BENNB??SYILLE, S. 0. nv ?. A. mtowK & co. Office West of Cotn't Wednesday, May 30,1900. Bennetts ville Church Directory. MBTIIOD'ST-a W. Creighton, P. U. Sunday school 4 30 p. ni. Broaching at 11.00 a tn, und 8 00 p. m. Prayer meet ing Wednesday afternoon at 4.00 o'clock. Superintendent Sunday Behool, Phil. A. Ilodgos. . BAPTIST-Rev. Ruins Ford, Pastor. Sunday sohocl at 10.00. Preaching Sun day at 11.00 a. m., nnd H 00 p. m. Prayer meeting Thursday evening at 8 o'clock. Superintendent ol' Sunday sehooh H. \V Carroll. PRESBYTERIAN-Rev H. W. Burnell, Pastor. Preaching ovory Sunday at ll a. m., and 8. li'p. m. Prayer meeting on Thursday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Souday school, at 9 30 a. m. Suporintondcnt of school, J. E Kelly. EPISCOPAL-Itcv. T. P. Baker, Paetor. Pfrcnohiug ovory Bcoond and fourth Sunday ftwLcro'A' m * an<* ra* Sunday (UOTtVoI'at'-^t-XO^n. tn. Dr. J. A. Fulaon, .Superintendent. Marlboro County Officers. SHERIFF--J. B. Oreon (h.Eiuc OF OLBUK-J. A. Dmko JUDOS OF PRORATE-Mi McLaurin CORONER-J. F. David SUPERVISOR-B. J. East oiling SUPT. li DU CATION--ll. Ii. Preemau TIIKASURKU-.1. II. Thomas AUDITOR - E. S. Carlisle SEN ATO u - Knox Livingston PvBl>RBSENl,AT?\M'.S--J. F MeLaurin, T. J. Uo,vors, L'Ynnk Manning MAGISTRAT Ks-(J. 1). lO UterlinK, O N Rogers, John Bandi. 10 J Alsobrook<, W? W. Iloarsoy, B, D. Stubbs, W. W. Irby. Directory of Bcnneitsville Lodges. MARLBORO LODGE No. SS, meets at Bcnnettsvilie. Friday evening, ou or bo? fore each full moo? ut S o'clock? C. S. CHAFFIN, W. M. J. lt. SAMPSON, Secretary. CONSOLIDATED LODGE NO. 15, IC. ol P., meets every Monday evening at 7.30 o'clock. County Masonic Directory. MARLBORO CHAPTER NO. 30 It. A. M., meets at Clio, on Friday, on or after ouch lull moon, at 3 o'clock in tho after noon. EUREKA LODGE NO. 43 A. Fi M., moots at McColl, each Saturday after noon, before tho full 4 O'Clock. AURORA LODUE NO. 33, A. P. M., menta at Clio, Saturday on or after each full moon at 3 o'clock, p. m. County Church Directory. Benncltsville Circuit Appointments KEV. A. J. CA UTI I EN, P. C. First Sunday-ll n. m., Pino Grove. 3 p. m., Smyrna. Second Sunday, ll a. m McColl. 3 p. m, Beauty Spot. Third Sunday-ll n. m., Pine Grove, 3 p. tn, Smyrna. Fourth Sunday, 11 a. m. McColl, 3 p. tn. Beauty Spot. Blenheim Circuit Appointments. ItEV. DOVE TI EE EH, P. C. Hebron first nnd (hird Sunday ll a. in, Ebenezer first and third Sunduy 3 p. in. Parnassus second and fourth Sunday ut ll a. m. Zion recoud and fourth Sunday at 3 p. m. Clio Circuit Appointments. ItEV. T. M. DENT, P. C. Clio-First Sunday ll a. m.. Third Sunday 3 p. m., Fourth Sunday 7.30 p m Boniah-First Sunday 3 p. m., Third Sunday ll a.m. Bothlohetn-Second Sunday 3 p. m., Fourth Sunday 11 a. tn. Mnuning-Second Sunday ll a. m., Fourth Sunday 3 pi m. \V, W. Mayhew, Merton, Wis., says "I consider One minute cough cure a most wondt?rlul medicino, quick and s*te." It is thc only harmless remedy * (hat gives immediate results. It cures coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis, grippe, whooping cough, pneumonia and all throat and lung diseases. Its early use prevents consumption, Children always like it and mothers endorse it. Doug? las Bros. W. H Shipman, Bea)d-.lep, Minn., under oath, says ho suffered Iront dys pepiia for twenty five years Doctors and dieting gave but little relief. Fi nally he used Kodol Dyspepsia eure and now eats what ho likes nnd as much as he wants, and he feels like a new man. Tl digC3's what you cat; Douglas Bros. --? Cleanse the liver, purify the blood, in vig?rate the body by using Dewitt's lit ile eariy risers, These lamons little ?ills always act promptly. J. T. Doug? las & Bro. H, Clark, Chauncey. Ga., says' Dc