i?r. Taittiftgo ?ells of th? Sacrifices of Our Savior, tie Speak? of Qatlmemnne no It Ap? yen vc a to Ulm-Mormon iionv tho 'Jl'oxti "Yo Aro noutflit ! ^th it I'rloe." , CCopyrlght, 1901. by Louis Klopsch, N. T.] Washlnnton, Mar?h ai. In tlUa discourse Dr. Tnlmago allowa tho Messlanto aaorJilcoa for tho sav ing of alienations and speaks of Qetbsomano as it appeared to him; toxt, I. Corinthians 0:20: "Ye are bought with a px'lco." Your friend take? you through hi? valuable house. You examino the arches, tho frescoes, the grass plots, tho fish ponds, tho conservatorios, the parks of deer, and you say with in yourself or you say aloud:. "What did all this cost?'? You seo a oostly diamond flashing in an earring, or you hear a costly dress rustling aoross the drawing-rooin, or you se? a high mottled. ?pan of horses he.r nosued with sllvor and gold, and you begin to make an estimate of tho value. The man who owns a large estate cannot instantly tell you all it is worth. Ho says: "I will estimate . o much for tho house so much for the furniture, so much for laying out tho grounds, so much for tho stock, so muon for tho barn, so much for tho oquipoge, adding up in all mak ing this'aggregate." Well, my friends, I hear so much about our mansion in Heaven, about ita furniture and the grand surround ings, that I want to know how much it is all worth and what has actually been paid for it. I cannot complete in a month nor o year the magnifi cent calculation, but before I' got through to-day I kopo to give you tho figures. "Yo are bought with a price." Tho first installment paid for tho clearance, of our souls was the igno minious birth of Christ in Bethle hem. Though we may never be care fully looked after afterward, our ad vent into the world is carefully guard ed. Wo came into tho world amid kindly attentions. Privacy rfhd si lence are afforded when God launches an immortal soul into the world. Even tho roughest of men know enough to stand back. But I have to tell you that in tho village on tho .ido of tho hill there was a very bed lam of uproar when Jesus was born. In a village capable of acoommodat Ing only a few hundred pnoplo many thousand people woro crowded, and amid hostlers and muleteers and cam el drivera yelling at stupid beasts of burden tho Messiah appeared. No si lence. No privacy. A bettor adapted Since hath the eaglet in the eyrie, ath tho whelp In the Hons' lair. Tho exllo,of Heaven Beth down upon BtraW. Tho first night out from tho j palace of Heaven spent in an out house. Ono hour after laying asido the robes of Heaven dressed in a wrapper of coarse linen. One would . have supposed that Christ would have ma'do a more gradual descent, com ing from Heaven first to a half-way World of great magnitude, thon to Caesar's palace, then to a merchant's palace in Galilee, then to a private homo In Bethany, then to a fisher man's hut and last of all to a stable No! It was ono leap from tho top to tho bottom. Let.us open tho door of the caravan cary in Bethlehem ond drlvo away the camels. Pass on through tho group of idlers and lgungora.' )What, O Mary, no ....light? "No light," sko says, "save that which comos throughjitho d?or."; What, Mary, no food? "Nono," sho says "Only that which was brought in the uaok on the journey." Lot the Betide hem woman who has como in hero with kindly attentions put baok the cover lng from tho babo that wo may look upon it. Look! Look! Uncover your head. Let us knool. Let all voices be .hushed, Son of Mary! Son of God! Child of a day! Monarch of eternity! In th.ojb eye the glanee of a God. Om nipotence sheathed in that Babo's arm. .'That voice to bo changed from the feeble plaint to tba tone that shall wake the dead. Hosanna! Hosanna! (Jlory to God that Jesus came from throno to manger that wo might riso (rom mangor to throne, and thai all the gates aro open, and that the door of Heaven that once swung this way to lot Joshs out now swings tho other way to let us in* Let all the bellmen of Heaven lay hold tho rope and ring ou.t tho news: "Behold, I bring you glad tidinga of great joy, whioh shall bo to all people,'for tooday is born in the olty of David a Saviour, which is Christ tho Lord!" ( Tho second Installment paid for our soul's clearance was tho scene In Quar antania, a mountainous region, full of caverns, where are to-day panthers and wild beasts of all sorts, ao that iou must now go there armed with nife or gun or pistol. It was there that Jesus went to think and to pray, ond it was there that this monster of hell-more sly, more terrible, than anything that prowled in that country ?-Satan himself, mot Christ. Tho roso in the cheek of Christ that Publius Lentullus, in his letter to the Roman senate, ascribed to Jesus that rose had scattered its petals. Ab stinence from food had thrown him into emaciation. A long abstinence (rom food recorded in profane his tory ls that of tho crow of tho ?hip Juno. For 23 days they had noth ing to oat. But this sufferer had fasted a month and ten days beforo he broke fast. Hunger must have agonized every of the body and gnawed on tho ettotn'Mh With teeth of doath. Tho thpvgnt of a morsel of bread or moat Ho'Jht have thrilled the body with sonic ?b'mg like ferocity Turn out a pack of ITi?n hungry os Christ was a-hungered, a ad if they had strength with on# What It Would Do. Tho sum eollooted by tho intornal ro vonuo buroau undor tho provisions of tho war rovonuo aot, from Jano 13, 1898, whon tho sot, wont into efioot, to Fobruary 28 1901, was $281,311,515. This sum of monoy would havo built an intor ooeanio canal, oponod tho arid lands of tho wost to oultivation bya sys tem of irrigation and mado navigablo every dosirable watorway in tho coun try. And who will dony that thoso in vestments would havo boen botter ones than tho war for whioh this monoy has boen spont in tho far oast?