:ffl?B|? ??E?IOISM. sf-~~~ ? Dr. Talraago Praises It and Tells ; . of Its Groat Rewards. IS o rr th? Lord J ?VJ us Will ncmcrab?? yvOil?I -people .beau-leg; dishonorable scars. They went into tho battlo Of sin and wero worsted, ?nd to their dying- day they will have? a soar1flon.fiou of body cr mind cr soul; It oahnot be hidden. Thero aro ten- of thousands of men and women now consecrated, to God and living holy lives who wero onco corrupt! but they have been regenerated, and they aro1 no moro what thoy onoo wero than rubcBccnco is cmnoiation, ' than-balm is vitriol, thou noonday is midnight. But in their depleted phys ,oal health or mental twist or stylo kt temptation they, aro over and anon reminded Of thoft obnoxious past. They have a memory that is deplor able. In somo twingo of pain or Homo tendency lo'Surrender to tho wrong they hayo an unwholesome remin iscence They carry scars, deep scars, ignoble scars. But Paul in my text" shows us a Boariflcation which is a bndgo of hon orable and Bolf-sncriflcing Borvicc. He had in his weak eyes tho result of too much study nnd in his body, bont and worn,, tho signature of Bcourglngs and shipwrecks and mal treatment by mobs. In my text ho shows thosp sen rs ns ho declares, "I boar in my body , the marks of tho Lord JCSUB." . No'tic?' tliat/lt. is not Wounds, but- scars, and a scar is a healed wound. Bcfox'o tho sear is woll don ..od upon tho flesh tho in flammation ,must lmvo '..departed and right circulation must lmvo been restored and new tissue must havo boen formed. It is a permanent in dentation of tho flesh-a cicatrix. Paul did well to-show thoso sears. They wore positive and undisputablo proofs that with all. his body, mind and soul ho believed what ho sold. They were his diploma, showing that ho had graduated from the school of hardship for Christ. They were cre dentials proving his right to lead in the woad's evangelization. Mon aro not ashamed of scars got in battle for . their, country. No Amorican Is embarrassed when you ask him: "Whero did you get that gash across your forehead?" and ho oan answer: "That wns from a saber out at San Juan." When you ask Bomb German: "Where did you lose your right arm?" ho is not ashamed to say: "I lost it at Sedan." When you ask an Italian: "Where did yo\i loso your, eye?" ho is not annoyed When ho can answer: "I sui?crcd that in tho last battlo under, our glorious Gen. Garibaldi." But I remind you of tho faot that thero aro scars not got in war which aro jost as illus trioupi, Wo had in this country years ago an eminent advocato Who. was callod into, tho presidential cabinet as atto?r?oy generali In midlife ho was in a Philadelphia courtroom cn * gaged in an importaut^trlrtl; "Thu at torney on. tho -opposito side of tho caso gt irritated and angry and in ' most bratal manner referred to the distinguished attorney's disfigured face, a face more deeply scarrod than. any faoo I over saw. Tho legal hero of whom I am speaking in his dos ing argument said: "Gentlemen of tho jury, when I was a Httlo child I was playing with my sister In tho nursery, and her clothes caught fire, and I ran to her to put out tho ilro. K suooeoded, but I myself took fire, nnd before it was extinguished my faoo was awfully burned and ns black tos tho heart of the scoundrelly coun sel who on the other side of the case baa roforrcd to my misfortune." The eminent nttornoy of whom I speak carried all his lifo the honorablo scar of his sister's rescue. Albort Barnos, tho most distinguished of all com mentators, xmless it bo Matthew Henry, for years at four o'clock in the morning might havo been seen going from his houco in Philadelphia to his Btudy in tho church and in thchso early hours and before break fast to give all those wonderful com mentaries, a theological library in themselves.', He said that os l?o was Easter he felt bound to givo all tho est of each day to work oonneoted .with his pastorate. But at what a ruinous draft upon his eyesight ho did that early morning work, drst by candlelight and then by gaslightl {When he got through those wonder ful volumes of Scriptural exposition, talbert Barnes was a blind man. Boav9, Illustrious scars, on his extin guished eyesight! People think they must look for martyrs on battlefields or go through ? history to find burnings at tho ntake and tortures on racles when thero aro martyrs all about us. At ?this timo in this capital city thero aro booros of men wearing themselves Sout in tho public servJco. In . ten (yoarn they will not havo a healthy narva loft in their body. In com intttoa rooms, in consultations'- that involve tho welfare of the nation, un der the weight of great responsibili ties, ?heir vitality Is being subtracted, frn almost every village of tho country you find some brokon down state or 'national official. After exhaus lng himself in tho public, service, rough 'American politics kicks him out of eongreus or oabinet or legislative hall? ' Becoming Popular. The huming of nogroos is becoming quito a popular and common nmuso mont out wost. Indiana's exploit