witt's Witch Hazel salve cured him of piles (hat had afilicted him tor twenty years, It ls also a speedy cure tor skin diseases. Beware of dangerous coun terfeits. Douglas Bros, ATbouaandTonguoa O Could not express tho capturo of An* ?io E. Springer, ofll2,r> Howard Ht., Philadelphia, Pa., when clio found (hat Dr. King'? New Discovery for Consump tion had completely cured her of hacking cough that lor many years had made lifo a burden All other rom odies and doctors could givo her no lick), hut she ?aya of this Royal Cine-"it soon re? moved (ho pain in my chest nnd I o?a ?ow sloop soundly, something I cnn Hoarcoly remomber doing be foro. 1 feel iiko sounding it prnisos throughout thc ?lnivf" So will every ono who (ries l)r. King's Now Disiovcry for nov Hom bio of tho Throat, Chest or LUCIAS. Price /?Octfl. and $100 Trial bottles lOots. at J. T. Douglas & Bro. drug ?toro every Lottie guaranteed. .- --. ?4?*. leo oroam Tuesdays, Thursdays and .{Saturdays at J. B. Hamilton's saloon And groocry atoro, i PERSONAL. Mr. J. J. Tart, of Egypt, call ed lo soe us Thursday. Wo regret to learn that Mr. C. A. Mooro is again quito sick. Miss Mabel Dove of Dovosvillo, is visiting Miss Louiso Breedon. Our young friend Harry Can non has boon very sick for the past few days. Rev. J. A. Campbell of Little Kock is tho guest of Mr. Lom. E. Custon. Capt. T. P. Stubbs and J. ll. Liles, of Brightsville, were in town to-day. Mr. Harris Bristow has re turned from an extended trip to Georgia and Alabama. Mr. A. >S. Grant, of Smithville, was iu town Friday and called to renew oki acquaintances. John Bristow, tho butcher, has gone to Louisville to tho Confed erate reunion. Ile goes to overy one. AV o aro glad to report that Rev. H. W. Burwoll, who has been quite sick is able to be out again. Wo regret to hear that our valued friend Mi*. R. C. Easter ling is again coniinod to his home. Mr. N. T. Berry, of Hebron, was in town Saturday and called to swap news and renew old ac quaintance. We regret to report thc sick ness, of Miss Maggie, daughter of Capt. T. P. Stubbs, of Brightsville. Capt, J. A. Peterkin, of Fort Motte, who has boen spending a week here, has gone lo the reun ion at Louisville. Messrs. Rai ford Gibson and W. H. Gibson, of Gibson, were in town yesterday; tho guest of Mr. J. P. Gibson. Hon. W. D. Evans is attend ing a meeting of tho various railroad commissioners at Mil waukeo this week. Mr. Ral jib Torry, now of Rock ingham, spent Sunday hero with his brother. Ho is doing a good business up there. Mr. T. G. Matheson, fora long limo cashier for the bank of Marlboro has been tendered tho the cashier's placo in the new bank in Cheraw.-Graham will bo missed if ho accepts. Hon. C. S McCall left on Sun day for Louisville via Little Mountain, where he stopped Monday lo see tho eclipse, and join the party from Columbia to tho great reunion. We return hearty thanks to Mr. Waller 8. Rowe, now in Seattle, Washington, for a copy of tho "Daily Times" of that eily with a full account of the exodus for Capo Nome. It beats that to tho Klondike. Mr. John A. Bishop, who has for the last seven yoars been liv iug in Georgia, is hero on a bri dal tour to his grandfather, Mr. T. R, Williams, at Newtonvillo. Georgia has agreed with him splendid and supplied him with a loving "helpmeet. Rey. N. L. Sweet, one of the solid men of Smithville, was in town Saturday and called to see [us. Ho was down to secure the necessary papers to send Miss Sophrona Smith, an orphan young lady who has lost her reason from a severe attack of fever, to Columbia for treatment. BimawaMiiaBnaiww Marlboro Boys In lt. Thc commencement at Clemson college begins June 8th. S. E. Liles, of Brightsville; Baxter A. Fletcher, ol' Adamsvale and