S. A. BKOWN - - - Editor. *TH?COUNTRY SAFEI V LEV ML AND, TILLMAN AND MoLAUllIN WINS ! The Foroo Bill and MoKlnloy Tariff Doos tho Work I THE CLEVELAND COLUMN. Tho latest returns from the States give Cleveland New York, Delaware, Indiana, New Jersey, Miohigan, Connecticut, Illinois, Kansas, West Virginia, Wash ington and the solid South, Avhioh elects him overwhelming ly, with 08 electoral votes to spare. PEOPLE'S PAltTY VOTE. The People's party carries Ne braska, Nevada, Colorado and possibly the Dakotas and Mon tana. Advices from Columbia state that the Weaver electral ticket carried about 1,000 votes in this State. THE COUNTY VOTE. As the canvassing board have until next Tuesday before mak ing their returns we will wait until our next for a full state ment by townships. The vote o ii the county, furnished us by county Chairman Evans, is as follows : Cleveland, lOOJl; Harrison, 177; AV caver, 261; McLaurin, 1,177; Sawyer, 100; Governor and Lieu tenant Governor, 1,202; State of ficers, 1,232; Legislature, 1,218; county ollicers, 1,216. -??.???. See me beforo insuring your houses, furniture and barns. A. J. Bristow. --- <. THE ELECTION IN MARLBORO. The election on Tuesday was one of tho most quiet and ordor ly ever held in the county. "Re turns coming in state that the yoHiig whs nearly all ono way. AI Bennottsvi'le Hu1 Denioei'aUo, v,oto\vd# ?1 1 1 , W ea ve)' e'.eoiral j ticket ii)i H?v'y?s??i sJ3i A1, fi? (J tlV? WC.V.'.M' VOti' VV.VA l .n.M/n. v; .:!?: 60', Herl B.U(?)' Ol'. j ?.?...: v ?. -iru"~.'..?KI: ?\.,? |>.ux' ' bi);, nu >' sh(u '? f?ii un / 1 examine my stock. I will inter est you, sure.' A. J. Bristow. PEN AND SCISSORCRAPIIS. The new double i)ostal-card is ready, and for sale. The South Carolina Confer ence meets in Charleston on the 28a. The gala week was a grand success-a bonanza for the rail roads, hotels and street cars. South Carolina is to have lier ilrst woman lawyer in the per son of Miss Mary Yeargin, who has gone to Cornell University to study law. The cholera, is reported to be fearful in China. Deaths 30,000 lo 40,000 already. People away from home go tagged with ad dresses thereon. Governor Northen and Col. Livingston, of Georgia, have boen invited to the Columbia Fair to make addresses to the farmers of South Carolina. They are both strong Alliancemon. I sell tho best butter and cheese. A. J. Bristow. I do a large Commission and Brokerage business, and will or der any class of goods that I do not keep in stock. A. J. Bristow. A review of tho Democratic vic tory in Georgia discloses tho fact that tho Alliance lacked a good doal of hoing "lott out in tho cold." Among tho now Stato ollicers Gov. Northen, Troasuror Hardoman, Secretary of Stato Cook, and Agri cultural Commissioner Nesbit aro all activo members of tho Farmers Alliance. In tho list of Democrat ic Congressional nominees wo find Alliancomen Livingston, Moses and Lawson Gonoral John B. Gordon, Unitod States Sonator, is also a fnll ilodged mombor of tho order. So it is scon that tho Third Party in Georgia (loos not constitute tho A l liance. Hon. J. M. Smith, ono of tho abl?st campaign orators in that Stato, is also an Al Mancoman. Tho members of that organization woro divided in thoir political viows. Atltuitic Ctmst Jjino. By th? completion ol' the "Short Out" from Wilson, N. C., to Florence,, S. C., vin Fayetteville, tho distnneo between onatorn citiesund Columbia, Uluu loston, Snyunuah