-Atlanta journal. . . / , TheyAre Ohummy. A Washington dispatch to tho Char loston Post says Sonator MoLaurin of South Carolina, who is still in Washing ton, was at tho Whito . Iloufio Tuos day afternoon, and had -a talk with President MoKinley about some South Carolina mattors. Tho Sonator statod that thora was nothing in his talk with tho Prosldont of public interest, Sinoo tho ad journmoni of Congross tho Sona tor has boon a frequont oallor at tho Whito Housb. It is undorAtood ho will will leavo Washington for South Carolina within a short timo now. tiutf iV??id devour you A? A leid* Il iva? itt that pang of hiing er thAt Joann wa? accosted, t\mt satan said! "Now, cilantro these, atones', Which look Uko broad, into rm actual suppig -o? bread.'1 Had tho temptation' come to you and me under thoso olrouittstancos wo would have oiled: "Bread it shall bel" and been almost Imnat.*T? at the time taken for mastication, but Christ with ono hand beat bael? the hunger and with tho other hand boat back tho monarch o? darkness. O yo tompted ones I Christ was tempted. We are told that Napoleon ordered ? ooat-of mall made, but ho was not quito oerr tain that lt was Impenetrable, so he said to the manufacturer of tho coat* of-mall: "Put lt on now yourself and let us try lt." And with shot aftor shot fired from his own pistol tho em peror found that lt was just what it pretended to be, a good ooat-of-mati. Thon the man rocolvcd a large roward. I bless . God that tho samo coat-of mall that struck back tho woapous of temptation from the head of Christ we may now ?oil woar, for Jesus comos and says: "I have been tomptod, and I know what it ls to bo temptod. Tako this robo that defendod mo and wear it for yourselves. I shall seo you through all trials, and I shall seo you through all temptation." "But," says Satan still further to Jesus, "come, and 1 will show you something worth looking at." And aftor a half day's journey they came to Jerusalem and.to tho top of tho tem ple. Just as ono might go up in the tower of Antworp and look off upon Belgium, BO Satan brought Christ to tho top of tho temple. Some poople at a great height feel dizzy and a strango disposition to jump. So Satun comos to Christ in that very orisis. Stand ing there at tho top of tho temple, they looked off. A magnificent reach of country. Grain fields, vineyards, olivo grovos, forests and streams, cattle in tho valley, flocks on tho hills and vil agos and cities and realms. "Now," SR3'S Satan, "I'll make a bargain. Oust jump oft1. I know lt ls a great way from tho top of tho temple to tho val loy, but if you aro Divino you" can fly. Jump oft5. It won't hurt you. Angola will oatch you. Your Father will hold you. Besides, I'll mako you a large present if you will. I'll giv? you Asia Minor, I'll givo you China, I'll givo you Ethiopia, I'll givo you Italy, I'll givo you Spain, I'll givo you Germany, I'll give you Britain, I'll give you all tho world." What a temptation it must have beenl Tho third installment paid for our redemption was the agonizlrig prayer in Gethsemane. As I sat In that gar den at the foot of an old gnarled and twistod olivo tree the historic scene eamo upon mo overwhelmingly. These old olivo troos are tho lineal descend ants of thoso under which Christ stood and wopt and knolt. Have tho leaves of whole botanical generations told tho tho story of our Lord's agony to their successors? Next to Calvary tho solemnest place In Palestino la Geth semane. Whtlo sitting thero lt seemed as if I could hear our Lord's prayer, laden with sobs and groans. Can this be tho Jesus who gathered fragrance from tho frankincense brought to His eradlo and from the lilias Ihat flung their sweotnoss into Ills sermons and from tho box of alabaster that brbko at his feet? Is this Jesus tho com forter of Bethany, the resurrcctor at Nain, tho oculist at Bothsalda? Is this tho Christ whoae frown is tho storm, whoso smtlo ls tho sunlight, tho spring morning His breath, tho thun der His voice, tho ocean a drop on tho tip of His Anger, Heaven a sparkle on the bosom of His love, tho universo the dust of Ills charlot wheel? Is this tho Christ who Is able to heal a heart break or hush a tompest or drown o world or flood immensity with ,Hla glory? Behold Him In prayer, the globules of blood by sorrow pressed through tho skin of His forehead I What an Installment In part paymont of tho greatest price that was ever paid I Tho fourth Installment paid for our redemption was the Saviour's sham trial. I call lt a sham trial-there has nevor been anything so indecent or unfair In any criminal court as was witnessed at the trial of Christ. Why, they hustled him into the courtroom at two o'clock in the morning. They gave Him no time for counsel. Thoy gave him no opportunity for subpoe naing witnesses. The rufUATM?. -wlio were wannering around through thc midnight, of course they ?aw tho ar rest