J. li. Donaldson, of Parnassus are among thc graduates. S. E. Liles was elected president ol' thc graduating olass. A Good Haul. On Thursday morning last Con stables Watson and Dorn captured two 32 gallon kegs of whiskey packed in barrels with saw dust on the sides and ii fe v cabbage on top lo deceive. It was a clover dodge but tao constables caught on. lt was consigned lo one Spears nt Lumber. It carno from Lackey's af Hamlet. Omi Convict Escupos. On Monday morning Jim Fry, who is serving a sentence of three years on the chain gang for stealing Mr. Kirkwood's bicycle and run ning off to Georgia lust fall, suc ceeded in escaping from tho guard and making thc best ninon record, lie has gone to Darlington or Marion. Now leo Hou3o. Mr. James Oscar Breeden has opened a new ice house in our town and will deliver in any quan tity anywhere in town. Orders from persons out of town can be filled at all hours. Ile solicits orders from all who want to keep cool. Call 'phone 102 and give him a trial. His office is next door to Grange hall. Sontonoo Commuted. Governor McSwecncy on Thurs day last commuted the sentence of Albert Guinn thc young man who went into thc tailoring shop of Mr. Glenn hist fall and took away some clothing, and for which ho was convicted at tho Novomber term and sentenced to tho peniten tiary for ?) months-six of which have been completed. Mr. "W. D. Evans recommended that thc com mutation be granted and . Solicitor Johnson, also, said that thc ends of justice had been met by tho pun ishment so far inflicted. Wo know tho young man will appreoiato bi? freedom. TOWN AND COUNTY NEWS. - Next Monday is salosday. Go to Hamilton's for cool drinks. -Whortleberries uro ripening. - T. I. Rogers is Guting beans - Tho mowers aro ready for tho grain. - boori pons for sale C. t?. McCall. - To day is national T'-'^orial day. . Money to Loan- apply to T. I Rou. us, Attorney. - Road Mr. T. 1^. Crosland's card in this papor. - Choice frosh honey at Jones' grocery. - 8 pound plo poaches, L> cans for ??5 cents at Hamilton's. - - Mr. C. S. McCall has t he finest wheat thal wc havo seen. - Mr. Lewis Chavis is bring ing to market ?onie nico cab bage. - Marlboro will have a small delegation at Louisville at the reunion. - Pou SALE, Tom. C. Humor has some Unknown and Iii fe Preserver peas for salo. - The eclipse was ort time Monday and very many were frightened at the scene. - Court meets hero on tho fourth Monday in June with Judge Townsend on tho bench, - A subscription of six months will be given for tho first melon delivered by tho 4th of July. - Bishop J. S. Key wrote: Teethe na (teething powders) was moro satisfactory than anything we ever used. C3r Tho Best Fort il i/o r foi' la?c Corn or Potts is 'Lund Kcuovator." .Ifresh lino ol fancy candy just received nt J. 1). Hamilton's. Crushed fi uit drinks at J, 13. Hamilton's saloon. - Mr, Simon Strauss has 20 bushols mixed peas at $1 per bushel, 1 doz 3 lb can tomatoes ?1 at J. B, Hamilton's. Limber'twig tobacco 35c lb at J. B, Hamilton's. - If you have not got a heart you'can got a precious metal one at Carroll's, Jewelry store. "Leven" Baking powder at J. B. Hamilton's. - Tho Hardware 3toro has re ceived a supply of tho Rambler, Crescent and Clipper Bicycles of all sizes, grades and prices, for ladies, gents, boys and girls. fciay* Box Paper, papor and Envoi' opes, Tnblcts and Stationers.Suppli?e all gradea and styles, ut J.T. Douglas*. Harver'? natural leaf tobacco tit J. IV, Hamilton's. t&r Paints, Cub, Varnish, Glass and Brushes can be bought at lowest prices at J. T. Douglas'. MoKellar's Specials, Hoiiz baked betula, Piuo npple sliced and grated. Tletu/. tomato ooup, lt is fiuo "Leaven" to innke your biscuite-it is. bettor than baking