DR. TALMAGB'S S KUM ON Jloroi'mntloH of ISvit Habits. ?.Whoo Kuall J uwKko, 1 will sock lt yoi ??ulu."-3'rov. Xi : ?Sb. WITH an insight into human nature Mich aa no othor man ever roached, Solomon, in my text, sketches tito men tal operations ot! one who, having step ped ABIDI'J Flt QM THU I* ATI I ot rectitude, desires to return. With ii wish for something hotter, he says: .'When shall I awako? when shall I como out ol* this horrid nighlmaro ol' iniquityV* Hut sei/.cd upon by un oradicatcd habib, and forced down-hill bv his passions, lie cries out: "I will seek lt jot again. 1 will try it onco moro." Our libraries aro adorned with an elegant lilcruluro addressed to young men, pointing out to them ail tho dan geis and perils of life-completo maps of tho voyage, showing all tho rocks, Mic quicksands, tho shoals. Hut sup pose, a mau bas already mudo ship wreck; suppose ho is already off tho track; suppos? ho bas already SOixo bi lroy, HOW Ki HK TU tl KT ll AU iv? That is a field comparatively untouch ed. I propose to address myself this evening to such. There aro those in this audience who, with cvory passion of their agonized soul, aro tcady to hear (bis discussion. They comparo them selves with what they were ten years ago, and cry out from thc bondago in which they arc incarcerated. Now, if there bo any in this house, como with au earliest purpose, yet feeling they aro beyond tho palo of Christian sympathy, and that tho sermon can hardly bo ex pected to address them, then, at this moment, I givo them my right hand and call them brother. .Look up. Them is glorious and triumphant hope for you yoi. J sound tho trumpet of Gospel de liverance. Tho Church is ready to spread a banquet?t your return, and tho h m archs of heaven lo fall into lino of bannered procession at thc nows of your emancipation. So far as Cod may help nie, I propose tb show what aro tho obstacle:* lo your return, ami how to surmount those obstac'.es. TllK I'lIlST DIl'l H.l'l.l V in tim way or your return is thc force of moro I gravitation. Just as there is a natural law which bringa down to the carib anything which you throw into the air, so lhere is a corresponding moral gravitation. In other words, it is easier to go down than it is lo go up; lt is easier lo dd wrong than it is to do right Cull lo mind tho comrades of your boyhood days-some of (.boin good some of them bad. Which most affect ed ?you? Call to mind tho anecdotes that you have heard in tho bist live or ten years --sumo of them aro puro and some of them impure. Which Ibo moro easily sticks to your memory? During the years of your life you have formed cor lu iii courses of conduct-some of them good, soma of them bad. To which style ot habit did you tho moro easily j ield? Ability friends, vye have to take but a moment of self-Inspect ion 10 lind out that there ls ni all our souls a forco of moral gravitation. Jilli that gravitation may bo resisted. Just as you may pick up from the earth some thing and hold it iii your band toward lieavon, just BO, by the power of Cod'a grace, a soul fallen may bo lifted, to ward penco, toward pardon, toward heaven, Force of moral gravitation in every ono of us, but power in Cod's grace lo overcome that force of moral gravitation. Tho next thing in tho way of your return is thc power nf evil h?bil, t know Ibero aro thoso who' say it ls very easy for them to givo up evil habits. I do believe them. Hero is a mau given to intoxication. Ho knows it is disgrac ing Ilia family, destroying bis property, ruining liiiu body, mind, and soul. If that man, being ail intelligent, man, and loving his family, could easily give up tlial habit, would he not do so? Thc fad. (hal ho does not givo iL up proves it. is hard to givo it up, Ii is a very easy Hiing to sail ddwn-slicam, the tide carrying you with great force; bul. sup pose yon turn Tilg I.'OAT Ul" STKKAM, is it HO easy then to row il? As long as we yield lo tho evil inclinations in our hearts and our bad habits, wo aro sidl ing down-stream; but thc moment wo try to turn, we put our boat in tho rap?is just above Niagara., and try lo row up stream. Tako a man given to the habit of using tobacco, as most of you do, and let him rcsolvo to slop, und lu; linds it very difficult. Twenty-one yearn ago I quit that habit , and 1 would as soon duro lo put my right hand in Mic lire as once lo indulge in lt. Why? Because it was such a terrible struggle to gol over lt. Now, lot a man be advised by bis physician tp give up the usc of tobacco. Ile goes around not knowing what lo do with himself. Ho cannot add tip a lino of ligures. Ho cannot sleep nights, 11 seems as if tho world had turned up side down. Ile feels his business is go ing lo ruin. Where bc was kind and obliging bo is scolding and fretful. Tho composure that characterized him bas given way to fretful restlessness, and lu; has become a complet? fidget. What power is it that bas rolled a wavo of woo over tho earth