and went into the courtroom. But Jesus' friends were sober mon, were respectable mon, and at that hour, two o'olock lu the morning, of course thc) wero at homo asleep. Consequently Christ entered the courtroom With tn? ruffians. Oh, look at Html No ono to speak a worn for Him. I lift the lantern un til I can look into His face, and as tay heart beats in sympathy for this, th? best friend the world ever had, Him self now utterly friendless, an ofllcei of tho courtroom comes up and smite a Him in the mouth, and I seo tho blood stealing from gum and lip. Oh, it wai a farce of a trial, lasting only pcrhapt an hour, and then the judge r?aos foi sentence 1 Stop! It ls against th< law to give sentenco unless there ha? been an adjournment of the court be tween condemnation.and sentenco, bul what cares tho judgo for the law? "Th? man has no friends. Let Him die,' says tho judge. And the ruffians out side tho rail cry: "Aha, aha, that'? what we want! Pass Him out here tc usl Away with Him! Away witl Html" Oh, I bless God that amid all the in justico that may have been Inflicted upon us in this world wo have a divine sympathizer. The world cannot He about you nor abuse you as much ae they did Christ, and Jesus stands to day In every courtroom, in ever) house, In every store, and saysi "Cour age I By all my hours of maltreatment and abuso I will proteot those who arc trampled upon." And when Christ for gets that two o'clock morning scene In to ark Hanna's Town. Tom I?. Johnaon'o BUOOOBS in boini olootod mayor of Mark Hanna's tom allowa tho valuo of a strong personality and tho usofulnosa of oonviotiona. Tin Honorablo Tom ia a froo trador am singlo taxor in national politios an< advocates 3 oonts faros on munioipal ca linos. Ho has mado raonoy out of stree railways, but now that hb is a million airo doos not appear to bo averse to th pooplo profiting from munioipal rail ways. His stand on thia matter alon ia onough to oxplain hie oleotion aloni with tho dofoat of all othor Domoorati oandidatos.-The Stato._\ Af tor a Long Absonoo. Twonty-nino year? ago, whon tho fara Hy of 8. 0. Riohard, Esq., wnsresidin in Newark, Ohio, tho youngest BOB John, thon a boy of 17, ran away fror homo, and, until Wednesday, whon h carno to Bollofontaino to look for hi parents, nothing has boon known of hi whereabouts. Ho has boon a soldior c fortune, and has lived in California an Moxioo during almost all of his If n stay away from homo and frionds. H was almost overoomo to lo urn of th doath of his mother, whioh oootirrci several years ?go. fi?ld in* fttrokd of di? ru??n oa iii? motttb and tho howling of tho un* washed crowd thon He will forgot yoU and rn? itt th? Injustices of lifo that may bo inflicted upon us. Further I remark: Tho Inst great Installment paid for our redemption was tho domiso of Christ. The world has seen many dark dhys. Iv?nny ?um mors ago thero was n Tory dark doy when tho sun was eclipsed, Tho fowl nt noonday wont to their perch, and wo felt a gloom us we looked nt tho astronomical wonder. It ivas a dari? day in Loudon when tho plnguo wns nt Its height, and tho dead with uncov ered faces wcro taken in opon carts and dumped in tho tronchos. It was a dark day whon the earth opened and Lisbon sank, but tho darkest day BIUCO tho creation of the workhwas when tho car migo of Cnlvnry wns ennetcd. It wns about noon -when tho curtain began to be drawn. It was tho swing ing of n great gloom nil around tho heavens. God hung it. As when thero is iv dead ono in tho house you bow tho shutters or turn tho lattice, so God in tho afternoon shut the windows of tho world. As it is appropriate to throw a black pall upon the coffin na it posses along, so it was appropriate that everything should bjo somber that day HS tho grent hcarso of tho earth rolled on, bearing the corpse of tho King. A man's last hours aro ordi narily kept sacred. However you may have hated or caricatured a mon, when you hear ho ls dying siloneo puts its hands on your lips, ?nd you would have n loathing for tho man who could stnnd by a deathbed making faces ortd scoffing. But Christ in His last hour cannot be left alone. What, pursuing Him yet af {-cr so long n pursuit? You have been drinking His tears. Ho you want to drink His blood? They come up closely, so that notwithstanding tho darkness they cnn glut their revengo with the contortions of His counte nance. They examino His feet. They want to feel for themselves whether thoso feet are really spliced. They put out their hands and touch tho spikes and bring them back wet with blood and wipo thom on their garments. Women stand there and weep, but can do no good, It is no plnco for thc ten der-hearted women. It wants a beart that crlmo has ttirnod Into granite. Tho wavos of man's hatred and of hell's vengeance dash up against tho man gled feet, and the hands of sin and pain and torturo clutch for his holy heart. Had ho not been thoroughly fastened to tho oross they would havo torn Him down and trampled Him with both feet. How tho cavalry horses nr.chod their necks and champed their bits and reared and sniffed at tho blood I Had a Homnn oflloor called out for a light, his volco would not havo been heard In tho tumult, but louder than the crash of spears, and tho walling of womanhood, and tho neighing of tho chargers, and the bel lowing of tho crucifiera, there comes a voice