powders. A nice lino of Ladies' vests from 5 cents to 250 each. My line of gents straw Imtn i* oom ploto from to cents: to 1 jo coats baeo. I have a lol of nico nti?ligea shiels te suit you. Como un.i ?ce them. Great Piano Bargain. A Seven Octave, Square Piano, Mo hogony Case, in good cotiuVion, good lone, action good, can bu bought tor $76. part cash, balance in the lull. This is a taro bargain. App'y at once to Mis, F, P, Jennings. April 17, IflOO Otto Korb, Grand Chancellor. K. P., Boon ville, Ind., says. "Dewitt's when hazel salve soothes thc niost delicate skin and heals thc most stubborn ulcer with certain ant! good results." Cures piles anti skin diseases. Don't buy un imitation. Douglas Uros. .- -o- . "I think Dewitt's lillie early risers arc the host pills in the world," says NV. li Lake, Happy Creek, Va. They remove all obstructions ot thc liver .'nul bowels, act quickly anil never gripe. Douglas Bros, Olvo Hint Your O. dors Mr. Fred E. Gibson now has charge of tho Domocrat job ollico and is doing some splendid job printing. All persons needing any kind Ol' job printing would do well to call on Prod die for prices and leave their orders with him, which will be promptly lilied. -- -. -?> R&" Pipes and Smokers Suppl ?es iii endless variety can he fotuid ut J. T. Douglas'. Don't You Lovo Flowers? Il so, and you want some pretty pots of all sizes in which to place them, call at the Hardware store and you can bo suited. Stylish Outfits,* Parlies in want of a stylish outfit should come to town nod st?o Breed en's display horses and fancy buggies - they can fix yon up and send you oil smiling and happy. -Frosh Buckwheat and Maple Syrup at E. M. Rowe's. -? . - - "No family can afford lo bc without ono minute cough cure, Il will slop a cough and cure a cohl quicker than any other medicine," writes C. W. Williams Sterling Run, Pa. It cures croup, bronchitis and all throat and lung troubles and prevents consumption. Pleasant and harmless, Douglas Bros FOR SALE BEST QUALITY li 0. MOLASSES At o, s. MCCALL. ft. 1*0 $ .,( RELIGIOUS NOIRES. Tho cvcnh;; Service? ut ibo Pre'sb) tertar? OUlttob liilVo baili changed lo S.I5 'J he hour for Sunday ?ohoul nt tlio Moth odin!; chuutli li m boon changed to IO 00 j o'clock i:i UM morning. Tho Wcda onlay afternoon prayer moot Inj at tho Methodist church is ;io\v hold at Prayer meeting nt tho Baptist ohurob overj Tlmii-day evening at Soo. Tho hien'rj prayer moot lng nt tho Methodist church is hold ovory Wed noe dtiy evening nt 8 00. Tho pabilo Invited. Tho hour for Suud.iy Fohool nt tho Bap* Ust oh il rob lu.s boon changed lo 10.00 ?md tho fi01?r for preaching to 11,00 n. in. Tho tcotullntion services nt the Prosby tr;? i ii t? ehnrch Sunday were interesting and were conducted hy Hov A. II. MoArii, ut' Chcrr.w. Wi.o nUo filled the pulpit nc night Tho lout K.'iviwM Which haro boen in progress nt Uni cotton mill tho past week Oiune to a close Sunday night. Mr. Jns. Williams ia nu oarnoet worker, and ninny appreciated bia visit. It"V. T, P. Baker cuino over from Cho rnw Kai Ul day nlternoon nod hold two ?or vines nt 86 Paul's Eplso jp.U qhnroh Smiduy -norning awl afternoon. Ile will mako one more visit beToro ho goes north. Tho paster of Ibo Methodist churoh will begin next Sunday morning i'Q exposition of tho tul?.1 of the Molhodht ohuroh. Ho earnest!* requests tho nttendaoeo of ovory member 0? U10 chu rori Tb? fonts afc this ulundi ato free nod tho publionro cordially invited. - Betsy Townsend, tho old colored woman who has boon lo the hospital before, has hoon taken np a&aiu, Sonic say she is playing pr?siy lo get buck to Columbi;). whero to Got Pretty I'lowers. Mus J oliy 8. MOORE has a variety of Geraniums; Begonia, Cactus, Ferns and a lot of other plants, which she wishes io dispose ol'. Cuttings per do/. 