~. , o /M-n-M-n-n A T HA TITJ nrr A Ir-n-ro v ^,r?,. Kw^iit f ^ f bia mai-If nt nnd WE PROPOSE TO SELL theso Goods ot ? price winch will not only WE aro now opening ono of tho Largest and Most Completo Stock? of GENERAL MEEOHANMSt over ^ cogtat tot ?8 "8'X thZeh tte ??ietanob of our customers, and in futnro wo intend to Devote onr amaze but terrify our oompoUtors and gflco our Customers Langi, forjo,- ?WffiS^^?^?i? ? und customers calling for good? advertised will not be answered with ^^^SSmS^^^^ m^WW?m W??mm ^wo wo wil1 quoto tt fow m 0,1 onch ' of wo ~ In Bol coting these Goode wo have given our special attention :. Dross Gooda 10 to GO cts. pr. yard, Satoon, 20 cts., worth 25 cte, Ginghams, ? cts. worth G cts. " G cts worth Y cts. " 8 cts worth 9 cts. ? 9 cts worth 10 cts. Calico, 5 to G cts per yard, Bleached Homespun 5 to 10 cts. "White Homespun, #-yd wide 5 cfs. Chocked Homespun, 5 cts pr yard, JEANS, 10 to GO cts. per yard, Flannel Dress Goode, Outings, Suitings, Ticking, Linings, And other Goods, thpt aro sure to ploaso you, which wc have not tho time to mention. Wo cordial ly invite you to come and examine our Stock for you. jives. Respectful ly, Rowe Bros. Sop! G, 1892. IO WHOM IT HAY CONCERN I I J. NV. MoELWEE, respectfully oall X? tho nttontlon of tho pupilo to tho fact th nt I AM A PRAC TICAL MARBLE WORKMAN of ninny years exporienoo, arid tako thia method of saying to tho?o defining work in my lino that tiny will positively find it to their in torcBt to oithor writo or oall on mo for prices of TOMBSTONES, MONUMENTS, oto., boforo purchasing. I dofy competi tion I I WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD. I mean whnt I 6ay. TRY MIC 1 J. W. MoELWEE, Fob. 25, '92-ly LIcCou., S.,C. THANKING our patrons for their liberal patronngo last year, we tako this mei bod of informing them that wc will, al our old stand, continuo to manu" facture and repair CARTS, WAGONS, BUGGIES, ETC. and will do any work in tho Blacksmith line, IIor PO Shoeing a specialty. Wo have a fino lot of seasoned timbor on hand and aro prepared to build carts on short notice at low prices lor cash. Givo us a call boforo you buy and save monoy. Now is a good timo to bring in your buggies and have thom painted. Hoping to rccoivo your patronogo the presont year, wo aro, yours truly, STANTON & WILLIAMSON, Wheelwrights and Blacksmiths, . Jan. 0, 1890. Olio, S. G, WTIL ??iii mi - DBALRnS IN - Gen oral Merchandise. A LSO 100,000 FEET OF AND 83,000 FOR SALE, Sopt. 3, 1892. Covington, 8. O. This our most completo lino and if wo only lind tho spnco could givo thousand's of prices : Spool Thrcnd, 2 for fi cents Ball Throed 8 for 5 cont?, Bilk Th road, 5 cte. worth IO, Handkerchiefs, 3 cts to *I5 cts. llibbou, 5 to 40 cota por yard, Silk Tics, 10 to CO couts, Kid Glovos, $1, worth $1.25, Black Laco, 5 lo 20 couts, Felt Chair Scarfe, 40 to $2.00, Felt Table Covers, 1.25 to 2.00, Wo aleo havo a full lino of Wool and Silk Braid, Inserting and Embroidery, Ric-rack Laco, Binding, Silk Floss, JClaBtic, Bono Casing, Whalobono, Bolts, all styles and prices, Dross Shirts, something nico, Underwear, of every description, With many other tilings wc know you will want whon you como to soe them. Vory respectfully, Rowe Bros. Sopt G, 1892. ledio?iiMj UK undorsignod having located per* manently in Bonnott.sville, returns his thanks for a liberal patronage- and hopes by Strict attention to business to morit n continuation. Besides SURGERY, OBSTETRICS and tho general praolico of Medicino, I take pleasure in announcing to all that 1 havo thoroughly equipped myself with thc latest and mostimprovod instrnmonls for special treatment of TRANSFUSION in CASES of DANGEROUS HEMOR AGE, all THROAT, NOSE and LUNG diseases. CONSUMPTION specially TREATs ED upon the LATEST and MOST PROMISING TIIEREPUTTCS. Partios in Bennettsvillc will bc EX AMINED and TREATED for any of | tho nbovo disoasss at their own homes by beiug rcquostcd lo so do. Those hom a distance nt my residenco on Darlington Street-tho icsidenco form orly oscupicd by Mri Carey T, Easlcrliug in East Ben> U0 tl.s ville. Chnrpcs for EXAMINATION and TREATMENT reasonable. Very Respectfully, H. R. EASTERUNG, M. 0., M. Modioo. Chi. Sooioty Phila. January 1, '89 "TO MY~FRIENDS7 DID NOT MOVE FAR OFF AND nm in bettor shapo thou ovor for work on WAGONS. BUGGIES and CARTS. Also all kind of Blacksmith work dono at