crashing- through-loud, clear, overwhelming, terrific. It ls thc groan ing of the dying Son of God! Look, what a scene! Look, world, at what you li ave done! I lift tho covering from tho mal treated Christ to lot you count tho wounds and estlmato tho cost. Oh, whon tho nails wont through Christ's right hand that bought your hands, with all their power to work and lift and write I Whon the nails went through Christ's right foot and Christ's left foot, that bought your foot, with all their powor to walk or run or climb. When tho thorn went in to Christ's templo, that bought your brain, with all Its power to think and plan. When tho spear cleft Christ's side, that bought your heart, with all Its power to love amVropent and pray. When tho Atlantic oablo was lost in 18C5, d6 you remember that thc GrciU Eastern and tho Mod way and the Al bany went out to And lt? Thirty times .they sank tho grapnel 2% milos deep in water. After awhile they found tho cable nnd brought lt to the surface. No sooner had lt been brought to the surface than they lifted a shout of ex ultation, but tho cabio slipped, back again.into the water and was lost. Then for two weeks moro they swept tho sea with tho grappling- hooks, and at last they found the cable, ond they brought it up .in silence. They fastened it this tjme.' Then with great excite ment Jbnoy took one end of tho cable to. tho electrician's room to seo if thero -"were really any life In lt, and when they saw n spark and know that a mes sage could bo sent then every hat was lifted, and tho rockets flew and tho guns sounded, until all tho vessels on the expedition knew, and tho conti nents were lashod.togethor. Well, my frionds, Sabbat!) after Sabbath Gospel messengers have come searching down for your souls. Wo have swept the sea with tho grappling hook of Christ's Gospel. Again and again we have thought that you wore at tho surface, and we began to rejqlco ovor your re demption, but at tho moment of our gladness you sank back again Into the world and back again into sin. To-day wo como with tho Gospel searching for your soul. We apply the cross of ChriBt first to see whether there is any lifo left in you, while all around the people stand, looking to see whether the work will bo done, and tho angola of God bond down and -witness, and, eh, If now wo could see only one spark j of l?vn and hope and faith we would sepd up a shout that would be hoard on the battlements of Heaven, and two worlds would keep jubilee because communication is open between Christ and tho soul, and your nature that has been sunken in sin has been lifted into the light and joy of the Gospel. Hard on the ?ont. "And, shute, they tell mo your boos band's very lltherary?" "That ho Is.indade." "That he devoras ivery thing in the way of a book or a paper that coora? to the house." "Bhure, he does." "And tot in tho name of goodness does the poor goat get to Atet"-? Yonkers Statesman. Too Sensitive. A prominont oitizon of Wilmington, N. 0.. had a fight a fow days ago with a Philadelphia man who objootod to tho Wilmington oitizon ousting admir ing glanoos at tho Philadelphia man's .pretty wifo and her glad olothos. Tho Wilmington oitizon says his wifo oallod his attontion to tho protty waist worn by tho Philadelphia lady, and tho Phil adelphia man thought tho Wilmington oitizon wasstaringimpudontly. An un prejudiced judgo would say that tho Philadolphian Ts too big a fool to do servo to bo tho husband of an attrac tive woman,-Tho Stato. Oah't Boat Him. Oaitor H. Harrison has boon re elected mayor of Uhiosgo for tho soo ond timo and will this week oommonoo his third torm as the ohiof oxcoutivo of tho oily. His official plurality cvor Judgo l?lbridgo Haneoy, tho lt?publi oan nomtneo. is 28.257 votos. Tho to tal voto of tho oity Ul Harrison 166, 852; lUnooy 128,095. Io tho last mayoralty cfeotion tho voto was, Har rison, Domoorat, 148,496; Garter, Re publican, 107,357: Harrison'^ plurality, 41,059. KILLE!) HIS FRI EH 0 And Employer With Chloroform WMld Ho Slept. A VERY STRANGE CASE. How a pair 0f Villana Plannud to Oat tho Mono? of a Milllohalro In NewYork. Without tho ulightoflt quavor iu his woll nmdulatod voiooami displaying no outward sign of regret or romorso, Oharlcs donen, secretary and valot(.to tho lato Ww. M?vsh Rico, oonfessod Wodnoaday in a Now York oourt uuaor or,th (hat ho had oodod tho lifo of jttis rm ployer and boocfaolcr with ohloro form. Tho oonfqssion waa tho oliuUx ot a remarkable rooital in whioh wan laid baro tho doiaila of an alleged tub* tlo oonspiraoy whioh had for its objAot tho soi zuro of throe million dollars tn cash aod negotiable eoouritios and tKo conversion of'throo millions in realty to tho alleged ohiof oononiTtor. Thtjro was a dramatio foroo in tho direotnjas and minuto atlontion to detail with wliioh Jones epproohed tbo tragcdyW t.ho moment when bo covered f.ho fsio of tho Blooping man with tho saturai ?d napkin.and (hon waited for him to dre. Tho self ooofoeecd murderer told tp? eiory of tho allogod pbt from its it ot ption. Tho oapital orimo hu.oommit tod nnd all tho minor < il 'juc on that pul oedidi.t wcro, ho dool?r?d, at the hf: etigation and dirootlon of Albert TN Patriok. lt waa Patri?le? hq ta d. wlio oonooivtd tho idoa of forging a will anti forging transfers and oouvoyaccoB j waa Patrick who induced two porsoihf to witt osa tho forged B!goaturee. lt waa Pa"rick who de tenido < d that R.'