42?e. Booted plants from 5o up. Also cut flowers. AnywberoYou Want to Go. Tho Coast Line is now selling low rale tickets to all the lueol ings, conventions, reunions, etc., by uny route you want to go. Louisville, $13.55 limit to June Gib. Ask Mr. Kelly" for rates any where. Cream cheese ai J. B. Hamil ton's. ---o Salmon 10 els per can nt J. B. Har-nil ton's. J3?2>'" Mr. A. J. Jones has made ar rangement.; lo fr Ct h Bakers Bread daily nt his licxi to Douglas and BIM, Drug IS to iv. Ot/-"* '"Loud Renovator"' fur sale at| the t il .Miil. 1 A Fright fill J?lundor G Will ofien cause a horrible burn. Cut, Soil.I or limbo. Bueklen's Arnie 1 Salve the best in ibo World, will kill tho pain ?uni promptly IIOUIMJ it. (hues Old Sics, ?rcver:S?r6?ft??opiS? Moils, Pelons Coin*, all Skiu Eruptions. Pest Pile onie on carib. Only 26 eis. n box. Curo| guaranteed Sold hy J. T, Douglas & Bro. druggist. .- . * ? - -- A Woman's Awful L'o.-il ''There is only nab chanco io save your| lile and tia' is through au operation," woro tho slhruiu.g words heard by Mis I i\ Hunt ol' Lime Itidgc, Wis., from hor tool or a fier h? bad vainly hied to cure lier ol a Iti/lulul ci^O ol'stoinseb trouble .ind yellow j iundioo. Call stones h-ul formed and she c instantly grew worse. Tlion sin; Mg ti h to u-e Moonie Silters, which wholly eui cd her. li's a wonderful S omach, bi vcr ?o?d Ki.lucy remedy, (hues Oyspop i i, bo. s ol Appetite. Try it. Only ftOiiis. G miran oed I'Vr s ilo by .J. Ti Doughs & bro. -?- ??? -?-. A Clean Clem' lirain. Yow bosl loclings, your social position or bosincks silcocks dopend largely 011 the poi feel notion of ymir Stomach and Liver Dr- King's New bile bibs give inoro.tso l strengt h ; a keon clear brain, high ambi tion. A 'Joe box will mal; you ('eel liku a new being. .1 T. Ooitvliu &' bro. .1. I. ('arson, l'rothonotary, Wash ington, Pa., says, "I have loin..I Kori Ol Dyspepsia Cure an excellent rem? e:Iy in case ot slOniacho trouble, and have derived grenl benctit hom ?is usc, lt digests What you eat and cannot bul to cure. Douglas bros. Tortuve.l A Wilnora bib-n-e . ?11" o im- w.H ind'Ji'ol by wit II T li Marlin, of Dixie, Ky., bolero] bo gaye ibis c i len.'.o: 'T coughed ovory night uni ?I my t iron wu noaily raw ; i heil ivied br. King's Now Discovery, wliiiih ? ive instant relief. 1 have ti$cd ii in my faintly lor I yoiirs and rejoin mead ii ?? ibo greatest remedy for Coughs, Colds and i;ll TJ i roa li (mest and bung Troubles li will stop 1 lio worst cough, and not only prevents but absolutely cures ] bou-nnipUon. Prie: ."/lo ?ind $1 Ol). Ev ery hoi ile. f? uara ti I cod- 'Trial bottles freo at J? T. Douglas & Ibo., Diug Store. .. . .- .? mft? 4, . -- A li'ast Jlioyolo Kider. Will often receive painful cuts, sprains or bruises I'rOni aceidenls, Ibtoklen a Ar nica Salve wall kill tho pain and beal tho in ju ry? ? (s's 1 Ito oye?t^t's. frioiid. (?ures dulling. Clutppod Hands, Soro bips, limes,"Ulcers and biles. Curo guarani ned. Only 26o. Try it. Sold by J. T. Don .das & Ib o. NEW BARG/UNS! NH XV GOODS, Ir, ia true that nil Mcrobandiso bas ad vanced materially within tho Inst 60 dnys, but, nevon Indens, we uro hero for Pnrgnins, as cheap ns ever Quoi atines are therefore niim oc'sary. Come and sro our new ?tock of Tjadicfc Uood-i, consisting of tho Li tost Stylen of Calicoes. Povcalos. Organdies, Laces TririimiugSi Eto. Men's FANCY SHIRTS, Nookwoar and Oilier Goods. .