sur passed/that of Colorado. Torro I?auto isaoiiV of ovor 30,000 inhabitants, "' with many Bohools and oliutohos, yot a mob took from its jail a'prlspnor who had kill od a whito man, drtggod him through tho nt root ti, boat him to death and burnod the lit?los? body, Women and ohildron Jostled tho mon to got a glimpso of tho burning. Tho nogroo's toos sold for one dollar oaoh. Tho Sam Hose affair was not as bod at this. Lot tho ork?ks lot up on tho south. Mho may bo barbarous but thoro aro others. *-Columbia Stato. Two Killed. A building in Wost Nlnotcoth strcot in Now .York pollappa Thutadav morn-: inf, a?d'it is rop?rtod that four persona wei e burled undor tho ruins, Later it was f ound that two mon worpkillod and two injurod. ono probably fatally. Twonty in all woro bonoath tho toppl ing mass whon it swung ovor but tho rest osoapod. j \ _-. -,-. . -M-j--, ,and'he go'ci into comparative ?fo*' ?ou vi ty and comparativo want, tot ti? hu? boon long onoUgh awov ffottt homo to los? hts professional Oppor* tunitloa. No man that was over put to death by ?word or instrument of torture was mors Of ? martyr *h,i,> that man who has been wrung to doath by th? demands of official po sition. Tho sears may not bo visible, tor these aro Scars on tho brain, and scars on the iiorvo and ?car? on the heart,,.but novcrtholcsB aro thoy BcavH, and God counts them and their reward will bo abundant. In all lands tlicro aro voterons of war who may not havo had tholr faco Borapod with ono biillot or tholr foot lamed by ot?o bursting sholl and who could not roll up their alcove and show you ono . mark suggestive of battle, jrot oarry with them weak nesses got in exportaros to dlsoaso along malarial swamps or from many'1 miles of maroliing, and ever and anon thoy feel a twinge of, pain, each recurrence of which is st?arpor or more lasting, until after awhile thoy will bo captured for tho tomb by disorders whioh started 20 or 80 or 40 years before. And tholr soars aro all unscon by human eyos. But those pooplo uro as certainly the vic tims of war as though they had hoon blown, up in an undermined fortroas or thrust- through with ft cavalry man's lance. What I want to make Out ls that thoro aro soars whioh oro never counted except as God counts thom, and I want to onlargo your sympathies. Thero are mnny who cnn, in the sam? sense that Paul uttered it, says "Ibear in'iTny body the marks oi the Lo?'u Je B?i8"-fthat is, for the sake of Christ and His cause they carry ,sfcars which keep their indenturo through ?ll time and oil eternity. Do you think that Pnxil w-as nccurato when ho said that? If you havo studied his career, you havo no doubt of it. In his youth he learned how to fashion the hair of tht Cilictan goat into canvas, a quiet trade, and then went to college, the president of which was Gamaliel, an institution which scholars say could not havo been very thorough becauso of what they call Paul's imperfect command of Greek syntax. But his history became exciting on the road to Damascus, wilora ho was unhorsed and blinded. His conversion was a convulsion. Whether that fall from the horse may have left a mark upon him I know not, but the mob 60?n took after htm and flogged and imprisoned and maltreated him until ho had scars more than enough to assure tho truthfulness of his utterance; "I bear in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus." All of Paul's suffering was for Christ's sake. He had intellectual powers which oould have achieved for him all worldly successes. You soo what he could do In a courtroom when with extemporaneous spocoh he mad? tho judicial bench tremble; when on Mars hill ho confounded th? Athenian critics; (Chen ho preached amid th? ex sitem?nt of a tumbling penitentiary; when in a storm at sea'he took com mand of the ship, the only one on board ool headed. With his inspired logto, and hiB courage of utterance, and hts power of illustration, and his oapaclty to move audiences, and his spirit ot de fiance, there was no height of worldly power ho might not have gained. . "What Hannibal Was to an army, what Draco was in making laws, what Homer, was to pootry, what Demos thenes was In power of persuasion, what Sooratcs. was to philosophy, what Aeschylus, was* to tho drama, that Pani ,might have boen to all centuries, God never before and never since'niado an other human being like him. But with RU his oapaclty and opportunity of achieving worldly renown ho turns bis back on hom? and becomes an exilo, on bounteous tables and eat? his hard crust by tho roadside, on tho pleasure yachts that sailed tho Mediterranean and embarked on a freight boat from Alexandria, on soholars in A thous and talks to fishermen. Instoad of plaudits of aroused and enthusiastic as semblages he addressed audicnoea that talked back and nuked insolent ques tions and broke up la a riot. Instead of garlands flung at hi? feet they hurled stones upon his head. Five time? he was scourged, at each whipping 90 strokes, the fortieth stroke sparaa not from mercy, but because 40 strokes were the severest punishment