.q'e phould dre and it waa Patrick Bought to havo him killed slowly and i hen, brooming impationt, dotormipbd upon quick potion. And, aceerdibg to Jonos, reniai kable aa it may seem. Rice never koew Patriok during lu's hf? timo, and never baw him but onoo j Aeoording to thia remarkable ooVr! feBBion, Patriok told J?nos that tho old tuan was lasting too long, that ho musk bo put out of tho way at orno. tH?V Jones thould do tho work ana that thc rd would really bo no harm ia it boA oauso Rioe had poisoned his own wife yoars Kgo and deserved punishment Jones dosoribod his return to ML Rioo'fl apartments and tho discovery o' tbo millionaire sleeping peacefully--Ly bod; ho told of his etoalthy scarab iori ana|kin and tho fa-hioni: of it into1 a couc-sharo ns dirootod, no said, by Patriok. rio dotailod tho story of the pinning of a small apongo at tho point of tho cone. Then be told of BaturaU in g tho napkin and apongo with ohio-, reform and holding itovor his own noa trila lo test ita offoot. Jobos looked straight into tho oyes of Assistant pis tiiot Attorney taboroo and oomioued; his story without a briak, without a tromorin hit voice. Ho desoribes his approaoh to tho bod with tho ?aturatod napkin in his hand; of tho flight, from tho room; rf tho weary wait of min utes in accord?t 03 wi'.h Patrick'? al legod instruction!-; at thoExpiration of< tho half hour he returned Rico dead. Ho thoo windows to freo tho room of chloroform to lop ho that R'oo was doad sr oian and then, nf it ii rief at tho loss of an om ploy or ho sall and foll into a sound Patriok, ac c ir od boing the aroh-crimini. nitmss with attonti^^tqs. ally made notos of tho tostll^ oven tho remarkable witness on'r^Tfi^. stand waa moro ocol, otlm and o or? lrotod tb au this remarblo prisoner.'. Patrick's baud was firm and. steady. Ho displayed ncithor.anger, foar nor resentment. Whon -Iones roaohed tho desorption of tho murder of the slopp ing man, Patriok morely stroked his board and leaned baok in his oh air, apparontly slightly borod by tho ro?j oital of the detail?. Uh aries F. Jones, R'oo's valot, when put on tho stand aaid ho Lad worked as sion keeper at tho Capital hotel, Houaton, Tex, ownod by Roo, Ho met Rico in 1896 and bad boon Rico's soorotary, valet and gonoral utility man. Rioe, he said, moved to New York in Hojtombor, 1897. Witness first mot Pntc'ok in Novpuj-. ber, 1899 . Pa'riok represented Iiim aolf as n commoroial man from Texas and wanted to seo Rico. Rioe was in bod at tho timo and Pal nick introduood himself as Mr. youth, Patriok at that timo, Jones said, had a long talk with witnoss. Ho asked whether Rioo hod a logal repres?nta te J in this oity and showed himself in quisitivo about tho affairs of tho old millionaire. In Deocmbor, 1899, witness swore, Patriok first approaohod him about tho drawing of a will. Jonoa was to draw tho dooumont on his typewriter and got R'oo to sign it whon his mind was cot quito oloar. Jones told Patriok tho signing of the will might be arrangod but that it would bo moro diiiiou.lt to obtain wit nesses. Patriok proposed thoy should. try to got tho witaoasos of tho will of 1896. Jones afterwards approaohod Weath erise, tho olerk in Swenson & Mono of ?leo to rot him to aot as a, witness, Woathorbeo ro'usod and threatened to tako Jo?os' "bead oft" if ho dared to suggest any fraudulent sobornes against Rioe. Jones said: "Patriok wantod mo to ho a witness td tho will but I rofused 1 was very anxious to booomo bene ficiary under the will, though. Pat* riok said this would never do as thoro would boa suspicion bf undue in fl it onoo attaohed to tho will whioh there foro would not bo admitted to pro* bato." Patrick then said he would arrango for wit HOBSON and montionod Moyer and Short. At tho afternoon session Jonas said Rioo had nomo popors to oxoouto and Jonos took thom to Patrick's o iii ob whoro ho met Short who at Patrlok's request had booomo a commissioner of doods for tho Stato of Texas. Short went to Rico's house and exooutod the papors. - "Wai tho will you saw in Patriok'n oflioo datod boforo it was shown to Moyer?" asked Mr. Oiborne. ; "No, it was m ado in Maroh, but waa not dated until Juno SO. Mr. Patriok told mo ho destroyed it on tho Monday night following tho doath of Mr. Rioo. Whon tho signatures of Moyer and Short woro to bo taken as witnesses, PA ti ir \ told me it would bo woll to havo thom uso tho s nm o i rik as was used by Mr. Rioo, and I took ? bottle of Mr. Rioo's ink to Patrlok's oflioo. I havo not coon that ink bottlo sinoo." Continuing donen auld Moyor and Short wore at Rico's flat on Juno 80 to witness oortain papors for Rioo. TTvjbld Mr? l'Attio?T?Vor do wy log?t work for Mr. Rico ?'