- - - GHOCE^aKS As (flIBAP as cnn be bought in Bennett', ville. Wc ntenn exactly what wo rwy 1 Doping to havo the oontinucd encour agement that wo have had nineo wo opened up and thanking yon for pist favors, wo aro jonis for Honest Dealing. Mu mierlyn & Lido. Benncltsvillo, S. C. Fob. Ll, 1000, I WISH to onli tho attention of the Public to the fact that I have the jj/llUJISST lili W MATTING IN TOWN. Chinese " - - 1 S 1 -2 to SO cts Japanese - - 15 to 35 cts, Y STOCK anti PRICES will commend themselves to thoso who know values. WliRYTIIil INTIlllllNlTllRISLINl^ COME AND SEE ME\ ItKSI'ECTFULT/y;, Gr. W. WADDXLL, Fresh arrival of RTJG-S.. Benncllsvillc, S C., Mob. 21, 1900 DR. BIOFFETT'S Allays Irritation, Alds Digesiicn, Reg?lales the Bowel?, Strengthens the Child, Makes Teething Easy. TE ETUI NA Relieves the Bowel ,,.,r. Costs ouly 25 cents at Druggists, TRO!""?*Nv Aor?'"*' $&?Br OnaallSriceBtfi to C. J. MOFFETT, Ma D.f ST. LOUIS. MO. THIN (Teething Powders) My Linc of REYNOLDS SHOES is complete for men. And my line of Saches Ladies and Misses Oxfords is as completo asl have ever had. Ladies try a pair o? Bach's Shoes and see how good they are. My Line of GROCERIES * complete, and I will S. IAJ THEM TO YOU as "Cheap as Possible." THANKING YOU FOR PAST FAVORS AND HOPING FOR A CONTINUANCE OF SA MF, I am yours truly, BRICK ROW NEXT DOOR TO C. S. McCOL. May I, 1900. J.J, ? "t kilt] .lilli tl' I - I. lilt ..?..v.niw 'liu'i?b? r?.&H Viii.?'. 0.1?. til I Jil ttl- ^1 ttl'tl... .I mi? If j ???.'.i SEWP MO MO-rr BRAD? PROP CA0IH? T C'JhOK'K vS>m .. Hun. } (Ul Cm ruin1'.! I? 1.1 yit'.f ?fir. titi., lill perfectly ?ut.'n?l.iri,i \ ; . .< i m. t-Mm'.?'.i ..?-?' t?. i ?. iil.-t, M (QU,Ol), Alni Hil iilii'll'l?i tt.'.CUN ?i ?1 XBffiSt&VHN&i anil freight clift)?in. Miu-hliie wi'lylii Kn i-iii'ii.ima.t tli*': t-i.-nt will M? nvcraR0 75 edita for titcii .VJ-J t:iilk*. Oiyf |f MSiifxfc* TAI AL 1-t your own homo, amt VIII will return > mir a^V yon i" :: ??.ir >'r.?? St. (a. ILtlil.v lal.loen?, lint iii.lil lol'th ?? IniOf Ul.Sk I '.tiltil ItfltlllCK 1. the gruntCrit Vallie ever o.Trrei' by ?nv )uu>i . BEWARE or t iv>iT/iTi o i vft 1:<:^%\\T^I* ll8cmctita,o(icrln^ iieViiOtm KtVrliinei limier vai i Hin te., with ?nlou.;l? daermtnt?. tt'rlte ?um? (? liuid I.. I'M.-Vf-n uni.' .'carn ? mi -.ri-. V UK? .nd ?r l .M nul, THE BUR??iCK imm*^$mPM uiubu si.tiIIINV: yjiiu. HUM T?M pallikad. machino (?nie, elia! a? foi .?Tom. on four talye lilith Aira , antomatlo .irovcd looio , pntcnt ncodlobar, iltd and heaatlfaltr durante'and oiareii nuil our Froo Zn* olthei plain or any Ith every machine,, compare ttwltb tltn.i. j.OUT ?i.iircl-ceiier eolH at 140.00 to tt'J.vo, pi.? y.-iu frill?:. I a/ant the ?ie.HO. WK TO uv. 11 'uv YOL'lt $l..?u If ec h-iy tl "id within till I t .. . . , ion ,<-,v von .iv III,! latlnfieil. OHDXB TO-bat POM'T UlfliAY. (I'rart, ltni-liUi-x v Co. uri-llr rn.' hil 1t?ul<. -CtUtor.; Address, SEARS. HOt?O?CiC 54 CO. tlntf.) CltJcago, Ill? $, anil thin If eonvliiwd I1n,t > Ride The Waverly No Rioyelo evor attainoj n higlidr^ilogroo of popularity or gave own universa' satisfaction than the WAVERLY of 1809. W, W. BROWN, AGENT?, BENNETTSVILLE, 8 0 . T. DOUGLAS A, C. POtKII DEALERS IN - DRUG?, m? MEDICINES m CHE3IICALS, TOILET ARTICLES FINE STATIONERY, LAMPS, OILS AND PAIHT3, /a A A' SEGA IIS, And ?hoico '?ob&oo* FOUND AT THE OLD STAND. JunUftrJ' 2Q, lSt>7. Wedding Presents ^ We have just received a new snvply of STERLING i SILVER and FINE C Tl INA, s attable for Wedding Presents. Bo sure to soo our stock be fore vou buy.1 H. W. CARROLL, Sept 20 1899. MMIE undorsigued would respectfully iu X form lila friends nod the pnblio gono rully thnt ho has oponed n coat BARBER SHOP iu tho now Brick building next to the ''MARLBORO Q?TEI?,'* rmd is prepared to servo thom in bettor stylo and comfort than ever before. Satisfaction guaranteed, W, Ji STEWART, N. B.