the law allowed, and they fcarod, through counting wrong, they might make it il and so themselves be punished. Why, Paul must havo been scarred.all overfond he only tolls tho plain troth without any commentary when he de clares! "I bear in my body tho marhs of the Lord Jesus." It wa? as much as to say: "See those long soars? There i? where they whipped mo. Ree you that ugly indenture. That is where they- stoned me. Seo you that enelr ling soar on my wrist? Thatis where they handcuffed me. See those ugly uurvco around my ankles? There is where they made my feet fast in the stooks." Thero are many who, like that apos tolic martyr, havo on them the mark of the Lord'tfesus. There ls the gre?at army of foreign missionaries, some times maligned by dissolute American, English and Scotch merchants. wDo at Hong-Kong and Calcutta and Constan tinople havo had their wickedness re proved by tho pure home life of those missionaries. There is the great army of tho ministers of the Gospol, now in Heaven, who, on small caf a rion and amid fatigues that slew them, served their day and generation. Thero is an other great army of privat? Christian! who, in Sabbath ?chools and In tract distribution and in humanitarian and evangelistic efforts have put their life in sacrifice on the altars of God. There is aaother army of Christian invaden who lost their life in overwork for th? church abd the world's redemption. Peoplo call their illness neuralgia ot nervous prostration or ?-soron?? oi paresis or pr?matur?e old age. I cal] tholr ailments sears, as my text calli t&em scars. There maj he Mars on th? 'Slopt a Year in a Collin. For noarly a yoar Lovi Ri soling, who diod at Joplin, Mo., a fow wcoks ago, and by willing his $700,000 ostato tc tho I. O. O. F. and Masonio lodgos of that city ondoavorcd to dopriyo his advon children of tho bonflta of his wealth, slopt in a ooffin. About thirty yoara ago ho was rosidont of DoSoto. Ill oight milos from hore, whoro ho con duotod a furnituro and undertaking businofls. Whilo in that village and after throo ohildron had hoon born, ho and his wlfo partod. Ho oontinuod his business at DcSdto noarly a yoar aftor tho soparation during that timo made his storo his homo and slopt in A oofi'm Tough Sayings. Senator lianna doolsrod lit tho Son ato tho othor day that ho had heard things said' thoro whioh brought tho blush of shamo to his ohooks. if those "things" aro printod in tho Oongroa sional llooord will not that valuable daily bo excluded from tho mails. An ord or way issued at tho war do partmont Thursday plaoing Brig, Qons, Jamos II, Wilson and Fitzhugh Leo on tho rotirod list of tho army, , . {/" Kembfy, ??ar? Oil th* ?plrltj, ?cat? oft the coinage, Bears on the soul, ?} welb aa soars on the body, ?nd those invisible' to ibo human ey? aro aa honora bio ai I those visible, AU ye who boar In your body th* tntrVt of th* Trtri\ .>.>?. ?l?V? jOU thought what us? ihoso marks will be lu the heavenly world? What source of glorious reminiscence! In that world you will ?lt together and talk over ea thiy experiences. "Where did you gel that soar?" saint will say to saint, a id there will come baok a story of hardship and struggle and perse cution and'wounds and victory through th? graoo of .tho Goapel. Another aplrlt will eay to listening aplrltt "Whero did you get that hurt BO plainly marked?'' And the ?newer will be? "Oh, that was ono of tba worat burta X QYor had. That waa a broken friend ship. . Wa wera In sweetest accord for years, together in loy ?nd sorrow. What one thought tho other thought. Wo -wera 'Darla and Jonathan. But our personal interests parted, and our friendships brok? HOTCV to be renewed on e&rth. But we hay* ovada U all up b?re, and misunderstandings aro gone, and we are in the aatn* Heaven, on neighboring throne?, in neighboring oaatlea on the banka of th? nama livov." "Where did you got that mark?" pay? another spirit to listening aplrlt, and th? anawer comos: "That 1? a re minder of a groat bereavement, of a doiolutod household, of a deep grave, of aU the heartstrings at on? stroko snapped altogother. But you so? Ul? no longer a laceration, for th? wound has bean healed, and ray once bereft spirit is now in companionship with the one from whom for awhile I war* separated." "Where did you get that long, docp ?car?" Bays another im mortal to listening Immortal, and the anawor comos: "That waa the awful fatigue, of a lifotlmo strugglo iq at? tempting amid nd verso olroumatnnoee to oohiivo a H vol I hood. For SO years I wa? tired-oh, so tired 1 But you seo lt is a hcalod wound, for I have fcuad rest at last for body and soul, the completo rest, the ?Torlastlng rest, that remaineth for th? peoplo of God." Some one in Heaven will nay to Martyr John Bogers: "Where did you get that scar on your foot?" and the aa* ?wer will come: "Oh, that wa? a burn I suffered whon tba flame? of mar tyrdom were kind Jod beneath' mel" "Ignatius, what is that mark on your cheek?" "?h, that waB made by the paw of tho lion to whioh I waa thrown by the order of Trajan!" ?