and Florida points has boen reduced 61 miles. This, together with an increased rato of speed, agreed upon for this service, will cause material re duction of time between all poiuts cost and south, via this popular lino. Arrangements havo been mado for the most completo Pullman Sleeping Car service ever attempted, cousistiug of through sleepers from Boston, Now York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wash ington, Richmond and to Charleston, Savannah, Thomnsvillo, Jacksonville, St. Augustine, Kockledgo, Palatka, Sanford, Winter Park, Kissimmcc, Tampa and Port Tampa. Three fast express trains will bo run daily, each way, during tho season. In additiou tho elaborately equipped 'Flor ida special," a vest?bulo train with Dining Car, Library and Observation Oar, lighted throughout with electric lights and heated by tho mostapprovod method of steam heating, will run as heretofore triweekly. Tho limo will bo reduced : From New York to Charleston to about 22 hours. New York to Savannah to about 20 hours. New York to St. Augustine to about 30 hours. Wneh* ington to Charleston to about 15 hours. Washington to Savaunah to about IB hours. Washington to Jacksonville to about 23 hours. Proportionate reduction to otuor Floridin and southwest Georgia points. Besides being tho shortest route it is tho most livo and ploasant to travel on-elegant coaches and attentive, courteous conductors. Our rou to from Beunettsvillo to Charleston would bo to Sumter and thence down tho Coast Lino. It is just delightful. I sell cooking stoves. A. J, Bristow. -? -co?-. I sell meal by the bo;x or car load. A. J. Bristow. gSgliing tor Itcat, Backward, turn backward, oh time'in thy flight ; hush us on pol itics just for to night. Wo aro ox hauscd by speech and debate, argu monts tough and discussion sedate; character smashing and snubbing and jeers which ought to reduce a 6tono imago to tcarr. Backward, turn backward till memory jogf's; anil hbnoijCj vv'alcw td il.c sound ol' thy cogo. Lil'', u. once inoro iV'.un ' i ? ?. s* I if : 11; (i i, <1 th(j tom!, whh're V' . >..'><., tel l vftUli ii '.??? U^nnjg ? lind, ' while <,iiiuv)i.!h-\M?> ii?d lj?b?r?y l>?)[?u;(?ii li0.V yhU'V ?OV I ?jil Ut) Ol"' i> moro, i i) i I JO iKiinv <>t Un"' J icnd, i(i .........uuv. ano i ubiicv rostoi'od ; and fairorthan on tho sun dial of yoro thy beautiful shadow shall ,dwoll ovormoro.-Lake Coun ty (S. D.) Ind&pcngenC Don't buy rice or hominy till you soe mine. A. J. Bristow. I sell the very best sugar cured hams and breakfast bacon. A. J. Bristow. I sell gun powder, shot and caps. A. J. Bristow. Having fully dcoided to go ont of hum noun tho ist of January wo offer our enliro etook of O RN Ell AL MEECH \NDISE nt cost, leaving out n fow groceries. Como and got n bar gain. II. T. & E. W. BREEDEN. Novombor 7, 1892. I offer a bargain in Linen and Turkish towels. A. J. Bristow. ly ff ? "if Rf* f? ? Tho nnmml ??coting of BXflBJ 0 iivJ'lia tl thoSohool Tiustcesfor hriuhtsvillo precinct, No. 7, will bo held nfc Antioch ohurch Novombor 12, 1892, nt 2 o'olooU, p. va, Tho patrons and teaohors, and nil who fool nn Intorcat in tho Publlo Schools aro invited to attond, ns we wish to opon tho schools on tho 14th, instant. n. K. ODOM, Scorotary B. T. I sell a splendid line of Ladies, Misses, and Childrens Hosiery. A. J. Bristow. Aftor thirty doys from g this dato-to wit: On tho 4th doy of Dccombor, 1892, wo will ap ply to tho