-Gents Clothing neatly repaired and deaned by his wife. ATLANTIC AND YASHIN RAILROAD. an-Tir . CONDENSED SCHEDULE. In Effect March 26, 1899. South Bound Daily No 5a 6 50 p bi'At 3 5? 1? ?b 3 45 P "? 2 30 p m 2 42 p tn 2 13 p m il 55 a m Ar ti 07 a m?Lv to 36 a tn io 09 a tn 8 45 a th Sont h Bound I>.?ily No 64 8 00 a m 9 07 a m 9 35 a tn io 20 a m 10 40 a m No 46 South Bound Mixed Daily ex Sunday MAIN LINE Wilmington Fayetteville Fayetteville Sanford Climax Greensboro Greensboro Stokesdalo Walu nt Covo lt.uni Hull Mt, Airy pr AT Lv Lv Lv Ar Lv Lv Lv Lv Ai BENNETTS VI LLB Lv BcnneltRvitlo Lv Maxton Lv Red Spring* Lv flopo Millo Ar Fayetteville I _i Ar] Lv Lv Lv Lv MADISON BRANCH 5 30 p m I Ar 3 50 p m Lv 2 40 p in|Lv 2 30 p rn Ar 115 p m Lv 12 30 p tajLv Ram KO ur Climax Greensboro Greensboro StokcRdalc Madison Lv Ar Ar Lv Lv Ar North Bound Daily No S3 9 00 a rn " 12 to p m 12.2S p m 43 P ra 44 P ra 15 p m 25 p tu 12 p in 44 P m 13 p m 7 31 P '? North Bound Daily No 6i 7 IS P ra 615pm 5 35 P ra 4 52 p m _4 33 P ra No 47 North Bound Mixed Dw ly ox Sunday 6 40 a m 8 25 a m 9170m 9 35 ? ra 11 07 a m 1155a m Connection? nt Fayetteville with Atlantic Coast Line, at Maxton with tho Carolina Central Railroad, at Red Springs with thc Ked Springs and Bow tn ore railroad, at San ford with tho Seaboard Air Linc, nt Gulf with tho Durham and Charlotte Railroad, at Greenhoro with the Sou thom Railway Company, at Walnut Cove with thc Norfolk and Western Railway, J. R. KENLY, Gen'l Manager. T. M. EMERSON, Trafile Mucager, H. M. EMERSON, Gen'l Puts Aront. I^TUNTIC COAST UNE RAILROAD 0IB20N TO COLUMBIA. LEAVE, ARRIVE, 6 45 n, m. GibRou, 10 io p. m. 7 10 Bonucttbvillc, 9 17 8 02 Darlington, 8 25 9 2S Bumtcr, 6 40 5 45 p. ru, Columbia, io 55 a. inri, CIlBSON TO CHARLESTON, LEAVE. ARRIVE. 6 45 a. tn, Gibson, 10 to p. m. 1 io Bcnnotlsvillo, 9 17 8 02 Darlington, 8 25 9 15 Florence, 7 SS 4 49 P. m. Charleston, iz 45 FLORENCE TO WAUESRORO, LEAVE. ARRIVE 8 45 a, ta. Florence, 7 00 p. ni. 9 20 Dodington, 6 29 lt 30 Oheraw, 5 15 T. M. EMERSON, II. M. EMERSON, Trafilo Manager. Ass't. Gen Paso. Agt. J. II. KENLY) Gonoral Manager. BOV. TAYLOR'S KS??Sto "nil 801 cerito for three month'H trial cubf.crlntl?it tv \"i MiistralfJ l'otth'i omi A?,; NnshTllle, Tenn. Lach lelter IB well Illustrated.. They are addrcosurf to Uncle 8am, l'olUIclniiB, Rey?, (Uris, Bfifliclor?, prirnnucr?, Fiddler?, Flahcrineii, HotlicrH-hi.Iaivr, Sportsmen, ('?mildstes, Sucethcnrt?, Teachers. They ?re considered tho bf st work that lins ever como iront Gov. Taylor's cn'ted pen. Ills renata' tiona? ft wrlUr% hnmorbl, om for, and cn I er tn i n ff M ?s wldo ss the ?rorld lUelf, rhi MittiVateJ ) oulh and Ave \t n. scmlmmdltly Jr? mal, MUS? page?, devote it 1 > FICTION, P?WI ur, ADVENTUUFS HY SKA ANO LAND, Wi r AN? HUMOU, BiooRAniv, TitAvut.n, Scia^cK, mul tf,7l??a' .?nfqrmntlon, Departments: Woman's, (HMrtH)*.JftJj ant and ton lc . No ?th?r prepara* Ion can approach lt in eniclency. It in?. Btantly relieves and permanently om cu Dyspepsia, Indigesti?n, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach. Nausea. SIckHeadao)io.Gastralgla,Oramps,nna all othor results of loipei fcotdlgestion? Prepared by E. C. DeYJttt A Co., Cijlcaso. J Douglas Bros.. drug store. $ A PRE? PATTERN | "j 5? (vou.' ow? ??lectloti) to ov y sitb- St*. V? scriber. Only ?0 cou o; tx y ,u'. "g Ll A M?IV& MAQAZlr* ?it A ?tSlKi ti3?it!fv5 crdorr-l plat (alliions ; drcsniuklti-; cc-onontii I'? wo:t; ; l.-inseliold hillls; lidio:!, e. ;.. ?ci in dsy, or, iciul $o. for I .ier.i )^\<(y a^or.ts wanted, Send loi lenn?, JS StyliMt, Reliable, Simp' , Uo-tt. ?ti rt-.ito. )',c'nioitilc.".l and I l-yluiely , ?'i l'orieci-l-'it, Ufr l'apci' I lerus. t ''Qiii?anss-sriaNta^^^ sa? (N'o.Scnm^AUowancc Patterns.) ? ti! Only io and IS ein. cac?i-ror.o hillier. "* JCT Ask for Ihcm. Sold in ?very elly ?S and 1. A-n, oi by mail (rom tt* :S THB McCALL co., :? 