-omo erne will say to Pauli "Groat apoatlo, that must have b?en a do?p ?ut onoe, th? .?ark whioh I seo on your nook." And Paul ?eye: "That waa mado bv the ewerd whioh struck me at my behead mont on tho road to Oatla." But w? all have soars of some kind, and those are tome of the thing? We will talk ovor .In th? heavenly world while we cel? brate th? graoe that mado us triumph ant ever all agnoatiolsm. i Now what ia tho pfaotlca) uae of thia Bubjeot? It la tba cultivation of Christian h?rolos. The moat of us Want tc say thingB and do things for God when tkero ia no danger of get ting hurt. Wo are all ready for easy work, for popular work, for compen sating work, but we all greatly need mere oeurage to brave the world and brave aatanie assault when thore is fomething aggressive and bold and dangerous to bo undertake* for God and righteousness. And if wo happen to get blt what an adieu we make about itt We all need more of tho stuff that martyrs ave mado out of. We want more .sanctified grit, more Christian pUiok, moro holy rcoMoBcnons aa to what th? world may say and do in any oriels of our life. Bo right and do right, and aU earth and hell combined .afmot put you down. The ?ame little missionary who wrote my text also uttered that piled vp magnifloeno* to ba found In thone words whioh ring Uko batt* j axes on aplltting holmeto: "In all these things We are more than conqueror? through Him that loved us, fer I am persuaded that neither death, nor life, nor an gels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, ?or height, nor depth, nor any othor eveatmo, ahall bo able te separato us from the lovo of God, which ls in Christ Jeaus our Lord." How do you like that, you cowards, who shrink baok from aggro&slve work and if BO much aa a splinter pieroo your flesh ory out louder than many a one torn in auto da fa? Many a sol dier has gone through a long war, beon in SO battles, lod a regiment up a hill mounted by cannon and swept hymus?" ko tr y and yet came home without hav ing bean ono? hit and .without a marie upon him. But it will not be co antony fhosa w/Zi<;? pas? In the grand review of Heaven. They have ?ll in the holy wara hoon wounded, and all bear scare.. Anal what would the newly arrived lu Heaven do with nothing to ah ow thai ha had ever been ?truck by human or diaboUo weaponry; how embarrassed and ecoentrlo euch on ono in nu oh a placel Surely) h?i would want to be ex ou sod awhile from t?e heavenly ranks and ba permitted to descend on earth, crying: "Give rn? another oh ano? to do something worthy of aa Immortal. Show me some post el ?langer to ho manned, some fortress to bo ?termed, some diltioult .charge to make, t-lho Leonidas at Thermopylae, like Miltiades at Marathon, like Marl borough at Blenheim, like Godfrey at Jerusalem, like wlnktlrled at 8am paoh gathering the spoors of the Ana? trian knight? Into his bosom, giving kia life for other?, show mo some place ?WBere I can do a bravo thing for G JJ. I cannot go back to Hearen until sem? where X bear in my body tho marks (si tho Lord Jesus." My bearer, my refut er, quit complaining about your mit' fortunes and ddsappelntmenta and troubles and through ah time and ?tl eternity thank God for soars! ffhy saints ia all thia meriette war . Bbaii Conquer theu?T> the)' die; fcheV ics \\\t triuttpii ?emWar' : ul eeta? lt with fh?(r ey?. it that IlluBtrloua dey shall rle?, . %tn*. e nktep. Beware of Ointments for Catarrah that Contain Meroury as moroury will suroly destroy tho sonso of pmoll and oomplotoly dorango tho whole ?y a tom when entering it through tho muoous surfaoos, Suoh antiblos should novor bo usod oxoopt oh-prosofip bions from rop?tablo phyoioiano, as tho' damago-they will do ia ton fold to tho KO o d you oan possibly derivo from thom. Hall's Catarrh Ouro, manufaoutufod by. 17, J. Ohonoy & Go., Tolodo, 0" oon tains no meroury, and. is taken in tor ally, aoting dirootly upon tho blood and muoous surfaoos of tho system. In buy ing Hall's Catarrh Cure bo ouro you wot, tho gonuino. It is takon internally, and mado, in Tolodo Ohio, by If. J. Ohonoy & Co. Testimonials freq. Sold by Druggist?, prioo .; 76o. ,p?r bottlo. Hall's Family Pills aro tho bopt.: "-j: White Mian Lynched. ; \r ' Tho body of John Knott, white, ,U Jangling from a tree at.Scranton Miss. Hoi, as lynched for tho mutdor of lion Davis, by a mob of a hu nd rod mon fuijky armed, who oattght and bound tho f riff and battorod opon tho jail door. SOMR NEW UWS~ --i-. , Pa*8e<1 nt t* o Rnctnt ?eiwion of 'Ho L? Ki s I ature K?EPTHEM FOR REFEREjNOI?. Several New Aot? of the L?gislature that Will be Bead With Intore at. , OUUELTY TO ANIMALS Soe. 1. Ito it onaotcd by tho goncral assembly of tho Slate .of South OATO" lina:'That section 2500 of Ahe,genera! Matutes of 1882, Incorporated in-aoolion 165 of tho orimioal statutes of 1893, bc, and tho tamo is. hereby, atnondod by adding on lino 3, immediately af tor tho word "or,11 tho word "any" by adding on lino 4, immediately preceding tl o word "pii'boua'," tho words "kinds, clam, artiolo or df/oripiion of" ; by changing