and shaken a por teril in the heavens ? Ho has triedlo stop smoking I After a while ho says, "1 am going to do as I please. Tho doc tor doesn't understand my case. I'm e. ol og back to tho old habit." A pd ho returns. Everything assumes its usual composure. His business seems to brighten. Tho world becomes an attractive place lo livo in. J lia children, seeing tho difference, hail tho return of their father's genial disposi tion. What wavo of color has dashed blue into tho sky, and greenness into the mountain foliage, and tho glow of sapphiro into tho sunset? What en chantment has lifted a world of beauty and joy on his soul? Hp has gone back to smoking. Oh, the fact is, as we all know In our own experience, that HABIT IH A TASIv-MASTKIt; as long as wo obey it, it does not chas tino us; but lot us resist, and wo ibid wo ure to bo lashed with scorpion whips, and bound with ship cabio, and thrown b.d.o tl io track of j^BS?^^?M^dLu??r gormiuts. Dining tl;? war of 1812 there- was a ship set on Uro just above Niagara Fulls, and thou, cut loose from its moorings, lt came on down through the night, and tossod over tho Falls, lt was said to havo boon u scono brilliant beyond all description. AVell, thoro aro thousands of men on tho of ovil habit, coining down through the rapids, and through tho awful night of tempta tion, toward tho eternal plunge. Oh, how hard it ls to arrest thom! Hod only can arrest them. Suppose a mau, af tor ilvo or ten or tw?nty years ol' evil-doing resolves to do right. Why, all tho forces of dark ness aro allied against him. Ho cannot sleep nights. Ho gets down on his knees in the midnight and cries: "Goel help mol" Ho bites bis lip. Ho grinds Ids tooti). Ho clenches lus fist m a de tenu i nation to keep Ins purpose. Ho dare not look at the bottles in tho win dows of a wino store, lt is ono long, bitter, exhaustive, haiid-to-halid fight with an Inllamed, tantalizing, and mer ciless habit. When he thinks he is en tirely free, thc old inclinations pounce upon him like a puck of hounds with their muzzles tearing away at the Hanks ol' ono poor reindeer. In Paris (here ls a sculptured representation of Bacchus, the god of revelry. Ho is riding ou a panther at full leal). Oh, bow sugges tive! Let every ono who is speeding on bad ways understand bo is not rid ing a docile and well-broken steed, but he. is riding a monster, wild and blood thirsty, going at a death leap. How many there are who resolvo on a hotter life, and say: "When shall 1 awake?" but seized on by their old habits, cry: Whole sot,, ami if has struck mo that a service so beautiful cannot lind ii moro Utting placo than in thc mansion of the pei hue of tlnaiiciors." .Mt is indeed very line," said tho baron. "??ow much do you wain for tho service?" "Look you, sir," said tho old man "1 am bowed down with many years, and have not long to live. 1 am poor, lind wish to omi my days in compara tive comfort. Will, you in exchange for this valuable sot of porcelain, give mo nu Jncomo for lifo ol' 10.? fr?he* a mouth?"' Tho baron looked at the poor man, examined tho plato again] ana said; "Well, bo it so; hero is tho ilrst pay ment. Send mo tho service, and give mo your name. " Tho splendid set of porcelain was de livered tho same day to the baron, and a month afterward while ho was sea toil in his counting house, a man entered and asked for tho second payment o tho promised income. But thc man was young, scarcely '?0 years of age, of j a vigorous constitution and great mus etthtr development, and looked as if ho would livo for a hundred years. "But you are not tho mailt" exclaim ed tho astonished banker. "Excuso mc, baron," said he, "I am Indeed tho man." "But you appeared at least 80 years old," said tho baron. "I have wonderfully recovered," ol> sorved the man, "thanks to your gen erosity." Tho baron laughed heartily, and gave orders for tho pay meut of the money, exclaiming: "Ah, you aro an excellent comedian, and havo taken ino in thoroughly." "I am probably thu Ilrst who has done so," replied tho dow, politely Vowing to. tho millionaire. TUKUM aro some fond, foolish, tr/tist ing mon who will read over a recife for mince pie and then think they really know what lt ls matta-of. OltAND MOUNT SHASTA. A Skotoli of Tho Imposing ri lo. Between the great pines going np you seo tho religious domo of Mount Shasta, its snows and frowns so mixed that ono lows it nearly, with superstition* Shasta is ono of tho ilncst mountains in America, a naked domo of rock, ravel and porpotuul snow, mudo by ii oleano,. and having two sido piceos or transepts, tho whole mass ctn liding up in wliite and dun in cra/.y-qullt patches of triangles o? show and ovals of rocks and slides of loam and gravel above a skirt of Oregon pines, which aro of som " ur green, and seem theklrtloof a hugo, muscular, naked man, wearing ?1 clout of green, as bo kneels upon tho plateau ind surveys his brood of mound y peaks oxteuding around