Judgo of Probato for tho county of Marlboro for a final discharge as Excou tors of tho will of Noah Uehor, doceasod. W. A. USHER, R. J. USHER, Novombor I, 18921 Excoutora, 1 sell Big Iko tobacco. A. J Bristow. I sell school books, pens, ink, paper and tablets. A. J. Bristow. KOnCE 10 TRUSTEES AND TSACHE&S RY RESOLUTION OF THE COUNTY ||5 Board of Examiners, tho'Free Sohoolsof Marlboro oounty will opon on tho second Monday (14th day) in Novombor, or ns soon thoronftor ns praotioablo. W. L. STANTON, Chairman County Hoard of Examiners Ootobor 31, 1892. / / J ataosKW?? ww tx we ?s County of Mario J. o. J Dy Milton McLaurin, Esq., JoO | ,< ; WHi?i'.KAS, John P. Robinson iv ! Jomon T. Boatiok, bath mad? sydfc m to tuc to grant unto thom Lottors of Admi/ imitation of tba OBtato and etfoots 01 .Taroo/: il i. v v Parham, deocasod. TliCBO nro thoroforo to bile and i.lnionbh nil and singular tho klndn.l nnfl ?\redttots of tho paid Janice Hnrvoy Fiihaiu, .|c? It'si 1. and effects of Jamos Mitchel, il i These oro thorcforo ioojtb.ii id ?'h'nojii?h all and singular tho kiodrod and fi dilovt; j of Ibo said JAMKS MITOHM.. (fyoeasod, 1 that thoy bo and nppoar be lb rc ?i. in tho ! Court of Probate to bo hold :.? I. inn Its- i villo, S. C., on tho 11th day nf ?Ni VOIM'I?!', j 1892, after publicatiun hereof. .>.. ^ i o'block iixtho forenoon, to show eau*-' il. ?iy they ; have, why said administration sh'mid nul j bo granted. Givon undor my hand tin- \v ' day ot Ootobor, A. D., 1892. MILTON M'LAURIE, lb. ! Probato ?Tudgo, td. 0. Published on tho 20th day br )bto ion A. ]).. 1892, in tho Marlboro IV (noorat. wm ! THE country ia snfo aa len.: tia you cnn buy goods BO cheap at J. IK MITCHELUSGKOGERY, aud havo thom dolivorcd at y( . ' ! ri - out oxtra ohnrgo. I keep tilt U.? - ? I Joels, Noi.t?bii, Hli'ioii il;.(l Cooflo, whl?h I. bough! to . oil, . ii you svt.r.t KI save m- o".v i ' w ii > . ?Ivo | ino II 1 <....... ;i " '.? ? , 0l\ ?M,'lim (c'i '.iobollVj s!.- o >\;/.U JOH j' | n.io (M t ?'\ViV, J. t?* fMXCHKll^ i,'< JOooi fcN is, i ?Iii -?? -n&-- ' . AND YOU MUST K1CI5F T?i :'. FKK'J V, .?; ? FOR HEAL Ut 1 R. L. KIRKWOOD ms a Ano lino of SHOPS io f.clool from, ranging in price from 75 ? tinta l.o ;6 50. Wo will also show you tho HIM! and iin< st tam plo of coops ivor bofor? brought to Bonn, -t ?vi lo, Ladies, now is tho timo :.<> call .-; onoe) md Boleot your DrcBS Go( i i. My Uno of Millioory doorie.:, JV y Oo?dj? lotions, Boot?, Shoos, IICaps hod Uro jorlcs ls comploto, and thc pried will imrcly .vin you to buy. Morobants in tho count ty aro rtupiosted to oall and got priooB on n.'H on, Flour, dard md Hams boforo buying, i urn A gout for \ Wostorn HOUBO. Thanking my ouHtomojo for print p.uiou igo, I sollolt tho oontinuaii'i . of sanio in ?io futuro. RofipootfulJy, , R. L. KIRK WOOD, ?oniiottsvillo, Augiwt 31, 1.893, COTTON BUYERS AND F.XP0?ITER8. ? R. M. NIMOOKS' Agonoy, } \ 0. K. Breedon, If;uiagur. j JOST* Highest ensh prie . paid ?:" totrlOiii W. J. DAVID, ii, u, Soptombor 2, 1889, SMALL PROFITS! BIG BUSINESS! ia what wo hum and li uni lo for. Why (Should wo not, ? b long an \Vo havo tboabovo obj cot in viow, and givo ovrybody STIiRLlN? aUALlTIlUS ? Wo oxpcot to got a'dcBorvod run of pat ronngo 1 Wo oarry tbo BIGGEST STO0K ! Wo havo tho biggest assortment, and challongo ANY ON IC to disputo tho fact that wo mako tho LOWEST PRISES ! Lot us show you ? Tho acquaintance will bo a valuablo ouo on both HUICB, but you will looso moro than wo do, if you do not oall I LET US SHOW YOU OUR now wlutor etook of Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Clothing; and, in fact, any thing you wont ? SIEVION STRAUSS. Septombor 13, 1892. SHOES FOU EVERYBODY I nilE AHOVE CUT ADVERTISES THE I woll and favorably known llclsor Shoos. I T iv-.