>.;. ?uketl Mr. Os- : borne. \ ?Ho did not." I . " "Did Mr. ltioo sign ?ny will on Juno 30, during tho limo MW*r and Short woro in tho apartment?, "He did net, I was there all tho ti rem and I did not soo him tign any will. Had ho signed ono I woull have known it." \ Jonos thon tontified tha\ somewhat later, at tho roquest of Patriok, ho wroto OD his typewriter tho arguments transferring Rico's proporty to -'.'a tr i ok. .'Patrlokaskodmo," witness r? Curry would not do any tMug of tho kind." , "P?trick," witness wont on^vsug* goaled that Jores get laudaum from a drug storo at Conoy Island for trufiur poso of po stoning Roo." i, Witness then wont on to say timi ho proourcd posion from hil brother in Toxas. \ "What did you got?" \ "Chloroform and laud*uin." "How was tho poison sont? ' "It was pout hy express. A small paokago oontaining tho poison oamo I think, by tho American,Exproes. "Did you sign a receipt ?" j "I did." Jones (citified that lie Join ored tho poison to Patrick about threo weeks boforo tho doath of Mr. Rico Jones (hon wont on to testify that Patri?le hid never boon introduood to Rico up to tho timo of tho latter's death ' 0 "As for ai I know," Jonos said, "Rioo ncvor saw Patrick but onco. This wan an evening when Patrick oaliod ou ino. Rioo, against his custom, was up lalo, t?o looked iu tho parlor and f aw Patrick, who was there. Next morning ho asked who tho bald-headed mau with Ibo red beard wai. I told Mr. R.oo it was a friend of mino " Mr. Ojborno then roforrod to tho A? sigomoQts transforring tho proporty of Mr. R;oo to Patrick, whioh wore CXQ outcd on Sci tcmbcr 7 ?h. Jonos was handed adocd for indenti fioation. Ho said it was witnessed by Moyor on September 7. "P?d:Mr. Rico sign any goncrai as bignmout on that day?" - "Ko did not." ... Tho witnoss said Mr. It:oo prepared ali his meals himself. Witness wes then phown tko gonoral assignmouts transforring all proporty of Mr. Rioo to Patriok. Jones testified that Rico did not sign tho assignments.' "Joros, will you Htato all tho conver sion that took phoo betwoou you and Patriok iu regard to getting Rioo out of tho wai?" said Mr. O^borno. "About tho ood of August," witness replied, "Patriok askod mo whether I had gotton tho laudanum from tho drug H ton atConoy leland, I said I had not but that I had madosome othor arranoo mont to get tho poison. Patiiok thon told mo to' givo Rioo Bapolio as tbat Wouldbroak him down. I told Patriok ,1 cou d not do that, but I told him I (had porno mercurial pill whioh Or. Curry gave mo. Patriok Ba d I ought to givo .thom to Rioo. I told Patriok I could \not do so without taking thom ms self in his presence /Thou do so.' Patriok said,, 'it won't do you any harm.1 I Sonia of tho pills in Rioo's prosonoo bottlo of pills on tho i senne. This brought oca, whioh woakonod ?-ot over this attack '.Kvto do him good." hat by tho samo tako some mor atriok gave him. .o . 'thing you ,^/>uld ne vor tako med yiyr?f, wu djyiHopk porno in hia .i^^^'^^?itd^ino that was ocint f'YftT* haeVto tasto whon ho aawit." ?;, J ones then rolatod what toc k placo on inj day of tho doath of Mr. Rioo. "1 ra v Patriok at his house," said ho. y Ho told ino to lot him know if Rico row bettor. Ho would thon got from jj itt omeo a bottlo of oxilis aoid, ho said $> quiokon Rico's nervo." Rico got bettor and about noon ho anted to get un. Ho talked cheerful - /'aboutgoing downtown and seomod ivtoh improved. Jonos said ho oould ,ot got Rioo to tako tho oxalic aoid. lo then telephoned Patriok to moot im at lunohcon at a restaurant ou Sixth vonuo roar Fiftieth stroot. .'.'"I met him thoro," Jonos oontinuod, Patrick gavo mo tho bottlo of ohio ?fortn. flo told mo to saturato a tow oi in chloroform and leave it ovor his woo for about 30 minutes. Ho faid Rico would probably laugh, but that 1 should not bo soared as that would tyily show that tho poison was begin ning to work and that it would soon bo ovor. ? "I did & It is Btill two months and a half be foro tho oponing of tho third session of tho Stato Bumuior school for toaohh ,J, but tho linos of work to bo offered hr.vo boon definitely dotorminod and moay of tho proposed instructors havo boen engaged. Al road y tho to nob oro of tho Seato aro making thoir plans fer tfctond ing tho school, and many boards of trustoos aro taking action looking to aiding thoir toaobors to attond. Super intendent MoMahan rogards tho pros pcots of tho sohool as most satisfactory and furnishos tho following information whioh will bo givon in gro&tor dotail in tho announcement of tho o'ouraos of in struction soon to bo issued and dis* tributed to tho toaohors: Freo hand drawing will again bo taught by Prof. Jas. William Pattison; of tho Ohioago instituto, four lady" as sistants, j A oourso in South Carolina -history and ono in gonoral history will bo givon by Prof. H. Moans Davis of tho South Carolina collogo. That in South Caro lina hiutory will bo particularly *'livo," stressing tho porsonal olomont in our polit ios of tho past. A oourso of oonvorsntional porsonal rooiinisoonoos on South Carolina his tory will bo givon by Dr. Jamos H, Carlisle Dr. J. I. MoCain of Erskino oollcgo wilt toaon Eogliah grammar with spo oial ro?oronoo to Buohler's grammar rocontly adopted bv tho Stato board for uso in tho publio sohools. Courses in English litoratnro will bo givon by. Prof. St. Jamos Cummings of tho Citadel. Tho off ort to introduce into tho pub* Ho sohools tho teaohing of night sing ing will bo oontlnuod by continuing io off or tho toaohors tho opportunity to bo thomsolvos inatruotod in this art. Tho iuttiu jtor this yoar will bo Dr. ll. H. Potora of Converso oollegn. Aa horotoforo, tho mus'ioal dirootor will organizo a ohoruB, whoso entertainments will provo tho moans of amusomont as woll as oulturo. Tho grand organ In tho now auditorium will oontributo to make thoso ohoruaos uugnifioent. Prof. W. C. A. Hammel of tho Mary land Stato normal sohool will eontinuo the oourao so admirably bogun lant year In sohool physios and in manual training. Tho lattor work (to whioh a largo number of toaohors woro nooon Bardy refused admission last yoar) he will bo abloto plan on a largor eo?h?, as ho will bring with him an assist ant trainod In his mothods. Prof. J. V. LOW?B of Clomaon ool lcgo will tough physical geography, uaing 'farr's book, whioh has boon pro soribod for tho publio Bohools by tho Stato board. Frye's geography will bs taught by Superintendent Frank Evans of Spartanburg oita sohoola; . and Superintendent B, L HugliOS of tho Greenville oity sohools will givo a course in sohool gcorgraphy, globo making, oto., along tho lines whioh proved so praotioal and popular last yoar. Thia oourao will bo fullor than last year and will inoludo oortain facto of history related to tho geography study. Prof.