him in au amphi theater of 100 miles. Tliero is but ono Shasta, dud ho is u lOrhi-ono of tho boid range beyond tho Rockies, overlookintr tho Orient West. "There is tho West ; tliero is Europe, V says tho statue of Thomas bonton at St. Louis, pointing at tho uno timo west. . Tliero ia a county Of California called Shasta, and a range of mouhtalns be tween tho Sacramento river and tho sea ts called tho shasta ra'ngo. I t is only a night's lido or a sleep Of 840 miles be tween San Francisco and Mount Shasts, nd iii this ride you rise nearly ?5000 fcot to Sisson, in Strawberry valley, from which Mount Shasta's peak is still 10,885 feet higher, or above the sea 11, 140 feet. lt is 10,000 feet higher than tho Lick Observatory on Mount Hamilton. This is tho power of Mount Shasta that it rises so grandly above everything lso--not Uko Pike's or (.hay's, ono of a argo family of mountains sitting around tho while tablecloth of tho skies. It seems tho highest when you aro at it, ind looks to bo inaccessible. Tho rail bad keeps winding around its baso as a wheelbarrow is guided around tho steoplos of a cathedral. It ls moro than twlco tho height of Motint Washington, iud is seven-oighths of tho height of Mount Plano. For 2000 feet tho snow slides drop Iowa its sides, frequently turning red. Then for 4000 feet lower tho inorganic mass stands like a vulcan amid his cin ders. M ext for 2000 feet one imp tho hrs where once tho lava licicod thc world. Yet it ls only twelvo miles from Sis son, on tho railroad, to Shasta's, top, md women bavo ascended it, and pant md grumblo in tho deed less than mon. liii four days tliero was carried up by while men and Indians a copper monu ment weighing .']">00 pounds, which can be seen 100 miles away, but no signal ofliccr can live on Shasta's top. Its pimples, 1500 feet high, aro Uko tho warts on Crom wolba head whoa Wars Uko cloud.-* that rl.SQ utraliisl the sun, Illili, ninku hhu (JTOIIUT sum? --mu grouter j?roiv. As I passed Shasta a great white loud was trailing from it Uko a pen non, called the "snow-banner , of Shasta." It was a palpitating, cloud like wild bird, failing for breath as it Hew, and holding tiptoe to tho peak, with its feet in snowdrifts, while its plumage blew outward and away. . Tliero is a butte, or mountain!! hump, near Shasta 0-500 feet high, but tho snows, like virgin belles at court, dis dain to coquet with it and keep-all their flakvR for Shasta. It, too. is a lino and stuck-up thing, quito solitary, but th miners call it only Shasta bullo, as tb idol's called Mr. Greene, when ho cor pareil himself to Shakespeare,, Shak pearo's call-boy. Coining up to Sba.' from tho south by tho tortuous can of tho Sacramento, you seo tho mountain vaguely, yet troniciu, but going from lt northward, as t omotivo turns often to seo it,. ? stands out naked as beforo bold tho tlomostiolly of the bea von?, turage plains of tho Kiamal! ing below bim like a covorh i way Thc Alps too often hide in ing dows of Lombardy, but ^ set in n sky as limpid as tho bl eye of a babe. ITow still it is, with that g mistakable scar of crater, a m miC wido, telling where hollolii and vomited its blood and flame1 er drunkenly for some spasms o ands of yearsl Wo have resolV hell is not, but thero is Shas somewhere must bo lire. Glorious relic of a timo \yji was not and Pan was playing v tools of Vulcan, tho molten Shasta ran away, spilling wost, to a rango of mountains, eae^ ing up to be like Shasta's making only tame miniatures' WI3ATJ1 simulo Forecast^ Service Uo Started.. A rag-peddler, who wi| Gratiot avenue recently, Hastings street when his h(J Tho usual munb?r of smart. soon on band with their one suggestion after tinothej in vain. Tho borso cou! pulled nor pushed, and as] ad big traill?, the crowd li very rapidly: .'What is it?" J md twelve, who pushed If circle, "balky hmso," tun "W hero's tho o vf mun, can't you start] "Xo, lie donn' st j ' "Wait a minute The lad ran up and pulled a ha bale itt a ?eed turned be cicai tho horse, stood, extended lils li; up his cars, Inf once ad va nco/ around tho e?; "lt's accoi| cd tho boil "When a iirc-cmokoj who is fe. root1 ball; all over Acioii an i natl poi ion ml ol wa j Stj Thero is un iinirV enso, posa makes thom apprf bo foro its appcaraij siblo olectric and af that causo physic; will bellow, aft Hons will oil tl ici uneasiness. Cati grass freely. S frisky, and'chase will strolch then! fe nco corners or bio. Peacocks fowl sqawk wor^ genoralstate of servablo in tho nj barns. Farbton and learn to gui bigly. Bilde aro evi tho weather, beforo a storij proportionate pressure neal up a terrible' landward, anl Swallows ski! Oro ivs are noj prink themsel ors, Cranes/ under their toms ato til restlessncss? low Hying ii Insects ail but they pointers, found, how? fashioned study of Swarms o? When spi wind in if If spideW ing a til morning^ oral, .spidj weathor, indicate l( break up| from hoi If tiley ?Storni rail