<,,<)MI'-n . IhOip. l'or Mt\lc, .?ni. li, ionil'ort, durability ila y can't u'1 beaten. n <."?.-j???:-.".-. -, (Yo in *>l.i>0 io $*>.d.'J. No ltd ny J licnp-.'i', ! iliij^i lmy shoddy ?Ovocs t?piSi 1 ? uve them in Vir,vr>> and Ti?!-- ii om ' i.Ou iipjv?\|'ifiS. 1 ifolhin'? cljoirp? i. '. don't '.? ? . y -;1M?IU sl)Oc*iu J.1 'h .?.i)Tx:.-;-' c??.?;r" iii; suttons mi 1> a lo. nom 91.00 upwards. IN 01 liing 1 henper. I don't buy shoddy shoes. ?VS?SSES SIEOBS. From $1.25 ipwavds. Nothing choapur; I don't buy hoddy shoes. OmXiDRHKTS SHOES. From BO outs upwards. Nothing cheaper. I dun't my shoddy shoos. j As a Shoo Man I have rapidly pushed my o!f to the front and I mean to keep my place n tho procession. Give mo a call. I can lo'you good. Don't you buy shoddy shoos, , J. P. CAMPBELL, The Roliablo Shoo Man. 1 Iii Bill j 8, W, Daniel, A. B. CS?f??) Principal OPfSNS JULY 25, 1892. Prepares boys and girls for College and business. Tborpugh work, Firm Dlsoiplino, Expo loncod and successful toaohors, THOROUGII LITERARY COURSE. EXCELLENT MU?IO D H P A RTM RNT. *? ' LITERARY SOCIETY. Fino buildings, woll equipped, in tho meat acotion of Marlboro. iOARD CHEAP. RATES REASONABLE. J&6y? Your patronngo solloltod. For furthor information address ?, W. ?AXUttBE, July 23, 1892. Clio, S. 0. PALMETTO H16H SCHOOL, FOtt WOYS AN1> GIRTi**, PALI, T3DHM BEGINS AUGUST 8,1802. Literary, Business and Musical Departments. Any Information Will Jie Cheer* StUy Supplied Hy E. E. CRAVEN? Principal. July 18, 1893. Adamsvlllo, S. 0. """TONSORIAL! ~ Whon you wish on easy shavo, As gooil as barber ovor gnvo, Just call on mo nt my saloon, At morning, ovo or noon; I cut and dress tho hair with groco, To suit tho contour of tho taco. My room is noat and towels oloan, Soissors sharp and razors keen. And ovnrything I think you'll find To suit tho fttco and pienso'tho mind And all my urt and skill oon do If you just call, I'll do lor you. W. J. STEWART. Furniture to put in ii APPLY TO Octobor 3, 1892, BENNETTSVIBLE, SOUTH' CAROLINA. C. A. GOODWIN. E. L, REMSBURG PROPRIERORS OP RALEIGH AND FAYETTEVILLE, (N. 0.,) MARBLE AND GRANlTliWORKS, WE RESPECTFULLY IN.VlTi? TJdJU ATTENTION* OF THE PUBLIC to tho fact that we carry tho largest stock of M< tm/ni?nts and Tablet- pf any Shop iu tho SOUTH, and for Workmanship and Pi iee; wo defy eon.petitii'O. Each of us aro Practical Workmen of many years exp .1 ic .K-C, and we employ none but Fiist-Clnss Workmen. Write Us for Prices or Call at Our Yards, or. if desired, wo will call to seo you. VERY RESPECTFULLY. Julyl, 1892. GOODWBW & REIUlSBURCi. ? Lnrgost Producing Plano Fnotorlos j I NT'\HEl VVOH JL D. 8EE thoso CELEBRATED PIANOS boforo pur?haalng oleowhoro. Mnnufnotured by HEW ENGLAND PIANO CO., BOSTON, M Afr8. THE KILLOUGH MUSIO CO., FLORE WOE, 8. O. Conoral Roprdaontattvoe. SERIANOS. 'l?i^B' ORGANS. : %?m Bil O?? HPPHRSw ft???v ' [vc & (.'dudi I '...?.?'i-.?.i^. Kar?and Ai Votoy, .;<.;,;' /''.'!'.'V.'i'.'WlV,-''I, K .:.!.;).,. x.?\^"'-"' V;?/0 Khubr.ll. lbnv:d hy (V inly Ch?i'rt-red iMWio Oi:;ro'p;ih; i? tlifrjSpji'?. Tli?y>dl i'll Kinds