tho word "and/' on lino 6, to tho word "or" ; so that said sootion, when amended, shall read as follows: Seo.165 (2500). Whoover shall wilf fully, unlawfully and rualioicmly out, t.hoot, maim, wound, or o herwiso in juro or destroy any boroo, mulo 'M W, cattlo, hog, sheen, goat, or any Other kind, olasB, artiolo, or deroription of personal property, tho goods a?d chat tola of another, shall bo guilty ci a tnisdoauieaoor. and upon oonviooon tin roof, shall 1 o fined or imprisoned nt tho di^on t;on of tho judgebeforo ?. hom tho oaso shall bo tried. ALIEN OWNERSHIP. Tho follnwiog la tho text of thoura-, bently approved r ot ta limit tho. /*uin-_ ber of acres of land whioh any alien* Or any o iteration controlled, by aliens, may own within thia Slate; S. otiou 1. That no alien, or oorpon tion oon'rollod by alio n oithov in' his or ita own right or a* a trustee, oostui que ttipt or agent, aimil own or con trol, within tho lin iib..of thia S^ato, moto than 500 aoroB of land: Provided, Thia f.o tball not apply to latd pur oho8cd ondor proceedings, either by i OL ion or power of ralo, to forcoloso any mer gago Loroaf .or acqu'red by any olion, or corporation controllo 1 by ? liena, put ol aid np- tho tamo, but in tuvh oaso suoh nliou. or oorp?ratioo 0 ntrolhd by aliona, boa I not. to on titled to hold aaid exoosa of land more than fivo joara, without salo of samo, ucloea fm oom pt relier goncral shall certify'ha- a ta'o during that timo would bo mat? rially dotrimontal to tho ir ton at of nob a'ion, or corr oration controlled by aliena, in whioh,oaso tho said alien, or oorpe ration controlled by aliena, may hold tho land fer five ye ara longor upon tho samo conditions. Soc. 2 Nothing in .thia oct shall ap ply io landa already owned or con ti oiled by tho porsons or corporations t of erred to in this ?Ot, nor to'lands al ready mortgaged to suoh parsons or corporat'ons f Sro 8: An sot ontMod "au .aot to limit tho amount of lard whioh aMona or foreign corporations may own with in thia State," approved March 9,1896, and all other no ts and parla of aota inoond?lont with this rob, aro horoby ropoalod. / A OHAINOANO AOT '? ;. Tho following, io tho t?^t of tho now aot "to pr?vido for^tbo establishment t f chair gangs io incorporated cities, tu?,]!* a?.d village? c '..;..:,/''in bounties that l ave nooo?ntv ohaiugangs," whion rs of oonaidcrablo importatoe: / - Sootion li That tho"" authorities' gov?: crning any o'.ty, town or' village sit uated in counties whoro ohjalngangs do not exist, if they soe fit so to do, may o.tabliah ind operate a ohaingang for tho purpose of working tho streets of 6ueh city, town or vii Ingo, and tho pub lio roads loading into suoh city, town or villano. Soo. 2 That a'l ablo bodied malo persons convicted beforo tho court bf magistrates in counties where, no oounty chtingangexista, al all bo'ton ti-nocd, nooording to law, to work upon tho ohaingang established under this aot, by tho oity, towri or vill'ago noar ost tho offioo of tho magistrate Bonton oi' vt-uoh poison oo. 3. That all ablo bodied malo pbr 60 oonviotod before tho court of goa rra! (-cssior.a of couotioa not having oounty ohaingangp, who aro Sentonood for a pc riod of ono year or less, shall bo sontcnocd to work upon s.omo ono 01 tho ohainga?gs established undor thia aot. Seo 4 That if after tho passage of thia not, any oounty whioh has not already established a oounty ohainjang, should heroaftcr establish a county ohaingacg, then this aot shall not ap ply to buch oounty. And if >f ter tho passage of this aot any oounty should abandon tho oounty ohaingang, thoo, and in that event, thin aot shall immo diatoly become operativo and of full foros and e ffect as to f u.di oounty so abandoning tho oounty Ohaingang sys tem. THE PENSION AOT. Tho foroo of tho pension aot of tho le gi a I at uro of J901 has boon questioned beoAuso tho goncral appropriation bill provided for bnt$100,000 for thia catino, whilo the sreoial aot provides $150,000 lt is gcnmUy aooopted that tho spooial ant ia all right. It roads: Seo. 1. Bei lt enacted.' by tho general' assombly of tho S tato of South Caro lina;. That stotion 1 of tho act. entitled "Anaotto pr?vido 'for pondions for Certain so'd'ots and sailors, now re si donia of Scuth Carolina, who wore in tho sorv'oo of the ?tato 'or ;of tho Coo- ? fedorato 8tatos,lin(tih,ojato war between tho S?atcs,"( Approved 19th Fobru ary, 1900,'be; aocl tho name is horoby,. amended by oinking' out the vrords "ono hundred, "and inserting in lieu thcroof "ono hundred and fifty" hoforo tho wbrd ^t'housand,*' on.linos two and thrboof n ai ct sootion, and by adding at on ct o? Bald sootibp tho following, : to wit:'.