130-MC W.*?? MU? St., Kew York. Fit*! tuition. .Wc g'lvo one cr more fri*. . : J nrshlps'iii every county in thoo'. S, Wrib Witt accept tr?te* for, tui . or cnn deposit iscticy in t . until position is liCCIl! 0. .'! (tTipaltl. KO Vf,: . ti ter ntaiiv time. ?'pcu '.-rt sexes. t5iU"j.?.t)W.r.'..- : K, Sit?r?t? tes ci (Judes i'sqr?tt??U conditions . . V . Address J. F>. DRAOOUO?I, Prei't, ?il cv.i* Busi??e???:; ?.-?-o.> A'^'?'- - . iyt ? Nashville, Toan , (.: ?ivos ter., ?$ :, Savannah, G;:., H* YoxarM)^i . ' Uookla'vplnj:, SIicu-? (rind, ly pw ,* *.. f, c Tho'm..: ff?itrobgh, practica. iii id .' .*, . school! cf tho V: i*a bi ti . world, cus! /' ? /l(i.'/v?.'?*?.?,.''enc:? in thc Sout'.t, XHdonc :; u . ors, ^a?Vctinnt?, nib??5U|s ? ha t>Oici?'.;' *t..i .. weeks i--. I?C*O1:KCC? ?nt; . ?di Ud iii o ' . twetvj wooka by ti'.* cid ' ' ' . .1.1-, ?io: President, i i ai-,' ? v < t" ' i" jj ,v tc's of Ilobkkcepbir?,*, '> , ..'..;.;. /. . '.o.- {: v. ,? I lonni etl?ly. .-V bf. v? ,T.. - !. o: om-, stu J*/, bocks on ?A-C ?'.:,-t;j)i i. . ps??i.tusl . sli?rthand. v.'n'u foi-.pri?e li .: *'t < .-.:.* *." l:>?.act. "PUOK. OnAVQin i<-1 ' i w keeping ixl li J ti ; f.'ciii \ otu books, v. -i : a jiosUion f i nisfl't to?tg'iupli cre?.--.-.*. *." ' f?iUf*piKO\yuvt, ?iiokkccper for ??rot-v Vick vVhoieii?le Orocc'r?, Split h Ohkago, '"'.t. (/VrII '.?jr. lins papti' \vh?4 vhritiikg? Our fcc returned if ive fail. Any one Fc.ul?n;' sketch ni"l description of any invention will promptly rccetv? our opinion free coiiccrnuicj the patctitnhility of same. "How to Obtain ii V;UeiitM .sent upon request. Patents secured through us advertised for sate nt our expense. Potents tnkeu out Ihioii?b us receive special notice, wlUionlohav?e, in Tan PATUNT Rxcoun, nu illustrnted and widely circulated journal, consulted by Manufacturers and Iuvestorf. neild for sainiilc copy, PUER. Address, VICTOR J.. ?V?NO & CO. ' (J>dtcnC.A\l/?)\)iv?/i viii iluli it ali ?it I Titree faners a I I FOR ABOUTTH& I PRICE O ir OAIL. "g Th?e paper and the / a Tv/iccr-aAv eek Journal ^ Hero you got thc nows g tho \v ld and all year locai i ?. nows Mle it is fro*'i, paying (J: * very h.Jo nuiro dian ono j| y pa por cost M. ? i thor paper is Jg 1 well wort h $1.00, but by sp - % s pial armngoniont wo '?re o.i- ^ J obied lo put in both of tho , * a giving three papers a wo k c" !| for this low price. You ea t- S ii* not etina 1 thin anywhorooil? g. * and this ooiiibiiiation is tl ? $ best premium for thoijo Wi. > % j| want a groat, paper and ? paper. Take fciicRO un v-: ^ you will koop iiip with ll) * times. (?? g Besides general nowa, lin r| i| Twic?-rt-j\ye?k Journal lia! ' ; ^* much agricultural rn i i ?r j .S and tither articles of spo; ij j % intorost tb farnrer^. li [\ I 'rogular contribution-- hy ...> ? * .8 Jones, iSfrs, W. ii. F? loin j ^ I John Templ? Grave.?, . ;^ C. II. Jord?n and othor iii j - ' Ai Uiig?is'hort writers, ?S Collat >ii\s oi:icc ft ad leave yotii' ?g Biiboci'lotions fer both *.i -c ?, \ - i corn (vt ? samptr copy ol' citLv*' , .i- i) .3 ^cr here on p^. plied don. ^ -a 'i llliilfl AT Til ii OLD STAN.) Amid Prepared to fill at Short Nciio - Orders for - Cy pre KM ?nd Wik ?to it\i\ Sash, TJnnrs cr.A Blm?^? AT ROTTUM PJ U-KS, We sell no shoddy work, or mv;s lit?. . flhopfl on MoOoll ttreet near t.Csldcnco, Jan 31, 1898 ?knnrttfe\illo, S. 0. nm)\\ i)ATiDi?n 0 Villi Ililli Dill! M Three Barbor?I Tine? Chairs. Kv c ruth i ii a First- C < ass. BALOOK ON MAUIOK S.RTCF.T. EASY CHAIRS, CLEAN SHAVES WCSTOEIIAiaCCi'SI Childron rcccivo spocial j?j either at the Shop at thc. - Your patronogo fiolic, J. A. ?IvACE, Berber. DKNK1?TT8VI1.LK, ,0,