^ Marshall D. Earlo of Furrnan university will tench m&tbomatioa. Prof. A, G. llouibort of Wofford will hovo ohargo of Latin and Creek. Kindergarten principloa and .primary methods will bo taught by Mies Min nio Maofoat of Winthrop collogo, and Miss Sarah Withers of tho Chester gradod sohools. Miss Sarah Chandlor of the Spartanburg oity sohools will illustrato primary mothods with a olass of small ohildron. Naturo study will bo in ohargo of Miss Sarah C. Thurston of tho Columbia sohoolfl. Courses in podagogica and Hohool au pcrviaion will bo givon by Prof. Ward law of South Carolina oollcgo and Su perintendent W. H.- Hand of Chcstor graded eohools. Mr. James L. Hughos, inspooton bf sohools of Toronto, Can ada, will probably givo a weok's oourso of looturcs. Somo Facts.for Farmers. Prosont ruling pri?es for ootton to be dolivored In tho fall months will not justify more than 6 to 6 1 2 couts for tho farmer*. It gonoially happons that whon so muoh ootton is ooming to mar kot in tho fall months prioos shrink, so it is within tho rango af possibilities to soo d'oont ootton again this fall, if tho proaont tondonoy of prioos bo maintain ed. . Far mora should always fomombor that. 11,000.000 halos at 5 eonts moans 1275,000,000. 10,000,000 baloo nt 6 eonts moans $300 000.000. 9,000.000 bales at 7 conto moans 13 lo 000.000. 8.000,00 halos at 10 oonts moans 1400,000,000, The ?mailor the crop tho bottor aro tho roturni por aore. Spinners aro reducing consumption beoruiso thoy oomplalrt of slaok trado and high prleoB for ootton. Lot tho far mor roduoo bia product nooordingly, and in plano of tho entra amount of ootton lot him plant grain, potatoes, vogota blo8,">at6rmolens. oane, sorghum and rlo? where posatb?o Diversification has alroady abundantly prospered southern {armors. Koop it up.?-.Atlan ta Journal, ^ is plainly printed on every )u arc taking when you take eir formula knowing that y? ou knew what it contained, ut up in correct proportions a acts as a tonic while tho system. Any reliable druggis IghaaS and that all other nitations. An analysis of oth< uperior to all others in e\ ting when you take Grov aving long been cstablishe old throughout the entire No Cure, No Pay. Price THE PA88ING OF A NATION. After a Hutched Yearn cf Continual War faro Aohin Submits South Afrioa, China and tho Philip pines aro not tho only oountrien whoro war in in progress. In different parta cf tho world oampaign8 of long standing uro being curried on daily. Somo of thom lui9 0 ncvor boon hoard of in this oountry; othors havo boon forgotten. Dudor tho lator hoad oomoo Aohin, whoro for yo&rs tho Dutoh havo boen striving }to subjugtto tho natives, a r*oo at* important that a? ono tiuio its rulers reooived ombaesios from tho greatest potentates in Europe, that of England inoludod. , Aohin is probably tho most war rid den Stato in tho world. For a hundr yeuru it has known but little poaoe, first with ono laud, thon with another, but principally with tho Dutoh.' Tho ond of this prolraotod war ia, however, bolicvod tu bo within sign at labt, During tho laut throe yo ?rs tho Dutch havo won ropoatod viotorios. Batooilik, tho strongest fortified garrison of tho Aohinoso, is hard prossod, and its fall in expootod to rosult in tho sur rondor of tho nativoj. A raoo. tb at oan rosist for a number of years a woll organized invasion of Europoan troops is worthy of somo attontion. Tho oountry is situttod in tho north of Sumatra, lt is the only State in tho island that still remains indopondont of tho Dutoh, but, as al* roady forahadowod, its indopohd onoo appears to bo now doomed. Tho population numbors about 328,000. Before its declino, whioh oommono od early iu tho oightoonth oontury, Aohin was in oloso touch oommoroially with England, lt was tho port of Aohin that London morohants direoted their first efforts toward .scouring trado in tho Indios.- Quoon Elizabeth sont oon* fidoBtial oonnuunioAtioBS to tho King of Aohin by ?p.o^-! v Aat.