^rbyidod, f?rther, In oaso tho samo, .'pr stich' amount as shall ho, ap pr?prj?tedi ?hall bo moro than suffi oient, thou, tho amount as appropriated shall bo distributed proportionately among all tho no logally entitled to ro* ooivo thosM'mo: so that said sootion, when so amonded, shall road as fol lows: .. Soo. 1 ino sum of at least $150,000 shall bo annually appropriated ? to pay tho ponnionB.provided for in this aot, and-in ovjo.tho sam?, or. suoh amount a's-shall bo appropriated, ohbll bo in suflVoiont. thon tho amount so appro priated shall ho ? distributed propor tionately among those legally entitled 0 roooivo tho samot JProvldod, -That thoso pooslonbrs doioribod in subdivis ion (a), sootion 4, heroin, shall havo boen first paid in f?llt Provided fur ther, In case tho same, or suoh amount aa shall bu appropriated, shall bo more than siiffioiont, then tho amount as ap propriated shall bo distributed propor tionately among all thoso legally en titled to roocivo tho samo, DOUBLE DAILY TRAINS Tho following iWtho text of tho now not of tho gonoral . assombly giving tho .*.( . . ..;.../ - . ' '"?.-.? . . . ' J rtiVtk? commission rower td roquiro double daily trains oe tbo soveral rail roadf): <*? gestion 1. That an act cntitlod "An act^i'o 'amend tn aot entitled 'ali act to regulato tho sohodulo bf pase?ngor ? Tturin in nortnih naftn?.'.apprnynd. tho 9 ; h ?day. of Maroh, 1890j" approved the 2d ?fay of May, A. I). 1897, be, and tho mme ii hereby, amondod by inserting i)si lino ll bf Seotlon 1, aftor the word "railroads," and boforo tho word "?o,'" tho followiugy ' and, if they doom rea sonable, they, may likowi?p. requijro euoh persona, assooiationa or oorpora tl?hs to furnish, to tho traveling putoV lib vfaoilities Tor; p*8B?gd over auch railroads twico each way daily/.'.- so that sootlon 1 shall read: . ?ootion 1. Ho it enacted' bj tho goh v?Tftl aBFomhly of tho Stato of South Carolina: That an aot entitled ''An act te regulato tho sohedulo of passon gcr trains in certain casen," approved thc 9th day of March, 1896, bo, and thc saino is hereby, amondod by addiug at tho end of Booiion 1 thereof the follow lng words, to wit: "And tho bettor tc Hoouro such connections, thoy may re quire all persons, associations or oor pcratlons operating any railroad oi railroads (oxo-pt suoh as may bo ir tbo hands of receivers) to run at Iras ono unmixed daily paBsongor trail oaoh way over such railroad or rail roa ls, and if thoy doc m roasonabh i hoy may like wino rcquiro jsuoh per : sen', asaooiatioua or corporations t< i furnish to tho traveling j ublio facili ties for paBsago ovor Buch railroadi twico oaoh way daily," BO that sau sooiion 1 shall road: It shall bo th< duty of tho railroad comcuisBionors within thirty, dsya aftor tho passagi of thia aot, and from timo to timo, ti examino into tho sohodulos of all th? railroads in this Stato for tho o arri ag? of personei or pafl?ongora, with a vic\ 't? R ea er tain if said roads oan reason ably mako oloso ooncootion with intor notting roads; ?nd whonovor, in thoi o pi i ion, such oloso eon nco ti on cnn h I thado without injustioo or material in jury to.auoh road or roads, thoy sha! i m?ko tho appropriato orders to offec tho samo. And tho botter to scour such connexions, thoy may require a persons, nunc oint i o nu or corporation oporating any railroad or railroad (except suoh-as may to in tho hand -ui rjc?iven) to ruo at ioat ono ut mixed daily patsohgor train oaoh wa Over euch railroad or railroads, an may likowiso rcquiro emoh porsons, ai sooiations or corporations to furnish t tho traveling publi? faoilitios for pa sago over suoh railroads twico cac way daily. ' DEMURRAGE. During tho last Stato campaign thoi v?as a lot of talk on tho part of oand didi o for tho offtoo of railroad oommi sinner about tho hardship cxaotod i la'rons of railroads on acoount of -tl hoavy domurrago ohm gc? mad o I railroads. Ono of tho complaints wi that railroads do r ot furnish warohous* at email stations to storefroight until is called for, and yet it demands of tl party to whom tho froight io consigno that ito removo it at onco or pay stei ?go oharges for tho uso of tho oar. A tho end of a certain timo tho froigi will bo unloaded at tho ownor's . rbi la tho oaeo of soluablo guano nod suo ooni mod ii iou, tho wen thor might dan ago tho shipment considerably if it fc unloaded without shelter, arid tho owi er might livo at romo dist'anoo frei the station and not know of tho arrivi < f tho froight. Mr. H. J Kin ard < Groonwood introduced a hill whioh b< carno an act, whioh provided a mode ato rato of ot?rngo. The not io outille "An aot to require tho railroad ooo miBSion to fix rates of storago to I charged by railroad companion in th Stato, to prescribo regulations for ohar, ing tho samo, and to presoribo ho eu.it bhall bo brought for over oh arg* and to fix tho mcasurofor.rccovorv, ar to rogulato tho froight chm g s c molo nu." So much of tho aot as r lates to molona wai an aoaondmont pi in by tho senate. Tho aot roads: bootion 1. 