dj.Wgouoo on tho part of thjMmigmJK&a command ing offioa5^r" , ? ? ? - ' L-u-ii-;- ? S r A Maddog lijpidomio Jj Aviogor, R. ?). Ml ?VipROt? ?V $1 1. N. Barwiok, PP19?%yor?, Gao. Wi ringer, R. E. Mi'?vipROt? and j.-fl. Ville Pon to aux, oit i-ions of Cor dc a vi ll o, in Berkoloy county, have written i tho governor about a maddog opidomio in and -asking for oomok?nd th o?r ?co lion of aid, Thoy say their community so iufostod wi?h/. matldogs that 'it ia going mad itt Borkoloy county for Some time and we; write ?9king for profceofcion. Tho ufgw^h'pf our county, have half* starvod #?g? by tho sooro vanning at largo," and that the ownqra pay no ta?> ca on them and thoy should bo cottoned at least. Aa tho State baa not yet pro? vided a hospital foti madioga, land tho legislature has always stopped aside, to lot all kind? cf dogs pass, jit is diftiauU to ooo what the govornor can do. And this ia one opldomie report that oaunot bo "roforred to Dr. Evana. A Doctor Murdered. DA H. S. Qorvtggs, Jr., whopresided at Autona, a auburb of Memphis, Tenn., was found' sitting upright in hi? bug^y near his homo early Wcdoosday. A bullet hole bohind the left ear showod that ho undoubtedly had b?o? assMsi nated by nomo noraon who elimbod upon tho baok of tho vohiolo as. tho physi cian wftfl returning ?from visiting a pa tient. Tho horao wandored along the roadway for several hours before tho orimo waa disoovorod. Ti*tOro .is. ne ohio to tli? murdo?ors. Fat?! Oo'Msion. A rear end collision ooeurrred in the ol ty Umita of Danviillo, Va., Wodw day afternoon ootwooh a fro?ght train o? tho Danville and Western road Tilth Sfreight train of {ho. matu .Und of th* outhorh railway, reaultlng in the " wr?oklng of a o?booss an'd^ hoi oar of So?th?rn freight and engine of ?)an vilio ?nd Wcatorn ?ind cauiin^. the death of .Vireman John MeBrida of tho , DanvHlo ancVWeatiM^ Mniib)^ '