*r* -:: 1 nltrn oorroapoiai ^^^^'j^0?g0Rk^: monarch, who lived ia su?h luxrious stylo that ho had mino huadrod stato elophants. To this day thoro stand near tho gato of tho King's palace a oouplo of brass oannon of extraordiuary size. Thoy woro a present from Jamos to tho ruler of Aohin. They still boar tho foundot'a namo and tho dato legibly in8oribod upon thom, So oonsidorablo, io f (tot, was Aokin's ono limo powor that to roduoo Malaooa it fitted out an armada of no fowor than five hundred Bhips, a hundred of whioh woro largor than any then used in Europe-. The ships oarriod sixty thousand mon, with tho King himself in carom and. Moreover, at ooo timo, Aohin pro duood moro gold than any other ooun try in tho oast, oxoopting perhaps Japan. Ono ohroniolor fixes tho an nual output at 512,000 ounoes. For ftttyoight yoars foinalo sovereigns ro gued, and tho foreign residents in Aohin believe, thought erroneously, that tho Qacon of Shoba was Queon of Aohin. Tho Aohinoso employ minted monoy, inoluding a gold coin btampod with Arabio characters oalled "mas." Great strotohes of tho interior have not yet boon explorod, but from the soaward two gigantic volcanic moua tains rising to a height of about 11,000 foot aro visible Though onod powerful enough to dr lvo ibo Por LU gue ii out of tho lBland and to have A hoot and an army that woro tho envy ot lagor countries. Aohin has slowly drift od into tho limbo of forgotten S.ato*, and now appears'de stined to disappoar from tho map al togolbor. i There is moro Catarrh in this sootion of tho country than nil other diseases i put togothor, and until tho last f?w yoara was supposed to bo inourablo. For a groat many years do o tors pro nounood it a looal disoaao, and protorib od looal romcdics, and by oonstantly failing to ouro with looal treatment, pronounoed it inourablo. Boionco has provon catarrh to bo a constitutional diaoaso, and thoroforo requiros constitu tional troatniont. Hall's Catarrh Ouro, nnnufaoturod by F. J. Ohcnoy & Co., Tolodo, Ohio, is tho only constitutional ouro on tho mrukot. Xt is takon inter nally in dos?s from 10 drops to fi teas poonful, lt aots dirootly on tho blood and mucous Burfaoos of tho system. Thoy offor ono hundred dollars for Any caso it fails to ouro. Send for circulars and testimonials. Addross, F. J. CHENEY; & GO,, Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75o. Hall's Family Fill? aro tho host. A Good Ono. Tko Danvlllo Iieglstor tolla a story of a Pago county, Viiglhia. farmor who lost his knifo whilo barreling potatoos having sold his orop to a Now York firm. Noxtscod tirao ho thought ho would got somothing oxIrA, so ordered his eood i)otalocs from a Michigan Arm. When ho oponod tho barrol, he found his long lost knife, and also found that ho had paid a high prico for p?tateos whioh ho himeolf had ?old somo months oarlior. *~WMGoOT Tho rcspTCSontativo of tho Filipinos ' at Madrid raid rooontly that whilo ; tho capturo of Aguinaldo WAB a sovoro blow to thom it was not ucoWvo. Ho addict that tho Filipinos wo?id elect a now i Prosidonk and maintain thostruggle for yiot?ry or doath. bottle-hence you Grove's* Imitator? DU would not buy Grove's contains nd is in a Tasteless Quinine drives the t will ?cll you that so-called Tasteless , jr chill tonics shows 'ery respect.. , You e's-its superiority :d. Grove's is the malarial sections of 50c._<_ April Fool Hoax. Roportors havo boon told bf an April : fool hoax at Grauitevrllo, whioh tooms to havo boon ono of tho best in "yoars. Tho big BinokoBtaok for tho now mill is up. lt is vor y tail and imposing. Mr. barn Tt Donning, who is at work in G ra ni tc vii lo, prooured a suit of - old olothiog, stuffed it o*rofuliy and, du ring Sunday night, caused it to bo SUB? pondod from the top. Whon tho popula tion startod to work on tho morning of April 1 they saw whatapppared to.bo a man hanging from tho ohimn?y. top Tho figuro was perfoot?y golton up. Sonsation ran high for a couple of houis, whon thc figuro was out down and tho hoax ex posed, ?iui ino ne wu li&dgottrn out and for two days people t mm ped in from tho outlying sootioos'to soo tho man who had been hangod or who had bang ed himulf from tho big BUiokcBtaok. Augusta Herald. War Everywhere. War fooling is int?nm in Japan. It is threatened in Russia and Germany, But aotual war exists with Groat Bri tain and tho United Statos. Whilo ? thoro ia uneasiness in soveral of tho South Amrrioan States that may load to hoBtilith?s. This is tho most lament able condition for tho beginnirg of ? now century whioh mauy of tho Btatos mon and philosophe rs expected would bo tho inauguration of universal poaoo. Thcro is no noed to despair, howovor for there is a tromondoun yev?l?ion against war. That ia hopeful for tho ?oaco 0? Ohrifltondom.-Nowport Nowa [erald. pa I Saw Mills, Corn Mill?, Cane; ; JUC v>.4ft m .I Platters and Matchers* Swing Saws/ Rip Saws, ami all other kinds of wood working mach; iry. My Ser geant Log Beu S?W mill is tko heaviest, strongest, and most, efficient mili for the money on the. market, trtiiok, ?oonrate. State Agent for H. B. Smith Maohine Company wood working machinery. For high grade engines, plain slide, valve--Automatic, land Corliss* write me: Atlas, Watertown," and Struthers and Wells. s V. C. BADHAM, 1826 Main St., Columbia, S. O. Ginning Machin?Kjr% Saw Mill Machraei^y, Planing Mill Brick Machinery, Engines, all Types; Boilers, all Kinds* These are oin? Speoia Hies and we have the most complete and best lines to offer. ISP MA01?INERY and Mlli?i 8UPPLIK8 OW KVICRY DESCRIPTION. COLUMBIA, a. 0. PosltlonsU No Obj?ot. Pledge to Recurs our graduates posl* tlouB baoked by $5000. Courses uno*- ; oellod, Oood board, oneap. Bater,ariy. Umo, Open to both BQXOO.' Bond now /or froo cajaloguo, Address, OOLTOBIA COLL??^t OOIiUM)llA, 0. .0. W. H. Newberry, Prosidonk , \Th? addrois of a tow INTIMI I GMNT ?OUNG/i?KAGIU?B8 -fflioBo soliools havo oloflfid for tho season, AddrofH?, B, W? Q'A?BIHOKR, 105, Spft?iftuhutg, S, 0, '"'