15o ic onaotod hy tho go oral a ssembly of tho-Stato of Sou' Carolina, that from and aftor tho pa sage of this act power is hereby oo forred on tho railroad commission South Carolina, and thoy aro rcqu'ri to fix and presoribo a sohodulo Of maj mum rates and ohargos for storago freight, miado and charged by railroi oom p?nica doing business in this Stat and to fix at what (imo aftor tho rooo tion of froight at place of doaiinati subh oh.argoa,. of storago shall begi with.power to vary tho samo acoordi to tho value and oharaotor of tho froig stored,,tho nature of tho plac? of d< ti nat ion and tho rc sidonoo of oonaignc and auoh other faota as in their judj mont should bo oonbidorod in fixi tho samo. Sm. 2. That all tho provisions oft not creating said railroad oommiosi and aots amondatory thereof, p scriVing tho proooduro of Baid comm sion in fixing freight and passe nt traillo, and hoaring complaints of o rior and shippc r, and of altering a amending eaid traflio, shall apply tot subj oot pf fixing and amending rai and ohargos for for storago, as afoi said. Seo. 3.. That no . railroad oomna shall mako or rotain, dircotly Or in reotly any ohar?o for storago of frcif greater than that fixed by tho comm sion for oaoh .particular storago, i shall thoy disoriminato dirootly or in roo tl y. by means of ^rebatos, or a other doVico in suoh ohargos, botwc persons. ISeo 4. That if any milrea 1 oompa shall violate tho provistos of this a ci thor by exot?oding thq ratea of st ago pror o ribed, or by discriminating aforesaid, tho porsoner poraon8?fl.0vp? ing eu?hovorohargo, or subjootod suoh .difi.oiiininojt.ion, ahnll. havo : right to ano . fer the' sam? in any 1 bo or tiiia State having jurisdiction pf blaim, and shall havo all thp . romed and bo. entitled to rooover. tho an ponaltioa and moasuro of damagbs is proscriber1, in tho oaso of ovoroha of freight ratos, upon, making liko m a nd as is proscribed in suoh oaso, i after Uko failure to nay tho samo. Vi Soo. 5. On and aftor tho passage this aot it shall bo tho duty pf all ? r road oompanfcs doing business in t State to pubhah during tho months January and February of oaoh yoar rates of freight on water molono i i oantoloupoS por oar load per tn en four thousand pounds and upwai froin tho various points lb this St?4o tho diftbrent markbts of tho ooi whioh rates shall not be inorcascd d lng tho outrent year. MBeo. 6 Any railroad oorapany vio! ing tho provisions of this act, by ohs iiig ratos higher than thoso publish shall forfeit to tho party injured dou tho amount of the froight oharg to bo roo?vorod in any oourt of oom tont jurisdiction, Soo. 7. That all aoti and parts of s inconsistent with this aot are hon repoalod, , , AB?K? Br?tvk. ' ' ' - A. Western Kansaaodltor apelog' fer saying a brido appoarod in Wahirt sleevos." "Wo wrot?, 'sh aleevo?,' " saya tho editor, "as plain wo know how." / OVER ?NEIM?CTN" Dollars Appropriated by tha I nirvjwiii urjjuirnMivi THE LAR O EST IN YEARS; ?_;_ ] ho Va??o'ri,f'. ,8u.m$ ' .Vl?pp.r?^ia^^l^ Each Item as Providotf fpr In tho G?n?ral Ap-, proprlation Act Bolo?? ?re given tho varions itoms eirried by tho gonoral appropriation aot.p?seod by the gonoral assembly, at tts iC??Ut o?titH?n,-nrj Ukyu ??reot?y from tho apt. lt will bo noted that tho aot barrios appropriations amounting to | $1,012,679.74, tho groat eut amount ftp propriatod by any logielaturo tu ! rooont yours, and an amount oonsidorably.ip exocBU of tho comptroller's estimates. But this great sum does riot oovor all tho appropriations made by tho logiela turo ?fit? soBsion just olos?d. It only oovors tho itoms put in tho gonoral not, By m'?ans of spooial acts ,$40 953 Was appropriated for legislativo expenso?; $50,000 moro for pensions, $24,000 for an olootrio light plant, in Paso it is to bo cfetAbhnhod, and $1,900 for tho. eal ary of tho^ Stato. geologists If tho-rloo-.. trio plant is put in and-that appropria tion is used,, ibo total amount of tho ap propriations by tho general asBcmbly will bo $1,149,532 74. . Hero .aro tho itoms as. they appear in tho appropriation aol: ' . " GOVERNOR'S OFFICE. Salary of govornoY... $ 3,000 00 Salary of prtyato soorotary... 1,350 00 Salary of moBsonger..... 400 00 Stenographer. 400.00 ?ontiDgoot fund.jtctipor, 7^.'''''.''. , "Sta Wi Mio,. ;,?v;'-'-: ,-20000. JUDICIAL DEPARTMENT. Salary oblof Justioo.... '. ,.. $ 2,860 00' Salary V: J Pope, A. J2,850 00; Salary'Ira B Jonos, ?.- J..'c 2,850 00 Sala>yEugonoBGttry,A J. j. -2,860; 00' ^ftlary of Ofght oirc?it judges . "' ri ?? ? at $3,000 00 paoh ....... 24,000 00 ?Salary 1 bf eight . otrouit - ' ; - Holi?itors ;. :11;0B0 00 SftlftryofoightoirouitHt.cn? ogrftphors ..... 10,0.60 00 Stato ropojtor.. .. .... ...'A.1^500 00 Clork of supromo oourt.,. ? . 800 00' Librarian nu promo oourt... . '. BOO 00 Sftlary mpssongor supromo oourt,..,,. .. .. 200 00 SaUry of attondant, ,. .... .', 2?? 00 Stonographor supromo oourt ' 400' 00 Contingent fund supremo oourt.. . . ,. 500 00 Purphapo .boo^s supr?m? ? to i#s. .?..Mi ?> : mQ?! Pur?haio reports, supromo . ^ - . oourt library,.. ... v ,. 1,0001) STATE PENITENTIARY, >rO Salary of ?uporin?onyol.7Q00,0 Er.pon?o? two ?talions, P?rl ' lloy?l..... 30?00 llopair? ; of -buildiiisf, Port lloysU.. .tk.,v..: 10000 Salary quwantino offioors. St. ' jj Holona. . 70000 EipcnsoB quar?ntino, St, Ko lona............ 20000 Jttoptirs for building, St. Ho lona... 10000 Salary-qu?antlnd offioors at Georgetown.... ...... >... 