short notico Having my Pinning Mill in good run* nine order, cnn Dress Lumber for house Buifdors nt any time. I have n large lot of Dry Lumber for tnnking Carts and Wn?ons, and oun fill ordors nt ?hort nolico. Hoping lo rccoivo your patronage nt my now stand, I am yours truly, A. D. CONNISJl, Hasty, N. C., Jon. 20, 1891. Dr. T. W, Bouchier, ?:Snrgcoii Dcntistpo BENNETTS VILLE, So. OA. ES^Ofiico in D. D. McColl'snow Z?Etly Building, Up-stalrp] wost sido Oflioo hours from 9 a. m.r io G p. m. "WE hnudlo only Men's Ohcap Suits, but when it comos to BOYS CLOTHING | Wo cnn astonish the natives. Mens Suits 5.50 worth 7rf) " " 7.00 worth 9.00 ? Pants, 50 to 3,50, Boys Suits 75c, worth 1.00, | " " 1.00 worth 1.50.'' " " 1.25 worth 1.75, \ " ? 2.00 worth 2.50, ! " ? 4.00 worth 5.00. We could go on until wo would worry your patience, but have not timo, and would better preter to. have you call and lot us shdw tho Goods and quoto you prices.) Wo can save you money. J Respectfully, Rowe Brqs. Sopt 6, 1892. m. ? TS y Bon twt i M vi lie, ?h ?. PURE _. ^3 (gN^ *_Q MEDICINEIS, Toilet and Fancy Articles, Stationer; and School Books, Brushes, Paints and Oils WOT A full lino of (ho nbovo artioio always on hand. Prescriptions Carefully Com pounded Day and Night, ' Respectfully, DOUGLAS JENNINGS. March 25th, lHSy, M?C0LL McColl, S. C. To My Friends and the Puhlio generally-GREETING : HAVING sold my inlotCHt iii . tho McOoll Marble Yard to J. W. MolOhvco, I talco plcosuro iii miyir.f? I havo oponed tho Mo Ooll Marblo Works, whom I aimil continuo to offer for salo miy thing nooded or dosi red in Monumental or noat Head?tono Woik. Any ono in ncod of work in thia lino I especially Invito to correspond with ino or visit my plaoo of business at MoColl, S, O., boforo placing your ordors, fooling nssurod that I oan mako it to your intorost to do so. If you should visit MoOoll with tho view of purchasing in thia liuo, I nm located on Front Stroot noxb door nbovo Gibson ? Morrison's storo from dopot. Designs and Prices Really Furnished on application, olthor by mall or in por tion. Thanking my frionds both whtto and oolorcd for post favors, I only ask a con tinuation of tho samo in tho futuro. Vory rospcot fully, W. W. FAT13. February 25th, 1892, io 3 Iii* fu We have a Hat for every MAH, WOM AKT and BOY in Marlboro BOYS HATS from 25 to 1.00 Mons Hats from 50 to 3.50, Hats for Women in ovory stylo and simpo you can think of. Prices from 25 to $2.50. Respectfully Rowe Bros. Sept G 1892. - DUALER IN ? Medicines, ^AND * CHEMICALS,^ FINE STATIONERY, "fr LAMPS, OILS AND PAINTS, FlJNE SE QA RS, And Choice Tobacco VIDAL'S OLD STAND April 15, 1G90 REPAIRED -IN THE est * Manner At Reasonable Prices. Every description ot Wood-or Iron Work executed promptly to order, -ALSO, H0ESE-SM0E?NC1 i done at short notice and by a thorough smith, Having moved into my new quarters, opposite Emanuel's stables, and fronting Ohcraw and Darlington streets, I am now better prepared to meet thc de mands ot my patrons, with additional machinery and more room. If you want anything ?lone give me a call. Thanking the public for past patron age, I respectfully solicit a continuance. TRA BOUNDS. January 1st, 1890, IDE?B^ISTR ! Itftkoploneurotn JG*lr 1*3M1 Bl i announcing that cnVirfH HulVbW B I Imvorouted mid rooponod tho UVEUY, and FERD STABLES at cornor of Choraw and Darlington Htreot?, so woll known for room and aooomniod.etloriB, and am proparod to sorvo tho publlo with good teams. I pay &poohil attontlon to drummora. Partios wonting tonms on Sunday must loavo tholr ordern on Saturday, ns tho Stablo is not opon on Sunday oxcopt for dolivoiy and rc? i ooption of tomlin. llospcotfnlly, SIVtXTH WEIW TOM, Donnottsvtllo, May 12th, 1802. BOOTS AND SHOES. ??E have the Largest Stock of {' I* U JNt B B &, both dressed and i furnish W OOO at an hours notico. market. Situated botweou my icsidcnco portion of East Bonnoltavillo, I offor ?-n FOR SALE. I havo thom BO I I N cnn soil them ; so come and look at ? thom nnd got ?ricos. "Wo need c of our elegant sohool hero. By living I freo; BO como and buy somo lots. Bo i little bolanco, and Lavo not mado satis and Reo ino before you find yoursolvos i and FarmorV AHiauoo. , Breeden. AFIELD, AND DEALER. IN ;ETS ANB METALIC CASES I CE HALL, DEPOT STEEET,) ZILLE, S- C. Us to any part ol the country. Order at my residence in West BennettevlileY