450 00 J.Cxpon?cfi quarantine station. Vfoorgito'wft-.,./.. 150 00 luiuran?o, ot?., Goorgotown.. 75'00 Salary of koop or of Laza rottq..... ..... 300 00 8aVary 'of keepor of hospital building at Port Koyal.... 175 00 Foe?, establishing a 8tato board of hoalth.. 2,200 00 For; 'quarantino atainst con tagious and infeotious dis .?aeos...15,00000 CU rk toeretary of board. 300 00 $23,40000 TAX DKPARTMENT. Salary of oounty auditors..$ 25,500 00 Printing to iks ?nd.blanks . - auditors and troa&urors..'. 2,600 00 V $28,000 00 SOUTH CAROLINA COLIMO E Support of ?South Uarolina v ' oollfgo...:.$ 28,107 00 For ort ol? on, oom plot ion and cquipinentof atoward shill ll 000 00 For insuranoo S. O oollego.. 3,000 00 For ineurdnoo S. O. oollego.. 450 00 $12,557 00 S O MILITARY ACADEMY. Support beneficiary cadets. .$ 25.00000 For lauridry. 1 500 00 .For roparirs. 750 00 For laboratory ... 760 00 F.or library. 250 00 $28,250 00 .WINTHROP NORMAL AND INDUSTRIAL COLLEGE Support of oollego... .... $ 43,270 00 Scholarships. 5,450 00 Equipmotot of dormitory h.. 20,940 00 $69,672 00 STATE HOSPITAL FOR TUE INSANE Salary of superintendent,,. .$ 3 000 00 Board .of rr gents, por diem and milcago....-, 1 20000 Support of hospital'.! 100,000 00 Payment on Wallaco proper ty...,... 4,12000 Improvement and repairs.. .r10,000 00 lin m anoo ;. . . 117 50 I-, --; $118,437 50 . DEAF DUJ1B?AND BLIND ASYLUM. For support ol a*\luin. 2o 00000 .Foradhbolbuilding'*' 7 *\ ; 20 000 00 Steam heating..._.y.vy 1 200 00 Steam bea' iug repairs, ota <.. . 800 00 W*tor bupily, otc. v>ft v.. 1,500 00 $43 5?? 00 COLORED.NORMAL COLLEGE For eupio;t.of oollego..... .<$ 8,000 00 CATAWBA IN DI ANH. , For tho support of . tho in y diana.. .-. ..... $ 1,000 00 For sohcol......... ....... 2?000 $1 200 00 ?I', PUBLIC BUILDING. ' Publio printing 1901 .....$ 12,00000 "SALARIES SUPERVISORS REGISTRATION. :For sklaricB.$ 6.000 00 MISCELLANEOUS 'Columbia ?atorwnrka. . .$ 2,00000 (Support-?f .Jvilitia... ft 8,00000 .Rcpaira governor's mansion.. 250 00 Rapatrs arsenal at Beaufort.. 300 00 Repairs S^ato house.. 2000.0 For completion of Stato '. ?muso, finking fund oem Imission..... 15,00000 For hoatiug apparatus Stato house*.... 150 01 Exro;npflB militia Gaorgotowa aod Florenbo.,_'.2 536 10 South Carolina oxroBition, ' Charlotton.!.. 50 000 00 Jllaims parsed, 1901._ 3.00000 Lighting publio buildings,' in-. duding Stato houso._.. 6,000 00 legislativo eXpbnso l900. . 284 44 Payment of J. B. Watson.... 1620 ti M. lUgin..... ' 8000 United Gas. apd Improve ment. Co., }899., 169 20 Equipment and furnishing jocjm Confederate museum, ; lliohmond....-.-.. 100 00. Chiokamauga mon um ont oetnmiotdon. 400 00 W. ?. Berber.. 75000 $89,23594 Dofioionoy of- olebtton .ex tensos....... .:'. $ 1,289 80 Ptfioioftby oomoaissionors of oleotion, 1900. :. ; .5.05 ... .... N " $1,294 85 INTEREST ON PUBLIO DEBT. Interest public dobt...... $285 045 $ PaBt duo in'orost:.. ; 20,000 00 Stato board of equalization.. . . 700?0 Examining books. phar|[tab]o and ponai iontitutiomi 463 00 Examiningbooks oomptroUor g?n?rai, sinking fund com miasion, otc....... 550 00 Ho nt of elli oo super in tendon t , v t of cduoation ,s.400 00 r% i $1,41300 [, .. Grand total.. ..$1,012:679.74 .mm, ?h? 0reat Antiseptfe Hoaior, our?? Momma, Sore Byes, ^lanulated .iiyolidfj, Garb?llales, Boils, Ont?, Bruis ?99, Old Sows, Bura?, ?oyhs, .Bunio??, Ingrowing Toenail*, Inflammatory Rhenmat?sm. AohGS. and Pains, Chanced ?Tor sale hy; all dtupist^ ' ?fewM. At wKoles?lo pm MUBHAt mm co lbla, a. Q. Bri?k Machinery, Engines , al! Ty pes j Boilers, all Kinds iga mm Those ore our. Specialties and we have the most complete and best line? - to oiler. St Sifebss & 0?>B? MACHINERY and MILL SUPPLIES . OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. COLUMBIA, S. O. The He w Ball Sewing Machine lt Loada in Workmanship. Uoauty, Oapaoity, Strongth, LightI?uuB?ng. Ev'ory Woman Wants Orto, Attachments, Needles and Parts for Sewing Machines of aU makes. When ordering needles send sample? Price 27o per dozen, postpaid. gonta Wanted in Unooonpiod terri tory. -J-u. . h. ?HULL, ? ,1219 Taylor Street, COLUMBIA,? OrtmanPays I i ?I i Steam Dyeing, of ?very .description. Steam, Wap . ?ha, Frenoh Dry raxd N ,^ chemical cleansing.. Bend ' ^ Cor our - now pried Hst and circular. Al! work gua? anteed or no charg?e Qrlman's Steam Bye loris "l?iu Aiain otruut <,/,,rtnf . COLUMBIA. 8. ? ;/ ; A . L. Ortrnan, Proprietor. ''S , ' Aromatic Mouth , Whitens tho Teeth Cleanses the Month Sweetens tho Breath The ; JK Drug Co*, ?OOLUMB??. 8. C. Saw Mills* Corn Engiiies, Planers and Matchers, and all other kinds of wood working maohinery. My Ser geant Log Boam Saw mill hs the 'heaviest,- strongest, and most ei&oient mill for tko money on the market, auiok, accurate. State 'Agent for H. 35. Smitli Maohine Company wood working niaohlnery? For high grade engines, plain slide valve-Automatlo, .; and Oorliss, write me: Atlas, Wa tor town," and Strutter? and Wells. V. 0. BADHAM, 1826 Main St., QohnnWa, 8. 0. PITTS' flitlisEP?m ???? Chuva Us Giippo, dypyepiiaV fnilif^Mon